Ti 1 e 1-; ' DiiRi n t AM lOBACGO MJjAN . DEMOCRATIC AlitWAYS 13 UNDER, ALL CIRCUMSTANCES VOL TX.----M 21. DUMAM, N. C.; TJttESBAY, JUNE 15. 1B80. $1.50 PER: Professional Cuiil. bisEKT. K. CAKIt, " T in ATT01tK AM i OnsKLUB IT L.IV, ' DUUHAM, N. C. S (Mice overntorc of .V. G. fVix A' Co.j. s. n o u l h X v , VvivTH'Q Til K PI()V. story, to aM thai I, wis not all to ( ghe began in low. clear tones, since ijOLDST. D.V'YIDSAT li.VJJNOR. ' trcaty, but , it is scarcely likely to be IL iilfiOO .v inu Maine. Ioocj night.t :' i " j alone can save - tliis man from death. . -I received with much euthuaiasm oh the i. ! . .. J. .... I . . . .1 1.1.-1 1.1 1... 1 ; . . , 1'oiygamy is denounced, Attorney at Law DUKIUM, V f . lVon.it . tt.'liti-.:i to all li l-iiisH. II. w k i; li , 1 Attorney at Law, ': OAKS, A'. C. 27 lv Will tirapCi'n iii tkr Siiiifrinr (ViurtH rf Ala nruw'f'. e (rant; "iV lVrwon. All liiiii.;'r ii-,.mjt!v Hltcii.lc.l to. . . 11 ly. I m. j: n i ( (i s, ' i 1 : - i . At torney - at - Law. . m:kuam, n, ; eri,i,t!l,-iiliiii green l-i the t'.'ilfriUul of t'Jniw - in mi'i itrt nf the-Mute. 17 j J OS K M WATSON,1 i Attorney at Law, CHAPEfi HILL, N. 0. i ' Will attend Dnrhim every Wc.liron lnr, anl Can 1 Kiiun at hi olHce in Cliaptl Hill .every, other .lav. H-t.f. We t hry not tlio princetlv mail, In 6itv e.r in town. WliV Vomlem whether imnipkiii vines ;'i'iiiiii ii thti hill or down. AVo ritre not li.r his marl.Ic: halU, Noij yet hiii'hea of ol.l. v' wbul.l not own hiii sor.liil heart .jJ'orjll his wealth twice tolil. ye g.r'e the favoreil onen f r:ii th,. ; We lireathe jure air each lnoi n, . "VftVnow-, we rfap the gol.ieii Kiam, ' .'. 'i jWu k11iLT in the coi n. We toil - we live on what we tarn, fjAnil iiiore than this we do - Xfv Iniar of 'rttarvin inillioim round, lAtnf fjladlv feed them too. And wavinp; him l)ak' with one! Hecate into the park, that night, to ' uY civ fee: JHI1X ur I. U N K V (I It D , ATTOUF.Y AT LAW, Itoxboro, N. C lv. M , M'lltlNtl, THUI, U I N O .t: Ai.nir.o m. MoiiiMi, ; UK OKANOK, M O U I N ( ' Attorneys at Law, S IUTKHAM, N. , All l.unine entrusted to tjinn will rrrive pvoinpl. attention. oil 11 J A M H A . li A V I S . Attorney - at Law. ' 'I,AT HIVKIt, OKANfiK COUNTY, N. C. Will i.racth'" in the courts of OranK, 1'ei nnn, Oaxwi.ll and Granville. . Collection. -f daiuiH a xpecialty. . ' -:' 'y- ho lawver Iitck on iniu-e JV'etnlraa a w aiy life, c neWir know a ieiiceful hour, jilis Siti;niKdiere in HtritV. MineHchant thumlm hi yardstick o'c-rj ilrows liaKKard at his toll... a. : n not the luan God meant him for; ! jVhy don't he till the soil V ''Tift dm-tor ploils through storm and rain " j'lmlk at his patient's will; Wlen Uuad ami gor.e, he plods again. Uo.fft his lengthy bill. ' iT ie pi-tuter bk'BS his noble soul ! , ' 116 giasps the mighty' earth, A nl stampH it oJi our dally sheetd Vi) die pi- the laborer's heart. We sin the honor of the plow, iidtiohor to the press ---Tko noble instruiiients of toil, : vdi'h With a pow'.r to blens. ..'I'l s bin the nerve of this fast aj;p, I'rui: veultJi of liuinan kind; ()i e tilh the ever-faithful earth, ' 'he o her tills the mind. white t hand, she disappeared among the tree 8. A ftw moments he b4hxI motionksa. Tho jutei view hal . shaken him more than he would acknowledge. Past mmnrifl likn nluinta 'flin trontiiriL' -j r - r. before him, when suddenly a girl'n face seemed to smile upon hkn through' the darkneKs, and the shadows tied. . ''Marjurio, my darling,'' lie whis jered, .and, with, rapid Btrides, vau isbetl 'uml the treeH. He was still surroundod by their f;l(Hm, when a pistol nhot raug out on the still night air, so close that, for a moment, he thought the . ball intended for his heart; but a low groan showed hi in it had reached another destina tion meet me by my, request. Ouce wo- irpRY W. I0NG1 EU.OYv-. had been lovers. '' I loved him still. I knew that I had wronged him; and Pacific coast. What au image of peace and i est Is this little el uiy heart yearned for one forgiving au i bo quiet; the troubled breast, mo wounded spirit, the heart oppressed, k Here may find the rest it craves. word. It was wrong, I know.. Have I not met my punishment ? "Nv e met. he told me he was betrothed to au-1 See how the ivy climbs and expands other that he had long since learned Ovethis humble hermitage, fol giveiieF8 in forgetfulliess. I should ( And seems to caress with itsJittle lian.b hav rejoiced at this, but I did not, I j Tat tbafi gray tm. m a hiid coidJ uot Wretchea, 1 lett bim to rtturn to my duty, never to see him more, when suddenly my husband ap peared before me. He had followed me from the house, ami had heard all. that stand Cai-eaMiijg the wrinkled Mioeks of asje.' j D j ... ub.iiFdinii, tiud upon the ground that slavery lias perished in the States, it is declared i t.uat-its win narnarity must be abol 1 iahed in the Territories. The logical i leiemection is not ' apparent, and . we i -i! i . i . . .... i iiuiB xo see wuy ('Kimnii in the Mates i i i i ? J , J ' . i and von wpr inra psk v ird nn in t shouilct not le lenonnced equally with . .u -n i - i i i , ?i. T" i 3 I, i community with which you have no, ; jmtHtiatiiV in tlie lfiritones H . , J i i i. iii- i .,,.. i'm.hiI : n it n it in n m ----- i - ; ! l , n n i u V j J . X& XII A U i XIX XX U Talk up vour county: ami aneak a good wc.nl iiliout your neighbor) -and j your neighborhood not only when: yoii aie abroad, but when you are at j homer. Don't go around looking asT if everv man was vour natural riiem'v. 1 AT- i jtiM(uny in tlie leiritones. The u. n i J i ' i l i- . i symmthy and no common interest), j "'tween bigamy and polyga- i)ou' t tnJn llowu tho couutv alld t)er:xte "Wretched woman !" heexclaimed, think you I want the empty vessel, "think the lovely face, the exquisite form, when vour heart has ever been an Mnkin" his wav oiiicklv in the di-! other's ? I will L'ive back th h e- c x t - - , - i - rection of the sound, he stumbled overldom you so crav-; but remember .i r 1 - T 1 -i L1l loveu so wen, are the prostrate form of a: man dyeingij i i i ' .1 i i i ii li ins 'Cioiu.es in me oiooti wniuu euoeti from aigaping wound. ' The moon's rays shown full upon a ghastly face. He started back, his own lips ashen, as he recognized the husband of tho woman from whom j he' had parted bare ly five minutes before. Merciful heaven ! ' he whispered, fell heavily ' upon his my you, whom 1 murderess !" "With these words oh. snaro me! he drew a pistol, placed it to Ins mit tiw. a..r- ii-..i'.. ........ heart, and tired, i screamed and K.j ; the faitll u" t J , , , ivnirr . i.i , .... . . ' . Voiu-ioss tli threshold, and dim anl small to the space that serves for the lihepher l's C foM; ' Tito narrow aisle, the bare white wall, Thcpews, and the pulpit ipiaintaml tall, , Whisper and say, "Alas ! we are old." If' H. ti t's Ghapei at Ecinei-ton Miiorc Hru-cions is than tl.in. v4 ' . - Aim ana 1 asior. blent m j.i l jiui't uui idaiui, on witla splendor, -That lowly and holy- It' Uie as ot the sun, itk'e. is not the wall of stone without that niakes' tlii- buildintr small or jreat, murmured a voice in The LIFE FOli LIFE. jdllS W. (ill. Ml AM. 1 II.tllSM A Kl'l'lTN', THOMAS- KI'l'HX, Attorneys at Law, HILLSIiOKO, Ni t -h;ii-tice in' the counlies of 'lraiip.-AIft-inance,iuiirord, llocUii. phalli. Caswell, l'. isou, Granville and Chat ham,, and in the State Su preme Oourt and in Hie Tedearl Courts. A. W.GUA1IAM, Hillsboro C John n. r.m: Dm ham, N. ( ' K A II AM A W K nr. Attorneys at Law, ' .l" ' ' DruiiAM, N. C. l'lactj.-e in the courts of 1 i anKe,!l'ei son.'Ala ' mance, Chatham, Granville and Wake. . ( 'oll'n'tioll of claims a specialty. . 25 l'i mo. Js. A Guuiot, lit Alamance. Vbu have sent for me, Madame. and place are strauirelv i u choseti, but I have obeyed your sum mons; "arid await your further com mands.1 j ' '' ' A.! bright harvest moon 'shown full L upon Oscar. Kedcliffe's face, as,; with. I nis ijaudsome nean erect, nis siiaignn youtlg figure dntwn to its full height, . lie faste ned his. keen dark , eyes upon I i... 'iii'.ii.- h. :v ni v.; ' : Liie f.m iiiiiiij nuic tit inn siuc '. fi - i " ' Atithatj moment eleven strokes from the village clock sonniled ou the still air, whild in theMistance through the trees! glinimered the light from Ma dam ile Kiviere's chateau. "tlscar," she said, in low, trembling tones, . "is it thus you answer me V I IfaveJ you no word of pity for mo? ()r,.lftckiag"pity, not one of sympathy with ' nty J mi.sfortnu3 ? Do j'ou: not .appreciate all that I do ancl dare in meet n'g you here to-night my hus baiKlps jealous anger, did he discover the t uth the world's, uncompromis ing, storu V Why have I sent for j ou '? you think less . .,. IIM hM Of Otauge. HtAHAM A HACKNEY, - Attorneys at. Law, pritll AM. N. G. mwifK n thk mmw nmi for nis ial attention given ui ulnli.d - .iun'o, up stairs. when a hand shoulder. 'Assassin !"' his car. . And i turning, he confronted two men, whom the noise of .the shot had attracted to the spot. In vain he at tested his iunoceuce. i "Explain it to the courts,'' they an swered, "not to us. ' T And summoning other help to carry the wounded and insensible man to his home, he followed them unresist ingly, whither they would.' The night vore heavily away. Each moment as he paced the floor of the room in which he had been con lined, awaiting his examination, re vealed to him the hideonsness of his position. ' Not yet had he washed the sfninn frmn hia linml Hi seemed fascinated to gaze upon, them, for with the morning light he knew would come the question, "What mo tive prompted your presence in tfce Baron's private park at such an hour V" Aud to this question he could USBign no answer. I To say he had gone there to meet tho woman who had once been his promised bride, but who was now the honored wife of another, would be to forever sully her fair fame. Honor compelled him, to keep silent honor bade him give up his life, ;if need be, unless the Daroness hersejf revealed the truth. - i It was as he had foreseen. In rroviiAa."ins .room the fatal i i-w" o . . Blamti h sweet. tneait hir-li Itrt -ailQr ht a momentary" UJWH " O i rrlimnse in the distant corner where tied. Oscar, hearing the shot, spran to his side; but he is innocent, and 1 am guilty. My husband is dead ! ' Whiter and whiter had grown the ghastly lips which told the ta c, until, at the last words, the beautiful head drooped low. j The excitement had proved more than the slight frame could bear. The heart fluttered and was forever still- Madame had gone for judg ment to a higher and more mercifuj Judge. lint, in th lonrr vears of hanninofts ll .-. .1 Marjorie and Oscar have since kiiown;1 ineir nanus never lau in onuging Mowers to the grave of her who sinne'd for her love's sake, and who redeemed her sin by giving up her life for his.' , And the love that stronger is than hat:. Were I a pilgrim in search of peai.T, Were I a 1'astor of Holy Church,- More than a liishop's diocese Should I prize, this place of rest and release From further lonsiug and further search. I Hero would I stav and let" tho world ' With its distant thiinder roar and roll; LStorins do not renTthe sail that is furled, :.Nor like a dead leaf, tossed an I whirled L - iu'an edjlT of wind, is the anchored soul. , Tlu' Republican PJatform. blood eyes .A Boy, a Woman, and a CqWv It is now over one hundred j.ear since an American philoso'pher;, prek pounded the query: "Why is awoV man afraid of a cow V" and yet no one has ever succeeded in giving a satis factory answer. There is once I in. a while a woman who doesn't seem-, to have the slightest -fear, even '5yben paseiDg a cow with one horn all twisted out of shape; "but follow-that woman home and you will find that. she kicks the dog, cutis thehildren, jaws her husband and knoy&Qw to sharpen a butcher-knifejtetife an axe. The real wOmaa'aaitirfiortal torror of cows, and th$ ipaLcoV seems to have an antipathy fot r.Pf j I."'-.; . 1 .. f -.r rr-r n 1 11 il llMll 'III II 1 1 I I I i riiuuv iuiouwuu aujin iii.uQ Sue ..ttlin estates, tlflice, 1'l.ANT l'.l .raduateof the t niversi.x o. iil'fl,M!l HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES . i ,.i ... Dm" Store ot lr. A. c Ca C o at .ley' n '.r , -hi,. day r,U',. V.'.ll 1... iironll.tlV attende l." - ,: miillAM To teal you all to have to ott the' inesh of. ciiTiimstanc.es wltich wer;e woven about me, so mai 1 e.Ullill.1 1 "4Vi' ' lUUIOH , : - . "Eixplailatiohs are not necessary lo ghe 9atj seeme(l to say, "t or my sane, me, Mada-rue. Are you aware that 1 at whatever cc-st, tell the truth."; htrnl'ltn '.nn eiio-a'cmeut with my I a Wt.nt haA nassed since that hor- iw.tv.'itli..litn obev voui summons this 1 niirht. The baron still lingered i ..i - 1 ...UK kni lUll,. l,Am. ! and ' evening : . i unconscious, auu wiw wui uvue uu ; ''lktrothed even in tne moonngm 0 uis recovei-y. numor was not siow ' : i . . it - .:1. .- - I 11. . .1 J the'ipan-sUw the suaaen paiior wuicu n0 - assign a motive ior i me f ueu. .Tilii'd cheek ' and lip as the woman; Tpn.ionBV 0 the man who had won the ,.t : Imj Ridfi p-asped out tho word, i i.e had'failed in securing. His Ctu : v" "? O J. . i t' . down Cass avnne when she suddenly I cagp ui?o2i 4ST' Th -ehirgal was ! k!-of;theitrtV '. The platform adopted at Chicago consists, in tho maiu, of dead issues anclrbf gfit'tering generalities. It af fords but another illustration of the eiil adage about judging by deeds, i'i!fr words, and that the tree is best own by its fruits. The jSaltimore n well says that unless there be some similarity in the situation- of public afi'airs, unless the issues to be ilen.lt with, nrfi of n similflv r-hnrnetpv it is useless for any politi sal -party to j relv unon its nast liistorv' as its sole i -or even.its chief claim to public con- J nti.ence in ine lnture. it." raignt as ; well, found i its claims up" nn the ser-j prices and fame of statesmtu and patriots who arc dead autt gor e, and ! besneak for the livinL' who sire li'itried ! IHH 1 i O. irr to ae same measure ot trust. Pa rties, wnicn. are due organizations ot an-en, change, not only with the men who compose them, but with the circvui stances under which they are called to ?et. KsncplJillv truo i! tlii i.f tr.'ip Pvepublican . party, whicli came iutb issues wnicu it claims' ny is at least more apparent tlian that which is assumed between "Mormon- i ism gi isew i orK ana Illinois emaua I iion) and African slavery. However, sy no great party has yet arisen -in favor of polygamy,; this portion of the j plitlform is not iii iportnut. The ar- ! rHiunient of the 1 )Hiiioernlie. unrtv f - " - 1 i with which the platform concludes, as ft j an ftiee-seeking and spoils party, was coriiHisly supplemented by the only diseuHxioii iu fhe convention' to which the platform gave rise. A Massachu setts delegate moved as an amend ment a niece of solid, wholesome civil , service reform cloetrine, which it ap pears had been. twice rejected by the committee which framed tlie platform. A Texas delegate, Mr. Flanuigan, ob ! jected with great candor that he and S all his fellow delegates, as far ag he knew, were seeking after office, and j didn't wish any difficulties interposed in the shape of civil service reform. 1 nially tho amendment was adopted wjjth the essential feature left out, ip the omission of the clause declaring itikat except in the case of ollices tleough which the distinctive policy o ihe party in power had to be wotrfceJ out, the tenure of office should begoQ'J behavior. This principle, of course, i-s the very corner-stone of I'ivil serviee reform, and its omission s -,iu ply emasculated the amendment. F.'om all this it may be reasonably inferred that, so far as the thirst for office and the pursuit f spoils are con.iftrned, there is not much room to choose between one political party and aiiother, and no occasion for the Republican pot to eall the Demo cratic iDsttle blacL'' ' Don't run down tho couutv and lerate your leiiow citizens to every stranger you meet,- butibrag them up. Tell strangni s you v have a line county. Don't deceive, theni, by telling exag gerated stories or untruths, but "don't take a delight in - making prominent .I-... - . 1 1 , every niuo mismanagement oi putmc aflairs and every little circumstance of your counties' history that was not jnst according: to your ideas. Tell the etranger visitor that 5 'our people are good and hospitable, and provg it. to him by introducing him autoiwr your friend;!. Let every man speak well of bis neighborhood and his county and try and induce strangers to settle there. hen a stranger lo cates near jon, make him think well of you and your neighbors. If there is -a bargiuu in a piece of vacant laud or a farm near you, help to get that bargain disposed of. Yhcn it is in stronger hands, and oi.l of the mar ket, it will utillun prices on all the lands surrounding it. (let all your farms into the hands of men out. ol debt and able to hold them, and you will see a boom in the real estate; but as long as thero is a farm for sals, under pressure, of debts, the prices of other lands will be 'influenced therei n'. A vacant store in a j row. .of business houses. injures the rental value of all the others; a demand for one more store than can be had hn.sd.he con trary effect. Prices "of larjds are af fected in the. same way. Marl-o Guid: . One of Our Sugar Kings. Mr. John Curnside is justly entitled to the cognomen of Sugar King. He owns and operates, eight plantations in the parishes of Ascension ' and Ht. j James. Ihese plantations cover an The other day a lady, accompanied j area exceeding six square miles in ex by her son, a very small bby, boarded tent. On four of them, the most im a train at Little Rock. The woman - proved machinery is used for making had a carewtrn expression hanging the very best grades of sugars, over her face like a tattered veil, and j ' Last year (187U-80) Mr. Uurnside many of the rapid questions asked by ground 3,287 acres of cane, which the boy were answered by unconscious yielded 0,084,000 pounds qf sugar and cinrllQ I 1 'Kill l.n..,.1n .A.nr, i.....H. i .. 1 i uuiicis ui muiaaoen, : ui iu, ut u said the boy, "that man s like j very .moderate estimate, over $500,000 Carringtons. No Christmas without IV GOOD IIQUORS; 11 lave the lost ". honors of every kind and you can have no giMd Christmas, without some of the ardent.!" Food for the Bears, COME TO CARRINCTON S . rvn Vctrji - - D 'U INKS. Something to suit exerybody. No discount on Carriugton's Liqunri" Come to the corner on the llailraod ,i I) II. ' Comer Mangnm and Kailroad Htroota.' MACHINERY DUKIIAM, N. C. N. C. L 11 . H E N D.E Jt S O N I) U DENTIST. ! : S&- PBACTICK OF F1FTEKN YKlUWft il."' she repeated, after monient's pause. "Cruel one! Havej you then indeed so forgotten ? Oh, ....,. ' rib. humiliation! . And I sent for you to! ask you to forgive, when already ypu had learned to forget." . "Nav, (Madame; calm yourself! Partially to this I acceded so readily i. j . i.-i. .1,,. t. -nnr eomtiianUs. ftureiv as iue Uaroness de liiviere do I properly m 1 . L - own noble name, nis uuiaruisueu youth, were swallowed up in the frio-htful suspicion which enguiiea him; and as ho , stood in the prison er's dock, faces which had ever smiled upon him were now turned away. "T ran onlv plead mv innocence.'' he said, when called upon "can only swear no . man among ypu is more miiHlfiHa than am I: but! of UOW I a ..... .i power upon -r .n .. w nil r ivi ...Tin tiiiiin ...uritr 1 fnof ' I t- TS -i refore. with curious ladv Lalted. i ;f0i;;tv that: Mr. Edw;U"d Pierrepont, The cow looked up. " - the platform which he presented to "IjOSI anyumijj, maw .... yie convention on oatuiuuv, boy as he removed the music from-his the convention adopted, makes mouth. ' ; : l it the chief boast of the Republican "I I'm afraid! of that cow . she ifc sul,preB8eii the rebellion repiiea. - I and abousnea smveij. -What fur? Cows don t bite npi j ..inleaa it can be shown that there kick, same as a horse. All they kin j .g an 0ppOSitiou party in the country do is to run their horns through you i whicll isj in. flVVO, 0f renewing the re nn.l nin you to the ground." I iM.iHnn 'unci re-establishing slavery, it 'tli t mv she s comias !" ; .i:,...h wlmt tlw wo two facts . - u . jd U1U1CU11 1J n-v v-.i ... - -- "Tn she hain't. .She s lust making . , itl . thc issue8 to be de- tielieve that she wants to gei ai , , , , UsJ 1U .November next prniiAM, n.-c. Test reference, in the State ft $ Z e' I i f, nest niatenal will be a wiiranls".!; satisfaclion. CuaUoks M.iiiK.Bm . -.. - emphasize the title V the factof. my j 8pent the last hour, the ' secret is my for'nyeneU can weigh for lit le." i own mine for eternity ! Oentlemen, unless there be some other way to 'Osciir hush! Do not bury me under thf weight of your scorn. I did marrV an old man for his gold, K.vf if WflR iit, mv father's bidding, and UUb: tV'i " - WJ t to save him from dishonor. The ,.sii mhiisband has criven me I will hohojv JJut I' could not rctist the temptation when I heard yon had re- turneci, aivct j .- ..iov", home, to; see you, loou once moreimo your face, and hear from your own lips the precious assurance- of your forgiveness, but I cannot I cannot !" 'Xhe iliun's face softened as he iifco,! "h'lifi downcast head of the iuu,' -j - . -. woman at hia s;3e was very beautiful. The slight frame, shivered with ex citenlenti He drew a. step nearer, and laid bis hand upon her arm., ! 'alunche," he said and as the old fell from his lips it lamiwu - W.' U A T TI..1'. Physician and Surgeon. .'ffr. hi- professional services to tho citizens f Durham and count ryaroun.l. ,- .. . Special attention to diseases of n; cm left at City 1ni! Sto,o or his rcs.de oc . - ...... .,.,. . lllll-l .in. receire pr.uupi ..w S A AC N L 1 N K L 11 3m -Practical AND SURVEYOR, Dl lUIAM, N. G Misetllaiit'oii. establisk my innocence, you must be- ' lipvfi ma puiltv." 0 .. . . , . As he was remanded Uftcic , to uis cell, after the preliminary examina tion, to be held for trial, he found awaiting him in the ante-room the face whose pleading he had seemed so heartlessly to resist. ' i ! "Oscar," she implored, "do you know that my life and happiness are at stake with yours ? Shall some false sentiment of honor ! keep your lips closed ?. Do you owo me, your betrothed, nothing ?"' i 'My own!" he said, clasping her close, in his embrace. "Do not make ! mv fnsk imnossible. Give me the 1 assurance ot your trust, your faith, then leave me td mv conscience." t, she looked into the h.V-vfi over the fence." "Oh. but I dare not pass! "Yes, you dare. Cows know when a woman is afraid just as quick as any- u l.'. TI,o l.iinit ' YOU uive COWS tO understand that you are able to catch 'em by the heels and mop me grouuu with 'em they i go to nunung iui clover ,9 Dear me, but I guess I'll go back." "I wouldn't. If ye 11 only spu on In connection with this very boast it w;ll not escape the attention or me. reader that the mighty rebellion which the liepubliean party plumes ir.self upon having put dowu, never would have reared its head but for the accas- sirrhs. "11a a baby, aint he?" pointing to a bald- headed man sitting just in front of them. j , "Hush." j "Why must I hush ?" "Hush, I tell you. He's bald. "What's bald V" . "His head hasn't got any hair Git it. ! "Did it 'come off.?" "I guess so." "Will mine come off?" "Sometime, may be." .....i r.ll i. l.-l.l 't TO'' xuen xii ue uaui, yuu l a . "Yes." : t 1 " Will yon care V" "Dou'tfask s) many questions." Alter another silence the; boy ex claimed: "Ma, look at that lly on that ! man's head."! "If you dbn't hush 1 11 whip you when we get home." . "T.nok l There's another fly. Look ('A KOI. ISA MACHIFjJ SHOPS, DURHAM, N. C. ht Vni fio-ht: look at 'em!" "Mailiun'." said the man puttiii aside a newspaper and looking around. itlll ll.lV-v. : "O." " 1 T i . , , 1 don to power of this same Republican ! ..ghat's the matter with that young ..ol n echo in his listeners heart j ,inrir Vph whose tiassionate fondness "perhaps I have been too hard, but 5 tiWelt upon her.tbeu answered bravely: STREET'S NATIONAL HOTEL, RALEIGH, N.C. 8 i. STREET S0!f. Owners and Proprietors. the memory of that far-off time is very As you will, then. My faith, my i.;i.r nnil if at last another woman's , f-nst nrw vonrs lorever !'" I OllH- ft ) - - . . v v.v, j t ... GASTON HOUSE, ;.; , MEW-BERHE, H C j ; ; S. R SREET I SON, Prqiriftors. TbennderHiRnciaUaTiuriireU-ed M tire. vtd.c ,nn.ier - ? ((f the Gastl) refer to their pasv --: , " traVrling public HnM a U,e r ImmS . np to the will And the Ni'uotel. The -enxor S. It. STREET, & SON GHII nthpr Pianos wear out pht thfy etr ON FOREVER. CM pltMl K,.rirm to oa tbe pur. Order i.oirod v ",,. to April I. chaie. Prewotr i - i vimFS k BATES, Savannah, Gaw o,,i;io lma in a measure wipea it oui i yoii' Should rejoice rather than mur inur.U I nay have judged you harshly. Ydu must remember had I fastened theifcoftm lid upon your beauty it coulci not have been more .utterly lost to! ihe- iAh, then, indeed, I should i.Ci.ir.rvt flt it lost, but for a time. um vw :. - m i I J i As it is, it was lor eternity. mvself. my he:art, my happiness, on my wedding day. ! Say you, too, have felt a pang; that you do not. uf spise me iui inr pt you to tell you this when already you had given the vows sworn to4 me to another." "They were hurled back at my feet, thank tlod ! A hand, lovely as your . i cinnnaA nnd rescued them. For on jj,. c her! sweet, sake me once more gcw precious. Her image came 10 nil me vacant place your haunting presence mocked with its emptiness a guoei. a t shadow wuicli tonureu wuno could not clasp it. The sunshine ot her! smile chased away the gloom wuu in iny heart. Yet to-night she missed me by her side, and I have come at vour bidding. Hut it is growing late. Let me lead you to the entrance of t hfiKlnirV and leaVfe V0U." V mm - y . AJ. uv-... moments ; flew. I came to ask you to forgive nie-1 hna iorgeuuiuesB itu tlers it unnecessary. Now I ask you to remember me to think sometimea, when yqu clasp your wife close in yourt protecting love, of the lonely woman who no longer has even a orrinrv to cheer ana cumiui u , "f!n it, be." eves which burned vet shed no tears, she watched him from; her sight, ver hands and shake ycr list at her rrlit down. Cows know BUS 11 1I" 'B TT. l iiiHt, as we'l as men do. Now, then, I'll hold yer parasol while you spit on yer lianas. "Oh! I can't I'm gomg right home !" : . i "Well, my little brother no swesuh at 'em instead of spitting on his hands. See if you can do that. ; JJo no no I imgoiugnuw. iTf t ua n woman and I couldn't swear or spit on my hands, I should carrv a sworu-caue 10 smu vv" with, observed ine uoy ua ne iVwac. across the way. : .t oAnl ! but there s another cow up there !" exclaimed the lady as- she looked up the street. Yep lots of cows around these days but I never heard of two cows attackin" a womau ui. uucu. a Kuc.n- one generally hooks 'em all to pieces first, and then the other come up and naw's at the mangled remains. If OUO V 11. V ! - ' I T "that the woman he once loved can y n first.claBB thla thai ahfi h9 ftllrht to iUC iu; HIUIW J L LUlO r an ; tand. if vou ever tell her the do with this secret that keeps him silett? Yet I have said that I will trust him. Aye, so I will, but 1 must go to her, andfask her, if iu her power, to unlock his silence. , Tt. was a Youner. a lovely face which looked with such imploring eyes into that older, more beautiful one of the Baroness, summoned from her hus band's bedside. j 'Oscar Redcliffe w accused of mur der, you tell me, and this rumor has not reached me here : lou say you know his fate is in my hands, xou are right you are right, but, oh, how pan iT without bringing -worse than death upon myself, by nis acquiuai r At such a price would he aesire h r "Madame," the young girl an swered, "you surely loved him once, .t.Cn vnn were his betrotned, tuougu I have heard the story of how cruelly nm, idtPd him. Let the; memory of the past love plead with you now, and add to it my agony." j "Child, leave me! Let me think, plan, do something to unravel this horrible web !" j . ; The day of :the trial dawned clear and bright The sun mocked with its warm rays the crowded court room. One witness . after another was ex amined, until the name of the Baron ess de Riviera startled all present. "I am a witness by my own desire, and made a jump, for the nearest gates. It opened bard, and alter one pull she went over the fence and up the front steps of a strange house, ii t rsmniii until her husband tueic w . ... nniild be summoned by telephone to -' come and act as a body-guard party as a sectiontd putty, pledged to a policy which a nirgo ioiuuu ui country deemed inimical alike to its material interests ana its constitu tional rights. . "Tho boast about transforming the tt -..-.. fvVw.i ii ri iiublic founded utnui slavery into one in which slavery is prohibited, and conve rting four mil lions of human beings, from the liti: uf thi.xj (wliatevet- that may mean ) into citizens, wj b" mate, but, at the same tjme, will be found diihcult to rciconciie with the solemn assurances of the Kepubhcan party prior to 180, and even auei the war had commenced, that it was no part of its purpose or policy io disturb the institution of slavery as it existed within the States. The i war, rd.iimed. was a war solely for the lireservation of the Union, aud as such it received ine arneut b""!'"""' thousands of Northern Democrats, who, in the council, as in the held, showed a spirit ot devotion to the iT.win no wbit inferior to that d is ,ial hv the Republican party. iviwm lnt.r on. the emancipation of the slaves was determined on, it was h-.U- n a military measure, aud upon o-rounds of military necessity that it I was sought to be lustitied, anci was accepted by the country, l he decla rations in Mr. Pierreponfs platform upon this point, if historically true, would seem to convics iue xw-puun.i" me and act as a body-guard. : rty Qf iyG0 of a studied policy oi "I'd just like to be a Woman," mused j nvpocri9y uud dissimulation, and Mr. -r - i l.u fKinnmsitraiLon ui I Mill II II .111.1 1 1 -' the boy as he sat down to punish his mouth-organ some more. I'd carry a bowie-knife . down the back of my neck, and the first cow that tried to hook me would leel tuat ere uniie playing inumblety peg around her viciou9 heart-strings." j UlUtwui bavin"" obtained power under false pretenses. It is probable, however, that the platform does not represent history with accuracy, iub unuu. founded upon the success of the Re publican party in raising the value of the government bonds to par, and hot. of the nauer currency to the spe- 1 1 1 "I cie standard, must be weighed in con nection with the fact that the depre-:-;t, tl.e former eouallv took i:iiiLiuu . ' i - Ex-Governor Holden was appren ticed to printing, in Milton, under Joe uiiWlir. The house still stands A A v.. - J - l l. l.miul tlio art" H P was ambitious and industrious, and one of j place under Republican rule, and that . . . - ; D 1,1, r,rL-o,l ifu ,i,.;atpd pancr currency itself i,,u favoritn expressions, as he worked the press, and Ned. Howard was the roller bov, was, "Kou pp, x,u., run up, I just begin to smell my mooa. iue wcnoraWA J. R Cowardin. of the Richmond Di)atch, was an appren-1 (jbase. ' . . t.ce at the same time with Holden m j -passing ironi the achievements ot w:u .ii. turi Waddill. of the Who ict to the ouestious of the day, Lynchburg New, began the art there. tlie platform is rather more vague and the depreciated paper currency itself was issued by' the Republican party, and that the constitutionality even was subsequently denied by its espe cial author, the late cmei dusuce 1 vnn The woman blushed, stammered out something j and attempted to smooth back the lioy's hair." el., -turn tlioa three llies." said tlie boy innocently, following with his eyes a basket of oranges carried, by the newsboy. "Here, you young necige-nog, s.uci the liald-headed man, "if you don't hush' I'll have the conductor put you off tho train. . ; j "Tim vmor woman, not knowing what else to do, boxed the boy's ears and then gave him an orange to keep him from crying. "Ma, have I got red marks on my head?" . ' , ' I'll slap you again if you don t l.v.(.h ' U"" .. i . "blister." said tlie boy, "does u hurt to be bald-headed ?" "Youngster," said the man, "if you'll keep quiet I'll give.jou a quar ter. The boy promised and the money was paid over. The man took up his paper and re sumed his reading. ,? "This is mv bald-headed money, aid the boy. "When I get bald- headed I'm going to give bovs money. Mister, have all bald-headed meii got money V 1 'l'L annoved man threw down his paper, arose and exclaimed: "Madam, hereafter when you travel leave that young gorilla at home. Hitherto 1 i.noa tiinno-ht that the old prophet ulwj o - , verv pruel ior caillUU iue nuc Y 1.-3 , ' ' . haors to kill children for making sport . . . -T if - I X. 1n head, but now l am iorceu io that, he did a Christian act. "C"C'V . . . .. 1 t.- If your boy had been in ine crown, ue ,i.i hnvs died first. If I can't find WUUiu - 7 . . , ll.or Hfftt. on this train. 1 11 ride on the cow-catcher rather than remain horo ' is' ' i "The bald-headed man : is gone,; said the boy, and the woman leaned back and blew a tired sigh from her lips. The great wheat king of the North- w - west, Mr. Dalrymplo, cultivated 2:5, 000 acres in wheat, but his gross receipts were a trifle under $4oO,000. Mr. Rurnside's success 'sdoubiJiss find greater remuneration in thc cul tivation of our lands than is possible elsewhere. It shows to the world that the sugar lands; of Louisiana arc snnerior to all others in the Republic. With this rich soil and : a climate .equal to the most "favored country in umr .1 w iv snOURI UOL lUU tlliui- prise, intelligence and capital of otheiM parts of the -country seeK among us profitable investment? Louisiana is nut ;i wilderness, bv.anv iiieaus. We have .'society, churches and schools. A net-work of water courses per meates the State, affording excellent transportation facilities to the great trade centres. Yet, we li.avc vacant lauds. "We "want them occupied. "We will extend a warm welcome to the iiiimigranl who will come to us prepared to pos sess and improve them. Xftr ('((( ('ni)ntrtl I isilni i ' , ? We desire to inform tho people u( Middle. Carolina Unit wo are well pro pared for all kinds of Entriiie and Macliineitv Wotk " PURPOSES A SPECUITY. Slice) Raisinir. Mr. Vraucia Fontaine giver, to the New- York Coinnti'iriat ',llt in some facts and figures about shee p hus bandry in Georgia, viz: Tho .pries oi wool in (ieorgia is forty cents a pound. The average annual co?t ot . keeping sheep is only T1 cents. The average crost.of raising a. pound of wool in (ieorgia is only d cents, whilcj the: average price for which the unwashed wool is Hold is '.VM cents, or 27i cents net. The average yield ol unwa.siicci wool u.o the sheep is -3 44 pounds, which; at 27f, cents net, gives an avei-ao-e clear income in wool from each shc--p of ! I ce nts. 1 he ave rage price i . . ,,..1 i.i.. received for lambs sold lotho uuicne r in (ieorgia is $1.87. The average price of stock, sheep, is $'2.iS per lu-ail. The average price -6l muttcjii is $2 75 x-r head. The average profit aunu- m11v leceived from" money invested ;n sheep in Georgia, despite the ravages of (logs, is (.. per cent, ine nrxi Legislature will probably enact a dog law to protect sheep. An. owner ol : r.Hfh Hiii'e-o in Georgia dec lares that his sheep cost him annually 14,cenls I" ft . per head, and that his clear prom is 'JO per cent, on the inony so mve-niru No food or she Iter is requii e u ai any time during the year. STATE NEWS. Sewing Machines ami Guns repaired by an experienced workman. All Work-guaranteed" and promptly done. I 'rices asKiw as .the same stylo of work can bo done any where. "When you want work douo don t fail to ctill on us. Respectfully, r.A. iLvrtni, 7 C. J. CRARTRIjI. Durham, Feb. 3-tf DKTUTTS Expectorant! IN 25CTS. AN P S I BOTTLES. Ita proportiea j'.ro Demulcent,JNutrl tive Balsamic, SoothitiB' and Healif; CombininK all theso iualitie, itjth most elective T.UNtr BALSAM ever oll'erd; tqGufferers iVoinjiulmquory diseases. . - DR. J. F. HAYWOOD. Of Now York, voluntarily iuilorsta it. READ WHAT HE. SAYS : nr irrr 1 n York' r-l?' -1a wedltiao 1 ""!" a'I II WWOOO. M. . 1. A NEWSPAPER PUB. WRITES. i. rin-r li r Sir-Mj mils wn, Ukt rVtl'i'. Vf w. ' " urn Vnlit. .1 ..r?ur W. I ,r tli.i i.nr' '.I e U.iiib r.i- n . i 1 . I fTV.rt la I... 1 i 4 4 11 UaarioiLe i mw: iucjc u ..vwv, doubt that Mr. Murchison, of Wil-1 raington, will be presiient of the Car olina Central Railway, and Col. John ston superintendent Beaufort and Martin counties have instructed for Fowle. Salisbury l)-mrol: Mr. W. J. Ret has returned to New" York no pape-is i.n i.cn recorded here as retimr! UI l-'-"-" '114. by law, and the Salisbury floating debt holders are yet minus the "skids." Wnranw Ihirf Mention: General cu. ; tihnlVv nnobiectionable and Pjata i-i " " J r- s . . . r..,hl make ft much more avanaom i..i;iiofo tlmn either Jarvis or r owle. There are others who would as well as Scales. Col. R. D. Bennett, of An son. for instance v0Wrn, -:Xut Shell: Mr. William Had terrlblo NIGHT SWEATS. f '"VT'I . iJi. Tim nucbt nwa.t. Iiv lelt m, IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. 11 -adr, tiave you l autrlit ft M I Arc y.n nn oT,l I., ram..- It- .l.l-.'i.i T " IUey"tt t.oui.7Vl.-llHoni A Bi'ii ot i,ppr:f.nioii oil , tl.el....,il.-'i"","T l"V'ou fit ol .muslin oi. "lyti.IT low-i TA -t-Hrp J.alri L0,v aud Uu4u U.c r.-K.ou ot tha b.-rt, riytir dei. uuJ b'k II -r Adlr ,. a .l' ol Tun Kx,i tora..t; you lll.u lWW io ri' t'. .T.l.... 1" nHjioutwi tbiKtr"' oraot. ple iWlrunto tbe l-t.lak-two ot Tuli'h I'llU. Vo..wiU " fall luto Mea.a.A au.l Vk- up lu ILe u.orBli.fe C..U-U ko..-; wi.rkU.tlrely ; -?JUt: lUKr'l M Im.w.'Ih moV...8 iu orJU-. : 'J ,hv..1 a r.;luru ot tl.ewjl"iJii! .i...aut mrvral ly. Office, 35 Murray Street, N. Y. TUTT'S PILLS - ,i uc rnHPlI) l,IV bit. TUT I O rii-i-' TUTT'S Pl TUTT'S -VI ITTJ Eeiilville Time.-;. There were 29 deaths at Raleigh in May. For the first five months m 1880, 91. Achboro Courier: The sentiment i 1KUV -. i T - unsatisfactory than such documents i ! of the couniy is i aivmeu. , unsaiibii-Lj i iof .fn finvemor. Scales and nsiiallv are The anti-umnese pianK i suuiiyu - . U Sely unobjectionable, inasmuch Fowle also have some friends in this as iUeaves the whole subject of Mon- county who .would dike to vote for -olian emigration to be regulated by I them for Governor. Hoover, the oldest citizen of Newbern,. '.i h.jKlv nf Graven county, died auu yi wi-.v.j i i loo home in this citv and was buried t r'hct f'.hnrr-h vesterdav. We 1 1 w in - - - - - .... . . ii. - i 1 1 learn from a reliable source imu mi. Hoover had passed his 'Jith year. n :r halUTifres the world OH good liquors and the public, arc invited to decide me erutsu'-'u. tutt: TUT,f TUT'J TUT rm GB1I 11 f-rJ Black m1 part, a Nator- I a. Harmleaa I nt by xpV 1 Office, . i - A

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