f THE GREENSBORO - PATRIOT" Monday, ' December 11, 1929 ' Tag'e Two ' - : h. 1 il I 1 1 II rrt III. - r I x. r . ill 1 Last Year's GLIMPSES INTO AMERICAN-JEWISH HISTORY V8 This Year's! . SIGHT tAt y6ir jour eje may &Td e3 tplendld; .perfect, Uultle. SOT this Tear they may ba blurry. itresaiB?v defectltf, --. The remedy T JLrre us examine yonp eye fzmlBh the rlaaaei needed. . ,'H. A. SCMFFMAN, - Vr1 -lix -.-No Located at. . y - Schlffman Jewelry Co, 'S r Fnone iu ; GREENSBORO Nurseries & Stock Farm A General Line of Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Trees Vines and Plants. Registered Hereford Cattle, Genuine Shetland Ponies, Black Mammotji Hogs. John A. Young & Sons, Owners. L Fentress Edward C. Jerome Fen tress & Jerome ATTORXEYS-AT-LA W .American Exchange National Bank Building Greensboro, N. C C J. Justice E. D. Broadhurst Justice & Broadhurst, LAWYERS. Offices in Banner Building . A. T Brooks Julius C. Smith das. A. I lines Brooks, Hines & Smith, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law Fifth Floor Dixie BWg. Greensboro, X. C. By RAY RHIL, In The Jewish Daily News (November, 26. 1922) On Thursday. November 30, the people of United States will celebrate Thanksgiving day within the cozy warmth of their homes. On that day men and women of every creed will participate in that Joyous fes tival which dates back to the days of the Pilgrims, a little more than three hundred years ago. And now the twentieth century man and wom an will sit down to the feast of tUf-l-ov and cranberry sauce just as the little, band of PJLsrims dId !n thS good old days of 1621. Yet how few of the 110,000.000 nrflvlfiuala of the United States will on that day be aware that although the Pilgrims were the first to cele brate Thanksgiving day In 161, u was the Jew who preached the first Thanksgiving day sermon in this country in response to George wasn- ington's proclamation In 1759. Tne man who took that step was none other than Greshom Mendes Seixas, the fighting minister of the Revolu tionary war. of whom the writer has had occasion to refer to in previous articles. Rev. Greshom Mendet Seixas was minister of the Congre gation Shearith Israel (Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue) at the time when the Revolutionary war broke out. And fired by patriotic zeal he left his pulpit to enter the battle for democracy. But that was not all. he also ureed the members of his congregation to take up arms and fieht for the goddess of liberty. - - - . i So it was only natural because or, his stand in the war that he should have been the one to have delivered the first Thanksgiving 'day sermon. Destiny had indeed been kind. It had chosen the right man for the honor. A thread of justice after all does shoot through every now and then in the odd and impenetrable pat tern that we call life. But be that as it may, the sermon of Dr. Seixas caused quite a sensa tion In his time. Indeed this Thanks giving sermon of his was such a SUC- fcess that the worthy minister decid ed to publish copies for the public (at one shilling per. And on Decem ber 23. 1789, there appeared this ad vertisement of the sermon in The Daily Gazette, a contemporary news paper: "This excellent discourse (to which is annexed the order of serv ice) the first of the kind ever preached in England is highly de serving the attention of every pious reader whether Jew or Christian as it breathes nothing but pure moral ity and devotion. ' In order to appease the curious in our midst as to the nature of the service arranged by the congrega tion for the Thanksgiving day of W i . 1789, here te the order of the serv ice: - "Order of Service for Thursday, 8th Kfslev 5550, 26 Nov., 1789 Be ing the day appointed for public Thanksgiving and prayer throughout the United States of America. 'To begin with O come let us sing unto the Lord the first three verses of Psalm 95. "To Sing O give thanks unto the Lord, call upon His name (Psalm 105) as on Sabbath morning. "Then the following Psalms The Kazan wjll glng the first verse of J each Psalm alone. "Psalms 30-33." After his inaugural Thanksgiving day speech in 1789 the Rev. Seixas faithfully delivered one annually until the year of his death in 1816. This, tto-wit. is a sample of the style and type of sermon the 'Rev. Seixas was -wont to deliver to the members' of his worthy congregation on Thanksgiving day: "Let us now unite in prayer, and with awful tremblings render praise and thanksgiving to our God, the God of Jsr&el, to whom all power and mercy pertaineth join with me in supplication and let us mentally pray for each other we humbly be seech thee Oh Lord! to look down upon us from thine holy habitation and grant us thy all-powerful pro tection, shield us under the wings of thy holy Providence, and preserve us from evil; direct us in the pur suits of life, and guard us from the reproaches of Man Bless and pro tect the President of the Unfon, with the administrators of the general government, in their respective de partments the governor and rulers of this state judges and counsel lors and the magistrates of this city impart to them an emanation of thy divine wisdom that they may know and judge distinctly be tween that which would prove bene- ficlal to the United States and that which might be injurious let no party schisms iii state affairs pre vail, so as to destroy the principles of the constitution, which is for the security of persons and property, and sworn to be observed by the ad ministrators of government. "I ay the Congress assembled, act in unison with each other to pro mote the welfare of all and may they be able to deliberate and de cide OTi all laws proposed for the advantage of their constituents. "May agriculture flourish and commerce be prosperous, may the seminaries of education be continued under the direction of able teachers and pro fessor that the succeeding gener :tious may gain the knowledge of freedom without licentiousness, and the usefulness of power without tyranny. "May the people be convince"! of the fidelity of their representatives. 'and mav no cause, of jealousy subsist among the different states' of the Union may the blessing of peace at tend their Iarrd councils; and finally may 'the earth be filled with knowl edge as waters covereth the seas. "So be it thy will and we will'say Amen." Can't you just hear the worship pers exclaiming as they walked with dignified strut out of the synagogue on Mill -street . more than a century ago: "Iteally. that was a good ser mon -that our rabb( 3ye us this morning I hope that on Thursday you will devour your Thanksgiving day din ner with a greater relish because of the role played by the Rev. Seixas in the grand, old festival. BANKS H. MEBANE LAWYER Southern Life & Trust Co. Bldg. FARM LOANS Dr. W.W.HARVEY PHYSClf IAN and SURGEON Office 121 1-2 S. Elm Street Greensboro, N. C. Over O. Henry Drug Store Office Phone 1466 Residence 3443 C. M FORDHAM . ROGER A. McDUFflE CONYERS & FORDHAM, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. Drugs, Accessories, Sodas, Fine Candies, Cigars Toilet Articles, Etc. 229 South Elm Street- Phones 9 and 10. Near Greensboro National Bsiik Dr. J. W. TAYLOR, FITTING GLASSES A SPECIALTY. Examination Without "Drops." RELIEF OR NO PAY. Office, Fifth Floor Banner Building i i Weak, Ailing WOMEN should take AUTOMOTIV ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT The Best is the Cheapest IN THE END And This is Also True as to Automotive Electrical Mechanics DIXIE SALES CO. "The Orange Front" 109 S. Davie St. 1 T ?int UNlVfcKaAL TK ACTOR; The Woman's Tonic Sold Everywhere r is I aai SERVICE Courteous, Efficient Service, every detail of which combines to make the4 Last Tribute Fitting and Proper for the Beloved One. W. G. SIMPSON,. FUNERAL DIRECTOR, AMBULANCE SERVICE, EXPERIENCED LADY ASSISTANT. Phone 186 Day or N;ght. 636 S. EIrnSt. Open Day and Night Dr. Parran Jarboe, Operative Surgery, Gynecology and Consultations 113117 Dixie Building Office Hours 2 to 5 and by Appoint ment Telephones 797 and 001 Dr.H. E. CASSTEVENS DENTIST Office Orer O. Henry Drug Store 121 H S. Elm Street SPECIAL. ATTENTION GIVEN TO OUT-OF-TOWN PATIENTS Office Hours 9-12; 1-5 Dental X-Rays Made Phones Office 14G0; Residence 877 HUGH C. WOLFE, M. D. Practice Limited to Diseases and Surgery of the EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Office Over O. Henry Drug Store 121 So. Elm SU formerly Farrls Kluttz Drug Co. Phones: Office 603; Res. 152S-W Hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5 THOS. R. WALL. JAS. F. SiHTH WALL &: SMITH, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, ."27 South Elm Street Greensboro, X. C. V i - 1 " F RO.B.PETrlT Dr. J. E. Wyche, DE1NTIST. over cxixrrs pharmacy Phones: Office 29; Residence 22 Fordson Often Does More In a Day Than Six Horses The Fordson substitutes motors for muscles. The Fordson substitutes tractor wheels for the legs of man and horse. The Fordson takes the burden off flesh and blood and puts it on steel. It allows the farmer's energy to be devoted to management, and not merely to operation. It 'gives him time. It cuts his producing costs. There's a big story of savings made possible by the Fordson. Let us tell you. Write, phone or calL McGLAMERY AUTO CO. THE HOME OF REAL FORD SERVICE GREENSBORO, N. C. CSiildree Play T IS their nature, so see to it that they have TOYS which will develop their imagination and aid in their physical well being. C H R I S T M A S T O Y S C H R I T A c J o Y S A FEW SUGGESTIONS : Autocoasters Bicycles I) in ins Electrical Trains Erector Building Sets Express Wagons Hook and I ja cider Wagons Kiddie Kars .Miniature Railway Outfits Sleds Scooters Tool Sets Toy Tractors Toy Automobiles China Dishes Tea Sets Dolls of All Kinds Doll Beds Doll Furniture Doll Carriages Sewing Baskets Flexible Flyer Sleds Embroidery Sets Games of All Kinds Kitchen Cabinets Laundry Sets Vanity Cases Velocipedes ((CDB'ff'' XT J J ;Schiffman Jewelry Co, LEADING JEWEX-ERS, e SOS South Elm Street :K(2JJA1J7Y TELLS. TT-HMit : in