;THK TOBACCO - Pi 3 CiLEB B: t REVs. EDIICB & PRCPF.IETQP. Ah Overwhf luisiijt 52xirs- tUKII A M, J A N I, A K'Y 3rd, 1877 JUKI IS'Md!-i'is. Juilgre Yat Stesis"; Under 'be above head! "binr 1 ul ilVashington icoresponaenti f ?n4c ,'S.' V. J NeW York Sis writing from nd the (if the he for- 1 J.) stnct. ju'T Citv tinder date of . t4ie"f V7th, : jTlie Raleigh j-ij ers ligSTSTfte" resignation i Watt of lib Cll Jol;c;! 113 resignation to tale 'cilect on tirat f February was revived at ih ei ..Iiii-A''l.Vnrtiin r'n ttio Jill Sl!'.l ' im-j u, 1 - , ..State of Imliaiiia, arrived ui Wash- idistely accept.. ' l' , ' .. Tilo .nTl . Jl'2 Iprivcs the. following, aecouii foehn'T in the W estem &iaa John E. ! eh ,'. Secretary Wash- million, vos of thh es. of the 7tir.;l:str.ct wi.j inooo . -r-':--f- vii;t :s to examiiie into itg this-: iiJtcHigeiiw Firt, bepusc jtll0 -luCrits 0f the so-callcjl ,"com tb'iStatg LiiM of tin incompetent '.Judge j!jirolhise ly which the Houjse is to ,j'iw..il Utu'th -District: wouilii4.i,ookfi the President and the Seri- (Form our resnl&jr Correspondent.) ! Washington, Jan, Stb. able for such a snow as ' has been i arel y seen jn; this latitude nnd, during the week, sleighs have j almost. uuiversaljy taken the place' jo? wheeled vehicles. Speculation is rife . to"; w coir inisSii tiers had t to the sport, arid a olico hs-d been de- i -rj 'J kore taking part in the procession were expected to he ia masquerade costume, but this part bt the program;; e vaa jiot strictly adbered j to. luue'ed it w.iM ! not to t e supposed plan yould nver be j 'stJiugton biiies xspua uego sucn an iolr.riitril. ps it barters awav the ! opportunity to display iheir drttstic' face ! it.'lJn.ic Af f4ni.! TTpnriri 'wlio li;is ami utliftd hair. "iM;iiv nf the m were Our Washington letter.' i he Uincmaattli Times (Kaaical tiuu doier) saja i "If jackien could under 8tau'd the purpose of the cf the beuio crats who celebrate one of bis victorie, on the 8tb, the bones of the. old warri- . ..w urviuuiu turn uueusi'j in iucu.giio. . Very likely. Certainly, if be was liv ing, l.e would taie a prominent part in the proposed celebration. He would be very r'pt, t""0, fo make it unccuurtable for the conspirators who ore now jdot ting in Kew Orleai s'for the deitruciion cf the republic of States which' be At Cost ! M Sdst! Yesterday theie was an impromptu hlrigliirfg csriiivai oh PenDsyWaiiia aven ue. The district given their consen uivisson ot l.ie pi tailed to keep ord bare beeh Cursed xiiV.i lun tn. tt:c- oencn rare mo uw-j. xo.muci. naiuB L : ''U -4 v . ,h,.v W- ! for "Wesh rn jDomoeratB, anjd more r.t our Purios term. Vo bio i?.o v , , . ., . t V ,. , ,. j t spceiaiiv ioj oi xmuuiia, nu ginning to icuitzc u uu m -I vnv nch .-! I - lorv. NOTHING EYSB-BE- T succeed Waits. A wrHfif. in tbfs . Ral, ; )e7n r0 ltp,s the ehoiqe olfche-peo- , ut, par:op!ied ja ail their Aszzliug ih Xev:s,n A verv'f-tciUe nurmr j Ule, than Govi Tiltlen., AfteV con- beaut v. About thrte o'clock the uaqueri " ,.,pA w ft (-,x aV'a; umu i sSnxltatioii With the .Lniocratie , , , i . rccoaimeuds'iticu. . ""i l't t . aders beaau to make; then" appearance.; it .i i 11.. . . i . 1 i .i . c r 1 1 r v ' : i . r : . . . ... . . ( . . . Wc second th rev;omii!etf,l:t:i-! . ; , . i'tics ccrroj?:nderit. 'I sitn- Vox'serxei lie J cof !o r T . yli!v satisfied that nb sifch ""a i,s s e'-' i ' f1 ...1 i -n. o..,.l. ...?., ;., i ,.f eoiinnoiuxxe 43 -siiaetiaueu uv yie vav vS.tn jimwijoc u t'!ns 1 partv ill eitheV IIon.ie or is serious- rainbow-bueU. buibuity the avenue gallantly defended on'tbe,8th ofJauua- ry, 1815. Sat a Mich Nas. j : :! !::: j It is believed cow that the House j committee in Louisiana will report that j Tilden and Hendricks bate fairly car. ? ried it, and should hive tbe eight votes;! S 1 1 man a ad' his set' wiUixCB Ibeit counter report before tb muddle. GOODS MUST AID WILL BE SOLD . ! ie to Astea- POE STJCPI T' THE " A. M0HSB1J OF i DR. OLIVi?. . , 32 NORTH LIBERTY STRELT. 15ALTI MURK, Mi:. The Oldc.-t EstitMidhed Chronic Diseasi "1 i'hysiciaii in tIie-StutV A regularly educated aud lally quali fied ptiyaic.nn lias twenty yeiiTb experience in ttie special treatment of all Cl'HONJ , Ul tESliS, DEBILIiranJ I vll'DT E"CEV, tbe result of iibuses, excesses or othei causes, end Tt-hich , 11-odaca toiuo.of the following results: Nervousness. "Waliresa, DeLilitj, L)iiu20(s of eight, Defectiye Memory, Pim ples pn the Fuce, Physical Decay, Aversio to fOociety, Coulusion of Ideas, etc., lit'N 1)EKIN(t TdAlUaACiE IMPROPER Olt UN UPry.'are pemanently cured. ' Paiuphlots of hixtcn pagea free at oilice, eiiabliug per sons at a distance to Btate then- case, with . a view to treatment, by mail or express. Mtiiliuines eti'ei-tive, but harmless.. All taiuts of. t? bioo'i radically cured. Call or writ e, no nuatter v ho failed. Tb ojduion of Do O. coshj nothing, bend two Btuinfg lor ivam phlet and reply. Hours from 9. A. M. to 4 1'. M, and C toJ i 11. fcuuday 2 to 4 2-14. 5 o of the; Gin district a Solicitor.- irinu-np". gtiden' ' )mobl8- vf every class of."4ttdiiiduals. r . f . 1 t -i- i - i i .! . . V. ihnw of ho ma-i nr on -whom me yt- in-irrv in J.mnnnm, wuicu nu rep resents as tieterniiiinl to sep tiiat (5ov. 'Tilden shall be inanujrated Iv (-ntertajiieit us iKssiuie 'ori prob able by.' the '"J4!ectoral Committee, and lie Aviil su communicate tto'tuo diciai euuiji could fall niorp :o tbe, s.tt- isfaciiou .if tie iriiole pe'-ple than llc. t'or; He iseruiucn ly (jUalitiod and would mi'i a Jndjre xf--'-je oldeii tifc , , . .(,slf vill be peaceably -. would iuded,b8 gratifying to our. people ImmpcfiJ alwmt; aiulMr. Xefi'i:liiaks "totnow thaV Gen. Cox had received tie 1'tb.is state of feeling .has bfeenpro f urpoihn'ut. : ': i , id.uH-d.tlu-.-o l)y t!io general jhlinis- . "V t.Z ' I swii on the prut of . liepubiteans i 'llmi tSieli. that Tilden ban been honestly cho- ' - ' -. i sen. ; Y'e ara':t.Vi- in l.i.ly writ ; that ''there is a time for all thin?8,-?'.by how C .1-... l,.r k.,A iu ninfK uTinif OU1C111 Itu uau llJ umiu uuv i - Tbe steamer Cotton Plant is frozen up tt Wi-sliiiigtou. l. . ; The" Fair held at Saieiii for i Oxford The .prevailing opinion in injiiania seems to be oiio of confidence tliat 1c men full yy ica;izi a:id l.av.j the judgement at all times to compiehend 'he fall import of thi lcssi-n.an.d.prufit thTreov. : jMen who cccur-y exalted po--sifions and are leaders of the people "cannot be too coreful as to what j they nay and too . particular in expressing I Gem Tom Bi-oavho who defeat ed Holm an at the late election has piublicly declared I liis belie! that ; prcsentea an ar.pearauce oi aieat eaietvl i seir 1- 1 "'.'-.. .11 1 " auu fun ana nieniinenp prevaiieu every wleie. The sides of the stieets were thronged vijh fedesttiaas who seemed to derive ahnokt ti u.uch pleaiure, in tho role ; of siiectators! as tbe masquers themselves. From tlbe Treasury to the Capitol tiie avenue was crowded with sleighs of every description, from the graceful, wau lik Cutter,, to tb'ej- barrel or dry goods bux .iiiounted on clumsy runner.-. 'Ciii-'s-picuou.s jiinoiig t!ie de vices resorted to by tihe inasqueradera to create laughter; was -a tahkunx vtViint caricaturing tt.e Louis-iaua returning J The A.clvnowleclgecl ZLeficlei of low 3?riccK.) : Finflmo: my store room to small and inconvenient fo accommodate'' my larc and increased trade, 1 have SIGN OF made arrangements tb have, my store enlarged but bc-j fore commencing work I will liave to dispose of my AT THE 'I - GRIiJEN FRONT 1 AND THE CELEBRATED TROTTER. f, - 'i-1 K't i i 1 , 1, board, lh's (Jin-isted ot a-privative the'lA'inocrac' has fairly triumph-f - i . y ed and sliould j be quietly alovred s!ed wl,,cH"wc,f !seated four "ien to cniov tiie Actorv, and Jonathan Vt. Gordon, candidate for ?Attor-ney-General oi the State on the Hepublicau ticket, a iul erv; prom inent in pontics, lias asiseil the I - I i- i j- -il i I fl" themselve. so pUh.'y that there, can be privilege pi mepmif vviui. me pem- i -. j ,t,tt a. i oerats on Jan. 8th to. ;oin Avith nq mibundsrslan-itug. itf dav tae caue . . . . J . . . , . - . .- ; . t tnem 111 proteslmt; against the nle of.Dcmcerr.cy. Is. BuScnng .rem the too . jf . ;-f HflVRS ! ,. free use of that unruly member, the tcnue, by sora of lbs lead'ers of tbe Sotb. When it becomes a u'ec-esaity that Southern leaders should speak,-let itbe done in that bold, manly and po't.' led style, a fair ' Bainpl3 of wLkb is" con tawed ia lbs inaugural of Gov. Vance. The man who assume toVbe a leader o a great and free peipls tigbt never to utter n 'doubtful or uncertain sound. Ue ought never to speak unless be has Bomething tb say and then express! him self in aS simple, intelligent und c.ucie manner as the Eagliab lanuae is cspa- ilo of. Tho follswin!! from L. Q. W. one of the. most intelligent and fareing con e spoudents at , Washington indicates what we have expressed above. "Sr'ob in" better was expected of Uen. jlliil. The man that talks as much as be doe. issuro to say a great many "foolish things.' Wc. were priced - and surj rised to wit iies the indiscretion on (he part of the beloved Wade Hampton.' The cc-rre- . fcprndeht FJ:.. ; ' : ;V '.' A decided fueling of elation Las pre vailed among Kepublieniis for ei-vera! ' days past, and a I '.opoi tioiiate dip. . s sion aaiongthe J'enjcntts.. The oo!v ": chance that the Itepublicans would :jb:u doM their purpose of ihaugutalir. ijayes by fraud or foive '.ay iu the apprehen bion bTre.-istamce by the united Donuic l'acy. The name of a nufhber of Soutb ern leaders bn va been used l.y the ' Re publican press to show" that tbe South iern Denaocrats were ready to submit to Havcs'usarpatiou, and the color of prob- ,; ability ha? beeir given to all these siate ttv&uts by"tb3 piblif.Le$'uttera.ices IF Wossvst Jlill, Your"; ah 1 HamptQii. ' TL4ters of Iliil' and lampton jbave - fallen lik a wet., blanket ou the I'iemo-crats- here.' Gen; Hampton's Southern Fticnds and , admirers iu jthis city! are ?ccply mortified at tbe step be has taken. Tbe opiuion of the best observers isJtbit the situation as renuereu aoeiiy crincai 1 Major Gordon says the Demo crats have elei-ied Tilden, and if they don't sen him innugtrfated they are a set of cowardly; pol troons. Similar confessions have come fronl all parts of Inihania aiid from many pronounced and influential Republicans. The mass meeting nexfc Mocchvy will le ja-ti- sided over by Mr. AYm. H, English. Thousands will be in attendance and addresses j made without re gard to party, j j ; Congressmen Vance and Hurd and Sergeantat-Arnis Thompson all of Ohio, started to-night fo that State to bo jiresent at th their faces blackened with cork, busily engaged iw.lh the ireturns. but the most laughable rig was a; tandem team coiisisfii g i.-f a svperjiniiatcd innie, eud a venevablo hoise, drawing alogof wood mounted on four s'aiiting hickory stick,, fixed in a pair of wi'oden runners. As- ragamuffin wb tiiJe.tlit. niul wore a dug hat, a'pdir of spectudes utd i:oop-fkirt,-liOtLmw e.-e ni his grotescpie liiako up was de.-cribub'ei b'ndt-r tbe sad eyld.niule w:.s lnaiy; a bire iliuner bell. Tiie philosophic bet tmdgea along "witli ro pride of ancestry or hope of posterity,'' followed by. an un- hPpy specimen ..f bis nobler reltr. gjfcgtWlt'MTH Se?tn cotton thieves were committed !to Cumberland j-iil in default of ;.bail Mr. Clark, member of the Legida ture from EladeH, iepoi ted quite ill at Ivaleigh. : . Mr. George Wynne's condition is more faw.rable. Hundreds, bae culled t rv see hi iii- llev. Dr. Moraii hns l etn .enthralling tbe Wi'.s-niite.s with h.i elo.jueni' '.tei- uions. : ; Tliree runaway couples were .; mat ried ou the street, in MKifreesrboio, during one 'night in Cluistmas week. ' I J. T. Fryman's stables and four horses were burned at Snow IliU, on Saturday night, 23rd uit. Tbe work of an incendiary. : i A negro man by the name jf Isaac VY bitaker, was bun;ed to deaib an jS'ash county, on' 30th, ult., whilst bc.pt'Wsly drv:ii. ," There has been no winter in this lati tude fur tbe past Sf;y years, Says the Winston Sentiuff, eona.l to tise pi tseut one in set;?' itf . "j ' 'Mr. S. P. Ililliard,: of WJ'.j taker's. who was tauen to liaiumoie ou cuaige of fraud. &c. is back. A ease could not LARGE 1 a i a isabSB.aa Lil k!L vl j UUUUL DRY G001")S,BO.OTSvand SHOEfc land conGquenlly ofier tlioj greatest J . 4r i ei .T.VHLixzta ! f'oin affection. Shouts of on iaontiay; si is sani tnat oy an irrangejaeiit agreed upon? bv the people in the Stutes of Ohio, Tndi ania.and Iilinois, petitions from at leat five liundred citizens of each -county v. ill be; sent tip to Congress, praying, for an equitable and just settlement - of the Presidential dif ficulty. These petitions will set forth the firm conviction of the pe titioners that the election "ot Tilden ana nenoncKs .nas ueen lairiy and legally secured, and ask that this be de- official upon whose ,Uck was Btated another curious nondescript. Two ridiculous specimens of humanity bestrode the lug with their feet s :r;!pin the Srow. Tbe one in the rear represented n fat woman bugging I ereom tan ion in front, in or der to keep in eijulibrium or .perhaps laughter to my customers' ever before offered. Ifliicsft prices wont sell them what will, ;i 2000 yds Calico at Gets, and 7cts. ; 2500 yds 1 1 envy broivn Cotton, at 5, 5, Gets. ; 200 Towells, atSctsi apiece, ' 1 Double width liiaek Ipiteca at 93 cts; 5 doz Corsets at 25cts. apiece ' l.i.-. ' iwvvn ! -f1 oi-;., -rAgJ , BY HAVE NEWLY FITTED UP MV . Five pieces Bed 'I'icking from 9cis up Fivc pieces Water-proof .at prices ihat you . cannot help buyinir. -Cassimere for Ilen and Boys wear from 10cts.;up Ladies Shawls at 50cts. . ' .These are times wheib11-btcomes necessary to ec'ono- nii7. in votir xionditurts. ' A c:i!l is all that is nocssarv .i J i i awt new bails ' and evLvthinsr b:indom.nl y to convince you tnai you can save money m piirui?smo itmnred fonhoexctbsive bencntoi mv your goods at on -Stain t'-eet In Finpr-cr.As si vlk, snil j have Bctured the "services of M. J. .NPissev I wbo'cim beiit the world ou drinks of every ! tlescripiirtii- from an ice Ltmi'jn.ide to, ;i j Fronch 'Jb'tnidy Julep. A full etoek of tlia lollowini? edehrated brands .of. whiskies con ! f tuutly on hand; ' , ( ; OLD VAGIXIA C AMINE T WHISKY I j (six years old.) ' . k ' "0. 'K." "(mx years old.V "C Alii NET-' (fourears old.) I : ' BHUKY FOSTER,'' I ho-.people's favoritf'j taud v.-.i-'u'is otjier : ur:'.iiii; i i i iiio.-.e who., may ctefure cneap Krj,uJ:o3 aul1 Wines 06 xxitTy de script Ion. , ' y . . mi J A MIX) TASL E prospect of collision -being -lesssncd by lette'rs like t-l-.sss of !lili;acd H.mifdou, that it .is great'y crcaseu. boutberii . men here -generally c j::cur in stftiiig tbtrtlws letters do not correctly I ) re sent Soutbom seiitiment and feel in, bnttbey well uuderstood that ihey will n islead both parties at the 'oilh? and to the irfaniOUB corspiracy of llaycs and Chandler its boj o of success.; Tbe . Ilepubrcaas arc 0 just.y encouraged by tbftse (knjous'iatioin that it is I now 'doubtful - whether, ,'tl.e- slldical leaders r:w'll delay tbe employment, of fores juntil . sba. period, of, tic iujiuguivtipn. j The iftjKti 'j&ptMtyw ynhicb Iafgelji etn budis ..tbe fpdl the conspiritora, comes out flat h-o'.ed for ai resting the inorobsrsof tb lb-use of" llepres'epta tiioi if tley Aiall dsrc to el4 '.Mr. Tilden upe'u the failure of the' two Houses to agree in tbe teouct cf the' elec toral vote." ' . ." . . j . --- - 1" TUegrsudest humbug yet proposed by the distrcWl ud de-erats. Radical ccuspiratcrs .' at Yadnntou ip to ; baye a, new Presidential election. If the last electidu was.uot a fa:r one, tiiere, yjll never betmi in our count y. Tf tbr'ec hundred fbousMid "' Bsajority is r.ot -CDOUgh to elect a Democratic pres ident howinucli will it take? . Thcon- i-pirators mast determmo: tbat- Detore tbev albw the people to voie aairi. choice of tho people may -dared as the result of the count. From numerous letters re ceived by Congressmen from the States mehtlohed it appears that an j overwhelming expression of public sentiment as above indica ted will be manifest in the demon strations of Monday next.'. Flat Kivje'k, Jax. 1st 137.7. Mit. FDiTon; The Christmas, holi dty's oprned under very unfavorable cir cumst incea. CHiug to jtbe inclemency of the weather everything remained per fectly quiet tntill about 10 o'clock, a. m. on Thursday when a delegation from Mt.jTiizah having arrived at the iesi dence of tbe "Eed .Mill TobiCL-onist" . ' I ' 1 I 1! 1 , bv these utte,raucc-s, and so tar from tbe ! scpiy an agree upon a uesceut up. p tna i.cubeuoid ot Mr. J. U . h. Accord ingly a j ai ty of about '20 in number re paired to Mr. U'b, and finding him ab sent with the key of the bouse, tock possession of the kitchen and undertook j. i'eg;.ij'r old .Virginia break-down wbich succeeded to tbe entire satisfaction of all ."aide ennsVed. to siv notbirW of the old cook who s.tood. by in mute as-tonii-hmeot ocsasionly iv-ing ve it to a groan of .surprise at tbe way iu which the favorite set Cf her youthful days was beiug levivecf. A couiier having been 1; patched to notify tbe proprietor of the necessity of his presence at home soon returned bringing with' bim the stormed psrty" who was agreeably sur f.rised to see us insomuch tlist Le then opened the doors of the house and gave us full sway uutil dinner. when .vie en joyed the dainty variety of good things on board and pronounced the "storm" a success. The ; dinner meutioned, imparted new life and vigor to the re mainder of tbe holiday which was hugely enjoyed until near j mid-night Saturday wheu all parties shook bends with foa'd hopes for ech others future hap pines audi strong determinations' to renew their subscriptions to tjje I'last. j.-i. greeted this most absurd of turnouts as it moved vlo'wly alcpg tbe avenue. The niany Lai.dst.nie equipages were objeets of surprise to those who s.w them, for it was uot known that Wash ington could afford so fine a - display of sleighs. One br two1 four borte cutters were fiotieable. 'bough tbe emsdler ores more beautiful in- design, and moije gracefui-iu structure, a'ttracted fully as 'much attention rn in the day, Tiben Tatboro 'S&tlerner:' N. W. Moddie, Esq., Senator from Nash, walked 15 miles tLrough tiie slest; and snow ou Monday to take the cars for Tuileigh. Observer: Tbe Secretary of State has apjioiiiied lk-be 1 1 Tb rower pi 'iter in bis depaitrr.e:Tt. Thrower was President if die colored Tildeu & Vance Club, of this city. ' . i Tarboro Southerner: The: lively stables of Mr. J. B. Davi., of Wilson, succumbed to the weight of snow on Sunday -night and crushed all. bis car riages and buggies. . . MOHSBERGP - 'i MAIN ST. 'J iEET, tomeris, who are "cordially" iuviled tj nrj;8 Ifceiiselve3 free of o'ir-ugo vheiic,vcr they Vr'lSll. . ' - - ' - I wilt be ;;lad to see mymany old custom ers, aud as its any uaw ones as potsiljie. M. c. ui-.axDo.v, ' . i'urlianir-tt. -t 1. -WTAflAB. f A X TED, comment. Laier the departments pouted fourth their '. living gtreaihs of tired government clerics, the avenue whs landed as it has dot been s nce the , ..... t; last presidential inauguration. These is bi t littleTipws of a political character that will not have leaciicd you fey telegraph before' you leceive this, .ust now tbe talk is about a new p: evi dential election, but jtliat it will result ip more than talk, it is impos.ible to predict. It is said that e-x-govcrnor Tildeu wilt s-o;n inake his permanent residence in this eityj rccupjing a suit of rooms in one of the large betels, . It is also reported that governor Hayes will, before the foufth of March become the gue-t of President fit ant at the White House, and that after the fourth of March be will baye the vantage of possession, and be inaioted there, if need be by foice. There are other -tolutiopfi Vice Presdent's : ec;y nian that ca obtain space in the; papers seems to A. situation as silos -r , T " V ......... iiua in a store - in uurnam. i.tgv . ' esperit nee, can conitmd a good trade from Oraupe, Caswell, and person countips. Refers to. Pr. W. II. Hughes, Cedar Grovs, Sheriff, T. H. Hushes, Hillsboro, K. C. T. Ellis, Cedar Grove, N. C SALUiY MODERATE, Address, 2. H. .WATSON, CE DAK G UOVK,; Si. 0. 'I. W. WAU A B. V. JNO. C WlbKEhSON ;- ' - , . ; ' . - M FINLEYHIGH SCHOOL riAssicir,. HFfiniR ! TiiMISEMiTIt'U, 1 L'MUiU, i COMMERCIAL, . f Caldwell Co, nsd 1 . jt n EXGblSII, J IV j. E. v.". FATCETT ) H. C. DIXON, i T'riucipalsi Spring Session opens Jan, 11th1 77. Hoard from $8 to 12, per month, Tuition from $1G to f 2C per Session. For particulars send for Circular. 43. t. suggested Such as th hobiinz over. Indeed I.; have -a panacea for the national ill? ineanwhile we vai I, and watch, and pray, until the I4tb of February, a,nd i.e fourth of 31 arch, ! which, like lime and tide, wait for neither weu nor uatious. C. ' The New York! Observer is out with its prospectusfor the fifty-fifth year. It is a large paper of the fiist clasp, and should be in every family in the land. Thote who do not tale it should send for ii specimen copy at once, or, better yet, should send the! price for a year Any person desiring a comprehensive weekly newspaper, fijlled with just tbe news that every family wants, and fi ee from clap-trap or objectionable matter of any kind, will hatdly do better than to send $3.15 to S. I. Prime & Co., 37 Park Row, New Yoik, OnsRVER post-paid and receive. tba , At J. Gclstein & Bro i ' ViTo have a very large and attractive stock of goods v.'bich wc are selling at remark ably low figures. Our goods were purchase! for cash and v,e defy co'mpkition j in out selling figures.. ' ! Qur stock of groceries Such as- .: S EGA 11, -. i 7. COFFEE, - - M- '- ' : " I MObASSHS, ' i i' BACON, FbOUR ForCTIie1 Ssile of Leaf Tobacco. AX CKEIVALED 1LTXSTRATED . t MAGAZINE. ' When 5it.ibxfr issued its famous Mid- sumnier Holiday uniber in Julyr a friendly critic said of it-. "V.re are hot eure -but that Serihner has tonched high-water mark. We do not. see what worlds are leit to u ro pjiunuer' But the publishers do snot con sider tha. they have reached thei ultima thule of excellent they teiive -tofre are other worlds to conquer, and they i propose to conpuer them. ; Ibe liroMiectni lor tno new yoiumne gives the titles of more than fifty papers (n.ostly illustrated,) by writers of the mgh e&t merit. Undtr the head of j i "F0KE1GN TRAVEL," ? we have "A Winter on tbe Nile," by Gen, McCei.i.ax; "faunterinps about Coastan t;notVe,;" by tlhtrles Dudley Warner; "Out of niy window at Moscow," oy', Eugene Schuyier; An American hiTurkisttjn," etc. Threfe serial stories "are. annooneed: ; XICHOLAS MIXTURX,"; ' By Dr. Holland, the Editor, ! nhete story of "SeTenoaks" Rave the highest bstihl'action to the readei-s of the Monthly. The scene of this latest novel is laid on the banks cf the Hudson. The hero is 1 1 young man who has been always lltied to a woman ajjron string," but who, by the death of his mother, is left alone in tht world, to drift ou the current ot life.-with a fortune, but with nut a purpose. 1 , Subscription price, H a year 35cents a nuniberi Special terms "ou bound volume's Bubsciibe wish the nearest bookssller, or eewd a check or ,1?. C. money - erder to scwBStR &. Co., 743 Broadway, N. 1". 48-tf Our market, the largest manufacturing market in the State, will need for the next year TEN lMILLIONvS pounds of Smokers, besides large quantities of wrap, pers and Fillers. ' So dont be afraid of glutting the Durham . market. Bring us your Tobacco to OUI1 ArVHKIIOIJSJH argesf, and best liglit3 in t,hc state, and wc know you will realize the besf; prices at our bouse. Tho management, of the Warehouse will be undef tbe control of v . r; and eycrydnng pei'taiuing to this lino is8 always complete and all wo ask is 'that yon come and see 1'tr yourelvc. We wish .tocall the attention of the citi zens of Durham and all who trade in the ninco. to our large and attractive stock bf gentral merchandise. We do not intend to be ciciilled by any ons in Darham or in the &aha in prices and quality. ybdjWill saro from 10 to 25 per cent by jlircb-asing of us.i J. oldsteft & Kro. dot 9th. ly X DRUHUI, S.C. 1 ji 'i City Drug Store jmm 1.- iJfcfeisiisuis who has had many years experience in managinj Warehouses' and lso: in rais : !-'' ' " ;;';f-, inr and Manufacturing Tobacco. F0H THE BIGGEST PRICES UK riUEE you go to PLAKTliRS WAXlKKOtTSai: We shall keep constantly on hand a large supply of the different and "bestT'e- bacco Fertilizers and PeinTin Guanos, at cost, low fre:sbL added, having made arrangements , to getit from first hand . ' ' ' - ,' ' ' both VTT V.' W -J J.J man and beast H. W, F 12 ' . & CO. DEALERS IN PCEE DRrJGS, MEDICISES,' CHEMIC- AI, PATTEXT 5IEMCINES,PICK ! FCMERIES, TfflLET ARTICLES, . PAINTS, OILS, PUTTY, WINDOW GLASS, CEL LULOID TRUSSES, LONDON SDR- PORTERS, fuRGlCAL APPLIANCES, .;' DRUGGIST SUNDRIES .,'. .;' Prescriptiont carefully edmpoundsi ai all hours of the day or night. We are highly sensible "of the favors of our patrons and will endsavor inths future toma.keall transactioni mutually benefit eisl. .i Dnrhami N. Norember 5th, 1876s i ! ! t . - i A -- t. 1 i