The Smoky Mountain Times Votume 87—Number 50 — Bryson City, North Carotina — Thursday, September 3, )970 Around Town Not onty has Swam County tost peopie in the tast 10 years, but accordtng to the County Farm census we have tost in the farm areas too! The .number of farm acres increased by 25 but harvest was down in at) areas during 1969 as compared with 1968. Even the cow and pig poputation is down. *** The Mites and Midgets witt ptay their first game this Saturday night starting at 6:30. The Mites take the fietd first and Midgets witt ptay at 8:00. Admission is 50 cents for Adutts and 25 cents for students. Btairsvitte witt offer the opposition Btairvitte is a new team in the Youth League and this shoutd be a reat good game. *** Cherokee comes to the Devit's footbat! battteground this week and with both teams taking for revenge, this witt be one to see. Defense is the word and both teams have been taking tough pitts. *** The North Carotina State Highway Patrot reported that during the week of August 24 through the 30, they were on the road for a totat of 161 hours, during which time two accidents occurred. Ten charges wer made; one for driving under the influence, one for driving on the wrong side of the road, five pedestrian viotations, and three other tAzardous viotations. *** 'ft/*-.--., Hew Socia! Security Hours Sociat Security representative from the Ashevitte District Office witt increase hours of operation beginning in October. The new time wiit be from 10:00 a m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Federal Buiiding on the first and third Tuesday of each month. 4 Cherokee Rescue Squad Receives $300 Mrs. Moiii Biankenship (ieft), voiunteer secretary for the Cherokee Historiai Associaion, Inc., presents checks in the amount of $300 to representatives of the Cherokee Rescue Squad. Accepting the check (ieft to right beside Mrs. Bienkenship) are Newman Ameach, captain of the Cherokee Squad; Mrs. Bertha Saunooke, head of the Women's Auxiiiary of the Squad; and George Ameach, Cherokee Hospitai empioyee who is first iieutenant of the Squad. Mrs. ' Biankenship is a charter member and trustee of the Cherokee Historicai Association and head of the Reaity Division of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Agency in Cherokee. Mrs. Saunooke, widow of the iate Chief 0.B, Saunooke, is a Triba! Councii Member. The Cherokee Rescue Squad and the Women's Auxiliary offer voiunteer services to the Reservation and assistance to surrounding communities. Of the totai, $150 was donated by the Oconaiuftee Doctors Nurses To Receive Coronary Care Taiks Here Physicians and nurses throughout Western North Caroiina may brush up on Town Board Will Meet On Tuesday in view of the fact that the reguiar scheduied meeting of the Bryson City of Aidermen to be heid on the first Monday in September and that this date is a iegai hoiiday (Labor Day) the meeting wiii be heid on the foiiowing date, September 8, 1970 at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Office. coronary care September 17 and 18 at Nantahata Viiiage, Bryson City, when an educationa) program wii) be presented by the "Coronary Care in Appaiachia" project of the North Caroiina Regiona) Medicai Program, Speakers wii! be: Robert H. Peter, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine, Duke University; Barbara Bain, R.N., coordinator for North Caroiina Heart Association - North Caroiina Regionai Medicai Program projects; John Edmonds, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine, * 'S Christ Lives For You ATTEND THE SPECtAL SERVICES EVERY NtGHT TH)S WEEK FRANKLIN GROVE BAPTIST CH URCH,WILL BE IN REVIVAL. Starting Sept,6,continuing each evening through out tl week at 7:30 P.M. Rev. Buford Woodard will be bringing the message at each service. There will be special singing. A Hearty Welcome Await* you, Bring A Friend and Came,You Will be Glad. Bowman Gray; and Mrs. Ann Montgomery, R.N., Staff Nurse, Coronary Care Unit, Moses Cone Memoriai Hospitai, Greensboro. On Thursday, September 17, Mrs. Montgomery wiii address the nurses on "Genera! Care of the Patient with a Myocardia) Infarction" from 8 to 9:15 a m., and on "Care of the Myocardia! Infarction Patient with Compilations" from 3 to 4:45 p.m. On the same day Dr. Peter wi!! speak to physicians on "Cardiac Pacemakers" from 10 to 11:15 am., and on "Management of the Patient with Myocardia! Infarction Inctuding Pump Faiture" from 1 to 2:45 p.m. Friday, Miss Bain wi!! speak to nurses from 8 to 9:45 a m. on "Care and Handhng of pacemakers; Assisting with Pacemaker insertion," and from 3 to 4:45 p.m. on "Nursing Care of the Patient with a Cardiac Pacemaker." Dr. Edmonds wi!! address the group Friday morning and afternoon on "EKG Interpretation and Treatment of Cardiac Arrhythmias" from 10 to 11:15 a m., and 1 to 2:45 p.m. There is no charge for the program. Although the sessions are specified for nurses or physicians, they may be attended by members of either group. Reservations shoutd be made with Robert N. Headtey, M.D., Bowman Gray Schoo! of Medicine. Indian Vi!iage and $150 from "Unto These Hi!!s" Caro! Wh!te, Genera! Manager of the Historica! Association, noted the persons invoived in the Cherokee Squad a!! offer their, time and ski!!s voiuntariiy to !oca! residents and many visitors. Mrs Biankenship noted the outstanding job done by the Squad and praised the Auxiliary for their work in upport of the Squad and fund-raising projects for equipment; Centennia! Meeting Set Mayor Ellen P. Hyams and Mr. Odell Shuler, Chairman of the County Commissioners announced today that there will be a meeting of leaders of local organizations at the Community Building in Bryson City at 8 p.m., Tuesday, September 8. Swain County was formed andBryson City laid out as County Seat in 1871. This means that next year we have an opportunity to have a Centennial Celebration. The purpose of Tuesday night's meeting is to discuss what is involved in planning such a community-wide project. Presidnts of any organizations who may not have received their invitations are most welcome to attend. ST! Wi!! Care For Chitdren White Mother Learns Mothers of pre-schooi children who wish to upgrade their own education wii! find a rare opportunity this fai! at Southwestern Technicai institute, according to Don irwin, occupationai education director. STI has compieted pians for accepting chiidren aged 3 to 6 years in its center for the Child Care Worker program white Lions C!ub To Ho!d Picnic Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m., Bryson City Lions Ciub wii! entertain Lions Ciubs from severa! towns in our area with a chicken barbecue at Deep Creek Campground. District 31 A, Governor Wiiiiam M. and Lioness Staudenmaier of Hendersonviiie wii! attend the picnic. Lions and Lionesses from Andrews, Fontana, Cherokee, Hayesviiie, Murphy, (Ranger Hiawassee Dam) and Robbinsvitie wiii attend. To the many friends of the Bryson City Lions Ciub who heiped to make our Radio Day a big success we thank you. To the merchants who gave so generousiy for advertising on this day, we couid not have done it without your heip, many thanks. mothers attend regular classes. The mothers may choose from a wide variety of business and secretarial courses, English, and other related subjects. The school will make every effort to adapt schedules to those who wish to follow a curriculum toward graduation, or the mothers may enroll as special students. The Learning Laboratory is open daily for any who might ish to study for a high school equivalency certificate. The child care center will be open from 8 a m. to noon, and the mothers may plan theirown class schedules accordingly. Irwin pointed out that the children will be under careful supervision by trained personnel, and that a high quality of care and social experience will be provided for them. Miss Lana Burchfield of Robbinsvillyhas been named to head the Child Care Worker program. She is a graduate of Western Carolina University with emphasis in special education, and has taught in the Robbinsville public schools. She will be assisted by a staff well trained in the care and education of children. Those mothers interested in enrolling themselves and their children at Southwestern should write to Student Personnel at Box 95, Sylva; or telephone 586-4091. Citizens Upset When Mother And Baby Jaiied By George Owens Citizens of Bryson City and Swain County have been up in arms as a resuit of partiai or misieading information concerning a custody traii heid here, Monday, in Civii Court with the Honorabie Robert Leatherwood m presiding. The case first came to the newspaper's attention when the TIMES received a tetter to the editor coaddressed " To the good peopie of Swain County." As usuai when we receive a ietter voicing controversy on one item or another, we attempt to investigate so that we might give our readers the facts. (The Editor) Judge Robert Leatherwood IH went to the courtroom Monday morning with the intention of presiding over a norma! session of Civi! Court action, ft turned out that the session was not oniy far from norma! but that cires of "Crucify the Judge and the Sheriff's Department" went up after the day's trial. It ai! started in a custody ase where Ray Jones, the plaintiff, was seeking custody of his oneyear old child from his wife, Betty Green Jones, the defendant. Mr. Jones was represented in court by the firm of Monteith, Coward and Coward of Sylva and presented several witnesses alleging misconduct on the part of the wife, Betty Jones. Mrs. Jones, who had been separated from her husband since July and who had been keeping the chiid in her brother's home, was in court but was not represented by an attorney. Notification of the custody hearing had been served on Mrs. Jones on August 11, sufficient time to ascertain the assistance of a legal attorney if she desired. Mrs. Jones was questioned by the judge as to whether or not she had an attorney and was also asked if she wanted an attorney, according to witnesses in the courtroom. Since the state is not subject to making attorney appointments in civil matters, the case was tried without Mrs. Jones having an attorney. After iistening to testimony and crossexamination from both sides, and thoroughiy studying the welfare report of Swain County and from the state of Ohio, where the Joneses had previousiy made their home, Judge Leatherwood made his decision in favor of the father. However, the mother refused to abide by the court ruiing and would not reiinguish the custody of the baby. At this point, Judge Leatherwood sentenced the young iady to 10 days in the Swain County jaii for contempt of court. Stiii refusing to release the baby, mother and child were led to a clean, third flow, jail cell, where they were locked in a spacious jail cell with several bunks and at least two, thick, new mattresses. Upon returning to the courtroom, Judge Leatherwood ordered the officers to let Mrs. Jones "cool off' until 3 p.m. at which time he would have the baby turned over to its father. Men Arrested Three Swain County men have been apprehended in Wanda, Ga. and police there along with FBI agents are investigating their possible connection with an automobile that was stolen from Cain's Used Car Lot here in Bryson City Monday night. The three men, Donnie Jones, Johnnie Lambert, and Joe Lee Barnes, were apprehended Tuesday afternoon shortly after three men jumped from a *65 Ford nd ran when police officers stopped the vehicle. The car was stolen from Cain's Auto on Monday night. No charges have been made at this time, however, Georgia authorities and the FBI are still investigating. WEA7HER Wednesday, August 26 -- Partiy cioudy and miid. Low 63 degrees. High 89 degrees. Thursday, August 27 -- Fair. Low 63 degrees. High 83 degrees. Friday, August 28 - Ciear. Low 65 degrees. High 89 degrees. Saturday, August 29 - Partiy cioudy. Low 66 degrees. High 91 degrees. Sunday, August 30 - Ciear to Partiy cioudy. Low 69 degrees. High 93 degrees. Monday, August 31 - Fair. Low 68 degrees. High 9! degrees. Tuesday, September 1 -- Partiy cioudy. Low 64 degrees. High 84 degrees. At 3 p.m. the mother stitt refused to retease the baby. At the order of the judge two mate officers and one femate potice officer went to the jai! cett and took the chitd from the young woman. The baby was then turned over to its father to whom the judge had awarded custody As to attocations concerning roaches, bed bugs, and rats, we can find no physicat proof to support these facts and Mrs. Jones herseif said, "! have not seen any bugs or rats, since I've beenhere, but i think there might be some." Who shouid get custody of the chiid and whether or not mother and chiid shouid have been iocked up, we wiii ieave to the judgment of the judge and iaw enforcement officers. We simpiy offer this articie as TRUE FACTS. Four Square Approves $29,000 NYC Program Approvai of a $29,000 grant from the Department of Labor for the operation of Neighborhood Youth Corps was announced at the reguiar meeting of the Board of Directors of Four Square at the Andrews Community Center, August 31. The grant wiii provide paid work training experience for 74 students from tow income famiiies in Cherokee, Ciay, Graham and Swain Counties. The enroiiees wii! work nine hours a week at $1.45 an hour. Two new Board members were approved. Mr. Sam Beck of Ciay County and Mr. Albert Thomas of Swain County wiii represent the iow-income communities in their counties In further action, the Board approved a salary ciassification pian for its empioyees. It was also announced that five New Career practical nurse trainees graduated from Southwestern Technical institute August 21. Eleven policemen and one attendance deveioper in the New Careers training program received certificates from Tri-County Technical Institute at its graduation exercises August 27. The Board aiso received a report on the status of program pianning and the organization of a Policy Advisory Committee composed of participants in the Emergency Food and Medical Service program of Four Square. Mr. Charies S. Parker. Board President, presided. Dr. Binktey Guest At Luncheon Realizing the great need for additionai doctors in Swain County, an aii out effort is being put forth by the Swain County Chamber of Commerce, the iocai Doctor's Association, and several individuai citizens. A iuncheon meeting was heid in Sneed's Repeating Creek Job Corps workmen are pictured above as Supervisor Henry Suliivan points out the width and depth of a ditch being dug to relocate a stream running through the new Industrial Park. Job Corps is doing the heavy machinery work on the new Park at no charge to tM county. According to a Job Corpj spokesman, the county needs the work done and the Job Corps men need the experience on the heavy equipment. private dining room iast Thursday as a resuit of some of these efforts. Dr. Victor Binkiey of Honoiuiu, Hawaii, was the guest of honor for this Chamber of Commerce sponsored iuncheon and was interviewed by severai iocai businessmen. Dr. Binkiey was here as guest of Co). H.HJi. Ctark and came here to iook at Swain County as a future home at the request of Coi. Ciark. Whiie taiking with Dr. Binkiey, we found that he is married and has three chiidren, aged 5Mi, 4'A, and 2. He graduated from Medicai Schooi in 1965 and served as Captain in the U S. Army stationed in Texas and Vietnam. He has two years of residency in Honoiuiu and prefers generai practice aiong with some surgery. Whiie staying in Bryson City, he stayed with Dr. and Mrs. W.E. Mitcheii and he spent severai hours at the Swain County Hospitai inciuding observing and assisting in at ieast two operations. Dr. Binkiey was bom in . Iiiinois, educated in Ohio, and has three months post-graduate work to do before he wiii be ready to settie permanentiy. Binkiey was weicomed by Chairman of the Swain County Commissioners on behaif of the County Government and by Jack Weich, Town Cierk, on behaif of the Town of Bryson City. Odei! Wiison, cashier for Northwestern Bank, and Dr. Keiiy Bennett, owner and pharmacist of Bennett's Drug Store weicomed Dr. Binkiey on behaif of the merchants. Attorney Stedman Hines was aiso present at the Luncheon on behaif of theprofessionai men of Bryson City. Coi. Ciark served as host. Dr. Binkiey had one or two more stops whiie on the East Coast before returning to Honoiuiu. He toid the group that he was vary impressed with Swan County and exceptionaiiy warm weicome he received. He made no decision on his future pians as to whether or not he wouid iocate here, but he did commend Swain County on their fine hospitai and pointed out that this was one of the main points, doctors iook for now before settiing anywhere.