" " I y - - . ,4. . . - . i, J '.." t - X . ... . j - . .l .V ' ' - FACTORY MOTO IS ANNOUNGffl ToIake Picker Sticks; At BIG BUILDING; LEASED ricter Stick' Company, Alout August ,1 - t v - ;. i p-aaant Garden hasrbeen selected vVtose of the Soutnern Picker X cospaay, which la jiow located ' H:zli Point, but which will begin :',r.'actarins operations rn.Plegs l."narden on or about An gust 1, capital of $50,000. l-aseinents for removal ot the v.- -g3 from High Pornt to Pleaa Cirdea already hare been set-In t". -03 and the actual rembTal of Sr-Maery and other equipment J j.tr j aied for next week. - - Cficiala of the company haTe'se iHis lon?-term leasj oa'the.twor; '.' jiracture now occupied, by the V-Vo Broom Works, - which will into one section of the Pleas rV". Garden school building, tjon-r---;:oa of a larger and more mod iciool building U now In'pro'g- 2d It Is indicated that jipon ;jco3p!etlon the Buffalo Broom Vs-tf raay occupy th atrr-itrnc-. I r-t Talcing wbich will aerre ia . . - . j tose of the Sour fie rn Picker company Is 50 by 150 feet T.v lT0 floors. With la,-a few feet cfile bsildlng Is a sidetrack of. the dr. ad Y. V. railroad.' Excellent nr;orution facllltlea.-,-and easy jr:IJ;M!Uy to raw . materiala f !:riei it Pleasant Garden prored jr-irust factors In tbe. decision of Jilils of the company.7,to aoTC tilr saaafacturing enterprise " "tr ii.it town. A lease of the building U: ere jear has been obtained with jr.iCeie of renewal , lor fire years, ' E. White Is president of the ecrjoratloa. G. H. King lsr-Tlee-preal-i-i E. H. Ferris.haa been elect ! sretary-treasurer. ; The - enr- iss of E. A. Moffltti otr Pleasant Ci:itzr LTe been icrVd as su-.-iiteadent of the factory. -Alrtadj a splendid business has l-3 bailt up by this company, -It is-' rated. In, fact, the company 'h- trron Us High Point 'quarter1 ?i?r sticks made by this "organlxs" n are sold to Tarious cptton .mills fx North Carolina and othtjatateg; h? appears lobealmoiTjirnlmIf to it? demand for such produdts.Ir H:fa Pc:at, it is understood. ' the c:r;arj has been'turnlng out about 1.5 19 picker sticks a day, but-ad-ticj received here Indicate that s:c2 lie daily output may 'be raised t3 4.0 00 picker sticks. Tre coantry around Pleasant Gar ti2 is noted for its fine hickory tlm-l-rr the material from which the ;:uir sticks are. made and officials ef :ie company realize that condl t:z sioali contribute materially to tit s-ccess of the enterprise. Plenty c' lilp can be eecured, too, it i n:L Juizin? from available infor :t appears probable that thr 'n be augmented by the ac ion of workers from the Pleas sit Garden section. This 'matter, has not yet been definitely Natsrally the people of Pleasant Ci:da are sratifled because of this t--:rete evidence or mat town's v.2i: position as" a manufacture -z base. The new industry will b'" c-- cf the most important In that i::::a of Gailford county. iaitry besets industry, 'It i oat. and careful observers --d cot be surprisec to .witness t2!o!ding of other plans .for con 51 ambitious developmentv'of -t Garden as-a manufacturihg J. Pleasant Garden mar reason- J. J U exited to become one "c :ost prosperous communities in ts Carolina. si. ' Aftorn-y Shoots Self Ai-T;:.. jaly 19. George R. ?e-d about 43. an attorney 1 k city, temporarily re Worts By Labor Board Have Ceased Ct!ca?0 tfI-r.,rU brIag aboot the tet c.' -"; lte conntry-wide stx-'ka r;ZV,-v statement Issued to- W. Hooper, chair Li. . :ted States RaUroad - izr oi seem to ye tar board members are iv . u mrtner efforts U:4 l l'-e," the statement At t: -tzt -" time the r?;J,;!-ttd out that Tlrtual .v"4 b?cl. been reached be- t-riie rsjl head and t I '.i ;,rs on all of the fire li m l, , pt"e cept that ol -iori-r ! Jhe strikers of their wa:l-1 -r Qstlon e ttw, " originally In die- tae roads and their. r. Situated In a fine agrLdnl-l I11' clo3. with iu increasing im-l ,:ru-ce is the sphere of manufac-t al - 1 TlOArAan van n a AtoA , ... -JIon hospital yesterday ;.- a taKet wound in the bead,- .T4 l0 harp hn oir-fnfllotart vm Vft-UAW ::-o-,T ot reconciling the KUllXU:' ot the carriers i "r".1 oa the question at.Is- VSTATB;'pGS-BRIEFS , . Winaton.5alem;;lJi9. i Sarage,' a .leading V tltlot ait MMifLSS - ?AVa eafel bull on his Clkrm. vMr.ayag.waa brought was performed. , W.A' ; : prailon. y '' ' v,v,! -' rSbooUfrorittfgad Self - i1? 19. Edgar Mabe, of - UihiuyklM-'iSSC into his own bin?causingeaTh al! most Instantly; here Monday- night. A note-to nud n-.-Mabe- sUted that ifo7 i?v 4?' wile "and then .himself because -be lorer h.Is - , - - - - - . " -; ;. Indian iGeta 5S -Yeaii -?;y ' Lumb.erton. ; -July .19 Britain Iocklearfi Indian, xharged with' kill ing Carson f to wry, Tanother Indran, entered a plea of gtollty of murder In the second, degree in Superior couri here and was sentenced by fjndge W,"Mi Boijd, to 25 years In the etate prison. :.r t . . ?. : ' - K Vyfflcer Subbed; r - - : 8aliabnrtV Julyl$. Officer D. F. Cook, of Uje . Salisbury; police - force, ia. at' home-anfferiug- from- a-serer knife gash, -which, was .made in .'his side 8nnday night by- a young man named. Charles Crook while the Offi cer .waa -on- duty-at Chestnut HHK ; ; Three Gildings Bctt - l FayetteTille: July lsz-Yir of noC determfned origin " early this 1 morn ing practically destroyed the stock and.- fixtures-of v the Auto 'Supply company and the fruit store of Vann H. Johnson, gutted ' the buildings housing the two' -businesses,' and slightly damaged the plant of the Modern- French Dry Cleaning com pany.. - Collision Caases Injuries , Wilmington, July 19, 'Miss Annie King, of Thirteenth and Queen streets,.-was painfully injured and others were badly shaken up and slightly brufeed when i truck In which they were returning to the city from the beach early yesterday wa etruck by a speeding automobile. - Kills Step-Father LaO range, pfly. 19. Jesse Potter was "shot and. fatally- Injured by -bis ateineon. le&le 1 roves, on' the farm of Mrs.. Juiia-Kodite last night aaoul : - -'r ILyC Middleton v KV M. Middleton dree Tuesday morning at 5:45. o'clock lna hospi tal iij. Baltimore, .Md., following an illness of several months. The body arrived In -t hie city Wednesday -morn ing and was taken to his home, 123 Wainman street. Funeral services were held at 5 o'clock yesterday aft ernoon. Mr. Middleton was cashier of .the Farmers and Mechanics Bank and Trust company, of this city, which he helped to organize about two years ago. For 17 years prior to his corinectlon'with the Farmers and Mechanics bank he waa with the Greensboro Loan and Tru3t com pany. ' Mr. Middleton leaves his wife, two little boys, Mosely, Jr.;. find James Allen; three; sister, Miss Haywood Middleton, df Greensbbro, Miss Vir ginia' Middleton, of Albany, Ga., and Mra. L. J. Howe, ot Cordova, Ala,; and one brother, F. Fv. Middleton, of Albany, Ga. . -V " Mr. .Middleton wall jefy' popular in the business and .cttic) life ofth- city. He waavtomaper oi tne irsi PresbyteHan ,ytWTttv.lne uivitan club, the .Chamr.-OfT Commerce,: as well aa the MasnHC;.t'rden and, the Merchants an&Afantacturers' cinb. His death broughtexpresslons of aor row' from many detoted friends here. '-. Mrs. S:P;Boaa .." : Mrs. S.'P. Boax, 37 years of age dfed Suddenly at her heme, 21 Peach street. White Oak'l early' Tuesday "morning. Services were' -.eld rthis, afternoon atM-o'clock . from the home and interment made in tne pisgah cemetery .v. She - leaves ner husband and seven-children, James, Howard; Albert, Florence,, Helen, Ruby and Mildred; . H ; J. A. ' HoneyeuttV Jr. FuneraiVaervices were held Mon day afterrio'dn for J.'A. ?Ioneycutt, tr. 40 rears, of .age. who died Sat urday at his home, y.MapVe -street. Proximity, alter an, "'uw VL -v- 'Tnormont was - made at PiAaantRidRe. . Randolph county. m ivchim widow, .two children, his father. J. A. Honeycutt. of Seven Springs ; three sisters, Mrs. y. wu- -tion, of Proximity; Mrs. Evernarx. oi t iAn ihroA brothers. Robert Honeycutt, of White OakCcero and RUd HOneyCUll, pom ui.uwor- John F. Bece tv. o. rmsT-t)i "of Jaha F Reece aged 45, who. died Sunday athls 9K rim ', atreet.; Revolution, was held Monday afternoon, from the home. Interment was : "nW"" nirtwh. bonti 11- miles rsf hf rtr. services beinr f ....v&.Af-tNA H!hvPoldtf.councu No.k 2. Junior.rder; PiitedJ Amertean Mechanics. -RilVf Reece7, was, a member., Mr. Reece leaW wldow three vsgjnsXuth.er, dSeU-e.5! Edna governor that hee- tr v-- ,Tate.-v .Vi - ; I iC' ' ???".-. - '. s- ' JS, om W10 Highway lWarf Meets With " "Cdnimiiohers DlCroE BY AUGUST 7 3Ir. Cox States .ThaSf Change In Ran- aieman . toad wm . Save Mncb. County To Fir Pleasant .v ' Garden Road At a Joint .meeting of- the Guilford .Board ef Commissioners, and the voumy- inignway commiseion neia Monday 'afternoon there -yas nruch discussion . ot the Pleasant Garden road,, and the Greensb6ro-Randle-man road situation, was explained by yl. El wood Cox, state highway com missioner of the fifth district. It wa... stated by W. C. Boreu, chairman of the Guilford Highway commission. that engineers , would start this week surveying the Pleas ant Garden road, but 'final decision as to the exact "route and whether it will le hard surfaced depends -on Mr. Cox's decision as to the Randle man road, T Mr. Cox stated Hhat ' ' it --will be August 7 before hjB can make. public his decision as . to - the. vRa'ndleman road. He pointed, out that . if the state decides, to laavev jthe- pjesenc Ran diem an road aV Stinson's store, , re-entering It at Otwells store,' S 2$,-; 000 would- be saved and V2 S curves eliminated; moreovervtha,t asinaiiy people will beaervedronthlsstret4h as wotrtd be eerved .on the present line. He aaya -that -t.be 1 county.wlH keep the present Tlnk In, good condf- A, MM Al 1 M m. m If the state .adopts rthe proposed oute for. the Randleman road it ts thought that the county 'will run a .-'ur from a noiht about a mile antf a half north of i Pleasant Garden en tering, the Randleman road' at a point south of Stinson's .store. ; R. W. H. Stone stated that al though, -much might be saved by the state' and county by adopting the new routes, yet he wanted the coun ty and state to take the agricul tural interests. of the- people into; consideration before, arriving at a definite decision. - . : M At a meeting of the citixens of. South JMorehead, Sumner ancT F.en-. freas-townships field Friday night-in I the Rocay xK-notii scnoomouse me ip l6 wine : resolutions . were adopted In"regard tou1WriigtatevhigiwnhrV W1JJ BO. more -UCtXl If cuuiuiureu-nu by ' followln.g, as nearly as possible the'origlnal road bed, aireaay aesig" nated and used by the state high way, leaving Greensboro by either of the following routes would be satis factory: Firet, directly Trom tne courthouse out Ashe Street, or, sec ond, out Sooth Elm street, leaving South Elm at a point near O Connor s greenhouse and entering the Ashe street road near Short brothers store. However, the body would be opposed to following South Elm Xreet farther lhan where , the pres ent road turns towards Short's store. "This body recommends the above routing for the following reasons: "l.Thls has been an established rbad for more than 100 years and the present road is the boundary line for practically all farms along mis road. "2. 'The .route herein described is a natural water shed and much less grading would be required and fewei bridges would be necessary. "3. Any change from this route would seriously Interfere with the plana of the board .of education, to estiblish a consolidated school in Sumner township A Trt Ioava th nresent route e surveyed from W. L. Stevenson's . tore to where it re-eptera he. old road at Otwell's place would leae 4x families' off the present roaa. three churcnes, three stores, five. Im portant road leading into the pres ent road from tne wesi siae. "5. To leave the present ,ronie would interfere seriously with K. F. D. route No. 1, which -is one of the hheayiest mall routes out of Greens- horo. " ' "Be it further resolved .that, me county commissioners aeep sacred promise to the late w. Tucker and' build without further delay a hard surface road from Greensboro to Pleasaht Garden, fol lowing in' general the present roaa ECIDED GOVERNOR MORRISON TAjmSKSUE . WTB -PRESIDENT HARDING REGARDING .USE OF FEDERAL AUTHORITY N COAL STRDSE R.lelgb. July 20. Flatly relu.lnS tWs .tate. North'cairin-. two i. ..t.M.nt H.rdlnK H coal mine are-not JnrolTed In tne telezranhed reouest that ne join win Khe nation's chief magistrate and t&e vgovemore of 27 other stales ln an invitation to striking coal miners return to "work. Governor Morrison today wired the, President . that his "position is practically to Use the power of the government against the strikers." - Continuing. Governor Morrison InRJroiedVthe President that '"in the ftnftircjsnifcnt- ofl nollce - regulation ahdrthexrhhobilng .or the law tn Btfrlcirt wlk naturallyhave Utt tnn e coim&ecrce,fri the impartiality or fiSeseoti soldiers 'or-bter- a?tn tfSA'toTee dlfetftbygoveni njmt "which has takeh a-:"dfecH( stand" against them,, however t go Ja the -reasons for'suph. i' stand, ma) I -V U!. S war; vvuwu i . 'nf VnraMIMllT ..II1B Brw vir I -,-r.".-V -.Vi-rt';-- ,T . I - . . " - ' - - L- i BEGINS GiVa ennTtBinHer SELECT JALE JUROBSi County Commissioners vSeleci Jarbru Decide, That No Ucea tVia lie Issnw ForPool Jtoom - The. -next. teVmVvot Su perior i.CQurt wUlVhegiUugustU4,k for the (trtal -atcHnalhfrcases; it will continue "until t August '311$ when tne term, for civil VcaalvbgixiJ V ue lauer also ..-wiiiBeAwe week term. " ', r' t ' -Following 'are'- the VtiiroVa Sffkwn Tuesday by the : conty fcWdniissloh ers for August coujrt;7lh'evl!st being tor Doth the criminal Ui;jthe clvfl W..Lowe, HamiltonvOUoy, T.'.J. Uueick.H. R. Cannon, :A. Whar ton. T. .R. Huffman, J.V!wCI?pp, Ai E- Staley, Johnaj ClaonAAndv -GorV 1 aon LAcy T. Wagoner, W Jt. Mitch-i r oil ' r nm . - . ii'i . t , . w. oauiey w. , m itnmb ev. J. D. Clapp, A. M. iTevlrieri S. A, Coble, W. R.-May aigtBealliv EL u. AQwman. t;. w. .W4nTrev.-w. u. ,4efferson W. BL -Weaver, V G. Holt, a. Lm AH red , C. A. Kime, Hv-P, Wray, . A, Homer. r !. Coble, m: C. tHanner,'J..lXBhephertr, W. M. Deh'- Gold. fS.' A. . Haw.iJ.-AIaF w.. lTipp, uvermaji:w c. Doreett, J...F. Gray, BvP. Osborne. W. L. Stephenson. I. Br Oliver, W,- b. Lane, J. E. Gann, fi-L. Wilson, A. E. Lewis, W. E. Ballinger, Fred -Miller E.'L. Modlln, J.- iF. BoltOn, Chas. M. Mllea, D. A. Jones, L. Xi, Knight. W: F. Lester, ,1 O. Gray, J. C. Bees on, Frank Stafford, R. M. HInshaw, F. H. Ford. C. C, Robblns, D. o. Frasler, R. A. Slceloff, Mar vin Jarre 11 and J. E. Cecil. The commissioners tn session Tuesday refused to change their pol icy In regard to the operation of dooI rooms in the county. The petition of two poolroom operators, whose re quests for renewal of licenses had been denied at "a previous meeting, asking t&at; the matter be recon sidered, was refused by a thrjee to two .vote. Chairman J. Al Rankin, L. T. Barker and W. C. Jones voted against the .poolrooms, and Capt. J Giles Foushee , and" D;- .ti Bonhell pnett,ror renewal- ox.tilcensewee p M. Webster, of White Oak, and J M. Medlin, of IcAdpo Height?. Members of the board stated, (hat no evidence was given that the men have conducted, anything other than orderly places and that in refusfnr renewals the question of the char acter of either of the two men was not raised. 1 Yesterday's decision was declared by members of the board to be, final. Yardmaster Held For Murder of Engineer Wilmington, July 19 H. J. Southwell, Atlantic Coast ine en gineer, was fatally shot early las night by H. E, Dallas, yardmaster and special guard or i tne "Atlantic Coast Line yards. Dallas Is being held without bond on at charge o murder. . ' Today a second warrant was serv ed charging E. L. Fonveille, Atlan tic Coast Line yardmaster, with mfTr der in connection with""the shooting last night. It appears that Fon veflle was the only One present" out side of Southwell and pllas when the latter two are alleged to have mpt on t7i rmftnt nnswV Infldlns fr0m the station yar jates. r Fdn veiile Is held withou Woman CaiHiaate Weldon, July 19v-Mxs;y . J W. Bowers, of Littleton, s.iannonhced her candidacy for the 'itto&tteas uref of Halifax county. vA;AV ' : r .. 'iV bed, cutting out -railrbad . crossings wherever possible. -Be it further, resolved that any marked change, other thani stated above will .he' vigorously opposed by thta body." -1 v.. i - The resolution Is sighed by 'the resolution committee: George. A. Sh'ort, A, L. Teachey, P. R. Tucker, V. M; Klrkman .and R. W. H. Stone. strike, as the miners are not. strik ing, so It "would be a vain thing" for the chief executive : to invite them to relurtfio work. tut I would Siot. do so anyway." he' tells Fresi dent Harding. ."I am truly sorry thatr.a Judgment long rormed and repeatedly expressed heretofore in my state prevents my agreeing with your position as set forth In "your telegram.". , ' ' ' No trouble In upholding the law in this state . is antlcipa:ed by the governor. wQ ; "will not need fec eral forces to. aid" him In his policy of "non-Interference with either sldo ln .such .controversies except to up hold "the.law-skd keep the. peace and nrnraot. VrV WOUIU-0 . union ot non-union,-from menace. ult and violence'-- In ? that posi: tlon, heskys, he has ''the -unitea sup SUBSCRIPTION -W PElt -TEAR IXv ADVANCE 't:-' - t : HEWS OF THE: HATI01I A Train Turns Turtle .. coaches ; on the Seaboard Air Line train No. '3 running aetween Savan- nan and Jacksonville, .turned-; ttirUe Monday; one mile south of Cox. Gal A . negro dining-car, cook was killed I ouucrcrai ptwsenerB lnjurea; ..-, --' """v"i " "'v1 : Will Sentence Strikers? ' ' : 1 - i ..i '.-. b.t. Louis, July 19. -Federal Judged lrieoer Monday announced he would impose Jail and penitentiary- sen -tences and not fines, on strikers who violate Federal court injunctions.; .1 v Six Killed la Wreck ' Waterville, Maine, - July . 1 9. Six persons, were killed : when a Maine, Central railroad tram struck an au tomoblle iat a bl,ind. crossing near the JJnity station Monday. A - baby girl was the . sole survivor bfv the party of seven In the automobile: - ' r Dam- Breaks " Chicopee, Mass., July 19i--Twenty million gallons of water flooded a large part of the Wllliamansett' dis trict hereMonday when , Langwal'a danv and another dam at Robert Pond.Vgave way. . ' . . Battleships Collide . ytPort Angels, . Wash '. July . i.9 Exploding: ateam pipes on the b'at" tl eshlp'Ne w York-; eealded one-man, ;rndered -1 2 . othe unconscious and mearly "caused a collision between the flagship and. the destroyer Met Dermutas ihe fleet was retorning to this port from maneuvers last night. OVER 1,000 ATTEND FUNERAL SERVICESKci"rch. will dellrer addresses, Remarkable Tribute Paid! John M. Galloway. , Services intV .Firet v ", Presbyterian Church " JFuneral services for John M. Gal loway, who died Sunday morningr were, held in the First Presbyterian church Monday afternoon . attended by: more than 1,000 peVple.v The church Was packed to overflpwingv by friends, relatives, and acquaintances who paid their last tribute to the memory of Mr. Galloway. Members". of the. Rotary club, the Elks, the Minute Men of the First- Presbyterian "Church, and. officera:of the church attended in a bodyTrfMr GalIoway,yvas a nleiiteeraTdf -hose organuatxonfir, , - ; - ' -The-ervirfeswer'cOnd RefcCheaiiera tor- of the churcn, assisted by Rev R. Murphy Williams pastor of the Church of the Covenant. , The Pres byterian church quartet sang several anthems and Mrs. Cummings-Mebane -sang a soio. - The funeral was one. of the largest held in Greensboro ill years, people arriving from all directions long be fore the services, which were held at 5 o'clock. A large number of ten ants who live on Mr. -aalloway'e farm. rg land In Stokes and Rock ingham counties attended the serv ices. ' - Floral offerings were numenens, among them being a Rotary jfvheel. a beautiful wreath from the" Elks.. and a huge blanket or cowers. Pallbearers were J O. Ragsdale. H. J. Penn, R. G. Vaughn Thomas Pratt, S. F. Webster, C. L. Walterc and- A. M. Scales. Interment was made in Green Hill cemetery. SIGNS INJUNCTION AGAINST STRIKE RSJ Complaint Filed In Court Here Against Strikers At Monroe Where Disorders Are Reported, Monday jiight Federal Judge Jas? E. Boyd, of this city, singed an Jn junction against striking employes L of the Seaboard Air. Line railroad at Monroe which prohibits them from 'unlawfully combining, conspiring, and confederating to interfere with. hinder, delay, or prevent the . carH- ryirig on of - interstate and foreign commerce of the plaintiff (the Sea board Air Line railroad) and the car rying of the United States mail, by the plaintiff and from, in any , way or' manner whatsoever, . by .use of threats or personal injury, intimida-, tions, suggestions jof danger, . or threats of violence of any kind, in terfering with, hlndermg, obstruct ing, or stopping any persons engaged in employment of plaintiff in con nectlon With Its business or Carrying on Interstate and foreign commerce and the ' United' States mail." ' The Injunction is returnable ber fore Judge BoydSon Jply27 ? , r'. C. Lawrence, railway attorney of Raleigh, filed the complaint. It Is understood that a certain amount of disorder Is being experienced in Monroe, a report reacnfng here thart a shot Was fired into; ar passenger train passing through Monroe Sun day night. orARTERLY AND REVIVAL MEET AT APPLE'S CHAPEL The third quarterly meeting of Ap ple's chapel -will, be Jield immedi ately following ckurch service Sat urday, July .2 2, and the revival meet ing will begin Sunday, July 23, at Rev. J. 0fUltl;of Prlncetoh.4 N. J.. will dothevVreaclling ano; everyonis invited.toear him. Serv ices will beTrhel A afciV' 4 ni. and t. 2 n. m;' each de,y: rBridsrdinner and; someonevana, nea)K;Ixrui.cvr- x ujn., . , 2 aarfl TlHTw AJ.vCiwlucrriQbOr. lUC;Ua8- "Pill 'cnilarv . " . Tnfi .. IflTT 'nAllhPrfl.tMi 4 it t - 4 - 2 Jeuercon ftovmtlim.Smda-r ; H. Bai5ihArdt and Other-1 ' , .: An exceplionaliy interesting prow gramheing perfected .for theJef ferson township Sunday school con- l&tfB' U attMount, Pleas- : ant Methodist chrehext; Saturday. -and fudging from Present, indfi.-r t Uons, he .gathering ilL be; one ot the.mpst Important events, otthe kind: eyet witnessed . In Guilford yuunxy S Jm i aPP who lire v near Mc-Leansviile,- is president ot the? Jef ferson Township Sunday School asso ciation -and will; preside at thefirst; annualSconvntioh,: which-v wilf he staged under the auspices of that livewire organization v'.vith Vo, rYarious Protestant marques -partfeipatlng:- The secre i1;? ?he performedihjr MisstLottie Stewartr of Koute1 Z; Greensboro. - , , r . . j s - -, s i5 0i at 10 o'clock. -One of the features : of theday will 1 Be an address by . Rev. JH. BarnhardtB'.B, pastor of West 4Market Street .iethodist ehuich, this city.. Twor Other: Greensboro minis-' ters, ReiH. O. Nash, of t. a- TTtSTSh, other interesting speakers wiflker heard At; noon dinner will be served on the grounds, picnic fashion. Baskets of food are to be taken to the church by visitora from the various com. I m unities. . One of the attractions' of ia anemoQnViwmi be a roUnd-table discussion of es number of Sunday v. scBcoKproptema or n&r interest to presented: , ' Devotipnal exercises -Rev; D. R. groffitU - . - '.-Address, Fishel. of welco'me William ;0apse-Carf Montgomery 'iikoauiujc in uiri i n II i mi . . --i: eptfrt-frohocu A vt tioii," Rev. L. B. Hays. Song. 4 ; . ,t ;a. Address "Practical ' , Suggestions to Sunday, School Betterment," Rev. W. S. Milne. , : Song: Address Rev. H. O. Nash. Adjournment." , Dinner. : Devotional exercises. Address "Importance of Memory .Tork in the Bible tnd Catechism," Rev. T. W. McClanahan. 5ong. "The Message and Work of the Sunday School Teacher," Rev. J. H. Barnhardt, D. D. Song. - v Address Rev. G. F. Milloway. Round-table' discussion led bjr Rev. G. L. Whileley. ReDort of committees. Awarding- ot banner. Closing exercises. WHARTON REUNION IRGELYvATTENDED Over-150 Descendants . of Watoi Wharton, Who Mw'.TSitti ford In 1785, Take Part Over 150 or the descendant in this .' state of Watson ' Wharton met Tuesday, in a family reunion at Lake- wood, the .country home of Rev. S M. Ranklhi nine ; miles : east of Greenabdro, hear McLeansville. .During the day the- following were elected 'officers o'jf tne - family organist ion:. , ,. ; 'fr: ' Presidents E. P. Wharton; - vice-' president;W.-S. Wharton t secretary- treasnrer. E.:P. 1lfftTAai4 ITh a frtff Aami together' with the following will .form: the executive committee: W. P. t Knight, Mrs. C. Rr Wharton, andv. Rev. S. M,x Rankin;- About midday a: huge country pic hic ' dinner; was' served In a "grove on the" grounds; Telegrams from alt, over the "country were received and reacT'fo the crowd"; - The event proted- most enjoyable, , v; . , . , Several hundred oi the descendants- of - Watson Wharton live in Guilford county. $ Many have moved away-and at present . the- family i represented in 20" counties of the etate and over. half, of the atatee of the union. .i j. . : Watson -Wharton came from ;the grillage of 'Wharton,i England, In 1765, isettlifig ; in ;Iaryiahd,r where he lived until 17S5; irnen he moved to NothvCarolinaaettling at Nortlt Buffalo, near McLeansville. : His great-great-great-grandson, Walter SJ Wharton, now Uvea on the : old: homestead. , -; ' . ... v r-- It is-planned to make the reunion an' annual affair, . the meeting next year to be held at the' home, of Wal ter - S. ; Wharton;: on the original homestead. - Convicted ol Stealing Car t v -:flahville; Va., Julyt 19.c; A Frazler, trans fer car :diver, was this evening convicted, of stealinz an an I tonibUeufromvCrarlbtte, -; C, 4and seniencea 10 serve- aixT years in tne 1 if m ft'. 0 It mm IB 1 -1 1 1 i m r ) fv, ml ' WW '5J

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