. r .it. i . I - . gggwglgAiiKSXSSSaSBSSSBSeSEMBWil T ' " - ; . 1 i ! .- . , . . , , , 1 ' , I ; 1 A - otirtcr; i . '' f - " jib: 1872 "V mil FftirJAY.i.'.DfcCEMBEK, 20 TcrWaf Buns.ertption. ' u- trintdTtuco 1 s.uj On i htm oy iwroiTiaiKO. 1,1 i one raaare. one idiwuuu, O ti.no 60 ! Cutract f louger Mtij ud tpwe, mad ' on ui'CrBi iff - All lever h'la De arareea 'o in unur jlach ubacqajuUaaectiov .;;rais ni! ; - 'pfd-fV ! Cljc Courier. T. T. VII'-CTELL. GEO S BAKER. ropttitTOK. 1 ;XOTJISB OBG, N. O.V DECEMBER 0,' 1872. - NO. T. T. MITCnriJ, Enrro. f O. S BiKEI - BcixtM Maaocr. Jw . i . . I ... i the 1 rhododendrons BT MATTHHW BltX)WKB. TbeUd and U8 wtra fprced to part, to within som'e three or four feet ,of the place where the jchild BtoodTThe aliigdfor Wheeled angrily around, to confront, the intru derlirho dared to ceme between him spur, the rideirbrind his head the spiral I recognised the It was Juauy the boldest and ishiug high w iJ. ;c:x . -ii j. nbt.. iu.TOaDr jaaics. 101 are uawi? id i ? rr6Ttf-n rhA tlip. RrMttroM Ernt I I - f r horsemm in an instant. . I : .-r- ju.-Uu ? . 1 . . 1 I mn.n wn wJ1t IoTeff VtT Will rerer or . ?it aW T witK i lT..nr 1 , I - J -J , I1 J ' V."U,lJ.X.fc V nittii w 'K thet kined and went along; - , fc L and his toothsome supper ; ' and my Hie sight went lnyot1ieVfrbeart, terror at tho And it came out a song. . v- h1rht and nmell of the monstrous rep- l ' ' ' S - ' . i ' tile, reared, swsrYod and threw me, it was uuau, xu vonw Js;.. asr,nrM- cf yocr gypf; wlli; tonsidi dexterous of that Centaur brother 4tfcf feeUn2 'tolrarA him nofa4'Oet to' be orercome: is 1 hooa; ana ue Knew m,et ftna compre- wsvf-I sbould say, Tn me -coatmryr iuQcVtakinVsswaa tte pHndins-of handed at a glance the state of affairs. rarelt tben. Wnen your beaut t, your jm fconsidrring tho iQcul- almrst as crest I U11M1 The mother mdrroondtw her Cbild, And huVi it yet fcg&in r . The ioubd, s the uicin smiled, Grew music It nfs fcrslti. 2" Tlie'damerturned her hir to bind. A fljVcf .WasM "her fbne; T J C e Ttitre grew from out the'sculplor'i mind, A, damsel caryed in. stcoe.r The song was tai tl, jue,iune wap 1 ' ThefirirlYnmfbteirooar glance the state of . affairs. I rarefy tnen When your beaut t, your 'feur highway to the Pad nc. And now I "Stand bscki Enelishman stand l .erice 'accomplishments, good quMStMS; I cV.mes hrf rtteof that the Russian Got- back r he cried alotid, and ril doi' !U fnchfc reVjm-nt .iencusiy iMUislojr the gliopingpffa d crea 1 i u,'i:nw I thfc tmlotf ot the wattra otthe Caspian when lia" f eel rkil thp TtUrt ! h thvn r.nL was on my feet in a moment,' and had-irAnd he whirled the lasso high, "spur- I ' - J . i.1ir-t ri;i fiv,. I f jsii'fli..J I,. 7 . iJ j f l. I the rery sight of yorf jnst lime to throw myself betweeii1 the ting his frightened horse , newer and r tA: alligator and the boy before the blood- j nearer to th spot, Hhirsty jaws conld 'close in the first jealous of erety matt uader' tTit1 ige ot p -j vaWard : Blum, a German topo -: .tl aittn Anuoha-nn 'inn fcmiU I ?.J.-i .J t-. i i (al snap. The brute recoiled a 1 ... . . st iiJ j Erents wnich it takesjmany word; ,iity whoapproachesouand ts Ump iirher; In 'th little, to describe, even inadtquately same- ted to strangle' eTery good looklbg cox- nXje i' thei The miet iTr the picture-stsi And ill wafiweet and 7;ood. And God. whbmide these things to be, Tbeqamnal and the sun, ; e 1 jlor arid ound, and you and me, " . Was plfcaecd to see it done. 'And all; he augpls would be glad " Itjn the world,. lie fuilt, ' ; Although thre mutt be some thioga sad, No dJOp of joy were ipilt. 7 7j But al! !t'Te bcau'y in the earlh," -And Ait'P. and hearts pt men. Were gdntly gathered at ita Uirtb,r . I And joved, ai.d b.orrv agaju. . '" . SELECTED ST011Y. . i . lA. Ilitttle" AVit li fin JVJliff a-M U'- tor. , until they could pounce securely on a7 j help, to thatof Juan the Guachp's ar- woman or a cnnu. jui mo. icpuic b.i iia.i uu iu evciic ui ttckiuu, huuuij slow blood had been too much! stirred but a few Vnoineists bads passed. But, the expectation of an easy triumph to to" judge by jmy feelings, they might permit him to 'decline the fight, and hel j hare been ages. I had rushed to I the crawled in upon me, uttering the hoarse j rescue just in time to save the tender cry, iialfVrbar hawhimpcring' moan limbs of Don Miguel's heir - from the that a cayman Vives under the stine of ereedv laws of the. monster, "' and had pain or fury, . 1'. -."Z J made as good a fight as I'coi time 1 U you do, jou expect -fclm to behave as a man in love never would of could behave. Nothing is easier than: I irtation with awoman you tTb not love Of course you like . btr, a. ittle,' or ycu would not take j ihe trou ble to flirt with her. But wben'. you' the Hussian 6ervicf, has 1 (Jtfjjh 'survey' "-ot; '.be inter- j veaicg cwiotry. and is of opinion that I Tal i in ait diaMof .ltPc.-f,ri;d ap.r .. tb. bfl it the 'J'iJ hegin to love a" woman you are no loci? ould nearly capable of flirtation. VJien yoar ; I had ray sheath-knife out, strong paying with my own ife for the young "f V ' " -1 pioirods in hot hast?, to encounter the common foe Reeling, breathless, and dizzy of brain, I understood the 'Gua- with a cross-handle and buckthorn haft ; but this seemed a poor weapon against bii:h a foe. By a hasty impulse one of those life-saving thoughts that come upon us at moments of extreme peril, as if they were the whisperings of in- when his hand trembles at the chance oodi act "with yours and he hardly drs to hold it lest he should Vffcnd you; when, at last, after a sore sfrugg'e. there cho.s meaning sucfficiently to stand cmes the faltering from the overcbang" back, letting go my hold of the teugh whip-handlel which, with I the tattered spiration-I tore the blue weolen poncho poncho wrapped around it, I had hith- ' I was returning from the half-built augar njill one day, perhaps a . month after myfiTst arrival at -the- hacienda, at about '4 o'clock in the afternoon. I was ridjng homeward then, thinking 0 man tliesh; 01 1 . - . . j 44 What was hat?, A cry of pain?" I Yes, a cry, certainly of pain or terror the shrill, appealirig'Vry of a child's agonized vpiqe I ', . andfl f staH ed and ; j wheeled my horso toward the . quarter from which the sounds seemed to 6ine7 from my 'shoul.lrs,' happily I had adopted "the new Spain style of drss-and,wrap-ping the mantle around the tough han ille of,mywhalebonetrriding-whi I forced it between ;the alligator's jaws erto obstinately kept between the alli gator's churning jaws. The infuriated brute followed me up with bitter hate, his jhateful snout all but brushing my knee as I staggered baek. But just at ed -heart, in these fa w but expressive, words, I love you I then, it I were, awoman, I ahou'd feel well pleased to dispense with tbe eloquence f words. A ThQ Atheist and tha P o'wer. I When Napoleon Bonaparte was Em peror of Prance he put a man by the nmi nf rhamcT into Drison. He thought Charney was an ememy of his ts riding homeward then, thinking of i he closeJyithm while afthe same that instant whir ! craekl came 'the goverament fot that reason .de any things of the .friends .thaf I Mme bending forward, I struck .hard wall-known sound of the .heavy lassoj prived Lim o his; hbtrtj: Charney Juld perhaps never see again in - the ,'witll' D?J tyo-edged knife at hU, white whutliag past, launched with unerring' ,wa9 a learned man, and as he walked sh of - ' ''- 'i ' -- throat, which was comparatively nn- aimand, as I gazed about me with 0 and fro in ti e small yard into which protected. The first itab told, for the I haggard eyes, I saw that the rioose was bis prison opened, be looked up to white streak was soon crimsoned with blood ; but the -second i stroke failed fox the knife slipped and rattled Cselessly loathe armor-plates of the creature's mailed back ; and then began a! strug- than before, and I had now no doubt as to tke direction whence the call for help proceeded. K.I dashed across a ra vine' and, scrambling up the steep bank oppesite, came in sight of he .chain of lsg9on"connected with' the "mighty Bio Plata by a small river .which skirted the plantations of rice and tobacco and cn the bank of which I had shot many a laipe and flamingo. Here, at the edge of cane-bordered, creek Hhat ran up from the pearest lagoon into' the . uroKen, grouna, wnero tne iiuocks were gay with purple rhodrodendons and tho wild 'geranium, I beheld a r sight that chilled my bloed with ,hoi ; tor,-r ' . . I j - Close to the margin of the .' water, kneedeep in the fiewcrs and.. the . tall pampass grass just where , the. white ble antagonfgTand royslsir. My strength wts nothing to that of the huge reptile, and , I felt myself dragged to rigkt and left as if I had been a rat in the gripe of a terrier, yet I held on fast to tho whalebone handle of the whip,, while the sharp teeth vainly gnashed and tore at Ue spongy wool that , clogged them, ajnd I retained my hold in sheer desperation, striking "with" my knife whenever I got a chance, butjusT&ally baffled by the tenacious armour of my .invulnerable 4 adversary. . Charlie, a few feet distant, was sob bing piteously, at times'crying aloud, in appeal to G uachosi.hoin Jae new, 'tightening round the . reptile's neck ; while Juan, with the endi of the stout cord fastened to his saddle, had started off at a canter, towing along the alli gator after him, as he had tugged along many a bul and many a wild steed, For an instant it seems as if the Qua 3 wou:,u te ai easy inuQiHn.'um it was only tbe surprise-of 'the shock, that had mastered the alligator, a very large one, and the great weight and strength of which so.Tn. brgan to tell. I saw the horse brought J with a jerk, to a stoj, and then, to my5 ' dismay, beheld stt'ed and lider dragged by phter force toward the lagoon, vain'y striving to resist the'flupe.'ior power of the gigah tc tyra t of the waters j Juan drove in hia spurs, 'urgingJT?pantirg, and terri" the heivene, the work of God's finger?, ind the moon and Btars which ht orJ dained, and exclaimed, 'All things come by chancel' One day,while pacitg his'yard.he saw a t;ny plant jutt b eak -ing the ground 4 neaif the7 wal". Ihi s:ght of fit ' caused a , -pleasant divtr- alon to fhi' thought. -No - other green;fhing waf within his -tneJosure. He watched ' is gtowtb t every day; How came;it hertlwas his natural inquiry, t As it grew other queries wire suggested. How cama these delicate Utile Viens in Us leave? What made its proponitiotB 'SO perfect in every part, eachr new branch taking its txact place , on the parent stock, neither, too near one 1 another cor: too much on one side V - - " l1 In his loneliness, the plant becomes T'aia nnriTalled Mediema ii wtrrantel aof ftocon'a.ia a ajigle pa'tirle of Mercury or Ul PURELY VEGETABLE. For-FoaTY Years it haa proved lu forest ftha livx tto ViL and f tj food and r.t in all itarta of the eunotrr vonah for tifdseis in Lqucattor; wticb, iu ;pre;I iu wonderful a&d peculiar power In wirity- 01 water. 1 nia was tne tenet ot tuo ancients,. The- geo'ogical w indications ure, that the Black Sa formerly' had no connection with the. Mediterranean, thai its waters covered a considerable portion. of Southern Ruasia. and that so tne great convulsion of Nature threw up tbe barrier between it and the Cas pian, and opened its outlet into the 'e3itrranean., , Thi Caspian Bea, wbose. waters are brackish, has no ouN lit', ihe immense yrrlnme of water pour ed into ityby the Volga and otber large rivtra passing off wholly by uvapora tu?n. " In Peter the Great s time, offi cers weie t',mplojed, On it ftur three years in makirg smveys end charts. Uther sniveyalnaade by theRussian Government in 18SffAx'37," show that its a f level is cfght'yfourv feet lower than that of the Black. Sea. The proposed cans', which will be three hundred and seventyBngifsh miles in length, will follow ilie course-olhe Don for forty an an- M. Blum 'estimates the cost ol !this gigantic work, which will require six years for i construction, at about seightyotie million dollars less, or nine 'teen million dollar lesa than tbe cost ot the Suz Canal. It will bo ot inW imense benefit to Ru&.ia, both in com meicial anc a.mili'.ary point of viev. inrles, an.d'.tbetl prs- to the Casph itLrough'ih? grfa platnof Kumb lai ud B wrLs,aad itapartiitg d L f mi Viirnr iu th who'e eTtm Hxtys Liv xa Biovt.iToa ia itk jowl, djtd tu have 00 fault aa a - I UVER MDICIE. II contains four n9lical cletneots never mi ited in the tte haipy proportion in any otha pri aration, viz; a gullo CatUartio a wonderful Tonic,n ULexo p acnaUa A tir tin and a erUia Co rtcUva tt all ioipti tk-a of the LuJy. Su-h tigoai anecess aa attended ka C83, that it is now tetania d m tbe- '!! GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC, fir L:vtr CompUlut aad 1 he painful eff rprtaff thfreof, tawit : Lrrirna, Covr -r vi ion Jui tl ce, Biliou attack. Kick HrADACtis. iCdin, I-pretn t-t gpiroa, fcocn trpM-ven, Ileaxt Barn, &.O., r. . leco t l.iTcr nd rrTn CHILLS AND FEVERS. blMMONt L1VU ltEGULAtXiR I mrf url onlr hr J. II. ZEILIN & CO., r r Hcop, Os. and Iui!delphJa. Price tl.00 per pckKe; ee Jt by mail, poa-' taore paid.f l C4. Prepared read for us fl.OCIandt CO SOLD BY ALL DRUGGI5TP tBeware cf all Conuterfeita and Iuita Uwiia. " FAIii; 1872. L. A. HARBURY , j ' " -. i: Imporlers of Earlhen- war, 1 Lon.-BUHO; DE'MBEK SO. 187t LillJiUullUil - YARBROTJG-H & CO ' FALL & WIHfEE G03D3 ... 1 - . We are now rtceivic an nr:sa11f large btocktcf Fall and Wintr, goAMiaand we are. prepared to ifier eur ltienda and Customer. WlmtTlioy ISccd AT lib W V RICES- stintL aix i orraa scr catoa ajco ' EXTRAt ATTR1CTION3 IN Fancy Dress Goods and NOTIONS X - ! ' . Our Stock ot Trimmirgs' if larger and more corap'ete than we have ever purchased before. In this Una w claim SEECIALTY. : - i . .1..- And all we ask is an I pp"r:oaityr to abow. The Ladies ate incited to catt and examine our Stock, we gutraatee to auinhem ) ? 'i ' WTe have also Itrgc an 1 well "elect M. stocks of Ready Made Clothinp, B-wtt and slo.t, Uata Jtgtntlemena mrnuainj gaoda YiAUBORUGII & Co. .7 1 Groceries Groceries A" 1 Tull supply always on ' liand at! YAllBOltUGlI &Co? P. H. S M I T H, 1 . C1BI3XT U1KCK I - . fi d hbrseby voice- hmd and tknee, to the prisoner teeaher, ' and his valued -1 Sancho !" " Diego !" "El Naara ! !", to help." Mirry Warburton," for the dear little fellow, delivered from his first agony' of alarm, ? seemed ? ! now to and yellow I pond-lilies mingled- witbj j think only of wy peril. , , The idea was thejiok-colered hlessems of the flower, a good one, although the child.s put out his whole strength ? but it soon si emcd plain that, unless the saddle girths gave.way, dragged down into the pnnl he would be, horse and. man, wh.le there could be iu such a case lit tie doubt of the issue of the coLilicC To cut the cord would have w been the only mode of separating the combat ants in tLU unequal lu.l, but I had friend. When the? flower began to unfold, he was filled withdelighs! It was white, purple,. ' and.roaa colored.1, with a fine, silver fringe. Charaey; madef a frame to support it, - and did whit his clrcumtaacei allowed to shelter it from pelting ramst and vio. lentrwinds: r M j m rr wn m t ft ll IHiua wwaaav wv chance' had I . J . . . rr .. 1 I. - i . O weak laumyoroKen Knnein iu iongPam1 rarUtea byi him upon the wall s ad prafrit, was a ehild little Charlie Don Miguel's hope and heir his one v'ftlftfp!XWc6? 4n?rl' knew . the Jjare atuegolden head at once voice cpuld not of 1 course . reach, far. Exerting the full I strength of my lungs, I twice shouted forth the well known desert cry when a ; jaguar is But the boy itoed, reeted to the ground, Righted s Mpzos, a mi ! El tigre W transfixed by; terror, crouching doVnx . his blue eyes, dilated by mortal fear, ' fixed oia something huge, shapeless, un clean,' jthat drew, nearer and ..nearer ; jet a grim and monstrous 4lung,L that , had mote, the aspect of a large log, glis- M0-ZO8 !' -and I fancied as I uttered the second call, that I heard a distant answer, like a faint' echo. 'But "now I had need of all my breadth and j all my muscles, for the infuriated animal with hich I fought, tearing the cloth of teninrwith.slimj mud,"1' than of ant- the .soft mantle to pulp, was gradually Jhing 1sj; What is "tho1 ugly thing - getting its grim jaws free. Twice, al- !that his crawled out from creek, ready, had my wrist and arm been fringe with bushes of the laurel rose, grazed by IU keen teeth I bear the and that is elumsily"'climbinlg the bank white scars to tkii dk-fr and tna. hor- pas grass, and a Guacho clingl to hia lass .with the Fame mechanical impu se that causes a seaman to hold fast to shroud or stay. 'Let go thurope I' I called out to him as loudly as I could. 'Loose tbe end from the saddle ring and let the brute "go t But Juan paid? co heed omj advice, tut f purred his strug gling horseji utteri?t at fbe lu'l pitch of hifi voice, the iger-cair'oi the 'herds- mitt.1 . 1 . ! 1 v t The child bad crept c'.cse to me, and swa8 holdiag on to.my coat weeping and; and caliidg! pn bis absent father,4 and his TPs nee embarrassed m fer, wta-Iried-and disarnied as I wap, t felt eaper to, come to the aid of the f old lad who A What was theug-ht f cotton Eighty- j eight years ago. ; I "Thisl day, one Micheal ICarmot'y was xecnted here for Iclony, upon which the jontrej man weavers of the city"(whc'lab.iT tit (Jejgret-dtfficu4r-; tivs by reason of the deadms? of trade ccasiiaed'l)y th" -pernicious practice of wearing cottons) assembled in a body and dressed the' criminal, hang man. and the gallows in cotton, in order to discoure'ge the wearing -thereof. And at the pises of execution tbe criminal made7 thefol losing speech : f ''Give ear, O good people, to words of a dying sitsnvr"! I 'confess that. I have been guilty of many crimes that "necPBsify compelled me - to commit, which starving condition I was in, I am'wefl as'ured, was occasioned by the icarcity of money tbat has pro- ceededfrom the great discouragcmtrit ! to our; woolen manufactures: There fore,'gopd Christians, consider tbat if you go on to euppress your own gtods byf wearing' such cottons as I am now clothed in, you will bring thecountry into misery,' which Will consequently swarmi with8Uh unhappy malefactors as jour present object i;and the blood of every miserable felon that will bang 'I VD OHIUA A3D Daalar In, arary deecriptioo cf Olaxwara, Lamps Isnliog Ulaaaea. PlUed Forks, Spoons and Caa'ora Htono Wsra ivAtls nw in receipt of hia -fall titook which m large asd c.ttapleta and to wtich ha io Tttes th atfu;ion' of Country atre aDta Oaaraateelog to iUu low Many regular Jobbing hoqaa ortk,,r , . , r Li. UVRBUiY. . ' '1 i ' " Tat eras arg Ya. 3STOTIOE 1- ,t?. ; . , u - j 3.:. . . . Cn Wediesday the 1st day of , Jan unry 1373. 1 wl.l' sell ? at the Court Hous door inhe town'Af L'liiisb'utg, One hundred (more or Its) acfeto' .land, belonging to.th Uira of i. T. llarris dte'd, adjoining tha lands of I)r E. A. Crudup, ' Dr. Gid Cooley and others. This land' is all 'Wooded, and' admirably adapted to, cotton and all other,cmps raised in that scctios. TERMS. One third cah, r A credit of twelve months on balance. , ".. r B. CV WILLIAM .Commbsiontr. AND U.XDCRrAKER i - - - ' CWinet malltigef all ktnda dua fa Vet "ut;, and ou moat raaaiuBia Mraaa Faruuareieplired aad Cwa&ned, 1- CxotiTAxrjca a trxctaurt. . . 1 Tka bat Walnut. Poplar aodl'ioa Cnffla! xnaut otita anortatDoueaoa v 'Si .sxir Oive nse a cilSj r T.lT.8iniH. Faotory balow Barrow AHaaaaaU. . ro. 64 -tf i . Ia hereby t!ven that appllaitlaa will M Made tothantxt 1 eiabUurr tochauth dividing Una between frahkHn and G.auvllle vounti f, ou the - oulh lda f Tar U4r I '1 lie proposed 11 nfto at t u Tar Klret lira- kra ncy'a t Id miff, about tbrra njtk4 a!oTe tbe pout tkbere- ttt' ; present 'Hue tow -aid ilvrr am to r;n outh 23 de gree Wot, 7' ilk- and liO yanbt. to tue ro.id r.fr "a a? eux'a nto t, tln aouth A tniW t Iba Wait hne, theu with tbe Waka line to the polat where tbe rreot lloo be twecn Fankliii anJ Gianrlila touebes aald - lint. 1 No. Ctf Pi S- f 1h just above wbere the flower grew.1' Its gentle reproof Wi! whispered, 'Thf re . is One who made me ' so wonderlul'y b iutiful, andthe it is who kteps me afierthU warning from the gallows, M. J. M0SELEY, , wjin aws;warlvl)Urry.,JCk jUngainiy I rune ouorai vuecreaiurc, ana tne; re- 1 ieatn uui just at me raoneni tuat claw-tinrd feet?.... An. jvllipator bv morscless clare of its small: bloodshot mulatto cut, thsr.es nurse, came ? V ' lleaAh tforlBeethft slanting su-licht ;eye,impresed-me ; with the. fantastic f ning down;the hill with sabs acd glisteijl on its scaly baek, and tho j for- notion that;iny aemy was something inidakja'aws open ? and' display the 1 tyn4t'.th inier4-fuTUW greed of curyed row'of gleaming whito teeth, a wild beast. Yet I grasped the whale- aive.' suameu butt pruuu uau uuw lief. He brushed the lyieg words from "the wall, whilohii heart felt that' 4He who ma le all things is God." But God had a further blessing, for the erring man through the "iumlle flower. There was an Italian prisoner in the same yard, whose little daughter was permitted to. visit hisa.The girl was much pleased with Chafne? 's love lor.hia flnwe. 4 Sberelatcd what she aaw to the wife of the jaibr. The story of the Daiaoner and his flowtr pasted had aaved me from the very J tws of imm tn another, until it reached in the ears of the amiable impress joao fun- nhin. The .Emuresa said. ''The can II ,- m ; . r , . . , - who so devoutly loves and tends ? a tniant "charge. i flower cannot be : a bad man;" so she who had t ayed off wbiV he was (Sersnsdei the .Emnemr to set him at tureaning iciri-.i ierries ior a neciace, i liberty. cries in search of will lie a your doors. And if yon have !any regard for the prayers of in expir. ing mortal, I beg that you will aot by Ol me .uangiuau. iuc tuituu gsiiucuw that now adorn the gallows, because IcanVrcst qclet in my grave if I should see thei very things wrrn tbat brought me to mist ryv thieving, and this uo- timely! end all which I prsy of the eeotrv. to hinder tbeir children and servants, tor their own character's sake .-. . i i the ugh theybave no tenderncts fcr their country, becaue none hereafter will wear cotton but oyster-women, cr'.minalr. hucksters, and common hangmen." ,. - ''Fibm the "Gentlemen's InUlligec C2rlofMay, 1784. 1 DZJJ.E2 IX Tollies,' JTmltm, lVnts I? a n Q 7 Q oodoa FINE CIGAK8, , CnOICS CHEWING TOBACCO TaTXTTaTILUB BTjr; , i ! Fax t tea, K. C, . for X. igat Family Singer UaaUat. atmiag LojisiurgyTariarj.v -' The undcrs'gaed have eatahlLbetl a lanyaru in inn piace ana win pur-i chsat dry and gr- eo bnua at tb high eat market jvicea ' Also ace will Tan on 1iires. ' We have engaged Mr. W. H. Ilcott-r to superintend the busioeta. who is in every respect iqqaun.-u. and who hs had year of eipcrienes in taa nirg. , i f . . . Cure yourhids with Salt rmj. i - 1J. lir.lt LAJ. . Louisburg, N. Nor, 22 -tt X T. 5T0UNG BRO. 1 i -. - i Will ffrta tttdapriug trxds tha rlchcai tO'krr nut . j . I y ratchef, Dtaraonds, Jawe'ry, Bilver ani PUUd Wara srer eihibitf li tais d:y and res9cLfa3y kybutoeaiiaaaium. Oar Watcbeaax aaieeUd with cue, sre art wH kaowa aeeortt irat-kteptr. li poiatcf niUafcnd.liIity toey canaat ba slid Gold Chaiof , Plain Gold Biegt, it.. i as, wit Its cruel reI eye'fixe upbn its bone whip handle, and drove in the prey, It approached "the spot where knife with allelic .force of an arm that siooa tne iatca cnua, irozcn py a ir. i was xast growing iimusieu. pent, four of our mounted men came thunder ir'g downTr1fh"theeT3r shouts and Ta?6esf whirledaloft? and in a very sbcrt time the alligHiorstrbng and sav- it . i fWho waa DavidV graampther ta?kcd ror that denied him the power tb flee, breathless: giddy.'Ias dragged dewn," ,U "as heb was, nocsad and entan ; ''Rim, Charlie, run ! "Hit ftbwards ' and, in a kneeling; attitude, exerted gved by this rlianf cords, stabbed: with i me T I callcd aioud, aTtetSine time the remain of my, wandering strength" knives, 'aid. beaten down by bolas. lay, 1 r;nr 4kla Vv- Tl, tn n f alvfs'fc ililflMta thrnat Thu t dead and harmless- - littleC fellfiw turned his pale face to- blade broke short off by the handle as - I ward me, and recognized mc; but feat it lodged among the stout scales of the was still tod potent with 5 him, and he neck I .:At , 'usi rk -'.'.j f rcmamol vhera he was, crying out to Just then I heard a shout, and the t.Htrry arbnrton to save luiuVXI tramp of ft horee coraing.np at fuil and dashed in the spurrs rowel: deep, and i fnrious a peed. ' On they carae, the ' at one bound came crashing thromgh ! steed foam41ecl;ed anC coral 4 by the "t i . t v -? 1 i$i -e -' 1 , -..',,-.,. .;,.-. i'-. ' . -4- Charney carried his flower home.and carelully tendd it in his own green house. It had tnght hicaJ to5 believe in God, and had delivered hint. from pnsnn. . v y AH thiols bright and beautiful, Allcreatorea, great and, small, y :, : AH thing wise snd wonderful. The Lord God made them alt ' , , '- v - m . $ The QlacJ(-Boa Canal, y. There seems to be no limit tr the capabilities of modern eoinencg. Oraarta. Lconr. lUiaiaa.Fc. Ocmnta Dtid, Uuoa, saxdiaer, Kaoca oai.Ttrmi eelti, OIt Oil. aIwobu. London aat Ye klaaUrd, Plneat a rrwata. Doaaaatx 7mit Onm Drp. Canted (ixda ati k od. Brxt NaU,racA ftata, Filberia, abUd 'iU, Cocoa, sau. Ksffiua sub. nawf.wiaa. craaktra, Irt Works, at., m Ia!kbedince to a decreeof the Sciperior I Court for r.tankha county, at iu ptimber er:nJ72,tbeuDdorigoed,aadiium4tr.tor, I with tn wui aanexea or aiesana-T swr- i LMnuAiv. hOln VOIir 1 Ot Knight, decVd.. will proceed to aell on tat- 1 ralTIULra J UUL VUl - 'y.y . TON. , ;ieb and sew deaigea tn Elbivk axo Joom BCTTnai. i -" j , . ' ; ' JasTon. Ccf i, Gablkt, Icz rucnttti Tht kt Cslabe.1 aad taaat irrnnU tiat-k'tpirgi C.cxli tkt country, war raotadto rloaaurttiw. ao .-ljr J. T. lOCTakBHO. i - - :' : . .1 ; a! clergyman of a sunday-chool scboK u-paoijuHra ui M.B,e,a,w,B'. ar. A woman, sir," was the ''reply, i , The pnstnt generation; which ha? wit- I ' ; a ; t I y y neased .ikeJayirg t the Alan tic. "cal J a rmrti . O iMtion.-When th laoa me opnn2 or tne uez . ani, m butler marries th honsskeeper, may hef-I Pacific &aUwyv an 4h'e MontDenis ba said to lead her W the taeaiai alter! , ToaneL will pm'hV!y" sa: tralaiaf tifg - CrtX nrday ,tbe Zlt day of December next, on the premises, 3ira. nary ixut4 tms . rrve sion uion dower of st r. PeuHoiie C Jlclvaigi.t era laria tbe family riajce culall out bttkbn .a netrarf to a first cas Lno, and apait of tbe realty one ghWarrl OMtbraa'ueand C f tUtksmakv l tU s - Maitbaau:ttiinc andpbee aixly acres lancudjtuua' tn u-jwct.. - - Ttwwx 1 ah a to one fourt of fie price, and ibe teidot Mtutd by rrtaiivr ef tai bi ; nd rf pnrhArr, pa ak!e in epal in- sUQsaeat CA If ytn want to bo!d your eottoa until nex r. and peed money, i wu mak liberal cash adraix on au mtt-n prtn. or longer. ri3 sad ra ws ntns. sbippewto Tho. F. tt Oiiaias 4k Cw Haiti raon-. J 1-2 cent tr lb., on heavy and 1 1-4 on light bale; will cover all erpcwei Interest only charged Cor tdvaoeea on cottva in hand. Cton coverts! by In-iirance wbea delivered at FrankUnU.'-1 wl!l strend per- TOJtESTfjt tbeenioiBg year, J87?, ibV de-irabl residence tt Mr. Gnil lrd lwi, jnear laiturg. with Ji sofScicns ftj one r nvr bones Tbe land which j cns:a s of choice co'toa land, ran' be rented with or- without the buikli . : . . . App ica;i03S may be aaJe .to Cpt. Hili.HKJN. onaJty ta all ahipeaeau mada U tk trt J.J Dvii C-! 7uisburg. cr Mhies-Lew iaat Mr;Gailtori Lewis rai3ace.- Ueu 11 OetlS tf W. F. VALLOBT. Jiankliatoai. C. Nt ?2ad Ira. .v. 1 ! t 1 i t ... .4 . -' '. H . y r f

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