5, t r. tan oni:::l:ono pakiiot, April x, losi pagc a t i A -ff ... THIS BANK WILL DO THESlE THINGS FOR YOU : Safeguard Your Money, Issue Letters of Credit, Transfer Money if desired, Supply You with Cashier's Checks, Furnish You with New York Exchange, Collect Your Checks,' Notes and Drafts, Counsel You Regarding Wise Investments, Give You a Convenient System of Money Handling, Render a Strict Account ing for Every Dollar Deposited and Make Your Business Trans actions Safe, Simple, Helpful. I T UPWCIM! - r1 M 111 I Atlantic Bank and Trust Co. CAPITAL, $1,000,000. SURPLUS, $250,000. 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS JULIUS W. CONE, Pres. J. W. SIMPSON, V.-P. and Cashier Wm. SIMPSON, Vice-Pres't ; J. E. LATHAM, Vice-Pres't. C. E. FLEMING, Assistant Cashier. Last Years' vs. This Year's SIGHT Last year your eyes may have been splendid, perfect, faultless. BUT this year they may be blurry, distressing, defective. The remedy? Have us examine your eyes and furnish the glasses needed. v PURE BRED HDfUBSODOSS All Registered and cholera im mune. Book your order for spring pigs now. Beaumont Plantation R. 2 Gibsonville, N. C. 43. A Grlmaley, Owner. Harry B. Grimaley, Mgr. Fruit Trees, Vines and Plants, Poland China Hogs, Black Mammoth Hogs, Hereford Cattle, Shetland Ponies. GREENSBORO Nurseries & Stock Farm JOHN A. YOUNG & SONS, Owners. GREENSBORO Veterinary Hospital v 229 East Sycamore Street. SITE OUR BUSY ADVERTISERS Join the Farm Bureau to-day, and try to make farnftng arid coun try life more pleasant. See an nouncement elsewhere. When you retire your car don't forget that the "Greensboro Tire Company will sell you standard tires at cut prices 'Read, the price list on another page. . The HuntleynStockton-Hill Co. has a very attractive announcement on another page, that will probably interest every reader of The Patriot. Don't fail to read it. If you are having electrical troubles wjith your car, take, it .to the Dixie Sales Company, down on iSouth Davie street, and let experts remedy it. iSee card elsewhere. The Brown-Belk 'Comuany is making it interesting for the ladies Their line of spring goods is com plete in every detail and very at tractively priced. See ad. on fourth page. The motor is the life of a trac tor and when you buy a !Hart4Parr 3 0 tractor from Mr. L A. Andrew you are getting .a motor that has stood the test for years. 'See his new tractor ad. on another page. The Guilford Bargain House, N. Lutfy iproprietor, will begin a ten day bargain sale tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock, when hun dreds of fine bargains will be hand ed out to lucky customers. Mr. Lut fy has cut the price in half on many articles that he will discontinue to handle in the future. His half page announcement elsewhere tells you all about this great bargain event. 'Next Tuesday in million dollar day in Greensboro and the same day is 'five thousand dollar day for the Morrison-JNeese Furniture Com pany. Mr. Morrison informs The Patriot that his firm proposes to sell that amount of goods on that day. and in order to facilitate mat ters he is going to offer special prices on every article in this big furniture store for that d'ay only. This is no small undertaking, but Mr. Morrison knows what he is do ing and when the sun goes down next Tuesday the goal will be reach ed. Mr. Morrison gives a few of the hundreds of bargains in furniture and house furnishings in his big WNTQN, TEAGUE & AMOLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS, The Best Service Day or Night. Office Phone 343. Night Phones : H. W. AMOLE, 2566 C. C. TEAGUE, 1682 116 W. Market Street. Hog Tone ForHogs Puts Them in Better Condition and Produces More Weight. HEN TONE FOR H Keeps Them in Better Condition and Produces More Eggs. Successors to Conyers & Sykes. Prescription ,D rug gists, Drugs, Accessories, Sodas, Fine Candies, Toilet Articles, Cigar 229 South Elm Street. Phones 9 and 10. Near Greensboro National Bsnk. HOWERTON'S DRUG STORE, Prescription Druggist 113 East Market Street Phones 46 and 47 Schifftnan Jewelry Co. LEADING JEWELERS, 306 South Elm Street. SERVICE Courteous, effident service, every detail of hich combines to make the last tribute fitting and proper for thle beloved one. L. M. AMMEN, Funeral Director, Embalraer, Ambulance Service. Experienced Lady Assistant. 600 S. Elm St. DAY PHONE 488 NIGHT PHONES 186-1521 - M" FOR SALE A fine Farm with extra good buildings. Located less than eight miles from Greensboro on a good road, in a splendid community. This Farm of 86 acres 120 drci u preierrea, nas a splendid nine-room dwfOlirm Dr. J. W Tavlnr furro"nd,e by fruit nd s hade trees and flowers, a . v v . i dyior, large feed barnf a cow stable, grainerv, and other buildings, all in fine condition. There is plenty of level open land ready for the plow. Fine large pasture and plenty of wood. Possession at once. You may buy today and move tomorrow. This is one of the finest farm bargains we have offer ed in years. The nrice and terms am witVii fk ' i f uiv icaui: . ot any one. SCHIFFMAN, 225 1-2 S. Elm St. Phone 108. Over Paiterson's Store. n q . . ... announcement on anotner page to- nave your Surgical Work done on day. 'Read them over carefully, and make your arrangements to dm to town ana visit Morrison-Neese s -and get what you need at these low prices. Fitting Glasses a Specialty. Examination Without "Drops' RELIEF OR XO PAY Office Fifth Floor Banner Bldg. Dr. J. F. Kernodle, DENTIST. oom8 203 and 204 McAdoo Bide ciu street Pharmacy "honea-Office 1648; Residence 1647 ALL WORK STRICTLY CASH Animals before Fly Time. Dr. G. S. GLOVER. Phones 229-264 1. MORTGAGE SALE. Pnrcnont und'ed V"e,i?W v.!ft5d the certain deed of truk in Vh- Z Twor,t,rTi in the sum of O. lu Fentress Edward C. Jerome Fen tress & Jerome 5" ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices: 705-706-707 American Exchange National Bank Building Greensboro, N.'C. XL 4. Justice E. D. Broad hurst Justice & Broadhurst, LAWYERS. Offices in Banner Building CENTER. The cold wave struck us rather hard1. Miss iCarrie Hrvo.kfttt has rat n marl TWPntv Tr!.r ,, i u;3.L 1,1 me sum oil laTs bvnMe dT (6?,0-00) Doi- from her school work at Archdale, wife, Cora E. Holloday, "o A M Tne scho1 at iSumner will be 2ffi mrdiVneJorSeddaiyn thi about mo- nth. office of ivciotor .i i A me t-, , ,T , . uviiss num nocKeti, or tne west ern Union force, is spending a few days with homefolks here. The fruiit up to this cold spell was considered alright, but this cold spell may cause it to blight and drop. ... Our nastor. Mrs. Haclrnpv is few days with her Her place office of roister 5f Se323 QullfSS on ,;;6" ",111J5??ose for sale at the " uwr m the city of o'"'""10' - v., at public auction, Monday, May 9, 1921, Dr. J. E. Wyche, DENTIST. ,VER GARDNER'S DRUG STORE wince, a; Residence 22. REAL ESTA 109 West Market Street. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified a administrator of A. Southern, deceased, late of the Vly "f GuUford, N. X, this As. to notlry all me-rsoni hvtmr t, against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of March, 1922, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im malate payment. 32-82. This Martih .15, 1&21. J. B. MORRIS. Admr. A. L. Brooks R. C. Kelly Chas. A. Hines Brooks, Hines & Kelly, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law Fifth Floor Dixie Bldg. Greensboro, N. C. ?hlp" ociocK noon, or soon thereafter, three certain tracts or parcels of land lying and being in the coun y of Guil ford, state of Nnrti. non-y.. ,?uli lows- nshlp: and bounied as fdi-I. spending a . First Tract: Beginning at a "nMf daughter near Liberty roadwTchaid'in ihi??a! was filled Sunday, Who 85t degrees 55 minutes east from preached' a good sermon, whose plea tne Dee? nnmc ?--iirf t i j.. i J. R. M. Baxter and wife to m! l K was for a clean life. lSeT7 We- regret to state that ;Mr, B. T degrees 46 minutes east 515 l-io feet Parley is still indisposed. He is. to W "take: thSSnorTiTJ LMI muh onigsed at church and .Sunday minutes east 1136 7-10 feet to a stake school aX 1. A. Knwardo' Una. i ...... I , , ""c. ixieiiue w rn I a i nis line smith as o-A. i c i . i a. uonuiar r ne-nn icj hovo vnn Mct aoo "feca j.o minutes " : caai tos ieec to a stone and DoirrtVja I martaH earn point being the northeast corner 'U1U evtirui or the tract of land as deeded as be- &re making private marks on their ac t vun tiience SOUtn 3 ne-roM , , . 50 minutes west 1645 feet to an K CarS SO 'that Jn Case the car Stolen mcram? policemen can be posted and they edge of said road nnrth rs r- can detect thp. car S1Tl!S,2c609n2t!Sts,?4aPcr1e,it arouslng an Picin. Forin- "SSSoSi !?Sit: Beffl,e a ,k. ta?e' Mr". A g0eS OTer hIs 162 feet from a maple south of branch makes a scratch here and there of ea?te cornegr,J.E5?.raorf3' ??thJ a W small nature and makes a mm mm A stick makes a quart of fin est washing bJue. It's all blue saves the cost of use mm less bott te? and boxes. M-f 03 Accept Ho Substitutes SI for Thedford's UGK-DRAU J Purely Vegetable liver Medicine F. E3B MM - caoi " i-iu ieet to a oxuiic, .Liience soutn o degrees and 30 minutes west 1339 8-10 feet to a hick ory stake; thence north 85 degrees 10 minutes west 695 2-10 feet to a stake on the line between Joseph E Ed wares' Ave acre .tract and the herein described property; north 1 degree and 2 minutes east 1361 feet to the point of beginning, containing 22.91 acres more or. less. . ' Third Tract: Beginning at a gum and dogwood, C. P. -Boren's line, and running.-so.uth 88. -degrees east 11 poles to a stone. C P. Pnn'o t,a -trn I day's corner; .thence nortb 2 degrees co-ol ou yuiea io a stone, Alice. Ed wards' line; ithence south 88 degrees west 10 poles to a stone ;r.thence south 2 degrees west 80 poles to the begin ning, containing 5 acres, more or less Terras of sale Cash. This April 8, 1921. A. M. SCALES, Trustee. liSifel PARKER'G Balsahi fr n iiemo ve s danarufT. Stops hair falling Restores Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair, rrt 60c AftLOoatDruitH. record of every one. OMuff said. I 1 For Expectant tbdim '. sl SED Dy TnaEE GEQEDATtOHS - - Warn mam uvtri n ' ""MIKIIWD ABB TM 1ABT, m. BSADPICLa IH.ULATOH DlFT. 8-D. kJtAmTAL PLEASANT UXION. The health of the community is very good at this writing. Spring has suddenly changed to winter for the ipast few days. - We fear the fruit will all be kill ed yet. ' The farmers, are very busy plow ing and getting ready to .plant corn. Mr. and Mrs. W. "O. -Causey spent Saturday night and" Sunday- ' with Mrs. Causey's parents, Mr. arid Mrs." E. Brothers. :Miss Sadie Butler spent Saturday night "with Miss Grace Coley. Miss Wake Brothers was a wel come visitor at Mr. Thomas Neese's Sunday. Miss 'Nollie Staley spent Saturday night and Sunday at Mr. Arthur Staley's. T , Mr. Thomas Neese visited at 'Mr. J. H. Neese's Sunday evening. Mr. John Layton visited at Mr. G. W. Staley's Sunday. :'s V Miss Donnie Shaw visited at Mr. Eb. Brothers' Monday.' Messrs. Walter and Harrison Staley visited' at Mr. John Layton's Sunday. I I I ' AOCEBSOEIES ! 1 ' III J ? t Barbed Wire to make the Old Fence New. Paints to make the Old House New. Roof ing to Repair that Old Roof . and Sulphur for your Fruit Anything you need, Mr. Farm and Builders' Supplies. We are Ready to Serve You. in WATCH OUR SHOW WINDOWS. BUYEAT ODELL'SWHERE QUALITY TELLS. ODELL9S I if?' r . , " i..