: - r; 1 -1 i .Y 1 I IV I: 1 . ! , Ano titer "Year. "Another year. be ald, 'another year. l?e rose, 1 have watchei wita ho mii.h Have watched ani tendered willy?? rain or to . . , 'Vff:ir, ' ' . thall bud indbloora far me rrfcdinj; l:ii-, Auvtlicr ytar;' he nii, -'another 3 car.' Another year, he aid, 'another year.' My life, peihil may kud ana bhom atiin, Mj bud and bloom like those red ro,e here; Anotbcr year, ah 3 eg 1 another yea-, When bloom my rotes, all my life shall. Vbmmer cce., my summer too'li be - ji re -And I aball tea, e to wasier in this jloo n Another 3 ear, ah yen 1 another year . For ah I snother year.nnothcr yea-. I II .el uiy life in richer; ski ouer soil, d prone the weed- away that creep too And'wUch and tend w'.lbin ever ccaMng.toiI - Another year, ah yes ! ; anchor j cur ' Another jear, alas hanotlier year 'J he roue all lay withering 1 ear their r rime, Ton blighted bud.w.th sc. nty leaves and ' sere, Droai'lnj and dyinjlong before Ih.ir tunc ; Another year, alasd anetler year. , J ah. anotLer jcar, anoth r y ar, Low, like the t lighted, dying hudt, she liy, Wlioie voire "hnd pn plie'ud witlioutafear, AYVe band had tiicahred the i'ohc tree day 1 by day, " ' - To b)oom another year, another year,. Cl)c Ittrm, Let UkTo Work. , The eleclions arc ovesr, the fmi ke-of iiw, i.aHi. pIixlmI nwDT nnd nut wi h ,B:andinir the wise (?) predictions c f the politicians theC defeated ones-thc c untry stilUevivcs tire shock, busing moves on apace, ind, better than all, tire UfeHttfd paity submits; O,1 how gn.cflully if Let the attcntjon now be turned p matter? of equal mon; -ut, but outside of plitic?, as it is within its V province to fostr and pronrote the, mateiial V?a ttrs:s or the State. Is not t Lis, inuecd, the highest province, and may it not bic- nie the noblest aim ot the. polotU chin ! ;-' , ' There is mupli that the farmer wani; much that he should have, aud wehave ut di u' that.if his wants were expreis e I and well presented, that the legisla- tor wuo are jusi uouii.-s un,uu would be quite happy to grant Jus dc K i- ' . ::i -But here is the difficuliy. We h-Vo p ibody to state our wants with;any su ' thority. f Ir.dividual voices may speak .out, hut individual voices may be right and they may bp, wrong., and it is lTkely that they exert as much itdlueijice singly as it-U wll they should. . , Pur r rt need is to secure some ; ,mcans of ,poopcration so that our scat tered forces may she concentrated. Merge th individual into the organiza- I . lions and 'then Jur demands, will have weight and character, aud will itccivfe xt dui attention. Tke startinsr point is with the 1 Farm er'a Club." Let .us organizi these in tvery district, so that every citizeu far- pn-j may b accessible to otic or more ol them. When these arc in working or ,der, and litre, we Euhgcst, let them be ' ,yorki ng clubs, . thpp they bet p;nc at ' tpuca Bpxiliariis to'ihe ceunty societies, and to tlie Agricultural Cmigrcs-, each " iia t urn; and through thisc they may h p to nbtaiu any rensonable legisla tiiii they mny need Ircm the State cr - National Governments. HTbat this is the only ncoursc none can or Will deny. Thcivtvhy s'.andidly waiting. , Let us to work, and therewlll be kss c ccsion to hiae. Eaimeis Advo cate'. " . , ' . Ciioi.KiiA, maxge. Worms in lltKis. There are but three dibcacp .requiring .treat, me nt which are mange, cholera and worm? in the kidney?, commonly called breaking down in the loins. Fpr .r.nge, wash well with, lye soap, and then pot liquor; For cholera, if I know the disease as soon . a you ste the hog begin to droop and try to vomit, gag. him, mid give hini twenty grains of caToiiiel made into a pill. If you have been in the habit of. giving your hogs spirits of t'-urpeiitiii at the rate of one table spoonful to the ' P"1 t on corn, and you will rare-. A ly bo troubled with this fatal disease. If the first dose of calomel doers' not relieve In twenty-four hours, repeat the dose. I rarely have to repeat it if administered in time. We sometimes see hogs dragging their hindlegs' this la caused by worms in the kidneys, and 'may Ik? easily cured by giving a table Hpoonful of turpentiue every niornihg for t hri' ir fnnr lo v in! vr! with rrrn Hogs which liave been feeding on acorns hre most subject to this disease, aiTtN Miouiti nave tue turpeniiiie at jeat t,.ttJlV . 'HVIW " !tiat. Every hog feeder should keep i V.i U . 1k)(Uc of the spirits of turpentine, A d give it ocasionally through the year, he will find it of gret beuelit to hi? hogs '-.I have practiced j this for twenty years successfully!; It seems to be a epeciflc food for all hog dis eases. Planter and Farmer. To Removk Pkoud Fle.ui Pul vtrize loal tuar verv fine, and afrolv it ... r - the par t tff.cted. This U a new and easy remedy, and is said wid n move it eDtjteiy without 'pain. It has. been practiced in England fj many years. VtnsiiiN FifuiT. Put iu ' with ti e fruit, 'wlicn storing away, the , leaves nd . q . lhe Chka A leave?, etc j can easily bo ttkca -out when the fiuit i3 to be used. Th'Si !3 a! certalil prcntive agaiust worms ip all kinds ol diiell Iruit, audi have u.cd it lor several years. Professional Gards. lr. It. E. KING- dentist; t a Ofluis his Profeeional 8eryicc3 to Le public in . ' ' silvery department of , , ... j I -Dentistry, OFFICE , Louifaburg at Warrecton ovtr Dents Hotel, Parkcrt& Waso6s Store. J,i LOOKG, W. H. Splicer QQQ & ggJMOlSB. r ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS A.T LAW, Anfl Sclieitass k BANKRUPTCY LOUISBURG N,C- ! Will attend the Courts of NnslFrai.kr lia, GranvNIe, "IVanonim! Wako Coun- t i t a ' ji fr I u ft I t P.v t (y .itt-t t . f T oil 1 , Carolina ahd lbc tj s Circuit and Dis- trict Couits. .i.- .. . K. 7 -tf ;W- W. JONES, i AitillsTElD JOSES. JONES & JONES, u ItALEIGlL N. C. - - - , . . v: in Prflctica m the Supreme Court cf the State, the Circuit Court of the United States the several Courts of the - l h Judicial District, COMPRISING THE COUNxIES OF Wkf, Ji linston, Frar kUn, Nash, War- ren. Granville, Ilaxifax. & Northauip- OFFICE ON . FAYETTEYILLE STREET K15VXTIIE COUUT HOI S3 No. 5-6mo8. ; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Luisbueo N. C. Will practice in the courts .cf the 6.1i judicial district. Prompt attention jjivea to the colltc tioufif claims. " . No 50 -tf JOS. J. DAYIS, ..... . - -. iuuujjuH' ut un ti LOUI-BUP.G, FKA-SKIIN CO. N C Will practice in tbo fcv ril Courts r-f cAn vi!!e Fi ai:hlin, Nath, Warren ami Wku. t3 Prompt 4; tcus ion rai l to the collec tion aiicS i i nv.tlauce of mou-v. July 15.' 1871 " t W. K. BAEHAM, ! ATFlj and COUNSELLER atLrW Louisburg, X. C. M?i?IUIi INT THE COUST- HOLF. . IlavUig moved in o town with' his f r.iilv will ht icllyr cfevoto !i s w lade time to hs levies-Ion ; attemV.iig the c.u;itof rmnliliai :d.d a-!) )i 111 eo intnts, :u,d .n- led T 1 anil i ureilie e im i.t Uu eih. I Jan. 1, 1873. " 3m. PETERSBUllG, VA.3 E. lUCIIT Ell. f, WatclUUakcr 1111(1 JCW- oTp. IV T I V I- IV...J... .,.! . U.rl - 1 .. t M;H:ilfet.r and' at the lowi-it f- it. Allwo.k no soiuly attended to aud ' war- rautej. 63 ?ycttmo e t., reterbicrj:,Ta AD VE RTISE ME NTS. j LOOK! LOOK V ! AH Gentlemn yisititig Frankiiaton should call on W.iU. KASSPJJ, who always kccp3 oc hand a supply of. FRESH OYSTSI13 and Puke Licors. He can be lound ai Smiley'a old Btibd. J No. 4 3 moa . j ; HATS! HATS HATS! 1S72 i 1 IT. 1S72 MOOEE, 115 Sycamor St leterslurg, yii jinia, 0FFER3 A lEW AND AT f R AC- :iye STOCK OF HATS fer the Fall and Winter Trade. His prices, will suit the elo.t buyer. I CctlS-tf. TO SUIT THE TIMES riaviilg u7C0i:i) etiaa with any other Gal- ' ' i 1 j . ; j lery . 1 SAVE THE 1 MINN1S GALLERY! j ' M ' - ! 4"' '. ' 47 Sycamore Street I If i I ' t f ' - 1TO which he jgivea l-.ia i.n tivi led atf c.i-tii-n. with rcuy rediued expeieee, tLe atbscrjber a pr!pa. ed to eitcte 1 EVERY STYLE OF LIKENESS j AT THE FuLLOtTISa KEDUCED KATES i I OM "TOXS, OKE FOR 30 CEST3, j rklllii OTVPiiS, TVVF U 50 CEXT3 i . .j. - Gem PioruuEs!, r.jca FOiipO ca:jTa, Caste he vrsirtrocs ros $1 50. ' V IDok, $2 03, 1.-auger Size, rQUAtLt Ltv is ruorouTiox Saiall Pictures copied ana en.argcd.to uy Cbired s.z ', and iioelv liuiened. . i "::-'... call nssPEcrroLLY solic. J- ITED . 3Xiitnix GJnllci', ZVo. 47, 'ft- V7. MINNIS, Phota jraph3r Established in 18i7j FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. Having gone ;to a coneiilcraile ex I ense to tit up aud replenish My Con tionarv and ,lt:stauract, I would re- i i- - i- sptcttully ca'l the attention of the eat ing and drinking public io this nice nhicc. wh.re thee can be accommoda- "icd to any thing to eat or drink that . i r . ". . I, ... i 2 tt..e appeuie may can ior, berveti up iu the shortest notice & in the L-esi style by H ' ' "! ' ! . THE CELEBRATED 1 - j I 1 J'ACKS ON Y A R BORO, the tJEbl Cock the Wule Cuustuy CANDIES & CIGARS, ! i A i,'ice j-ujqdy t f cigrF, Candits Bai sins Pitkles Brjindy, Peaches Je'.iies & AT; CLIFTON'S RESTAURANT, WHISKIE BRANDIES & WINES, A fyFrjf y of Whhkty frcm '$1 5) o $G 10 1 Gal Arplc Bianly from- dtOtoGCO rr Gal Wines 2 oi to 500 . rG.nl ji ay-. n hand at CLIFTON'S RESTAURANT I - FRESH OYSTERS .Kept crnstantly cn hand and lor bale by the gallcn or yt u can hjve them served up in any style at ' CLIFTON'S RESTAURANT. t J A R R A T T ' S - 1 .' : .-!; HOTEL, j I Peteeekcro, Va v Ifm. H.BISIIOr, rropfietor NorSlfiraD " ! AD VE RTISE ME NTS. TERRIBLE EXCITEMENT AT CLIFTON'S MILLS B. P. CLIFTON. J. T. CLIFTON B. P. CLIFTON & CO. ' j : , Uuve created great excitement at this place by opening to the inspecti( n of th rommuni y oneof the very best Stock of goods ever found in a country Sio.e A lull supply of DRY GC0D3, BOOTS & SIJ0E3 Groceries L?quorsfor sale j for cash or baiter will trade for Cotton Corn Wheat Rags Raw j hides green rr dry Butter -bfgs Chickens Peas or anythinj else that can lAp disposed of. Be sure to caU'on B. P. CLIFTON & CO, W. H. HARRIS ON & CO- ;. i Successors to ! , j 1 MINGEA & IIA.BRI3CN, " WHOLESALE AND IlETAXI. BetjciCsIEs 1 10a SYCAMORE STREET Pettrs- burg V BRANCH & ZIHBSrtT GEOCEHS AN CJoiuiriisriion 3XJiolin.nt. i JS"0 128 Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Va. Will gire tbeir personal atteutioa to the ealc if TOBACCO, (JO 1TON, aud all ttber PltoDUCE eutrueted to their care, Liberal advancos mate on Produce in Hand. Charges for ee'Iing Tobacco the tame as at Wajthouses, aud luburuce Freu ot Ohargf. ! . , MILES B LHASCII, J II. HEP.BE1.T Forme -ly of firm of Branch Kiv-a, A CX. i Ptterdburg, Vs. j . Formerly of Halifax vJouaty Bag's furnished for Grain. I So 1 12 m J. II. II, C A 11 M K II , Act' WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL DEALER IK Drugs, Chemicals, Patent 1'tdicincs, Spices, Tecs, Dye Stuff and Garden - Seed?, jNO. II Jb AYETTHVILLK . fcTREET, Hasjatt rectired a rga and elegant aa, Bortment of TOILET G0 O D 6 cona'.STixoToF Htir, Tcotl;, Nail and Clothes Brushes, Coniba in variety, Exlractet Soapa," Bath T-owela, Toilet Powdara, Powder Pnffa and Boxes, Pomade?, Cos--metica, Infant Hair "Brushes Combs, Colognes, Hand Mirrors, Ac., All the Tatent Medicines of the' dav. A fiae assortment of Braadiee, Vi'ines an Wbickiea.and Ciari. &c i The niitat n vk lr Tr-Tfpf a, S jpccsory Bandact, Hale and Jr'trnalo S: oalder Bracea in the'Oit-. ' i The Best preparations knqtvn: Carontr'a llo.iant I jtcLlo . Cirmer'a Pectoral Cough Syrup, Career's Citorma IlairCil.- i i ! Carm'i'a C ro'.ina Bakirg powder. ; Cirmer'a Cold Cream fjr Chaps, &.ct Carmtr'e Bjrqnet C lv.ge, the very befct Caicier'a Tooth rowder,Hnanrpaded. - ' - ' j I , 3 Preterit ions peparsd and renewed wi'n accuracy and despatch Xj.6 It " LUCIUS GUEEN &z CO. Wholesale G-rocers & COMMISSION MERCHANTS j Eo!icit Conairmtnt of ; IVsivu.1 Stores, cotton, Wliesit, Xlom-, corn, mid Produce Generally. Ke. 120 ycinDre Street, Petersburg, Va. Ao. l-ly, AD VE RTISE MENTS. Atlantic HOtel. NORFOLK. VA, 1 . It. 8. DODSOS, " j ormerly ef the y " F0U2,TAIN EOTELV , Bilhaiore, 3Idflj rrocr'efor. Thia mignifieent IIOTr.I, afttr baring been taorouDiy rtDomw ,i now open for the acconimodatioa tf gaeoU. LTJoardi first and second fljor, S2 per day. Third and foutth tjor, $2,3 per day. , Tiberl teTc-H to permnent TioarJer FOR SALE, UEAVY T.OLL BAGGING, 1. Orders solicited, ipjyto DAVI3, ROPER & CO. Petersburg, Vs. Ilo.l-ly. i YOU ARE R2SPE3TFULLY I viteel to an .inspection of the prcstn stock tl b p r 1 u g Q o o d s ot t.hom a s s m i t 11 , "Wholesale Dealer in FcRtlGX AMD DcMEiTIC Dlty GODS, NOTIONS AD HOSIERY, Cor, Water and Cemmerca St., up stair NORFOLK, YA., Embracing every variety t)f Stsplc Foroign and Domestic Dry Good Notions, llosicry, and 'hite Goods, The pricts and terms fir which will hi stiictly in ac ordace with NEW YORK QUOTATION 3, thereby saving time, freight, insurance and cxcTiar.ge to thoe buying near home. Besides I wilt b: coastantly re- ccivir g - - Large Lots of Goods fremj Auction, throughout the season, ihat will be . g-.'itl lower than similar goods can- be bought any where . in this country. ' Soliciting your future' x-itrop.ago am very respvetf ully,THOMASSMlTH Also I-MIT II & WHITE, - - 25 Sycamore street, Petersburg, Ya. Special atUution paid to orders at either house W. J. POWERS-Ejq., will be plvas- eel to sec his irientls. jA O. u l-ly Edward Fasnacli, atctaiaier and Jewelers S Doers abora Tucker II all. NEW AND FRESH GOODS EVERY ! WEEK- MAGNIFICENT G0LDAND GOLD PLATED JEWELRY. , LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Eiipiemeiit anl MiiC-Rinis. Xo. i-lv. V HALTBY HOUSE, Baltimore, M(l. C, II. HOG AN, Tro prietor IU?iUS.t received a seric3 of Costly and Elegant ".niprovcmcnt, embracing tvtry f DEPARTMENT OF THE. HOTEL, having b ea! Remodeled. Enlarged and Newly l"uin"8hed tarouhou"tbtre by supplying a want long1 felt by the traveling public, a .. "FIRST CL1S3IIOTE L," at very moderate prices. There is attache 1 to the ' llotel the rnott Elrgant and Extensive RESTAU RANT in the ci'y. theraby etabling rxrtoas to en jra jrc' Rooms and live on the EUROPEAN PLAN it to desihed. No. 53 tf . AD V RTISE ME NTS. ENCOURAQE. qme T10T4 INST ITU 'SECURITY AGAINST FIRE THE ISOlStll CAROLINA 1 HOME INSORAHCE COHPAJT, . RAEIGH, N. C. Thia Cf m;any, now near the cloee of the ih.rJ year ot it txuitero, continues t. write Policiea, at f-dr rates, on allclaaaea (f ins viib'.e property. A 1 Loaaea are promptly sc'j aated snd paid. The ' nome' i Rapidly growing in pub'.ic fvor, and appeals, wita nalence, to insur- era of proporly iu Uarth Carolina. AGENTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE STATE. C. B. BOOT, Vrcs raisui!T. XL H. IJAT1LE, Jt. ratamiNT. SE ATON GALES, St p. TUL VSKI COVYTSIi, fcrtcttvis . W. II. MURDOCH, Aa'r. Sc. If J T. STOTTNG-& BRO.' Will ffj.rU theepriug trdi tho rick at' to.-k..i 44V Wtchts, Diamonds, jewelry, S.lver and Piated Yare CTer exhibited i i tliia ci;y and rsec:f i;lly a k)"tu to call atd aeo tht hi. LOar Wattheaare aelccted with care, and arc woll tuuwu accrie iirj-kot pcr. Iu oniui of li liai aud q tal.ty taey vunji b aipa bet:, Solid Gold Chain?, Plain Gold Ring, Rieh and new designs in Slevb axd" Bosom Buttoxi. - l . Castou Cvpj, Gob let, lea Fircti nn Tho beat finished a ad moat accurate time-keepirg C.ocka in thu .cuntr., t xt raatedio tiu au.f uo 3-lyr J. l". lOUNGt LItO i P. H. S M I T H, CABINET MAKES i ' AND INDERrAKER . . L o u r b c s X , C .' Cb;not malin of nil k'.nd.i dono in I eat mun:er, aud ou most iea-j)nab'e tcrui Furuitare repaired aid o:cii;-.-d. i TJSDrRTiKISOA rZC!Al.JTT. The bet Walnu Poplar and Pino 0ffint ia-de o;.t).e aliorieat i.otiae aad Vf.kt (upp. Givemnacill. ( T. H, SHI 1 II. Factor- below S&rrow & Plea&ant. ' Ko. 1 ly Mrs, Join P. Ayery, WHOLESALE DfiAljEK IN PAPEIi STOCK, ',' Nos. 20 and t3l Old Street, Petersburg. Va. OctlS-tf. A. K. FALKSCE B. J t.ZSGJQS FALKENElt & CO. FX 'LUSIVELY WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Boots, Sb,aeS Trink! 10C, ; Valises, &c f 106. Sycamore St eet. , ! rcter'.urjr. Ya. O ail ft 3niOH. A LlIiGE l.UlI'LY "UF Boiled and Ttav l.insccd Cil, I white Lead Paint-, W UidV IJla r, Putty, Cop-1. Jjiun, V Lite Damar, CaacIi and BLek Atphnltam Varnuhea, l'aiht Brualen, Vinii-h 1$ h le tasb fools, Jfce , Jte, Ju -t I eei'ivrd and for f ale by Ait 30 U JjfeKPII CR!:.IVte.-tliirs Va. Offer to tb Fail Tea c on of the n,iot attiActiveandbc t xdcuted Ktorkt of 1) uW raiut. Oils, ryeand l c'tuiT eve r broucht Jo thi m-rket which will b Unpoti or upon the nsot rcu luhlet nia. O der solicited Otl-Cmo-. ADVERTISEMENTS 1 I F ALL GOODS -? SMITH '& WYVVi NO 23 SYCAMORE ST. LRE NOW RECEIVING NEVV :and allraclive stock of Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS INO ;r DllESS GOODS Departrntnt will be found kll tb Novelties of lhe Seas AS'D TUE fiTASTM Tmhracea n i:nuaual!y Urje and v asortiiient or f. "ur"JIobhins fctok i' onipM to 1 we iiu t; the attention uf me hints, -h frm tu.it tbey will alwaj Cud our i- PRICE3 AXD TEB il 3JI B R 1 i Onkn aolicited and iroly and X Ir attended to. I . 21 Tcamorc U W 111 lb flR-tf.