IlW/^IN IM^li^^S DO THE JOB FAST! 3 TOR SMI New Johnson Motors, 40 hp, ref. price $854. cale price $650; 9% hp, rag. $455, ode $369; 3 hp, reg. $177.50, sale, $139; 1V4 hp, reg. $142.50, ale $109. Phone 586-2410. Sylva, H.C. 49-ltc ORGANS 7 ORGANS new and used Allen organa. Rebuilding, aerridng, and tuning. Gall or write Ward Plano Co., Canton, N.C., Phone 648-4622. 46-tfnc FOR SALE Land on Kirkland’s Creek and Shephard’s Creek. See Grady Clark, Rt. 3, Bryson City, N.C. 28713, Phone 488-3632 46-tfnc > FOR SALE - Duplex on large lot overlooking Bryson City. Has all modern conveniences, mil sell or trade for other real estate. Good income property. Terms available. Kenneth Grant, 488 2145, days; 488-2455, after 5 p.m. 9-4tc_ FOR SALE Mountain View Home sights at Twin Coves, Luada. For further information call Sundown Motel, Hwy. No 19, Lauada, N.C. 488-3537. 6- tfnc New sets Stainless Steel Cookware, 19-pc extra heavy 3 ply Stainless Steel with carbon core. Quality-guarantee. Rasonablly priced. Save$$$ - Ideal gift for Christinas. 488 3106. 8-2tp FORSALE 1966 Grand Prix For Sale, $950.00. Call 488-3755. 7- tfnc FOR SALE—Ela Carpet Golf Course and adjoining business lot on UJ>. 19 halfway between Cherokee and Bryson City. Successfiil busness for 16 yean. Should net 20% or more on investment per year. If interested, write Box 151, Cullowhee, NC., 28723 or Call 293-9561. 50-tfnc PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of Bryson City INVITES ' all who are visiting in the area and all who may be looking for a church home to_ WORSHIP WITH US SUNDAY SCHOOL For all ages_9:45 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP Sunday.11:00 a.m. d(£t 7f* .• Evening Family Worship Sunday.7:30 p.m. Mid-Week Bible Study Wednesday .. .7:30 p.m. ''For ne preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; \ and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake." 2 Cor. 4:5 _REV. WILLIAM H. BELL, PASTOR_ RAISE CASH • By selling good first or second mortgages, you are now holding. J. ROBERT VARNER Representing MOUNTAIN MTG. INVESTMENT CO. Call 488-3280. REAL ESTATE - We have a number of listings in almost every category. We’ll be pleased to discuss your needs and may be able to help. J. REobert Varer, Realtor Bryson City.N.C. Call 488-3280 For Rent FOR RENT - House, reasonable priced, conveniently located. See or call C.R. Crawford. 6 tfhc FOR RENT Nice 5-room house close to City Square. Call R.E. Mitchell, Res. 488-3260, Store, 488-3584. 4-tfnc SBfflCO BE YOUR OWN BOSS - work the hours you choose. Give yourself a raise when you want one. Build your own business as big as you want it. How? Become an Avon Representative. For further information call - Collect., Mrs. June Allen, Rt. 1, Box 594, Waynesville, N.C. 28786, 452 5230. Openings in Smokemont, Wesser Or., etc. 9-7tc WILL TRADE modern 26 unit apt. building St. Petersburg, Fla., equity value $225,000, for land in vicinity of Bryson City, N.C. with water, view & access. Write particulars to P O Box 10935, St. Petersburg, Fla. 2-10tc ATTENTION WORLD WAR I Veterans There are many of our veterans that do lMtttfWill the benefits that are entitled the law. There are many widows who do not know all about their benefits. This This information is now available and can be secured by writing the undersigned. This informatin is free and there isd no obligation. Chas. G. Leuber, Q.M., Barracks No. 845, VETS WWI, P.O. Box 227, Bryson City, N.C. 28713. 7-3tC ASHE THOMAS MOTOR COMPANY is offering all automotive parts and accessories at a never heard of before price ALL PARTS % Price We have several good used refrigerators on the floor. $25 and up SERVICE For fast-dependable service on appliances and oil heaters. Call 488-2167. 6-tfnc IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT CIVISION NORTH CAROLINA JACKSON COUNTY JAMES NICHOLS, Plaintiff VS SELMAJEAN HYATT NICHOLS, Defendant The above named defendant, Selma Jean Hyatt Nichols, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the General Court of Justice, District Court Division of Jackson County, North Carolina, by the Plaintiff to secure an absolute divorce from the Defendant, upon the grounds of one year separation, and the Defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office erf the Clerk of Court in Jackson County, North Carolina, at the courthouse in Sylva, North Carolina, within twenty days after the 5 day of November 1970, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the Plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in said complaint. This the 5 day of November, 1970. S-Margaret W. Henson Clerk of Court 9-4tc IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION NORTH CAROLINA SWAIN COUNTY NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION GENEVA T. WELCH Plaintiff vs. OSCAR WELCH Defendant The above-named defendant, Oscar Welch, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the District Court of Swain County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff to void a purported divorce and to obtain alimony without divorce; and the defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the General Court of Justice, District Court, of Swain County, North Carolina, in the court house in Bryson City, North Carolina within twenty days after the 10 day of December, 1970, and answer or otherwise plead to the Complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. This 27th day of Oct., 1970. Sara H. Robinson Asst. Clerk of the District Court 6-4 tc DON’T BE FIT MONADEX will help you lose weight. MONADEX is e tiny tablet end easily swallowed. Start losing weight now. Contains no dangerous drugs and does not make you nervous. MONADEX reduces your desire for excess food. Helps you eat less - so you weigh less. For your health's sake - get rid of excess fat. You must lose ugly fat or your money will be refunded by your druggist with no questions asked. MONADEX costs $3.00 and is sold with this guarantee by: Bryson City Drug Store Bryson City, N.C. N 12-19’26 _Mail Orders Filled_ I DRUG CENTER—AID—REXALL—DRUG CENTER*] I _i _l < X Ui cc A i cc Ui H Z Ui u CD D CC O I -I -I 3 Ui CC A t CC Ui i z ui O CD D CC 0 1 -I -I 3 Ui cc I 9 < l cc Ui I z UI o a D CC 0 1 -I _1 3 Ui T 0 1 cc UI I z £ z Ui 0 CD D CC Q -I -I < X Ui cc 1 cc Ui h z Ui o CD D CC Q _i Swain Drug Store THE REXALL STORE Bryson City, N. C. Regular $1.93, Reg. 40’s KOTEX TAMPONS. $1.49 Regular $1.09, Toni Tame CREME RINSE, i oz. 77c Regular $1.89, Small BLUETTE GLOVES ....$1.39 pr. Regular 99c, 13 oz. Normal SUAVE HAIR SPRAY. .49c RRemington, 4 razor LEKTRO BLADE .$18.88 Regular $29.95 POLAROID COLARPAKII.$24.88 Regular $2.98, Lifetime TRIMMER COMB..7.. .$1.00 Regular $19.95, GAF 136 COLOR CAMERA OUTFIT.$13.88 Regular $1.49, 6 oz. VICK'S NYQUIL. 98c Regular y»!y4.??, V2 OZ. NOVAHISTINE ELIXIR...$1.49 Regular $3.18, 165’s GELUSILTABLETS ... . .$2.69 Regular $1.59, 25’s CORICIDIND TABLETS.$1.19 Regular 69c, 24’s SUCRETS . 59c Regular $1.90, 24’s DUCOLAX TABLETS .$1.39 Reg. $2.08, 7 oz. RIGHT GUARD DEODORANT.$1.09 with free 49c Flair Pen Regular $1.49, 13 oz. Regular, H-T-H, Unscented HAIR SPRAY.99c Reg. $1.50 Chloraseptic LIQUID, 8 oz.SPRAY, 8 oz .$1.19 Regular $1.65, family size, Head and shoulders SHAMPOO. .$1.19 Reg. $1.80 G. E. FLASH CUBES 3’s. 99c NTZ NASAL S NReg. $1.60, NTZ NASAL SPRAY.. $1.09 Regular 69c, regular and hard PRO TOOTHBRUSH.29c LET US FILL YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION. PROMPT DEPENDABLE SERVICE AND DON’T FORGET YOUR CHINA COLLECTION. _i 2 LU 0c a 1 * OC Ui I z UI o o 3 5 _i _i 2 UI ec a t £ H Z ui o 0 3 oc ? -J -J 2 UI oc 1 a < i oc Ul h z ui O § OC ? -J -I UI oc 0 1 oc UI » z UI 8 z UI o a 3 oc D _i -i 2 Ui cc I oc ui H Z UJ O O 3 OC o -I < X ui 1 g REXALL-PRUG CENTER—AID—REXALL—PrCC | With The Colors Clifton Hi. Owle Private First Gass Clifton M. Owle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Owle, Route 1, Whittier, N. C., recently received the Army Commendation medal while serving with the 271st Aviation Company near Can Tho, Vietnam. Private Owle earned the award for meritorious service as a mechanic with the com pany. He entered the Army in June 1969, completed Basic training at Ft. Gordon, Ga., and was last stationed at Ft. Eustis, Va. The 21-year old soldier is a 1967 graduate of Cherokee High School. Clyde R. Herron Capt. and Mrs. Gyde R. Herron and children have recently visited his mother, Mrs Nancy Herron, and his siter, IffT^ ■efaiP UWniOIIW UNIT a FREE REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE! BEST PRICE IN TOWN Get your Heat Tapes at BOB’STLUMBnlG ELECTRIC SERVICE East End Of Bryson City On U. S. 19. Mrs. Wilma Stevenson and family. The Captain has recently retimed from service in ietnam. TSgt. Daniel W. Herron called Mrs Nancy Herron, his mother, and said that he is on his way overseas. The servcemen are the sons of the late Clyde R. Herron. Raymond C. Hensley Marine Sgt. Raymond C. Hensley, son of Mrs. Hazel Beck and husband of the former Mias Mary A. Canada, all of Bryson Qty, N.C., was promoted to his present rank while serving at Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort,_S.C. 'mm NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS! Bailey’s Paint and Body Shop 23 YEARS SHOP EXPERIENCE FREE ESTIMATES LOCATED 2 MILES EAST OF BRYSON CITY ON HIGHWAY 19 Formerly Walt Davis Paint & Body Shop Specials THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY LIMITED SUPPLY - ONE RACK WINTER Dresses - $200 ONE RACK LONG SLEEVE COTTON Slack Tops - ’1“ LIMITED SUPPLY *6 to *8 DRESSES - Now *4" Clothing Values-Up to 50% Off! \® FAMILY ^OUTLET ^ I TOWN OF BRYSON CITY, NORTH CAROLINA Summary of Cash Receipts and Disbursements For the Fiscal Year Ended June 3ft, 197Q >* ■ . -- . '■ ' * , Receipts: Tax Collections - All Levies $ 50,285.06 Penalties, Costs and interest l,006.40 State Treasurer - Intangible, Franchise, and T.V.A. Taxes; State Street Funds 18,329.27 Federal Grant - Sewage Treatment Plant 31,621.70 Privilege Licenses 1,985.2*« Fines and Court Costs **37.75 Rents 1,436.50 Parking Meter Col lections 3,219.22 Sales of Capital Properties (For Fire Station) 2*4,556.29 Sales Tax Refund - 3,302.51 Water Department Receipts *46,310.93 Sewer Charges 5,620.00 Miscellaneous _21.1 $188,131.98 Disbursements: General Fund: Administrative $ 1,290.53 Office of Clerk and Treasurer 8,196.73 Police Department 2*4,300**41 Street Department and State Street Funds 2*4, 168.*48 Sanitation Department 11,973.16 Community House 1,*461.*4*4 Payroll Taxes and Insurance *4,761.0*4 Other Purposes 6,112.23 Capital Outlay - Fire Station and Truck 21,182.18 Capital Outlay - Other 2,095.98 105,542.18 Water Department Operations 31,286.80 Water Department Capital Outlay 4,707-28 Debt Service Fund - Bond Expense 16,505.96 Parking Meter Fund 4,518.33 Sewer Construction Account 31,820.19 Retirement of Oversubscription of Bonds 18,000.00 49,820.19 212,380.74 Cash Decrease for the Year (24,248.76) Cash Balances - July 1, 1969 36,626.43 Cash Balances - June 30, 1970 $ 12,377-67 Fund Balances - June 30, 1970: General Fund - Operating $ 1,964.22 General Fund - State Street Fund 2,216.29 Water and Sewer Department - Operating “ 6,*459.75 Water and Sewer Department - Sewer Capital Reserve 504.90 Water and Sewer Department - Jitter Deposits 693.21 Debt Service Fund 72.70 Parking Meter Fund 420.07 EDA Project - Construction J^K>uht (Sewer) 17-83 T.V.A. Park Fund _28.70 $ 12,377-67 m —“ This statement was prepared by direction of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Bryson City, North Carolina and was approved by the Board on the >2 day of November, 1970. A detailed report of financial transactions for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1970 is on file in the Office of the Town Clerk. ^Jack Welch, Town Clerk and Treasurer