it V Ij'I 1U !i "i": ' : it m '.:! - i f,'-- 3 ESTABLISHED IK 1S771" :H' ' f- r if-ir- 1 WEDNESDAY ( KT. 18801 FROM H I TO WOHSli Come, children, leave your plavtng. And gitthci; around inv knee," i i-Vnil 111 tell von it littk'storv ;-" . , Away aerois the sea, ' ' ' In a meadow where the !iiU-s - t AriI tle grass wore frozen brown, i Three little maids sat milking, - , - I - )ne day as the Min wenl down Not cows l.ut goats, of the mountain ;i And before their jsills were full, Tli winds thev Jiieri-ed like needles : Tl 1 . t . ... i .inrougri (ueir gowns t4 Jieiivv wo.K And as on hnnd, then the other, ; they trjei tb warm in their lajiK 1 The bitterj wtatlier froA- their l.teatli I :i r..L -i ... .i T unwu iur aiKiiu iiieir eajw. i And so, asj thevt sat at! their milking." 1 They jcewiai still iisjiuiro 8ave when the stifl"slioes on tin Rattled like ir leet Khoes tifiee. At Jasl out i;oie the .vouii'.4 As she llleW iIl ller"tinr,.r-n-i;.:' T 1 1 4 . i-ae iirmne(i a iJun. swit-t si-ur " lt't us take i;ir iiiilLin.r-.,..'.! And gf to; the side of thelnountain As fast nsVei can f,i, ' And heap thtrsi up to the virv top -.- From the whitest drills of snow And Ictus huild hvthc nicrid,U: ' Where wei will milk A house to lieejms from the cold, T 1 '"' " 'th walls all silver white. : . : WeVill set jthe 1h.V awav from the wind, r,oi e wui Jie:ip with mos And her little strips of ice And hingle the roof acn' Then all .hi ftnli!k Us.LitL. '1 - ' Ty eiinitk-ct their pails on the grou 1, .w. wmiiuei up llie iiHiuntain-Mde ;'.A fastasthey could lwundJ '! And camfc airairi to t in- m..n,l.,U. I !: j With pails heauel hi'li with i-imv ' ' A.I....I .l..L -111 I tr . . ' ! And so, t Bebehlj iroucn uaii tne night, the nu it l ;.':u (linie-aiiil m i But whei witil till' l1-ivlirt.:lt- ri lli4 wer walls shonfc red, The thret little" foolish mahlens ere g eold and de:id. Thie neetl Into slirolidri their u.wll-ii jesioi uie irosi naa sewea And witH cheeks as white ns tl... A mon their mountain goats. , : i" - i I . ! Al.K K ( ai;v. i Oowl Word Xot Iost. Fielel Marshal Lley i . "4' iii-ii-yinei in me iius- 1 ian arfiiy durinir the reitrhs of Chth- ! iiiuv j. ampiaui t., was especially j fond of mixiii"; Jwitla the comidon I soldiet, and jshsirinji in their sports : and j jei)nyets;itions, heing always! high delighted when his liieii failed I to distje ver Jjini ;! and tliis hannenul : ( r pretty j iirtut;! for, jthankstti his srinall I fJ. statuWkind (lLdvf flice, hs. Well as the I vxtreinj- plainmis if his urcss, the ; great njarshal- hioked as little like a i generallas ainy piaiv could do. In this wjuv. he pit'to: uiik rstand thor- OUfily tjiei ch:mter of his soldiers ; and haft a "rejiter! power, over them ' than ajrjy reieral l ieiVnv or after hini. His marvelous power c if enduring ldtiue,his'iiisensibility to heut.eojdl ' or hun-rer, and ins .Untiring eiteiyv on! the Jield'jjf battle (in all.of whirii pointibiei sqrpast .1 the hardiest of r his-rrt;nadies). - pifadej him. the. iilol ! of the rjuphsihijirs whom he corn- !mahdtd ; land a 4rord.of reproof frdin f atheif AIexan(( r asilieviteh,' las :. ; hi.s men UhK tioHatelv i called luni, was nijip batWrti dreadi d lhaii the lire of a IJefon- idnt of: il- F . l i jus .Jtanan -eani- paignsKijva)-ofr thert d together a nutnheilof hts' best 'men. and made them one of the short pithyspeeches es tor some : tihiel hejj ivas famous, -and !. winch H I are remembered , among he pii-asaijitry to this day : ; n 'Mv nldrenij we are troin-i to ; tight t FreJH-h.n IJemember, what- ' J ever you uit t-t, SroU must go ftjnuard. i j Ifjthe theinV resist, kill them ; but iif hey! iilhl -pari? them; -a.nd always ' SremeinjWrj that' aj j llussian S(ildieris iVjjndt 'a rohler, bbt jti i'hnsiian. Now. go ani jtell!- vouj' eomralt s what I I have said.f' ! j j' :: ; "":: t'i;' t A feuj days ; hfter . .L'reat batthe tlie day weht who began to and a soldier took lihicii iii- which . agauisfj th'e : retreat about named v:in Frehch. ' suiiseH liaiioft'T who had If tor "his bra ver v -distincrtiisheil -hinb throughptft the wh : with th4 hel0 of a pie day, captured onirade who was was w it, i Iain; a Irench vitjicef aiid . two of h is inieti. M itroiihanoff I lotuii 1 up thejoflieej s wouneled arm, ami seeing jt nit the prisoiiers -JiplH'ard tiint fr!rni! tliei hiss of food, shared 1 -ii. j-i I-. J a! J ' ' '. -i - i . .. i. -r iVtin xiiirni ine coail'' i e toat wniun ivas fo Have k'rvi'd hini for sinijier. Ie had seartfelv -done so, when .tip arac turee or' t ur Kusstan irrena- diers, liOt with fi litin. ami raising iiirioua cries. uWhdt,7 cried ti.ev, "tiirooof tliese Freneli klois llivih'g. vet V and thev fun. juptt j.h1; prisoners, with levelled j havonetk j "Hold, my; lads ! cried -Mitropha- j UOU.. j A e gMCM thenv their lives 1 and no ine must jj touch them now,'" ; j . .But jthej sojldiers would not listen to-hih4 mill jwer bishing forward. ' when it stern voice from behind ; houted: f Jliilt !j- jaiul ' a little pug-ij " nosed dlrty-faeel; 'lfncn, tlresseel only ' m a coarse linen ishirt and a pair ot tattered the circ. graj,i trojttsers, stepptiil into jiuf, fagged iud lirtv as he was7 khe iieree! Soldiers eoultl not have .loiiketl nor4 frightened had he Ikhmi a . j "The linkin; iaiit in nil armor. - ; muttered they. ireneral !' otri 1 ! "Ay,t fwlwi w ie general ! " roared itvaroff, ill have i some 01 vou .shot presentrN', if ytm jwrn't. learn to'oln-y orders I letter j! And vtm.he addeei. to I 'Mftrpplianon "wlio taught tu to be :so ginid ': "Vour highness ;: ont sen taught me, answered Lithe grenadier. "I haven, 't iforgotteii: wfiat you told us last weilk that ii llussian soldier is " hot a rtibber Ibttt ja C'hristian !" j uIiigH'trVeixtdirinH-'l.Suvanrfi', with -ahrighteniit fai-ei." '"A gejinl word is nevelost jyouisee. Givianeyour hand, ki ivj lai ; and you shall be a sergean to-njoTrow, and a rifl goiid ,. one ydt 11 make I? r ' .-, I ' .""' :, !. And :he nlext lilav lie made good - his worn. t When jelouds of sorrow dull the day, Can wi, all trusting, turn away And look to pod and humbly say: Thy will be done I", . v . : : Idlenjess is the mother of vice.- Idlenless always envies industry ,-Idle houses. brains are the devil s work- -Notes About Ensilaice. "Dr. It. II. I-wis lias ol.liu'in-ly,-frorii time to tiinc, yiwn tin A and Obwrrei; throult iiicrviews, i tert'stin and valuable infonnati in- on alxmt Hiil.s and cnsilaojc Mr. .1. II. Davis. th- hianajriT of hi (,'loYcrdale farnij kindly lurnislnti the lolloivin :ts the (:r;t of forty tons of r-a-vino etisita'f. nt in a silo hclow ground ; vines uncut. Tin' items of cost are as follows: ; Plowing 7 , acres of land at $1:2") per acre. S8:7o; 14 hushels of hlack Ieas at 9L cents ) r l)Uhel. namuvinir 7 acres in peas hmadcast. 1. "): lal tor of sowinir p as broad cast 7o rt-n.ts; rolling, jf 1 ; hauling 1 HI two-iiorse loads. niowin;. tillinr, eoveriivi aval; Aveiliinu silo. 827.2-". Total .st S")lr.S"). There weve'- two mowings of hue ciover cutfioin this same seven acres hefore hepeas were sowed in July. Farm 'hands, mules," itc. are all eharuod in the above at the same, rate paid all extra labor hirer!,' Peas, were sowed 'Jur Mh, 'mowed .ejiteiiiber lfi. Jr. Lewis is how filliiiLr a sil( above ground with cut nrillo. niai.f and p-a-v'ins. It has To tons capacity. I le lias pur up J40 tons of peas, corn' anl niills en silaire this sniiutier uji h date' at less than Sl.oO j'er Ion, cut -up." C'olii in Horses. ( )ne of 1 1 ie pri : ai ea uses T 'c i ic in horses is hnpropi r ; mastication and ensalivation of feod. ' -.Manv , horses ha ye a voracious appetite i -.'and. are inclined to eat fast and bolt t their food only partially lhastieaU-d:'; while other horses have uneven and , irregular molar teeth. relKTerin, them I incapable of niasticatinu: their food : properly.. Mario an error which is j often committed by" non-pro fessionaT ' trav-linsr horse dentists; Instead of ; renibvino' the 'sharp and irregular corners of the teeth they usually d -stroy ' one-third part of the 'entire . table surface of the molar teeth, thus forever destroying one of the most important organs of die.-tioii. I lere is a point, ajtl-a- very important ono, for us to examine in all subjects that . are sufferers from eoiie. Iftln-tei'th : are. not lerl'orniiii": their function then we niust. expect indigestion, stomach and bowel trouble. V, -Fair in 'Ohio Fanner. Farm Animals juul Tliefr F'el; It is a very. ;ipi-rior -ox- that can make a jrain of fo;:r-pounds-of tlesh .pert day. - Of tills, two-thirds' is water; leavinir -only 7ne ami out -third, )ounds -of dry substance to nourish the bee,f eater. Many cows can lie found that ri'e forty pounds of milk per day. and of this at l-.-iist tiv- pounds ani solid, dry substance. The ox anil the-cow would jiro'bably consume about j the same amount of food each to produ !- these results. This heintr the case, it is easy to'see tl uit the ew isjfar the more prolit able rma-h-ine I fur - coiivertintr' ' the fjrass and eo. He Vegetation ol tne eflrth jwto cood sto!n,:c!i. The food for the j i ii 1 1 i;l 1 1: iitti' gill lVolli the'; ci t v ,v ho 1 1 i si v i j rei i t h a t i i i i 1 k is o n 1 v ! '"chi'wed gras-s" ha.s vet more to learn', that all tlesh j is grass. .W ;,--land' Fanner . ' 7"" " Ajiph's for Cows. Anodt rate(p;ai-itity of apples, say six to eight 'qu irts per ; day,-while' containing little sul stance of nutri tive. value, will a-sist in the digestion of her other food, and their IhivoriiiLT will' improve the taste of the milk. Kut air- exct ssivj- amount of apjwles' might !e aji injuiy-fi'om the amount of seeds -they contain. -Apple. scedU in considerable jpiantity 'ope.rate:oii the urinary orgaiis, aiitis is what has led some to suppose that the ap ples dry. cows -up. The writer has often fed the small quantity of a plev mentiomd to cows witii decided hem-lit. It is better that they should be feikwith nitrogtrnoits food, as ap ples are very 'deficient in album--inoids. Pro Slei-nrl i 'on i!rif Gentleman The (('. Jinllfiii) gives the fol lowing method of . curing a cow ot the habit ifs sucking herself: "Make a' saturated- tincture of jiowdereil aloes and alcohol, keep it in :il muci lage bottle tightly corkeU; and paint the 'end'of each teat with the mix ture, and tire' cow will soon become disgusted." -HIXTS OX t'OOKINO. To M AKK VK-AS'l'. 'Ingredients: A cupful of baker's yeast ; four eupfuls of Hour; two "large potatoes, boiled ; one cupful of sugar and six eupfuls of boiling Ayater, - Mix the -'warm mashed potatoes ami MigTir together; then add the Hour; next,. add six eupfuls of boil ing Avater. -poured on sUnvlv : this cooks the flour a little. ,lt will be of the consistency of-batter. Let the mixture get almost cold, stirring it Veil that the bottom may become cool also-. It Avill spoil the yeast if the hatter bo. too hot. When hike. warm. a-ld the teacupful of yeast.- ieave this 'mixture in the kitchen, or in some Avann place, per haps mi the kitchen:table (do not put it too near the stove), for five 01 six hours, until it gets perfect ly liglit. i Do not tnucli it until it gets somewhat light ; then stir it down two or three times during' the nyxt six hours. This process makes it stronger. in a yiol place until needed. The yeast will last .pertR'tuaUy, if ; teacupful of it be always .kept Avhen making bread, to make new veast at the next baking. Keep it "in a stone jar, scalding the jar every time fresh ye&et is made. - 1 Insunniier, it is Avell to mix corn meal Avith the yeast, and dry it'in cakes, in some shady, dry place. turning the cakes often, that they may Tecome thoroughly dry. It re quires about one and a half cakes (iscuit cutter) to .make four medium-sized loaA-es of bread. Crumb; them, and let them soak in luke warm Avater about a quarter of an hour before using. - TO MAKE THE BREAD. ' . Ingredients : . FloHr,. one and a half cupfuLs of yeast,' lukewarm wa- tor, a tal.lesptMjuful v) lard, a little salt'. -. " . ' . . i" i: ." tlimr into the bread-b( .wl; sprinkle a little salt ovtr r K1u.denouW w;atl.r ! onesto " in v2r, will 1 take ovtmi-zhf; in summer, ahout j three hours.. ' After it has risen. mix well info it one tal.lespoont'ul of. ( lard'; then add Hour (not tM much) 1 and knead it half an hour. The ; more it is kneaded, the winter and j finer -it becomes. Leave this injthe bread-bowl for a short time to rise ;' then make it into loaves. Let it rise ajrain for the third time.' Hake. . T .s r. I have "remarked oefore that lit one person in a thousand knows how to make jroon toast. ineMiu ph st dish is the he oftenest sjioilod. If the cook sends to the table ;i r properly made piece of toast, one ) mav. judire ;that she .'is a xcirnltfic I cook, 'and may entertain, at the same : lime, exalted hemes of her. The bread should not be too fresh. It should be cut thin, evenly, ami in : rood shape. The crust cdjres should j 1... , 'I'lw. iiii sti;iv'i-d oil - can be dri (1 and put in the bread- crumb can. The object' f toastinr ; bread is to .extract all its moisture ' to convert tin-douh into pure i'ari- na of wli. at. which is very dnrcsti- hie.. Present each, side -of the bread to the tire for a few moments to i M-arm. witlVotit attepnptinjr to toast it H thi n turn almttt the first side at ' some distance irom uie nre. m mat it mav slowly and evenly r-eive-a 1 ,.,,,';, .(ilaiv Mil over the suriaee. : Xo,M turn;it to the ther side, .nov-i in'r it in the same wav until it is perfectly, toastlil. The coals should be clear- and . hot'. , Serve it tne mo v-i olise- ' meiit it is done, on a warm 'plat what is better, a 'toast-rack: 'eo (juently. do not have a piece ofbread toasted until the one for whom it is intended is-readv to eat it. If. as is -en. rally done, a thick slice of bread is hurriedly ex-posed to ; allot fb"e. and the exterior of the , bread toasted nearly black, the; inleiition of extract im.r the moisture is leU-ated, 5ts the heat will then produce no erffect on . the interior of the slice", wuirh remains as moist as ever. Charcoal i- a bad conductor of heat. The overtoasted surface is nothini; more or less than a, thin layer of charcoal, which prevents the heat from penctratinir. through 1 1 i"- bread. Neither will but tcj pass throttjih tli' liard surface: it will re main'on it, ami if exposed to heat, to melt it in. it will dissolve, and run n'erit'in the form - of rancid oil. Tltis is why buttereil t a.t is so often unwin'ihsomc." niAir. r.i-i i i r. Mix one teaspoouiul of sait int' three pints of flour: put one teaciip ful of milk, with two tahlespoop.ful- of l!ird on the tire to warm, l'oin this, mi two eLTLrs wi ll beaten : add the .Hour.' witii one tea cupful of home-made yea-t. When well mix ed, set in a M"ftrm place for aiout five hours to rise: thin form into oiscu-ts ; let them rise again, -wake. , OKA 1 1 a m i!i;i:.i. Make the sponge as for white bread : then knead in (iraliam hour, only sifting .paij, of it. Add, :dso. tw: or three tablespoon fills of niolas- i:i srs. Add to about a quart of bread dough th"' beaten yolks of three eggs. i half a cupful. of -butter, ami one cup ful of sugar: 'mix all wi'll together. - When foiane'il into litfle cakes ! rather high and' slender, and placed very near eacli other). rul' the tops with . ; ' sugar and water mixed: .then i -.sprinkle . over drv sugar. ' This ! should till two pans. ' I5KATKX -A V i .. da! one-quarter of a pound ;of lard into one and a half pounds jof t'our. adding a pinch "of salt. .Mix enough milk or water with it to inake a 7'dough. Teat the dough' w il with a rolltng-pin fur half an hour or more, or until the dough will lireak when ulie'd. Little ma chines come for the purpose making beaten biscuits, which facilitate the operation. . Form into little biscuits, prick ihein on. top several times with a fork, and bake. "IjichThts." 1 ' A corn annihilator The pig. A hard set the hen 'on porcelain eggs. "1( lies" call a great ;many jieojile to church." I The song of tin- mill is always hoppertune: ., The easiest way to pay a gas bill burn, kerosene. Opening of. the season Uncover ing the mustard p-t. Whv are babies like new flannel? ; lt.V.UHC they shrink from- AVashillg. ' )r , y m.M. specially l'..r as, of W: tptalif.-, aoi ol" o'i raiie a.l r.ui-.' i Th- grocer who puts sand in his : We an- U-m-r ,.K;iKm,l and lniveti,,- !hM imcl.n'uio i il.o fftan-. ' , ' . . ... ur wa-inir. are lighter than a.:v ..t-r -; the mmu- i-aia.--tv, a Iult Hem on '..aa roa'iU. vllgar yearns to labor ami to. Weight. Owr wroo-ht -U-Uu a.v '..-( . ea!.- arid never lMHi.iv'. Wi- n.aKcove. two wag It is leasant to find a fottr-leaf : ,,s iH'r,,:,-v !'."' -1'I' lr'iii.tlv. "-iir -Aag..iw a re keju fors-.le in l.!f.:m)'..iily Uy j clover, hut beware ot the poison I lant. The evil fhat mi n do live after them. Even wln a an amateur cor- netist dies he leaves the fatal instru- .iiss. ijii i 1 1, 1 c imn in iiiuii in tell fortunes,'' said a young fellow to a brisk brunette, "'just let me have your hand,' if you please." "La. Mr. White, how sudden vou are! Well. SSki.:.iJd::!.METHODIST FEMALE SEMINARY to the dress department?" Oblig- j - - I ; ing r loor-W alker : "( ertanily.tvalk this way." Lady Customer: "My , dear sir, I Couldn't Avalk that waty if -I practiced for two years." At a-recent Avedding in Canton. ' Mo., the parson closed theccrenmnv ':. Avith the sentence: "Whom (hd I hath joined together let no man put asunder." Avhen an aged Avomait ex- ! claimed with, gre.'it earnestness : '"Or I 110 Avonian either; for they're just as j bad as the men."' .. . j Sheridan made his appearance; 1 one day in a pair of iicaa-boots ; -these attracting the notice of some of his 1 friends. ''Now fruess," said he, "liow ! came bv. these Ixnjts." 2Ianv"' probable" guesses then were made. "No," said Sheridan '"no, yonVe not hit it, norveA'er Will ; 1 bought thein and paid for them." i"KTEW'.-lV ! A "-" I : I HAVE JUST REPLENISEED MY . TO GIVE SATISFACTION ROBINSON BLOCK, LATEST STYLES, LOWEST PRIC AND Bi i - I i WILKERSON. CHRISTIAN & CO.. M AM T ( TI SASH, DOOES 1 Baliisters and D" L CJ T - j ! All kinds ot KOu.-n ami ; Buihlinir Contractors for Uirh and Ir-ssed U1V p:iv; luniilied KfcVCorresponleiice soliei; ' R. . BMCKNALL & SON XIV XJXJL J i3LXl - DEALERS ZIST DRUGS, MEDICMES, I COMBS, BRUSHES ' S-bsCial Attention IS Preparations. Itvrt JioWe Pills, , . 11 's I 'or in if'bfjr , . J,i i 1 1 j p f - J ' j Dttrliu nt Lini in (til. Sivcct Hum (fiid Wild ( 'hcrrif 1 CoiftJi Strirji, And Our Unsxcsliec!. Flavoring Extracts.'- j DURHAM, i-T. O. Pf VV. VAUGHAN, Ph. G.. I ; I)RU(J ISTS aiu! !. I ! . ' Ni i-i-: ' ! ' i. ' ' I Druggists O-noi-s Q-aueraUy. Supplied al Lowt Ii.) ftu:.i-il. ;e Your Patron a 02 Rsspctfuliv S:Ii:itsd. PJ NISSEN WAGON! USE OMIlf THE CELEBRATED J. F. . -1 :.!AfjE SALmi,- Int. o. Kvcrv waiiim ! r 1 1 vf "iir iiiiiik' Aaiiante.!. Wo liavc bt'i u iji tlic bii.-ia(.'s tlji- veaiv. not ltllt IrnirAnlirf) -ill flu. lnitiln.i- a-,, runiv j JOHN L. MARKHAM. , l(l-2o-12in.' ! . ' i !: ).- j;. N ISSKK ( ., MiU-in, N. j: : j : j TJ ' ' F T1IK- ! OPENS MONDAY, SEPT. 13TH. f . - ' ' . MISS M. E.jCARTER, PRINCIPAL. MRS. T. G.jCOZART, ASSISTANT, MISS MYRAj ALDERMAN, MUSICAL DIRECTOR. i TEhMS-SESSION OF I - 1 . ITJMARY DEPARTMENT. - ivTrnvvnTiTv iunsv ci)LLK(;iATli (' UKsk- . " Mcsjp j . ' i;('n)i"NT r!s - " ' f ' J -. . , ... ..,'. ,'.:,",. ,. , , , -, ! , . ".' fil.v,M-- l-r month, ,.- a.l.n.. Jiirl.t n.l fia-l. -" J"rartiailarjattcntion given both ti toe i For further .information iilln ULLINEM ! " i , STOCK AND AM -PREPARpD TO MY CUSTOMERS. DURHAM. N. C. RKUS ol AND BLINDS, M M ON THE MARKET . ALSO S - i ! Scroll Worh. f T3 X 2T C3- B ! " - i , . -: . , i :lel !r ;',!. . j Plan's land't-stiiiKltes" .uml( r on h.-ne of the Spile. i. tA - IJLJ W , TOILET ARTICLE, i ; - AND PERFUMERY, j Chilled to OUT Oln BUtcIniaWx .Clibtcra M hi inc. i 4 ! A. K. TcNNY. j' ! : . ! . i., .KN A si i. j li. 1 I ( PHARMACIST. i t:i;- in ' ' ' . i: - Wholesale Prices. i '' mc or i;.-' -" . 1 : ; . 1 1 1 1 . i -I lv , tiivtj,-nt VAUGHAN k TENNY, t bt UIIAM, N. ( MSSEi WAGONi by i ' ' aiu! is the liest. for the jViilnwiiii; nasi hk a'iu-.v -. .iin-rii v. a Ti-. k of 'Teen luiiit'xT. r"" " ' : . TWENTY WEEKS: .... - - - - . . - - i-ioo-i 17.00 boo moral nh.l ii'.iv-K-al ti-.ariinir (' tilt- .uiiils. J. S. f.Mill, Pn-sl.knt r-r.l of Trusty BIG EXCITEMENT! BIG TIMES! BIG PRICES! BRIG - AND GLOBE i 2- SOLD LAST WEEK 216,674 L.UQ., Ur r ftKmr,Ro luun . . r AT RATLING GOOD PRICES. BELOW WE GIVE YOU JUST A FEW I OF THE MANY HIGH PRICES OBTAINED. F. THOMPSON. One lot. $1:2 7") 17 -J .". 1( ) ( X .1. (. I 'MSTKA I . ' ne jot. -Sll o) ... j. 22 o() I s: At) -! ' -'i oil I .1. v. (IlleliM. ' -Sl-'i IK) i ( (hi j '' -J") x 1 .m (mi !.!. I'lIILMollK. One lot. Stl '" If) oil J. .1. S(il 1KKS. ( n ot. si:; oo 14 To it; 2" 10 (Ml !!-(;. LASSJTKIJ. ( )lle jot. ' (Ml 27 M :;u (Mi tlAMKS KILKV, ( )l)e ot. - -J.'- (Ml j o'l (Ml W. .b'MINSON. - ifle ot. , 1 '! 7-" IS (HI 27 (Mi W. Ii. t Ul it HITKLD. ( hie lot. 2 (HI I.ASSiTKK, . Si:; (Ml 1," 0:1 :;() (Ml i:i (Ml )lie - 1 . will .1 ll n -;nii iv a tm it mat mi' -. - . . 1 I'Ut V. e ,! dtiini; - 'i rvthimr we can 1 . 1 ... . . i . I - : pa 01 1 a- 1 11 10 1 1 ln I'liiled .-late.-. And as for vour cutters and wrapper- we want them all. wb v. In. it sell v 1 ' Hi -toil;, ceo at t he Wariliaiusedn Not; !i'( ';io!in.t or Virginia. Smm' m.-iv tel! vou that th y na'-i ; i i '. i- W-, . u v : ; ,v i i n r. cm n -! 'J 1 ! be head ol' US. So load .i :i.!p:iv mat vou win latum lor i " i mi i i tr!!C. Y. Mtr ii ii-nds. I 1 r-. ;l l l is. ! graham & ruffin, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, -.f Itll.I.Si;! ;;o. X. C, 1': : l - - ii . ill I In- i-i ...l. : i . I' A 111 llllll HT. I 'il-'. ell . .iiri:.iii: i..iil.ii.nV. !'" k i i : - 1 1 ,n 1 1 . i ei- ni iiml II C. FARTHING, IMl ' IK' 1 11 i X&OTXORTS, HATS. SHOES. HARDWARE, j Crockery, &.c. 1 li.ujt- Ik-hvv -i'.i 1, u: i-.e,.l.-- o.ii.-i.iin'nl 1 1: .1 h ii 1, Nniioiis. ltn.s a:nl 'a),s. limits nmt -in. . , i '...ihiiij.-. (,t-m- Fiinii-liin.u' f. 'I i link-. 'iili-e-. lentil-." cloak-. Ni-.v Mm 'kl-i Wraji-. Shau 'rockerv. 1 1 -la u arc. Wnou ami Willou arc.- Hnr'Jware. IMows. i :isti:i-'-. 1.1 I lli -kii-y iV:i-.'i in.-, lintii-i. I'li:i li.n-. Harm-.", ami all kill. I- i.f Groceries and Family Supplies. - .i;.i',iuli(aifjnM'.; .r;i c- iin.l will lic-iiMat n-ir-i' in Mill i.ijj i ioiii- am) mv nu- Ih-I'o:v Imyiny. No I ainfcilsikriil for pai-l tavoe- im.l nu-ril - a i-oiititiiisisiii e of tin- -ainr;.- V. s truly. ;.e. KAKTH1XO. t; r;- iinlrtiiol to nu liv liou-iirrtu jje'.ir.. ii-n line li contrai-t. v ill i!en-c i-oni.. fringe.-,! T i N ' I aml'-.-uk-, or 1 .-hall .io ei-ti.l Topeipe !i law. V. --v trul. , -1 '.. .'KAKTIUNii. j Hurliaui'. N. ('. " 1-4 - . J. G. mill - , J: F. CONRAD. J fc! BOWERS & CO.. nionL'iiL'e. jlieadciuarters For h ALWAYS FILL STOCK CF Flour, ileal, T "IL Molasses, Sugar, Goflfees, Fish I 1 f ! ' jj.; --and- FAiCY GROCERIES r fpN HAND- AT J. el BOWERS & CO., iIA.NG-rj3VL ST., j i i ; i , i ;ii i i 1 e . - . . 1 1 'V I ..ww v ii I. hi in iMMMiiuv n i v ' 'i DURHAM, c. KOBV HIT T TRADE RAPIDLY INCREASING WAntM DTRHA3I. rv. .n,,rDCTr,DArnn til OS. 11ADLKV, ()ne lot si:l 2o , One lot, sl-", (Kl One lot. 2 n-i 20 oo () ro : - s. :,ii ; .. ' 01 j .-,0 : :- ) of 1 J . ' . -'' hi i .Tl 0.1 . ." 'LEVI HAITI I. OKO. fUAlC j - :1 (Ml. One lot. 2 "( One lot. ' 1 ; (hi VI 7-". I - " -'' j W. .L1TTC1L " 21 oil i - L. IM( -MMoNI). i Oneh'it. . r Slo (Ml " - "Jo ' (Knpne.'lot. 2.-,. ' 17 (Mi ' : , ' i :t) - " . 1 ' "J". j . 27 (id ::; (' ' - - i ' " ' ! :;r. (mi - ' "l ' - - -1 " 1 . (",.', (Ml .1. .JoJl''s )N. . -V- " .1. II. HolxiK. One h.t. s'l 2 7" . ; ; ' .!. H. I'ltKllZi:. ;o,iciot. si:, (ifi. ' S) ."o.-i'ht lot. sb -Vi 21 ;"( S. K.'! o'hS. " 1" ' 2'1 oil One lot. - "17 2o "" - 2- : :)u (mi . 2" (Mi . . 2:' "i'i F1JANK A1AMS. " . -I. J. Kb iSHKK. ' " .'M -V ; One lot. ' 21 (HI ; One Sot:'. . s!2 k '"j- " ' ' .-ji .",(i ; i, (mi 1 - ; h' II. M. .IAMKS. . 2:i (Mi K.' A. Si A XKi KL L One lot. : sH'i -Vi " 2-". One lot. ' sl S is 2" " , , : K 1 ( M 1 21 in 1 - '(; (Kl - . - . , oil1 (in" '-1'.. . !'." no. T. K. LOHKKTS. I!. 15. t A IJUI N ! T )N. . -'.mm: One lot. ";.S2(t o'i -(hie lot. si:.; 7." - I). K. I'AIIl.MSIf. - 2( (Ml- . - 2! 'f One lot. S2-; "-i .'111 111 1 . : 1 t '. - -Y iv, 1 1 1R'KKT,V l:i:oWNIN(;. M. M.WobM. WALKKK'A I-OSTKIJ. j One lot. . sl'; 2o (In; li.t. -;"i (rf One lot. , ! 'M 2". i p. 1 (Mi - 2S ."in . 1 72-" ' n I (Ni ' !.(.:': ' III (III S. I'.TKliKY. , - 2! Mi One lot. lo T- A. KAY. v . 2C c ; i; 7" One lot. slu 2- - .1. 1 sY K 1 r' Ji. lHI' ;J. (H) tine lot. 1 1 K" J. K. COLKMAN mi , - - - y2-'. ),. l,lt. .17 it: 1 - :'," (in " ' " -1 ''. , 21 on a. uiosr.Ki:. .1. s. wilk'k;:son.. K. SYKKS. : one lot. ' sM im i hu- lot..t .si.,-;:, p; oil - . ' ' i2 " 2;mki . oil .Vi ' 1 7 ' 11 ! ; . "" ;' 2") eo ."", 1 1 - 21 (M ' ' eon in ion trranes 01 ini .acco a 1 e in -i so i .-. 1 . for von. We are buvimr at least nine . , ,. , . linn 1 ;i 11 11 n mi t n Mi 1 .1 - lobe Warehi ilise win iv Volj will told f 1 ion t s; i to t m- n t lev-ij uo t !n - . -Ol't oil 1" ' W.IUi '1 1 alid don't Stop tii! volt . . .1 wf a moptn :,:o-r "n ; m.-re.t j .'anKiU'. ' STANDARD MARBLE WORKS ! ' W11ITAK1-R lil'LLX, PROPRIETORS. Jr(,t nnrlf trith if' I3itrf(am' flmbfe Works. We have just opened in 1 hirhani, ". ('.. (opposite j.tii Jot) ;t rir-j-e-.--ilarble Yard that shall be the STANDARD of Xoitii ( ";.-i tor tin." wnk. on ilarlile foi- any p.uvpos -. . - . . FINE (1 PLAJN nmm, r?: -i r- i MONUMENTS 7 mmmSu HEADSTONES, Gnrhhio of M As woii.iac-n. we are no sttarg:rs to the people, for we have with, tlje Durham Marble 'Wei'ks a'most since it, was founded, and no -foi tl.nt vav.i in tuauitu uiiM oeeu rt'iiiseii da itnv customer. NO DRONES WITH You heard it before, but I will tell vou again, that T J HuHir:- ; longer with II. I. Kogers,'but is selling work for himself, and wiU - , customers in ' DURHAM MARBLE 4 WO RK8 ! R. I. ROGERS' ikata:ii-i- H ITt n Trl T if 77 iP-r tA -r -r - ,P XJL-LJ 5LJ 5 lTng : TOMBSTONES I BROWN STONE i - DumiAr, x. v. ' ! for-th. past five years I have 1,1,,, ' .Lc i-;;r; r., " '- Jll? the adjmnmg counties. My trade lSSB ruwi-uiuioo nuiiR. C. -T 'ttnlln 1 .; .r- "u"u'TiU lias recently longer ia mv PTinlnvTnr.4- .iai: ' .7, "J .J emi- ojaesmi rentri .free., application. Havins iiow " ' bx.c an v usiomers tne" benefit of iit aml l.ubbn .llarhh, which tcilt enable me to tin more iror.- (!ltff iilei: orI. tA: ks, opsite.BanWr 'need unythi, :g in my line, I am, ve ry t rd vf 6 vlw W theuture p. T . , j n R.LIiOGERS. J- will attend all the CnnH n a- - " ' call on those who wish to purcltaanythinr t OBACCO AT THE USE : AMn THE BRIGHT GRADER A. N..LKA. 1 : 1 1 ..1 ; hiliii a- i m-v na e i ri - i :.- .. - tenth: - of the common -grade 'that . . . . . ii- .. 1 t at 'an1. Vare!'io;-e i i,. .1 1 . affd tne iet -oi t o! I . H i lal'-i . best alTall'.' ' I : le t 1 K -i 1 . - I c.:;i ii yoiir to' .::vf- t- more nioi,.'-y do ! e inio'l iliti Hi! ' ' . . t : : I ! ' ' - t the OL' L.K WAKKilOlK. Mi -i' i Wl-- Will -el 1 I Voll all for l.ast'.t'a'v.'.r-. 1 "FLAIN HBADSTQNBS AND VAULTS: arhle or (ir write. US, ALL WORKERS m MhM rAKTlUlMK. acted as mv Travelin.r ;,w;. . r "v-.u! in, is no .s ui. tneir Cora mission. - wJ,iJ X t:--.i:';" " 5 '. . V .::