.('..vf V V T ' - THE . --. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. tSTABLlSHEL GREENSBORO, N. C, MONDAY, JUNE 30, 1919. VOL. 98. NO. 52 .... Si TREATY SIGHED 01 HALL OF MIRRORS irT TiY ENDS THE "nXEARIA- FIVE 0B:n,TRATION. wsailles the June 2 S. Germany and associated powers 4 rears. it on" forms nere lu-ujj ft5Lrial hall where the eSa Ld the French so ig"- lusiy 5 ctt- ' iiv ended the world war t1 57 lavs less than To-day, cJr anniversarnof the mux-. Archduke Francis Ferdinand !Ceremony of signing the , terms was brief.- Premier -the hall of mirrors oi iue L B of Versailles at 3.10 o'clock. awning pegan wucu Mueller and Johannes Bell, Irman signatories, affixed their f Herr Mueller signed at 3.1 2, Lund Herr aeu ai a.wu uiiM.rw. Lent Wilson, first of the allied 'nates, signed a minute later. At concluded. . RAP OF PAPER;'! (iREDICT VENGEANCE. Berlin; gune 8 The pan-German Deutsche Zeltung prints the follow ing across its front page: v "German honor to-day will be car ried to its grave in the hall of mir rors, in which in the glorious year of 71 the German empire wasresur rected, in all its former splendor. Lest we forget,, in restless labor the German people will again strive to attain that place among the nations of the world to which it is entitled. Then vengeance for the disgrace of 1919." The Tageblatt says: "The German people reject the treaty which its delegates are sign ing to-day, and it does not believe for a single moment that it will en dure. Despite the fact that it is written on parchment, it remains a scrap of paper,, because it is a mock ery of all' the laws of reason and morals and the most disgraceful ex hibit in the museum of civilization." Tie THE NATION GOES DRY " TONIGHT -AT MIDNIGHT. TO SPEND MILLIONS! TO ' RUN DOWN ANARCHISTS VIGOROUS STEPS TO . BE TAKEN BY GOVERNJD3NT AGAINST BOMB THROWERS. Washington; June 26. Provision for vigorous steps by the federal government against bomb throwers and other anarchists and radicals declared by government officials ta be plotting overthrow of the govern ment and spending $2,000,00a monthly to that end -were made in the sundry civil appropriation bill as reported to-day to the senate. Among .the measures recommended' were large additional appropriations for the department of Justice and legislation continuing permanently the wartime regulations as to pur chase, storage, manufacture, sale ;and distribution explosives. In reporting the hill, the senate appropriations comir ittee increased from $1,400,000 to 000,000 the fund of the department of justice for general suppression of crime. In addition, it added $300,0,00 for a special iund to enforce the law Washington, June 28. President Wilson has decided he cannot legally j against alien anarchists through de lift the war-time prohibition ban be- portations. fore the , country goes dry at mid-I 'I'fte amendment added to. continue night Monday, but he expects to do i tne explosive regulation law after es, who at the last moment were so . as soon thereafter as his power j declaration of peace provides for Me to reconcile themselves to tne has been made clear by the comple- strict licensing and supervision of absence of the Chinese dele- THE PRESIDENT IS ON HIS WAY BACK HOUE WAS uOOhu&U TOvXEAVE BREST YESTERDAY MORNING ON GEORGE1 WASHINGTON. Paris, June '27 The, sojourn of President Wilson 1 in Europe will come- to- an enit tamb-rrow when he starts homeward impiediateiy fol lowing the signing of ..the peace treaty. AH arrangements for Ms de parture have been completed, and the special, presiffentr&I. train wiTT.' leave the Gare Desf ITaliitfes at 91. 3 Of Sat urday evening, It Wilt arrive at Brest ci Sustday morning, wiitete the President will : board the steamship George Washington, which sails about noon. Git Ms arrival in; the United States' President Wilson. wilT go straight to Washington to lay be fore Congress the; . results of the " T . "l" characterized: as "orderly." soon afterward for an extended tour , . vxuciy. NEGRO CRlMINAli IS HUNG AND BURNED. Ellisville, Miss., June 26. TrafT ed for ten days through three south Mississippi counties by posses whien included several hundred members of his own race, John Hartfieia; ne gro, confessed assailant of an Ellis ville young woman, was captured desperately wounded near Collins at day break this morning, rushed by automobile to the scene of his. crime, hffanged to a gum tree and then burn ed to ashes. His victim witnessed the lynching. . Wnile negroes took no part in the actoial lynching of Hartfield, posse leaders freely admirsec they render- ea valuable assitance during the chase, -knowing when they enlisted" that it was Intended to lynch the fugitive when he was captured. Many of them witnessed the exectr tion. The lynching was conducted to a manner whicft the authorities of the country for the purpose of ex- plaining directly t6 the people alt Guarded by a committee of cftf- EVERYTHING IN READINESS " FOR A-BI6 CELEBRATIOD" NEXT FRD3AY? JUIiY 4, WBLI BE A RED LETTER DAY FOB ? GUtLFORD COUNTY. , The plans for the big celebration are now virtually completed, and it is expected ft will' be the biggest event ever attempted in the state.; With flying machine, tank, marine: band, and other attractions of inter est, people from- all1 parts of the state are expected to join with the people of Guilford in celebrating the anni versary of the . declaration of inde pendence and at the same time do Honor- to the nearly- 2,000 Gtrilford county young men who saw service during the European war. ifore than r,000 of the returned soldiers and sailors have signified their intention ot being in the-parade and jommi? with the home folk in makfng the celebration and home-coming one zens of Ellisville Hartfield was taken ! Silsantrc- success?. questions relating .to the peace treaty and the league of nations covenant. Is More ThaW Satisfied. first to the office of Dr. A. J. Carter, The Parade will form at Church: who after examination of gunshot stret an(1 Summit avenue and will wounds received when the fugitive s down Davie to Depot to Elm, up I made Ms fight againsit capture; de- Elm to the O. Henry hotel, the re- stun. g settlement, and -left the j tion of demobilization. tern empire outside the f formal In a cablegram made public all sales of explosives under the bu- t reau of mines. rviews of peace, strucK tne nrst night at the White House, the Presi-' Intention of government officials Urdant note in the assembly. A dent said he was convinced after to deal vigorously with anarchists tten protest which General Jan j consultation with his legal advisers :ind other law breakers was disclos- Hstian Smuts lodged with his sig- j that he had no authority to act at od. in statements made at hearings are was another disappointment, this time. .on the appropriation bill made pub- he makers of the treaty, j "When demobilization is terminat- lic late today. Francis P. Garvan, But, bulking larger, was the atti- ed," he continued, 'niy power to act department of justice bureau Ve of Germany and the German j without congressional action will be ,of investigation, told the committee mpoienuanes, wujcu leu. inem, as exercised. - - mat, wun increasea iunas proposea, dent from the official program of j The fc Hop frnm thfl ovnrocBinti r r AT 1 ...11 :i m n -r- t . noiern f, ua.. uum tui. -x,, -'- - ! ts tu me ctuiuuniy di tne rresiaeni j"'t". i fmenceau. still outside any formal when he does raise the ban to ' "We have found in the short time together the people of the. world onciliation and Iration to regular The President goes back to the dared the negro could not live more viewing stand beings at the Munici- United States more than satisfied, than twenty-four hours. In the pal tfteater and the pageant coun- his friends say, with the net results meantime a group of silent men erinS at this point and returning to of the conference and, all things were piling crossties and brush in a Market' and out West Market to tbe considered, it is his-opinion that the . depression In the ground near the railroad crossing where the soldiers conference had been a wonderful sue- railroad trestle. There was no shout-1 wiU entrail1 Jor the Battle Ground, cess. While It is regarded as a dis- inc. Arrangements atinarentTv had The train leaving at 11. o'clock win advantageous peace for Germany, been made days ago. yet against this it Is held that Gerj j , Identified, R. ?oaifesss. many committed a great wrong and ; The victim of Hartfields crime quite naturally and inevitably must was escorted into the physician's of make Just reparation for. that. wrone. fie aftr tb xrnnnita But outside of German results, amined.' She positively identified I sailors returned marines, aviators, the conference its" viewed- in presi- him as her assailant. When she left amy tank, Red Cross, canteen, dential quarters as liberating peo- 'the negro said to. the' committee, j whit? Oak band. Boy Scouts, floats, pies who never, before had a chance you have the right ' man." ' I A total of f30 , in ' prizes will be Then -there were quiet confer- Siven Tor e most QB,9Qe' attractive be especially for soldiers and sail ors, and no passengers. v The order of the parade will be: Mounted policemen, government band, returned soldiers, returned of liberty, such as-Poland, Jugo-Sla- : message expressed no opinion the department plans an active cam-j via and Czecho-SIovakiaV Also the ences. Members of the committee ana appropriately aecoratea pieas he anthnri'tV nf tho Psidpnf paign. conference is credited vrith banding circulated in the crowd. Renorts ure car first, $15 secondhand orld- to that there would be a "burnine" at inira Prize respecuveiy. made actual re- ! make his action applicable only to that we have been at work," said Mr. I make the peace regime enduring. 5 o'clock gave way to statements! For tne most unique, attra r relations and hPftr anrt wfno . 4 Garvin ."that conditions are ouite ! Other large results, it was pointed that there would be a "haneine at and appropriately decorated i . . .. rr . .s . m f r ' i ttt 1 .serious throughout the country. We out. are the giving- of hatter to the 'big' gum tree." Hartfield was merciai xrucK, ou m prizes wiii u. ' are asking $2,000,000 and we have ' labor, renibvirir restrlctlOTisTton Inter- - told what the crowcL,htended doing . . fMflii-KS'SV attractive CO in tercourse with the allied nations 1 - indent, not upon the signature of NOW READY ' FOR THE' preliminaries of peace' to-day .-j PRESIDENT'S SIGNATURE, every reason to believe that the Rus national intercourse and many other with him but only repeated "you I tpn ratification by the national i Washington, June. 27. -The I Clemenceau's stern warning ending government control of tele i opening remarks that they nhone. telesranh. cable and radios sian bolshevik is pouring money -in j international results which can be have the right man." Later he said I bill here at the rate of that much a summed' up as "a colossal .business, he knew he was going to die, and de- month." such as the world never dreamed of clared he wished, to warn "alt men, Mr. Garvin was asked specifically before." Would Have No. Choice. The peace treaty and the league of nations cdvenant should be rati- FOUR DEE AS RESULT OF 'Jld be expected, and held, to ob- was made readv in Congress tonight whether there was an organized ef- the treaty provisions legally ! for President Wilson's signature, fort to destroy the federal govern- completely, the German dele-: Final legislative action was taken hv ment. to which question he renlied: nduiei.Yonnaim- aaoption OV me nOUSe ana tne Sen- - eitaiuijr we na,ve ermence io fiA withmitl amnrtmnt fwrnrrtlner sen. replied after returning to the ate tonight of the conference agree- show that and that is also shown , t0 presidential' view as it is under- udu mey Known thev ment which is fixnectcd to terminate by tne tremenaous amount of monev. J ,ij , - , . . :. " niuuu, iui upi iitiu ucuunc . icasuua, - e ueaiea on a different status , government wire administration they are spending. The condition is J signing than the allied repre-j July 31. As finally approved, the leg- serious throughout the country." . . . as shown by their sepa- islation ends government control at New York, Chicago and Paterson, t before the general body of midnight of the last day ofNthe cal- N. J., he said, are centers of anarch- white and colored, to think before doing wrong." The- .flying machine will give aa ; exhibition over the city during the . morning and will then proceed tor the Battle Ground where a thrilling demonstration in flying will be wit- . nessed. The special trains operated to the Battle Ground will leave the cross never would endar month in which President Wil- istic activity. When asked if the a i1 ALnn nun AMKM. jnff at West Market street each hour between 9 A. , M. and 4 P. M., re Petersburg, Va., June 27 George turning! from the Battle Ground on namely, that if any one power seeks . Thompson and Floyd Harrison, tne naj hour, except that the last to make amendments, then the war members of the Camp Lee fire de- train will leave the Battle Ground ' '. will not be jver until every one of partment, were instantly killed when station at 5 P. M., instead of 4.30 the 21 associated nations learns the their truck turned over at camp this p The 11 A. M. train will be ressnlts of the amendments. This ; nfternnnn whilA rpennndinc tn a false i . ' Chairman department has information that an- j can only be done through process alarm.1 Allen ,C. Lewis and George a ,ol,w in he r,a- other outbreak of bomb outrages is of negotiation and it is held that it Fraker are dying of injuries receiv- rnrtA will be served dinner at the were seriously xottio ri T-nnnfl v the "Red Cross can- teen, an assurance that a most ex- thon nr . 1 - " v - J mat me eneci oi ine amendments -me acciaent occurrea wnen tne PnPT,t renast in addition to the bar- r-. u uutuueu uiuuiu aixu.itai, iuc xcyeai wut,iMi,CiB v" luo UM"'' "rta " j would be to Keep the United States truck, which was making 60 miles becue, will be served. ue euecuve jui 01. I tieascu u xou papeia smce me . nllt nf the treaty and nut of the an hour struct n slight exrnvntinn ' i. - " i - . i . n m ni ii a. wm inan. i. made by workmen repairing the con- Cipal address at the Battle Ground, , The truck shot a dis- Koir.tr intrndur.eri bv Maior Stedman.. conference, thev fe signed. ader the j son approves circumstances the gen- ; Cummins, of the the bill. interstate com- ...nt m LUC lllSLLIIIt: UICILC CUillllllLLCC. LU1U LUC BCUaiC lU" IHOJimU VJ wuit -x. . it. I . wai rill SaiU. I nm.lrl V n MrknAlAoa rf rl mi..v. 4. 1, . - one rather of relief at night that it was assumed that the "There is a great deal of talk to iav in roStorine neace. Tt is also held nnrt one siihtiv inired UC0ntrnvn:vt. . . .... ... .. . ....... . ... " " ' " - ! tiuie ena or hostili- iresiaent would sign the Dili next tnatv eneci. rne numoer or radical that the effect of the amendments' Action. lTh a icnionv comn ja . . ' mi t .11 i t. ; - . . i ttt i . . vuic li i h ii r:i tti anc hk iiniv mnRr imnnrLH.HL nrtivis- Jinn ijLii:t! was nieiiku. wh nav to i 3,infaf . . . " league. reacnpfl it a h;VtAot inn nf t n o tti a o an ro nntiTinoa toll artrl tolro nnw nvpr 4hii nanora rooH nnH Rue nitPi, ... . .... . - - " iiu ine wiia en- local teipnone rates tor lour montns digest tnem. i Jastic The question has arisen whether crete road. ! reservations amount to amendment, tance of over 100 feet, turning over Mr. Garvin urged the funds for an(j presidential quarters are under-' twice and catching the men beneath reception nf PracMnn aftor o rr xra 1 rtf tfio ' ti!1 llTiloai fi k -menceau and Lloyd sooner adjusted by state commis- deportation of alien ararchists be in- stood to hold that reservations such it V.y tile Crnwrlc? : J j.i . " . A A A ir-. rr . i . "... .1 '. -: .!i . ...... - .vio uuiaiue . me tieaacu, . , tnft nronosea lloot resolution to The dead men are from this citv. article 10 of the covenant, are Lewis and Fraker, who are dying who snored m- q ,t , j ulsC0r(Is of the day. They mree and 41 meir "If we can fix it so that we can Gwyn Pays Death Penalty. ground up those men and upon prop- Raleigh. June 27.- Tom Gwyn, er Droof can rush them back to Eu- almost carried them bod- ; Catawba county negro, paid the rope, you will find this agitation will statesmen from their equivalent to amendment. i'rores.S thronorVi rlouth Tonijltv t r-r a v f nr" priminnl ns- euVicirlo vprv m r i r 1 1 v " ounris, to watch the plav-' sault on a .school girl in Catawba Acting Secretary of State Polk in- .iiiaiiis -f Germans Homeward fBonnd. Charleston, S. C., June 28. The also, are from Petersburg. A Sweet Potato King. Wilson, June 27. It's' "the early bird that catches the worm,' and Mr. S. J. Watson, of this city, "the The injured are Harry D. Slocum sweet potato king" of the Carolinas, While he made formed the committee that the state transport Martha Washington, left ;p?rv. , I'ui l ui tilt; onio mucituo cv w . it uii xx uiau iui 1UCU tuc UimiiHtcc luat nic aiaic - i , nich had been manned ns no snecial confessitm to the orison denartment also was doine everv- Charleston this afternoon bound for authorities, he always admitted his thing possible in "guarding against Rotterdam with some 9 ,91) 0 Germans guilt. The electrocution was at having these people dumped here." I who had been neld as enemy aliens, ' 10.30 o'clock this morning and took . ! many from Fort Oglethorpe. About nlace without a hitch of anv sort, pwd Wants to Cash in War -Profits. 1,800 more are due to leave July 1, rafted cfo - ' aa fierinnt processional of all otentiaries. of Hopewell, who may die; J. D. Meades, Richmond, slightly hurt; W. D. Grace, Richmond, slightly; Richard Sadler, Hopewell, slightly. 'am ' "'mS U the G. O. P. gave Tune 27. Claude Paiw ne Republicans a R t J P l0-uy when their he uncov- Je W. l0h.eme to mislead the f .o,;;"e:in5 th they are N.. It hag i I n lhat ti, wecu Known v h0use leaders were (ra., be Kiven by th? sen. Jr. ater in a deficiency N .f made the het Nou,: ! .fe. in Conffre. "1 lriaj. .... T Gwyn went to the death chair with ; Washington, June 26. Henry composure and in the presence of Ford to-day asked Secretary Glass5. the usual group of a score or more tQ gend an expert to examine the' i . ? j books of the Ford Motor Company, j . to determine the amount of on the transport Princess Matoika of witnesses. Daylight Saving Law Repealed. Washington, Jutie ZT. Final ap- broueht! to town this morning a tu ber of Porte Ricoan variety that weighed three and a half pounds. Mr. Watson has under cultivation 12 acres of these delicious "roots" and will begin to offer them for sale on -; the local market next week. Laslr eat season he cultivated 12 acres and realized twice the amount that he would have had the same acreage Fire Damage Storage House Winston-Salem, June 26. A tobacco storage warehouse, owped by Frank A. Bosannon, tobajeco manufacturer and containing five been pianted in cotton, tobacco, corn hundred hogsheads of leaf, valued or any Dther crops. at $200,000, was badly damaged by fire late this afternoon. I The fire ,v ''00 ,ft 'V1,ln Well. s ifnnt t 118 anient - a a i i .- vti. nrnval was given by Conccress to-day . ... . . . efartad on tho third flnnr thonffh its Republicans Increase Appropriation, pord's share of the profits on war to repeal oi tne aayngnt saving law " WasMnston. ine 27.Increase contracts, which he 3 to retun, the ad.on of thee re- f" in the shipping board fund from to the government, commissioner port on me t- u u i The loss is fully covered by insur- pers and periodicals is proposed $27i8.000f000 to $491,000,000. for Roper instrncted the Detroit branch propriation bill to which the repeal K . lfl..n? front, ofl rhest. a bill by Representative Mondeil. : ... . a. .. nTTjpn an - - c completion of the government's , au- of the interna! rerenue oureau to mcaemu cut street. thorized ship building program was suppiy wr. r U1U p" uasiBi- i approved by the senate, with but one ance. New Method Must be Devised. dissenting vote at a late session to- m ; ; " Raleigh, June 27. "I have a very night held in an effort to pass the "Bill Planning to Return Home, definite conviction ihat unless some sundry civil appropriation bill. Berlin. June 27. Former Emper- means can be devised for settling . " M . Republicans Substituting XegroW Washington, June 26. The Re publicans at the capitol are prepar ing to fire all white elevator conduc- Rpeal of Zone Systent. Wnshinsrtnn. June 27. Repeal o the postal zone system for neyspo- in of Wyoming, the Republican j le ider. Under the measure second-class mail would be at the fiat rate in fore be fore the war revenue bill of L917 was passed. of - ' William' in nVannins' tn snedilv industrial disputes. Other than- by - t . t , i nc'nT4 mVcf Unta n acrm drivera in a Botnn l.OOO.OOO Concern For High Point, return to Germany before the enten- walk-out ana iock-ouis, .tne wnoie - A Damaging Cloudburst. . Roanoke. Va., June 27. Railroad . . . . ... " i ' j M Ji T ... nr n-ro tmintr (ha A - lomond hie cirronrloi tmrr nonntrv is going tO tne OeVlll, ' Sieau, acirurums iu uwo I , I 1 . M " V. . . X-l 1 . v. m W . . ... Governor -Thomas '- -W. iSicK- rounas iDraay, oeuaiui jovcuv , w. uiuut uaui; ucu.u w-vij to-dav in a letter to W. W. Missouri; attempted to seat a negro suit of a cloudburst occurring a few Nfn. -n Of 41 nnn s j i j, . i." n...iuJ -r.. Tiiiaiir1 accordine to the Nene "Rer-i said SO 1 4 ' " v jiuunas oi 'uu io-uay lor me aoumeru. jt m - . HniA . Ceiifo n . . " ... ' . .. , - ' ' '" . i An 7a!tnnir . The rf!enatTi( ctotoo ptt ii oWtu r.a i,ouna- This nuure exposition Dunamg uno, ok " .nr, t. nffftr s,,- at a desk in the office of the secre- miles to the north and east Ust ..:"CI11gaest nrWw Hi eh Point nanitV ti AAn.AAA an- that the uutcn government "tnor- lor. uw w. " - . t, ,,.. A in i,. fv - " v.-w . -kr v. oa tnrv or the aonatp. niiL was urcTaii nirnr. nn. area oi sddui mucs ls vicinitv. !A.VVVW - . - , ' . ; - A a ha orrwATTin Vow Yn ir a a " ; r; : " pr emneror i3 an unwelcome to the proper handling of the &itur ed upon to change mm xo anomwr was aueciea. m wmcn ono au iC. F. Long, J. Elwood Cox and former emperor is an unwelcome lo iae. t -M 5 . nT-her of white w.f0m ! tro.v d 1 hHdMs were away,: fences torn down and considerable damage 1 done by crops .t0' rM turins-concerns -for .ho,d.nS; expo,,- U increaMa, the proh be that of porte.n, and haad.ers . ..r penaa- ea, ,01 be affected br S oaiug batter, tious. fairs and the like. country. afb&s. .V-a-- 'i : .. ...NiC V..' i i I v. r

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