f i i K TOBACCO PLi , v vm i OCAL ITEMS'. - i;ead our Washington lettei.' .;" ' Joe Jaucetle is in; town. - - - - vi t,,iFT. II. Hughes was i 1 town ia: Thulay, ' ." ;' v G. Teiser, of .Williamsburg, Ya., hfVfit- ht-Saturdayin "town; '. 0"ur lady friends would do veil read -I.s. L"goe' advertisemen i to j Ii?sf Sabbath . tvas a -dieagrpeable day fjjpedestrians. -Lujcius Green .. -has g-:ho to iVncb- " d-Tc:h weather, indications, this, Wednesday, mwrtiing, we are to h ve an other snow storm. Our eldest inhabitants neiJe re- Tr'-nil or t have seen as severe a fw inter as the-l recent has been thus far. .-i-T.kere never was a ' more time upon bus'pess meu'geneneral trying j than ' A fine time for fclel hint' las wetK ;,rU thy sport was enjoyed hugely byouv i..;. " i'.lev hauls the bcst 1 of I 1 j woJ fur $1,00.1!. t. tune's to this majk- et. ! shortJ j Geo. E. Lougee. will is a iti.es move ..his new leader I 'i.u.tti street. -'-. ;-. : . -.-Read the' advert'l.MTisrtoT i . i ,, . i ...o. l: I'artsits would do V f tin fof.ciruulars.V : .j - C:iit. A . Wilier fill .id his ice rl'.nitic the pastwcak-:S .will boose know T.herp to go text sum sue r: to be cpoled. ! 5!r! L. Wall and finiH will y the ;Uich I.' arli am this week mi'OC'i iWidenre of. Mnj. M. A.'CIoss 'uu'V - n::cet. . ; . .' - linrd .. J 1 K Frank Fitt, of IJatUebord has Dur- purchujcd a half iuterest ia the ham llcmU and will tnSc charge local depart ment of thr.t .paper.' bf the Icnes Avrats:n, Ksrj'r., of flahpel . Ui'd aud a le.idir.cr member -.of .(J rani'e cuunly.bar, entsaverat days " ham the past week..' Dur- Ve had the jleasure of a viij from i ur frk-r;il Jtmcs . 1. Breaks on jester- .lav. l!c is looking well and , is iti fine sr-iviia'desj ie the" hardi, times, j : 'T'-Tincen has. entered upefa the -df year with new resolve?, tletojrmiu- ed ti a riii'erep.t life and we here cur jeoL le will encourage him. The Oratice deicaaiicn fcreuied v c - - i - ciife a scr'satlon at Raleigh on tbd first -ilu inauguration day of (jov. A antfe are always ready for-, a good-time. 4 rirtv was f iveu b. the ioun:' t I' " 1- v i men of D'lil am.atie.rcori.n- 'Clio Stvnii lusimgM. -,rAi.p..e- hp- -p'r-u-id ty enjiy t.ie'.nsews very t.i : We had th-3 pleaWuro of a from Rev. V. II: Call -yesterday. visit We r3 to ir a v,-sm rvzA "to r.ave mmisiJ see us and hoys Mr. Call 'will vi.fit us an Wo publish, to-day upon cut! first page the maugu iral addvcijj of Gov. " .Vance. It is the finest productiju of the kind we ever reads Every wc-uian aifd cbil J in the State ou read it. s . . ram, ht to Charlie Maynard, a son of m' in . Mavnard;i'ne cf our town commissioners, fell ou.the ice last Saturday arid strain el one of his arms badly. Dr. It. . Thomas Was ci'iled in and l er.dere ! ; the 1 necessary surgical aid. : '!; No tobacco being sold on our hvark c-t except that winch is sliipped in bocs- hcu!s. Too bad ft2X planters to ivagon jn the weed. We anticipate icavy breaks on our market as scon . : s tlic . .weather will peimit. ' ..' " Removal. Mrs. K: Cr' Mirkbjim & Co., have rented the upstairs - cf Carb ton's fdruiture. storo and will in iew du niove from their .present Eta id to tin', plice. Their' customers will ; pica bear this in mind. They will . probably move next Mndiy. The- M. E. . Sabb-.th Pchoodi was largely attended cn last Sabbath despite the unpleasantness -of .. edstfis The irold' medals were doubtless t! nism. d mo- live puwer in the; hearts tof soma wbo OUipt are ! not .distin:.uisbed-for (their j atteudancjj upon SaUba.th-clioo. The young Tbubsmites- .wl.p arc iu college at Chapel IH'l will !ea,Ve to morrow fcr'that iat?a for t'ie p-irp ;se of resuming tl ier stBaies. . "Figet fot the present young . fiiends . the bright eyes you have left bobhid and apply jyour selves to your bookstand thus pf'epjare to '.fight successfully-the --battle of l'.f-j Trift AYilson Advance. Ilastbang ,.". fd hands aud is now owtied by Messr Blount, Hobg vod,fc Co., It will le ed - citd by Henry p. Williams, fojmerly oae of its editors atid Mr. W. II. Kount, f rmsrly one of ibe editors ol the Rocky iMouat Mai. . 'This will be an able team rnd we predict fjr the Adccuce licreas- Rigsrsbec & Watts is the style of ? new fim that j will- begin mercantile ! operations irt Durham At ua distant day: t They will occupy the store bouse be- twecn Teisfi's arid Lyon !fc Carr's now being remodeled; and enlarged. Both of these youtig gentlemen have considerable experience in the mercantile business laad know what to do behiudthe cbunter. A 7'j cent; cermet for 23cents at Mohsbers's. 1 i . -"j 1 ) 3Ir. A. H. "WatHon through onr advertising columns proposes to accept a situation in Durham as salesman. Mr. Watson is a first class business man and thor oughly reliable ill every; particular. If any of our business men are in need of a salesrrtn they would do well to consult him. ; ' ; I Just think will buy a ?air of extra beayv boots at Monsberg's. Ce-,1at I'Ar.TV.TliQ ladies of Dnr- ; bjira will riv? a- K?rarat Party .in Good ' 'j'oapiars' Hall text Friday night. En tire cost devel ?iiig upon any gentleman v.ill not exceodi 2ets. The 'proceeds :irc to be devoted exclusively' to fcer.efi- c(jnt purposes ar (i we feel no hesitancy in s!at;ng to.the public .tliat there will ho w hi or exlr.af;ont expenditure of to a tr-vly charitable " intitnti:n. Let al;l (Si votia'r neorde .c?te'ciallv attend. There is a good time 11 storo t-; f-r them ! t ! Friday tiiglA. ; For a gjod thaw I .'goio Fre island &Co. : Mohsb rg is about to enlarge his sioic coEsequeutly he is selling goods at prices that defy Competition. ' j IIoRKinr. .Mx'kdek. On; '-Tuesday' the "2nd, of January, Wm. K. "Thomp son' was' killed by d' pistol shot in the h'ahds'of (i.eorg-jiL'.oyd. They had been 8H .w balling, a difficulty occurred and iJlayd very unexpectedly and withuut' a ay. warning shot Thompson.'' This un fortunate occurrence took place" af Lloyd's still Louse some three miles be ybnd Cliapidl llilf. Lloyd n;a.Ie his j escape and his thus far eluded the tig- j iluuce of the oihcevs Tbompsfrti i.; wdl j known in tbi tuunty, liaving been for a long time connected with the Revenue dc;-ai tmect and i one ti ue a Candidate fur Sheriff b:i the Republican ticket i i The large and attractive- stock cf goods of. Messrs. Goldstein ;& 1'ro., i. ! being f jred for; sale at cost thvoi'igh Ji.he-i Vat:-'Oii. Trustee. Now is our ! chance to secure a bargain. : ! SioiiSBEiu.vH Xev Ad. Personal !'AVVMwiiia li'.i i-i'.i Ir1 -Aa 4 I t y-. M. .. to n . i , - - i " l i , P ciiant's lib'ovalitj' than the n.se lie makc of printer's ink. 11" lie, is lib eral in advertising rest assured iie "vs- ill deal liberally vvitli rou,but if Lie liever advertises you. may expect tb pay liigli prices for tLe goods you buy of liim. Molisberg is liber al anil we advise yoit to read liis new advertisement and then go and see him. j "" ' ! W. R. Yickers has iust received a stipply of fresh Milwaukee beer. Try j Rev. YY. II. Call. The new palsor of the Methodisthii.'ch at this jplace has srrived and taken charge of the work. Sir. Call ia a young man ofj very pleasant and affable address and an in- tblligent face, i lie preachad his first gnod the ruck sermon on Sunday fast to a very .cf'ujiregalin the inclemency o weather considered. We i',were- ? wiili his voice as a public speaker which is indeed very fine. - The subject matter elf .his fortiion was t-niiccmly 'practical logically arranged and finely dslivertd. Altogether we can safely name him as one of the lising young men of the North Carolina Conference. i Durham Hai'tist ?aliiatii Sciiool Reokganization. "New Officers.; Our Baptist friends reorgani zd their Sabbath School on the first of the year ancb-have prepared for a 'vigorous pros ecution of the interests of that institu- iion uurirg cpon its reorg anization the following officers were elected for ; the present year; John L. Markbain,.. Superintendent, IT. A. Reams, Arat, Superintendent,-AvJ tlunt Secretary ; H. II. Markham, Asst. Secretary ; Cob E. Dalby, Treasurer; 5. E. Watts, LnoraiiaUj w.-.i. rearce, Asst. Librarian. TEACIIERS. irs. Jennie Day, 3rs. Sallie J. Styron, 'TS. A. TreotjMrs. U'. E. Watts, J. T. I 'r'ombU; I. M; Reams, Wm. Lipscomb, J. N. Cheek and II. A. Reams. With 'such officers and such a core of teachers success ; will necessarily attend the ;.lrnl I v' i- . i J -v . , - ...... - ... - - - , , ., . The Eight Man in the "eight 1 place. 01 r J. JJ. Urooks. oae 01 tue most papular Insurance agents in the State, has accepted the general agency for Westeju INorthCarolica to look after the busines3 61 the 1'er.u Life Icsuranca Company of Phila delphia with , headquarters at States ville. This isoneiof the best and most liberal companies we kubw of,- and we feel no hesitance in recommending both the company and ids general agent. " Mr. li. is a polite young gentleman and we trust 1 e may do well. Raleigh News. ;Vc heartily fenofss the above and congratulate- the company upon secur ing the services o Mr. I3ro.'d:s as an agent. He is thoroughly versed in the. .insurance business and is a very euccess- iul canvasser. lur. L. is ia town am will.be )ieaed to ' ffo.it upon any one in need of insurance:! ill ' Henifmber, remember, ren ember, Mohbbcrg is selling great bargains.: 8AD.- -niys.scs y csson a Freschniaii, Rl.o a tew years siLce pureliased land on I r...via...-u, f..v.i- T..U..,t. 'ir.!.. I li;'J 1 uuu ituuii'L: 11c uj -v ucni! iu .vikmi-i el Hill some 3 mijes from (he fjruer place, bss recently' gone through the ci;ucible of tifflictioajtlie sequel of "which was his passage filohi life unto death. Christinas motning-when all" -earth was .wrapt in a beautiful; mantle of snow and all iraiikind was refeu ing over the an nual return off the iu:Ual day' .of. our C?avior, throu(qh tbt? strange -dispensation ol an all-vif fi i'lovj dei.ee he was fprcod to dritik the bitter idiegs of sorrow. At the early hour of C, the fire fiend took r hold upon bis residence and before any of the family were aware of it, - the Louse was irrecoverably ehveloped ii ' flames. The heavy snow onjfundav, the day be fore, bad been followed at night by a mist of rain congealing' as it fell aud fu ming a sheet of i'de ever "ho jsnow When the family ascertained the Louse was on Gre so far bjad it advanced that they were forced to,fee for the safety of their lives, and fortiiiuatc-were they in deed iu saving'lifw.; At.that early hour barefoot and nore other than their sleep ing raiment, Mr. Vesson, wife and four children were forced out into the snow, j and walked over ai mile throuiih the j snow and ice and e leain that blood was left at every step. Every thiug in the housa vras l -st. M . Mr. Are.son bad jeen in feeble health for several we2bS. ; nd the exposure no doubt gave velocity to the rapid, en croachments of the S,dif case. Since tliei fire he and fami'y lia've been cared for at'ths res:di:ce of . Mr.. Jchn J'roetor. Ue rupidlv declined1 and on .' Sunday last he passed sway Thus hr.s the Wife of hs bosom and the dear little : cbil iron suffered in a itwo fold capacitv Sf.ipp of home afd raiment followed in lU;ck succession bv by the lots of the ! d?aresl friend on ea'rtl it vou have ant boots snd snocs to . 1 buy, examine MobjjbergY stock before spending your mouey : Mohsburg has openeJ anothr lot cf tlie best calicos for? 6 f.nd 7 cents per yard. i . .' as revised and improved, is the best and most charming young folks' paper pub lished for the money. It stands in.the first rank of the journals of its class, and has a larger actual circulation than any other child's paper hi the c-mntry. Its offers to agents 'are j' -simply wonderful. Sample papers are gent free on applica tion, or for only thirty cents it will'be ce.nt; with a beautiful picture, for one year. Addrese John A. Clark, Wadi worth, Medina CountyyObio. r : Thirty-three yeark have passed since the introduction of (Dr. Hull's : Gousrh Syrup, end it still stands unrivalled. Price, 23 cuts; five' bottles Si. iirlt:tiii I'rouiice ITIarliet. CoKnECTED j WEEKLY BV I ;M. A. Ai.'cieu. . - . i i Bacon, N . C,.(ho ? ro-ind) . . . . 14 Bulk Mdos. rf! lb i shonluers. Bacoa " Pork, " Mess,... Ramp,;. .-alt. . -j. ........... Lime .. ..1 Corn ..." Peas...;.....- .Lard, .......II .l!l.O0f7rtr1.50 .17 CffrtlT.50 ....... i.10 . .....6(r7f B5 .....S'Oi ..'ioo , . ;..i5rt?ifii.; ...ur.;it'8r 0f: 75 ..0.10 at Y.liO ......... .S.j .......... 00 .1. . .. 87 .... ......25 00 :.t.7o . . .... 20 cts. ....... j.. " Country,:. j. . " Nortliren, ." . . ...... Mcal... .'..'.- -. Fioar per AA Svrt;p. .;. ...... . . . . . . . . . . . Oats...j..' r. Kg-s...... ji.. Bcesrrax :. : - Swee potatoes, fer bushel. . . Chickens, (spring).. Etirham Tobacco .tlaritct- Report . of Fasmers Warehouse. Durham, N. C. Januvry 10:h, 1877. Owing to the unsettled condition of Cduutrv we do not deem it advisable to (i notations of the market. We -would advise farmers ti boll back their tobacco for the present, Any quotations we might 'make could but be made as nominal. We look for a sttady market and jaetive trade at paying prices eo eoon as the Presidential question is settled. ."- P ' ' ' : . RespecIuly, Walker, Lyon & Cq , liirtmui iodse V IV.F. A. M. .';. .-'' Meets j ; Tlio second "and fourth Tuesday nigtrt in each month. 'i . ' . Dcruah Hoy An Akch Cuaptxr U. D. i ' ' Mr:KTS .j: ; ! . ; The third Tuesday nigkt. 29 12m. , ' .')': I - I . : : "5- pi" Mrs. Win. H.-Hauls ' Will open echool at her residence, on ft . " LIBEKtY STREET, j ; jisrcr-A-s. 15m 177'. Terms $lO.OO,i Sl SO. t:.b finest sh:p nr the state WILLIAM POWELL, AT GTIEAT COST HAS lilTED lOSJXTAaX I5AKI6I2E' SSIOI - with the latent EASV'CHAIIIS AND i ; OTHCK FUHNITPEIi, . Cok. "ltov axd 5lAKtiN- Sr., jj. TEJITtY i -with ro ninl williat all times be wleafeed-to fic"ohi3oWcustomets.; 47-t 1 J --- FOST OFFICE RESTAURANT - ".-.' H HaTart,r purchased the entire! interest of I J. M. Hatch in the Restaurant . business I am now prepared to fm-nish OYSTERS both uiolk.aim Norfolk and FRESH FMS11 at all "ho lira. I "'Hoard by the day, week or month, payable iu advance v Meals and i.acks 1'urni-hed upon ehort notice and u on tlu- iist reasonable terms. jEverythiiig kept in-the neatest manner. I car be foimd i:&xt door to the Post Office ou..Maugu street. Ilopinti to receive a libera! share of public patronage I am ; -; "V ery ': Kesp.e-t fully, M. t woi:kant! iUtirham,! N- C Having purchated the entirSf iiaerest of IT. Terry I have fitted up & first clsas barber hm'oou in my new store cu ChurcU street where freijtlemr-n can be accommodated irt any. branch of the art. '. My barber has an experience of over 20 yearn aud a thorough knowledge of the business on his part war rants me in guaranteeing perfect saUsfact tion. Don't forget this place is on Church Street nest door to Loutree's. ; , tf. 47. . M. C. Hots-nos, Durham, N. Cv BOARDING HOUSE. I haveleaccd the house on Manguin Ftree-t, forintrly ktjt by- Wood, A", Peat, where I have opened and intend to ke?f- . iirst class hoarding house. Board cu be; obtained with or without rooms. I Every "thflEg ' first class. I -will also keep a stlect stock ef ! eoRfet'.i'-lieiiep. board ihe Vest the market - j will afford .and charges 'most reasonable. uive nie,ac""- 4t. DUIllIAil, N. C. R. BnCUGHTON i BRICKLAyER AND and all kind of j ,!S.SStK1Sl 1" MO UK done on short notice and Upon the most rca Konable terms. 1 will coi tract f of work and furnish material when desired. . .. Long experience under the mist skills workman warrants-'me in g'larauiecing sat isfaction.. I refer to tbose itr whom I have -worked, ' June 12, Fall Millinerv. THe liarscst Stock EVER SEEN IN ORANGE COL'NTpT. Ths hte:t styles and -bsst gcjaa art cur motto ia making sslectio: SOMETKINQ TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. The Senior partner has over pur hfears exyi'nrt -init "-;,!'r'"',7 business at L'u!wwt? tsathfied they hai e the goods to please ths ladies of Durhaiij the surrounding country. COME AND SEE.; Onr'itock of millinery goods is complete j an(j jf yOU tradb with us you will be eiire to ... - - j ..I. get Ue worm oi your mouuy n gooua oi the latest styles. ; a full line of French ad Americjan Crcets, Children, dlisses' and Ladies' Ilats, tTrim- med and Untrimmed, FLOWERS, " . RUFFS I , SCBF3, j BILK TRIMMINGS, ' XiAClsk Sat and numerous articles which we have Bot msntionedli-.but that are usually fonnil in a the ' FIRST CLASS millinery estabfcBhnjent give We pledge ourselves to -furnist g odb as fashionable, as fresh and as low as any house in North Carolina, and all weiask is a trial oild wo will convince yon of Jail have here said.. j RospectfuUy, ;C. 32 DURHAM IN LOOK! LOOE! ', . - - I. ' - ' Great ; Bargains i n ' i 1 : ! - ' &. TEISEE'S DRY GOODS, CLOTMING,: ' BOOTS, f SIlbES. r GPvOCEiUKS,' ; ; NOTIONS kc Sec. : !'.!- AT PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. : - Meats at Fate Prisss. : ! . . . .. SUGARS AT REFINERY PPJCES, at Importers prices Call aud bo couvinced that I mean BUSINESS! 5,000 yards best prints latest pattern and best manufacture, at t cents per yard, just received. j My calicoes are printed on the best standard cloth and warranted fast in every respect or I will refund the! money. Give me a trial and be convinced that t in regard to price and quality Ij cannot ! be excelled. For a nice Christmas present to some cf your friends, come and get Bomo of my shawls, .b.lmoral skirts orja nice worsted dress pattern, all of i which I a.iti selling very low. ' 500 ITandkerchieves at5 cts, a piece. 500 yards cf Kentucky Jean? Table Rock Doeskin at 25 ets per yard. 200'! yards' of HERRING RONF; at 30 ct.s per yard. New colors and styles of "Woolen Mus lins at ICS to 25 cts per yard. 10$ Large Ladies Shawls a ; 60 cts a piece. And a great Triety of.' Sna SHAWLS at astoaishingly LOW PPJGES. 100 felt Skirts from-60 cts to'$l.50 i i - " i 1 . ;- 100 pair of Woolen Pants, elegant, pat ! i terns and best styles fwm$l,50 io ?2.00 per pair. . J i Hoots Slides OF- EVERY & Price. Large. Assortment OF WOODEN and WILLOW WARE, HARDWARE kc, . ON HAND. ; Having bought the greater part of ray stack after a decline in prices, I intend to give my customers the benefit of it. Dou't forget ths place, the; - ' O'Brien Building, MAIN STREET, .... DURHAM, N. C. " ' j 'i;' ' li' A. R. Cox with "me pd will be pleaded to have bis many frieadi in Oranze and Grauville call and see him, nd 1 will guarantee to sell them goods n low as anv house in or out of the w State. " RESPECTFULLY, Quality No 43- A FORTUNE FCR OKLY OXEOOLLIRi iiriliST DOLLAR tUAUTEKLY DlfAWISG at Kew Orleans, Tuesday, January 2, 1877. Louisiana State Lottery Company. This Institution was frefruUrly incorpor ate by, the Leielature of the State for Ed ucational purposes in 16.CS, with a. Capital of 1,000.000, to which it has bince added a reserve fund of Sj50,(IOO. Its Grand Single Nuiiiber Drawings will take place monthly. The beofcou of 1S77 opens with the following scheme:. ; i " - ' . CAPITAL PRIZE, $15,000 i Priie $10,000, 1 Priae $5,000. Prizes, Amounting to $00,52;. 100,Ot0 Tickets at; ' ONLY ONE DOLLAR EACH. Write for Circulars or send oraers to' CHAS. 1. HOWARD, Xew Orlcaus, La. Or to M . 1. Fogarty, loVaMaiu ist. , Norfolk, Vu. : EEGLLA11 QU ift'lftltl.Y DRAWING on February--t, lfe77. TrokcU to 'eueh. Capi tal Prize "BO.OOJ. . 4i it. AB?SETiIM! ?3, 250,40 worth of space in various news papers distributeYl through thirty States, wi'l -be sold fOf $7.00 cash. Accurate in sertions guaranteed. -.A list of the papcrr", giving daily and weekly circulation and Printed schedule of rate?., seat! frc'o on ap plication, to GKO. P. HOWELL & CO.,. News paper Advertising Agents, No. 41 Park" llow, New York. TA1 P'I;MCa i lOTl h' r EMbROIDERY AND imAtDING Beautiful "patterns for ghrments of any description,; and upon all grades of goods.' 1 - ; "Linen Cambrics and woolen goods stamp ed to .ordr. Come aud select. Prices l0W" MRS. GEO. E. LOUGEE, . Durham, N. C. $4 PA SEMI-MONTHLY ifOW MASONIC JOURNAL. . . " ' , -0 -;. The cheapest stIucti.y Masonic paper published in the United .States! ' Eight pages thirty-two broad columns and ouly 1.00 per vwr, six months 75 certs. gggfMtcTiable Agents Wanted' to- canvass every Lodge ill the Urited States, to whsrn the tezt terms will be given. Enclose stamp and address : . E. A. "WILSON, Greensboro, N. C. flower :on & Bro MANUFACTURERS. If you want first class work call on them and yon will get it, they keep it always on hand. Eepairing done in the neatest style and on short notice at pricctf to euit tb times. TERM CASH. . v EABBWAEE ) OF EVERY DEpCRlfTlON. SASH; DOORS, IT.IjSTDS, Stanley anJ Biplew Stem Enpies. ; largest Stock iri JTJX.ITJS LEWIS & 0.,T - ' !.i ' r - ' FISH LIZ li ML DING KLEIGUy JT.C Wiite for Catalogue, Prices, &c. , BUEHAM, N. C. .-.-' -- I i "' .1 " ' - j .;' We the undersigned, vrill on the 15tn, Iday of this month take ehtrg of tk well-known . r; '-"'.. - j 1 - . . . . . - i j (.Having been run for several years by E. Parrish,) after the above ocmed ' day it will be run under the Sepervision Of Oapt. Alex. Walker i whose long experience and known ability in j Is known to the trade, ho having had 26 years experience in th Tobooo Dusint!, we deem it useless to make futber comment. .1'. ;.';''.- ii ..- i - ' - " :-.' "I- ' - :. We simply say to FARMERS' and SUfl'I'ERS give a trial.1 No effort will be wanting on our part to please, both in ; . - i ' Price and Quick Returns; Wc make u boast or flourish, nor do we promise to at ietter than all the Werld besides, but we do say that we have the facilities for doing as well for you as any other hms3 can do en the Durham Market,' . J :. "Walker. Lyon & CoL September Sth. 1876.1 ' . , . MARKHAM'S at i ;' The Briok StorG is the piccE: ; j . ' : To Buy Your Groods- .E2AYINE &0R YOURSELVES A!?D SAVE MONEt-i A ' '.- .'; ' i YOU WILL FIXD . J ' PTJIiXj STOIC OP ; DRY GOODS, ; NOTIONS, ; .' GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES BURT'S BOOTS and G AITERS Tor Gents, S MILES' MOROCCO and CLOTH SHOES ' FOR LADIES anrMISSES. . ! j ' I call special attention 0 GLASS-WARE, i -, i -L And Reduced Prices of '; IRON STONE WARE, t " Prices of N is sen Wagoil REDUCE& . .. " it-- - - .. ; ': Tor a short time 10 per cent lower than -X usual. ' . ' j . It is to my interest to Bell same qnal- ity'goods as LOW AS THE LOWEST. ' " TR Y ME " I WILL GUARANTEE PRICES TO SUI1 1 I will pay the highest markot prioe in CASH, ' ; TRADE or DISCOUNT ; FOR SEED and -t B.LE COTTOJf - nd other country produeo. ' . ' Respectfully, .i ' .1 . . . I-; v " ' Join L. KarUiaUr ; SUCCESSOR TOM. W. CHEEK. ' f . . V DURHAM, $.0. North. Carolina cd useful neS?. : 1 4-i i If I i .

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