THJS GRE:rUOnQ PATCICT. i yOVEMDER SO. 19X79 gyvy M. - . THE YOU WANT " You want them because we 5e?px4 Ifcem right ogive ybo real ecdriomy andbecause they're Offered in the spirit pf cervice.t 7 - vYou want them because Schtf ner & Marx inade I icm because they're all-wool Ctae they fit and are guar- italeed to'satisfy. fclriy All we ask you to do U b look we don't need to xtforry about the rest. float BioiniiigBb 300 S. Elm St. FULL LINE Poantam Synnges, In ia I d. nut- ia ion:' ; ta : Drufe Store, Op?este the Postoffice. in July 1, 1S17. 3-&f2jC-9 Ai SI.; daily for Roanoke and C225SSdiate stations. Connect with rjf 'Jltia -trnin- nrtrrh , east -and west rT" Pillcian sleeper. Dining cars. il.. daily for Martinsville, the north and east. Pull- C!l2l- electric lighted sleeper OiCTSUibixrg, : Philadelphia, New MEZZ&.M. daily ror Martinsville, Cn?,14 '--local Utions. . i Cibjik arrive Wi ae ton -Sa 1 e m a 1 . 1 0 GC!k&& M- and 9-S5 p- M Ca o x :vlli, w. c. sauxdeks, CS. Trftc Mgr. Geu. Pal A. Roftnoke, V. . I. Taylor O Sc&lc. vrsta ac law C. S. BRADSHAW ATTORNCr.AT.LAW FRAZI&R LAWYER All'St'MWI'! " I-its y.) rrm CLOTHE 8 iirv. ' weckwear, are on dis It ot liaier Bottles 5 ! i i P Lis: 111 " V ''mp,i' Q if, - ' Wm ILOCfifi BRILi7 FOUL! MATTERS OF INTEREST TO THE,. Whieh the author says: , , ' READERS OF THE PATRIOT "When we butcher-nogs we prefer i FAR AND NEAR. 'a clear, cool day, with the ;w;nd from ' ' the North AU neceary-piarationa Shields-Smith. i - 'are made beforehand as much as p.os- Mies Matrie F. Shields and James .rlhle. If -a number of hdgs are to be Adolsyhus Smith were united in mac? ifee they are not all killed at the riage .Sunday afternoon at. Coif as, J g,ame time, as .standing 'seems to im-. they recovered from a paroxysm - Rev. I. Gray. Gets Six Wild Ducks. 1 ' !joe S. Phipps aiid Dr. J. K. Ker nodle went hunting on Reedy Fork 'Mondav morning and bagged six wil l ducks, the most' diCicult of all local rame to get. Their guns brought down two others which were .not re trieved. Elks Memoi-ial Service. The annual memorial service of .GreestsijQro ".EHbs-wilV b'Sy'fail'd' scurf Ms - more - easily cleaned flftflrunaa at 3 o'clock, juage itou ert H. Sykes, asshstant attorney gen eral; will be; tiie orator of. the occa sion! The program includes splendid music features Had a Good Year. - West Market Street "M. E. church, this city, is considered the biggest church in the Western North .Caro lina Conference. Its report this year shows 1,202 memljere ; property woKh $125,000; a total of $21,500 raised this year; a Sunday school or' 1,261. which raised $1,950. Deatti of a Child, j Evelyn M. Duke, three-year-old daughter "of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Duke, died j Monday, following a week's ill ness'jwith pneumonia. Services were conducted from the home. 1110. Rail road! avenue, Tuesday by Rev, S. C. JTfRiard. Interment was in the bury ing ground at nines' chapel.! Ir. aud Mrs. Spejts Improve. Mrs. L. A. Spea. who was so seri ously injured last Friday night when she was struck by the automobile of Dr. W. Ij. Kibler.-of Lexington, .ihows improvement, and her physicians and relatives believe that she will entire ly recover. Mr. Speus, who was hurl at the same time has never been in a serious' condition! "and is now ab! to leave the hospital. llisrlilower-Selby. Ati the home of Mrs. Marvin Boy led, ; .-sister of the bride, Monday afternoon M'53 Bessie Uightower wai married to H. C. Selby. RevJ.W. A. La-mbeth, of Salisbury, was the oftlci atingj minister. The bride is thf daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D ilightower, of Reidsville. Mr. Selby is a native of Wilson, but is now a traveling salesman with headquar ters in Raleigh. They are now on bridal trip to Northern cities and will visit here next week before going to Raleigh to live. Draft 3Ien ('iiii'l Voluitt'r. After December 15, no man regis tered in the in ilitary draft will be permitted to enlist in any branch of the military service of the United States, except he be specially quali fied for medical, dental or veterinary worie t and "gets permit to enlist front the surgeon general ' of . the '"United States.; This instruction is conveyed in. a letter from the adjutant general to Oapt. K. U. Dennis, recruiting di rector for North Carolina, the in structions being by order of, the sec retary of war. , Gan't Get Uniforms Xow. - At a meeting of the Greensboro company of the home guards Mon day, Capt. . J. Brandt read a letter from the state adjutant general, who said that guns and uniforms could not be furnished for some time. The roll of men was called and they ver- asked j to state what weapoha the." had. jThese ranged from safety raz ors to Springfield rifles, and if the ( company were to advance thus arm- ed it would appear so amusing that j the enemy could be captured before ' they recovered from a paroxysen of laug-liter. i Men to Ueiuain in Camp. j i ne impression prevails here that. I notwithstanding the announcement '. was here Saturday from It. 4 Lawn tli at the cases of men with depend- ' dale, reports that he made 1,727 par ents would be reopened, few. if any, Ions of moiasses 'this year for hiin- j men will be released from the train ing camps. , Director Marshall,. .. wlj . i has charge of military enrollment f.n -"..iftate, is.responsible for jtliis state- i nienU,lt k generally understood that . Xovgiaber 26 was, -the Jast d,ate " to ; coiiaider applications to jiaye cases . reo pe.u ed , an d th a t tile matter will not be considered in th fWM Th. i. " a-.- it-i'. me cencenirail jn camps must sta v. . . f . : ; i I ' ... - - " 1 . . w . There iy'an. atrticle UiTthjN6em-, ber issue of - Form and Fireside ' in jpair the flavor, but ,to- ..make good time we aim to ,haafe one -ready for scalding as ,tie one before it i?. finished. , A .small amount of lime added to theva4innj water :will not injure the meat in any way, and it makes the hair slip.niueh ,more eas ily and the skin-'ifiwhiter. : ;,. ; . . .:, "The carcasses .are pulled from th scalding barrel, and put , on a long piatiorm nicn is a iitti,e;iower at t:ie end farthest from the barrel. This lowering of one end gives the water a chance j to drain off, and . the hair from the platform. The beat.proced ur in removing the hair is to begin on the held and feet." Germans - in Brazijliau States. As nearly as it is poesible to obtain the figures with . any degree of ac curacy, it appears that there are 450, 000 tQermnns in the three -aouthero Brazilian ! states, . Mn; the city of Pa rana one in every three of ;the inhab- iLuaLs is berrasn orl.OL,--.mmed.'lt.o German extraction Brazil'hWtls lit tle to fear, fromthp German .element of its population" 'itran open conflict kb - has the United State3i. But in Brazil. as in the United- States, th disloyal German element is fighting neither openly nor honorably. -Christian Science Monitor. The Way to Win. The estimates to be submitted to the next session of Congre33 will call for provision Tor an army, of 3,000,000 men. This show the spirit in which our government is facing the war. We may never need 3.000,000 sol diers, but we may also need more. The more j we have at once the soon er trie war will be over. We do not, believe that the war will last fiv years, or three years.' but the way to end it in 101S is to overwhelm. Ger many , and drown out its armies un der a I Hood of projectiles. Philadel phia Itecord. ' Still Uoiniii"- Over. -. . AH., things come to the man wId wiiitsi Vears. a?ro Major Dahl'iukn. of Omaha, repudiated his life-Ion r friend tnd companion. Colonel Wil liam J. Bryan, because of the colo nel's views -on prohibition. Dahlmjn being um extreme .wet nian. Now .he V:s changed front and ha;s become one or the most pronounced prohibi tion advocates in th West. IO: course he has made up with-the Col onel. Charlotte Observer. ' - "1 - i Boy Sout Patriot icT- 1(111 must" !i;md .it- tit t!i rvl - - . . m Scouts' of America, who sold, approv iruatcily, Sl.OtKOO(r.000 worth of the second I.ifjeri loau bonds, according to the treasury department. Wor-' "ng a;s a unit throughout the country.' Xhe Qjret ic y oun g-t crs d posed -ol rwo,er cent of the entire bond i.-sue --ttfe-hmond Journal. I The Motor 4.'r. i - lesson m natural iiistory hal . hoen about "the rhinoceros and reacner wanted to know h.ow wv-f-j the lesson had h-K-ii learned. 'Xow. name something." she .said, "that is. dangerous to t;o near to and that has. a horn." "1 know, teacher -I know!" called a small boy. "Well", what iV t .' A motor car!" replied ho v. tiic- Cieimun Oflicers at lVtrorad. , London, Nov. 27. Informatiqu was received here today from Petro4 srart that. a number of German staff oflicers liave arrived here and ar actips ! in an advisory capacity z. : Nikolai Lenine, the Bolsheviki prem ier Xeirhborhool Benefactor. Mr. Crowell K. ilcMUrray. Mr. Crowell K. ilcMUrray. who self and neighbors on a I 1-2 horse power mill. Cleveland Star. ri s i xO'U se wives nave neen .' warned against person who, it is reported. have attempted to buy - tax or parrv V away home-canned products, clain - inrv liot 4-1, , . A . A A ' f -itcJf Alt3 njpreuuiiTis the fooa administration. These per- sons are impostei-s. fyoar is expected to ainiount to li 000,000 eases, the largest since IDl 2. la - . jr. Kellaru. Ajraini6trator, - , vs. v- v Tr C K. Kellarti and wife. Hattie,H. . Kellam, et al.x The ' 'defend ants, Oscar K. Kellam, and (.'ill- l te-U it aumr - ..nnimt-nfe-tl in the" Superior Court r !n5ifrrtl Oowntv. to ell certain lands formerly brlonp-Jng to M. A. Ivel-,j laiti. deceased, to make assets to pay i XIIK u e i. - . V defeiiilJints will, further, take otie that they are required to appou.r'beXor -a the Clerk of .Superior Court of CSuilfonl County at l;is cflice i.i tirteiisboro on the COth day of November, 1917, au l answer or demur to the petition.' of tin? plaintiff, or the plaint 5 ft! will apply to the court for the rcl: f - demanded in said complaint.. ' - -i r. vr. ;ant. Clerk of Superior Court. This th- "Oth VI." v of October, tlUT. IORTGACK S.ALK Ltainc.t in t? mortKasre deed made by fcllia Foster to tlij on t :! 5th day oi' November. lt:. r corded in book: 7i. paji ' iiCC. - in toe reuister o? deeds oflice oi" Ouilford ceuntyN. C., the un dei -s i gn ed -w i 1 1 -on " - " ' Saturday, IJet.-mrr Jo, .1917. ' at ,12 o'clock -viocti. .a-t- the court hour-e door in thf city of iret-nsbcro, N. C. sell at public auction to the nigrhe-1 bidder, for cash, that certain tract or parcel .of -land in the county of Iuil- ford. state :- Xcrtli Carolina, Gilmer; township, adjoiainfi:- t.- Isnos of W. ,H. Windsor, J. M. Sr.iitii, c-t al,' and bound ed as follows:. . - Bes" oh the vst pide. of Hi?:;h street, 20 feet routh of East loc :.trect; thence v, .m yo eet: thtnee-soiith .: ;(' I Joel. -w. Vi UuLwr s corner; then---e east SO ft-ct ,tp Ilih . street; thence north HO feet to the. be sinning, lein;.; the -ame pr-opf.rvy .-"r.vcyod to .He-nrv Koster by J. jI. S.-p;th :u.d wile, boot; ' lot'.r by "Said lien; v Kostr. . Thi3 Nov. I a, lf17. l ' : M'. ttVC.ANT," Ai&itKagroe. XOTICK JiV PriUylt'ATIOX. North Carolina.. '2 iiil-or-i -Count v. In the .Super ior Coum Kefore the Clerk. Mr,-. T. hi. Mo'::i. :.'rriir!istrriri: of Airs, l-.jnma !u!J:p.-i. o.-ecasedi -and : NoJ.tJ1 Carolina Guiiforacuntr. individually. T. IZ. ftod.--in. husband f Ohki I ot Mrs. T. J:. lloUtci,;. Mrs. Betliui LH .Jones, ; ami her hu.-iand. . Jon-s'ZK iomas.1-:. J'.'iiMips ir.u 1,1s wife. .Fosio j JsK ' J'nillips. Walla B. r'iiiillps an.t his A Ti J5 wife, i:d!th Phillip;-. Mrs, RUith J!iili:p.. on: of ihe de- ' f..nd:int:-i .ibovc i.;.."ic'l. will take ro-j f'V '";n an entttlett :j.s ahovt uas ueen s been eo.'iiinenc.M, in. .the Superior;,, irt of lujlfori Lirity. bt-foru "thei ' " ' i ' ri, lor the ru;r livid o; .s--.ilin'- l .n,) : OOU! cU ilsSIg?l!i:Gocd Line of Pratt's mm mm- ed to appear bciorv the'M.' - M v , 7 , -vil i 1 '"l???l t. wV o'Hice '-in.-- . icteric V'ddHo finrf Cmtfif cf!Vftrar?2ic ureensboro on Nove ml...,- , 131., at lo o'eJo.-k A. M., and t:Tn ': ani tiiere to an v.-or .: n-.u:? to tjii.- petuion in sal,! :t-;:o-,i .flifvuiv iil.vl. (,.-" the platntir.-- w?n :.p-'v tv f.-n I lor the relief d.. m.-.nd-d in nVti- j tion. i,i-- 1 Tins Of-lohi-r !!";. '. rj:.Azn:i:. .uy i- i .. - . - -i - w - The second bird got away ! The gun wouldn't work ! " ' '- Every sportsman has .heard that bitter story--many have had the actifal experience. . Te difference;between good sport and no all, the feeling of confidence you get - It is absolutely reliable, strong, from -good gun is Half the sport. ; light and beautifully balanced. It Jrain xr snow, heat or cqid, in V right", "comes up right", and sl ,aii: qfc ,the seashore -or the 4 right. . -: Hot winds of the 'dusty plains, the It is made , in tHe standard 12, 16 jWincheater repeating shotgun will i and also in the 20 gauge. ; , jw you. WhafeveV ;tBfe. weather conditions, l it is a sure.jf e, sdre-to-wbYk tin. mer actibn. It will ,nQt, jam, : catch or fail to ex- Conic m tii uic empiy sneiu. , guns to ..... , . -i - !iS'?.refi4r women, trr thlfrt recoil. i i Wt 1 GO WYgltp STOES, Dnrjgftss Near Greensboro National Sank. C-M. FtKIjnAI - AND C O. PI CKA W,' KeUtcred Drm-ina. New and Second-hand Stfarn knd Oil th tfer and. Shr dtters. A four hese Tractor Engine for letHan the cost of two horses 1. . V u 'G, ?l E'vS ii 1-L GO i i South Davie Street. Greensboro. r zr'""i T Ttp- In the Trough will keep ypyr cejind Cattle , l , InN.Fjine, Healthy Conditlon.i- Seeds, Feeds and 203 East Sycimcire Street. ' rr . 1 - Jki1 KiklN ' - M-b' - is m the gtin. And experts ;:, -n you 5rL Deate.n have . the ModeL 97 practically thev itions, ( same as the Model 12, but with hamJ MODKZrVr Tuu-doum. Hetaiinc SAotfun, JfitJe in JJjaujte. orv-iX" ' ' ' lbs. : tn 16zat vorieht about 7 ibs. The favorite roith tkootert rfr lde forearm rrfirmtinzzHntrith a hmmtHtr. VJr .sVi vj.-ri ttnti trnv shooter: tH,7Jlf. LfvfS Insured if yoG favor tu xrith your Prescription patron. :In tsompoundinfi Prescriptbni the grcsspgre is taken, ht Beat aifd Purest Drugs are is6d, and you are given tl Prompt Service. "1 T I. I I .1 fa i c il 1,15 'i . . Famify .Groceries. OppOMt Central J.Iariet. : - - v.Vi ' l :tic bbst In the world. - - - We have a stock of V inches ters we Want you to. know about. .Come ,iri and looV them over.: Feel the balance of the Model 12hammerlcss take-dovn Winchester. That is the gun that Has been classed tiy critical "the perfect repeaiter . prefer, a harnjner.eun, we y and just fit thesel your shoulder. t-: r v-Ti 1 f-ifTiifilC'dJWa t was fj .i'V In Us For Over 3b Years Cry TOR FLETCHER'S Co Always bears the Signature of O IT ClQ feT UL LT. RIA -c oeii a