1 1 T.- i I h t J, l ri I J 3 .A i .1 r ? t j i ft n i THE TOBACCO PLMTT LOCAL ITEMS. Fair week. !.."'"' I Cold weather. I , if ! "V ance and Victory.' ';. j Our streets were lively Saturday. New goo Is displayed on every side. i The election U only three weeks off. 4' ' 1 Miss . Antiie J ?r sot has rstrrn from Dinmllj. j i. - Sheriff T. II. Hughes called to see us MoadaV; - : -Collins is paiutin g Charlie Hower. ton's residence j There-iwas-ice and a, -heavy, frost Monday- morning. - ! j Do't; fi.il to register if your name is not on the book, i Our Major was out horse-hacV rid ing Monday evening, j , ' t . v Pay up - whtt you owe this office. We are in need of it." . j Gold-teic & Bro'., will open their nev store in a few days. , j ; It is yrir duty to regieter and vote :on tlie-7th. of r'ovenibcr. 1 -7- Mark ham has good cbinfor table rooms over his atore for rent. - "V V ,' 1 '' : '.".! ' -A .little son of TL C. Phipps is tick, tbeuh we li j e not Oafigerous. f If yoa want to know all abiut the CoHteiinul ak Tom Carrington.. , ' It" you want to increase your busi ;ien alvertise it in the Plant. .Foity-fw.i wild g.;fS3 . parsed over last Friday evening going-South. . J -1) in'tftrget Mrs E. -CvMarUinr 5; Co., if you want millinery goods... : Mm. Mitchell, of Granville, is on a vii t to her father, Dr; l. T. fjniiih. "j , ; Supericr Court will convono in llillsr l) ro ou Momlay. the ?Oth of October. ; If you want z gronl stove for a little money Ioi gee's is the jlace to ftiid it. ; The c ni mission era arc opening, the Western extension of. Main street. i Capt E. lTf. Lyii ;ind Mr. . II; ?irnins, cf Winst n:, .'C, are i: ;V.n j Let every' white inun register. All;, the colored iiie i are-.atteudiug.' to thut matter. . . .i . - i T" ir ' l' - ieu wuiw&ui.je t-i-lay for Raleigh.' She, will ;itt33d;th ot.ite lair. ; , A. A. S-jars, Tom Cari into -ian J). V .- 'hi taker- are. hC3J t'Ctil ih'f (h'lit M'.nial. -The (rustee. of the. Presbyterian cVirch, are havins; tlu let around thei .1. : 1 . - r-If you want g''--,, beef .r '".frh ineati oany kiild'g ) tj ltermlju's met ire (Hi Maiii street. : r j If you want, good i n:r, go to L'pi soit'.o'.s mill. I lie makes ''the best; wf have tried recently. I Sain 1 A II. Webb, one of the assis t ui't in irshals fr the State Fair, left fur. lilei"h on -Monday last i -.t Mr. -Brought J'1 is agiin able to con-i tract fof work. We hops he wi.i entire ly recover at an earlyi;day. " ' . . - - - Si Dr. J. D. Davis is comfortably Io fite l in his new quarters over Mark! ham's store on t!e corner. j - -4 Sttenti ;n is diiee ed to an interests inir.coimii-nnivati'Ui fraitV Fiat River on the fourth .page of this issue . - - ii l l Kiitig.d):irV, 0113 cf th? hes'll -vriters in the State," ii on the -editorial stall of the Wilmington Star. .'.'! - i .1 -Terry, our barber has been -nbse'it ear-a'l days; f!e hasj been at. Mobaii vi lie waiting on liuigham's boys: ; We ar-v booking new suhscriberij eve-y . da, and the elit r is happy Money is sar.cc bitpepte will have the'; Plant. -'' ' -' i I ': .V- - - j- Mr A. I). Wilkinson is in atte:i4 danr-e on Poison Superior Court a! 'II xbcro where he represents ' th - J: II. Long 1 ps completed the resit doiice of W. R. Vickers ou Chapel IL1J 'itreetVand it is being painted by Law i . rcuce. A: Johnsoe. . " .' j; -II jw is it that as soon cs some merij re reduced in ppv.'UuVary circumstances! they go over to th-3 Radical' party? It ; looks like they had bejn bought. Mcrg-iu left Saturday. .He expect" to return to Durhiih at no distant day The people will hi duly notified of tin time throrgh the columns of the Pla'nt ' -T-Ceorge Credle left on Monday las : for Tlyde ounty where he will pejid ov2ral weeks. V7e hoi.e he will not'exl tend his &ip. longer tki! aetutily neces- ery- ' ' ' ! : ' -'A 1; Messrs. Levy lire., n3tv advertigoj nient appears iu am thcr cclttinn -Thi 'is the lenling hSuse'i:i Richmond in its line and we ad visa a-careful perusal of the ad If yu want .113 article they aq veftise order it by Expfcfes and rest. a- cureJ it wiH;comc up to repre;er.fat iori. j forgau is withoul doubt oiief the fiaesV artists in the Southern States. During hia recent visit to Durham die took some of thejines pictures we jever saw. rFor 'dress goods go" to Freeland & Co. . ' . .. ' ;' rl For Jtable linen,' towels napkins, linen, cotton and rubber diapering, go to Mohsberg's. . Last Saturday there" was a contin ual rush at MohsbergV This can be easily accounted for. tleveelisKgt)0(s re nin tie a hi v low and .is not afraid to ad vertise and let the people know it. W. 13. Glenn, Democratic elector tor tn tn. msirici, wine .. wuw - . 1 m . I J 1.1. M . -J presides over the Vy mston maicai .neet had a" little" fisticuff iu Winston a few days since iu which Glenn came off vic tor.' - , ? - . Calicoes at' 5 and 9cts. bleeched cotton" at 5cts. at M'ohsbe.'g's For a ood shawl, go to Freeland & Co, Mr. Glegoh 'l en'ny brother c Dr. A . K. Tenny of our town, Ted to th h j eneal altar in Chapel Ilill' T.sJay ',: evening the 17t!i, inst.." Miss MolU WardI" 'e wish the h.:pny couple all iheXliiS known ta wedded life. Go to McbsBerg's and get a pair of S ,00 kid doves for 50et3. and a solen- iali3ic Sale. - A sale, w.is made of the stock of jurngs belongiiig to BUeknall & Dallane- onj Monday, J. II. Day became the purchas er. ' This sale we learu was mde fr the p'bip'ise of effecting a dissolution. The business will .be couduoted at the i same place .but we are not apprised of what will be the stvie of the firm Every one w 10 has besn to Miis berg's stores aokho sledges' that lie hafi tbt best selected stuck.oi goods ever brought to Durham Vllolcsald i:.stiIIis!Jiicnl In addition to the. large and constant-' ly increasing retail trade i f I'reeland & Co ; they are also doing a whole.-ale bus iness. Last week tiny sold a st ick oi g'oeds to a country merchaut, for the iib, and the 'iriet-chant has. betri heard from and he is making g'ed sales! t a i i 1 1 r r?rt i'l. in; t f iir brofit. " Merchants who do jnot go i Xarth will hud it to their advantage to .lXld amnQ i?reeland:& -Cu'a stock and uilrs money by buying of them. Fieebvnu is a J:?e nerchant afid is f ure Ho strike a breeztt if anybody else! does -The sty le, fj;ili!y and pi ic-3 ojf gQ0,h atIohsberg'rf n tM . , ' 1 . h(ii". 1.' r i :.u .t 1...- V.-,M Af d, ! ', . , " I . - I well known warehouse, announces in. an- 1 other column that public sales of . leaf tobacec will be resumed in tliat ,011 Tuesday the 21th of October, 10 use ,1: ur- rish is a thorough business man end as a- warehouseman has no superior! iu or out of the SUte and we predict that he will have a heavy run e? tra'de during the next year. .Don'f. forget that afret Tuesday he will be ready to receive and - 1 sell all the tobaccd you will bringi .... . v , --Mohsberg-sells a black alpa'cca" for 50cts. which has been proven to! be as good as any -7 Oct', black alpaeca brought to Durham. - - , : -Hamburg Edgings from 15oK to S225 per yard at Froeland & Co. --r " I AlffiilioMJ I I : )' ;S;ll! Webb, afttoiney for J. T. Rog ers wishes to iufolrm those indebted to ' - I i J, T.' Roger hj store account, that long er ' indulgence -w'll not be given. All accounts not fettled, it or.ee, will be placed in the hands of an omoer with in- struetion3 to c dlect immediately. Par ties wi.ll gave' cost by. looking aTter these little matters. Fur caps and .fleeced lined niar- T" sai'les for chil-dren's cloaks at Muh- berg'.-. ( 1 et one of Madam Fov's perfect ... r fitting Corsets from Freeland & Clo. TnriicrsAliiinimc. I We are indebted to. tha publisher, James II. Ennid. for a coy of Turner's North Carolina Almanac for 1877, now in it? 46th yeaf. The present, w by farj the most valuable volume ever issued. It is on sale at M. A. Angier's store ic this place. The publisher says : "We liae ad.le'ol iinew feature in the. way of a historic record of the most iu portant events which have trauapired in our state during tue year lyo- G, whicn will be found on' page 3D. - Te also invite attention to a sfate ment, page 37, record of toTrrrs state, page' 38, North .Carolina logy, page 39, and a farmer's ment, pa'ge 43. These additions almanac, we thiik, add to its va feUCcess-Ls a state periodical."' jdepart- 'of the: neero- depart- to the' ue and -Every body buys one of those 7oct. . bed spreads, at Mohsberg's. inLLSKouo. r . (iOTESOR. Diirliam VeIt Iteprescii ted. Lat Thilrsday "was a gala day in Ilills boro,and will long be remembered. by those! who 3 pleasure it'wa to be; in at tendance. A delegation of horseman met G overnor. Vangfe at Caldwell some ten miles distant from Ililjsboro, and escorted him to town . The" Diirham Tilden & Vance Club,' estimated 400 strong, were conveyed from Durhnm to Hillboro on special train through he ,kindness of the ciever Superintendent, J A j Andrews, arriving at the de pot of the latter place about half past 9 o'clofck, where they were met by Go Vane, thc'Saiom band and a delegath Gov. at ion fromi the Hilhbbro Club The Durham Club bore not less than fifty banners and tranlparonces upon which were inscrib ed appropriate mottoes, some of which we give! below, our ppace being too limit- ed tp admit them all. M "'''rtldeu and oujiiitutional liberty 'yance and Victory." "Durham for Vaiice against the world." "so Ikes in our'n." j "Down wiUi Revenue Ike." "Stand by lie nominees.7' ; "Ve vote with qur friends." j "Down with rogues and thieves. We must have reform." j ; ".Where did Ike Youn's get his title of Colonel ? Ans.' Iu the Kirk War." - MWe -pledge North Caroliaa 20;0j0 fr Vance and Ileiorm."' . j ' -'Judiciary exhausted." Settle, 18?0. ''The honest colored '.nan is respected and protected' 1). T. & V. Club. j , ; Joe Lavi.v the..; honest man's candii date." . y.. . '.,.! fiJos-f Shepherd, Dabcock, Ike Young at4 Settle all balong to the fame ring." "(jrant eridorecs Settle. He cndois- ed llahco'iik.-" i I There wera numerous ether devices which we have not space to publish. At 11 o'clock Gbvl Vance led off jri a speech of an h'oilr and a half, dealing death blows to' Radicalism and carrying the crowd with him exceptja few ne- jgroes. He was frequently fitfd loudly 1 j ..).aarliil Ti tlio n 11 il 1 tio tt-irfli i lariT i number ot ladies and they .ere all tor Vance. If the ladies were enfranchised his maj ni'y would in.t fall rhort d 10-.-; 000. When Vane maJe a: goul 'liit-j' the men cheered and theJauies waived!. their handkeVchiefs. Settle followed in a Ypeech of the s.lnie length, j His speeeli ! was all abou.t the, war and Vauce's war j record. He made no voes- in ()ranjr. J Vance rej lie-.J in a speech of half hour's j length and Settle had fifteen minutes Mlf"'. .- , ; :...-.! .7 i-. .-1 '- ' The crowd was large but not so large ... . . p . 0 ;is we expeoieu, iuouku 11 was csinuaitu that there were 4;,00.0 persons on the . t: ground. It was a clonous day for Dem - -ocr&cy arid o&r friends came off jubilant, i i Frceland & Co., is head quarters for dry goods, notions, ready made cloth ing, boots, '-shoe, hats 'and, cap?. Go and examine before buying. For a good over-coat, a fine pair of shoes or boots, go to Mohsberg's. : -Persons desiring to procure con veyances can do so by application to Juo. A. Cox. Carriage and horses with careful driver, cr horses by the day fur nished upon reasonable terms. The cheapest goods in Dm ham is that 85ct. waterproof, and those 75et.' bed spreads at Mohsberg's --Those indebted to Dr. l. Blacknall are earnestly reiuested to come forward at once arid settle their accounts. Fleeced lined merino; and cotton stockings at Mohsberg's Iurliaui Loilge U. I. I A. JI. j 3! KETS The 'second ancV fourth Tuesday night in each month. . Dcruim Eoyal Arch Ciiapteb U. D. i Mkets ' j The first "Wednesav at 2 o'clock,. p. m. and the third Tuesday at night. .' , . 29 12m. " ! ' ' ' TAXNOTIC15. I s:v4.1l atten lns followori t6 receive the State and County Taxes for this Vear, 10 wit; Orange" Factory, : ITmdayj 9th, Oct. Manguui's, : " Hall's Store f: llillsboro . i William Cheek's Cedar Grove Catee' '. White Cross Chapel Hill Patterson's -t Duitam. , Tuesday, 10th, "Wednesday iltb, ' Thurs'dry 2th, " Friday 13th, " Saturday. , lith, Monday 23r 1,. " Tuesday r 21th, Wednesday Z5Ui, " Thursday '''25th, Friday i - 27th, " Times are tight but I hope the Taxpayers will remeniber that this doe not exeuie me. I am compelled to Fettle with the Treasurer on or-before the 1st, of Deceoiber, and I do hope all will attend and pay prompt ly and relieve me of the uuple isant duty of forcirg collections. The Candidati-s will be on hand at the above times and 1 placeri. Thoe. IL HUGHrX .hff. i- fri order to conpete uith New York houses and to keep np witft the ,itne, I S A A 6 CZTTINGER has determined to put down trices, and lees mjr.ey "sbtl'l ftm Notthl-ard in fatirej. To prove that I am ' in earnest, and mean what. I saj Twill give a partial list omy prices." - j . ' -j . ! : Straw Hats fromO 62nt5Vp.' .V; -j Felt Hats from So ceuta tip. : I ' : r j Ruffa with lace edge from' 10 f cejits-jper arinp. . - y. : -'-r-U Eitbbns li-'inches Avide froxirl2.i.i - centa up, and other widths in propctfen.?'. j: j T1 Cprssts from 35 cents up. ' Collars from 7 cents nv- . V . : : ! Zephyr from 13)'cents up,jOEl y imported. Real Hair Braids Irhm 60 fentsnp. ;; Infants' ilerino t;loaks from .T.'oD pi j i Infants' Crotchet Caf s I tironi'?5 .cinU jup. Iuf ants' Drestes from ItDO np v 1 i Worsted rringefortrimming"dr,isosfroM cents np. ! -; ! i " . Kid Gloves from 75 cts. . up, 2 buttonsi' 1 Hamburg LJgm irom, 0 cents up. j I could lujne a thous;i,nd more; articles,, but I can o dy assure th i public tli.it my prices will be uniform iu every l raiv h, and lull I a! is a call. i ." ! " -I MV STOBK1S LARGE AD p. 'j?-; j ISAAu ETTIN6ER, ; i ll -f48 liyctteviHe s'rtot, -i 37 RALEIGH, N. i 10-9-18TG. ! At i- n t :ie ofiOK IS THE PI,AC?E j Do 'Bnv Youi Oo'o'dte. EXAMINE : . j 'I t I . - FOR YOURSELVES AND SAVE MONEY. I . ' . ' 1 L i YOU WJLL FltfD ; j j I ! ArULLSTOCKaF DRY GOODS, : i - ! NOTIONS, ;. . f l. aiwcvRiKS, . j Hoots & shoes. LrilT'S LOOTS and G A ITERS! j ' -j j i MILES' MOROCCO and CLOTjl SIO'ES 101! LADIES and MISSUS, I Ij Call S3 JeCial attent ion , TO ULASS-WARJ, iAivl Rednced .Pri-exof .". UQii STON E WAKE.. j Prices of JHiSSen WagCZl 1 1 I T T I'l T ' rut 1 ' Ji&UUUluU For a she-it time 10 per cent lower than usual, J ! ' , . , . , : J , ' , It is to my interest to sell same qual- ! . . . . ; . J iU W A T HE LU VV t.S 1'. , I TR Y ME I WILL G Li A KAN TEE PRICE -5 TO SUIT. I will pay the highesti market "price in CASH, : i T TRADE or .j , ' DISCOUNT FOR SEED and: ' RALE COTTOX and other country produce. ; Respevifulh, j John Li MarkhafflJ SUCCESSOR TO i: W, CHEEK, - iu nil am, N. c. . j THE following persons have been appoint d Registrars and inspectors to hold the Election at the various Precincts in Orange county on Tuesday the 7th, day, of Novem ber 1S76; !':;'"!' IIii.i.sboro PRErixcT. Lemuel Ljnch, J. P. : David T. Clark, Pride J ones, . John Kose mond and Arched Hunter, Inspectors. j Smith's Precixct. C. E. Smith, J. P. j ! George Tate, Alexander Smith, Wilson Brown and Henry Ray v Inspectors. I i C.kpab Grove. Di W. Jordan, J. P. 'David Thompson, Henry l.'McDade, Lem uel Umpton, Alfred Ward, InKpectors. j Hall's, Samuel H. Jordan, J.:P. Chrfrles It. Wilson, Sr., Robert N. Halt, Sr., Jos. W McKea, Robert Y. Walker, In spectors. - ' I - "''! Douglass'. A. L. Holden, J.-P. j' I Lewis Wadkins, James S Leathers, Isaac Holden, James Parker ,J Inspect ord. I Mjxglm's, A. ' J TJmpitad J..P. W. W. Mangurii, "Win. Uowiing, Wil is Mangum, Will iam Ellis, lnspect is. j LiHs-oMB's.H.Ci Latti, Registrar, j J. W Latta, George Colli us, C. P. War ren, Thoraa Lipscomb. Inspectors.. A ' f Dlruam. R, Wi Thomas, J. P,.. j jWm; E. Walker, VY. S. ltaulhuc, John S. Lockhart, Wash. Duke,! Inspectors. i Patterson's Mill. S,. H.;Turectine, J. P. j Hardy Massey, A. j D. ; Marccm: John Hutchins, V. B. Sparrow, Inspectors. (inter8. Gabriel A. Barbee, J. P. !A. B. Gunter, W. G. Mason, Leslie Ad kins, liufiin Cheek, In3pect.rs ! Cuapell Hill. -Merrett Cheek, J. P. I Abel Maddry, John 11. HiKchiis, James ! B Mason, Turner lvjeg. Inspectord. I cole's yTORE.C. ;w. Johnson, J. P. .jj. N. Craig,7 Win Uobson, Morris King, Thoiervs Faucet, Inspectors. j t Whitk Cross. D. M. Durham, J. P. I, i Matbew Atwater, Alvio Durham, Wni. II. laucett, Thos. Dodsonj Insoectors. Cat3 SToRt.. Thos. D. Oldham, Sr., J. T iDa'uiel F. Thompsom, Sidnay Durham, C.r.i.1 rV-.Trfonl Thru. S. (Vtfla lninui. j - H A V - , " J t-V. j tors. '. ! I ! liy order of the Board, 7th, Sept, 1876 ; JOHN LAWS, Cleric, -' ' .'" Board CoDxmijeionere. -H ft hi it 4 --'- FOR SALE BY I, Z2$ 1 THE GRANGER VsAGOS i adrjl tJd by ! . till who have examined or used it, to i 1 r ; J i TSB BUW I ever introduce 1. nto this cquhtryfcl? the money. I .1 Two torse wagon toifiple $83 i - Onr-hnrsp ' ! Itorly requires to be used, io berime ; 1 , r - I I1 n r ' i AEMR 'i i- M j , Head the folXowine: This is to certify that wefhave Until in consuiiiji uee tor the past twoyeftrs; ".yEFFi CHICAGO ' (GRANGER) j wXG0X the same nw offered for sale by I'apt.-Jlohn Lockhairt, and take pleasure i sayii the Mr the VERY BEST weeper txs: t W. T. BLACKWELL (jo; Piirhtim. N. C. Septeinbjir ifet, 87&J :, I ' : rl I i ; W e have used the abovd. v,agon' two yeird, jhul have no hesitdflcy $n sayithtst it is T1IE BEST we e-ver wlw.- ' " H I v It: papiciti A. K jTJUVD. -i ; Durham, N. 0., September list, 1876 J All interested in h iin& thf best jfon a -Hi 11 ; hat is made should call ion I DURHAM, N. C, and getdho r mortj 31- fa i i I ji s ! I I i OF M. : TlOISBEE7 ." 1 I , 31 .: I - t Ii 1 ro 1 : a , rarge sj PlphiteijRed Spread fir 75 cents. , ' Fhick Aifa ca for 30 cents pev yard. ; : ' Vl 'i '- : . ; j A llandsomq A lieautiful line of Dres poods A full vinl 'aMlv!T?lillo!i.lfr.. tnn A- good yard wide " Jarju Coftbn fur A ipiece of WaterproojT a 83 ces per yard, would be cheffp for $1.25. A splendid article L-idieji' Meriiio!rest8 for 50 cents a piece, A full width sheeting f J fards Wide for 25 cents per vard , A large stock of Lidte leather shoes from"871 cents up. A Lot of 1.0O0. Ijadfes' CoMm at A good Rlanket r $1.5d$l50; $1.00 and $600. ' ; A good suit of ioths for $7.50. A. neatllDryss suit for 310.00. i I j ' : . . A full line of Cksimere? for Men and- Hoys- wear. A Lat of Camibriq edgings at priced them. j The Largest Stock of lloots, Siloes,. j Bargains too numerous td nientionwill , ,1 I MAIN Sign of the Durhani Boot, IGroods at whc51esfle. . P. ff. Selling goods for c4s'u;I am r.t compelled to put on, ao estiM percei.;.j-j on my goods: to makeup for bad dejbtst . FAEMEPui DURHAM, N. C ' -1 . ! We the undersigned; will In the d5th, ! ! well-known . . . 'It i i . a (a ini" been run for several yeifrs ' 1 .1 V I day it will be run under tjie peperysiou ' . i . '.-'..I ... a ii llx.zit whose long experience auti upwu pimj li known to the trade, he hating had 2G years experience in the Tobacco Uusibcbs, v -. ' !! ft 1 : 'v. ; 1 j. we i deem it useless to make fftber ommeit. ' I . I I I ;''''' "' V , . We simply say to FAIIMJIRS nd SHIPPERS ...'give; o.- a trial.;' ,No -effort will be wanting on our pa.it :j please, n ! - -1 We make no boast or flo'-ilriaq, nor lo we promise to do better than all the World besides, but we do say that w havepthe facilities for doipfc as well for you as any rjther house cm do on thepuham.Iarket, V ! "Wfalker, Xyon & Co. , September -9tU, !.; Fall Millinery. The Largest Stock EV t'R SEEN I N OU ANGi: 'COUNTY. Tie latest" styles and- test- goaSs'are -i our m;tto in' making sele.-ticns. SOMETHING TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. - The Senior partner has over four years experience in the millinery business at Durjtam and feels sati-ficd they have the jgo.ts't? j.'eae the ladies of Durham and ih fc'j'joi tiding country.-. COM 13 AiSD' SiiR , ;. Oar st--ok of millinery goods is complete, and if yvu tradt with us you will be sure to Kct worth f your money andu goods of i-thc latest styles -l- . instotr: ha full line" of Fi-ecdi and American Corsets, Childrens', iiisses' and Lidice Hatn, Tiim med'and Untriminec, FLOWLUS, ' f' ' buffs ;'...'";'.. SCARFS. ; ; J; . SiLK. TRIiPMING?, 1 . . LACES &c , and numerous articles -which -vvo hftv not iiientione-1, bnt that are usually found in a FIRST CLASS miiiinery ebtabhshment. We pledge ourselves: to furnish goods as faehionable, as fresh ad as low as any house in North Carolina, andall we ask is a trial and we will convince you of nil we have here said. RcspectiuUy Irs.E. C. Karkliaia & Co. 30 ijlJRHAM.-lN. C. ortli Carliha. Serson Com-ty-Iii tlic Snporior Court. TLS1IY CASH 1 - AOAlNrJ-?' ttSEE lOORE. . I I- 1 To Lessee - Moore, the Defonl?ntj in the above entitled action a noiiresiJent of this Stale; . .,' You aw herebv'rtfquir .d to appear at the Clerk's office in jtoxl.oro on tin3th, N'o- vember ' 1870 , 'and answer or demur to the eoiiiplaiut filed i ni s.ii.d office, or tin- plain tiff will aoply to the court lor the Belief de manded in said complaint. Thin i5th, day September 187C. . ' Ji. J. LANSDliLl-, Clerk. Bumpass & Luusford . Attorney for plain-. tift. t ' ! ar gain Store buy for 25 cents per yard.. fnr 7 'ian G cents. f - o cents a niece.: prices that hare aitonished all who have Trunks, SateheU and thousands of othpr he sold at-pric's that defy competition,' OF A ?vl6HS3ERG. HI REET, DURHAM. N. C. Shoe and Trunk Derot to suit' the purchaser. WAEEHOUS: : : 1 .' day of this month take charro -of the IV. : . :- by E. 3. Tan i.-.b,) after the above or toed V1"' '.. ! - of Capt- -ZYlGX. Walker, L. :'- t:: ' in both in 13 FALL AND WIXJEli" DRY1O0D3;r; . A LARGE AND VELI.-ASaO a ED STOCK AT ' : - ' M, PRICES TO SUIT EYJ YDODY Illack silks at 90a $1, Al.25,T LM i 7r ri82. and nn toft.1 Kil r-rrftl ' A ' " . tColoreJ silts in great variety, at all priced Merinos. : ! , Black Alpaccas the ckeape't ever oflfered at 25, Wdp, 40, 43, 50c.; and up to JI per yard.- , . .r Black Mohairs, in fine qualities, fixra 60,- to 41.25. per yard a brilliant as silk. Black Uouabazines from 60c. to $1.75 n-r yard. , i A lull assortment of fancy dress roods of the most fashioiiabla styles. v White and colored Flannels in nUiit tO vpdl, -atldwer prices thanjever ki.own- , ' Our stock is too large to enumeriite prieos- i xjoou ior tx)j 8, and men's wear in all styles and qualfties. including the celebrated CharlotteeviHe wiwllenS all to be soli ut hard-time prices. White- and colored bla'nket?5 in all sizes a ud ' qualities We give extraordinary bar gains in this article.- So don't pi'rchas Mum ; i;iu e.ninuea our stoc k. Calico comfoitahles odonv nva nun uVtur at 1.50aul,2. J . ' Horse-blankets, very cheap. Vi Canton I'Luinels f: om 10 to 30s. per vrdV Bed-tick from 1Q to c. per yard. " ! Cheviot shirtings from 10 to 23c. per yard. Bleeched and unbleeched rotten fihptinr and shirtings retailed at wholesale prices. 1 Tible Duuuusk, for tjble-cloths,; all pure lin- en, at G(b. per yard m orth 83c. Doy lie or fringed napkins frbm COc. to $i per dozen. - - - - Turkey red Doylies froui 7."c. to $2.50 par' dozen. ; ' ' . . ' ' Large size pure linen-napkins from $1 to i per dozen. Linen Huckaback towels at $1,S1.23, $1.51 " Si. 75, and up to t-12 per dozen. Red-wine cloth at - 7-1 jc. $1. and lif) to $1 .o5 ier yArd. ' i ' NotiiiKli.ini curtaiu laeo at 13c. worth 25c. pr yard- ; ; ' Notingham lace curtrtinn at 62 83 Sli, n nl. np to 20 a net lor two windows j vtortn 50 per cent, more. Tapestry, brusels, three-ply, ingrain, rag. i cottage, hemp 'a mil Venetian .carpet in alt qualities and jirices. Rnjrs, Mats, Hassocks au'd Oil-cloihs. All-wool table-covers at SI, S 1 .25 ai d ?10". Piaiio-CSvers from $5 up to S12. Tuties ju ail sizes, in graat : variety, aiid very cheap. " All kiu In ot Merino and Lambs-wool u n- '.dcrgitrments for men, women and c-'iil- -V.dren, at lowe prices thiin ever known i before . : - . . . r .Yak laces from '15c. to 75c. par) yard"": Kulnos at 520, 'S), 35, 40 and 50c. per dozon. .' j . , Koulcvard and Balmoral,, skirts in all qal- ities. . Linen Collars and Cuffd in great variety at very low prices, cvlk lies And pearl's- of the latest styles at prices to suit all. ; Hiuboiis. in all widths and. colors at low price.-1. Silk Handkerchiefs, for lidies and gen'lj luen. . Gentlemen's 1'uruishiug goods in great va riety anu at lower prices than usual, Ready-made closed front Shirts of our own manufacture, made of the: best V 'aairmi : ta cotton, fiua Iri.,h linen, arid couiI' rely finished; have only to be lauudried rr-fV.re we.iriug. Jlavjng largely .increased our facilities for m;imiiaeturing these BhirtK, we are enabled to reduce the price io $1.' We guarantee them to be in every respect as good as the shirts we 'have heretofore sold at si. 23-. Open-front shirts at $1.25, pr six for $7.. lieady-ni ide garments fof ladies in great variety. Shawls in all fcisce and qualities. Also, a fuii asortmeuf of (looks. . Our stock is worth of the nttontiou tff nV purchasers of DltY , GDOli, as we sh ;w it all timed an assortment th it Ciiitut b t iv passed in this city. ' s , We only enunierate a ain.il no;t,-ri. what we bare. ' LEVY imOTHEUS, , 1017 aud lOlO Main street, I ' liichuiwnd, Vii. Jj TJ M D E TST' S, SILVER MODEL - -i Fayeltcville street ippsit'? th? Market KALKIGH, X. C, The Largest, Heiviest 2e:t and CHEAPEST ' r cooking antp it;: rrNi f Vr. - is '''" t ' GREAT VARIETY. His stoves took all the prctpiums but ona I offered on Stoves atf the lastjSt.de Fair. RILVERr MEDAL FOR Tfisl DISPLAY. rremium for tho best Cooking Sto .e with wood. . . ! ' Premium for tin: best Cook coal. Fcnlcs, Balances, Weights, andlfeaBurcR already sealed by N. C. -Standard. ' Tin ware in endless variety. .Hollow -wares Pots, Ovens, pii'ers, Teakettles, Sauce-panq pie pans, ic. Whjo-W4RE, Tubs, Waeh boards. Buekettcommon and fine covered Ch Urns, ell lluckets Wheel and Rope SiiKKT-XRoy'-aiiftt Coppi-;r-wArk. i Ijamps, beaut iiful Parlor and common- Lantern in ' vrious Btyles. Oil. '.Wikk:Uoods, 'Wire Fenders, 'lifrd 'Cages. Gis, Pistols- and Amunition. Mafches by gross, Wra ping paper by the Veaiii. Brushes, Counter t!eru-b, IStove, antl bhae. Pumps, the best Cucumber-wood pumps ou the market, Oil and Liquor pumps. Crockery a darjfe lt just received, finest quality " Ironj .Stone, Table-Cutlery, Pocket-kniTCs, Ae.Jtc But of course he con'not enumerate ' ll hia goods here, Earntly soliciting an Exam ination of his varied and continually in creiiKinjj assortment of goods he 6io( bim self thankfu lly and retpectfullv , JZSJOB WOKKof all kinds in his Un done in .a aubhtntial aqd work -rnan-fik manner and warranted Satisf;iction gnare rantecil, GET THE 3 EST. SyTin P.oofing, Gutterinj? and Pipivp a Speciality. btoves. -Ileatera Ranges and Furnaces,, put up nd warrantel to operate atiefactorily. 51 -3m AGf)RM G0GKIN6 i AND TTH'i rnTTrt nimATTnfN llUIUlllU klU IJJU, '4 s ! 1' I 1