i Si " . v - .- - .',-... .- 1 ' ' ' ;.' i - . , : ' " ' ' : . . ; . - ' - ;i : ii . i..- :" -'-.-' . ' - j "'.." I - - v " il - jj I - . - - ... '!''"' - i- . " ' , ' - I ! '. - I : - ' t - 4. '-" -' . L '.:,.--' . . .. - . ' . - , ' ' - ' f !.' - I . 1. X L UK H A M, OcYaiJEPt'l 8ih, 18 JG . : F.JrAT illLit, OuAXGE i'ut ISTV", N. (j. 'Mil. Editor. Oar quiet poeplo tu: n ed but;la3t Tuesday to hey" tho 'candi- dates for jCongress, Hot). Juo. Davis .and Ike Young, speak,rbut owiffg to a want . f notice there .ug not'' a very largo crowd present. ' The candidate .made . "short spee hes, not-nvore' ; than twentj -luunutes beipc alloted to each speaker: . -. Ike spoke in his usual botubtstic . sUle, but Oh ! 3 k, Oh ! Ike, we like-! . you, you are a jiooi fei ow but where, did you. leuru to tell such "whoppers?'' We .1273 e;me o t)e: 3joe!niou you" could ds nothing else iu themisej-uble cau5-.e ' '! wliieli you are engaged.' If you had toll tfu darkios they hal white skins an 1 straight hair it would have been no o-.tbaa what' yen didi'tell then asd would have believe.! ; it- Du- wors Hhey vis .indulges in nothiri but fict--, and,; in Lis. twairy nUhutos -f-pcsi ar- gumepts sj crushing and1 jUver ivhsl'uing V" " - ! i tha pojr 1's.q -wa.? .pitiful t behold. i I iuadver eut'y ii mj 'l&'o6mnupr! cation oO'eaded ' one 'cf our Ridic-il cit- :' !z.)h3. , I did not iucl i ! j hiyi ia my list yhl iiadlcals although Lkui.v hha tob.e a staunch Rs'ublic-in. 'lie .must-learn ' cno thing, th,vL all is fiiriin Love, Wat .-.or ?.UliH 'aiiil whilst wo like him pet-.- ' penally w3-t!c'jt his 'politic'. ..and shall V .continue-to pound him hard tin! ueavy'p and if he cania t del'eut 'his ''. party orj ; prineiplei he must squirm under the blofs ve shall CMstiriue bl hurl at the rotten concern. Xhe'Vprospects of fuc cehs for out Slate and 'Xatianal ticket eontin-CQ hiijit, , ai.d more iutereit is , being felt as tile election' . draws near. t'heard an old citizen who has nci voted iiviQii years pay he vcvll come lo tUo ;;,.'Tho l?'tifal ea,th stiU Jfel,ls i polls and vote it he had to! crawl there;! J50'- - 0i,r conutry has losty-one of The colored people are quiet and cvi- f(lranta our land none oflt- iertiii dently don't know whit Co think of the H God ;h 'Jt arreted us with : a mighty chaiiff abjut - to take plac3. ' 1 1 !ac'- troubles are the, works heard-an intelligent dirWev ' sav a' few i ,i ' . - -. r s ua vs ao iiiat ms i !u -i''ics were wuu r the Democratic .party, that he wjuld vote with t!i3:n, but was afrafd of his oini ra;o, "he said"' they would ii!l Lin , or do some injury to render his stay am ng us unsiife.''. There are otha; col ored poople who boldly defy .the Ilad ical Demagogues to d j t'leir" worst, "-; dntLunder the protection of the whites - they will act as indeneuuent t'lCiihen, i uud' vote the: way. they think is right. ' ; Another 'wide mouthed, darkey, a uohgrei, neither white or black. is opeu .in hts denunciations .'-an j threats against all colored piison's who dare- '.exercise the right cf free.non, acd vote the J)em :'. ocratie ticket. ' " ! . " A Tildeii and Ilendricts club was or ganized last Saturday.! Mr. Duncan Cameron was ebcted Pr-'sideat, On tak- v.y; the chair Mr. Camion : iu ar, appro priaie peee,l siaiau uxj .ooject oi orgin izing and the rhnpprtanee of -'the work before us. Mr. 'Vvv. Wl Mangum was : sbctel Vic3-lre8il3ut and Col.: II, V. Webb Secretary.. Count 1 'hit iltiver i for a' full Dmor.ijic vote ' The Sheriff. 'wa? aroutjd lat Tuesday ?Tit!i his books an 1 inonfiy bg butow- : ,to Radical stealage r .Vihoer uoniiiig '.before ; and the;' Gov't him ; aud tak'in evfery ai;ue out of the Cmntry to feed ; ay. army ot hungry olficp hollers there l, was litlle left to ;ay taxes vrith. In the -.V'ak e of the Shoiiff there was somethinji u -Jcr two hundred candidates who con st'itutfd awry re-pectahlo 'auiHenco- in . "act cue of the speakers j forgetting him c!f -addressed the, er wd as "my - iV.Iow' candid ile . A til ing the number wa the vertible Jo. Turner,! who addresetl his fe!lo;.v citiz.'hs oujii.s old theme-of Uin.' lladieals -a id R.-Aruasl We don't B, - i ,. . I.---. . : Iicow what Jo. is nttev uii tst. i; .is to have a r commission of one from each l- , i i '. ' : ' . 1: ate to make l'eaje, or require every rneuiber of the iu xt Legislature to swear lie won't' steal a, Kail road or take more . than live thousand dollars in 3tate.b6''nds rcr h's 7()f.j, - -;'i ; '. ' .:-::'". ' ' Mr. Graham n bly j and bea-utifuliy defended- himself from ; some of'the im- : putations cast upon himself for ''seme of ' 'his olTTeial acts. It was the e'earet vin - dieatibn I ever heiid, aud if ''any one,.! evov u vd a dcubt about Mr. Grtham's.; devotiot) to the best interest of4,ijs tatvj tb ?y - were fully satisfied-, and well ' V;ou!d it be for North Carolina if every public u-H could sho.vr.3 pure ai:d glo: rious a record as John W. Graham. .. . . You must excuse this Iongf; let te'r 31 r, Kditor, I did not have time, tu make it Shorter. Continue in your nsbie efb.ts !; : to improve your paper and jilr lovers of -i;ur,r n,1 fr.vfh Will .-iint!iiii ' ')V. U-eputlican gentleman told me a few 3iys sin"ie that yours was one cf the L " best papers iu the State. Don't le foo oroud of the compliment. ' ' . , TJxci.E Bor,. -It may be true that" Parson RrowaloSv has experienced religion, but he still refers to Demo.cracy as :this nefarious, pod forsaken, helWeservit.g old ;.aity.-' . i. -'-.'.--,:' .'' : i ' .;;:-.-.-..',;..,.-,.-,..,..'..,.. ;.'. -. r-i- ,.-,':. . -'I"-" I! : ' '; ' . '- '. " ; ,t 1 ''.'' ' ' ' ' ' m' ...'' ; , '' t' ' '' '' . " '" ' '' '' " '. '. 'i ' Ijj '" ''''''''' ' : KfrSrdvJ Horatio t Seymour, of New I Vorlc, 'has just "made a plain, pruct eal talk to-his neighbors in whtdi lie! sand : ''Why is basinos depressed:? and viiy does; labor suffer? , are questions wliich presj upjn .each mail's mind." They launt us ea-ch dav. because during ithe Kb rein rast rears each, dav1 has brodffht with it anxieties which forca our ; alien lion to thcs3 question?. At this elec- tiohlit id a duty not only to'urseVes but to. our whole country to "consider Ue:n.: We wrong ourselves if we do tiot lo 0 'in an earnest' honest wa.y, . Xoj no partisan triumph will make good -our losses growing out of wrong conclusions. It is "Wnif times said that the trouble is that there has been an overproduction, br, in other words, that men- have wojrk- V h and produced too much, L5s is chly unlr?- . Fouf yfTa ago .business was active; mechanics sould: sel1. . v;ha t they made, and tlie 1, borcrlcould cot a fair price for his toil. l.r'in'eel.tTiiat time our merchants aod ir.iu- ufacturors have produced than fjor-I merly. Many of them have run on short time, and, many- workjiieu have been dis charged. While, production has thus' been cut down the number of those Wjho wantf clotlies and houses uiH fo I h.-.s largely increased. : We have four, or five imi'liuiis more than ye had iu l 18t2.: - 'ur numbers increased tnure than a nhl Ki ,a Jear 101" than three- thousand a ;:d:yraiid more than a bundled, an ho ! ' W n.Ver waute.l so many art e'es ok; their cordon as they want how. 'Jihe trouble is they are n-t ui tc to buy. what they need. Why jy thi?" . j.ue uisiTiuuisneu states aaw men p ro- ice0(J to answer .his own ..uesju: th'i U : lMr ti 3'7 of own liar"ls ' and I ' propose- to shf v 1 that this statciueut is true. - n civilized societies the fjrtuiies of all heir citiz5us are liakod together. ' Tp pan falls in his morals, i v .his conduct. in his .11 his n his business affairs, without harniin" neighbors. In a country town burs if a mechanic or laborer cannot fitid pork we are all harmed." If. he . canji :it t a, price for his toil or what he makqs, ie is nut tho only one that tuners. It . . 1 ".1 . . 7-r a ! e caiiujt se-1 he cacnoi1 buy. liis mts jrtunes are not only by those with fwliqm die dcals,;but by those with wliojn they deal in turn. In the end we fiiid thatach man's failures reaeh ' aroutjd lib til they touch those who do not even - .' i J know the name of him with whom the trouble -..becics. It is one. 'of the" i?-elt lessons cf life ilia " eac ! - " ''I i man is concern ed iu the welfare cf his neighbor; and he who harms another by his hatreds oi J by hu seifisIlMeS4 wii) s suffer i'n-t end. ' This makes th e differenc i in tl Condition of towns. Iu some, where n try to promote the general welfai-i, there is et.eral prosperity. Where se Gshhess-and fpiarrels and inaface' esis there, as a rule, will be fjuud distress .and want of prosperity. 1 "Now wo know that iu our own,, town iuoleas there are some' to buy there ar 'none to soil. The ab'.li y ;o buy and ti sell must go together. -And is jiist ,a j true of a cp tit in en t as it is cf a to.wn.-hip: If the peop'e of.auy part of this grea . Union cat.vnot sell their products-at i. J -. ' . ' ' .' . profit, we j-hail fe d it here in our littlo towj, no matter howar off We 'may bt fro n those who are thus disabled froir b'uykg or selling. If, for example, the people in remote Sourthern States can not raise .cotton and rice at a profit, then they -cannot buy of us fit the North their !-pthes, their boots and f-aoe., their wag-l ops ud farm tools,- and other ' articles' which they need. They do not deal di-. rectly with the laborers and mechanics .inj this town, but every one of them will feel tho trouble because his trade will suffer eisewheie, and all must come down together. This, trouble at. the South wjll spread itself the whole co'intry, a the stoppage of a factory will tnke trou- hie tc every one in a town, whether he works in that factory or not. What is true of the. South is a!s true of the fa r- '? West. " ."We see, then, that what.we' call- trada or commerce is the' great driv- I mg wneel ot industry,, wlneu set men and mechanic shop3 and great factories in motion", aud gives work ,and wealth and ' pra-pari'ty to all cla--ses. We ficd (that' the people of this country, at the X(;r,h aal tho Soutiiv ;the E-wt and the PVfjt-are bound toS.ethcr hJ.' common j '"lf.re:j -: fThose who excite hatred and strife between the different sections of our country are just as mischievous and just as hurtful to labor ahd industry, as those who excite quarrels and ill will-f.aiRonjj the people cf our town. Ve are hurt every tiihe; that 'the people of the West or South are harmed. We see then when we try to-find out why industry is depressed and why labor suffers, that we riupt 'lock over our whole country and learn vrhat there is that is wronoj out- side of our town, our county and our ! I State. In this view politics' are tome thing more than' a mere scramble for cilice, ,or an effort to gratify our lore for a triumph over other, or to gratify our prejudices againts; our neighbors. We see that it is. .-buying, and ' peiling that gives work to labor and prosperity to all. Wo call this commerce', end, as I said, Uiis commerce is the driving-wheel to all the machinery of industry. Why is the motion now so slow an feebla'v that it does not give work enough to enable fuen to meet the calls'upon them for wants of thenittkej and their fami- lies? It istruethat there are many things that hinder its action ; but the great trouble is: taxation. It is this : which makes it grind so hard on all its bearing!?. It is tuis wnicu everywnere throws out of: gear the. many thousand delicate processes: which makes produc tion in all its varied forms in" every sec tion of this great llnion. i " When I p peak, of taxation I do not merely mean the money which the 'col lector takes from us upon assessment. It is sometimes hard to pay this. . But the burde.13 of the taxes which W3 pay by indirect ways are vastly more hurtful. The man v.ho lias ho property may defy the assessors, bnt !ie cannot get rid of the ! taxes y, ;ch arc hidden away in the price of everything lie uses. There is taxa tion iu his food, in his clothes '-in the hoise is'which he livee, the sY.rmd in whish the 'form if wrapped in death and ' in the" Cih'un'in which he is buried. ,' The !..--".us thus, paid by the poorest laboring .an forjh'mself and his family are very srre:it in'the course of bis life. But even this bunde'h is not as rreut as the' suffer- . ' ": -. ! ' -'i -. ' ! ing which axationicituses by throwing h'nn out iof work anil cheeking the indus try and prosperity of the coimnunity l! ill i- t7 . . i llii i! wnictis ne lives. ; it is to-tliif last bear ing of taxation of which I wish 'to speak to you and I ask your patient attention while I do so. We all know that our co-iiitry abounds ia products which make tho b&i; of trade, ."'jf wi could Sell to the p'foj 'e of the. world what we have go't'aud what they want there would be and end to bard times. VACii l)lJiWX TJ3U U.VI5. 3 1 is ESolJ nud Manly lfloB-ts to U phold t lio iiri:m.stt:y i the Civil AMihrffx HIS AD31LMS1RAT IQ. WISE AXD 0 TIC. ,' Mr.Bpyden said in July, 187 ij I wat an original support(r of Goyerutr.: Vance and am now. L am for his re-ekction because In udniinjstratiou has,'! in ny opinion, been wise and patriotic, ;and be cause his buhl aiid'manly efforts I to up- i"ti ' "-".. ... ;. t lio'd the supremacyrol. the civil authori. lie? as against the arbitrary and despotic rule meet my cordial approbation. The following letter as it originally appeared in the Saljsbury Vatchmac, is reproduced as important in .the present campaign. , . ! -;: '.'. - -' Salisbuky, July, 7. 18G4. Owing to what has been in certain public journals iu regard to my opinions, touehingtha pending iruberiatorial elec tion I will state tlf-Jt' there has been no concealoieiit of my ; opinion upon this subject. I was an original supporter of Gov. Vance, and I ain now aud I have been uniformly in favor of his re-election. . ; I am for hi re-election because his administration in; my opinion, has been wise and patriotic, and because his bold and manly efforts to uphold the suprem acy' of the civil 'authorities as against the. arbitrary and despotic rule of the military, nn-et niy cordial approbation, t will further, state that I have never withheld my opinion upon this .subject from any, one, who has ever in my pres ence, expressed a wish to know it, as I had supposed all men, at all acqifainted with me, kneW i exactly where I ctood in this matter before l record my vote in the senate app-oving of the admiuis tration of Gov. Vance. .-I shall vote for ,' Go r. Vance not as a choice between two evils, net because of my hatred for. a " former political as soc:ate, but because in addition to the' reasons already given,-ho is my rTeiSonal and . poli lic.al friend, we have been sh.uii- aer io suoujucr ever s:Bce ue came into politnal . ins Btiu. ve laporeu togetii3r t dav after day to ward off ' the troubles! whieh new-: ifEct our countrv. , I make this sttemeii . for the single purpose cf setting, myself right ' before the public and with 'no view of influenc ing any man's voice. . ' j Nathaniel Boyden. ' i AO-Avisrcji:, All parlies indebted to Mr. Joseph T. Rogers and settle within thirty tl.iys, either by paying the cash or giving no.eK as the bus in?s must b3 wound up. The books and accounts wijl be found at my ofiice. S. Hi WEBB, : i Attorney' at Law. This 1st j day ef September, 1S7(. XfcHh Caroliiia, Person County n the .Superior Court; f Metildia Jenkins and Tishy Cash, , I ' Against i" Iverson Hudleson, Jessee itoore, FraTicia Shadrack an J Lis wife Rosa.IjiicindA Hughes and children of David Hudleson. j To Samuel Hudleson a nonresident Ue-! feudent; . . - - j :- j - 'J You are hereby required t appear at the Clerk's ofiico iu Itoxboro on tlu 30th, of Novetnber 187G. and ansvet or demur to the com pi mnt filed in said office or the plaintiff will apply to the court lor the re lief deinarded ia siid complaint. This 25th, day of September 187G. j J. J. LANSDELL. Clerk. Bumpass k Lunsfor J Attorney for , plain -ifts. i i :f 35 -6 1. ft P F MTi0ur larSe 15fe-lite Steel-En-ilAKE ravings of the PresidcAtkl 18 V DAY 'anlhatef, BeH rapidly. Se id i f for circular. 1 N. Y. Engrav ! -. png Co., 35 Wall Street, liox 323K N. Y- I i How or ton & 13ro MANUFACTURERS. If jqu want first class work call on hen and yon will get it, they keep it always or. hand, j Repairing done in the neatest styh and on short notice at prices to "suit the time. : TERMS CASH. . M " 1 NOTICE. Mangum's ; Slipp Flat liii er, Oruii'je Coinity, N: C. -O The (subscriber keeps a vaiiefj of Cofnu coiiBtantly oii hand ol pine and vahil't, aUii a Jot ot; Novtl cm Coffins, imitation of io-f-wood, jwith looking-glass in! jthem. reople living; ut a distance can 1j iuj;iishcd at twt 1 i. t : .. U : 1 . J ' h ' - noum police, a isu, hecj.s re.wiv maflie s-iies. For CiisH, will sell luinr thaii can bd bousiht elsewhere. licspcctiullv, 27 ;tn. WILLIS MANGUM. i- Xorth firliun. 3r.iiu (loan. iy-Sii the SuiKTtor Court. William S-i't rli'-d-.l and hial wife, ' Martha Siitterlicld and .nnio Jones,'; 1'laintitfs. i Aoaixst '; John Jones, Defendant. To John Jones, the defendant iu the above entitled action; You are hereby required t appear at the ofiice of tha t'lerk of the Superior Court fcr lerou eortiity, in Itoxboro iiii said county, j m the loth, day tf Xoveoib.ri next, and an j swer or; ion-i;r to the complaint filed in 'said I office, or the plaintiffs' will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Com plaint. J. J. L.VXHDKLL, ' Clerk Superior Court Bu xipass & Lnnsford, Attorheys for plaiiit- ifls. 32 Ci. new' auvr'iisejiexts. " THE BEST -iLY MEDICINE""" Tosteil'by popular use,a"sr over AdUAETEa 0? A"CSTUY! Di:. Sti:on"(;'ii CoM.rurvn S.vS ativk Pi i.i.s cure Constipation. Billiousness, Liver Com plaint, Mairial, t'wer.s ini'-JtniA! m, 2ry ip.as, and ll I'israsos requiring aii .active but mild purft-ative. j. l)u tkono's Fkctouiat. Stomach Pn.i.s cure foii-hs, Colds, Fevers, j Female : Com plaiuts, j Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, and all dcrangoiiieuts of the btomachi C. E. Hi LI. & Co., Now York, Proprietors: .' (h C r (h !7 17 a week to Ai pDJ S $ P. O. Vick euts. Sample irec, EKY.j Augusta Me. qPEl'liCLES.-Griuly's B. P. Specks prc- Jserve the eyesight. Write for particulars. L. G. GPAUV, HALIFAX; NI C. - : -i-1 -4 --.w WAMED . SO AN MAKE $500 a month selling our letter-copying book. Any one thai has a letter to write will buy it. No press or water used. Send stamp for cir cular. ' KX-JIMOIt CO.,! 17 Tribune Burldiirj Chicago, 111. j STUImIhEFING fred by Bates appliances. Fur description, kc, address Simpson & Co., Box 507t, N. Y. lriee,.vTventv-rive Cents. NEWAPEf ADVERTISING ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH EDITION, i Containing a complete list of.al? the) towns in the United States, the Territories and the Dominion.! of Canada, having a population greater than 5,000 according toi tin la ;t cen us, tog :tl er. with flie names Of the news papers having the largest local; circulation in each of the places named. Also, a cata logue of newspaper which are recommend ed to advertisers as giving greatest value in proportion to prices charged; Also, all newspapers in the United States, and I'ana da printing oyr 5,0X) copies each issjie, Also, all the Keligip.us Agricultural, Scien tific and Mchamclei Medical. Masoric, Ju venile , IMac.Uiona'-, C'c'ii merciatt.Insuratice, Ileal estate, Law, Sperling, 'Musical,' 'Fashy ion, and other special -class journals' ery ccajflete lists. Together with a complete list. of ovtr oOO German papers printed ia the United States. Also, an essay upon ad- j Terus-iugr 4uy tables of rates, showing the eot of a.lverusiug iu various r.ewsnapers, everything wuich a beginner in ad ver- Using would iikc to know. Address CEO. P. UOWELL & Co., 41 Park Row, N. Y. Hswsp?sas jVj.- .OF THE j... United" States. A complete list .i American jNewgpapers numbering riiore than eight thousi.d, with a Gazetteer of ail the towns and cities in which iey are published: Historical and Statistical Sketches of tee Great Newspaper Establishnieiit; Illustrated witb numerous engravings of .the ; principal ; Newspaper BuUdingsJ Fok ef poO' Pages, just issued. Mailed, postpaid, to any address for 35 cts Apply (inclosing pricr) to SuPaixTfisnEXT OF the NewbpapeR I'atiliox, Ceiitennial Grounds, Philadelphia, or American Newe Co. , NeW "York. 4 ! Every Ativeriser JTeetls It Nt'-W GROCERY ' . Main Street, turhaci 1 The nndersigned have opened in , line of GROCERIES AND QUEENS WAR In the room recently 'occupied by J R, Wilder. , ' ' j j i Goods all JEresh. i i i - i - JAnd warranted to be soli as hearj as the cheapest GIVE US A CAb. I J. F . HUGHES & SOI f ': t ... i f r. H lgnQ DURHAM, N. C. J uriTU - v ' m mi n r: . t - m sr- -! GOLDSKORO, N. C. DEALKH IN t 1 1- MoNUiitiNTs, Head stone, iTpMis, :i. 1 . !l H 'ill ... Tablets ' (I !.! 3fS and all work in that lino, i Price! have twn reduced so as to place Toiubs wihiu the reach of all no matter how limited tkeir t ij . moans.- Civil on J. II. LONG and ijexaniiue designs and price list, every lriy. 30-ly. Something?! to suit i . -jS . 4 1 -i' ; i w hi A N I . B ATT Ll: ! ft ,,-au! a I?; h.vn ii.li to canvass eviiry tjwc and county t the State for? I ,il "HlflMUM ru niTTi rm KUINH'l ill Dli ILC! ; i! oiie of the inist intensely iiitt-roititig l)Ofjkf d'.od. bebig the Life ahiliiE.tdflts ever publis of Lieut. Hai-rv T. Ihifort, fd r. A.JT or .iiaiiaiue i. ,i . ciascpltz. io -USCl(on book ever pntlish. d has offered ttiejiclianecs this one does for wide awake. agentsjto njL-tke njoney rapidly, ami as terry tor p., btfing taken'up very fast those who deii to c'iln- vass fcr it shculd Eiake "app'.iciiiiifei. with- out delay MAiDAMEL. J. VELAEl 1' Agent for North Carolina; office North Carolina; offie Grdjige Hotel, coiner Wilmington and Davi sti e'ets, one blork tVom the Varboro If ouse jlialei&li. N. f AnV infovniation rennirp1 I c:m' ln had at this! office, or from. Dr. BLidaiiillhi ir- Tl E ;!i i ! : i ; f. I ; J, L. EltOWEIt. A. ?.' Iam G. SAM P.liADSIIAW, A. B iFfsHcipiiils. Tho next .session of this school ifill cv IP" mfi'ce Jult 17th, 1876. For particulars - .address 'eithej jprineipa JAi:t)Wt;LLpN CM June iTICE'i 5 . !: ,M. UL. Ams-iiei 1- IS AT Th'E CLD STAND IS lt :uu as raiii seasr-n isu :ir i wm sill.'Kr- (ons indebted to me, by Note o'v jAccovit. income i,)rwaru an- pay ail or part. oiuie iiccunms are uue. wnn a rcw ev?an- ..U. 1 1 .. ... , .. It iff 'ions, and I;must have luoney to -buy goods ' r :i for the Fall iTrade. To all myFcfetoifatSra that have bought goods on time Hint llstlve not Jai"t. any iu the last S0 days, jthlir credit is n.pyec oui. ah tno time has jconi to iwind up - credit, I hope all my oiistoiuers will coiue and settle. Iu future; iiy terRii will be cash and barter as I want p to ind up my credit tnd.. i ' J r i I rtrrL . goiricr to iijj i il Constantly cn hand for t'a'.e the i FARMERS FRIEND. RICHMOND. AVATT nnd idjALL! .. . i PLO WS, i NAILS, - HORSE . j . i i ' .- ;l . andlULE SilOEl ? FADES, SlHjVELS, ' ! il A f . AXE3- ! : , ; ; I 5 J i !. SUGAR, i ' . ' COFFEE, ; MOLASSES. MEAT, TLOURj r- i-. and CORN IMEA HATS, SHOES, BOOTS, DRY GOODSjl 1 NQTIOI ' : and CLOTHIl? All the abate i nr.msd goods wil be gold I : I ft ! J 4 low down as the times viil allow, ."j ! -X.will buy cotioniii ths seed -orifat in the bale and' piy'the market price at lDurham. 1 am thankful -f6r past farbra "andijhope by fa;r dsallnz to merit t liberal portion of the - i i:- : ! trade in tbe future. tf : '! f , ! Respectfully, , ' M. A. ANGjER durham;:!w. g. September 1st, 1876. Barbee fe Latta, GROCEES - o- 2 Soth Side Market Sq. We have in stock, and are constantly re ceiving a large stack of groceries which we are offering to tho trade at prices to suit the times. .- Special, attention given to the sale of co nBignm'ents of cotton and ill country i produce "We are also ageota for Fea Gull Ammonjated Soluble bone Phosphate. A standard - fertilizer unsurpassed in the culti vatiou of the Cotton Tlaht. llok at tti Iuritittivo Cheaj-.er than ever. Persons in want of Furnilure, .visiting the City, would do well to call at ' . Y 1J Morriss '& Cos No. 3, rayeteviiie St. Tt'ALKIGH, N. C. and sec those beautiful walnut dressing case tots complete with or without; wardrobe to niatchi witti full glas doors (French pla.tcs3 which we are now : oiferirig at prices w'nich can .not be beat in any -Northern market; we have also a very large and attractive assort ment of cheap and fine Furniture such as walnut and painted Bed-room getslWlor sets Diuii-ij; room sets Office and Library fur niture; also a large collection of Bed '-stead. Bureaus, Wardrobes, Side boarvls, .Va -stands, Sofas, Lour-ges, Extttitien tables T.vaf tal Is, tat let- tables, Work stands Bocking chairs, Dining chairs, Ofiice chairs, Chamber , chairs, Parlor chairs, Children chairs, Folding chairs, Smoking chairs, Easy chairs ('ribs. Cradle, Tin safes, Chi-, na presses, Towel racks II; .11 stm ls I)ookr shelves wtod top center tables lliarble top. center xat.ics, l-oui glasses, loilett glass es, cotton aud fdnick mattresses hair mat tresses prin g beds Ac.. iirfact i ll kind of .furniture uVuUlly kept iu a iirst class retail ui ii it tire Mcu-s'.., : 'SI Vh-d. g ara MarafacteT. BXJGGll'S i - CARRIAGES, HOV'KAVAYS, IIAENESi SADDLES. BRIDLES, !cc.. I Of the latest styles and best material, all of w'hic we will sell- low for . . 'GASH. Our workas put up by skillea mechanics. i ALL OUR WOlK TWELVE MONTHS. Tarties wishing 4o purebaee 'will ' do well to call and examine, or write us Tor prices, &c - ' - . All kinds df repairing 1 V- done at siort notice, ' . H. R. BR YAH & S3H, . JONESBORO, N. C. MERCHANTS DURHAM Shop ENGINES. . SAWMILLS. hydraulic; PRESSES . THRESHING ,; MACHINES I ' ' HtORSEPOWERS. ' i . i. , r : ADd all kind tf machinery fcf sah. . ... Repairs neatly, and substantially' x ecuted at short notice. ; r W. il. HANKS. - 7 No. 20.-Jin -. ..... M .". ACADEMY' on the Raleigh &. Augusta Airline R.R., will open on the 1.4th, of AUGUST. Board from iS,X' to 10.00 per i'moflth. Tuition from $5.00 to $15.00 per 'sesuon, Music S15.0J.. . " ' Pajments made tha 1st, of each 'month. For particulars, please address '- . C. F. Siler, OSGOOD. Cuatha.m Co., lh C. 21 tf. THg SIM ; SALOOM ' y OX.CIll'ltCH STB EET t . NKAR FARMERS AVAR KIJOUSE HY - ! dealer in fine ' niSKICSi. IJKAX DIES, AYIXES. TOBACCO ... and CIGARS. " Ieeps constantly on l.iiul the following bands or fine hisk-ien. ' JEFFEltSOX RYE, the Justin the State. "O. K" CABINET, mellow from old age. PE!i!lY FOSl'FH, coataiiM no headache. MAGNUM RONUAJ, t ; - -ai var"ou's other brands. , ICE LEMONADE "'.' at all hours. 1 niiii to deal fairly or not at all. .My lup- uor. nii aii pure, and wnen the time conies that I eaiuuit make n living without adul terating jay liquors,1 I Intend to ipi.it busi AH 1 ask is a trial. I intend to have no rows in- fosses in m v'estaldiohinnt, and that it shall .be 'the "GEM" Saloon. t lh.uiK. ul lor past favors I hope, t-o merits a continuance of the sunic. I can helound on t hureh Ktreet, nenr bruit's well; Doit forget the place.. Let every Vody cihne and sec. Kespeclfjillv, " j : W . ..IC-VI Hi 12 US, r . Durliinn,;N. C, SASII; DOORf,' RLTND PAINTS, ' OILS, GLASS. LIMT PLASTER, CEMENT. WAGON AN BUGGY MATERIAL, Cotton Gins AND j MACHINERY, i m H. BHI6GS & S01TS, .' ; ' '' . ! .' BRIGGS BllLBINGj pir Write for Prices. I A TIN STORE George tb-.L.oiige Comer Mam and Church Sts., otjt:ri3lajm:, t. c. DEAJjSE In'. ; TIN WARE .; ' SHEET IRON, f J STOVES, LAMPS, . OILS, V 'WICKS, 1 - AND CHINE YSS. r If OOFIJTG. G ! TTEM.W -; ri and all kinds of tl P.epairie done at hhort notice ty killful workmen . . : ' ' -., " GALL AND SUPPLY YOURSELF WITH ! TIN BUCKETS, j - T ! BAKING: PANS, " ! . d , &AKE PANS, A HANGING BASKETS, ' t. ; 1 DISH PANS, &c. &e. j - if i rim oi Lf' ' 7! 'iXV. V-.' . 1