A-KTID 1T={. VOL. 17. T=- DIIBIIAM. N. C., TUESDAT, lECEMBER 3, 1878. S1..)0 PER ANNUm, A\ l*i*ofes.sio]iiil C’arrt.x. T s. r. .) u H .\ c Attorney at Law IHUtH.VM, X. r. T’.ninpt Attention to all ilminesa. ^ H. W K 1? 15, Attorney at Law, DriUIAM, X. c. Will in tho S*iprrir>r ('onrts of Ala- Orancro an«l IVri»t>u, Ail l)nT»ino«» pr »rn’>tly aittia U>*1 tf». 11-ly. A Dark (iamc Lost. The three magistrates had sat uniu- terru{>t( (llv, far into tlie autumn af- I ternoon, and had now retired to eon- i sider their dee.ision. It was ;i distres- sing case and occurred “And you believe—" “'i’iiat all will V)e righted yet, I can wait, dear—if you will let me. You were never more precious to mo than iyoii are at this mouu'iil.” ‘ Miss Westbrook—dome, Fanny, in Siigde-j is no place for you.” bride, which is a mere hamirul of aj Hai-old and she h.ad m)t heard the town, provoked intense intere.st among j fontstc-ps. It was Blanchard and her the inhabitants. Silas M estbrook, the, l)i-other wlio apj)roached unnoticed, reluctant jirosecutor, was senoir part- | “ And no place for you either,” said ncr in an impressively solid firm to Blandiard. ’ ton. The house iscrordiJtHy the ad mirers of the leading Itdy, iiose ben- elit night it is. ) Old Fussyton, the ,stge. )or kee)>- er, is at this miimont iiia .jlle of mimi b irdering on dispair. ?e dure not i tion from my brother “Even so. Aiid Had lie informed \ou also that for the life of him leav! E S \V A T .S (* N Attarasy r.t Law, CH VrEL HIM., N. C. ’ni ^ IriT. V'r.t Uirt 4>!lu'o iu I’liHjit*! Hiil every other Uv. 8 -tf. e ) of ecu erlti gV W } R A H A M Attorney at Law, mi,l.si5(iu;). x.c. WAl at Thirln a fvery \Ve lnt*«i lay. where ‘ he at him nver Styp^n's H .vN'i at Uill.”'hort>. dainis eolleeteil in a!’ irt** the Sr.i'e. ID ly. B r M PASS .V I. U N S F O 11 D , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Hoxh4»rt>, N. C. fLVly. I which had flourished in the borough I for generations. His son .Augustus (,also of the li'-m }, a witness for tlie j yon ution, was held in luuch est«'>;a I ty.^ tain of ^c yfJmgeTsortuu Sin- lebridgp, who sympathized with his I amiable wildness. About ^Ir. Blaiieh- j ard, another W!tn6(ss for the proseeu- I tion, little was known totiie iiKjuiring j gossip.s. He liad been a residi nt I witii the Westbrooks for ahmit eight m uitiiH, during which perioil he had S’d alongside (iiis in the oRice in bus iness hour.s, and had been a good deal about him at other times. They got on amazingly well together, people ob served, but despite all his (••ITorts—and \ some of these were marked diongh— “ Faugh,” replied the worthy. “I I lave no words to waste on such as sir. I am here to perform a dii “ Scoundrel!’ 1- s post, and lie has just learned tint fctr.uiger has sm-ci-edisl in reaching th stage under the cover of an audacim super. If that sill add come to the ilowledge of ifr. Somer.si-t Beauchfim the niana, ger, lie (Fussyton) will lia certainty lie dismissed on the spot.' I cannot 1.11 my life ; for w-eks I hail no life Tiio'the law made liiin lemiitcr is Wr^Jlancharfi; “Very w'ell sir, I’ll risk i If you are ati old friend, I siipposht will be all right.” Induced to eoiiimit a hre.ali of dis cipline by the bestowal of a rther po- j tent briii.', the call-hoy disapears Le- liind a pile of seeuery, and is ri’seiitly company my brother it is because I i iieard ir. aU.ercutioii with Mit llarc- clioose! Harold, good-live ! dome I hi ll's dr esser. Harold began, at th same time raising liis hand. Sin touched him and he was still. “ Sir,” she said, " I .am mistress f Jiiv own actions. If I choose to nc what may, my faith will not falter, my love never change.” The last four words were murmur- “Wliat d ) you want? Miss [ trehell is not ‘a beginner,' she is inltni until the second scene.” “ I know that, l\Irs. Cmnmigs. I ed. As she shaped tliem she reached j want to speak toyou. Open th door.” forward and kissed liiin before herj Blanchard luard no more, .i wliis- hrother, who.se surpi'ise at her defiant ; pered i-ouv- rs ition lag ween the lioliiig ladv’s dresser and the eall-1 JOIIV MO'.UNO, oKiii.vra.vM, O R I X .\i,rar.n M.^MOKiso.; til.inclianl failed to similar-i i loving bells as if jealous to t iielosc I to me, f i jilie vorld ha 1 fallen into vour brother? ! triiaiit gems of brightness and prevent | chaos, Pauline and Merle ha.i fled out is them returning to their source. The!;.,.,, o, , i i .1 .1 . • ■ . , , , . ,, . , ’ t i.1 1 1 ''501 •'h" world and sm that iiignt.. just as completely in my power as was cottage windows were ojicn to the lake another person of onr acc|uaintance side ; tlieir uinsliii enrtains curled in more than a year since ? Did he teH thoeveningbrceze.iettinginagliiiipse yon that tliere is a bundle of papers Inf .“ilver iiiooiilight. Over the water j free, I was still his. I went from my that which wonl ! give him penal ser- ! '“ame the sonml of di.stant h' Its, tning- j j. ], ^ w lul 1 Rn i t'leni if vitnde If I cl.ose to put the law in op-, ling not unplens.antly with the soft j ^ \v vHnin^ of the anioujr tlie um’ii- | . “ ringed shore, the lake quivering and j over. Only 01,ce iu long five dimpling into diamond hrightnesa I years I heard iroiti them. I hey were wlien the moon's rays touched it. L nf)t, hapiiy tog Iher, how could it be iiad prejiared the evening meal and j .yjp,, tj,,,,,, ? They were in had wandered out to meet III v husliand ; , , . ,, ..i..!,,:,. 1, , ,, ,, ,• , I Kr.rooe, and liiialiv luaile tucir noiiie and my cousin, Pammo Oraiiiani. .Vh ! i iiivppy 1 was 11:, I stood in the i i" Calitornia. shadow, looking and waiting fcrtluari V,\'‘iried with mv search, one ypnr eomnig ilown the avenue where th-j j i.,.,4.iig in a Ikmiu- lieech trees 11,irted giving such a lovelv ■ ,, t v 1 f , -1 , ] T ■ > tiful town in Ohio. Ihcro I had re view of mv lakeside ji.u adise. I saw s'.lved to r .turn to mv oil home to eratioii ? Did he “No, Ivlr. Bl.ineliard, he did not.” A tear lei'l stolen down her chts'k at the mention of Harold's nanio, but now that she confronted the West Indian .Ill .ue MUU “ Take a note to Miss l^rehell, sir! her awes blazed iletiaiice up.in him. Oonld not ilo it. Its aat.hat orders- He did not. Remi've your maiik, I S"'- I can reaif tlie vaseal 'u; iientl' .Bn. rite sp( His i then, mv hand besto'vi'd on vou ii#. to .... J , ,, i)()V NV S 1111- attitude was unspeakable. | mediately succeeded by the reai.ear- They parted aud wcut their several i anee of that jirecious voutii, whr.said: G A .M O R I X G . ly captivate bus's prt tty sister Fanny, I “ iIiss Harebell will meet you aftm , .\s became her father's daughter, she ; Three montlis had elapsed, ami nol 1 the jir-rfomiance, at her hotel tlie Attorneys at Law, j I,„lian conneetiou of ,, word had been heard of or from Har- ! George. She has private apart units i k'x he the 'price of your silence concern ing my brother’s crime, if crime it be. I>ut you have shown your claws too soon, sir ; see that they are not clip ped.' “.Viid ivho is to clip them ?” “I!” exclaimed a voice that came from hchiiid the cliair near wliicb Blanchard stood, while at the same time his arms were seized in a grip iron and wrenched violently b.-ick. “I — Harold White! Fan, take' poses- si 111 of tliose papers.” “.So you think to traji me do you, ’ growled Bl.inchard, actually kiouiing with cage ; “but you are mistaken.” “Not a bit of it ob.served the oblig ing Mr. Beauchamp, at that moment eiit'iring hv the door on the landing. Dl'RilAM, X. C. .Vll 'msiiioKs entrnsto l to tlifiu will rcceivo ! prompt attriitioii. 51)—tf : her father's tinn with unerring gra- oPl White ; uiiles.s. the fema'e gossips; cionsiiess. But her sweetest moods, suggested, he had written to Miss! there. ,\11 you have to do is to send in your name. .And now, sir, dolear out of tills. How you got in I lon’t D R . .1 . D . DAVIS. Sargical and Mechanical DENTIST, to liave Ale.uitime his note liad jirodnc I a It puzzled the wed-ill formed Sin- ^ "P'"' Harebs. It ran tuns; DntiiAM. X. r. w.irK warrante 1 to -aivo liatisfaetion. on« door we-it of Smitb'.J Drue Store. until Stli, of ^Ii». I her tenderest looks and gentlest toiiesj AVi stbrook, which, considering his de-, know. If !\Ir. Rowshang was tostag were not for him. The magician, at pai ture, he was hardly likely to h.nve von, wonldn t there he a shine neiaer. whose bidding they so gladly came done, was Blanchard's instinctive foe. From 1 tlie moment Harold AVliite, contiden- glehridge to hear Fanny M i sthrook s lial clerk to the firm, and a potential cheei ful words, to note her jdacid partner therein, metand simply shook | brow-ami bright manner. .She never hands with the AVest Indian, tiiey ha- ' cnuld have thought much of tiiat Har- ted each other with a hatred that "Id White, you know, or sue would owed its sustenance on the one side have manifested some regret at iiis to eouteiupt, and on the other to m il- misfortune. ice aud all unchanuhlenes.s. To-davl Blanchard, too, was mystified by tlieni coming ; a childish whim seized me to remain quiet till tiiey were iif ilie gate ; they stopped however, be fore tiiey reached me. Never sh.all I forget the picture they made. Child liood had pas.sed so slowly sinee, the smile and joyousness still lingered ; wliile woiiianhood's inaturer cliarms swell the outline of Pauline's grace ful form. I can see her now as I saw !ier that niglit: tlie picture will never fade : s'le h id withdrawn her arm from his and was resting against a tree wliile lior arms gl ained out wliite and heantiful. She was gazing u]i at tlie man beside her with an expression full 'oolly tinning the key and placing it of tenderness and perfect love; the ill his jioeket, the manager of tin East liam]itiin theatre continued ; ow look here, Mr. Blanchard. J li.ave stage-managed too many little things of this kind not to know what is required to streiighteii tlie situation I have two ot my I'eliows handy on tlie | stall's. My property man is on tlie' other side of tliose folding doors, .'dvf riend here and iiivsi If reckon fiu- tall blonde with a biianty tliat would iiave been effeminate hut for the eager restless eyes, weinl and changing as siqiphires. The pallor of excitenieni was ill his face as she spoke. die ; then I thought of forgiveness. I was past mv youth, und revenge was not so swi't to me. Yengeiince Ire- longed to Him who rules all things, [ could forget the wrong snd 1««1 them to eternal tilings. Ah, I was nearer them both than I thought- Twas well I could not sec into the dreadful future. Upon thc'iyt liof Decemlier 18—, a cold cheerless night that made outgo ing an iiiipo.ssibility, a long train of pas.seiiger cars had been swept from a Inidge, and all lay "piled in awful chaos lielow in the frozen river bed. I can give no idea of it to-day. I cannot think of it without that terrible feeling “ Never again i” he breathed, and j seizing me, ns it did many others that caught her liaiid in his, his face Rush cd and hrimming over with emotion mv own darling, never again to part!’ iiiglit. Every bodily faculty is power- Ics.s and the, tiiiiid only grasps more i something, to say mithiiig j liar >11 Wliile—” ■‘?dis. Il.ii'u’.d Waite! cha” 1. “Ves, Air. T)!uichar l,” i-'-le-ising him and apjiro idling lier, “mv wife. of Mrs. visjiad Blan- b"at-nv mlniiJw 2lst! will behold the triumph or discomfit- hei'. AVhat did if i.ortend ! Ha.l sh. then ill Darimm for two weeks. ijj-c of Bliiiichard. Ill the Police Court resigned all hopes of being restored fo /"I R \ \V F t) I'i D .V E V E R IT T, j of Siuglebi'idge, in the presence of a the lover ivliom he had so efieetually erowd of people, the majority of whom helped to disgrace and banish? lb Dentists, are personally known t.) him, ll.irol.l would see. His impetuous love for 1! A I. K I n II, s. c. ' AVhite accused on the united testiino- the snnny-l aired, Saxnti-eyed girl, a * F.rsm-ii om.'p at Diirhani. omcc in D'lrUaTn uy of the Westbrooks, fatherpiiul son, I t"ve which sprang into existence th with ih- lirst M..idav. Rixmi Xo. is_Gian 1! of viabezzlaiiieiit. ; iiinmeiit they met, had glolMl nilgllt- of White. He I. . 15 I) Oin—])'l I5>. H E X D E R S O X , j To the profounil chargrin of the''b'i^i"ee the going of \S bite. He in her cause, inagistrates’clerk, who cordially drsli- wniiM jnit an i tnl to this uncertaiiity. j Since that dav, more t’lan king Blaiichard, wishes well to tin: ac- He coni 1 face his fate. DENTIST. i “ .At 1 ist I find yon. In Miss, lu'c- I h 'll I h ive recogniz'‘d Fanny Wst- ' iironk. At the jieril of those nerest and dearest to you sec me to nigh I am desperate." “ Cimiming,” gasped she," lock hat siie alw.ivs b. ldvcd in my perfect in 'door. A’ou did it lor tlie best to .jet nocenco of t'.ie cli irge you h Ip li lid of him. ft is tihv ivs convenien to to fas non me, and when jioor mis decline receiving a visitor at line’s o-1 ( r tnie Cos coufo.ss ■ 1 the ji irf whieli tel ; hut 1 Will sei- him. Finish ly he had jilaved in the conspir.iey, wi hair and then find Mr. Hi anchaiiq- 1 g, t married.” would speak with him before I goo" “C oiif.'sse 1 -ci’isiilr icy !" siieeriim- Bkuich'irl liad again curi in.sly n ly exd dined Bl aich ird ; “where an der-vidiiod the strength of his lovty vour nroofs?” ■ jipoiient. '‘Here! ' replied Harold, pointiii-g to I S'le s iw t'le m iiingc-ftnil *!,«. • “-,.1 p. r. ^Ihv rmaain' ' ed with him a few whispered wffas. until ” He grasped her haint wann'y byway “Fntil what?” I of emp isiziiig his chivalric intcilioii.s 1 “Fiitil the Either of my dear ■'vir'e li i> Ho was hoMingimr liaiids fast, she made no e.ffort to release them. He face W'ls ]ia!t; and agitated in vividly the vision, the icy torpor which locks the physical frame, the shrieks j of the wounded and dying, the bruised nioonliglit. j and mangled bodies, some with faces “Oh, if I had never conn here! If i eahii as in sleep, uiorcifull,y struck at r 1, id onl'.- told your wife we liad nu t; senseless ckv, the mal liefore! siic eried, “ 1 snouM tell htr , . , . 11 1 confusion, the insane rushing to anil fro, the blinding drifting snow, the storniv winter skye bending over all. ill.” I hear 1 the 'passionate answer that broke from lus lip.s. saw him snatch her t.i his heai'l and rain kisses on her ■ (jj,, ^rlare of the fire against tho upturn. :! face, tlien with a smothered cry she lirolce from liim and ran ti her r lom, -.vliile alerle, Lee, my hiis band turned down tlie village path and was lost to view. When Pauline pa.s.sc I me her wlul , , , , . , . .‘lon-ow. JIvaven help me perused them line by I lie, and tlie ■ ..j,,,,,] j j •nagistrales of Smglebndge have made 1,,.^,pf,, my iimoceni-e as public as a year sinci . vLis! there‘was n.i ies.sening of love lhr*y pnx-i.iiinDti iny^ towjinl him, only ]'»ity. .In^l Panhno— I iu-n I 111 i\ -sufl i>iTn*]Mr(]. this was the rttiirn shf* ni;nlo for p5isf •ifter a pause ; and taking for granted Even in the first tills till' co.si'iit "I his temporaqi eiistodians ,,iomeiit of mv stinietied tenor I felt tic step|ied tow.ird tlie door wliieli was nii ler liie j>iiiit"iship of Air. i).-.iueh:imp. That geiitlom in gr.ice filllv waved him hack. “Von may go on one c.'nidition, sir OfH. e fornt r Main an 1 Perann SIh.. op^wiaite tiie real h‘n.*€ ef .laiin-K Snnthgatr '• Mr f.) >t iaon iny native heath." a'cl' I meat | turns to the acensed and savs : r«tf lilv offer my sorvuTS to my former D an i natrom* of Dnrliam aii'l rt trronn hii~ exist'd, the latter con lucts iiis o.vu de-, “ .An interview with 1110?’ repli'-d ■ Fanny to his blandly proffered re quest; “certiiidy. Air Blanehar.l.’' Her tone w.is provokiiigly i veii. “ And if you please, let it take place Prav be seated." ftnse. “ .Silence in the court." The silence is oppreissive when, in a voice full of feeling, the chairman months previously, that .Miss '\v st iirouk !i:id im rge.l lu r i.leniity ( > tiiiit of the now talented actress, Aiiss H ire- liell, Fanny liad jihiyed many jmrls. both in an 1 off tim stag". On liartieul ir night she e\c, lied liers If. I'he ajiiilanse of lu r crowd of ad ni- •OOH conntirs of Ortm^e. Uranvillo Person an l Ca?*- Wi'Il. With a rraFti(*»t »f liflocn yeara, the views and mo le of th«* most oniiiient of the pritf-Hhion, aa w*-!! H-* tho improved iiirttnimentrt, I am tti-r than over nn-pared to ])erfnrm all opera tions in th" latent an I le st styles KIEHAIB) H. EEWTS, (Tate Professor of Diseases of the Eye and fcur in the Savann iU Mediejil (.’ollexe.) PIi.\(* rK'E IdMITI.D TO THE K y E A N Ij E a R , RAM'.I itl -V. f. R.-f. rs to th" Slate 'lie iieal Si'.eiotr aii-l to ; fact ill XOUi* la\or, all tho Gi-or -ia Mo lioal .SiK-iotv. 0- tl6-ly “ Aliss W.'f tin'll )k impri ssion wliich I the dav of til it uiifortuil ite [-T -th.it mide upon yon ri’nriiiih'f “ Haroiil A\ lute, I, who have known x'oii tor so many years, need not sav tiiat the long examination, wiiii-h my brother inagistrates and myself have this ilay conducteii to the verv best of; hv the liver side was not lavorablc. Alli.oi-rstciMs w.niiCiti-1 as I roprowTit t'lom. i,..„ 1 1.,. 11 r il ’’ (’Imrgis toMiiit th.-timoa. Uurliani. X. C.-sl-tf |aiillltv, ll.lS been to all of us I — fraught with considerable pain. And “ proceed, sir," she remarked 'jyt. RIMIARD H. M.WIS, we are bound to admit, in your helialf, »sV tones. that nothing h-is tr.inspired in tiie; “AVel!, then---allow me—you can course of this hearing which ri ti' cts ' not surely have reinairied firm in th it , in the least on your coiuluet during ri.s'ihitii'n vou then cxpresse l—to ! the jieriod to wiiieli [ reltr. W e eleave to — ’’ have giveii due consid. ratio'3 to this ; “ Air. Bhini'hard, I will assist yon. have come to i Yon app irently wish to say tint I tne conclusion, actu.ited by m.itives! nuist have eea.seil to love H iroM which vvt earnestly hope you will live. White? Is that h.i?” to apjneci'de iu a propt r spirit, to dis- ' “ Aiiss Wt sth’-ook —F iniiy—jixrdon miss tile cs.se. 'I'ou m-iv go. ; me ; I do. He is all uh worthy of you. A T I O X \ L II (1 T F. E “i>ut my character," exclaimed i Dh if yon .lid luit l;n.".r tlie depth of j W bite, in a voice husky witii eniotioin j "'.V love for you—’’ ' “ who is to clc'ir that of taint ?” i “ .Stoji, Afr. Blaiieliard," said she, “ A'our.self,” solemnly answered the |from her chair, and moving j chairman. “Fall the n- xt case.” | elowly toward the door. “ Ijct 'is uii- ! Dazed, tremblin': under the inliu- rnce of warring piis-iens, he left the dock and pass. d out of the court into ' tlie sunlit si.ieet. 'MTiitiiei sIi..)UliT Itf direct his fci-t? The .Sejitenihcr sun was setting redly behind a familiar licit of woods which fringed the further tnuik of the river a.s he continued his moody walk. He had held on for miles, heedless of the direition he took, and now he r rs was wiiat woul.i h ive been ti rin- now I'ray De seateii. | j,| stage jiarlaiii'e “lerririe." tfiicli If she only had been embarrassed, was the el.'etric force of her adirig afli ss trees, aiidjabove all the human yes blind to the angels that passed from earth to heaven, only conscious of the dying and the wreck. I eauflot , , fyi:' 1^11,'^—J iidw’'’ioiig It iastcu, the dreadful ...at sl.o saw me tln-re ; .s'l, Vh.l not , jiaiise ; that one gflanee showed her I ^ need not dwell upon. The inid seen all. 1 was alone with mv morning light came to the long niglit. I went with many who visited the scene. .Stunned and overcome with the'seenes I had witnessed I turned to go. The nil 11 were liurryiiig passed crtiTving a man with his face turned towards me. I bent and looked at the pallid face from which the wet hair fell in golden ma.ssi'S. I looked upon Hie worn, changed face with aslook of ! no anger, only pity -and ii great dis faii.-'e hetwecii Alerl"' Lee and myself, I walked slowly up the prefty walk, as one in a dx'eani. \\ hat course ,, -TO,, , , , , ■ .V ■•"iild I pursue? .All, I would see t!,e t'cit it earned all before it. Was she jnrdon me-iind it is tins : Iliiit yon p,.inline—something he.side this awful peace on it never worn in life. 1 miv lioned the men aside. I sank upon to Jlliiicliar ? leave for .laniaica by a ei'i'tain steam or whieli leaves tills port to-morrow. c.'dmiic.ss. I found her kneeling at i knees witii a feeling of keen sor- , • , , , , , tlie window ; she sprang to her feet row. AIv task was done, foi I pressed tlie jil iv s!ie. I I have to niglit liespoken your hi rth.; tjush )>hiyi!ig up deiiaiitly Pcrhiijis. On the coniliision of laden with lioqnets, retired to her j Pardon me—if you di-elinc, t ike tin ! p,,.,. f.^p^ dressing room, and 111 a few iniiiiiti s 1 l•onseqllenc••s, one of which will b “ Pauline ?'said I. She made no Imd resiuin'd, witii file aid of the. at-i the temporary iKciip.ition by yours" .answer. “ Is this niy return for mv tentive Mrs. ('iinimings, the attire of I of a neat and commodious ajiaitment' kindness? Do von not re- ordiiiary life. i within the precincts of K isthamiitim .pj „.,y pp^,, p'.ppri Ill tlie space of a few niiinite. Aiiss J.iil !” “ HiireheH” was in'oeeciling iimioticed,' “tlin n the door.” Not an other siivi by a group of lier youthful idoli-: word did lie utter, but taking bis hat tors who siiiroiiiided the jiift door, | and looking straight before him, he iiinler the convoy of Air. Beaiiehiiiiiii | left the hotel and jiroceeded—not im-i She was silent for a while, then she er ssed the room quickly and caught my wrists, shrill voice, as worthless as I am? How thor came over ,,jy quivering lips to the brow f my linstiiind. Alnle Lee, forever freed from temiitations of his mad heart. Slowly and sadly they bore him to the huilding where lay so many whose hearts beat on ai d high a few hours ago. How came he there? Ihey to her ap.artments at the OJeorge. “Wliy!” she cried 111 a ‘You will not liiin ' on tlioir why to C,filifoiiiiii from a brief visit home. But I w as the last attended—in the direction of the ,)a-, ongldy wicked I am. Ensehia, I cannot. f,,i- Pnuline was among MisnnHatirDJJs. A T I O X A L II (I T F. E . ACCOM rJIODATIOMS ■Equal to any in the City. !^exai'i 1, HerT^a v. BILLMDRrj^rilASBBAIl attacht". Before asi-ending the stiiirease wiiieli 1 nuiica boat, led to lii r rooms, she informed the I It was a jileasant hour or so which maid servant that jirohiiblv a gentle-. Air. and Airs. Harold AVliito and their man would call upon her. If liedid sh," j friend Beauchamp spent together was to show him iqi, after having pri- that night. It was a more tiian vatelv informed Air. Bi'aucham]i, w!io' pleasant meeting that took phiee a woul.i wait for the iii ws in the bar, lew days after in .Singliihridge. Sil ls pallor, of her visitor's arrival. Westbrook’s liiipjiittess was unspeiika- Afr. Beauchamii, whose face hcaiii-‘ hie. Tiiere was a streak of sorrow in it, i from him it was to tell you all, bat ed with delight, nodded his approv.d . tiiongli. of ins absent son, an 1 pr:iv,,H! | Hu-re was that in your face that of this arrangenieut. Ohs'rved Fanny that the lad had turned over a new shocked me so I could not. I shall he trusted, :.'vl to-night revealed all ■ ^.p^p tins tf> vou, ioj’ I love liiui ns 1 never i i i i loved bVfore, h'lve always loved him.” ;''^^ritfied as hers, so they had been Tell me Fanline—am I mad- -has parted forev. r. ho always love.l yon thus—am I ilreaming? Oh, Pauline. F.uilirie—’’ “ I do not know,’'slie walked, “Uod is niv witness, when I rushed awav di i'stand each other. Whether oi not H arold AVhite hoMs the place in my to h 111 : “ Now, Air. Be ineliamp, I shall leave I V011 to vour devices (here siie in.lulg-i ; leaf at the otlier end of tlie world. D-.-!iglitfiiity Mitiiitp.l next to Capitol SquaSc. n n'T'"'.- V* Ww^*s. Prsp'ictor. V.'.LUABLK KT:.\L ESTATE Foil SALE. \ ]ot of l.iTi-? 2‘ 1 fron Durhani c«»7it:Hn- iiix H-"'f»cn‘H OH wliit'h then* is a n‘‘’v cotta"!* rcMi nc:Ol>- built, paiiitc l au l tiiiisho l up ill K""'.''.'''. Ilo hii'l IS J* awoke from his fit of passionate liitter- ness to fiiiil himself on a spot that he had ofti'ii been hallowed by the pres ence of the girl he loved. When did she think af bin ? “Harrv!” 4tyb*. Tin* Dii'l in jjrfovthofFiHu. wheat, oatn. fvjtton aii len} ly t'lhacc >. \1s-o an arn- lot on wliirh tlicre is a in wstt»rc li'tusc at the forks of the roa l 2*-^ miles fro?u Du’-'niu on the Uf>xh{u*(» rou 1. The t Ai't of lairl licH a f^ AV humlrcil yarls fn>m the Ht ►re lirHi.sF. For further parti'nlars u«Dlrcs t\ H. HUEKN, Durham, V. C., nov 1:1—** II OI SE AXD EOT FOR SALE. \ rsir^bli* hon.«' airl lot on Dmppl Hill Rtn-i't jiirtt out of the rorixirati- limits on sliieli tlmri- is n now rosi Icni-i; containing fonr rixinis. T'.i »i"-"pcrty is now for sale an l will tic a "oo.l iiiv.'-stiM-nt. W. K. VirKF.US, i"—Durham, X. i'. O V R 1' O R T R A I T 1 IN CRAYON. s I z K a : Svio, st.'m, loxi-j, p.'..oo, 11x14. fs.ni), i2xifl iha.lin. 11x17, IPI.IHl. 18X-22. #>11.00. (' .pics from any kiii'l of Kmall ihcti.rcH an.l i: •: .- 'y rramc 1. XVhy scn.l North whi n yon an 'lavc ./i>.».'-i7-w crayon ii.irk tlone at hoiiie ? Si'iiil yonr photoKrapli to ECOEXE L. HARRIS Artist. —ilni. Chapel Hill, X. ('. were ex- “ Fanny !” In those two w.irds all pressed. “ () Harold, I ii.ave followed you for hours, fearing to speak, you look so pale and eliaiiged !” “I am changed. They have not sent me to prison, Fan, hut the prison taint is on me. AVhy don’t you shrink from the moral leper, as the rest of them liave done?’ li' -irt w'lich he once did concerns mej^'^ the tiniest rijiple of laughter) j aim me oniv. tuc nonor vim luive j , I done me. Air. Blanchard—call it by jf wanted.” " ^ wliat tender name you )>leas"—I de-j “And he ” ! sp'se Air. Blanchard T know you!”' “ Everything is ready, Aiiss Ibtre-J “Slop, Aiiss Westbrook!’" he ex-1 5L .and everybody’. Let that sulHei 1 Forslivo lliiii. KOI! hi: r.ovEi) Mi: oxiin. I made his grave near our old homo whi-i-e the w.ives of the old lake keep singing Iiis requiem fort ver. And I forgot his foby, for I think, he love-l I me oiiee Snnii times ht-side mv harth. stone a dream of ll ashing, iv/.iire be- leaveyouand him.” Down she sat ,, n. i upon the floor and covfi-ed her fnpp ; side locks of living gold nits arouni with her hands. “ (xod forgive,” she ; me, an.l I feel the spirit preasue of tho groaned. I think a lo.st .soul in the „!,(.£ l„n„I. and thank Ood that first moment when his eh rnity of prought us all peace ternii; bursty upon biin, crouches I • v i i i Da Tn tho golden nihlst, of this glorious 1 thelij;ht us she did thou. quut ips uv%t. kAY it November day I find myself gazing I Only one thought was in my miml. | son of cahiin*. ss. from my cliaiiiber window, a lone and ' inv husliand never loved me! “Alyl AVlieiiJune came in her summer Afiss Westbrook! im ex-1 aim "''eiy o"",)- lwi.iii.vl | the years ii..! Merle !” the cry that broke from mv | heaiuy, I journeyed west ward, and vis- cluime 1, making one step forward and j ,iq,p j.oori Fan-' '"A’ '"’ifl't girlhood and lips roused lier, slie uncovered her ' j^^q „‘,1 the ilisaster ; ’twa« barring her waj to the door, “ and har-1 „y q;.p,,^,„iiy awaiteifthe coming of her : 1 ‘f’® upnght “ Try to nn ken to me. You have thrown the gage.! " . ' , c. - i v v , ? F'-aves in the cein-; dei-stand, she said ; ‘ I see you ancient rerseeutor. hue nail not to cteiy upon whose green turl I have wait long. ! wept for the loved ones ; Hiere are “ Afr. Bl'inehard, 'in aiiiinuneed i deejier graves in my heart over which tlu'own the gage. Very well, I accept it. It was I who drove Harold White froir .Singlebridge, I Ah, you can be impressed, I see. It is I who can comp 1 vour c >i s lit to my deni.inds. Now, Aiiss AVestbrook, know me!” Her face was very white as she swept proudly past the West Indian, Init it was not the whiteness of fear. 'I'liev i heie? “Yes ’ measured swords with their eyes—how 111 the maid-servant, and thereiqiou ush ered that gentleman in. Aiiss W’estbrook rose and acknowl edged his elaborate bow witii a sil. nee that was full of scornful eloquence She then resumed her seat. “ Alixs Westbrook, can you divine no tombstone gleams, whore the teii- ilerest hopes of my life lie sleeping, but I have gi-owii use to niy loneli ness and sorrow and t i-day, looking out upon the landscape briglit with its , • uuiet then, the hills were covered with A PK-15 \«M1 IO 1 A 1 1 1 ’*1 not kno'.v that wo met and loved long, verdne ; the vailey was studded witli hefoi'i! lie ever met you. lli.l he not . upspriiigitig violets. And I threw tf- v yon we had met hefor. “ I heard him s.iy that; nothing more,” I gasped. j “ I can't b.' more wicked (ban I am,” I she eontinue.i, “ I love him so de.arly j that von do not seem a harrier. I am i dainty wreaths of woodlaii.l flowers into the stream that ripples so merrily over the allies of Fauhne (irahaiii. clear and searching hers wei’e !—and [larted. Next day Fanny M’estbrook was missing from Siiiglehridge. For twelve months Silas Westbrook has lieen daughterless. Fanny was “Beciiuse”—audit seemeil to him bought for, far and near, hut without! as though her voice had never tlirilled ! avail. However, we ninst for the pres AVhvt I r TAroHT.—On .Sunday night autumn glories—upon trees whose j mad. I should have written t!iis to | |{ y was sitting in his front honglis are toiicii d wit i goM and i von ; I leave you to night, and leave llaine, pnrjile asters by the roadside, I you foi'i'v..r. You iiiay kill me! I golden roil nodding in the sunlight I have done.” the wind sad toned and ehilly, bring- “No! wliat is yonr life to me? I ing a thought of the coining winter | only want tlie love I have lost forever, and I'eiiieinhra’iee of the dreadful past, j Go your way.” tiie awful Decemlier night a year ago, | I went about my cares and duties; all stands before me. | with a precision wonderful to see. ' ' • i-»’ wered Five years ago, only, it seems a; Tlie gi'ay dawn crept in at the win-j teaching. “How to miijk, nns I know how,” slie calmly internos- j eenturv since I x’eniember the scene ; | dowsand the still country life liegan ' tlie stranger in a sad sweet voice, ami ed j the tiny cottage nestled among the to aw alien ; the rising sunlight drifted i iqg “.Vh !” he exclaimed, “perlr’pb you ' ; rustic and broken steps leading tliro’ the vines at my cottage door dif- i iccordiiig t.i a Breok- “Oh, yon can ! Aon are frank. .Vf- ter all, why should you not he ? \\ can spare each other tho recital of n long preface of ilull retrospection .After a long and painful search I have loniid vou—no matter how.’ garden in tlie northwest part of Lon don when a |):iper hoy said to him. “Frofessor, diil yon ever think what a laautiful lesson the stars tench xis? “W'lat is vour njiiiiion ? said the Pro : fess.ir, desirous of iiiformidion of their’ ‘X volcano.’ with such sweetness before- you.” -“I know, ent leave Siiiglehridge, and make ' way to the Theatre Royal, Easthanq woul.i not Hunt enlig-htening me.” to the lake si le. Lake Cassadago, the j fusing a tender warmth ; t'ne delicate j His tones were sneering. Her pei'f.ct d.-ar old lake that lay like a gem iiF ferns slied a »«-‘rfume on the moiinii' , , * ■ .in.l, „ivr.a ! iqiiTiiity put liiin ahoiiH : the einer ild valley, and upon whos" I .r.v, eartli was geinni"d with dew and j b'R "'’holar. is n riioim am w g “Not at all. Yon got the inh’i'iaa-1 bosom the water lillies droop their teeming with beauty. Wh.at was life i forth s'.noke, flame aud lager.

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