111-111:111, I'Iitoi APRIL 1A 1872. STATE convention. Tks H'at r Convention ot the Democrat ic Cotseivativv Party of Nortk Carolina will intt at. SrseMboro,' tnWednesday, tbo fr;t'lay ol May nex. The State Convention. T-'i first day ot May approaches. It is nnp , :L'!e t overestimate the adv&ntago !" i.:--c'.vaiit;e3 to iol.ow the titling ol thn CrLciitio'i ; the lulvr.r-tages, if its '.vntk uhourrl retail in a c ,cse; vative tri umjih,, thy disadvantage, if the State khnu!d iu'u icveit to the entire control o! the t.vjicul party. We Wejitve that the Greensboro Conven tion will have it in its power to secure rtb Caredin to the corsrtvative party. 1 be greatest drgrc-e o"! prudence and dis crciiou mut he observed. On'y the best, ,ind th-j most available, mta must be chostii. ,0 mm should go there expect ln a iif'nii.-.atiou, but pripired to accept thcjrfaliy uucl h'aitily the result cf the deliberations if that body. Personal co;;;i.U Tix'i .v.z and apin.tions, as well a -i'ctiorV. ptt'judic(H, muit be made sec ondary to a gcr.er.il desire for the; good of they've to be fecured through und by the siuce 3 cl eur party. Oi.r r ;.r j h.n hundreds ot ru3n, from all section, who, for their ability, and fW d'litv to t b i r i-arrv and Mate, Reserve W A - ' d;stinguishcd cor.thkration by the Cretin hero ConLiiti n. lJit there are compar atively hut ft-w t'ac3 to till, and con so qui ntly all carnt b-3 compliicvntcd by a nomination.- All of thc?e gentlemen, therelure, must go there with the deter filiation to submit the who.e matter to the assembled i- l ,m ol the people. It this courn.: b- pursued, we d not fear the reult. Nirth Carolina is naturally con servative, by a handsome majority, but it is by no inear.s every man who can, as a Candidate, keep her &0. Franklin will be largely represented in Greexal.on'. Let every other county do a3 well in thia rogurd, jmd tho Greensboro Coirvcution will bo noted as the largest, most intelligent and patriotic that ever affcmbledin North Cnrol'ma. Hon Jos. J. Davis. A correspondent iu the 'Sentinel' sug gests the niimuol our distinguished couu rytnan lr Governor. Had it not have been that, by a combination of eircuui jtanccd it had boen conceded that the west whs entitled to the governorship, the peo p!c ol Fra-jklin wtTuld . have urged the u-in.e" ot Mr. Davis for that position. They nfXt waul him in Congress, and the .li.tiut convention will be atked to favor ably consider his claims to that position. ho punr man, more oigULoucu turlsaan ifcmlinun, and sounder pattiot can be L,n.l anv where than Mr. Davis. Educated in a fchool of politics where honesty was he rule and lraud the exception, obedience I" .. the law3 and tho constitution the first i ritst tlUTV oi tuo servauis oi eue ....:n and not violations of both for par- i-,r -ol Mr. Davis is eminently fitted for nv -position he may be called upon to fill ,t 'well done, thoso good and faithful scr vant' wouhl bo the greeting ot his constit uents when his term ol tcnice thouU i xnirc. TliC correspondent in suggests thr name oi Capt. Davis as a suitable nomir.ee, gracctu'.iy "ssys it Ul a name that !., -.onvm ot m-xlesty, virtue, uonesiy ir.ritv. Capt. Joseph J. Daviot o.-.,,. Vim is the gentleman to whom I al 7.. i ' ii.MiKvt r a buttle has had to be lUllti ' " ---- -- - i.i l(,u'it with cur oppressors, whether on .i. '"..rtMl field or :nthe hcatsd political touted he ha been early in the ranks, , nd dealt blows thut have been felt. In imw ,,n the den-.ocratic ticket lor elector . .i' - rt'rttii at larifl. he reci-ived a Urger ..nd rr ft v:s thau any man on tho tick .., I t the Greeasboro' C'nyentiou piac.! u , Kf the he id ot the State ticiict smi mikeinmiUr nominations lor the othtr S ate t f.icrr?, anil we cannot fail tn give tt . r ultra's iust suc:i a ieaiiug as uiey r.i .-t r'uhly dserve Our Advcrtizers. Wo pwint with pride to uur advvitiz.ng cVuinu. Ii speaks 'mure h r the torRiKii t'an all else. The patronage which our iiit-nds st horn?, ami the mercliants KPnfl. are vl nvtd to give it, shows what .. .. . .ink i f t ic t u. er. as a medium lor ' much "gi od in aiding them in brinu R.r husi mi - before tuf iii'lic Our lrr' - - - - , r..i,tion is mticn lariier-Hian thaft of tne t rt vis-- .r. .noi I pa:t grrera.ly. Hl..-o . . , , ; ... .! K i . 1 1 f 1 1 tin it i: cstauliV. commend i.'. We solicit rone but ei:cli a are kn.iwu to"l e firs'- class, nor do we take auy that rc not reliable. When we admit ndvtr tiscrn'iu- t i 'ieu l c;irYirg tbe udwruzcr, hik reasons lor tuat which i ulvcrl,-c re nrt humbugs. 1 Wc thl makr . very tV-ut io publish i , .od p,,lM-r -'l'-'-v;;-g th-.t our til 'its wil ii;u pi' ivr cm .ra,Mnru. au. ;;n,ort-t li the publJu h:ii.da ol ear ieoi'ie una rranklinton. We con!e&s tu real pleasure at the im provement of this place. cur towns are going aheaei, 'ju iu.iu is behind none of them. Surrounded by . .. r- ... . : a in Statp anil one oi tne nnesi 8tcuu - t' containing some of tbe tst people in it, clever, hospitable, and energetic, there is no reason why sue siiotuu cow gww u. that rapidly. There W. several general merchandizing store lira6 Henley and Ward, W. 3. Mallorj, H. S. Farm an, Tboinas and Scott, Ileary SberroeL i. U. wishes to eall tke attenUon of the people of tJtanton W H MitchlltW.II. aud J. 8. Franklin to the fact thatlie keeps eonstanlly on Joyner.J. P. Maaseabtg. and P. S.Long. '?"gtj'll'a kindj ini ttylee' at There are two . others, whose naraes o!colS?Wd.. on hknortnade can't call. Dr. J. B. Clmon has a line to order, at the shortest notice The best cf drug store there Gndef tbe management fin material alwajs kept oa hand. of(ant Craven 'williftmi. which we tre He will also fo mist at at y tire e. Window . iV J Anl Our BUnd,WidowSh,D,orsofeTerykindwaaU gratified to know is doing very well. Uur (d Wl'tt mlke rjoora .d Window frames, Brack young friend Joseph A. and imam eta an Mouldings of all size, and styles ae low Kearney are building large and convex m the same can ts had at any factory North or nient store, which they Will open soon. 0uh. Will do any kind of repairing wanted ment sum- ica H m . . . . t short noUoe and onocd terms. : a . u. -nr to accommo- jng auu wimijiuij u 1 date bis increasing bsmess. 31essr9 lien ley and Ward hf.vec!?eady much enlarged therstore. Mr. BaiSfif Williamson X has a fine tannery in success operation. There are several fiue grist end Hour mills near there. Tobacco factories are quite nu. merous about an neir Frankhnton, up towards auel in the Granville section, wlnr an article eOU&l to tne Desi 13 raiseu. i Tins is quite a source of revenue to Frank- J linton, it be:n-' the shipping point for all that .section, and the people allowing tlieir good st n--'.-by going there -to do their trdiiif. Mrs. Tucker kctn the hotel. which is n.ud far bejon.l the limits of our State ior its superior management. Every where we go, we hear cf this popu- lar hotel, ana Its excellent rna.iagen.-is. We know that all that can be said of it is richly deserved. There arc two churches, the Methodist and Baptist. Services it both regularly, we believe, ltev. Paul J. Carraway is pastor of the lirst, and is a mt st popular and excellent minister. We have lailed to learn the pastor ot the Bap tist church. Miij. B. F. Bullock Jr., has his law office here. Doctors B. F. Green. J. II. Mos, and Winston aro the prac ticing physicians. There is hue water power near ranK inton, and wo should think that a cotton actory would pny there first-rate. And a ure surorisea tnat ner citizens nave not held out inducements tor tobacconists to manufacture tobacco in the town stead of up in tho country. Backed up by Franklin countv. as a cottton county, anel Granville as a tobacco section, with several Citton and tobacco factories in the town Franklinton would become one of tbe most imnortant Dlaces in the State. It is I already the shipping point for both of lira,, sections. Now we suffcest tc the business men of that place, a.d they are- . behind none in shrewd buiiness tact, to builel houses suitable for tobacco factoricu, and convert Cant. Williams' grist mdl into a cotton factory, and in a very few years their thriving little town will be nve Hun dred to a thousand per cent better off and wealthier than at present. ine way is clear for Franklinton to become an exten- sjvo place, if she will. Our Balicigii Adveutizkrs. The city of Oaks asks a respectful hearing at the I hands of the i-ooil people of Franklin. Our I nanus n b f n rflnitnl m-fnle are constantly going to iue capitoi I city, and it is well enough that they should know what to ao ana wuero io uo it. rrsi comes Mr. E. Fasnach, Jeweler, on Fav eu'vflle street, just abe the State Na. tional Bank. He has about the finest as- 3 .rtment of the richest gold and silver ware, watches &c, that can . be found in the State, and purchasing in such quanti- t es as to justify him .in selling on megt . . . ti - i 4 4 r.-fisonao e terms. xh n ici ircai, io look over hi3 stock. All work is also carefully and satisfactorily repaired, cheap ly. lie invitts special attention to his ex tensive assortment nl engagement and other riDgs. Give Mr. Fasnach a call, whether you buy or not,in visiting Raleigh. Mon. ISesson, me rrensu iailor, is just what he claims to be. He keeps con- just what he claims to De. xic Keeps con- stantiy on hand the best assortment of the latest style of good?, which he makes up to order. His lasbions are also of the laU est, and bn workmen are superior. Mr. To pt.rg0n8 wiahmg to get pure Whiskey or Be-a n- prides himself upon his elegant Brandy for medicinal pnrpoeet we would recom frt and c6od work, all ol which we can mend, the above pure, And without a superior , - - endorse, tuner u -v, w JlOn. 1 lVl BU1 Wl ills C.tgUUL clothes. We elont know whether he keeps the ' Dolly Yardeu" or not, but he will cer . . . . . 1 i4laao ll.inr. Kof'a tif tamiy Keep v miu vu. Tnn NoRTn Carolina Home Fire In surance company is one of the best estab lished institutions in the country. With such thorough and reliable gentlemen as Mai. Scut on Gales, and R. H. Battle Jr, Eq., and others, at its bead, it mnst suc cecd! Never forget the North Carolina Heme. rp..- i?rcv iloUKT Man.. The first . km f thia npw nnnlirint tor uu..r- - ---- -vr:". eiLrht ct-lamn, paper, wed punted, . r -ii nuunc i' -- e- gotten lip WlUl lUUe u jwu. wo4.oi.iv- cm. , auu luiiui with ability. Mr. C C. Stilley is edi or, Mrs. C. C. Stilley edits tbe iperary de partmen and Mr. Dosey Battle tie local. Tms is a combinatioa of real talent and must command for their paper muih popular respect.. Of course it is demo cratic. It is published for 2.00 per an num. We htartily wLh it success. G v. Yanck opened the campaign at State-vdK N. C last week, in one ot his niu.-teilv uT Tt?- He has no equal oa the slump," and scarcely any win re else. NEW ADTEfcTISEVIFNT. Facie ram thi Miuuo:, J. I BHDHMITT ARCHITECT AND UNDERTAKER, LorifBCR N. C. - AU work wajrsJited to sui t. Call and see zas at my Fao . ry or writ. J. R. BRUM MITT. 4 Chcech Stejikt, LOUISBURO, N. Q. Obive SrosEs-the bet marble and in all styles, furnUhe-d on ehort notice by j R BRUMMITT. o. 31 tf NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, &c. , , . . -.- W IlOleSale Spring 1 872 to xsurano or notions, Fancy Goods and White Goods. Our Stock, TarchaBed from Manufacturers and Agent, is now complete in each Depart ment, consisting in part of the following : Buttons in Jet, Pearl, Bono, Bilk and Glaa, Spool Cotton, Flax Thrsad, Skirt Braide. Tape, Hooks and Eyss, Cord, Whalebone, Ten- oils, ripee, comas atei Braetes, jewelry in Jst, Glass and Uiit, ueeva Buttons, BUids. eck- isces, rocKei jsooeb, neis la cotton ana bus, Corsets.' Corset Clasp and Bustles. HaDd W; ckief in Cotton, 8ilk and Linen. Shirt Fronts Hosiery and Glore. Jaconets, Cambrics and riquee, Chignons, Switches and Curls. ' THE LOWEST PRICES. A.. ROSEN8TOCK &co , No. 31 Smos 50 Sycamore Street. J. T. TOTING- & BRO. Will offer to the spring trade the richest stock cf fine Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware. ever exhibited ia this city, and respectfully ak yon to call andeee th m. Our Watcheiaro selected with ( . e&re, and are finish atuiqaalty they cannot beaurpassed pera. In point of golid Gold chaing Piaia Gold Rin g . , , , . b ' ln SlESTE AND Bo' 80M auTTN Castors, Ccrs, Goblets, lea Pitchers. The best firithed and most aecwate time- keeping Clock! in the country, warranted to giesatifetloa. J. T. YOUKQ 4 DRO. no 3 ITT t . D R E VVj R Y & BERKLEY Grocers & Commission Merchants Ats. Patapsco Quano & Arrow Cotton Tics Bumgardener3 Old Rye Whiskey TJ'nthor At Ttnwraati'a Old Kve Wbiskev Ciemen'8 Old Rye Whiskey, Hanger's Old Ryo Whiskey, Hanger's Old Ryo W Dowry's Old Apple .""i? . uranay. or tha above, which we . market. We k c'0Mtantiy on hand a full supply of all cra'des of Whiskies and Brandies, and a full supply or I'orr, oerry ana iueir iucb. All order rilled upon the best terms. DUE WRY & BAHKLEY, 93 sycamore street. no 31301 XJootli Sc Sommerw, 95 Sycamore street. Petersburg Va. Manufacturers and Dealers in' Tin Ware, Cooking Stoves, Heating Stove dc. &c. &c. Also Dealers in China 1 Gla. Earthenware and House furnishicg KODls generally. Tart icular attention paid to packing . So. 31 -3m JAHRATT'S HOTEL, PETERSECRO, Va., Umi. il. niSliOV. Proprittvr. No. 31 Cinos iirv GOODS. NEW ARRIVAL OF SPRING GQ0HS AT Jacob Kull & Sons, No. 13 Sycamore Street. 1U LaSCS Ol FrinU. Embracing all tbe 1 p. test styles and quali ties, from 6 1 4cents, snd upward per yard, We have selected a very choice line of DBESSGOODS? which surpasses anything heretofore kept, comprising Black and Colored Japanese SILKS, POPLINS, ALAPACAS, GRENADINEP, DELAJNS, Ac. Our White Goods Department contains a full line of Checked and Swiss Muslins, Jackonet and Linen Cambric, Plain and Figured Nainsooks, together with a complete line of Bleached j exchange to those buying near home. Be and Brown Domestic Checks, Stripes, ides, I will be constantly receiving Drills, Jfcc. We have a full line of Fancy Notions, Laces, and Edgings, of all descriptions; A large lot of Cassimeres, Cottonades, Z Kentucky jeanes,c fntucky Jeanea, c. Also, jut received a very choice lot ot Viriiniiv Cftaaimoreii of all grades. We call particular attention to our QTIOT7 TW.PAimTF.NT. UAXVXi Jr J. i rv.M,i.. aatmoA mH PfTin Shoes in Morocco, Kid, Grain, Kip. and Calf. Tho laree nort'On of which were made to onr special order. We invite particular attention of the trade generally to the above, and epecia -!y the merchants of Virginia and North Carolina. JACOB KULL Jc SONS, No. 13 Svcanore stieet. No. 31 -tf Petersburg, Virginia. DHV hoods. SPRING TRADE 1872. We beg to announce to the raercbanU ol VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA, That we have received cur first supply ot STAPLE DRY GOoDs. and with a full line of Notions, &c,, we are prepared to edfer them great induce ments to make their purchases in our city. One of our firm is now ia New York, and y every steamer we are ie;eiving largo ADDITIONS TO OUR STOCK. t Tn ihm Urfio. wnnbl bt thaf w rt - -J alar 7Pttin( in onr sunnlv of I i n c J Goods, suited to their wants, and by the 10th ot April our assortment will be complete. SMITH WHITE, No. 25 Sycamore street. No. 31- 3m YOU ARE RESPECTFULLY INVIT. ed to an inspection of tbe present stock of Spring Goods ef THOMAS SMITH, V noksale Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, NOTIONS AND IIOSIEHY; Cor. Water and Commerce streets, up stairs, NORFOLK, VA., Embracing every variety of itaple Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Kotions, Hosiery, and White Goods, The prices and terms for which will be strictly in accordance with NEW YORK QUOTATIONS, thereby saving time, lreight, insurance and Large Lots of Goods frou Auction, throughout the season, ihat will bo sold lower than similar goods can be bought anywhere io thia country. Soliciting vour future patronage I am very respectfully, THOMAS SMITn. Also BMITH & WHITE. 25 Sycamore street, Petersburg, Va, Special attention paid to orders at eith er house W. J. POWEftS. will be pleaid te s-." his friends. No. 31 lyr GREAT EXCITEMENT. IN SPRING GOODs, AT T. JJ. CiRLlLK'l, , 1 ii.... ..f.nm (h. VnHh .hri 1 prchal a larf, Taried and elegaLt toek of oi.r.nz Gvod. oLaiaiing in part ot dra : I .. ... - j ftca tkankfal to the vab.ie fer the fvor hown me for the pat twe&ty c-id year ; aod I hop by ttrift attcMion. fa:r fltahon, aaJ iood rods at cheap pr;e-.. to tatrit a eoauau- auee of the ame. I w.U n t be udi'.d- AU I ak :a aa ex aination.cf, large .tcck. s CUL 20 Barreie t.t fl r, trcia Haperfl-M ,f'riir. ftl T. . CAleLILL F.uur Irem 'J.

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