-,: ;.; 'Q n; - ; -; , ' - -! - . ' - 1 ;.'..'.,".; ; h : i.r - l i . . . : v i j r - v " .- -: " " : : s . : - ; , . . v ' .. - ! - .-. .: ,' - ; ; - .. : ' - .. ' i- , i v : - . ! .-. - ' -. V- ... yr ; ' " '-- ' I ,.'-"''""; -m ' l - . h . -v.. i -i i - i.. ; : J ;!-, '-: ' . j-1 . .-' -.! ' v; ; . - -,-.'' ' j . - -St;,:-- -fi:r:.V-:v-, -v. r-n;vr ' -,liiJ ;: ! - . l ... i .-. .t. ., , : ., M :.-:-..v ;-'. . . ' - ji-'f: -'r I'V " ;-; - , i : - , . J.. j . . v L !.. -.J '' 1 I j 1 . "A-- ' .. : ' -- - ..; rV'.t,,;.-!'.' ' ' ' - ' '"'IZ?6''' f ;''V-j 4;. ,''1 ".3 ; . ' :v - '-vVr' r : i- : 1-',1. . !V.- ' ,' ' i .(' ! :-J';'Mz,u i.tf r 3 . .-r. i- , , 1'- -i; '! -..!-,. i - 1 . . t .i tr.nn in i i,Vi.rfiriiitTLi iiiiiii : a Ahiotig the carljfit settler's of 0.ssipee, ,Nw H tin jili:rv, was a man by-ihe name of i Urey. -J-Thrc j cars befoie we call the readofS attentioft to'hiin and l.in, he hai come Irom the settlement in l.)ier, and built a suLdtatial cabin on i the south bbore ol the juke which gave vttic uaine to the fccttlement and. town ! Her, lor a couple ol ;aiouths, he. lived ; atone, uith tlic bate eieoption of ; three days wlin fco liatfgOt?.C ,to the hpnse.of hh nearefct neihHr, . tipee miles away, and encased him jto assifst, in ' bull r,IJie.wall ol his caf-bin This done h.- trad rjelnrned. '.am - Huben Grey toiiul I - : ,: - - '! " a alone uatil the icabia wai comj liled o hi mind, and quie a little e'eafiDg liud beeu uVude' upon the ' lak Then i.;lie 'turned his bacjk; iupoa tie-labor ,0 liii.biinds and once 'Ulore ireaded the i - - . . f- r-" - (orest ia the direction ot the Kc-utherir be.ttlemeuta ; and, if h c u at J er a tew da. ys ie.ajaiu lactd thcip6rtl;ward on his re- t u rn , h i w i 1 e a a d Ah n a ca'oudiit led 'hito.. After two d;ys ot kyil they were safely installed- in thtir !ilew home, aud had gone to work with kiwi 11 to niake things isntiif'aiidr coinlortubM The Jaci upou i he margin of tte lubei-was fertile, and f ie re&ultof their tiir that 'it brought forth ahunJantiy, whiierora thebeau;i 1 ul fvheeL ot .watfer: 0 litis pre ad before tht tu any quantity lot tue raos elieious trout could b'e ohtuiued, and lor . three tar.s uiey enjoy a season of pyace and-pUianty unalldycdl by dao'fjer from t ti e re di m c n , vr h o o f t en c ubi e 1 1 o irg d i-- t:ince8 even froit beyond the, Ndjch in the White i Hills, (which reared' their beads away tn.the north w.rd to fish in the waters of the lake, as ihe-ir lathers had done for acs and aias oefore the foot bl the white ai'an had evkl left its .iaiprint oq-.tbe saniii of, thi 'hJre. " jj iii 'liofT n i 1 w il i had i:ru-jci' ap",t' tween the whitj myn and live rd, and the air was th&k with ruufc' s ol the 1 outiageh that re jeing'ct nutted "by the savatres-. Several raliti s of the more luroed and -'Exposed settlers had beln their ed or .'".a fate linmetea "eithcT- ruthlt'ssly murd ;r- cariied away ;:caruivefe to Canada, almost as bud for fsw of 'tlip, wo men and chil lren pticvivo the lonr and tedious march through the wildi-rness. T h e red iri kn ulthdu (h it.H'v euim to fish in the lake, rihw aid t hen; were fcc-i lom seetf by' thej white -settlers, aud less frequent still w&a any iriondly 'iuterv course held betweenj thena. j. ; One . morning Rujben (rfcy left the cabin! eat ly4 to be iprie a!!; d:.-;.Tt' wa' bis intent! h f'vt:ii thejrighboT 0: . whonl we have before inade.,:nientijn,wbo lived thtee" ni'lcs away, arid southward - from tie JUke- A le w clays before, this neighbor, whose name was perkins, had worked ior liim, a-d thi1 day had been appointed for an exchange ot labor ?n Battlement: jGtr'rty having;: agredto per- i loriu some work forljPerkins, Aiu these (fewdays therumor6 which ' . . , - jj ? pj; ... , . - . . . j . - liaa been long rife, a ad sagmented, and feigns of savage had been jseeD about the :late::': ' -:s .;'..:tV'-Jtl;v'-;.'i .1-1 taking his departure thdt morn.. ing, the settler felt jll atease, and had it not been (or disapointiag hia neigh bor he would bavererniiind at- home. A" he threw his ax lover hia shoulder he bade, his w ile and son now a vouth 61 ttn "y ears to rcmaijQ close" bjr the c-.bin, arid keep a good lookout for any danger that might threaten them. His nUe he left in the cabin ior their great- ei protection ashe know that fid case fof " emerszoncy his wiielidould use it in their -- , . :'iin.:.iii:r. & . v-' . defense' llepeatingi h3 1 caution as he crossed the -brook Which! f elf into th'e . - . :. fli j j ; i - " ' v lake a litl j way froai thei door, he w en il! i: over, and from the;d6pr aythe, mother .and' 'Von gazed. alterll hinoj juutil no had disappeared in the; iore8t, when they vent! about the usual employment 'of tee The first thing to be done was to milk the one cow they possessed; and when Irs. Grey had done' this; the boy Phil- lip drove her to the pasture: buf a short iistande away, whileijhis mother, mind jful of.the' icjunctionishe: bad received from her husband, watched him until he had crossed the bar 3 and returned to the cabin.. ... Hi, ; , The'day was a ijng! one io -Mrs. Grey acid Philliplhe i Iatterji: missing his he been.' alioxycd to have fished, up the i n ir hi, brook, as tQ was wont to do. 1 Fear- t r j a i womei baraa might befall him in fai.'iir'ft . ajbdcricc, that the io'd fan's 'it- be lujjiii" about the shores i of i- n l ; the l ike, faiio woaid not constat that he shu and uld lor a boiuent leave her aiht, he, accustomed to obey. had borue bis dfpiivatiou as bet he could. The sun was' Boraelhing less than an hour high above the treefops, when )lr3 - :(j,3 c,ime 10 the door of thei cabin, and glancing at it, called to Phillip who e ani some sticks was busy tvith his kn 1 luakiog a dairji across'the brook, ill e at once tbeyed ijie surntiions, and corning to her side, asked whit was wontid. !: ' 4You muydrive up.thfe cow, Phillip It. is rather leariv, but I dun't care to have yog go nigh the woods when the shadows begin! to fall: I If s!ie- is out o! pasture, do npt try to fin d1 her." It her so ujtil inorarn4, when yoar father wilK hunt her up-" "But I am mGther,"jsaid not afraid of the InJians, the boyproudly drawiu hiraitlt up rould have grown. "If to his fullhiht, as if he her see how much he bad t - she has got out , where the did the other day, uiay I not go down as far as the great oak where father found htr?j The clover grows thick there, and it H;Ou!d do you good to;. Bee her,swallow it down 1 know the; Way there is an Indiiu and 1 dou t believe within a dozqn miles of here." ' r "I think 7'Ai. had better not, PiiiHip The Woods 16wc that way are thick and taugled, and da nger might be near when you little thought."- I hope she has nojf broken Q.utj but it she has you had bet-ter- let your father huti.t.her up in the morning, 'ou know, he said you must keep close to? (he cabin to- lay" j" ; Pfiififp didjnUt entreat further, fo he knew that hi mother would not give;l her consent so he turned away and 1 j' 1 1 M . . ', . ;- j . ' . j went- whistljrva:' dovn toward the past ure, a id. standing; in' the doorway, his mother watihLd him fake down iho bars and then j run 'across the, pasture toward. a!; tittle grove ontrees wnicn iiuq ueea un to alfoj d a Jratetul shelter for their cow during the dt'days of summer. Here was a depp hollow, into wnich he disip peared, aqd as he did not immediately em rge into view on the, opposite sid:,' she concluded that be had.seen th j cow in the ravine j further aown aud so ha 1 )ne in that direction. .1 1 ; At this rndmant ome article of food ihe was. cuoUng lor supper de;i;anded her attentjohj, uau r ;:nrcr;in'th r n'rsho 'tL'TriCmcd";i'; iilim'iiie .firoilXhis detained her jbnt a few moments, when she again went to the door,! aud bending her gzy toward the i pastiiro, li-stened Intently, for tie sound of Puiilip's voices calling out tbiihe; cow '''!-' ! A'A vm.so silent about the place that she could hear the tiny ripples of the lake iipor the shore and the chirping of the crickets ia the , grass, close b', of her son's voice reached but uo und her e ir. The pasture was small and he had plenty of lime to ;have gone, over'ilt by this time, and she oegau to fear that he had disobeyed her, and gone in search ol the cow, which must have broken from us incloiure., ohe waited ra fe?? moments longer and: then threw- her apron over her bead and get but in! pur suit of him. '3ho had reached a point about hall way between when a wild, JbV Cabin and the bars, piercing shriek in the well r i- v.- kro.w voice "of her 'child fell upon her ears, and which for it moment seemed to turn her blood to ice, her heart to stone,! and to deprive heir -of the power of mo tion. -''' Again ittwaa rpo ated, and this timed the words came dU: ictly upon her ear. "Mother! bother! the Indians hive got me 1 i . ;i ' . ; i . l .... i ; ,ana tnen mere wa-j ine same brrathless. silence aa A.! before." Lf-i ' ' - '.V heaven, spare - my ' 'Oh! Father in child from ' the heathen foes," . burst from the pale lips of the mother, as she strove to rouse herself from, the great fear that oppressed her heart, and tq burst the bonds which had deprived her of motion. . - ' ,1 U . : By a violent effort she was .successlu and took a ! few eteps'foward in the diretciion whence the sound had cpma. i ' 'What ean my feeble ban l-tdo to save r- bad -I - w can I tltrive to wrest him lrom the ter- rible . savnget- Oh ' llubin, liuben, that you were here to' save cur Phillip I For a moment only did she give way to dbpair, and theu a lool ,' determina tion took ite place, and turning she ran swiftly to the cabin, never piusing as the. faint cry ol Phillip', apparently at. a .greatej distance than when he had calU ed before, broke nj.oa her ear.'' . For a, moment she 'disappeared within. i.u, sL .m.j apsiingjy. How .uJ u,?1!C!BWg,u .Irom ,ine caoiu Jo3t, lowing to tho 'rocky nature 0 she' bjjrtf, her hr;wd'i rite inr '.hcrMlfc' : -. , w ; ' ,',:', - V 4 hanaPjiwhile about her waist was his belt . -. I. 1 to whih his hunting knife was attach ed, as well as powJei-'iorn and bullot pjuch. ' ; '- . . L?ajrin'g the door standing wide open, she set but at the utniost speed in the direction of the spot .where she had last seen her child. ' 1 ' ' . The bars of. the pasture were down as she had seen him leave them, and pas, ing, through she soon gained th a -pot where he had disappeared into the hol low.' A quiekgl inee up'and down re vealed uothiu', nor did a sound break the. siTebco sava the' warbling of a robin on a bti-sh close besid-3 her. AitKng into the hojllow. she! beheld near its. upper extremit-, by tpe fence that here crossed it, t hair 'Cow, and parsing "rar:dlyj a'onq in that direction she trnced'in thej moi-f earch the footprints, of lx.r child, and about half jvny up, cvo-e t y m c'tlnip uf huohes sh beheld the impr 1. ts ol n.f;c c isin , and at dnce reiiizd that Phi. lip's captor had here been concealed wid had utjexpecte jly -prang out upon h.nj. A trait which tha savages hid taken no -.-it . i " . pains to conceal, was easily tracea in the moist earth, and the mother, jalmosf frenzied by the 1 jss of h3r child hurried along thc hollow urt(ti oa by the1 Lope of coming up with them, and ia some ?ay by h 'r unaidod a-m, secaring Biy irom ui- capiors ' , " Jt ,- .r Potn the impression made in the muddy'eatth she ju Iged that the savages were three-in number, and, after going on a few rods she' could see ho signs o her child's fojtsteps. She came to the conclusion that they had f.borne him away ib their arms, he not being able to keep up to the paci they desired. Thi-i " Onelusion urged her on t greater ex 'ertion; and. she followed with all the speed she coull command, determined U save her c aid or scare) his fate. In a lew moments the .extremity of lit' was reached, or rather that por hollow tion of'it which wa inclosed in the pas ture, illlere by tho feno? tjb cotv .1-.lecdHi'g;-quieir ,i.od ih': aiiim'ii -iaib-J.d her head. and seeing Ifer uiisties at once ''''!: I . : . I started off for the cabin, wliile Mrs.' Grey continued in the opposite direction, ''Philip, Philip." How often was that '' ! . ' " name on ihe tongue of the mother, as she hurried on, and now she longed to .-hout 'aloud h;s nanie. but fcho prudent. .. . i'i i .- i . . . " . . ly desisted, tearing to -give ; warning to th 2 savages that they were pursued. ' The sua went steadily down, and a last it was hidden beneath the treetops, and the gloom of night began to creep into thei forest. Night was fast coming, and in the da knee how could she follow the trail, which even now cost her many precibus moments, as she paused in un certain" y at a point" whire it was ren. dered obscuie by the rocky nature of the ground ; but much to :ber satisfaction, the trail turned abruptly toward the lake, and as the fore3i grew -thinner more liigut nom :ne rosy 1 1 . 1 west was thrown on the. scene, and the trai! was again plainly discernible, on the llake was a narrow Oa the fihori - beach of white ?and, 'and upon this the trail 9truck; and so plain "were. thej footstep? that there was no difficulty in follow ng even after the light 'had diei' out of the west With her husband's rifle firmly clutched, he hurried on, seeing nothing before i '- ' ' ' or around h?r save the tiaii, and think- in of nothing save her child. j The moments lengthened, into hoiif s, and at last midnight caice. The moon ' ' 1 - 0 . . -."' ... . ' had risen and the; trail upon the sitii was as easily followed asio broad day. light, and still she toiled on, unmindful of fatigue or the dangers of her situation, but the way which had been so easy waa now about to change. A huge cliff thrust itself fir out into the lake, and the sandy beach led no farther in this di rection. At tbe fOjaot fqe clifibhe paused for a monunt ana men toegan Hie tweary aicent of tbcihili whence th rock thrust . -'V; '.'!. I ' f itself out. It wa of considerable higbt, ! , '' i:- I ' i iBd several Hi ne.s she was oblisred to I .t . . . f : rost ihrouh''beer exbattstion, bnt at last sic ?roo! upon the sutirriiitand gazed d)ffn the steep declivity before her. j.' A ttiick forest covered th hill, reach i n g .down th th e ;; w -i e r 9 edge, for the ssrivly beach did uot ex'.end in this diw ruction tejond the. cliff. ' The trail she 1 V "t ? ... . , gazing suddea about;h?r in the darkness, she y beheld a glimmering light amid the tree? far below. A hopfe that she I ,was close, to her suimng thri:I ofi cliild, ih?pire"d ; her, and she cuu iously began the descent.-. Full ten, minutes had el ipsed before she reaehed the loot : of; the hill, and lound herself-lbut a short distance lrom the camp SrCjj .which no w shone' through the trees in a' manner that showed it was being, augmented by ihe keeping of a quantity of dry fuel upon it. The red iiam ;a shot upward, throwiug out a red gjow into the lorest, and from the spot where she stood she could see the dark; lorms of the savages as they flitted about; the fire prepiriog No:ne food before they continued onf theilr course ! ft t th -y w oiitd not remain &o near , h ' H-rttiemr-nt. through th night, aftei !-. - H - ''''' ! : ' :h.'-ou'rage th e v had . coiimitted. sh: .va we'll c .hi'!nced, and it she would K'-.eu-:' her chJ it must be done at once;! or iiij 1, ast b'l;pic they vvere prepared to re ulna their Avay, so with the' emtion which woul i not have disgraced a scou long used to such warhre,'she approach, ed the camped was soon so close upon them-that ste colld behold all that, transpired, while she was shielded from. "sight by the darkness an 1 the trunk o' JjfysJ.raeViHyaiQ wlijeli shhad iaksn iLlUe.. ;:) ,,';: . Oae ot the fiavagfl-i was seated upon tha ground a little apart from tha fire, and cioso beside biru was Philip, placed i 1 ia such a pqdtion that his slightest movement co jld not escape trfe eyes of hU captor, antl the mother's heart sunk w:i'.hin her as she saw his- danger, froml which there was but her feeble arm to rescue hiria-. The bullet slumbering in th i bairel bf br husband's rifle would do for one ol , tr-e savages, but would not the other twjllbe upon ,jher jbeforei the could reload! fit1 he one guarding her boy o'L'ould have tbitballet, for if one' of the r;i!rs'fel), he laight at onco avenge bi ural by ; thaf of , Philip's otbiog H oaid be gainei by wailing ; and with V -Xi 'V- I i p.ayer upon ; her lips for 1 success and strength in ihii her great hour of trial, iok brpaght t-hi rifle to her shoulder, and taking deliberate aim, fired, V Wudly the report rang through the forest, and the?; savage,; springing from thd ground, stood erect upon hia feet, and tbe next nment fell headlong upon bis face a corpse, while Philip with a hill frightened cry 'sprang to his fee, and looked eagerly about, as if debating in his mind in "whieti " direction' the shot h-.l come, and bither to flee for safety t : ; For a , moment the two surviving savages seemed stricken with artoaish- -uj. cf at thij unlookedtibr assault and ctciith of theit companion; and thee one of them sprang'toward Philip with ; op. lilted to nahawk, while the other turned toward the pbiat whence the report of the rifle "had come, Not a movement ol the. savages had escaped the attention of Mrs. Gray , though she was striving with all th haste possible to reload Ihe jifie. A handful of powder had teen poured iuio ;he barrtlj aad b was-driving down th9 wadding upon - it; when ;she saw the savige apriogiog toward Philip, ii ith i ery she bounded forward, miss ing the tomahawk sent at he head b$ tHtf. savage be Arest her.- and the' next moment stood revealed, ia the firelight tie gazj of both VaaMgtiaJV jTbe : one jbite, to her and Puiiip taddeniy faced I her with his tomuhawfc,; circling -above lalal rhrow '..j Jj "r -- ' With a sudden thought, which to her seemed lke inspiration, ane presented the r.fle, with the ramrod still - remain ing in the barrcfh and pcUid tha trigger A lloud report followed, nd' the recoil ras o great tha the intreped woman violently backward, while the sivagf?, with a howl of pain, fell 10 the earth with 'the ramrod driven1 com pletely thiotigh. hM body, while'the force of tbe fall impaled him. to the gTound; where he remained howling most hotrib- ' -i v---':--VIP-"'-:' "i Only. orf ajinpment wSsMrGrcv confused by tbe recoil of tbe rifle arl the injury she received ia falling opnng- ing to her leet just as the-other; coming to avenge the fate of his com- panions, sprang toward her with up lilted j comaliawk, ' cdmpletelyj at his ruercy, as she had no weapon ol defense, she expected every moment the latal blow: but before the tomahawk could descend thej; report of rifle rang out -j lud and clear close at- hand,; and the ravage fell to '.the earth with a bullet through his heart, and the next'moment, with a shout ;df triumph, Kuben Grey, followed by the son of the neighbor for whom he . had been at work, emerged from Ihe gloom ol the fores and clasped per in, his arms, which were ojened wi eij that they might include the little figure jot! Philip, who was hang- : i ji - inj,- about! bis mother's neck. Ia a little it.inie Mnt Greyiollihirn of what had occurred. and in return learucd , Tl ' .7 :1 . that her huisbaod had come bom . ! I t . : I i I with the youth .who wa- to help him ' the next day, and finding the. cabin deseitedj had sought the I rail and followed, oil jmit in time to strike tha last blow in the battle which she ihail so valiantly sustained against &uclf fearful od Is. 1 ' - Now Tom, 1 do wonder that you ;cati have the face to' stand up for th it horrid woman as ypu(o', said pretty ttle Mrs. GraingeriWith a -decided bbu ' as bis she handed! tier handome husband second cop of. tea. Mr. (Ii aiu-ger smiled. that U it was possible that she net er said a word r '" against you in k You khohe has ill "Yon take sitaDashfiwayVwbrd for 11, my ur. , auu, upuu uiy , uuuur ) should a greatdeal sbbner'exp6cti Mrs. DashawayJ-- '.'' Oh, of Asonfic and the'poui t-M' ed to a - Tegiilaf frown; ' lust because .u- s.;! -j-; irAli ' : -.a , I. . ..'I wishi sheiwasn f, my dear, and doubt ifjsheis,j' 9aid theillogical Tpm, "But seriously, Polly, what earthly rea son has Mrs! Howland to siandfr and abase yoa T I iri the first place she knows OOthlQg Of JOUO- , yf f;.J vjf; . ,t f "Andjin th6second place, si she Is a horrid? vulgar wo nan' who lire cext door to iae, and caa6ce everything I do and hore evarything 'I bay. A'"wiabi she ould Hear ne now. She is Balle'ilona' , ! , i i t i . I .' I-- ! i I .1 II v - and spiteful n.nd envious as she can' be; 1 ana i know max aoe q&r saia tnut 1 am young. and flighty," and extra vigaot, and oo more fit to be a married woman than if baby.' Theril And won't ask her to rny party Tom, npt if too go uwwu V" JvM aucvs iui a A. UB I LC1U it If lierfhtubana ia bletb start in your! business His wife5 is toe e ught !to be ashamed to ask i!t," h'ere the little bride broke down and ran sobbing oaf of fcbe room I . ; t -5-' J' ' 1-r-J -! ijj -X ' V'l-'l 1 tt: ; -Mr. . yom- lfft atqoc setaf ehed bSaj left whisker with a iaetnl faei-J S ! ; "Now whn would suppose I that the ""! i i -rf - ' , k little blue-eyed !girl who thought just as f thoiiyof through our courtship could develop in fear. And J Tflust make same kind oi excuse to Borland about thu nuisance of patty, Mrs. Dashawav put the whole jthtng into mywfe'aJhead,1 from the 4 Degicnibg!to the 'endVand ir 'Mrs Dashaway waa at the other end of the world likooVo'astDaii wh wouldn't feel com pe' led to wear a weeds dn hia hat Oeigho! Tsapose sappose " must Igive o'utaida' ol in-on'e' has 'rows "enough home, and rranV 'qoKeMIjiPtn$ have ptace f by al) means. -Jr. tr? j , y 8o the , Widegrobznf' went up stairs and made bb excuses jto the Tridefbr venturing to take Mts: flow fan l's part, and then weht to his ofSce. leaviDg !her nemy Iihave on earth: hd ; she shall riot come (tb the cparty Total I she d(ki t iilll leavethc"; house!' Yoo to consult and. plan with Mrs. Dashaway through the long mcrniug for the siin- per and Ihe baII.3At luoci however Mrs' Dashaway looked long and oddly at her friend. : ; ; r ' r "Goodness 1 PoJIyN What can be the matter ' with you ?; ' Your f aco is flushed as rid as fire!' ; ' ; , ' I don't knowj' . said Mjti jGrainger Unguidlyr 'ltI have a terrible headache and my thijoat is very jiofe.; But it wU . go off in time " 1 ' j ' Mrs. Daabawajturned pale beueath her rouge an'4roroin thertablejrii, ' Theretill this moment I bad for gotten a message "for rny" dressmaker! I must run awayiibia iognt,,myfcidear; ifjoU wilT excuse me.jNoTon'tcome ; . to th door- Go and lie down, and narse that hfad and throat. .Vku reyoir ' in y dear. '' . .-'-: ;,;' -i . .. . . ": ;She burricd away without kissing her ! friend, ai usual without even soaking hand?, But Mrs. Grainger -scarcely no- ticed tho orn mission, or the-flighty hnr-'e rj of the elegant widow's jmanner. ffer ' bead aehed till she-could scarcely- see- and a strangf- vague feeling was creep ing overher ioind, andiahejhad to re- call her thoughts forcible from the strangest places and themes. : ' Finally she laid down in her dressing t room? Her husband found her here at seven P. Mv her face scarlet, hei ejea i ;i .j it - t -. ' wuu. anu ner voice noarse ana ireum i - Icjus, as she murmered andTbibbled f to herself about the party, an 1 ner droas T No party or dress had she poor woman- L Bnt the scar'.ot'fevcr instead, which ra. '! ) ged terribly just then, in New York, and : which lei her step3 down to the very t borders of the grave. ' .It was a long and weary time before ' consciousness and convalensecnse corn 'i . together, to the ihyalidi But perfect health and her unsaddeoed heart won . Hie battle at last tend she" mra41frftriH" vt Wfi..iftnii Ji''. .-i;.-'v,rv up in bed one more! propped by Pillows ah hbldlng lief huiband'aTiand in herg1 ; "fe hkdf negtecte'of buessanf every ;i thing else, to watch beside h i darling, A aha Was pale and haggared as a ghost, Bulher loved htm better so It naif iri the f higbt 6f; his niahly beauty ; ajad ne Lad i nevtr been one half bar so' 'mueb: her 1 ewri, as'now that he hadiron nerUack from the'tery a arms of destti. 'tl , ' -rAndIwho -haibe20 my kind nurse, Tom fi' ihe sa'd suddenly"; 'All'thirogh the lever and the pain 1 was conwibus that borne one a woman wa wateh ' ing over me as tenderly as ray own dear l mother could have done Vh was it f 1 Mrs; Vh&jp-; -. . i .. :' t . v "Mrs, Dashaway scuttled a Way from' you in a panics the; roomeiit 'ilief uill what aild yoa, and has never been near -;r the hbusoor sent tosViorybiJ.ince I" J was the iadignant ieply Here byoqr faitlifttl niirie'f'a;'' JSH'di Ajjd gbinp-.i&'f tha next roninMr (raingec Jed k fair,: pbrtlyaniiiing lady I oi fife and forty I t-V to the bedside, H LMrSfc Graioger uaredl wilily.It W4y j ' her,? worat lenemi'Mrbo ht6o$ 4hrei ypu .allluiiiS -ihe gaiped jour, twtwkaobWfiatif C 3(arfJed..xo'ti!l 2nytkiatiift';ftip1i ! trtathi ? trJfi..; fcK:!-'"; I , ,P1A yeudeaJr J never said nothing ! more than tbafaal was as fit io fbef married as jotsaidMriiHowland i JOttl'f nj( tjyM.aaUwaf .fl)ad' : ' jour ear- fall of sach vtones f or jber o wor ; you as weir sa l and rny old man do yoa won't have mnch ironble iri this T thtnlf, for want of friead ifo ! eafthiajelfxnpnd I-wilfiithe obeyeaVuandbmelrel : gwctiiJi ' month after, and the enad rWtv m through h er abseooe T and Pollj didn't t at ine wpper and the ball. EMccurLaaraoTd-rrirrr- Oilv-C Naomi, tbi daaghter Of JZhochywti fivt hundred and eighty years old when ahn 1 was married. Courage Ladies I ' A t I, v : i. L .;i .1 :i-' 1 , ;.- ;!';' x" ' ' ! '" J'" . . ".,H ""' ) i . "- " .' - i:!-; '-.:'' ' '-: ' i i J.

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