t-.iLonner, Oc - (Courier. VI o . A pembcratic Newspaper. Published every Friday iu Louisburg. RATES 07 ADVERTISING." (13 usuca tsc FITCTE A Kl On Fqiaraonei:wTt!-n i One - Hsch itW-irnt IrwrrtiMR.. One ceraou L . One Two r.mr.th r - 1 ' KATES Of SUBSCRIPTION, t DEVOTED. TO POLITICS. LITERATUHE, SCIENCE AND ART. w " Thrte mouth-... Cut f ix month;. ..f Oie m Twelvemonth .. I outlets fi Urrr ; u-jti n 1.1. term .(Que Copy 1 year...,. '.;' -e Month.. ...... '.4L00 ......100 Jd TERMS CASH IN aDVAKCE j I "VOL. ! 2. LOUISBOTRG, N. O., JANUARY, 17, 1873. NO. 12. Oiginal Poetry.- f i .... , --- : -.ii . v. FcmTHKCorBi'K TlittiTo A. V Jonrhoy .'.'"Ucfbiro Tlico. Aim tor somthlng great mid noble, ?; J .. Do omtblnjr worthy or thy name ; i; Ofht. bare trod tha path to honor, V 'J : Tu.Ma yrt thou, not do tha .same I; V ; ; frrtisnee tlivay tt filled with danrs ; l1xh nd iiied, t5eii fttljfet, lTp thoa may'iit at lt find pleasure, Soon the weary will be at ret Tha e'a a journey all before thee, Long an 1 tedl us U the wy. Life and id -ath a:e tet ueforetbee, ft t'hoo e lb wlnt th u wilt to d iy. j Linger not for acen -s of p'iau. e, Ii thoa wl let to ba wise : Fpr b yond'ih jre,s bid 'ea tre ii-ure, ; Upandonwaidfor the p izc 2m n )t thou for ftre and aplendor, TIieea e object fr t jo small; , Lftii tpr'd- or vaIii ambition L - Came thy ru n or th fdl ; I .Tjut wl b purosi fixed hni bbady, A m for aointh nx n -hie atill Bti h'd foU that' gra t and w n thy, And tl y Wb Rreat t n 1 fulfill 1 Lt t thy w rds like dew distil I g. Fall uon lha liUnins vt, ! All the w u d of aorrow h al ng. Wipe nw y tie fall ng tdr. 4 TU love bat mnkej tin c t a paUe ' n I fill- thofco r. w.th j )? a d pcaoe. Tbi la the mir I'd have the clmnt. tfpa and cnwaid, nr.er ceabe. --j. HOW STONEWALL JACKSON MET HIS DEATH AN INTER. ESTLNG AND AUTHENTIC !bTATBMENT FROM GENERAL JAMES II. LANE. j corxefp ndonce of the Lichmond Dispatch. I rode back to ask Gen. Hill if we must advance or wait for f artber or dcrsy and on reaebing tbe plank road I met Gen. Jackson alone, I . tbink, and be at once wiabed to know - for wbonV I was looking for. I told bim, . and to save further delay I asked for orders. In an earnest tone and with" & piwbing gasturo ofbis rigbt hand in the direction of the enemy he replied, " Push riffht ahead. Lane,' and then rode forward. On reaching the right of my command to put it in motion, I found that a Lieut-Col. Smith, of the One Hundred and wenty-eight Penn sylvania regiment, had come up be tween our line of battle and the skir mish line, with la white handkerchief tied to a stick, to learn, as he stated, whether we were friends or foes. This officer seemed surprised at my not al lowing him to return after he had grat. ified his curiosity. I was still further delayed by officers pf thcScventh reg iment reporting that , during my ab sence troops of some kind bad been heard talking on our right. Lieuten ant Emack, with fivo mon, was at once sent out to reconnoitre and he soon re turned with the One Hundred; and Twenty-eighth PeensylvaWa rcgimeni, which had thrown down their arms and surrondors on being told that they wore cut off, Just as Captain Young our gallant boy captain, about eighteen or nineteen years old was ordered with his company to take this regiment to the rear, the right of the skirmish line fired, as I afterward learned from Col. Avery, at a person who' rodeup from tho direction of the enemy and called for ''General Williams." This un- have supported us did not come to our' assistance, and before General . Ratu seur, then a brigadier, could get up with his North Carolians wc i wero'driv en back with a loss of over nine hun. dred out of about . twenty-seven hun dred carried into action. Of the thir teen field officers of my command that particpatcd in this charge . only - one was left fer duty. General Ramseur would go forward, though I " advised against it. His command reached the same works, but had to retire with a similar terrible loss. i The enemy was finally driven from the Chancellorsville House by the Oon federates carrying the- salient to our right, where General Stuart, in com. mand of Jackson's corps, elicited loud shouts of admiration from the infant ry as he in person gallantly rushed them 1 over the works upon , Hookah s rnfffatinf columns. I t ; ; -O - - i James H. Lane, ate Brigadier-General, C. S. A. TVcsiigrencfo and lcatli. X SO'iI.'MKSS TRAGEDY-" TUB REYENOB '. ''S' -r x wife. - , avenge the deatn ot the man aha loved. I the eve. or zrrcutv the tatee. than a and armins herself witb a Ions kaife I noble tarm! It atnda apnn ibe eou'.a awaited the return of the murderer. em a'op-, irr1aHy rsii with Tarie The minutes rolled Ij heavily ( bat at gated aacnt I rum ibe plia, aUeltrred length the aound of ioot-ateps rouaed from the nirt!iwrstei u winds by woody ADMT.TISKMKKT. - Richmond, Ya, Jan, 1, 1873. I; . Iisjis. Editors. I hopo you will 1 , r ' ii -'..l.fL known person escaped, but the tiring popular paper to give to the public 1 . . 1 , . . . . , - T i. i at him cau?ca the whole skirmish line some 01 tuo circnmsiauccs wuuaiuu 1 ' . - . , , - , , . .. . ', fi I to open, and tho enemy responded ..till liA Inntll-WiMind nf li.Mlfvnl hi , , r , . ' ' Much heavier infantry firing was heard Jackson, particularly as a recent pub- m. . . v .. . . , , . 4 immediately afterwards in the direc- 4icai10.11 uas uaiuiuuiuun a xnnu ":) .tack was not contemplated . at ' that time ' J y Wbcn General Jackson moved so un expectedly and s successfully upou the enemy's flank at Chancellorsville his front line was composed of Rode's ilivisioiii atid his second of A.lMIiU's, with -the exception of McGowo n's (South Carolina) brigade and nine (which was composcd-wholly of North Carolinians Our two brigades. hy the flank along the plank-road' im mediately in rear of bur artillery n'mo being in front. When, about dark, wo reached the breast-works from which the enemy had been driv en. wo wcro halted, and remained standing in the road for some lime, flon. A. P, Hill then ordered mo to form across the road two. regiments to. the right, two the left, and one thrown forward as. a strong line of Skirmishers for the purpose of making am dcr and ;ht attack but soon atter the or- was gYcn our arinicry opeueu tho enemy's replied. I at once -f- ordered my men to lie down as I wis unwilling to attoinpt to "manocuvcr tliem in tho dark and la such a woods! under such a deadly fire, j Colonel William II. Palmer, of this city gal lantly crossed tho road to know why I did not move . my command. I re quested him to tell General Hill "that if ho wished ino'to dq so successfully ' lo must order hi3"artillcry to cease firings The order was given, and, as I J--'aniiciptod. the enemy also ceased fir tion of the plank "road, loiiowca by a roojoning of the enemy's artillery. Gen. Pender now rodo up. and advised me not to advance, as General Jackson had been wounded, and, he thought, by my command. I did not advance, but went to the plank road, where I learned that Gen. Hill had also been wounded,I there, moroover, learned from Col. Jno.D, Barry, thon major of the Eighteenth! North Carolina reg iment that he knew nothing of Gen. Jacksoii and Hill haying gone to the front ; that he could not ell friend : from foe in such a woods that when the skirmish lino fired there was heard the clattering of approaching horsemen and the cry of cavalry, and that he not only ordered his men to fire but that he pronounced the subsequent cry of friends to be a lie, and that his men continued to fire upon the r approach ing party. It was generally under stood that night by my command $ and others that 'the Eighteenth regiment not only wounded Generals Jackson and Hill but killed some f their courierf and, perhaps'spmejof their stalf. officers, as some of them wereinissnig. Col. Barry, who was one-ofmy bravest and most accomplished officers, always thoughtlhtGenerals Jackson and JEIill were both wounded by his com mand. . After the wounding of these gener- Chaiuty. We are told in classic his tory that an old painter was employed to sketch the. Macedonian emperor. The emperor had riceived a severe weuo'd upon the right temple, 1 in One of his famous batiks, t.nd a large scar was left. The artist proceeded to the work! assigned him, and sketobed mon aroli heanirguon his elbow, with bis lore finge r coveting tbe scar. Ilia ingen uity wss univere&lly aj plauded and he becauie more fume than ever. So it is with genuine charity.jwhich "cowr. eth a multitude of sins." Instead of expoiing the faul s of othe-?, and hold lag thtm up lo'lcprn and; ridicule, it covers them with the finger ot love,, except when truth and j is ice require them; to be p nly lebtk d. Tiie world 13 to rxposB the scars of character, "and set them off in more than thtjir rtal ug Tn.es3. .They are the su' j-cta of go-sip The weather was now intently hot, and the fchorlnets f our supply of water forced us to stretch lor Sooloo, which we did, the wind teiDg Hht. fcu- inourjfavor. On the thirds day, at noon we CJt'ti'' tti a prabu irom t Lugutan islands whleh w -compelled to pilot through the Archipelago. Having narrowly , escaped grounding on a san-bar, we arrived at the group and came to anchor off tbe island of Bnsil ian. tl ljm- n? ibis island that a very tragic affair took place, which I can notlorbear to men tie a There were two brothers, largp, powerful men, who li veed in a little hut about a stone's cast Jrom the sex Thi jy were men.of some authority; but as arrant rogues as could be found under the tq lator, quarrel some and mischievou u a degree " It is chanced rne day these two worthies came on board tn enip on pretense t)f trading, but to eUal Our men bad thiir eyea upon them but, in spite of their wariness, the rascals got off wi h a broadaxe, which thy car ried to their but and triumphantly dis played to their wives, who, as a muter of course, adorned it exceedingly. But an axe ia not easily divided ; and when the thieves came to share thrir plunder, there was a catch in the business, as each claimed, an cquel portion. They had both been drinking sum shoo, and their blood was not cooler on that ac count , and s the m itter ended in a quarrel, which might have proved se, rioud but lor the innr.erecce of ttie wo men, who succeedel in allayirg the feud; the younger brother, strangely enough, giving up his claim to the booty. This was all the elder brother wished; the disputes clasped haneU, anl Eeemed to : be av ood tiiends as ever, liat the voursr r br)tner wa3 her to the fullest actitity. -The fratri cide reached the doorway., There was the light in the hut save what fell from the moon beam. . The , stvagecame on unmindful ot danger, when, as he cross- I ed lrom the greater p rt ot the farm. heights, two It en bre and there with tu-orMcU liullera. w iLh iinpirt VarieiT and streogtb to the ou line. Tbe native forest hat been cUr- ed the thr-iold, the knife was buried in his hex.. : lie stagge- . bat ttfure th woTUAn' could repeat Jth Kow he seized her by the wrist Md wrenched the knife from htr hand. It tell to the floor. A dreadful struggle then took place; the1 woman striving to I el ease herself from the grasp of tho assassin and he, conscieua that his wound was mortal, determined that her soul should follow bis to the land of shadows.: The struggle did not last long. The man tell heavily to the grouad, carry ing the woman with him ; his hand en circled her throat, aud she struggled wildly to free herself from the grip which was las'ened upon her. But in vain. The clutch was that of daathf and the last gasp ot the devoted woman was mingled with that of her desrtoy er. From an unpublished tale of the sea by H. A. Stuirt. gniiiorotta, A man, stepping his paper, wrote to the editor: I t hitk folks ottent to spend their monny for pajper, mi dad did dint and everybody aed he Was the in tellegentes man in the county an bad the smartest family of bo:z that ever dog taters.' . ' ' Don't Lies Mutt n. A good story is told of the recent exc llent pcrfor mance cf Handels "Meseiah" at the Broadway Baptist Church. A farmer u ok bis wife to h ar th ; grand mus'.c, but a tai table porbm, carefully tended, rcmnins In wood for economical pnrjo sea, and to give a pi iturcsqnes ff . to th"e lasdjca; The rffs vround three-fouriha of th hur zou over a lcr Uleczp4. -bright with tbe;thecrlu' waters of a rippling stream, agenerou river, or a gleuming lake dotted with haml.te, each with i s modest spire and, if tbe t-iim liea in the vi.ioity of the cos, dbtaot g imp e from the high grouous. of the my:eriou, ever Usting sea, completes tbe prospect. It is situated oFthe high read, but near enough to-' the village to be easily accessible to the thurcu, the achool houfe, tbe postL.dce, the railroad, a social neighbor, or a travelling friend. It cunttists in due proportion ot pastnre and tillage, meadow and woodland, v. rrftnd k'itn satire in the social circ'e. and the'sparka of fire that arc stinckaround often1 kindle 'into a fl.ime ow I much more1 beautiful iathat spirit which treats the Jltfre of others with forbear ancpjjvhilo it does not cxcu3e iniquity in foundation of all th vt i gQjd and trite. I This is the charily which "suffer eth loner and iskinii.'and Moth not be bave itself unsccmingly," an I tbinketh no evil, .? . - 1 -.. 1 ' 1 !, ' 1 '1 I A tondon correspondent of the Bis- ton Globe states that is not at all un iik-ly that Mr. Bei jimin, exCoufcder- ate Attoruey-General, will be, elevated to a j judgeship sooner or later. He is at this moment one ol the most! suc cessful advocates at tbe english j bar, wiih an enormous And growing prac tice. Tue appointment of a barrister of foreign descent to s high an efhee would be very unusual, if not, unprcce dented, in Great Britan. Mr, Benja min is a man ol brilliant ability as an advocate, anjd was turptssed by very few as an oratorwhen he sat at ja na tional couBcibv; his spetmon retiiing romthe Senate, iu3t before tie war, "was cne of great power, not soon to be forgotten by those who beard it He U of Jewish extraction, and, if promoted the your 2 r bent on vengeai ce, which, however, be took care to co-ceal. and by the warmth of his ppp.rent fiicndship lulled the suspicious of h:.9 victim. Three diy3 pa?sjd. Ia the mcau time he woiked iuanily in the forest, and "by bard labor dug a pit, th-: mouth" of which he covered with a lay-r ot jungle grass, twigs, and dried haves, so "skillfully a3 to Uceive the mst exa perienocd wood-man. This done, he informed his brother that a white man from the big canoe" meaning our ship had gone into the Lwoods a good, way and was Ijing down as!eep in a retired spot. Tbe white man. he s.id, further, had a sword aad a brace of pistols, and aa he was alone anil asleep it would be an ea;y matter to kill him and get his arms and whatever else of valu j he had with him. The elder brother, who was always ready for any piece ot riig icry. took fire atthetidit.gs and willingly agreeeljtojoii. the other in his mardcr ouslreaolution. H:swifj, loweVtr, by one of those mysterious pnsentments which e ft n sccvj like warnings from the spirit world endcaoreid to d'sjiuade hTm. but hi 8purn2d her counsel aad went away with his enemy. The wo man, whosa suspicion now rose to a point almost unbearable, followed the two men, leaving the1 wile o: the young er brother asleep in the hut. The jjiijbJhrbad -j already fallen ; the of that taith to occupy a high judicial Dosition there. Were he to - become. a Lord Chief Justice, tnJ Mr. Disratli again Pnmier the singular spectacle would be cxhibked of Jawih heads ol the Er glish administration and tbe fin als General Hcth assumed command of Hill's division, countermanded the J glish' law. "Wii. Journal order for in advance, and directed me 1 - , J - . - . I . m . "'11 J I K"- , I now formed my brigado as w tl,Vi v" but not well understood. A piinted tao rigut 0 tne piauttfoaa. i e wcre tho only troops in Hue of battle on the right of tho road until after ve had repulsed a night attack made by the enemy, in which we captured a, fW prisoners and the colors of the Third Maine regiment, McGowan's brigade then prolonged our right, and we rest- ed on our arms until the next niorn-i lnS. L" ''') On the morning of the 3d we were ordered to make a direct attack upon the enemy's works, which were com-? had been ordered, putting the Seventh and Thirty isevcnton the right of the road, and tho Eighteenth and Twcnty- oighth on tho left, the right of the Eighteenth resting on the read, while the Thirty-third, under Colonel Avcryy was thrown forward as skirmishers. The woods in front of our right con sisted of large oaks with but little un dergrowth ; in rear of our right there was a pine thicket," and to the left of the road there was a dense growth of. v- scrubby oaks,! through which it was very difficult for troops tomove. Our of logs" hastily thrown ! together assertion a. d tLc sersc of permanence . J - I .1 1 1 - : t . j I .) n nrintd mttrr which iTPa it kirfliish lino occupied the crest of the Hill, separated, on the right of the road, from the Chancellorsville hill by a deep valley. I cautioned all of my field officers to watch closely the front as wcLwere thcn?cupying the front line and were expected to make a ight attack, After forming my line tho nlffht nrevious. in our "front and , 1 I' aloooot tuo nm iacinz tue Vuanceuors- ville hill, We carried the works, but could not hold them on account of the concentrated, murderous artillery fire from tho Chancellorsville hill, under to the E iglis'.Jbencb, will be the fi st j Cry of the jickal was heurJ; tbe bat wheeled slowly through the cpenirg in the tree?, and a pale streak on tbe horU zon tbowed wbere tbe moon was strug gling to shed her light upon the dark coed land scape. The two men moved on, foil jwed by the womtn, wliosj ter ror, thcagh grea was over come by a still stronger emotion. Reaching a retired piace in the forest the men paused, and the woman diew back under the shadow of a magnolia tree, where shejstooel a covert spectator of their actions. The moon had no men, and filled the scene with a ghost' ly splendor ; the light, falling tLrough a t reak in the trceson the spot where the two men lai halted ailqxed the wo rn in to observe their actions with sing ular distinctness. Suddcn!y ahe saw one of them ter husband sink into the ground. A wild cry followed, and as the echoes rang through the forest, the yen ger brother, rtued his club and dealt the struggling man a murder ous blow upon the head She stopped to see t o more, but ran back ucrrified to her hut. w... The women of thes3 hot Utita les. are often couragecu?. They are devoted and rtv.ngclal, This woman, Taru, was sentence has. a wonderful advantage over one that is written or spoken. This is one of the many reastms which g ves an importance to , advertiiig. But advertisirs, even those of txpeii ence,' c!o not comprehend as well as they j might the capacity to ir.flacncc, to persuade to convince, which lies in printed matter. Spoken words require the grs.ee of elocution and the force ot eloquence, yet even th-.n fa-lo away in to coibingees if not caught in their 11 ght aud printed. Bat there is somo thing in ths silent language, thi quiet so spier, d'ully, rendered on that occa sion, and alter listening with apparent enjoyment, the pair became suddenly interested in one of the grand chrnses "We ail like Bleep, have gone astray.: First, a sheep kuprano voice exclaim cd: t We all, like sheep V ' Next a deep bass voice uttered, in the most earnest tones: " We all. like sheep' , Then all the singers asserted: 'We all, like sbe p 1 1 -'Darned if I do I exclaimed old rus ticu3 to his partner. 1 like beet and bacon, but I can't bear sheep meat 1 ' There was an audible titter in that vicinity but the splendid music at tracted attention from the pair and they quietly siprcd out. Josh Billings on Silence. One ov the hardest tilings fur a man tew do. iz tew keep still. Everybody wants tew be herd fust, and this iz jlst what fills the world with nonsense. ! - E vcrybody tvants tew talk, few want tew think, and nobody wants tew lis ten. ; j I hav knowii many a man tew beet in an argument by jist nodding his head once in a while and simply say, Miss so, jisa so." . Silence never make enny blunders, and alwus gits az much credit az iz due 1 it, and of times more. - , "When i see a. man listening tew me class i alwus pay tew miself, "Look out, that fellow iz taking your meaz zure." ' Brevity, and silence are the two grate cards, and next tew saying noth ing, saying a little iz the the game. It & h.ard tew And a man ov good 1 sense, who Van look back upon enny, okkasion and, wish he had sed sum more, but it eazy tew find meuy who wish tha had scd less, field and garden. A substantial dwell ing, with everything fr convenience and nothing forambition with the fitting appendages ot stable, snd barn, and corn-barn, fcnd other farm buil dings, rot forgetting a springhouso with a living fjantain ot water occu pies upon a gravelly knoll, a p sition well chosen to command, the whole es tate. A few arret en the front and on the sides ot '.ha dwelling, set apart to gratify the eye with the choicer forms of rural ; beauty.' are adorned with a stately avenue, with noble s tlitaiy trees, with graceful clumis, shady walk. a velvet lawn, a brook murmcring over a pebbly bed. hero and there a grand rock whose cool shadow at sunset stream? across the field ; all dUp'ajing ia the real loveliness of nature, tho original of those landscapes of which art in its perfections itrivrs to giYcui the conn ter t eit preferment. Animals of select brce 1, such as Paul Potter and Marland and Laos leer aad R sa Boaheur. never piin'el, roam the pastures, or fill the hurdles aad the stalls; the p'03jh walk in rustic m j.sty acioss the plain,; and opens the general bosom of thereat th to lb aua aud air; nature's holy sacrament ot seed-time is solemnized beneath tht vaulted cathedral sky; silent dews and gentle tbowers and kindly sunshine, shed their sweet iuflience on the teem ing soil ; springing verdure clothes the plain; golden wavelet, driven by the west wind, rua over tbe joyous wheat fi id ; tho tall cavzi fltuts in hor crhpy leaves and nodding tassels ; while we labor and whUo we rest, while we wake and whi'e we sletp, Q d' chemistry, which we cannot S"e, goes on beneath the clod? ; myriads and myriads of vii tal cells lerment with elemental life ; germ and stalk, an 1 leaf and fl wer. and silk and tissel. and grain and fruit, grow up from the com uoa earth the mowing michine aad theresper -mute nvals of hamtn industry, perform their gladsome tak ; the well-piled wagon Tubs eQriralld ITad.fl n- w.rr ii toeraitlit a, a-Bgi parti -U of 2Jerjr any h Jor fninr.t Mi v, - PURELY YEQlITAELll Tor Fobvy Trxa lt la - iv rail in all 4i--r tH firs. IV-' and hiDSKTJ Toon-n U f t . f l great In aU iarta..f iba oa-ttrv voa itwoaderfnl anJ neoi'tr t r In int tha Eumjd, a'hnn'.il r tba t.rt.t T. ltowrw, and uuprU.t j o L ' Yijt to tbiwbo 0 ! 1 m uioruiTa uttK c fia .0 mra equal aa a v . LIVER MIIDICINIL Ilenntaias foar niflvl lmAa.a. I ed in Iba a e ha-p tr-'pwtiou . ' r Uher praration, via: a cntU ivU a wonderfal Toni,in uiixptinaVU a atiro and a ertda C-rct 1 1 irn $ Uoiof the to!y. KatU '11 "fe atenda4i thuitia njr-1 the . GREAT UXFAlLLN'O SPECIF! for L.Trr Compliant aud iltr U.ifa apiinx thereof, to wl : L Tr rm, L 1 p.tlox,- Jiurdca, IU.UU uca Mi UcasAcns Ctic, utl'Hi v( 4 1 boea bToXACU, lleart fUrt , JU , . bcrai t h 1 4T-r -t i rww CHILLS AND FEVERS. SIMMON LIVElt llrGULAi-m I4 rokctif 'ciur4 by j. 11. zeilix jb ca. II .COO, U . Price tt.fO pr paclnic; at ttj nut., . . tare pi!, f l 04 Trapu-ai tlj .' JX1nd9t,50. SOLD Br ALL DltU-JGWT-. ITjOT Beware vf aU Uwiauilaii a4 4 vvua. - Ko S u FALL 1872. 1 L. A.' I.IARBURY ' . - - 4 ' Importers of EarUusa- ' vcro, LXD U II t M A AED Dealer In erary deaeHpL'ta cf Q!- -Lamps Lo-ikiDj UIm Itaud P Spoons aad Catora-u Wtre 1 . now In receiptor Li4 rJt Mk w lrs and eomplt ani i wnieh . riUs ihm atunUoa of Cuairy M.rr OovraateLoj ts iillu lovaaasy r J obbmg btuaa Kenh. ,U A. IXirUUitT. 57 rciKvai hTa:a rftarabarj, . m y.ll.ldo. ; GREAT AT1ACT1 1 V. YAKBROITG-H k 0 J fall, c mi mm strensth ov ab u: printed matter which gives it a marvelous force and influence. Busw n as men- should never . permit them selvea to lose fighi of what may be ac ccmpluhed by a perservencg use of the ptiutirg iress. Leam to advertise, and then the bow, whf and where of it. which the enemy threw forward fresh and y0U will hsve k knowledge worth infantry The brigado that- was to I bavirg. lEoquirer. one ot thtse ; &ie loved her 1 Uiband, and was endowed with a courage rarely u. Beaut IFtil ricturo I BT EDWARD EVERETT As a work of art, I know few things more pleasing to the eye, cr more cap ble ot affording ecip-3 aad gratification to a ta.-te f jr the beautiful, than a wtll situited. well cultivated faim. The mm of refinement will bang with never wearied g?; on a a landscape by Claude of Salvato'; the price ot a sec tion ot thi most fertile land ia the West would oat purchase a few tqnire te-.t of tne c mvas on wTc'i these great ar.Uts have d-iicud a rarl scoie. Bat thena'ure has forms aad propor tions Veoid the paintera tkl?; her di vine pee cli t'Uches the Undicaic with living l;gu s and shadawa, never min Hcl co bis pallet. WhU is thereon brings h mj the ripened trcasurea of the I . 11 .1.-1 e t .. 1 R II . n. a I o ye&r ; lue uow e pniiuisa tutkutevt ua the foreground cf the picture, and the gracious covenant is redeemed ; thst whileLtho earth remsinctb.Summ -r snd Winter, heat and cold, and day and night, and seed-time and harvest, shall not fail. ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHH ARItlSTRON G, . . - . KO l'fixtKrTKYILL STSKXr, i " j RALEIOn, II. C, I - - m- i ' - ' ' BOOK BIND EH .-..'.-""" t' AXO - Blank Book Manufacturer. NEWSPAPERS, UAQA SZS AND LAW EO0H3 We are cow receiving aa tvaa a, Stock-cf rU aad. VV. goods and we ar prcparJ lu Xa ar lxiends and custoa- rt. VhatTIioy Uczi r m 0 1: AT L.07 ktTUCLiDICI WB'TriCRSCyKI k EXTRA ATTIlCriUN5IH Fancy Dress Goods an it ItOTIOXS OarEiock ot T.irj.rilngs b .r r aud more corap'eta thd we km purchased before. Jo thia liac kc ' -. GPECI.VLTY. ' AcJ t'.l wa tik is an cppirviii ; to l.c-x. The ILvbrs r iavlt S and rxi-.'is our S:ock, we U.-ii to suit then . We have alio lrre tal wed S'l . stocks cf Ready !!-Is ClolLmz, v andstccs.llxuitiikcitcsuru n . goods YAnCO?.UGIIr; Co- fouod in Ler si. She nsjlred to erth which cxa more entirely c'.arev f every' de-eriptlon. boarjtuthe xtrj bat ktjl aiid at lowet lrkrt . Old numWf. t cirTn Cot( t Errors a ttken In sehane f t Viitdin. V rail cr: ; :y Crr;z. 01, 1 YAHE0I1UGII C: Co I . : .A J 1 1

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