Your Happy Shopping Store ' Andhufst beautifu) shirts ALWAYS !N GREAT SHAPE THANKS TO DACRON^ Dynamic new thinking has entered the shirt fashion scene this Fait. Coiiars go higher, tonger, wider spread. Cuffs turn back to fiash your favorite Swank wrap around iinks or button twice where once used to do it. Coiiars are tivety and virite in deep soiid tones or botd stripes. Permanent press biend of 65% Dacron'poiyester, 35% combed cotton needs no ironing to get that fresh took. 14 17 "neck.32 35' sieeves g OQ 'DuPont rogi*torod trodomork. SWANK WRAPS UP THE CUFF UNK NEWS Bits of mesh in goid or siivertone metat; piain or fancy shapes pampered and potished with great care. A great way to express your own personaiity!.5.00. "ANDHURST" 100% DACRON POLYESTER T)ES 3^00. USE YOUR BELK CREOtT CARD. fT'S CONVENtENT Obituary MRS. FLETA MEDFORD Mrs. F!eta DiHs Medford, 35, of Sophia, formeriy of Bryson City, died Thursday in a Randoiph County Hospitai after a Short iiiness. Surviving are the husband, Fioyd W. Medford; a son, Mitchet! and two daughters, Debbie and Lynn Medford aii of the home; the mother, Mrs. Maude DiHs of High Point, eight sisters, Mrs. Cieo CampbeH, Mrs. Pear) King, Mrs. Beryi Mashburn, Mrs. Janice DiHs and Misses Eariene and Ciora Mae DiHs, aii of High Point, Mrs. Freiia Wiggins and Mrs. Grace Hoiden, both of Bryson City. Services were heid at 3 p .m. Saturday in the chape! of BiH Moody Funera) Home. The Rev. Roy WeHs officiated. Buria! was in Swain Memoria! Park Cemetery. PaHbearers were Car! Ray Estes, Quana!ee Barker, Harrison Thomas, WHHam Sudderth, Richard PoweH and Car! Moore. Ski [-Crafts Opens Showroom At the opening of Mountain Skii-Crafts permanent showroom - traiier on Bryson City's town square Saturday Around Swain County ALARKA Rev. Jack Hyde of Deep Creek conducted a revival at the Alarka Baptist Church last week. He showed color slides of the Holy Lands on Sunday night some of which were made by him when he was on tour there. Mr. and Mrs. Lennard Hedden and chiidren, Mike and Micheie, of Hampton, Va. were visitors in this community iast Sunday morning. Capt. and Mrs. Richard Cochran and daughters, Donna and Lisa, of Fort Campbeii, Ky. are guests of his mother, Mrs. Leona Medford and family Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Crow and daughter, Missy, of Winston Saiem spent part of iast week here visiting with her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Queen. Mr. and Mrs. Banner Parris of this community are visiting their daughter and son in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Becker, in Newport News, Va. Mr. Everette Barker of New York and Gastonia spent the weekend here with his father, Mr. Pierce Barker. A very large crowd attended the Homecoming at the East Alarka Baptist Church last Sunday. Several quartets and the choirs from the other vhurches were there and furnished the music in the afternoon. The ladies of the church served a bountiful lunch. GRASSY BRANCH Mrs. Josh Ledford has as house guest this week, her sister, Mrs. Liiiie Stansbury, from Pasadena, Caiif. Rev. and Mrs. Haroid Otr, and Mrs. Shiriey Kirk and chiidren from Ciear Water, Fia. visited at Topton, Sunday afternoon. Mr. Bob Carson has as house guests this week, his son, Vaughn and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Snyder from Light St., Penn., and his son, Ciaude, and two sons from Hampton, Va., and his son, Gien, and his wife and chiidren from Biue Ridge, Ga. were Sunday guests . They are ai! visiting other reiatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ciint Ashe had as guests this past week, the Cummings and tamiiy from Mobiie, Aia., Mrs. Shiriey Kirk and chiidren from Ciearwater, Fia. and their son, Conrad Ashe from Hampton, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Author Giaspie and chiidren from Gastonia visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kiipatrick over the weekend. Mrs. Louise Stephenson and chiidren are spending a week's vacation with her sister, Mrs. Larry Gregory and husband, in Lincoin Park, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Meteta were host and hostess to Mr. and Mrs. P.M. Brendie at the Teddy Bear Restaurant iast Thursday. The foiiowing were guests the past week in cottages beionging to the Miners! Springs Deveiopment; Mr. and Mrs. McCurder Ft. Lauderdaie, Fia., Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Cuiipepper -- West Paim Beach, Fia., Mrs. HE. Deare - Houston, Tex., Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Cuiipepper and daughter, Louann, -- Atianta, Ga., and Mr. and Mrs. Dougias Lewis - Atianta. Mr. and Mrs. Lionhart of West Paim Beach, Fia. have just arrived to spend a week in Cottage No 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meters and fatuity from Ft. Lauderdaie, Fia. spent the past week here at their summer piace. Mr. and Mrs. Ciearance Nash and the entire famiiy are spending some time here at their summer piace. Mr. George Piant and Jerry Orr went to KnoxviHe on a business trip iast Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Piant have as house guests this week, Mr. Biii Jackiyn from Minnesota. He is Mrs. Hant s brother. Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards had Mrs. Mabie Jenkins as dinner guests iast Thursday. The Grassy Branch Homemaker's Ciub met August 13th. with Mrs. Naomi Edwards. They sang "America" and iittie Miss Karen Edwards sang, "The HiMs of God". Mrs. Naomi Edwards gave the devotionai. Seven members and two guests were present. The demonstration was making one's own biscuit mix. I'M put in a piug for Pansie Deai because she sure can bake them. The next meeting wii! be with Mrs. Mabie Jenkins, September 4th. KIRKLAND'S CREEK The Kirkiand Creek Extension Homemaker's Ciub met August 12 at the Kirkiand Creek Community Buiidtng. There were six members,, present. The meeting whs caiied to order by the president. The Ciub Coiiect was read. The minutes of the iast meeting were read and approved. Miss Pansie Deai gave an interesting discussion on "Nutrition Snacks". A sociai hours was enjoyed. The September meeting wiii be heid on the second at 7:30 p.m. The hostess wiii be Mrs. Edna Sitton. A househoid shower was given for Mr. and Mrs. Biii Howei! Saturday evening at the Kirkiand Creek Community Buiiding. A iarge crowd was present, and many beautifui gifts were received. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Roger Whiteside, Mrs. Geraid Moody, and Miss Vicky Woody. Miss Marie DeHart of Washington, D C. has returned to work after vacationing in Swain County with reiatives Mr. and Mrs. James Cook and chiidren of CLinton, S.C. spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Stevenson. Miss Barbara Kirkiand returned home Saturday, after spending a week at the 4-H camp in Swannanoa. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Thoiiander and Mrs. Abbie Neison' are in Chicago spending some time with their sister, Mrs. Vera Burg and other reiatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moody and son, Randy, spent Wednesday afternoon with their daughter-in taw, Jo Moody. Stx Ftags C!oses Aug. 3! Daity operations at Six Fiags Over Georgia wit) end Sunday, August 31, after the most successfui summer in the famiiy entertainment park's four year history. The park wiit continue to operate on weekends during September, October, and November, in addition to Labor Day, September 7. Operating hours for September weekends wit! be 10 a m. to 8 p.m. For Saturdays and Sundays during October and November, Six Ftags witt be open from 10 a m. to 6 p.m. The 1970 season at Six Ftags has been hightighted by record attendance, as wett as the opening of a comptetety new section which recreates the Spanish inftuence in Georgia. Six Ftags Over Georgia is tocated ten minutes west of Attanta on t 20. (August 1), members of this seifhetp organization disptay some of their hand made products. Front row, from ieft: Mrs. Cora Cook of Land's Creek, with mountain siingshot; Mrs. peggy Parrish, Bryson City, stuffed "PeekSqueek" snake and bright tissue-petaiied fiower; Mr. and Mrs. Grady F. Mashburn, Silver Mine Creek, with stuffed terry cioth toy horse, aiso makers of gaiiy covered padded stoois; Rene Robinson, 11, of Bryson City with strings of seed beads; Mrs. Harry Jenkins, Kirkiand Creek, painter of scenic oiis and chinaware, cured in her own koin; and Mrs. Bertha Bai), Land's Creek, with one of her whimsicai toys. Back row, from ieft: Troy Truitt, Woodcarver of Siiver Mine Creek; Mrs. Vera Meyers, Bryson City, maker of doiis, fanicfui pincushions, "fuzzy covered" iow stoois; Mrs. Abby Neison, Bryson City, creator of Mrs. Newman Attends Womar C!ub Meet Mrs. Ray Newman, accompanied by her husband attended the 1970 Convention of the Business and Professionai Women's Ciub, Inc. in Hawaii, Juiy 19-23. She was among neariy 4,000 women who attended the convention at the Hawaiian Viiiage in Honoiuiu. The conciave ciinianed the goiden anniversary of the approximate^ 180,000 member organization found in St. Louis, Missouri in 1919 to improve working conditions for empioyed women. Mrs. Ruth Moss Easter) ing of Chartotte, N.C. was instated as Nationa) president. The entire N.C. deiegation was entertained by Mrs. Easter)ing at a breakfast foiiowing her instaMation. The guest speaker was Liz Carpenter, former press secretary to Ladybird Johnson. A comp)ete report was given by Mrs. Newman to the )oca) Business and Professiona) Women's C)ub on Monday, August 8,1970. Events Fete Bride-Eiect Severn! parties have been given in honor of Miss Ctaudia Patterson, bride-etect of Mr. Lewis Monroe Johnson. The wedding is planned for August 22 at Hillside Bibte Church in Bryson City. Miss Patterson was honored Ju!y 11, at a miscellaneous shower. Miss Ohvia Bennett was hostess. The groom elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Johnson of Chartotte, N.C. entertained the coup!e with a buffet supper at their home on Juiy 18. Mrs. Simon P. Davis entertained the bride^lect and friends at a coffee in her home on August 17. The bride^lect was aiso guest of honor at a luncheon given by Mrs. Carey Morgan at Boundary Tree on August 18. The Hillside Bible Church will honor Miss Patterson at the church on August 19 with a shower. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ogte announce the birth of their son, Bradley Ray. who weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz, and was born on August 13, 1970. Mrs. Ogle is the former Miss Linda Stiles. The paternal grandparents are Mr. Ray Ogle and Mrs. Colene Ogle. The maternal grandparents are Mr. Roy Stiles and Mrs Pauline Stiles. useful knitted novetties; Mrs. Annie Brown, Bryson City, who makes shawts, bonnets, braided rugs; Mrs. Giadys Arrington, Bryson City, with dainty appiiqued apron; and Mrs. Ethei Weich. BrysoCity, speciaiizing in veiveteen stuffed rabbits. (Photo by Steve Brady) /%?wer Tat* by Judy Wrtght WILDCARROT !t was from the piant, the wi)d carrot that we got our regutar garden carrot. The flower has afso been caMed Bird 's Nest because of the way it curfs up and resembfes a bird's nest. This piant grows from two to three feet high and is found in waste piaces and fieids everywhere. These piants are very ioveiy and throughfy used for decorative purposes. We prepare each arrangement with yon in mind, and this is why we give everyone our own persona! touch. UiUM'S fHWH! SHOP EVERETTE STREET DRUG CENTER-A!D-REXALL-DRUG CENTER Swain p) Drug Store Phone 488-2120 Bryson City, N. C. THEREXALLSTORE SEA & SK), tube - Reg. $1.00, NOW 73c 4 oz. bottte COPPERTONE LOTtON - Reg. $1.79 NOW $1.33 PAMPERS DAYTtME, 15's - NOW 93c PAMPERS NEWBORN, 30's - NOW $1.63 6 oz. Breck SATiN LOHON - Reg. $2.50 - NOW $1.73 4 oz. Breck SAT!N CREME - Reg. $2.50 - NOW $1.73 King 5 oz. BRYLCREEM TUBE - Reg. $1.29 - NOW 93c 6% oz. Regutar NOXZEMA SHAVE - Reg. 89c - NOW 73c 6% oz. Mint NOXZEMA SHAVE - Reg. 89c - NOW 73c 3 oz. Ctairot ! nstant CONDtHONER, 15c Off - Reg. $1.50 - NOW 93c 13 oz. Dippity Do Regutar HA!R SPRAY - Reg. 99c - NOW 63c 13 oz. Dippity Do Hard to hold HA!R SPRAY - Reg. 99c - NOW 63c Shaeffer MECHANtCAL PENC!L - Reg. $1.00 - NOW 63c Shaeffer CARTRIDGE PEN - Reg. $1.00 - NOW 63c Shaeffer BALL POtNT PEN - Reg. $1.00 - NOW 63c Eagte 24 pk. PENCiLS - NOW 63c Gi!!ette LADtES RAZOR - Reg. $1.79 - NOW $1.33 GiNette Piatinum P)us NJECTOR BLADESITs - Reg. $1.69 - $1.33 A YDS ASSORTED - Reg. $3.25 - NOW $2.69 ER D 99 BATTERY, 2's - 70c pr. NOW 53c pr. Desenex 0.9 oz. ONTMENT - Reg. $1.19 - NOW 88c NOTEBOOK PAPER 520 Sheets — 59c TYPEWRiTER PAPER 200 SHEETS Pius 10 Sheets Carbon Paper — 39c GtRL TALK NOTEBOOK ENSENBLE Reg. $2.98 - NOW $2.44 $5.00 8HAEFFER*S NOTEBOOK with Shaeffer Cartridge Pen — $2.50 PAPERMATE POWER PO!NT PEN $1.95-$1.33 $1.50-$1.19 BLUE HORSE COMPOSiTOR NOTEBOOKS 49c books - 3 for $1.00 FAST HOME PERMANENTS 99c OTHER SPEC!ALS $5.00 GRAB BAGS - $1.00 P!CN!CSUPPLtES A!! Reduced % Price V!NYL GLOVES - 29c pr. CLOSE OUT ANSCO CAMERAS Various Sizes ALL 1/2 PR!CE Swann Drug Store REEtABLE PRESCRtPTtON SERVtOE THEREXALL5TORE PHONE 488 2120 BRYSONCtTY. N. C. John L. Mattox - Pharmacttt