-4 THE TOBACCO PLANT. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER G, 1870- C. K. W.KY, F.ditur and Proprittwr. OEM. .J. B. HOOD. .' This i;entleuaau, his wife and . three children, died in New Orleans u few days .niuce of yellow fever. (i.-n. Hood waHboru iu Bath county, Keutueky,, in 1831, .and Lradtiated at West Poinl in 18.W. lie entered thel Confederate HTiiiy at the outhreak of the war with llie JVxua trooi.M.l-ind i litDldl v r. to distilli'lioli. H inn in.iii'l. d a Jiv sintt of ftttu. Lee's army 1 at hariMhiirt': SetdViiil.t-r. lHtlJ.-aii-l . at OettvHt.urM, dulv 1:5. ISO:!. ; a leir at the l.atlie ..f Chirainau-er, September iiojlBO.' after v.-l.ich j ,- he was promote d Lu ut-i.:int- J. n nil. j in 41, .:;... ,.r i cir-1 l. .,,;!, a "corps ,.f li.e Hi tny opoed t ( Jeh. j i nn, -r.j in;- lUVi"! I IT .iniunn"--- in. hoithern Geor-ia. HeiOvn bridle,. an. .-merman hur ceeded Geh Johns) on iii July as ! coininander-iii'- chief of .''that army, which Vvhh then near Atlanta.1 Gen. ' ' ' ' " ' j Johnston was removed because he had adhered to a' cautious and -defensive- policy',. jHood' assumed the offensive, and attacked (Jin. Sherman on. th' 22d of July, and again on the- 2Sth, , but was repulsed with heavy loss. He "was compelled to abandon Atlanta on September, 18(ib After ho had dam aged the railroaddry which Sherman's ' . uririy, w.ns supplied, Gen. Hood inva- , ded Middle-- Temiosee, attacked Gen. . Schofield at Franklin, November liO, and besieged. Nashville. He was de feakil on the Ifith if December, 1874j by Gen. Thomas, at ihe decisive battle of Nashville, where" he lost fifty pieces of cannon, and was relieved of the . command "in January, 1805. He was oyer an intelligent officer and -a brave soldier, and as n. division commander had no "superior, but'unfitted alas! IhaW it wafffound .out too late, for the com . inand of an entire army: Ho leaves an almost helpless family of ten cliil . dren, who are orphans-indeed, having but recently been deprived of their mother,"vhicli event occurred only a few days before the death of their la mented father, ' The fact that the West is harvesting extraordinary crops this year is strik- . ingly illustrated by the' amount of the . grain receipts at Buffalo during the month of August. Although the re- ;or.d for that month in 1878 -was very heavy, the receipts for August this year exceeded it by nearly a million bushels, the aggregate footing up 12, 427.G44 busheles. This is one sign of tlie country's prosperity. Another, in business at all the commercial cen tres. A reporter of Ihe New York - World, who has just interviewed lead ing inerchants in different lines of dry goods, was told tho same story every where. The demand is stronger than it has been before since the panic, buyers are able and ready to pay for their goods, and a lgeneral feeling of confidence pervades all classes. : Every thing goes to show that tho ' business of tho country during the just opened autumn will largely exceed that of any previous season since lS73.l'Jiiladd- jihia Hnn:.. An exchange well says : What is the differenco between ; a Democrat being. shot in tho back and a Repabli can also shot in tho back ? What is ihe differenco between a political mur der in Yazoo and ono in San Francis: co? This : When tho affair takes " place between two Democrats, every Republican journal tries to mako po- litical capital of it.v When tho affair, however, takes place between two Tie publicans, not a solitary Democratic . paper thinks of political capital and no Republican paper denounces . the crime as one between two ex-Re pnb licans. i " ! f The New York Sun says that thou sands of John Sherman's speeches havo been circulated in tho official en velopes of tlio' Treasury Department, upoueach of which is printed " Offic ial Business " and the' following; Any person using this envelope to avoid the payment of postage on prU vate matter oaby kind will be sub ject to a lino of three hundred dol lars." ; It is all right for a government of ficial to defraud the government, es pecially to aid tho Radical party. That little Sprauge Conkling , dif ficulty instead of blighting his pros pects has , largely increased the in fluence of the Lordly Roscoe. He carried off the New York Republican Convention on first ballott and had his man Cornell nominated' for Governor. M Plantation manners '.' would won derfully improve Conkling. Rut that little affair don't amount to auythiug because it transpired in the loyal north. - Senator Wade Hampton is report .' txl by the Richmond Slate as saving to an interviewer that Thurman or Bayard will be the next Democratic toomioee for the Presidency. Hamp ton's choice was thus announced : "I prefer Bayard ; I prefer him as a man;; I like his principles." The Senator thought that Sherman rather ''than Grant would be the Republican nom ineee. " The yellow fever ia still prevailing to an alarming extent in Memphis New cases arTe reported daily and the The death of (lev. John B Hood ' r-The Raleigh k Gaston Railroad and his wife, Irpin yellow fever iu j has declared a dividend of three pep New Oileaiis.Avili awake ': ; ( ret throughout the South.. Mrs. She had recently Hood died lirst lost lie.r twelfth r nld, after a mam-j age of eleven yeaK She leaves eleven j little ones, of whrjivi three or four arej twins. SI: 5 he was i " - - J. liss Anna Hennen. Gen. Hood was tanly every inch f man. lie lost anf arm ana .i 111 ; ww i . i . 1 1 ...... the war. but waiiit wnried by such j tnhVs: His 1 1-4 Wolds showed his spo:iiti"ii "Tiy oir, Hoii;' Impelul ...ii - ''''k we.sl all d sl.nlg f k m- my i nigid '4jlis was a br.iw soul. ' llt ' 'lerait- liven- perhaps better k" vn than any. lj lpli'ade in Ti'-e'i! ar : - '" The i.ly tifne 'we .v. r saw liim. :..e aeted l.ke u inl in m.: It was in the heat of the fit "" ,u ' anniversary-, of il crash at. Afauas- f August, '18(;-2; the 3 1 is "death. Several '' he came aij.iig iu front iof his (iiir owu, half hid- den in t tie. molje, riding at break heck 'speed,''' hall long whiskers bl ss, eravaiiess, won ... wing back like the tail of a Jiu teor, ; nd lus voiy; rag above the roar t.l tho mnketVy a tail of a Jnefeor, i nd lus voie raging ve- ry Lion of "fiattle '(inner tt- Mechan- The Atlanta iippeal for a cont iisUt niton issues an ibution to the fund of General Hood, Olleans of yellow fe- for the children! who died in New ver, These chil h-s and h(:lpless, (x-Conl'ederates moveiiK nt, and, i will be raised in Jren are left penni- Heveral distinguished are promoting the is thought '10,000 Georgia alone. faj. Win. A,, iJIearne, farmiliarly known as one rf the best editorial wrih rs in the, S ate, will soon com mence the publication in Raleigh of a daily entitled th .7Vmmi'-.W. Ral- eigh will then have four dailies. I - - I IIK S'lUTK Acliro preparajLions are being made for the next annual State Fair and the indications are itiwill be a grand suc cess. It opens October the 13th and will continue through the entire week. It is injeharge of .the following gen tlemen : . : "President Qol. Thomas M. Holt Haw River, North Carolina. Permanent VicelPresidents IIc.n.dv P. Battle. WakeJCapt. J.X S. Dancy Elgecome ; HonR. H. Smith, Halifax. Vice-Presidents- (State at Large) Capt. S. R. Alexander, Mecklenburg; W. P. Roberts,!; Gates ; Geo. Allen Craven ; Mnj. RJN. Collins, Pitt ; W. G. Upchurch, Wake ; Hon. Z. B. Vance, Mecklenburg. . i ! Vice-PresidentI (Judicial Districts) Dr. W. R. Capehart, Bertie ; Jas New- Capt. 'Harry Dottch, Wayne ; W. A: Faisoil, Sampson ; Albert R. Hicks, Duplin ; Daniel ff haw, Pender ; A. A. McKethan, Cum jerland ; J. L. Rob inson, Anson ; P E. Smith; Halifax ; J. A. Hay wood,; Wake ; I). W. Kerr, Alamance ; Joseph Iindley Guilford; H. W. Fries,' Forsytho ; Joseph Thompson, Davidson; Col. S. B. Alex ander, Meckleeburg ; Dr. T. J. Moore,. Mecklenburg ; T S. Nicholson, Ire dell; A. Shuford, Catawba ; Col. T. G. Walton, Maj. J. W. Wilson, Burke; Hon. J. L. Ro jinson, Prof. C. ,D. Smith, Macon. Executive Committee Col. Thos. M. Holt, President of the Society ; A. Creech, Esq. Chairman ; Hon. Joseph J. Davis, Gen. Robert F. Hoke, Juli us Lewis; Esq., JlLomas H. Briggs, Esq., Col. H. A. tiondon, George Al len, Esq., Geo. Rl Grffin John Nichv ols, Col. H. B. Short, Col. A. B. An drews, William jj. Hicks, Rufus H. Jones, Esq., Dr. lugene Gnssom, Ju G. W. Blacknall, Win. G. Upchurch, - Hart), Esq., lian S. Carr, Di Col. Walter Clark Esq., N. S Dr. Peter E. Hines, John G. Blake, Esq.; DTl James McKee, CoL John D. V'Mtford, Joel D. Whit- aker, Esq,, Col. R. R. Bridgers, Maj. W. H. Bagley, Cnpt. Sam'l A. Ashe, H. T. Clavson, lsi., C. B. Fairchild, Esq.-Capt VV. K. Davis, Josej)h E. Pogue, Esq. - f : C. B. Denson, Becretary. P. A. Wiley, Treasurer. ' Col. A. . Gorrell, Forsyth, Chief Marshal, with -three assistants from each Cougressioiial District. " sta i i: m:v s. : T. N. Hill, 1). C. . Clark, and W. A. Daniel compose the new Inferior Court of 'Halifax Geo. T. Simmons, Clerk and It. O. Burton, Jr. SoUcitor. Over one hundred, students were at Wake Forest pu ThursdaT. More than ever before at the opening of ihe fall session. Col. Walter Clark is on a business tour to Arkansas- Iu North Carolina the Presbyte rians number -117 preachers, 222 churches aud 17,j7 17 members. Bro. Davis ojf the Oxford Torvh Liyltt, has been appointed Public Ad ministrator of G r nville. Granvillians will take care of tueir editors The Farmer C -Mechanic says the Ridegh Graded School opened Mon day with about 5 )0 scholars. ? Many parents who never sent before are now patronizing .this school. Will Durham ever hav ; a Graded school ? Hyde county is said to have lost 100,000 bushels of corn by the recent storm. ' ' f ; - The I'arineiid; Median ic - kays : Within a radius of three miles from Lipscomb's, in Little River township, Orange county, there are no. less than seven babies named after Zeb. Vance, and if the price of China mugsvdoesn't rise at Charlotte 'after ihe Governor reads this notice, Jwe shall vote next; - j ! year for another -sort of fellow. j ' ' : ' I ''-!- ' '' ' j '. Internal revenue collections in Fourth District fir August, $55,C75,- lr .RaleiKh Xeu: : The reporter jearns that the wife of the Rev. Dr. irooks, of Wake Forest College1, is lying dangerously ill at this place. .; . " M, t()S. W. G enn. lawver. of Reiilsville, was thrown from a wagon uear that place, last Friday and had lH lnoken above the niikle. A ne- t j)anvin V savs fwus of the necessity for amputation are eid rt.ained. Hiekorv ''e.vy; Dr. K. O. Elliott, of tin Sparkling Catawba Springs, lias 1 purchased a iii ii. i) which he intends using for conv. x ing passengers to and from 'IiH-korv, ior plantation purposes,. and to run sta tronarv maehiiu rv. Warrenton (Irxt-llf : Herr Gil sev. a German farm lalxm-r. was struck and instantly killed, htf.t Fri day by a falling tree, while at workiiu tne woods getting limlxr for Col. Lindsay Price. His skull was badly crushed, his right arm broken in two places, imd one of hisjthighs broke and badly mangled. The mother of R, F. Badger is anxious to know wlfera he is now liv ing. She has not heard from him since November, 1877. He was then near Castalia postoffice, N. C. It is suipps- ed he went to Florida. North (aroli- t i na and Florida papers will confer 'a great favor by publishing this. Infor" mation sent to Mrs. M. G. Badger; Richmond, Ya., will be gratefully re ceived. Rev, Dr. Thomas E. Skinner was installed pastor of the First Baptist Church, Raleigh, ou Sunday. The Observer: says that Dr., S. remarked " it was not often the case that a pas tor, after having served, a church. for thirteen years, and then, after twelve years' absence, to be again called; to its pastorate. He had always desired: when absent, to return to Raleigh, but had never expected to do so. " i Franklin JlrjMr(w : Mr.: R. F. Evans, on going to his mica mine a few daj'8 since, found a sheep down in: his shaft, seventy feet deej. Thel sheep was unhurt, with the exception, of a small piece of llesh being knock-1 ed off its chin. We have been fehownj by Prof. C. D. Smith, of this place, some handsome specimens of sapphire and oriental amethysts, which. lies found; j in Jackson county. Some of these; stones are sufficiently pure and of am ple size to cut sets of jewelry. j Charlotte Observer: Iho bullions assays at the United States Assay Ulhcej 4i - ,;i ,iri,;n fl.o ' mr.titli rtf'l GENERAL NEWS. . jl . . ! . - .. .. ! Atlanta gives North and South Carolina merchants an excursion to that city. COO invitations have already been issued and 500 more are to be, sent out. ' It takes place on the 9th, of) September. The trouble is if this thing continues, much longer the merchants will all be ruined. 1 Win. H. Vanderbilt employs 27, 70G men. . Mrs. Mary A. OBrien, of Xew Orleans, fell down stairs and broke her neck Tuesday. A Georgia woman sold 13,000! pounds of dried fruit the other day.! -It has not rained in Grimes coun-i ty, Texas, for four montlies and two; weeks. Clara Morris is to bring out, at Haverly's new Brooklyn theatre, a new play, entitled " Alioyal Love," by; Don l'iatt, the well known! journalist of Washington, D. C. : The; piece has for its plot the well-known story of Jane Shore. . : It is supposed that the lirst gun of tffe campaign was Spraguc's. ; Derrick. -' ..-.!' ' When man s temrjer gets the best of him it reveals the worst of him. - YonLcrs Gazelle. The production of the Fall lviver, Massachusetts print-cloths for the past week foots up 100,000 pieces considerably over two-thirds of a full production, and a gain of 8,000 pieces during the week. "V 4 We know a girl who will wrestle with a croquet malletin the hot sun for hours and not complajq, j But just ask her to hold on to the wooden end of a broom for a few minutes and she'll have a fit- St 'Uhcater Lumberman; STREET'S NATIONAL HOTEL, RALEIGH, N.C. : is. K. STUttT ft m, Owners and frtprietors. GASTON HOUJSE, NEW-BERKE. N S. R. S&EET k m, Propritlors. The Undersigned having purchased the a tionU ; Hotel property at Kaleigh, openetj March 15th, lt79, that well known House to the public tinder their "management. They refer to their past management of the Gaston House aa a guarantee that the traveling public will and the National, in their hands, up to the standard of a tirst-claes Hotel. The senior Mr. Samuel R. Street, will remain in charge of tho -Gaston House. The junior, Mr. Win. .J. Street, wil conduct the National Hotel. ; j S. R. STREET, & SON. NATIONAL HOTEL, CORTLAXDT STREET, KearBreai NEW YORK. j HOTCHKJSS POND, Proprietor OH JSE EUp0JPJ!.AK PLAN, The.reataurant, cafe apd.luncli room attached, ar nnsurpassed Car cbeapnest and excellence of aervire. Koomg 50 ct. n Q nor dav. 43 to f 10 per week. Convenient to all ferriea and city railroads. New Furniture. jew Blanage- DALE OF V A I. I' A 1! L E L A X P . On Mondav October tli.' 'Cth, 179, at the Court House in Hillsboru at 1 in. the uuUt-i sign- jed as Administrator of James M. Craig, and as Commissioner appointed for that purpose by the Probate Court or orange Couniv m me suit ot John Kerry Administrator of James N. Craig, against Milton E. Croig and othirs, liens at law of said Craig, will i-fi'cr for sle to the highest bidder that splendid tract of laud be longing to the estate of James N. Craij;, de ceased, known as the Isaac Craig tract. The tract contains 3X!i acres according to old : 1... .....I:.... .?..n-..va it SUOCa, UUl UlVOiMIll l' .-...- - j contains over 4;to acn,s, and hes on ew Hope ontains over 4ihj aci(,s, aiid lies on New Hope 'reek, live miles South of Hillsboio, adjoining . 1'. Cole.TJavid Craig, Win. Hoi ikoii. John liald-j win nn. 1 (uhers. There :hl- ov.-r 100 lu.Tcsol choice low-grjnnds lying on t In- Creek,- and very valuable; one man with '-lie horre iai-e'i there in JK77, 112 bhs of coin; a very valuable meadow of about 1(1 anv, oei 2ni H-ies in woodland, original growth rontsiining the illicit timber, altoseth. r it is of the linet n:iet- jjof laifd in Orange eo-iiity. , riuit purchasers. T lui, w, ... .1,1 Mi, u u . ..,,. ??, h.i. t. .ur. jas ntr trais v;i; i;iKe oieasnic in in iarties over the lan.l desii'.u-ii.f pnn hasli TEBMS OF SALE-: One third of tho .purchase nmiiev nsiis-.t be ,iaiil in cash, the remainder in twu equn! mstal imentil at six an.l twelve months, with iwrest from date. j' ISond and seenritv re. pure 1. title- s. s.me.! ;uutil full payment of purchase money. 1 JOHN HEHltY, Sept -1,-1870 t Is Adm. .V Cme. THE GENUINE DR. C. McLANE'S Celebrated American V0RM SEECIKC OR VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. THE countenance is pale and leaden colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pu pils dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the Iowertye-lid ; the nOse is ir ritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds ; a swelling of the upper lip ; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongire; breath very foul, particularly in the morning ; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stom .ach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach ; occasional ; nausea and vomiting; violent pains throughout the abdomen; bowels ir regular, at times costive ; stools slimy ; not unfrequently tinged with blood; belly swollen and hard ; urine turbid; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompanied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive ; uneasy and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper variable, but gener ally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms : . are found to exist, DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a jcure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in" any form ; it is an innocent prepara tion, not capable of doing the slightesl injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane's Ver mifuge bearshe signatures of C. Mc 1 Lane and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper. :0: j ; DR. C. McLANE'S JSr,5SmUi""SSLS i;,ror or.,i ; ii ;i;n.te ot the liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and bick Headache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE -AND FEVER. better cathartic can be used preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWAltE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine ;ire never sugar coated. . Each box has a red wax seal on the lid with the impression Xr. McLane's Liver Pills. Each wrapper bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. Mc ; Lane's Liver 'Tills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh. Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name McL(inet sptiled differently but same pronunciation. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Tor Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Erysi pelas. Itose, or St. Antho ny's F ire, Eruptions and Eruptive diseases of the skin. Ulcerations of the I.i ver, Stomach, Kidneys, Lungs, I'iniples, Pustules. boils, blotches. Tnmm-e' Tetter. Salt lUicmii. Scald JU'ad. llnirrwoi'ii). Ulcers Sores, Rheumatism. NiMiralsia,Paiu.in Hie Bones, Side anil Head, """"Female Weakness, Steiilit-, Leucorrlicea, arising from internal ulceration, and Uterine disease. Syphilitic and Mercurial dis eases, Dropsy, Dysprpsia, Emaciation, General Debility, ami for Purify in or the Blood. " This Sarsaparilla is a' combination of vegetable alteratives Stillingia, Man drake, Yellow Dock with the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and in the most elficacjous medicine yet; known for the diseases it is intended to cure. Its ingredients are soskilf ally com- Li as stil IS the ! systi i ViaW those i joatlisome disease. -1 1 d corruptions I frow ilS. and the confidence winch ; prommit .(ysjeiaps all oyer the coun try repose U, ,t, prr.vp thejr experience Of its USefllll.paa. Certificates attesting its virtues have tulu M1U eousLUUliy Ut'iny ieceit;u,aiia as many 01 these cases, are publicly known, they furnish convincing evidence of. the superiority of this Sar saparilla over every other alterative medicine. So generally is" its supet ority to any other medicine known, tb we need do no more than to assure th. public that the best qualities it has ev9 possessed are strictly maintained. . PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. practical and Analytical Chrmittt. t9M By. ALL DRUGGISTS EVBTWH&S Reliable Goods JU 11 f" .1 filtll. TTil UII lit. 1 KievA I out from JULIUS LEWIS & CO. KLLKiail, 1ST. C- HARDWARE of everv tleficrintion. SASH DOORS and BLINDS RIMS, SEOKES and HUBS. IRON, NAILS, SAWS. PAINTS, OILS &G That THE ALL BIGHT COOK STOEY. TT V ! f 'fl TT Yi TT V o ' s; u At. i. a a ii.O -FOR- Ull JEWELRY, ' O T) Tl I m t H " P O V r L i 1 li U 1 A U lJ 1J U CC J . 4MB BR J AIK has just received a handsome asscrtnieiit of WALTHAM, ELGIN, AM) SWISS WATCH IS, in Silver and NiclJe ('uses, Stem Jin.d Key Winders. An eleirsnt assortment i Jewelry, new am nri ttv styles, consisting of Ladies Sets, Tinf, Ear llinys, Cuff Tins, Cull' Uuttons, Ncc-k Chan Ac. 18 K, WEDBIHQ OR ENGAGEMENT EINGS. Gents' Seal liin-'s (a nice assortment) Shi Studs. Collar J5uttons. A nice assortment i Gents' Chains, Charms, Silver ThimMes fc: X A LllUiL' 1D MK AXSOKTSEM CF ' SPECTACLES can fcuit all a'es. All ;;ods warranted as icpresented o.-i.ioni refunded. Sitjn f Itf llitj Witli h and Sjtrt-hirlt Min Street, Durham, N. C ' N 1 s a l i: I'.v virtue of authorit vested in me a Exi ntor of the will ofliavicl !ay deceas :d, I will sell to the highest bidder at the Cnnrt House door in llillsburo Jon Monday the 5th, day of October 1879, a tract of laud situated on the waters of Little liiver-iu Orange County adjoin ing the lands of Lawrence Kiniou,- Andersjon Toler and others containing four hundred acres more or less. Terms, $100 cash, balance in' 12 months with interest from date, l'.ond and se curity required, and tith.- reserved' until pur chase money is janl. .EDMUND STRUDWICK, Ex. of David Hay by :l(J -tds. A. W. Graham, Aeut- Sept. 1st, 187'.). ' Q A L E O F V A L U A. HI A: L A N D Bv virtue of powers confered upon me by a Deed ot Mortgage, executed on the 20th day of December 187ti by S. Y. lligsbec and wife and duly registered in the oflice of the llegiste Of Deeds of Wane County N. C, in liook 40 I'ftge 705, I will on Monday the Cth day of October 187'.l, on tho premises, sell for cash, the planta tion known as the Clements Tract adjoining the lands of Ada Hunter J. J. Eerrel, Nathan Clements and Leonard Clements, deceased, Contaiumsr 97 acres more or loss, it being i the tract of land described in said mortgage. or '!T" KUU H'T" UBA-XOE COUNTY. Col c. ElilUK Okaxgk County, j William Bow'linp; in behalf oi himself and all other creditors of Jessie YV. l'arker "deceased: (trjd iiixt Addisoii Mangum, Admr' of Jesse" W. Parker deceased. Tlie sri lie riaintiff in the above action havina j - ....0 un....jr.t the ! defendent as administrator of the Hate wtitiitf.d tliisi snecijil nr.ii'f'piliiwu a.r. Jesse W. Parker in behalf of himself am all other creditors of the said Jesse y, Parker, to compel him to an account of his adminintration and pay the creditors of said estate what may be payable. to them rcspctivtly. Therefore notice is now hereby given to all creditors of the said Jesse NY. Parker, to ap pear before me at my ottice in the Court House m Hillsboro. on or before friday the 2(th, day of September next, the return day of the imin mons, and tile the evidence of their chums, this 11th, of August 187'J. -tlEOUGE LAWS, CfxiiK " '.Superior Court. ot jv. O T I C - E -o ' There will be a meeting -of the creditoli-H of James Stagg, deed. at . his residence on .Satur day the Otn, day of September, for the purpose of selling his ropcrty iVr the benefit of his creditors. All creditors are earnestly invited to attend promptly at ten o clock a. m. Ihere will be for sale one horse, 2 milch cows! and calves, G head of sheep, 1 hogs, 1 wagon and other articles. -WILLIAM GPiEEN. ) M. A. AN(iIKK, - Coi?i. JOHN L. MAKKIIKM. 31-lt SCHOOL FOR Y011112 Ladies B Bednncl 'V, -i-i- THE FALL SESSION OF THIS SCHOOL BEGINS on Monday Sep. 1st, 1879, and continues twenty weeks. The branches taught will be: Primaay English, Jligner .nglisn, jUathenatic, Ijatin, .trench and Musie on Guitar, Piano and Organ. CHARGES FOR THE SESSION: Primary English, '. 8 10 00 jLutexuieuiuie, Jiiiigusu f Higher English and Mathematics, Latin and French, each, - 12 50 15 00 5 00 20 00 15 00 3lU8ic on .Piano and Organ, JJhv- u u ....... ......... Pacila will be charged from time of entrance. and no deduction from charges will be made except in cases of protracted sickness. '-There will be a Kindergarten Clasa connec cd with the school. ; . i For further particulars, address either of the i'nncipais: MRS. M. E. MAHONEY, MISS COBINNE RAY. 31 tf Durham, N. C 1 Erv CLOTIfnra made ijy Edix Bates & Co C'LOTHIXQ IN JEW lOKK. no C IV A R E C K AV ITI 1 ' S s NTI-DYSPEPTIC PIL! inese win prevent and cure uyrpe epsia, ent, and admirably adapted aa a Family Sled- iney are an unrivaneu uiuner nil, mild spen icine. 1 ney are usea ny tne most cultivated people in our country, and are extensively used by Physicians in their practice. Sold by "Drag gits generally. Send for circvlar. E. Rj Beck withs Sole manufacturerr, PetesbnYal at Low Prices. No Honae can. No House shall give bettei articles or undersell us for the AC 'O .N E IT ! SOLE AGENTS FOB CLOCKS, 1 JJrW 'XV;.! JUL v NSXAf PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL WE 5I4.NUF4.CTUEE AT OUE WAGON WpRKS, East Hargett Street Tllli VERY BEST WAGONS and CARTS Skilled Labor and Best 'Material wiM Proenre MISS A I) I) I V. II O I, M AN. VVifl commence to iv; mnsio '.essons on Pi ano an.l uran SejitemUe'r 15th lS7f. Vear divided into three sessions of twiilve TERMS: Tlired lesseons a week .... l r (X t per s. Two " " .. .. looo ' I'e.uictioii lor two i.i- more )mpils in one She hopes to have a ltl.eral pstr.maire. ! Si 'tf Durham. X. t. 01:N A M K . T a I, H A I K - W U 11 -o MRS. R E A M E Y desires to inform the pnl.li.-that -he is i.n i ed to do- - ' - 0ENAMENTAL HAIR-WORK, ' ? sneli as Gllhl ds, Xeckl.-lces, lii:ie U l:ii.-s iniHH .ve. All... lHi:.N :. llAKIVi u.twi M INli of all kinds, l'atronai'e rot.i-ite.l. ! ooms un.U-r .Uivor sOttn e. . - It LOOK! look! !f KOMKTHINCi NEW I would Annouil i to t.ie e.ti.eiis of Inn j liHin and vicinity, that I have ..pcm-.l u jaiid am nrejiarcl to dean, -in ood btyh GENTS' CLOTHING. LADIES SILK DREEf', KID GLOVES. CLOAKS. PRICES VERY W Do not, throw away 'of your soiled Clothing when they can he made almost as GOCD AS NEW at small cost. E. E, KING. U inter I'lii nt Ojfiri t DUBIIAM, N.C EXCURSION When you read the above jnst renif mbev that ": C O X L I JN ft ' is on hand to paint anything yon'want fi ' Wheelbarrow to a Palace. U II iPAIHTlHG!' i ' - ' r 1 1 O 1 I: I : i II r 1 7 i cr KALSOMIXING A; FRESCOING SI'KCIALTIRS. Prices to suit the times. 21 tf M O B T a JV a ! SALE. i liv viitue of a mortgage executed on the 5th, day .f December, 1877. by J. H. & J. E. Mc Cown and duly registered in the oftice of Reg ister of Deeds for Orange County, in book V? page 43. I will on the 27th, day of September, 187a, sell t public auction, atMarkham'sitorc, Durham, N. C, the following property to wit: one tract of land in Orange County adjoining the lands of J. C. McCown, Win. J. Duko and others containing (95) ninety-five acres more or less. F. C. GEElt. I 33 3t Aug. 20-1879. Durham, NYC. I REWARDj jA, Liberal Rcwart' will be paid for the appre hension of the following poisons who broke jail and made their escape from Orange County Jail on Wednesday night the 22, of August 187!. ! GRAHAM SYKES, . - Tliite. utOltU TEAbIjEi, - - White. I'AT LUN.SFORD, - - Colore. GEORGE TIN N IN, - - Colored ALBERT WILLIAMSON. - Colored. J3Uf. THOMAS II. HUGHES. Sheriff CARTLAWD BROS. fi ARE AT THE1K)LU STAND V : ! ' j TJndor IBenbow Hal GREENSBORO, X. C. and have received a large stock of! . Clotlung, Furnisluiig Goods I AND CLOTHS For the Spring Trade . which we ask all who are in need of .- -! - ' ; j CLOTHING or CLOTHS of any kind to make np into clothing to call arid examine our stock. - . i , We are determined to sell as low as the same quality of goods can be sold anywhere or by anybody. . . I 1 " - ;- - ! . ! Ia Our Merchant Tailoring Department. ! - :-iV-.-i we are prepared to cut and mate garments 01 all kinds for men and boya, by the best or work men. " i - We guarantee satisfaction in every case or no pay required. '' ' Our stock of SHIRTS, COLLARS i TEES, HANDKERCHIEFS, SOCKS, UMBRELLAS, Ac, Ac, is complete and well selected. KEEP'S SHIRTS and COLLARS specialty. Rn anre to caU on Cartland Ero's. nnder Ben bow Hall, for Clothing and Gents Famishing Goods. i ; jMr. J. L. Brockmann ia with ns and will be j TO PEE THE j Illllil W i ....' i ! I " " 1 ' ' pleased ic eee ma oiu mcwu . no areeusboro, V. C. no7tf. Ext (JAMMOiWS STOCK IN DRSSSGOOBS All:tdn,it ih,i CI AM MOX 1 r . - in - i f i ( ; , ( ,i 4 , , j . . .... i ... ' ;T tu,: : r.vncAiN.s.rx Bleached and Unbleached Domestics ho. Cotton trinixiiings-HaiiiliGr Edgiiis aiicl Iiisertinjrs Specijilti'es. Trimming Silks, Kid Cves3 Sasii Ribbons i ' In Assortment. I A PAKASOLS SUN latest Shapes, Style?; and Ial( ; - : A GOOD asaorf meiit of Ti.nl irs ami HO W 'iTi - n. . Arrrri 1 1 : , PLANTERS WA ALWAYS () ' -' ' 1 HIGHEST ."PRICES. . '- '1 FOR TOBACCO? Because they buy largely on ORDEit thtmsolves of all grades lirr-ct for Maiiiii'ui tiii fcs. They sold one lot last Friday for J. Q. WARREN of lion lbs., of vhith over feOO lbs., wa' lugs and niade him an ' ! Average, Aft. f il.lllftirfi- oil yFrnnaf You can rely on them. They Btrive to keep very ueei ior every one, in tueir wwcf uiu uv "PAHTimTJ-.T0H0M If you have not sold ithJh5-BUre You ever ma rftbe Xbefore. D Thai Their facilities So bring it aloliy t to tne -, I ! ... i(m !.,,!, !,. ;:(,., ! . . ' ' " 11 1. 1 ! 1 1 1 Xi 1JKKL1AS rial:; - All (ioods ' yA M'ae.at '. - (Miihln ns SHOKS -h:U -sj..:'Jt7 IS IT iArr '-'l I T A I N T II l(: J , 1 their lonse by doing tb tl-rnres regu.a ,7 m to tt tU' ir ability to mak '1,c It i Tio humbug. deceived other... . . I 111' II 111 A ackweil Co ! $32.78 i an - . - death rate is on the increase. 33. i ( -. f. ' ? - -- . 1