THE fOBACCa PLANT Urt'Oi, I.iili.i-. SlftVd n (rap !, 'VII-. was'it t' tUe Genera' As semble cutild iut da a-i wi-lied i regard to tho election of 'J.stices of iliv Few? How was t thy the gentlemen (ompossng that tod ignored the. .wishes of the! j.oop!': as exr-re-fwd in t'nei county; meetings, arid e'ecel tbw.vho, itt fiOiiiS instance, we: net only i b- j jectionable, but absolutely incompetent -Mori was it that the d. funct body wa? 08W:ftto do sOne things i fought never t. have done, so id w to do some things that so much needed de and bo dreiict in leavine" undine to iU last many thing ip-n agy manufactnred atticla is filwriy ! that it ought to have done ! Absenteeism. at v 2) J 2 H A & C II Ut, 18 7 'J'asea S-VrltJizfrrs.- ; The liw recently passed by fie Lg Sslafrure living a tax of 4 "'08, on each fcouipiny fjf the. pnviVge of fselHng fertilizers in t'eS ate that r? raanufae Tiifed outside (ri Its bor3er'wflT oppre the very ' claw for -whose bene! r It was TWtcnsibTf intended the fani;e-. A'ta's wi'.l .not be t jiuiri.fd no li.ut'er ow Wid b tha consumer nd e notice ' peanuts, t mulity, inexperience, tbt tfce msnsfat-turerH of Fcrrt&r in Croats and a flowing bowl, may m part i expiaia ino niaicer. tvi o.ui. We ere not aprisJ of the p'kcyj Baltimore have resolved to increase the price of ail fertilijrra $1,00 on each ton old ill North Carolina. Now. v. be pays lre taaf? , The rmer of course, and in: stiad of retaining m$Bey in the Sjate it . will send th" ' ""f dollars out of it. iiShortaisf appers; to u powerful thr.':r pilLtiijal bricking uiay le. The clm fur oGdejin tin' Dcpartmort ha?, of. xt 'ur-p, bet'n greater t'l.n in aay other,.and has nqCiJSiitated fie print ing of a circular to h j effect ihaf. ib.era are no vacancies andjtlut when vacancies occuv they will be filled by ui.ii it an I i:i accordance with civi server rules. The prospects of the Uiej-c office sddker were never more gloomy than- now, and the large number who have made a pilgrim age to Washington' have lost money. The vau Department. Iu ' this a i a.I t : a uepari.naji toero nas as yjt b 1 n' tiistinctivc policy advertised. Tne new Secfe..iry is esteemed, by ;buth politica friends aiid'eneinies, a - niot abl", csre that prompted our legislators to appoint incompetent nsgro magiotrates, but think their time wuuld have been bet'er sneut at Tim Lee1 wake. Nappe ith iu uv( 1- J T . mi, I 4.C will sieg ot ytoreigJ conapaaiatf , d fardaftr.wil ay the What tlie South need it imnn ;ration oS an bonest and thrifty eiaas of people nd we an glad to knDW the subject U being ronsrsred in the NorthernjStates. , Persons, who ooe Biong us iwkh a deaire and intention to make gv.fd aad fiermanent oit'uens, will always fricaive 4 warm welcome from our citizens. Mr. Dennett, of Louisiana, writing fr0a Bos ton to the New Orleins fanes, p'ajs. ; 'lbe meeltaaics and lut.dlesi "furmers of the Northern States are Jii'UtenaJ ; i ud they are beDt upoa having, land in the South ai soon aa tbey can jossibly i:et it. We have been anion;? jta uia- Governor Hauiptou, fr purposes Tt iknowajjp himself apJ hs adf iiera, -is now engaged tn otgiimain a strong una effective constabulary forca. fle has ap pointed Col. Whi, 15utler. of EdgeQold as chief of the force, which so far num bers fifty picked men. Butler it a na tive of Greenville, but now a resident of Edgefield. He u an ex-Faderai and ex-ConfederuU arni j officer, and was Colonel of the First South Carolina Regulators. He is regarded as an ex cellent aclection for thin responsible po sition. . : '.' The action of the H nttse in declaring that.Tildea was e'ecttd President of the United States places a bLur upon tlic aliumistratbn of Hayes lh it Bo legis lation can wipe out, for it "goes upou the records of Consiress' and will remain .chanica-of Massachusetts forty djays, and j tj9re forever, and it will go '.' dowk to Imve consulted with them, and have -heard then? italky and , have scin them ' organizing tq go t-j Virginia, jFloiida, iSoi tli' Carolina aid Texas, and we apeak . understandingly. : about th'i matter. 'J'hey never sptak o' going West the , .South is on their brain. Imorgration .. to. the West is at an end. ' j " fXUe $xt Hons?. .' A correspondent at Washington gives lhe following to show Irw the I)toocrat e propose toaecure tbe organizatio'i of the . neit House . of . RepreaftntatiTea. .-He . 'Clerk Adami is engaged ia co.inpUing the roll of the next House of jpresen-.,-Jtati?es. lp view of theprospcottHe con test to secure the organizitiun for the - ilepublicans, it is ascertained that he will ' exclude all Repub;lBs in contest- . . fed cases, so that the appareat Democrat ic majority will stand about seventeen. Leading .Republican members in the city have, bjon in conference! upon .the ubjeet in tha bopo of devising some means by whicli, this aibitrarj . proceed- ; ing may be defeated. They have deci 1 .ed that it is a question of siicli grave importanc to the President in carrying out hi commendable policy! of reform And retrenehment in every branch of the Government that hfl shoulj have the lull support of thejjonse if at all prac ticable.' i ' history Jor all time thaf-thta -National tlouco of Fvepreseut ves. regard him a3 lhe da facto, hut not the juris Presi dent.? ' Judre Shaw, "of the Circuit Cjurt Judges of South Carolina h .'i ci mpelie l a hhsviff t) recsgnio the Ilhmjton g.ivernmcnt. He regards it as the only legal government inthe State and is de termiaed that all the officers of h s vuri shall feapcefc it. ful, and judicious man, ait giveu to dis play and proc'awaon. It'.forms will doubtless, be instituted, when he shall have surveyed the field, but they wili mos probably be known 'by their fulfillment before they have been announced in the bills. SlfoMcCrarji a lawyer of great ability, and it is kuovn be would have preferred the Attny Ooneials-iip to the place in the ialiet lis uow holds. But 8i!:C3 iriany qntntions arising from the use of the anjiy in the South are sure ton-quire legal discern ment,and manage- mect there is reason for congratulation that an emioerft lawyer is at the head of the Derfartment of war. In compar ing this administration with the lust, the predominance of the legal profession is remarkable. W ith the exception . "Mr. Schurz every member of the preseut cabin t is a .lawyer. In Gen. Grant's cabinet the only lawyer wus the Attorney General. . ; The question of an extra s s-ton has uot yet bocn settled, but t!ie prevaiiirg improsslon is that it will be indispensi- ble. The competitorj of Mr. Ivandall for '.be . speakership, are urging delay. Ttiey opjjote the asaomblinj; of Congress until Dcember, with the object, of form ing combinations fa favt-r of Cox, Sayler, Springer, Wood, Paiter, Blackburn, and other.'. Should an extra session (;) is ino-t probable) b'i called iu May, Mr. llandall, it ii thought, wilt Invi Ipu'. littie oppoi-ition foi tho speakership i .: i. . - , 1 . 0. lAfo Insurance. The "fSPfnt failure of a number of life ; insurance Companies have to a very consid erable extent impaired pvbVc confidence in life insurance. These failures are con fiqedta'what lire ' designated - "weak" companies thmjb have , sprang into exist. nnce during tKe past few Jesrf and have ,ut(furnb 16 ineompBtent management. post date, has the lollowiog aensible re- marks T "In conseqaence of the failure "of a few life-Insurance companies and the relation in . at least one instance of , utrocious (raqd and'' mismanagement, a ve'y bitter feeling Ins been1 exci'el.on r. the sabject in the public mind. There ' is some danger .that this feeling may be carried to excess aid applied where' it is not deserved. .TLo February number f Su)rtfet-iaM-alliirg Attention to tbis danger, presut a .detailed state ment of what tie twenty-six companies tpelonging to the itJbam'er of Life Insu rance have doea and are actually doing. During a period of thiriy-two months, between April," 1874, and November 18 70, incluaiyeJthose ceMpanies-paid fro,-. ftsj.442 fer deatli and t endowment 4 Uims. Of these, the "endowments" were lea thad nine pr cent, eti thatJ ."nearly fartj-nine millron OoHars were paid to Bjarvivors to the i families j of men who thus provided against; the cvilj day. The payment run whirewarkar- tie evenness Mircugi tne bo one ; rtioQhJaGqng31rilku ,$1,380, '009. , It ,ifs catculatci that aboit six hundred fainTTies are thus relieved-from . listea, iaotyevertyeTer rnontbj and Xhat thirty thousand children 'per year - inns -obtain the pp if Unity of a good ed- acatiod and aUrt m Uw world. U tule it is very de&rrablo tkat feebU insurance ' "companies -should b wwedeJ out, it t Iur Wasliiuton Belter. I l Frojri our regular Corrsspondont. i - - WXhingtos, D, C. March, 16, "77. There is nothing D3w in t'le.sitJation to, day, jand aU that is ol interest froi i political stand-pointariscs fioui the de velopments of the reform policy of the ne resident and his a'dordaut cabi- net It is fresh and refreshing to hear an announcement like tint of Secretary Schurz to the effect that there shall be no dinnis'als without ciu3e, and q'o appoint raen:s without merit, an 1 that ersonal and political considerations shall not in fluence him in appointments or promo tions in his Department.. TriE Navy. DiiPARTMEXT also it ' appears is to be gWtpt with the besom of nfiu. The hnry ".nland Neptune who has been call ed to take charge of the marine portfolio assembled the various chiefs of the bu reau yesterday and rqad them some tail ing ooders that were both Btartling and impreniive. In the first place he said it was his intention to eall them together would be - terrible miatake to overthrow public confidence in sound companiee and in ia Tteni nhicH' Confn spread benefit." sueh wide- We are always pleated to, recommend a good article! Drt BuH'e Ccugh Syrup never fails to cure a Cough or Cold in short time. Tbs price is j ots l..'isliliYe Appointaicnts. Eclow we .publish a Hit of magistrates p.p pointe;l by tho last Legislature for the coun ties of tr;uie, Piarsoa au l Grauvilla. . i Iiilldboro -Calvin E Smith, Nutnattiel p. lUin, Alvis Dnihana, Juo M. lllackwooJ, Lemuel Lynch. ' - I.itt'.o Itivtr Ramuil 11. Jordan, Lambert W. Hal!, Addison! L, Holden. ManKum A. K. Umstead, Geo ' W. Jonas, Uurani-Wiii.!'W. Ouesn, T. P. Paschtll, Robert D.. Tattersoh, D. 0. l'arriih, M. A. Anier, C:il?b H. ,Orien. rntterscn Samnel li iiirreutiao, uaOnel A. Barbeo, Woi. Maso i. Chnpsl Hill itnas W. Johnson, Waa G. Hohea jB, Merri tlCUeek, Jao II Watsoa. Binhiun 1) Durham Rout Long, T P Bradshaw. . ' I Cedar Grove Win. "W AlHion, Wm. T Tate. John Thoiipsou. - COIXT1. Dm in i Order955 ppeis and ." y ..yip.g Propnetor. . . y v l Conlak 0! '8 P 2 " H 2 ft m 0 immmwm mm i i. - -ML. 1 I IN TT- leMtii wlmm mMm$ ' mmmM mm tm i j ID ) WM Price reduced to suit the times. 25 tons just received -'fresh from manufacturers. a Urintr your tobacco' to Durham Warehouse, where you will get big prices and load back with lJoppleins 10- bacco Fertilizer and savd the country. , V ery Kespecttully, , Cunninghams Riclmonl,; -Robtj Olive Hill W. regularly, once a week, and bold a sort of cabinet meeting over the condition of the Navy. All the Chiefs of Bureaus will theu be expected to suinbit, among other things, the latest developments in the business of contracts, and not to proceed to award any without his knowl edge and consent. This he insisted up on as an invariable rule from date, and 'b;it he would hold all clerka accounta ble for ,a strict compliance with it. Furthermore he said there should fa the j future, be no reliance opon a deficiency bill. When expenditures seemed necesv sary, they would consult the naval ex chequer, and if the expeuae could be afforded all right, but he would uot drive ahead with expenditures relying on Con gress to square the account by a defi :ien cy appropriation ; he -law no use and no excuse for this habit. Tho Secretary ended his first la won by asking for tha report for the House Committee on Naval affairs, affirming that he proposed to sail by that ohart. In the Post Of fice Dejpaktmeln we have presented a resaarkable picture of a happy family. The most discordant elements have com promised their antagonisms and ki-sed each othar. Mr,Tyer, late Post Mas tar General ueier President Grant, has virtually; the earoe place under the new administration, Tot he has been appoint ed first assistant Post, Mastei General, aud the result will be that Mr. Morton's first friend will have, as the immemori al prerogative of the first assistant, the patronage of fully 25.000 post officjs, r nearly all "of those ia the Northern and Western states. Post Master Genera! Key has announced his intention, to look after the Southern appointments only. Hare als? civil service reform has been inaugurated. Competent officials will rrot be removed, and iBcemnetant we ' -Samuel A Barnott, C II A Willi arcs. ! - 0. Winstead,. James M Burton. A J Het-fer- Bushy Fork if L Brooks Jno G Coleman, James O B'adshpr. ; Flat River Ales Rearas, Henry Mont gomery, James Catas. .,- Roxboro Juuicb T ditcher, J B Pleas ant", Wm It Webb. W. ols Da'e jS J RoburUon, Jno A Bam ett. Jeff J Brooks . Halloways Thomas J Montague, E N Wilkerson, Thomas H. Street. AUensville H W Harris, L. C Clayton, B A Thaxtort Mt Tirxah Q Q Moore, Grcves Meadows, W T Noell ! iKAXVII.I.E COUXT1. Henderson H C Crosby Harvel Harris, E 0 Brodie, S S Cooper. Kittrell's Erastua Pewall, Baldy A Cape, heart, Cha W Villiams, Fishing Creek Harvey Harris, Jr, Rich ard W HarriB, Wm M Blackwell, Braesfield' Samuel H Kennedy, Clinton M Rogera B.obtGarni Dutchvillo Wm T Mitchell,- Jno B Green Frank J Tilley. Walnut Giove-rW T Lyon, Wm Daniel, Jas M SatUrwhite. Sassafres ; Foik Wilkin Stovall, Walter Pattilhi, Wm U Tanner.. i ownesville-iJ Herbert Taylor, J W Heart, W K fSnsed. .Oxronl J W W,koS H T Hughes, L A PaachAll, A C Parham. N A Gregorv. Tally Ho Arthur T Carrinpton," Vm li Smith, J H Webb. , Oaa Hill y . H Turyear, J W Koyster, Ruiu Ami. . J PABHISH, . Si PAINfS, PAIMM, PAINT . IF YOU Y7AOT TO MINT YOUR D -W ID --L." li I N" Gr, 1 A 31 nOlSG WpllK VERY J.OW, A OFF, If XG 1 TO SVA UVMTV OF M0SE1T. . I have red-ced'rnv prices forjwork, though material is Lightr. But Ij 'Trcirse to'iise the bent material ftud warrant my work for any reasonable lin e, and Vlso to give satisfaction in the Quantity, Quality, Taste Dura-: t bilitv of ray work, anu a.j low ns any inuer uri uass "ccu.iii.v- j Give me a Call, HOUSE, SIGN. ftND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER Shop adjoining MarWiam's prick Store. ... J DURHAM, p. 0 , II. W. VAHAB. u. m. wahab; JNO. C. WILKJEESOif WQ1 DURHAM N. CJ Valuable Property D TJj K H J M FOB SAL1, s I wish to eetl my hoase and lot in the town of Durham locate! on Church stree. It ia near the -business part of town aiid very convenient for a boarding- house. The lot contaius j about one half of ,an acre the house a two story with four rooms to the main building, donble poanh in front, and with two rooms in. the ljear for cook aud dining rbona, a poaea extending the length of both rooms nicely latticed up; also a well of gocKl water on the premises. fis is oae of the most desirable residences town. ' . ., . J. fiD, LYON, S-tf 4 - Uurhaai, N. C. new FOR ' 991 E. A,Si';.:: ' ! A place te sell all kinds of old Irons, Rough t, Casting, old Chains Coppet, Brass, Zmck, in fact every kind of metfthi "fer the cash at 0. M. Herndon's Meat Market. I Main street next door below Hunt Wrights store. C M. HETtNDOX Jr.. We the undersigned, will on the well-known ;' 15th, day of this month take charge of the . . . ;- . f. f rnnnn 1 DURHAM, N. C. For The Sale of Leaf Tobacco. (Having been Ipn for several ; years by E. J. Parrish,) day it will be run under the Sepetvision of Oapt whose Ion y experience and known Our market, the largest manufacturing market, the State, will need for the next year TEN MILLIONS okers, besides large quantities ot wrap- arket.iBrin'na your TeWooe ie. ability in V - r " - Is known to the trade, ha having had 26 we deem it useless to make futhe We simply say will be wanting od Prid We make uo boa besides, but we di other house can d. 1 - - ' i September 9tl 7

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