Smoky Mountain Times ESTABUSWEO1887 Pubtished Weehty by The Franhtin Press, )nc. JACK T. OWENS Publisher end Genera) Manager GEORGE OWENS MANAGING EDITOR LtNDAOGLE SECRETARY 84.12 One (1) Year in Swain County ALLOTHER AREAS 1 Year 88 .18 6 Months 83.60 Second Ctass Postage Paid At Bryson City, N. C. 28713 MANY THANKS FOR RE ELECUNG ME TO SERVE AS YOUR MAYOR FOR ANOTHER TERM Mrs. Ellen Hyams pd.po! adv BELTONE Hearing Aid Counseior TO HOLD FREE HEMMHO AiO COHSULTATiOH The Bennett Motor Court — Bryson City, N. C. Wednesday, May i 2th - 9:00 AM to i! :00 AM FREE BEHOME AM TO BE GiVEN AWAY TO A HARD OF HEARiNG PERSON iN WESTERN NORTH CAROUNA. NO OBLiGATiON. COME !N AND REGiSTER. We ere pteesed to announce that we have secured the services of Consuitant Speciaiist Mr. W. L. McKee for this Specie) AH Day Consuitation. Mr. McKee invites you to come in for a free eiectronic hearing test, and demonstration of the newest Beitone Hearing Aids. SERViCE ON ALL AtDS.BATTERiES 7 Bittmore Avenue Asheviiie, N. C. 28M1 Latter To The Editor Dear Editor: We would like to express our appreciation and thanks to aii individual and organizations of the Bryson City area who helped during the Peachtree Creek (Lands Creek) fire inGreat Smoky Mountains National Park which occurred between April 17 and April 19. The assistance received was gratifying to the whole park staff, but particularly to those members on the fireline. We are indeed grateful for the manpower, for the food, for the drinks, and for all aid which was so generously provided. Sincerely yours, Keith Neilson Superintendent Obituary MRS. FLORA JONES WHITTIER-Mrs. Flora Rogers Jones, 83, of Whittier, died Wednesday in a Ciayton, Ga. hospital. Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Rixie Lettrel! of Ciayton Mrs. Maggie Green of Darrington, Was., Mrs. 11a Mills and Mrs. Lillie Thompson, both of Canton and Mrs. Delcie Stiles of Moses Lake, Wash.; two sons, Roy of Bryson City and Robert Jones of Whittier; five brothers, Ruble and Joe, both of California, Walter of Washington State,Frank of Asheville and George Rogers of Whittier; and 44 grandchildren. Services weree held at 2 pjn. Friday in Wilmot Baptist Church, of which she was a member. The Revs. Robert Parris and Mae Bumgarner officiated. Burial was in the Bumgarner Cemetery at Wilmot. Grandsons were pallbearers. Grand Opening OPEN HOUSE & SALE This Fri.Sat.Sun. QUALITY HOMES DISCOUNT PRICES Price sheets showing the quaiity features and iow discount prices are posted on the refrigerator door inside each home. Come by took us over, and get the FiVE STAR LOW DiSCOUNT Price before you buy. FIVE STAR ] Mobile Home*, he. ! ALCOA o^ONE* *64-44*0 KNOX. PHONE * 573-6361 —m 6 13 2 0 2 7 ' ' OM HtERL t3MS\T at Critzer's Restaurant N. C. OPEN FOP SF^^ON ON Ai^ K P LUNCHEON BUFFET FROM li ^.M. ;o J F.M. D7NNER BUFFET FROM 3 P.M. ^ CLOF/NG TIME ORDER DEL/C/OUS Mountain Trout Country Ham OR TOUR F^TOR/TE Steak FROM OUR MENU OUR CHEF . Mr. WHttam Ewart, from London, Engtand, 'S ANXtOUS TO SERVE YOU! AT WtN-TEX KMTTM6 M!LLS FACTORY STORE 100% POLYESTER MtttM MOTS! New Spring Paste! Crepes & Fancy Jacquards OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9:30 to 5:30 P. M. Fabrics Of A!! Designs and Patterns 60" Wide Regutar $7.95 per yard FOR $3.60 to $3.95 AT FACTORY TO YOU PRKES LOCATED BACK OF COURTHOUSE AT 8 !OTLA STREET !N FRANKL!N \ C THrayn Sex . . . Well this past week Sarah and HIRAM SEZ had a rather distinguished guests in our humble shack. He is a very able young man who is rated as a scientist for the FEDERAL DRUG ADMINISTRATION, in Washington, D C. The good Dr. (Ph D) has judst completed a visit to Chicago where he was in conference with the American Medical Assn, and especially their Dr. Schiffman, Chief of the AMA's drug evaluation division. That the visitor gave us a very thorough education on drugs is to state the case mildy, matter of face he gave HIRAM SEZ so much material that we could never hope to get it aH in one article, so we will condense it as best we can !et you our readers in one some of the secrets or not-so-secret findings of the A.M.A. as well as the F.D.A. As a starter did you ever suspect that Americans last year spent more than a quarter of a billion dollars on various mouthwashes? That they spent a total of $192,000,000 on so-called laxatives? That the nation's aspirin bill came to a whopping $554,000,000? The cough medicines of the non-prescription variety soaked up another $556,000,000 and then there was another $101,000,000 for stomach soothers, alkali alkalizers, etc. and you get some idea of how come the radio and the T V. can sustain such advertising as they do for their stomach aids. One other item he brought to us was a staggering total of over $97,000,000 for foot powders and other food pain killers. Now if you are so inclined you can add all this up and arrived at a total that will stagger the imagination as well as deflate the pocketbook. It more than interesting to give you herewith the benefit of some of the notes HIRAM SEZ took during the visit On the above subject and it just might be well for you and your family to ponder some of the following information passed on to us: 1. Laxatives. Dr. Schiffman, head of the Drug Evaluation Dept, of the A.M.A. has this to say "A perfect example of how advertising has created a need where none existed, laxatives rank with mouthwashes as among the most useless phrmacy items. Ninety per cent of people who take laxatives don't need too. " 2. (Jomamation oi ingredients m com medicines. Dr. Schifflin says that one would be far better off taking an aspirin tablet along with a squirt of nasal spray than you would taking a so-called twelve hour cold tablet. He further states "medical experts dislike combination drugs, because they fail to take into account individual reactions to individual drugs" Then there was the report to the FDA last year that stated "We view the marketing of combination drugs for the most part to be a a gimmick of the trade that should be avoided wherever possible" So next time you feel a cold coming on use that good judgement that you have and remember what the A.M.A. bvoards had to say about the remedies. 3. Now ever since I was a little shaver my old granny used to run for the lard jar when one of us got a bum, after the preliminaries were over she would then apply tea leaves to the bum and to this day day HERMAN S&5Z wiH^wear that it worked. But let's see what the FDA and the AMA teams have to say about burn ointments and creams. Probably the only reason you feel better when you apply Ungentine or Medi-Quick is because YOU THINK they are helping. Matter of fact the team of medical Doctors investigating these creations have stated "the application of most local anesthetic cream preparations may aggravate the injury or sensitize skin and make the user allergic to the chemicals in the lotion. " 4. Now most all who view T V. today or listen to the radio are quite familiar with the many mouthwashes and bad breath dispellers that are on the air in the form of advertisements. Many claim that their product kills germs on contact, that the allay bad breath, that if he kisses you once he will kiss you again, ad inifitum. Lets see what DRUG TOPICS has to say in regards to these nostrums. "Most of these non-prescription drugs are relatively harmless, medical authorities agree, but they can be dangerous to persons who are allergic to the ingredients and to those with serious disease who use them to mask pain and discomfort." "ne of these preparations cure disease, they only relieve the symptoms, some such as mouthwashews and laxatives are virtually useless, a few like plain aspirin are very useful in relieving pain." 5. Aspmn ana neaaacne taDiets etc. i\ow nere is a sticker. Aspirin was first widely used in about 1899, and to this day it is the best pain killer that can be had without a doctor's prescription. The real name of aspirin is ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID, and believe it or not ALL so-called pain relievers to this day consist at least in part of plain aspirin. A federally funded study of five headache preparations-Excedrin, Anacin, Bufferin, Bayers and St. Josephs aspiring which was concluded in 1962 read as follows: "There are no important difference among the compounds studied in rapidity of onset degree or duration of analgesia " Thus it is conclusive that all are about as alike as two bees in a sunflower, the cheapest is just as effective as the most expensive, the difference mainly being in the amount of advertising done by one or the other. 6. Now we have given you some reports by the medical profession, and to conclude here is one from the American Dental Assn. Following studies by it's Thereputic Council on mouth washes has this to say "There is no convincing evidence that any medicated mouthwash used as a part of a daily regimen has thereaputic advantages over a simple saline (salt) solution, or even water" So there you have it, we could use the balance of notes that we have accumulated along with copies of some findings by committees etc. but nothing would be gained . You can either believe the advertisers and continue to load up with useless junk that will do you little or no good or you can go to your doctor and get a prescription that will accomplish what you the patient desires most—to get well "HIRAM SEZ this week: IT'S A SORT OF A HABIT THESE SMOKY MOIUNTAIN, AND THEY GET YOU WORSE THAN RUM, YOU GO AWAY, AND SWEAR YOU'LL STAY, BUT THEY CALL AND BACK YOU CO' y HIRAM SEZ Swain CoMMfy GRASSY BRANCH Mr. and Mrs Maurice Edwards and Mrs. Louise Stephenson made a business trip to WaynesviUe iaat Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Plant have gone to Fort Lauderdale, Fla., to attend the graduation of their daughter, who is attending nursing school. A birthday dinner was given for Mr. Pete Kiser, Sunday. Twelve people were present for the dinner. He received many nice and useful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. P.M. Brendle have returned from a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Moody of Gastonia. Mr and Mrs. Dean Warlich and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Warlick. daughter, Kathy and friends from WaynesviUe with Mr. Mable Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kiser, and other relatives Sunday afternoon. ALARKA The Alaraka Homemakers Extension Club met with Mrs. Gail Barker on Monday, April 26 with nine members in attendance. For the devotional, Mrs. Barker read the 93rd Psalm. The group joined in singing "America". During the business session, Mrs. Byrdall Wiggins was selected as "Queen For A Day" at the centennial dinner to be held in June. Miss Pansy Deal made the announcement and gave a demonstration on household insects. The hostess served refreshments and the meeting adjourned. The dub will meet with Mrs. Marjorie Cochran on May 24. Rev. Fred Ledford, Jr. was guest speaker at the Alarka Baptist Church last Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Reddick of Gastonia visited with their daughter, Mrs. Robert Dennis Barker and family over the weekend Mrs. Poilie Buchanan of Bryson City is spending some time in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cochran Mr. and Mrs. John Cochran, Mrs. Judy Queen and daughter, Jill, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Shuler and family of Sylva, last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Mann Barker and son, Dick, and Mrs. Leona Medford enjoyed a cookout at the Dennis Barker home last Saturday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. Harrison Brooks who have been spending some time in Florida, are visiting with relatives in this community. Mrs. Addie Cochran was entertained at a birthday dinner given by relatives and Mend at her home last Sunday. She was 84 years old. Approximately ISO people helped her celebrate. After the dinner was served, there was special singing in the afternoon and a good time was enjoyed by all who attended. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Watson of Bryson City announce the engagement of their daughter, Karen, & Raymond Cochran, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cochran, also of Bryson City. Miss Watson is a student at Swain County High School and Mr. Watson is empioyed by the N.C. State Highway Department. An August wedding it planned. IN LOVING MEMORY OF LIZZIE COCHRAN, WHO PASSED AWEAY JUNE M, 1956 A precious loved one from us had gone, The voice we ioved is stilled. A place is vacant in the home Which can never be filled. Her smiling face and pleasant ways Are a pleasure to recall. She was kind to everyone, And died loving us ail. The pearly gates were opened, And a gentle voice said "come," And with her goodbyes unspoken, She gently entered home. Mother you are not forgotten Nor will you ever be, As long as life and memory last, We will remember three. Children of Mrs. Lizzie Cochran Bank Notice Application of First Citizens Bank & Trust Company, Smithfieid, Johnston County, N.C. for authority to estabiish a branch in Down town Bryson City, Swain County, N. C., has been fiied with this office. The action of the Commissioner of Banks with respect to this appiication wit) be reviewed at a hearing by the State Bank ing Commission at its Reguiar Meeting to be he!d at 1 p.m. Wednesday, May 19,1971, at 316 Motor Ve^ hicies Buiiding, Raieigh, N. C. Ait interested persons wit! be heard. FRANK L. HARRELSON : Commissioner of Banks Johnny Bench wants your son tor the AH-StarCame! "Now your oon hoo the chonce to experience firethond, the thriit of competing et on Att-Ster Gome, by winning the oecond onnuol Oittctot Motor Long"* Booobotl Pitch. Hit ond Throw Competition, oponoored by Phiiiipe HC The rutoo ore oimpte. At) you hove to do ir toho him to the rtbereet porticipoting Phiiiipe OH ototion or outhorized regiotrotion loco tion. with the coupon botow, between now end MoyZO. No purehooe required. The competition io open to boyo who')) be 9 through tb ooof Auguotl, 1971, ondoochboyoompotooontyoaotnotboyo hto own opo. If ho ttoopo wtnnlnc. holt pitch. hit ond throw htc woy through tocot. dtotrtct. dhdotonot ond tooguo compottttono to tho A'l-Stor Qomo. Elpht tlnoll^o ond thdr porontt will go to ttso porno, whotothoboyorrMIcontpoto tor four chomplonohlp owordo. Qtvo him o chonco to bo o chompton. Ft)' outthto coupon todoy ond totto It to your nootoot porttclpotlnp PttHDpo 66 ototton or outhorlzod roalotroMon tocotton." BMSOHCtTY AT LOCAL 66 STAIMMt THE ViLLAGER (% mi!e E. on Highway 19) BRYSON CtTY A Rea CaraatioH WtLL BE OVEN TO EACH MOTHER WHO V!S!TS THE VtLLAGER ON FRtDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 7th and 8 th ALSO, A FREE CARNATtON W!TH EACH MOTHERS DAY OFT PURCHASED Mothers Day Special ALL Coat/Dress Ensembles Pant Suits AM-Weather Coats FREE GtFTWRAPPtNG OFF Lingerie F!RST BANK CARD AND MASTER CHARGE HONORED SALE WtLL LAST WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY ONLY