isr.: c, wj3rspAY, October is, isra Vol.' V. .1 :SToi 87. ti lt DURHAM, TOBACCO PLANT., DEMOCRATIC ALWAYS , -4 i (1 Under all Circumstances t ublished every Wednesday at the low ! l ice of J-ll.50 a year, T5 CS. for six ; Semi I r spcimen copies V pOFESStONAL CARDS. ' - : j , 1 1 - J -,- , , i ' 2. II. WE 13 B, ; .... V - I '' ATTORNEY AT LAW, v ." DURHAM, N. C. ; . ; , .' ' .1 ' ',.; "Will practice in the Superior Courts of .Alamance, Orange, and Person. All . business promptly attended to. , No. 11 ; .. SELECT&D STORY. JOU Cri$'fc II OX EST Y. ! John Cady was sixteen years old, tal for his age, very thin, with red hair ana paH blue eyes, aad altogether had a : weak and sickly appearance. From the. time he could remember, he had lived with his uncle, who was n druggist Left an orphan at a very early period in life, fits kiLf hearted relative had taken him to raise, and when he was old enough he was set to sweeping the shop and running errands He increased it; altitude so fast that hit uncle, who was to feel iii the proximity ,jf a person whd could sport with thousands in sucl'l manner. ; r: j . i- " Apart from the sense he had of the utter incongruity between a man with a pocket full of bank notes, aad another with only seventy-five cents, he f:nt there was a practical danger j in sitting so close to1 exposed wealth. The' pocket book by mistake might, get into his pocket, a note might get entangled, in one of the buttons of his coat, the old gentleman might conceive he had been robbed, and John might! find himself j suspected and accused. A shiver pas sed over him as he thought of these ful.of notes by way of reward? He was going, tordo better, no doubt. He had given him his card and invited tin? to his house "Come and see me to-morrow : these words rang in Joan's"' ears, and he could thing of nothing else. He didn't go and see.Iiia aunt- that day ; he j couldn't. His heart was too full of un utterable jojjfora common place visit to a relative. He turned back to the city, autl went to a cheap restaurant to -get his dinner.4 He hadn't inuch appetite. however,! and he soojst .was at fcic castle building! again No, it wasn't castle building this time, it was ; soniethmg.taii gible. The cardohineas tenance. .-. By degrees the'.iudthat,io-jof j H. W. WAUAB. John Cady became appeased : and when he heard a light footfall on the stair pnd the rustle of silk, he was sure that 5ay was coming to take him up to her.fatjer. J jGliding info' the loom came a yoiinjr woman with hair as red as his owiji Her face , was thin and pinched, andihe had evidently had the erysipelas lumber nose. -Her voij'e war sharp and . wa and she was! -cross-eyed even if sheMvas robed in silk. f r U. M. WAHAB. rson JNO 6. WIERSONLK 5 JON E 3 W AT S ON ATTORNEY AT V5 :-. LAW WilL attend Durham every: Wednesday and fz hie Biicnat his office i Cliape! llil very other day. . '""'"' ; . j '. :-t : : ..;r - tr. . ; .1 . : - ' A. W. G 11 A II AM, -A T T 0 JI N E Y A T L AW, IIILLSBORO, N C. .Wili he? at Durham every .Wednesday 'w here he can be seen atj his "oiliee over btyrons tore. Oflice also in llillsboro Claim' collected in all parts kof Ue Siirte H L' BUM PASS. ' N. LUNSFORD. B1IMPAS3. Sc LUNSFORD; LA W roxbcJro, nv c. , . - ; ATT O 3 'X EYS a 1 a snort man, was a good deal bothered iujj aud blHtUy ci;iged hii .eat ! told him! itr " ' mkJ faaking hia wArri-oat paataloous Ct tha j rung legs of the growing youth, but he had an ingenious housekeeper; who disH covered the art of making a passalnej pir of i pants out ot two old ones. Tdj be "sure, the kgs dil uot always harmon iz3 in olor, but the difference was so! trifling that it was expected Johu Cady wuif.d uevsr be the wiser of it. John) at the age of sixteen, slept in the chop; rerhaps that was the rwson the poet bw'&eveballd were vellowish instead. fel of bu to; tbe opposite side of the car and hungry looking woman, sitting on the other side or the oldfgen.J tleuiau, and had been eagerly watshing him count his wealth, immediately fol lowed Johu Cady, j When the .old gentleman finished counting his notes, he too a small mem orandum book from his p. ckot and made ably the sum note of sometliiog, prob A poor who was :jn iy. .1 P. M BRIGGB AT TO 11 NET AT . L AV, .1 AND . REAL. ESTATE ! AOEHF, Special attention iven to the collec oiicf claims. j . ; 1 Ojjtreiii 31:'i"ir's office. , 0-tf. . N T I S T R ! Snreicahr Mscliaiiicai 1 otv.ri- it: .vr i- :tiwT'ruti. isi cr iMiilding; Over.. C. .fii vaiTiiated toglve 1)'?. A . F. MALIiKTT. ; r PU YS1C1AX & SURGEON, ' "-: T.nto of Memphis Tcnn. . ; HAS '-"LOCATED AT DURHAM. . Culls loft at Lyon & Can's Drug tore, -.vill reciive attention promptly. -; r, " 'I'lIOTOGliAI'IIIC ; : A P. T I S T . . FAfETTEVlLLE STREET. - i iA.Tii:ro ra:, sr. c: Tersons deyirin pictures -will f.nd it tp ti.oir'intOTPKt tn cull on the above yrbere li-'r- .... . - , i.lio TTr"? Vt U!itlt:lPT10ll 1" C1VSU UI """n. White, and his complexion anything! that of health. , i Every Thursday afternoon his uncle" permitted him to have a holiday ; the: rest of the week he was expected to work' witiithe patience and regularity of. a mule in'a treadmill, and never complain,; evoii if ilie went to. bed hungry. His unfile' managed' bis lionise upon a plan so. frugal that nothings was wasted that could positively, be eatan and digested by than or beast. Poor John Cady bad mtriy heartaches llejused to watch the boys play, but never fcun 1 tims to join in theip spot tt. mouth ; TGraklually he became a 4qniet, malan-i I eh )lly youth, and grew up with little- idea5' of how he V7as to' make his mark in the jworld. Iu 'he' wiuier months his uncle sent him to night school ,- and by this! meajis he acquired all ;th elupatiAi lie ever posaessed. But he wasihonest, strictly so, aud mo twit list n J iiiir;the ro'iirn lessons he .vai taght in lifej he ever was conscientious in .all he did! , . Like'all -joyp, he had his dreams. His' unchi could not deprive him the pledsiii ej of btiild'm.air castle?, and many, s'ic'i -structures John reared whfle "h -,.r-rfirtd tin driid',erv- of the hon..' In j..p, . a" J-.. ' . various ways,, ie nnu eamtv i litije nv ney, whicli he had hoarded up, until the. sum amounted to ab mt iifteeu do'liars::1 This' wealth lie had- acquired j in his afternoon bolides, assisting a i Ml l. i:.,l Ur l .1m? .i,llll aim nHliinail IIU IIVCU nam. , hai taken pity upot the unfortunate y,,uiti). By his advice . John Cady Jiatd deqianded a salary from his uncle, who ha4 promised to give him two dollars a week and his board when he shouU bo aevienteen years olJ. ; John never forgot his! friend the milkman for putting him on 1 the road to fortune ; and as , it waited eight months of the time when he should receive pay for his services, he looked forward5 with the eagerness of a child to the coming of the happy' day. - It was a clear, cold afternoon in Sep tember that John Cady stood at the cor ned of the screet "waiting for the cars, to total. Then he put the book back in its place, and a few minute later he cram med the poeketbook iu his pocket "and cailed iaJiaitc for the car to stop, as he i had passed his street He left the car followed-by the hungry looking woman, and John Cady wa.s the bnly passajurer le t. lie watched the eld mau across the street until he was lost to view, amid the crowded pavement, and then settled himself for another effort at cas- tie -building, when his eies fei'G attrac ted by .something lying in the straw, beneath where the old jrcutleman S had been' sitting. 'lie means io uiftk'e a friend of me," murmured 'John. "He'll introduce me to.his family to his daughter-ah ! that's it: I'in sure that's what he meant. He wishes me for a son-in-law. Ilis daugh-: ter must be beautiful and-her name her name is May. I ifc1 no doubt of it. I always loved the name of May. May liaisons ! What a charming name. The old gentleman will join our hands together and say: "Take her, oh, no ble youth ! She is thine !'' L j John Cady went straight to his home, and took; twelve dollars from the spot where he' had hiddeu it. He then went to a clothing store purchased him self a new coat and vest. All he even ing he paraded before his little cracked, looking glffssj and wondered how May Parsons vvould like his appearance. He slept-poorly that night, and j awoke , at least a dozen times and wodlered if it w;is morning. .He dreamed that he owned a large manufactory-; had hundreds of bands in' John's heart almost leaped into his j his employ ; that he lived a splendid. he trembled frlm head to! foot with agitation, and he feat a : momenta- . ' i . - - I ry fa'utuess. It was the did gentleman's pocketbook. John Cady gave a quick look at the conductor, iltv; was gazing in another -direction, an-i, with a rapid snatch the1 precious wallet was in John's possession, a nuiurea cnougiiw ptsseu suceesiiun. r Should he Should he id t? jr .', throuuh Lis uund in ra AVhat thculd he do wit!, give. if up to the conduct c i!l a rioJicenian ; bhould he keep it and advertise if. or wai until it was ad- ... i vertised, and then obtain the reward! While these -thoughts Jpassed through his mind :a sudden impulse seized hitn to 'et out, aud he sprui:ir from the car. "Perhaps L can and the old uentie man," he thought, and he forthwith dash ed along the street. Penlestrians looked at him as he flew on Ink way, tutk no doubt t'.icught he was crazy or iu a hur ry. Far and wide his eyes wandered to discover the owner of the pocketbook, but the old man was no where in sight. After a half hour's fruitless search he happened to cast Lis eyes across j the stivet, aud peicerved the old gentleman standing on the pavement examining Lis pockety vf ile his -face exhibited much dismay. He had; discovered; his loss. I - ' :" i,Va bi n nut fco (r tjwn. lie ha Uam-mt to make the best; pictures m Ufcw , . , . ' anion raaiu tuut wuo uvcu iu., he occasionally made her a vinit. When the ear came along, JohjLenscinced him- 9 1 0,nr : I : 1 I5iivc just received .a U'Vf e an I Well Rblee tetl stock of Tare Drus, Me Ucine, Cheipi- cals, ra'-Pts, OiN, Varnish, &c. ' SODA, , ; ; t JHELM- TAKTATi ! '' f : ' BAKING POWDERS, . ( ; .. . . ' AX D RP1CFA. Ccl'iuloid Trusses, Supporters, Nursing Bottles, Nil pla hi elds, and ponges. ; VAXCV ARTICLE. : . - V L rEUFUMERYHAUt OIL SOArS TOIL ET TOWDER, FLAVORING. EXTRACT; TOOTH BRUSHES, HAIR BRUSHES DRESSING COMBS,' &c. . v . segArs, TOBACCO AND. NUFF. GARPEN, ; - ' ': f ' -,";-'" "' 'GE AS?,' '!-'.-'' v - AND FLCWEIt , ; " ; , . ' j ' SEEDS, j rhysitiatis' rer6Criptio'fi aictarately coin pounded at all bourse Orders aHemJed with r.tathtess ahd dispatch. r self in a corner ssat, and gave himself up to castle: building. Pretty soon the calf stopped to admit au old gentleman, wlio took a -ssct directly alongside our hefoV He was a niiu of toine sixty years, dossed in dark brown clothes, the- puttsrn of which went out of fashion about tbe time John Cady was. ushered inio life. A heavy gold chain, with an immense cornelian seal, -hung on 'his watch foe. and a white fur hat sur- i mounted his white hairs. No sot ner ih Ua aVn bis seat than he took 1.1 Ki. out a well stuffed pocketbook, and began c.-.unting the notes it contained. Just at this moment John Cady rais- ed" his eyes, and coming back 'c the .realu.s of the world, gazed , the old min with -undisguised astonishment. The pocket-book was crammed full, and .the notes were hundreds, five hundreds and "even , thousands. " Certainly; there must have been $20,000 in t'at -wallet, ancl the old gentleman thumbed them over so carelessly that John Cady was sure that he had thousands more at the I back OJ them. He apparently made no more account of his- wealth than John did the seventy-five cents stowed away in the corner of his vest pocket. The longer our hero gazed upon the old gen tleman, the more nnomfortable he began 'I. found it T found it I" cried John, as he dashed up to the old man and! ex tended his treasure. - j For u moment neither spoke. It was a strange picture, the old man holding ihis recovered pocketbook, and John Cu- dy, all eagerness and out of breath, from . the haste' in which he had been runnicg. The o'd fellow, at length open ed his arms, and John fell plump into them. T,he embrace was short, howev er, fr the old gentleman immediately !!t;i ii to count It is notes. When he had satisfied himself they were'VH cor rect, he spoke : j "W'orthy young man?'' he exclaimed. f'Honest youth permit me"v-and he grasred a handful of notes. Then he .jaused, as if a new idea had struck lam. 'No,'' he ejaculated, ''honesty like this can never be rewarded by a few dollars. can never repay you. Such conduct rts yours is not to bi measured by inon- iy. ' I t-hall never forget ; you. Here," !ind he preaentqd hia card, "come and see me tii-morrow at three o'clock. Sharp mansion surrounded by every, j luxury ; that 1 ay always stoqd in thej magnifi-. cent saloon to we'.c.upo him oiil . his re turn from his business. He dreamed that he bad been elected -to. Congress ; . that they j wanted to make him a candi date for the Presidoiip.y.j He dreamed that be owned a whjle railroad and a half dozen of the goldmines iu Califor nia; . that ho buift grand ohurchs all over the land and fed the poor by thou- sand-i! He awakened with a shiver, f u- the window was open ana it was gwe- ti:iiT light. It was too soon for the shop io uppn, but, he hurried mi his .clotbes anI rim cjver to his friend, the milkman, and imparled his gojd news.-Y llis friend sho'tk hi u!i by the hand warmly ond ccn-gn-.tuhited him oh his good luck. "I hope uncle 'will g:ve ;e this day off," sighed Jolir), "for 1 mut. go and see niy benofacter.'' ' "Pit attend to that," replied the milkman. j I'll see your unci.; for you and explain matters. Jieave it all to me.', "How.ood you are," answered John. "We'll 'take nil k from : yd -that is when I marry Mr. . Parsons' daughter May. Ob ! we'll be good customers in deed we will." I , . The milkman saw Joha Cady's uncle and mad''! matters so easy that when he asked for leave it was granted at once, and a half dollar was also placed in the palm of his hand, with injunctions not to - : - , - - spend too much money. ' O'.i ! "how wildly John' Cady's heart throbbed as he got into the ! street car and begun his journey to 0- town. : 'Heavens and earth F' thought oo John; "can (his be May. Parsons?" i j As soon as sne eyed John comfortfbjy seated on the pofa, her nose became nforft inflamed, nnd eetnefhing like a i'rownsajt upon her brow. 1 j i "Oh ! you are the poor young pi"!;' who found papa's pocketbook. 11$ is , Uo much obliged to you, and he deros me to give1 you'this" 1 ;! John, who! had risen to . his feet, me chanically hpld out bis band; astonjisij iiient depnfed him cf the ppwei- df speech1. The young laJy deposited something in his baud and precipitately left the room. j 1 1 He put his hand to to, his fo rehjead like one awakened from a strange dref'u. lie never knew how he found binfself out of doorsj but when lie got on fthje pavement he examined the. reward gfyeli him by Mr. Parson's daughter. It Iwas; fifty cents in fractional currency. Alasj! alas ! for the ! vUiuns of youth ;; alas I for castles built in air ; alas J fcr the twelve dollars spent; in new clothes. j ! John Cady was but human. , Hujhiil iation and ahger took. possession 'ofiiinf and bis face became as ted a5 hi fair. He gazed upoh' the earth and fould a hiall stone, j Around this -he Jwraped the fifty cent note, and tied it wsth a piece of string which be happet.-ll to have in his pocket, 'i hen he took ojjd iaim at the upper windows, and the iiext inoment there'rcame a gotlnd of craslaitig glass, as John Cady bounded away ivith the speed of a deer. ! V The poor fellow went back tol Ijis drudgery in the shop, and vowed It Ijat if he ever- found thousands of d; Hits again he would try and be more ra idn al in his c.ipectations ; and should tllat money, belong to Phinea3 Pariolis, well he wouldn't say what ho v do but surely he would have his revet) TIT HI lanters waipuse. 3URHAM KG.. For Tke-.B, e of iea Tobacco The iluinie;fcT SatsJ Our mnrket, the largest niiinufacturinix market in the State, will need for the next year TEN MILLIONS i pounds of Smokers, besides large quantities of wk ap pi: us and Fillers. So dont be afraid of glutting the Durham market: " Bring us your Tobacco to OUR WABEHOUSE . Largest, -and best lights m the fstr.te, and we know you will reilizj the be3t prices at our lib a o. The management of the : Warehouse' will ivnh the control of . -1 ;. -l " '- "'.'-' : ' ' i - " ' ' ' who has had. many years experienca in managing Warehouses' and also in rais ing and Manufacturinii Tobacco. We are spt to forget the Folemnf fes sons of . the past. As time passes away and we get futlir and " futher f'onj . a given transaction the imprest-ion beclimes dim, and thi recollection after wliile tades Completely a r a . Arr-rr-..i. cvents We are liable 'io con.sider those things that immediately, concern upland to bo indifferent to those '.ihiiigsf.that are remote 'or t-'i:: i:cern others . i e are possible ha oh to for:e Ittie vast plundering of the robbers whosiive three o'c'ock. Sharp, three,; remember 4-Pm precise. Adieu, noble youth, adieu ;" and'the old fellow turned away ijo bide the emotion which was choking his utterance.. j John Cady gaied at tbe card. It was inscribed Phiueas Parsons, N -street, G town It was quite clear to John Cady t is fortune was Trade. Here was au ibid gentleman evidently of great wealth Io whom he has restored a, large amount of. money. Tha old man was grateful, there was no mistaks about that, for was ie not on the point' of gjviffg hlm a hand- Three o'clock found him standing on Phineas Parsons' doorstep. . Was May expecting him? A servant opened the; door; John entered. The odor ot aline. dinner pervaded the house. Ir. Parsons was waiting dinner f or; him. j W hat an excellent man ! Walking into the parlor, which was, beautifully furnished, John carelessly. threw himsel: on a cherry colored bro catel sofa, and beun to build castles.; Presently lhe servant returned "Are you the boy from Last's, the boo! maker r she asked. M John wanted to brain her on tbe spot; but he didu't dare do it. ; "The what?" ' John cried. The blood tew" to his'faee he was getting angry. He who had fouad a fortuue and return ed it to the owner, been invited to his house evidently to dine, and' ultimately to receive his daughter in marriage, was FOR- THE BIGGEST .PRICES BE SURE you go xo J?LVISTEaS "WAREHOUSE- We shall keep constantly' on hand a,, large s:ipply of the different, and best . : j- ' " ' r - bacco Fertilizers and Peruvian Guanoi, at cost, low freights added, having nade" arrangements , to get it from first hand GOOD ACCOiMODTION S fox both man and beast ' , ; ' M. W. WAiL&B MCO. : 712 . . irro 'rietops pireyed upon the Southern people fi'nee the close of the war. The figures ap pear so enormous tlioy actually stlgjger one's credulity. We are' unwilling'; to believe in the depravity of mej or t think that it is possible for .the Si:. ers of any party to have t-o waste stolen the earnings of a poor and ing peojue. But we will give Ui ures, taking the States alphabet We iiive the debt of the Southern States iu l8o.) and .in lS71-"72i. ; Aliihama Daht.ii -....$. 5,fl BOARDING AND ' Maix St. pcRiiM, X. C. AT H 3. A R NA UD I? 11 ED 1 ; will open lier school forirls, at lit-r rosi--dcuee, on tho iirbt iu bfpteniber. hfhe will hc- asiitcd hy ' CHeap Iliiiiiiber, I have Siiw-nM live ruiles south of Durham, near the farm of ( M. Ill-.UNDONT Jr, , and am prep.ireil to furuiiih I.UMliHIt' delivered iu "Durham' mi short notice. ie deliver Lumber for ! Orders left at 0. "' :'.:)) pej hundred f?ct. KTOR10 will receive proinjt attention, (liva ' ' ' ' i me a call. ' j'ol IN SCOTT. 138 Total debt, in 1872. -. . . .'52,9i6 Ihcreass under carpet bag ride. 2ii.7i"j731 A rknnsas--Det in SCo . . . Total debt in 1371 Ihcrc.iSe under ear pef-bag rujje.. 15,4,3..3sf Florida Debt in 1805 ....... 1. -3 1 , . 1 0,6! 7 i Total debt in -73 ,....;. 1 G,5(l,072 Increase under carpet-btjjufe. lo,ii,-15") Oeowia Debti in '65... . . . . . . 711,500 Total debt in72.; Increase under carpet-bag rule. Louisiana Debt in 't.o Total debt in '72 : . : .'. Incrcase"iridei carpet-bag rvle. Mi sissippw Debt in '65 , fiebt in '71...'i increase undeRjCurpet.bag rul. N- Carolica Debt in .'. . Debt in '72 ... ............. . Incrciwe under icarpet-bag rule . j It will be remembered $hat ifjtl fot-baggersnsi their allies in the islaturd of 18C8-60 had not been titvart MILS. LAN DON LYON. Thorough instruction-, in Enl ih, Math ;ni:itics, Latin, I'rvuch Music. - i'ov cireifsir containing lull particulars $ 4 twit 870 ; b lerms sc. , apply at Drii; Stcuvs or to i ' .i:',S. A. 1'liLO 1 , 21 tf. .... Mr.tu DiniiAV., N. C. ' ' . Sfev STEAMMXES.STEAM BOILERS. , rW iw3 - 7.1 TVa Ma 19,t i!.2 or f- 38.(,7o-l 32, 2,25a ?13,3! it'GOO 41, sj ii73 28,5(j.47d $ i)9,2G7 1.317.449 ei5i7f?,94.1 34,4t,t67 10,lit,522 isic'ar f -Ig- i WiiiTELAW i CB0WDR, Corner of i$i.uut & lorau Streets j Xt TJEZG-tt, 1ST. C. - are prepared to furnish MARBLE 1 052 B STONES OF. ALL KINDS, Neatly Carved aud F.i;gravcd. ALSO, ALL KiriDS OF IWILL GEARINQ MADE sSjit if fid wm-i a 'it 1 Ihafting.puiieys and kangef I The UNEQUALLED JAS. LEFFEL DOUBLE mnosit ed ia their purposes atid pltn3. 'fjd i tjheir wild-cat legiftUtion had bce car ried into effect, the State debt on Janu ary 1, 1871, would have been $43jOOO, 000. The courts interferred, anS' t)ie State was saved some $lO,000,0p, by declaring appropriations to this aii ount illegal and void. The Governor h clar ed in 18 1 tliat it was neces-vw-y t repu- of the debt. TBe' Ifisla- .1 , . I J v . m;1re.n bv a servant for a slioemauer s ; mww . pa.t apprentice Oh'3' wa too mueh for jture of l858'-6? wasfnttedy fcupt L.i,an. endurance. Oatu-rirlg himself I that. to secure! legislation nipifejlfmust nn to h full height zni extending his f be paid for it.' A'director bi ' lorig " arik 'srm he replied, with wi ther- testiGed before a Cbngrebsicnal cijjnm'it lat ! ing accent : " Wcman, go and tell your tee that 6verturesfor tbe passagl jof ten ing accent: u vmw, j-. ri " i , $ j master that it is the gentlemin wQO, yes j millions cr oonus in aiaoi too ' - SUCH AS . PostB, Step, Sills, Wa'cr-TabIe?, Slrec aud Graveyard Curbstones, &c. All Orders froin'. the Hobntry of Cily Promptly aiifuJf1. 5o. 1 . 3 -12m j ,.',- ' . ' . ;. : 'i ' - National Hotel ' AUGUST DOEPP s. ' Dealer in Pianofortes a 1 Organs; Re speclfullj' announces Hiat he Ca?i furuiiiit the public with K'.l'lVily l33Tit-ClaN.S Pianos aud Orgaiw of standard in; '- . ;'irc; er than any one ele!. Pur li rs i wil therefore fi inl it' to adv.fna.;- to cou hult him,hefore er-idin( to buy. 1 Catalogues iuriiLsbbd on A.pplication Dr. Doepp 1 is nlo ncnt fir tl.o larjrost IMpe Orjr Conpany in' Ani-iici, priccH twenty-five per cent lo-.vtr than Luy other Terms lay.,- DelighlFiiUy riilnaW ncxl to Capital Sqr UALKIGII; N. 0. A. NEW.IIOUE- terday. found bis pockeUbook. Then he threw himself back ' on the cherry colored brocatel' sofa, and gazed after tha reireatin servant with a se--refc but triumphant expression of coun- roaus lead- had been made by the llepublic ers in the Legislature, oh the cad tliat tliey icrre to be qaul tmqer g⁢ cf the amount voted, or one million! dol ars This would hiye given ijbem a nice sliee. Vil. Stnr.- i. TfT. MOST THOROUGH MANNER V ana or tli. mr .vii.,.c:,. i . 1 1 I II 111 I I'ri n r tt An.. " - . 1 r .. " ".v.i.uai.u .uu cirtirfs millfciaction guaranteed. ' A SPECIALITY ; mae or supplying ail Pianos with noT fine Kooms, Well rurnished and ht ) actions. . ; ted tip in best style. Bath-rooms, and j LIBER AL DISCOUNT TO, THE Water-closets on each floor. Billiard Saloon ia Basfniciit., C. S. EROWX,- Frop'r 3 FEFR, Clerk. i Kcvern CIers.v j Applications by mail will receive promp i attention. Address I - I Al'ISLW IIOKPP X .'. " -:i -' i 1 -I

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