' - i - . . - . i r - ' . . - - , '. " i !.- . .f . - ' . .. v. :3. icli :ful' C!)c Conner A' Democratic Newspaper. Published every Triday iu Louisfyurg. JtATtS Or( KLT.SCUlI'TION', Pur Copy 1 year.... . r M .6 Montlw. .......... ...0,03 .1.100 if tkrms cash in aiVAXf e Tavo , TA ttlo G irlH. ' BY JOlQCiX VJL.K.!. !J I KiV a lew-ro'r-d cottage, I Mi-r far U'hm', p.t lhut of (by, Kcil liutinjj in t lojliiitfd iay, ' A bnic swiM't t;u in jowc-r skr; haw vliiUlrcn jMiting to and fro, 1 lie 'busy housewife come und j?o, And wliite.cow (joine nthercouinuiub. Ami nnne I Hkcd larger tliiin.iny bnjub TbeVigbt I could lio more withstand: I'.ut, worn and toip and tanned and broTiif JI-'d;c-s -.ofjill, Iljiite .d u.wn, A w.iiiderer, f iiiijcrin long and late, .1 ?tU before thd jritstic gate. ;Th'o !ittl-??rN, wi''i brown-feet ba.c, Jnut tan'IOd, fossil! g, jr:tUw.liair, 1 lay fit ontho yrt-tti Iruilastic dress -d, Around a gmit t e".vf .undlai.d brute, j Tfiat lay ba.f rotin.on bis breast, j-. And wi.h bin rrumlnilh open widc, j 1 ' Would inakt; b;l'uyfl that he would 1 it-, As they aiail- d fiin lull and ri-bt And t lieu sprung to w other i(ly Ah 1 i JIrJ yhotitU the willing air . i b sweeter far than !j i;c or litfe ' To my tb'Mi hot and tVi'tty b:i t, And b;-ttcr -elf, so wliC'.iv unite, Were Ih :.).(? sweet voie'H ea lling t lu re ! Tli'Mi 'li HMii.f; sweet M ej.ei my ryes baye wen, I A 1 Koiije n)eluJy my .soul h, beard, Noson i f Nymph, or in il !, or bird, r i '!;;: ji is. melting, ttoppT svene. Las my impulsive oul .st invil, it. . . . . i i ... i S i . i ; ' i . ..i ... i. ii- . ... ... -..v .. , 1? 1 r f.lled me wit ft such swu-.-t c'':Ilgbt,''v A t hose y tiling a ivtr d oi t i i ' t here .;, SELECTED STORY Frank Garland's Story. V Tin: MKTKOrOi.IXA v i KK OI!l). m.yi. t. Ms S. you think my v.iL islcant.ft 1, Vajitivating, anifall the et ccteras-i-oj', t.'liarlie; lb-all v, I had no idea tiu were pof.-cssed ff sucli good and S'jiui'd ilisccrnniont, stocial )n .4 uY as you are and incorrigible w:;mar. .hater as you profvs to be. My is all yoij: fancy h(,'r, ami a thousaucl times more, To sat'n-fv vour Iaudfjd bh; curiositv, I'll tell you Low 1 t'oumi' ,-uch a treasure, though I'dould it the information will assist in your pv -t 1 1 3 ... 1 1I1OS- ni searciior a similar prize in tne lot let (cry matrimonial.' ()ur courtship! me warn you, began in an outre way. that would' shock a stickler for thd pro prieties of cttlijucttc like yourself; and even couldjyott muster? iip forti tude for such an ordeal, 1 know not where you'would find the witching fair oiiu wiljing to act her part in the affair. However, take another "eisrar, an at- , tend to ny story. - i When-l returned home- after that never-to-be-forgotten tour, which Gtly ilosed our collegiate course, I soon -perceived that I was an object of -articular interest to 4he belles -of in V mi tivcVillnge. Nay, never sriiilc ot my ' vanityvold, fellow, .for you well know it rouhl scarcely be otherwise. I did not fr a moment attribute all this visible interest of my personal attractions. ' t''oiigh I certainly thought myself tol erably good-looking, nor to my own merits, of which 1 had probably a com fortable conviction ; but set down in any rural community a vounic lawyer' . with fair prospects of his own and the t-loct of being the acknowledged favor ite and heir presumptive of a rieh old uncle, and said uncle a distinguished Senator,' the greatest 'great man of the btrict and how, let jnei ask you,; could the snct creature be insensi ble to such a prize? So I may,: with out any imputation, of self-conceit, ac knowledge that IJcould have. ' had my pick and choice, in village parlance. Hat I was yn 110 hurrylo make a ctroiec. -Mv heart remained untouihnid, and I btrihuted niy attentions with praisc worthy, impartially: anu;ug my fair biends, and foiput time pass' in a de cidedly pleasant way. -. . ' V ' Meanwhile the -villagers bc-an to jalk, as tu-ual in such cases, aud there were niany -speculations afloat as to who' would catch the lawyer. It was : t-renorally agrecl tint the g-iod fortune was reserved for Miss Annabel Colt Ji -'y'.- the daughter of the rivhest man i' "the place, and as such, independent of her own charms, tlie feigiuwgfptca. Sue vass a Mately girl,faultlesiy beau tliuh !lid thoroughly 'accomplished Krtainiy the one of all others for a ris- VOL. 2. jlajvvcrt: mrr trmm .vycr s bnac. Alorever her father and my uncle were the two lad ing jiuen of the county, and the union of the fortunes and the influence of the two families vrould secure rnc success above all rivals in the political career I csntein plated ; there was no office to which I niight not atpire. Thus' the good-natured- gossips had. arranged matters. I heard it all from my clerk, JociDickfoiw butl did not feel likccur ryng oui tiie programme. '"3Iatte 'were in this .state when a grand pic-nic came off. I will not bore you with a." description of our pleasures' and annoyances : ;truth to tell, there were more of the fij'fct and fewer of the la.st than usually fall to the lot of pic nicKersian'd all owin to the thounht fulnos'and eiood-'nature of one little 'sprrtcjfnerry as a child, ubbuitous as afaiyC ' I liad not seen 15'sjy More bine Jsei- childhowl, when .she -was a pretty; little thing enoiih,ropyi, fat and playful, but giving, no promise of the exceediiig beaut' and grace which de veloped with her srirlhood. In the course of iur chat I learned that she had been absent -from the village durj ing the past months, which accounted lor my not having mot her before." ' '' ()f course you fell in love .forth with," -interrupted Charlie ; . "no uil cunjimon tcnuination to a-picnic.'Vj Oi' course I did nothincr of tlie kind' returned Air. Oarland. "I heiirt-v.'holc Vihcn wo came was as back as when 'we set out : but now I .will tell mv story, having hitherto given .but preface, , - ' i . . The moriiliig after : the picnic I met 1 1 al icd'fortii to make- polite ea l.:s on tin young with- whom: I had daf iced and promenaded in the green iTtjvds". 31v first call yvrs 01 3Ii.-s (-oltnev. I iouud her cicrantlv U Nfsseo, reciinni'jr on a s-.-ia. ana, jl 1 : 1 1 l' T 1 OOiC- ii t perfectly litles and ennuiod.- lle. ti'lk, which was all about her fatieuev as jnsiiiid as, talk could be ; the :io: t stretch of politeness could' .not uify it with the name of cpnvcrsa- ut di ti' li. Yet she vas bewitching, ttkere. is no denying it," in the midst of her elegant surroundings ; languor became her style of beauty, and aff ectation was in hsr $o perfect that it had the charm of naturalness, As I gazed upon her I' -began for the first time to think sc ricusiy of the plan of action the vil lage -gossips had chalked out for ne. Other visitors coming in, I made ' my parting bow, and continued my round if calls. Kvervwhere I found young ! . ' . ' ' :idles -decked out in the latest' style, nd engaged in -'fancy... needlework or leading novels. Not one of them ap- 1 I '--;'-'. . 1 pejared to have anything to do, though lost of the families were in very mod- ate ehvuuistaji ?es. The pretty village! : 1 cr . 1 1 it 1 1 1 1' uis aueeieu me ciegant leisure ana j c 'p-away airs of sentimental city la- .dues, and were pearl- dead from the faligues of the previous day. All this ilfl I nut strike inc at the time. The hotirs passed pleasantly,, audi tvas net i.i i mood for. criticizing. : .' r i'1 had not yet been to Airs. More's I'K-uie although I had met lier occa sionally when visiting . some mutjjial friend ; but upon reaching her chaYm" "i'.igxqttage home I thouglit it would bb onlV civil to call on csy. Ti e hall door was open to admit tue breeze from ihe vine-shaded piazza ; sO; luerc- '3 1 radping to. announce the intrusion, eidd ed the coo, invitiiiL' parlor, In the di stant ' i : rwm 1 I n' licht I could -not for an. in-. ee, but presently I found the was untenanted; I knocked alrafa. v. but no-one appeared, and b.car - wabble of a sweet, merry voice. i iv.r th wlhich I recognized as ' 1 Jessy's, I veu- turel (0 iro in search of the fair son::- st:es. 1'assing down the hall, I came to tl. . i . . Bdtehen, a lar, airv room, britrat and cherry-looking, and there lood i'essv, ; busily at work kneadinir douh. It was :m dainty pie or cake, busincs but real down-right bread-, and thd w ay she worked that mass f duug!i 1 .as senicthing worth' seeing. I s ood ir the doorway an instant wa'teh itit the motions of the round white arms, a; d listening ta the rav snatches ' j ' - -- W W.. ofmelcK v; then, as she turned to iret more flolir, she saw the intruder, start d a litte and ldushed with the sud- I DEVOTED TO POLITICS. LITERATURE, SCIENCE . A Nl) A1UV LOUISBCJRG, den -surprise, but fh did not fiy from the room, or stammer forth an awk ward; and untruthful apology, phe mcrejy; ydvgnced a pace or two with a graceful palutaiion, and Uoldiag up her hands with a pretty gesture of dis may,! said gaily :. ' j; , : ' "I can't shake lihnJs v.ith you. Mr. Garland, as you soei If vcu .. conde seen to take a ecatjin the kitjien for a moment', I'll call mother."' - ' " (harmed with hbr easy, natural de portment under circumstances which I now felt, to be somef bat embarrassing, I imita ted it by helping myself uncere1 moniouidy td a chair, as I begged her not to disturb luer mother. I could on ly, make a few minultcs" stav.aslmere ly Called to impiire liow shej boroj the fatiiruinii frolic of ytsterdav." "J" Fatigue V cchoied Uassv, and ' her riniw? laughter told that i;he felt the absurdity of the idea. J ' Vhy, how could one thiuk of fa tiirue after bavins caioved such a de ligh tf ill time ! Don't you wish, like the children, there could be a: picnic every day r" i : - -We fell into chatting with the' free dom of old acquaintances, while Bossy resumed her occupation, working and. kueadins; until the aough was lidit, as she informed mc in answer to my grave inquiries ; th-Ai it.yyas made into smooth leaves, nicely fitted into paiis, covered with a cloth as white as '.snow, and (put it J rise a little more ere it was ready for the oven, jl watched the entire process most intently ; really I had no meaJ- that bread makihg vas: such an intc lug resting auair. As wc were; leav- the k-itcrisn .Mrs.. Aiorc .appearance, Shc presse'd mc so cor- tiially to stay for dinner that -1 ' com- 1 '"'' " plied;;' and furthermore would you susi X Air. ect ine of such ciTrontcry? when lore in his frank way invited me.. to d ron hi often and take dinner' or tea with them, 1 actually accept otl the invitation for that very evening, in brf der to partake, of tho fairy-nuyle brct.jd, which I fancied would taste dif ferent from any that ever was. made before. The parents laughed pleas antly' at my declaration and I kept my promise to come to tea, and feasted on 'that delicious bread,, which seemed to me the crowning charAi of the repast, uiiuouti tauic iis a.ji uuuiiucuieu oi what are properly considered ' dain- H Tltat bread decided my fate. The contrast-was striking, you will admi between those thoughtless girls, play ing the-fine lady in ''the ' parlor while their mothers toiled in the kitchen, and Bessy, the dutiful daughter, engaged in household duties as cheerfully as if thev had been pastimes. As I walked home m the light of the harvest moon I found myself coupling all sorts of civ deal ing adjectives with her sweet home ly name, and to cut short icy story, on the next New Year's, day I astonished ail the village by taking the portion less daughter of a mere nobody for-iny bride. The moral ' '- I Pon't dravvpne;'- interrupted Charlie. iJYourcasc isunirrue, Frank,' but Jgive the credit totheljaf of bread an odd match-maker trulv, and ouc I sc; rccly expect ta come my v.ay." IJartfolio . Lotl ei-. 1 ) A ieatb m-n of th:3 citv, f sys' tl c '.auutor Olr.ssyGazette.was remiudT " of its being leap-year.' and iLe right. thui accorded to woman, by lately re ceding from a lady tlie 1 d!o Air.glettl-r, wliicn for i's kind is qoi'e' u:dqm : "DEAUra.- i - 1 Whjle Europe's eyes ia.ilsidon mighty things, The la'e'el era4rcs the tall o: kins, 1 While qusc-ks 'ot state ma?t cacli pro vince his plan An Uvi-n chibtren lisp the rigbts of mn Anip's'Lih s mighty luss j is! let mi mention, - 'The'jriglits ol women ra;rit s ;nu- a'.tca- tion';'., r.y. . Knowing that yoar chiva'ric nature wiiligrant me " soiiie attt-nti c, I em brace .this opportunity coming Lut oice in fi.ur vears, :o wrile yuu, and' mi - . 1 : . i - - " - N. C, JANIJAKY, prfv.ifij.t jou will paniq me ir I teat froni other worJs apprcpnate. As ' None but the brare dcs'.rres tin lair, yru are the brar the favored oce ot all the kiaga dovainioLS." Strange bonds unite m here belo Cn i Ijle controls another, And mud) ol human weal or woe Dcj endi upon a lover. tl a95ure jou, although Most to sisht,' you are ' tr mem-jry tlcar,'' else why would I be "dreaming the l:appy hours away " Lat it to 4 wraudi-r alone throuh this wprlo'i wibbrne3s"isto be my fate, 4 have lor consolation, F5J raa -fl-iwtr is born to blush un 1 s."n, ' And waste its sweetness on thedesert air. Little cac j grace my cause in speak ing ot my self, Sierelore, jl throw n:yw If upou my knees, Mr would yu, cuiUl yi u, plea??; Uut eve'Y tln.ui lit tms ?opncc: awaj, At d so I in confusion sv. I'm sound in body and in miad: If you are to theu we b j ii e 1. li-4 j iLing" be uot to your mind, then know that , There are fis'iie-i sliM ftswimminjr Ju-it as lusciojs every wav, As thostf tint lds'd and spmtered In thu sauce-pan ytst-jidav. As ''more id meaut than u.C3".s the ear. So how this mighty p'ea m:;y end, No mortal m g it cuu Uil. Delay not leng. How A SIn-vl 3Xiiirot The foripvir.g conversation between a well-known official" and his friend took place recently iu fnmt ot tLe Cus tomhouat "Where bae you been ? "To Vns'iimgton to see the President, for the purpose of set u; ing au appoint- mcnt to othe.'r "Did you 'ge-t the appointment V' w "I-'id 1 " 41 VYcli, sibcevf-u -ne nu nfficia!, I ad vise yvu to g U'i gtt a u-A' stovepipe ha'; if you and your 11 lends can't afford he xtH n-e, I w ill lend you fb'ty '"cents to gut I lie Ci'-jriu stations ironed out. cf the shabby jn you now -p rt. It hioks as though Iloiacj Ilri-cley had fallen upon it.' '.-! '-..' ''No, I will r smooth away a wrin- kit : I will wear it as it is, and bequeath it to my heirs at a rich legacy. It wds the cau-e of my appointment." ".The ccusi ol your appointment! flow so ? ' . v ''Well, you(ec, wh-tn th President saw me with this hat on, he mistook me for a relation, and immediately gave me the position I a&ked for.' "lie thought you his relative on ac count of your ha'!, How?" ''Why he saw the denti in it.V M morons. An exchange asks: "What is a bus tie.'" e couiu not ten, and as a young friend of ours has recently got iia'rried, we propounded to bim.t Af ter blushing quietly, l.e .thus exphvii ed: Vlt i- a thingumbob!" Now what iu the world is a thingumbob 'r ' 1 An extravagant School Cdiiimittee in Seliuyler-tounty, 111., pay a school teacher 12 a month. (b West voung- man, gi V.'est partienlariy if you. haVe just gijiduted andMvish to pay oil" sviiiirl t r-I if ! ? Lit tie Willie F., of Grecnlield, was recently presented a toy trumpet, to MhicU he became greatlv attached. "'.ht, when lie was about to be put in bis " little bed," and was readv to say his prayers, he handed the trum pet to bis grandmother, saying, Vllere, grandma, you blow while I pray."- Kentucky Jokers. It wa3 during the Prisi-lee.tial campaign which resulted in the ieliCti. nef Buchanan, that-the writer of the pppcal kc:c-i, in cc rapany with throe otbtr politicians, rode from Tadirah to B nt. D, Ky.' in a buck.. Tbry wrf bound tor one of the pl.l- fashioncd. barbacues and he tiTU what hirp"! ed oa the wav thus, j The k ng Ju-lge M. w'xs one of the pir'y, !:nd the battle that peeped out fit m the b ij-k.-t urn'er the star seecu d to impr.jve lbs sparkle ci his wk, tbe 3ivor of hisjokej, ?nd the niosic of his laugh, nn'il tiie hsppy ontagion evea 5 etched the driver. . '. Onr lun a a. the h'ghdst, whn, on turning a tuiye ia. the load, vc ta-, down its Lo dusty stretch, a solitary ox-cart, wi;h its owner pcrchid upon what proved to 1 e bigs t f corn. As a kind if Kdvar.ee guirJ,a rc-it ily brindljt'og cheiz trotting alprg in ail vat.cii, and. attracted I yur noise, he ihtcw hi mi. It into an tttitade of de- ilance, dttcrrniced to dispute oar ad- 10, 1873. vaure. With Ins carafe giowl, rtd eyes a id erect bristles, lie indeed pre. sented a formidable appearance. wuage M- could not let sdeh an op portunity for a practical joke pass. Said he; bet the drinksior the day that I can run that dog off the road.n "Done,- said we. Stopping our hack, lie got out, and threw the skirtaot his4,8wallow.tailcd coat over his ahouldern, tiuck his old slouch bat on the bck of his head, and going down on all Lurs, he scam pered toward tho dog with mostlright iul yelU, reminding cue of the labia o ihe asi in the lion s rkiu. This w aa too much for the digf aud, howling with frignt, he took to the bush. The ox in also saw the icariul monster coming down the road, aud wi.h one wild beU low they took to the. brush, with their tails standing straight out behind Away they went, with wheels Loua-. cing high iu the air bags ol corn burst-. ing opeu and spilling tueir contents in a continious drill. 'Whoa, Blaz-I Waoa. Bill! O. Lordylwhat suall I do?"' come from the frightened man on the cart, a he was bounding from side to sfjp, now grabbing a cart-pole, luca catchit. at a bag of e rn as it went over the fids-. Th:s kind of performance couldu'. Ia9t long witbous a change lor better. or worse, and so it Cirae lir worgf, as the oxen went tearing down the steep bank of a iittle creek and overturned evtry- thing into' the water abmit waist deep. One oxK ge'tiug li-of-e, went up tlie op. posite bank and so n disappeared, while ihe otber c-.Ws.-red down bellowing as we came up to ' the scene of di aster: Tnere st .od the p .or man in water to his waist, his warron overturnp ' n.i half of his corn Hiktn in the "wa'er while the other half was sa'tered in the woods. lie looked spared and piti ful, and said -: 4,0 Lordy, s; ranger! don't never do that ar any more, l'.n ru'nedf ' It was a splendid sikc sj, that j-ke. a:ia there ttoo I the j idgj holding, on to a sapling, and laughing till tlu tears ran down h'u clmks. We t6i k up a subscription for the poor fel'ow.. The j idge headed the ,ist with an amount nearly covering the damag-s and wo'sd-lcl to it until we left the mania ihai.kfun?-s that he had sold his corn 60 wtl'. At the pr- bacue the Judge bet all his u;ooey on a little horse race, and los', and from that, ana ice eu.ct ot ui annks at our ex peuceohad to crry him to our hack on a barn floor. Ou his vayj home "he insisted up. n standing on hii head- Which was the ruined man ? ' Do vou go to school now: Char lie!'" Yes sir; I bad 4 fight to day, t(X. " You bad? Which whipped?" "Oh, I got whipped," be replied, vvilb great franknes " Was the other bov bigger than your" "" No,. lie v.as littler." Well, bow came you to let a littler boy whip yon?" " Oh ! you see be was madder nor I was man who ba-1 -.beeu studying the siibie t of the "veloeitv of light" savs tuat lie know-;. now it is mat ins gas bill runs ii so rapidly. T.itnxjiNCr Tin: Giu:at Wkstkux KIVKk.s. - 1 lie .science ol engineering iia- euabb-d man within the lat low y ar.-, to a- ompli-h result in bridg ing rivers, that ten year.-? ago would have Ihvu con-idered visionary. In relation to bridging theo - stream-, the hicago Uailway Review say? : The MissK-ippi and Missouri areal- - ready bridged at fourteen dillVrent points at ten on the Mi--iiipi and four 0:1 the Missouri. On the Mis-. sN-ippi a Rock I.dand. the pioneer railway bridge, originally of wjpd, ii now replaced with an iron bridge. The MN-i ij.pl i- bridge 1 at Clinton, Burlington, Quliicy, Dubuque, Keo kuk, Hannibal, Wiomi, Hasting and Brainard i!.e i,:; at the latter i-laee ix ioga fn!i-a -t riifure. The Mi.-souri i- bridge d at Omaha, hau- 1- ity, St. Cliarlex ami I.eay- !iworib. The bridge at fit. l.o:U U appcoaeing completion. Another i- predicted at farornhdet b dow .St. IorN, He-re is another uiul-r -o:j 1 -triKtion at St. Joseph, Mo., one at Atehi-on, K., ready to be commeiiced 01, .-1 o:i- pr;r-tk-ally determiued on la the viehiity of Ikhmfville, Mo. It wilt not 1 K-ug until tliee great na- tioual 1 ligh wav the Mis.-is-ippi and J t Ii-ouri will becro-f-d at other irints. NO. 11. tlius offering ample facilities to rial- May and high way trafllc,' to all poiuta in the far West. - Western Rural. "Wore Thero Kvr "Mniiv. The numbr of ninTinjr accldentk by fire, fl jod, railroad cnilistoos, ice gor ges and aTalanchea upon the land, ship wrecks aud fi:cs upou the "wtor, mere ntTei bofoceso :rLU,u ;n: in our day. -They loim daily and nightly the r.p!e ofour telegsiphic dis;tchef. and oar exehsngrg arc fit'od with then. One cNmity after another follows in such qu'ck Bnccesion that the details- get mixed up to oar confusion, and t ime appalling accident ot to-day drives the hornroi yesterday fr. m tlu-Wmd. If the "times are not "out of j nnt,M itl. apparent that huma prtciu ionary mtra-urc3 have o' late signally f.ilrd to guard agiinst the surcHgf-d to dit-or-derly e"e agents ol n a! u-e. Mau's e!l orate woik fr his own protection or convenience are ma le to compass "hi? destruction, and he is marie foclingly to realiz his own insinnitfoance in coin bitting forces which ordinarily he may con'rd i r av r.d, but whic'i in oui bunts 61 their wrath or might defy all I'umun restraints. ! ADYKKTISKMKXTS. FIRST CLASJ RESTAURANT. Efovipg gone to. a cntciJcrabSe tx- pctie to lit. up aud tep'cu'sn My Con tioua y uaa It sLrtU.aut, I would re- spcctiully ca'l the attention of the eat lnir and drinking tmil:c to this fitce pl.tce, wb iu liicg can be accoiuinoda- icd to aiiyih iig to eat or 1nuk that ihe at pe'.r.c may ell lor, served up in the 8bui tet nonce a iu the l est style ly THE CELE JRATED JACKSON Y A R B 0 R 0 , rnE ua-.T Cook rst th c WiiuiE Coustuv. CANDIES & C18ARS, 1 ' : A nice s'lpplyt f 'cigr?, Candida Hai- ins Pickles Brandy IVaches bellies As .1 AT CLIFTON'S RESTAURANT, WHISKIE BRANDIES & WINES. 11 A fii!i:uj y of Wbikey fr-m $1 5 toGOO.' G1 vApple i)indy from 3 ;0 V) (5 . 0 pr Gal Wines 2 50 to 500 prGM hI ay on haad at CLIFTON'S RESTAURANT FRESH OYSTERS , K-p? constantly on hand -and lor aed by th gnilon or you can. have thcai served up in any style at . CLIFTON'S RESTAURANT, 1 I - TERRIBLE EXCITEMENT AT ; CLIFTON'S MILLS B. P. CLIFTON J. T. CLIFTON . :B. P. CLIFJON & CO. I ' ' Hare created crcat excitement at this place jy opening to the ins;-ecji' n of he vqni'nuni y one of . the very best St ck of j;wds ever found iu atountrj Stoie A lull upily f DUY GCODS, BOOTS & SHOES Groceries Lqmrs for sde for cash or baiter will trade fr Cotton Corn Wheat Rgs Riw lrdu rt-en rlry Bitter Etrg Chickens Pe os r aoTthio else that cau bo dip rcd of. B- snre t' cll B. P. CLIFTON & CO. vaccine:vihus. ' t " - .1 FRESH AND RELIABLE AT WM. SIMPSON'S DRUG STOEE, RALEIGH, N. C. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Price f ? 00 per crust. N, 7-1 mo Cljc Co.urui. RATIO'S OF ADVERT1SIKO. . (10 ums cm Lxaac mnrtTTS 4 aqaftw Vxm rqiiareMieiMCftfea Oue - arh uh-rqBl liwrtU... V Vt moo-h . i ne " Two month - xv 1 arte month ... Odo Hxiuontb:.;M ; f-e -. TSTolrattte tSf Contract I lot toiler aibr mv am CWtki RteCeXUHL S if ipH '.-' "" Tida unriTallad MHliorw w-rraaU I a to conuin a aln! partul. MrMry ' any l"J r - n!nr.l tit u ',. 1TUELY VEGETABLE. . fa Y'oltv TkAa h Lm ur u m. 1 lt n all dutarth I its. IW.vai. ainl KiaxETs TUoQal ft t ;ia m great la 1. ar nrth ajtnr Tut to it WTB!rfnl and pcalUr ptr im mH nir I'lood. timiUtl Ribt-t nMLivit ! 11 .w u w iniptrti. L tm Ml V gr .ith- whot jtv 5m..V l.ir aa tticii. TjaU ACtowl dcvU.. ktr i ial m a LIVER MEDICINE. Il onUlnti fouratoU UM ar I .ed ia tha La -pjr rirtHim ta m-J tut pr"r4tioD, w s: rtU Ctfcrt j a wooderfat Tuui -,a ix 4 Aic atiTt auU crt tia Co r .r - f 4 1 v -tl tiof f th Loly. Ma U mgtl 4 tt tf oJosl i 1, tbM, 11 U n4 N'm-U I m nREAT UNFAILING .SPECIFIC, f -r . r-r 'oaiuiuiit a 1.. i.. c vouk tUrrwof. tu i : 1 T.P ,P-IA. . rmoM Jaidt It.:' AiiMk. Mcc lIcAnicnc C he, 1) P..i.Mt -f gpir. Mra hTjMvcu, U-mrt It txt.. Jtj , lejf;u tbljiv-r m irr. CHILLS AND-FEVERS. bl M li)S V Li Va It J t - (HI u A l 14 1 iucufe:ar4blv . r-- J. II. ZEILIN i CO.. . McoD, u . t i,i l.U-ilpiua. Pricr?:.or pr p.ck; act by tn.il, po. g -,., ?. 01 lrepfo4 rtMl fur BOLD BY ALL DKU JOHTP. 1 Kin. FA Lb 1872. L. A.';tIARBUnY i 1 Imoorlers or Earthen 1 ware,, v - 4.HD- C H I S A AID DeUrin ttj dcripiioi ,f oiu,,,,. Lmp Lo.kiojr UIm rUi4 K-fk. poont a id Caora HtoM War t 4 U now laraeeiptcf hit fil 9Muk urg and e.nip!i a t k ri . th atuurloa ofOmry Mm.u. JaraatMlBf to -.11 m. ier.at r.r : w J tlb.cg faa Korik. U A. KAkKUiT. X.. W--o '; ATTRACTION, -A. T TARBROTJG-H S CO' fall ss wiirji auji We are now receiving an ausuaUv large btock if FJI and Viot- -ols and wo am yttl to jUr ur Irtend and cutoiar. What They ccd ATj L0tV I It I ojs: t ins hkvizi wimnriM Xhu KXTRA ATTRACriONilX i - - 1 Fancy Dress Goods ami N0TI0XS Oar Stock ol TJmrritn h imm aud more comp el th,u rkirr purchased Ulore. In Lu liu c cUitc : SPECIALTY. A oil all we ask is aa nppvtnal: to show. Tl Lvlirt are inli. to cil aod txamioe our Stock, w euaanUn to tnitfbem We have also larc an 1 well aelect I tka of IteUj 1U.j Clotbinic, U.. 4 and l o-.i, Ilau Si geailenwa f 4raiUIuj good . -0 YAUBOKUGII & Co, Groceries Groceries i Fiill supply .always qj hand at GREAT YAUBOKUGII & Co ? t T - ji j t -

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