J 1879 I i H. 0 11 S T? QS&Z'V; To.?i. m -, .v." H; SP I tl iTS , HATS HATS ! . ---- r - . . . s : r ' : . -. , . ....... I i I HI .1 I 1 r. --14 I. C os in tlio V allay . T.;c fo.'.Ujvmjj beuuainl potja was te ciml Ui ,rc ibe c'or.veuiion of toe S;g i . n,d A!.t.vvlvU'oa Fraternity, 1 uses ion , rt .kuvil.i; .by U autlio-, J. O. Wright, .,i X v O.kans: ' V i1 . ,Al.wn iu".t1ie calm, quiet valley, l i. f i-rt m doss bus iu bead I 1 h Mttiwn iod loucbing toka i '1 lii UiU of a boj-bero dead. A v''lJ fl mer'wntinetf aweetlj, , . . , . iiuit the so'd'er below: An Mjrtl'e cro and the flower 'iLc t'uu ll.ufes i a eve-purple glow. li 4. fni.f ro'Uly mars the foft tiknce Tiwnt vtrfi aiiUssrHM uinuen. grave.j But t e i.tfHrrilU, nibeedei J U ivud tlie'vijice of; tho river bnn wave, f J A I-mHr b'bre the rude Ub'et, , k I the tomb of the Pst, vM of'g1rv, ercbaqted, r 'LU.. r ''trgatniM o'er memory castl I ' Tj f Min of war. abrilly anunding. L 'im a fmj'o ringio,rr;(the;,Iandv "Ar,,.ti","'-1 bj thereaonat mu&jc. j , t'ct ! marebal the mutketcd land I TH thunders oj'd.ath p illincannm, T;ie .'tiiriok'ing ot ih t and ,of ah !l, . A,' 'n wihc th.3 rnoqnUiit Q )pg echoei, I ' 'auU on the slumbeiing dell. ' A' ,ft ihV tbc smoke of tlic bittle f Ue 'Wunny-atarrcd banner appearf: 'H,t Irjvnnif unfolded 'mid bltimgBt Aa t fuiKd-ah 1 forever 'mid tears.. - Du n'tyl 1 J"r tlio hope, to entrancing, .'fj;u;l blrftbcd otr4h8 portals of ; . '. Fmfrr "' 1J i.t.1 t i;e surrounded all Us eflalgeoce jK-jpu c1a?d ot blood could' teclaim. An V we gz? on the p'cture', . 1 h it time cannot dim or ifface; ' T !;r ,io ur which tells the grand tale pf tki.urc unblent With disgrace- . F.i !.! I .dot 'from, remembrance these . vi -i 11 3.1 ' ' i ' ' . . ;,.n umn'windss'gM o'er the vale, An t v. u Ih ar in the air plaintive voices j t iv. Jl 'dt,' spirit like on the gale. SVv t y.ict that Hll us with yearning ' SihviceitbaVuilwitl1 TP1! W' i i;sit. in tbo eventide -glofc-niDg, 'i o voices we loved brig ago. . : 1 .y'A'U j "...v. - AT iv tira-ti ewell with'troubled dtsiro "i yi'. k on the battle scarred plains, i : 'I'.X 1Micr and bury together i' ' - t)ar i;croe' unanclc l rcma'iLS. ' V ; 1 . . ; '.. ' '. ' rr-ir h for the crosses 'ualclterM, j ' ? jivje trom Hie touch of Decay, . t t ; f ji- c r. in one maus )leum: 'i i.c loped one, Whq tell in the fray T ' -r.isiv ("Mr the dust rKunitcd, 1 U A 'ri' u'c of reverent love. u :; -"ii vi to the ages succeeding. A tin to the spiiits ibove A ; A i i.n hat shall bind in the Soufhlanfjl j 'II e, living and dead "ever more;- - Ti ! t'-iif. weary --y?orn with its burden O rMrg ihnt guard the Nlcad'slcepei j;irT iHHUtui fcnunei ijrmai t B i ilaik in the soft, meHow sunlight, ii tme UXsthe ieaifukst storms. 1 'ovc vc pb Inen love theym"bol8 - M -ul Jilt i noble and good: : F. rto me ye are something fur gi an -it (IT . -- ' Thm sersekss, nnsanctified wood. Abte .there's Bomcthinz o!, ho'y, , A mm sicf unsyllabled prayer," A "2bt that the angels above ye ,' iirriog near in theCir. DENTIST. op.rrs his Professional Services ' the l ubhein , ' . prrry department .of . " ptti$try. - si burg at AVarrecton ove ) n!s Hotel," J Tarker &VatsinsSto J03. 'J: DAVIS. ATi'Yaui COUNSELLOR. gtlj V.' IV t rinlir In ihn rTril "t!onrta of Grn .! v i'-anklin, Kab, Warren and Wskt.t v. l'ruupt attention paid to ihelcolltc Ju!j 15, 1371. i , 1 r 7: K. BARHAM. ft LTcVdl C1UHSELL0R MilW LOfAsBlRG' N. c: ji , (pfPlCB IN the ;couaT HOUSE a a 'oUitng oonntle nd iht 8upreme I;. i'-.ii ) f ' ral tool (4 at ttaltigb. . k : ii. .a made everywhere. J l'f 1 51 r v w " w -f - - AT f ORNE Y-AT LAW, nil ViT notice in the Courts M tbe 3 d rial district. . ... : Ar 1 1 oupt attention given to the collie I taVn1iTehasefrHhdvnK 11. n Li c'.ft'.ma. No 40 -If ' ' - - II MTORHEYS AND C0DNSEL10RS . A.T LA.TVV, Aa4 Selteitep is. . BANKRUPTCY , - L0UISBUR6 11 C. Tf ill attend the Courts of Na8b,Frack bi Granville, Warren,nd Wake Conn- t. o the Supreme Court of North Oatoli'na and he U. S. Circuit and Dis. tt'.ct Uouits. xv. -f-r trf w. JO-Ei ARV1I ;TED JONES. JONES & JONES; t J ItALEIGII, 5. C. 'ractice in the Supreme Court ot the State, the Circuit Court of the United States and the several Courts of . 6ih Judicial District COMPRISING THE COy StIES OF Wake, JohnstonfaDkUni Nash Wsr ren. GranvitteTlIaxilaX &i ixuuuaujp j - - ten. OFFICE 'OS FAygTTEYITXS STBEETj NEUtHE COUaT No. 5 6mos. 1 Mrs. iJolifl P. WHOLESALE DEALER IN. PAPER STOCK, Nob.. 20 and ;31 O d Street, Petersburg. Va. Octl8-tf. V. A. K. rijLK.VER B. T Atl.VGTON V FALKENEIl!&-CO. '! .1 I -; EXLUSIVELY WHOLE3ALE ' DEALERS IN BootSy ' Shoesj Valises, ' acc.at.,! "I Trunks, 10. I Sycamore St. est. . 106. ' Tcteratur. Va. T?NCOURAaB Rose INSTITU TXON J 3 iS S jft ' SECURHY AGAISXJIRE THE 1 NOBtH OBOMN HOME IrtSnR AMC5 1 COMPACT, - . i-1 i "! ; v - .. - , - 'j "-' " ?. v- -- N. C. . 1 i s This Ccmpany now near, the close off the third year of its existeroe. contiauea property AGENTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE STATE. V'-." O. B. BOOT. Tice raxsinzHT. .-- - I - i , - : , B 'H. BATTLE, Jr. Pbxsidkst. SETON OALEB, 8xc : PUL LSKI COWPER, 8u?ebtis:b. 0 W. H. MTJRDOCn, Ats'r. fcco. t If JOHN ARMSTRONG, " No. t eatettetille Etrest, e. , RALEIGH, N. C, d o OK BINDER - Aire 1 ' i . i i 3Ianufucturer. and Al "X"0' , MAGAZINES AND ' t'.it;?'tfi'.. , A. -jr". .-r ( . - ... to wrue rouoiea, air-ur ratea, on auoiaoaes aQ(j exchange to tbos C XaT rnUlv adinated and (bome Besides I wm be constantly re-I : ,. J., .h naid."- "IK" -utt ' ,ltt ceiving I JIT O I LET G.,0 0D f it The Home"J ; is rapidly growing i in T T T . , 5 . e . .. ; i '4 imsvY v ,?-s.h!-v publio favor1, and appeals,! with or file ncej Large Lots of Goods frorA Auction, . U;avjf 44 ,oaiSTixauo .-: 6. h ofevery depUiBeurid iutheveJTbtst I now prn for the aoccmnaodtio cf gaeeU I "IJkTSw ot :teTer(. oardsand d r3 per day. OrtlS-tf -1- f HfiHf'f' Mi! OFFER3 A NEW AND ATfRAC- f ! TiyE STOCK: OJT,JH ATS fWrtlie Fall an( Wintej Trae His prices will suit the close l buyeis. Cetl8-tf. ; ; Fashions for Autumn Sea son 1872 Qcocii to inpect our elegant toc5 or s i ' T T. fl II 11 II M' '! ,r . ' 4 - , Whieh embrace an unexcelled Variety of 'ilk-v ftr. DresB Goodst Wliite Goods, Heal a'Kl' Imitation Laces, jNotionp, Cloaks, hawla, etc, which cannot Jail to attract. Branch far Butber.ck C SEE 1 RATE D PaPEII PaPEE PaTTEIJN ' FOit GaKMENTS, .. ' Cataloguee a- d Dciineatora - with ecgrav ipgOt putteruu aent gratis on application Any oie debirinc: t j purchase gool gooda by eid-.TB can do so fruni us first byad dree3iliK ua by mail for samples, which we wili imni3diately eeud with the prices and width atiucied to ech sample. - -i i - .'. I i," I Expreea Charges on gooda ordered i the amouut of 20 aadopVarda la prepaid. ; All Nsm -s of dresses j ma'ie in the moat improved Style in our Dress iiak.ng .de partment by order, I, ' . "JSO. F. WILKINS, i i E. W. hOitFLETiS f 4 " 5 i cf Nirth Ciio'ii a. would, be pleased to re- ceive Jill troni their inenae. A'lress SQELTpM BLiMIRK&Co i 18 Mats fcT.( Ko.folk. No. !tf YOU ARE RSSPEOTFULIjY IN vited to an inspection . ofl the., present stock ofbprine Goods ot THOMAS SMITH, "Wholesale Dealer in I Foreign akd Domestic Dry Goods, NOTIONS AD HOSIERY, ' :'i ., . ....-' ; Cor. Water and Commerce .St., up stairs ; norfoIk, Va J J 1 r i Embracing every" varitty of j Staple Foreign and .Don l-fct.c Dry. Good i Notions, Hosiery, and ',r .; lr:. ' Wlr.t'e Goods, ' I The prices and terms for which will tjri j , j, strictly in ac.j ordacca with , .NEW YOKK QUOTATIONS, thereby saying time, freight, insurance e buviner near sold lower than similar, gooJ8:frcan be uougut anywnere in ims country. ' Soliciting ypur ' future ptfonage: I amlvery rejpectlully,TliOM AS SMITH; i . Also bMfTH & WHITE." ' V 25 Sycamore strect4 petersburg,.Ya. SDCcial attention naid to orders a.t t Special attention paid to orders at either house ' .- ': ' W. J. POWERS. Esq.. will be pleas ed to see his irienila. : No. 31 ly LUCIUS GlfcEEIV Jfc CO. . - 1 I Wholesale Grocers & i IS - - ? COMMISSION MERCHANTS ! Solicit XJonslc'tment of - r.. . . . .- - ; . IS'avaLStoros. pottou,' - .I'- - i AVlxeat, Flour, corn, unci Bro'dtioe; Generally. No. 120 Sycamore Street,! Petersburg, Ur: 11;:1 ff,irtr.'-.-fv . '. i i Atlantiotel.. j KUiULA, va. f , ! , il.E.D?BSON, 41 .-4 ifl4 fennerly efthe . 4 r " "rOUSTAIKj EOIXL lf.!l aaiuuiviv a.ue4 2 rr- -TToprletor. 5 thorouxhiy.tenoTaied. ihd frfitted, Tt auce xhly. Third and foarth flxr, 2? iay. Leer el terms te psraainent Boaxjera 1 - in North Carokna. I . f .t.r tti vj r.j4iT V 1? . l luruuguuut luc buaju, mat win ua i ii air. lootn, aui ana iio.cei xrioei. ; t I IlIPOETEES AXD WnOLESALE DHjLLZRS iwaiciiiaier.w-jBweiBrih' SDdora abore Tucker B1L t i Trr u H-r r j-, Hardware. .Cutleij, Jnd Carriage L.TTtfr i vn pnran nAnno rrrnv NEi7, AND FRESH GOODSJEYERY 11 "WEEK M AGNtFICENT GOLDAND GbLD ? - PT.ATfCn JEWELRY. " - -,3.i; i . r.i- ; S .1 f 4 . ..S Si Its ' i' "LARGE ASSORTMENT OF- Engagemeiit -ait. s " J 1 1 TO SUIT. THE TIMES S ; tt t j'. m X ' i'' Havim "tEction with any othar Gal-; x '-.-( a v . :, . ' . i . ; .' i . " ' : Z ' -r- SAVE THE - ' ! , . - i MINNIS GALLE11Y! 47 Sycamore Street i TO which he givaa Lis vnliTided atlea tirn with grea'ly reduced expenses, the subscriber spr pi ed to exeo ite EVERY STYLE OP LXEENE . i AT THS rOLLOWlKO fcEDUCEn BATES . TOJ TOKS, OKI TOB SO CKKT8, ' f ! FSBRi OTTPFS, TW D FOB 50 CE1STS . ' . Gem Pictures, rncB fob 58 cbs? el- ' ' CABTEDETlSITE,rorBFOBtl50. V Posr,2 03, ;i ' Laboeb B ZE", TCr;LLT LOW IS PBOPOBTioy ;iS:U.VSLS:"E,d 10 O ALL RESPECTFULLY SOLIC ITED . t-. . ... I, i S M 3Iiixnis Gallery, IV o. j O. W. rillNtJISj Photographer 1' J. R. IT. CARMBE, Ap'T WHOLEEALK AND RETAIL DSALCR IN Drugs, Chjapii(;ais,tiaten'ti Medicines, . ' - Bpices, Tea's, Dye Stuff and v - t. Garden Seeds, No. IX Fayettkyilltc j Street, 1 - 1 t . -t f e i t" - u j "f-;i, t, -hrtmewt. UiiA i wiSi iit Combs in variety, Extracts, Saaps, Bath i Towels. Toilet Powders,: Tawdsr Puff and Boxes, Pomade?, Co ' ,. y t Combs, Colognes. Hand I i" s - " ' - Mirrors, Ac , . j'-!-. . T 1 J r M U 1 IX .'.i All the Patent lled.einea of the day. A fine assortment of Brandi'a. Wines am Wbiakiea. and Clears, kr. The finest at ck ,!ot Trusses, Suspensory Bandager Male and Pesade fito alder uracesui lue.t-ny. w The Best preparatfrris a-nown: ' . vti " .3-i,--i " 1 - "' Ctrntsr'eRoaianaljeetlo . . Carmer's'Peeteral Cough. Bymp, CarnierB Citorina Hair OiL' US!0'""'"': . . Ta, I - Carmer B sunnet Celonea. the very beet ea-i'reser; pt kme Trerarind renewed NORFOLK. -VA x I tT!? wit? edc&racT UiiaAL. . .. k'l x ' T ' A LaRGE aUrrLT OP 1 BiiIedandBjiLinictdCil ' TVhitLead;, -rn y fi -.. paint, A c C.-a I U Window IJU-f. f- puttyTCep .t' " w White Daa A ie ' Taint Bro.e, 07 tvarni,- BjEsftee, .lArMivaandfbr.ftll,T.. . ' Inj 10 H JD6ETJ1 0ArlC.rete7aburs 1 ZNGLISH, GERMAN and AMER- 125- Sjcaxnore J3treV "i Pbtersbtjkg, Vaf ; Celer J;L BRUM1TT- ARCHITECT AND UNDERTAKER IiOTjjsauKO N, Cr . K Wiahes to call the attention of the peo ple to Franklin to - the , fact , that , he keeps constantly on hand FuBSiTTrttK or all kinds and istyles, . at prices to suit the times. A'bo, Cjftiks oi rll kindf, onhanor made to order, at the Shortest no'ic The ht coffin material alwa a kett on hand. Ha will also furnieh at a y time. Win- kind wanted Will make rn-or and V.'iadow frames, Brad eta and Moctdinga of al tire . and styles as tow ae-tne same ,cw ie un at any factory Narth or South. Will do any kind of repairing waited at short notice and on good terms. ,. . All work warranted ta suit. " Call and sea ma at my Factory or write. i' I JR BRUAIUITT. Cetjsch Btribt, LOUISRURG, N. C. .i Grvti f tones the hest marble, and in all styles furnished on thort -notice by ; t J. R. BUUMMITT. No. 81 tf , Bphert A. Martin& Co. i Grocers C ommisswii -MBrclauls !X4 129 F y earner e retendnirp, Ya. Faithful personal' attentien given l tie gale of otton.. Tolmcco. "Wheat &e. - Cidcra for good? tiled at veisenable price er cash or, n time to reipcmsible, punctiw fetomersi vi ri k fl i A rr r- " 2 OctlS-Bmos J-11 1 f i i . . .;.... . . . BRANCH" & IXSXIX133ZIT GliOCERS AN,- NO 123 Sveamore Street, Petersburg,, Va. 1 Will giTe their personal attention to V. nale c f TOBACCO. CO CTON V, PRODUCE entrusted 4o theur care. . -wai advances made onPrqduce I - " - . l Hand. rvarffea for se".linc Tobacco '4h sttSnej t m.rhnnsea aud ' Insurnce Tree ot Charge. j MILES B BBACnT n7 QEBBEhT Vntwlt of firm of , yofjl Pwteraburg, V. North Oarolin - - Daft famished for Grain, T : iV Kb lj-m'12 CESTABLISXIPD 1537 Charles JbRbiir. Hctrt Jordam v . a JORDAN & SON, it H Wiolesale ConfectiQners' U ANUFACTJJRERS OP rBTEAM RE FINED "CANDT. 1 -ASB D CALEBS IK 1- I Porrigs akd Domestic Fruits, Ac STO RE. NO 30C llilN ST : , : ; C n - "V ' FACTORTrNO." 42 CHURCH ST. I . -1 w . - Npr53r.rai f;f1 " ; . -- .'-Tin ! - i HEAVT KOLL4i BAGGING : lOrdera solicited. 'lr t??'! , . '' Jf - 1 ' , llYl5i uvjp; v4 fi l.erSDUTg, y m. i it Va. ..H8.U t t. h a l V . v r 1 v 4 srij tt 8. 4c lfNo. 2 0! Bolltng'.rjk- 8 rtet, i?w -i .. rvt Ki U-ci 4 v.-'i - , a . I lit i 5" I ra' -.U- J ,7 lJW I p; A' If I. Jt ( 0 I) D S ' , I - ' a ; -iiSi eki; n5 a - - f 1 ' s 'i ? '" " Y vA! 'i'A Z.Z Jw i j t ... . . 1 1 - I - - , f'c ) I I Til I 1 r " II U lb- VV 1 f AAA A - ! r - . ! . i4 i : s NO 25 SYGAI.10RE ST, ... . , . if r- v vv-.Sk 4' jfc'"--. - -v' etrj t .tw: ARE NOW RECEIVING A NEW rand attractive j "."stock of ! '. 1 s 1 Foreign and 'Domestic. e- 1 ''JtV . t--Wf ; MP' GOODS : -fc ' ' : I t : , j r . !. - -1 1; " ' T' Ti"TTT " 1 f :x IN OUR . , . ;.WT .-j, 'V f 4 w - I -t, vt T ! Usj-a 1-rT -" X ' A a ;Tcii tv. Dfpatmant,wUl bftfonndUthe Novelties of the ; Season . !. . - . " " - V , -V,.! C AND THE, I i L iOI O 'i ' - . . ''.a 4 t 'atrftvaee sb uausuaur urzp aau vxira t : - a K raiEMCis fi,-. asaoruntntef . ; t 7..J I - - , q g 3 .0 I j JT.' D !i .T C " i. ! v. cOeLViB tek ie iwe IhtiU tneauenuemi I ,. ,s! :7tZ 1 -PIUCi:3D.TZRiL3 IERAl f . ' . Order eeited and prejKTTf ana coram Ir nundi:' 'i'.tJ . lfweUniUtneaUenUeofniechaBts.asurlng I J. - -Vi .r i - -Tr. s ' i . iraCXS l2USJ7a .V M, -1 . Y. H. HARRISON WO; - i i i i iMro i i r in -- . MINGEA & IIARRI3CN, - t . . ..... T7SOXJ23AXJ1 AXI' XIZ2TAXZ SyQAMbRErTREET PeUr to the Fa;. i. T. one of theuost active and be t vclectcd stocks of D.Ug, J t rainti. Oils, Mr :.. . I : r, Dyeana D.Cttnffi er brought1 te thli m-rket 'which .'will he disposed ef pon the taostrcas jWet rcu. . Uiaers soucuca ; fiC:lI.VM'AltKS & CO. ' i r e . ; . J thf ir hrga suck jf Cojifectl jija iie. . ; y -r4;rs FBUkT. pIG Att , KOTl OXe, trefere purehaeinjr-eisawnetcw ' j The - r.- vwUner, givw parttc tir atUutiou .tothh'depa tment. " x ! Orders prpinptl filled and satLfarti6n WBAPP1NG PAPE1 I We hare fin ''ore a Urjreatock'ol very superior WRA?PIMQ; PAPER, manufactured .t the Appoa:iox Pa-. J per Aim. i SIZES. 4" 11x15 20iS0 f. 24x88 3x0x33 14x18 ' A - 18x23 McILWAINE & CO, 1 fi ? j J ! H i ! E.1 UICOTER. it .Watchmaker and Jew- ' Unyi2 'Watehr and Jnwol -y ef the s4 . llamuttctorsatcl at the l-met Km. All xvo k pe soiuliy attended to and war- - j ranted. ! " i - I MALT BY . ...t .... 4t..i 4.J- Baltimore UdJ C.ll. HOG AN "Proprietor. T Has lust received ritfiea- ef Coatly"; 1 indElegao Improvement, embrafiif I DEPARTMENTP-Tni-flbTEL, I baviucValRemodeld,Eoiarwed,and -i Jtewly FuruUhwl throughout, llitre by supplying Wwant4f Ions' itlt by the traveling pnblicy at-H 5r-c ? ;s II. , f. . j .tvery.nsoderatepiJcjra, v. JlK r i There id jii tachad ic he , , V1 .B(1 PtT.i.V ?U1 th most Elrcantacd Extensive I I .1- :- MSTAU RAIiT ' r s .l- i.--t.J -uif j J enjageRoorisand;nTe5atL ETJROPBAlT PLAN so BaararD. i4( ' HOTEIi' HOUSE ttor m.n.niSTIOP9rropr ;,L00KI.L00K!. 2- LVt Oevtleat aritttiuj Franktiotflo abcmldcalloa T7. n. 5 UAUH.bo Always VeVproDli and atnpply.ct FRESII OYSTERS and Vm LiqcBi 'iHr can Wfcuad at Cnily' oUeUad. T" U eomnlote U. which TTntii.w ifH PIT J i v. ';r;T,Vaal.: & TUUtt . . iC-OtIlajt5.Cit I 0 11 C X J " p Ruxri; rAXCT -Goodv Toy. a i- 1 . i - . M 'iTTi tall All ! ''j . 4 4.'

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