i ..... ; , . .-. i .. . . , y . , . .- - - . : i . . . - I I . . ... : ' " ' ' 1 ' ' ' i - - . ; - - i - i . ii ttm twriirr nitwtMHfff ' mwmmlimmBnmf9tmS 17 CP Ouricv, RAT1S OF AiiVKRTlSINli. . (10 lin oh ttuc iKinrrTE i qRit) Ur Pn'nre one tivrtion 1 ......f 1 10 A Democratic W wspapcr. i ;-!ica every Friiiay in 'Lou Lslmrg 1 01 - t tit ism rtiori.. . : . ' I L' i ' fl fl frit . . '' KATf.s or Frnscnii'TioN, " 3 II') it In. .2.00 ..1(0 .. 7D DEVOTED tO POLITICS. LITERATU11E, SCIENCE AND ART.. Tfin.MS CArfll' IN aD VANCE poctri). VOL. 2. LOITISB URG, i N. C.( FEBRUARY 28, 1873. NO. 18. Tim; t nr a C IHJ ("he 51 31 Tv4e month. ........... TL 0 t ontr-t tarjrr kt titH in .lrta trnn - Cix xaor h .. Zwo month . J. lkrce moilri..... - . t ix.iunt!i;.MX -r ur Sol liofK Graves. ino lovily wrtatba to dick theliori- rcd t;iaVc : I 1 cro ski jv tie a.luH ot pur coble ;Ui'; d rk laual, green as ocean ied h'i3 care, are only remembered by their greatf sufferings, and their heroic endurance of them. Yet are they not lens worthy of being cherished in the grateful memories of their surviving countrymen, because they fell by dis ease before they were allowed an op portunjty to face bayonets and bullets. ;fhey died in their ' country's service, and at the post of duty, Let them j atriot head I-.; iiiir loved msign, o'er them let it l.y dear ,lold flng," licneath whoso :..'.! U.iy tell. , . Miiny the nation live they died to iiivf, 'k-i!:t bs. their memory who-drcd so j the dcr BP.criGce so freely given ; llrrc lit itlie nation Low itself and jdctt'Jy 'let ' falling tcn'rs, .like dews. of Loavtu, ' . . I ; w'a.tVr each mound vhere our brave .at riots slei-p. . , .o a white tablet, o'er each coble breast, S .. ' . y. ' hA let tiueii jrlowinjj record tin ro be tind : ' aUi be 'ou ,3Iiccaf where our s-ldiori ret;- . .- j f-'l.i;. 1 l fiom iir-i'lous hamls i;uh . sacred, niouni'. - . ali j :ju)ms rise, lth wrVs ot praise 'i! given, l':i:: ' briiihUfct -larcb for tha dc.id rut. known,'' ,t not be forgotten. NTLLIAM ItVFVS ST A TXT MO f, The brother of Dr. Stalling?, was the first of our bund that fell by a bul let, he having been killed by the acci dental discharge of his' own musket, as was stated in a former article. His i"te nu do a peculiarly sad impression upoirh:. cumrades, from the circum stances attending it. It was the first viv W picture presented to our eyes of tha blorxly horrors of war-startling and shcekii g as by its suddenness and uni npck:tedncs:. , lie was too young a mai vpbilwps, to have given any Btrik. iufc manit'estatious of IV'cidcd charac. tcr- -hi ing to cry about." "I don'4; mind standing guard," ?aid he, "but I made up my mind, when Ijolnad the army, to do every duty faithfully and I have tried my best to do it ; and now I'm to be punisJted for not doinj my duty. , I do hate it. ! I can' t help it !" It turned out that the rascal wha took his gua, was appointed Colonel's orderly that day, a reward for the neatest dress and cleanest gun at in spection ; and he had the (not uncom mon) assurance to return JNort s gun to hini after guard-mounting. Yet Green did not expose him, nor did he recover! his good spirits until the adju tant, having been informed by another of his innocence, relieved him from censure. ; ' lie toil tnat had strengthened thent as tney strove, it could never have been obtained. Lbor-3avirg receip s for warm weath- er. . somtD uy .yir- i.n.pv: " lish a new Housekeeper's Guide, Bends to the Boston Commercial BalUtin the following ix'.rticts from the forlhc m lng work t TMain sauce an interview wi:h a Saratoga hotel qUrk. ' . To make a g od jam ask any horse car conductor. To boil a tongue driuk some raid ing coffje, To make a good broil leave a ktttcr Worldly G kief It id said that the following letter was writen to a lady by a bereaved and stricken widow in Cincinnati: Detrest Louisa Darling John died last night. Congestion ol tue ltmg Our loss is bis gain. I il1 join him oo theothtr. shore. I have ordered the loveliest niohiir for the funeral mxde with polonnise and trimmed with real point lace. Loss covered by irsnrance on the ten yeai plap; will bi pai. iu 8iX ty dy. I know yoq Borrow with me. Wc had four doctors, at f 2 a visit. Aunt Maria will not go into mourning be cause sue has just bought her Ull ud ADVEIlTLSKMKXTl. FIRE INSURANCE. Great Western Insurance Company Of NEW ORLEANS. Continues to make n speciality of Farm property at equitable rates. All leases occurring iu this department. "V, If T fcsaB""islilBB'B"sw J: winter thints. lltr bounet la straw, rum one of yvur old sweethearts where There id a l)(llTO -lQ Gdead; but my heart I promptly a.ljusted and settled by the rence, to tlio Home Office, as i " re- your wife can find it. Ilow to make an Indian loaf -give him a gillunof wuiskay. How to make "ood puffi send the ; . i ti Poor Norf soon yielded to that tcr- pabTl!:her Sfty ctn 8 a uQe for them. iHion i. t!! o.( records ! iiht. iu Ilthvtn ibat to Iv.i'rth, arc Tl:.' Whi I' nirj hi.iiutc rtir. I'.c watnora' i.tl'rci is bn'Mj-.ing'over ar.ds:-, r u'er tin ir gruvt'3 the v.iiiu--, that igli arid s well, 1 , ni;urn!ul, rcq 'icm T! ib soft! ".nd Jlmll'bei v'- t,l s;.vi; r patriots, in your an: row' i'e nil iabout Vftt Ni'ure'sl voices iving Tarely attained to his ma- an-d the accustomed reliance ie counsel and iruidar.ee cf his elder brother so implicit so child- likc- ru -doubt retarded the develop ment i I the fuuilities that lay dormant - in himV , Imt if lie h.ad more strongly marked traits than I ascribe to him my faik '.'.re to discover tliem'i is hardly reniarka Ut certainly excusable; obtrusive and retiring. A 7 4 V. A r - dispositii. 't .as his could make no 'prom inent figQ. i'1 a merry, bustling, bois. tei-juis c-Mv r of young volunteers. I believe tt;t t.'iif, when be foil, instead of that, 1-e i -V-l been discharged from the '.service- r find sent home, I, for one, should seal e( v3r Jlvc retained until now any dirt i net i , ecoUection of his having Wen in the company; but his shocking ilea t!i revived j find fiKcd those impres sions whic'.rm. Vit'otUcrwise have faded vible scourge that visitod our camp at Hobday's, and was carried to the hos pital. I met him no more until it bo came my duty to disinter his remains to be brought home by his venerable father. . j . j Sergeant. A plain loal a visit to the prairies How to make pi j s.!o a printer elbow. To "bone" a turkey-tske it when the poulterer i3 not locking. To corn beef !eed your cattle at a brewery. is nearly brokeu. Sjud me a cut paper pattern ot that atque oi yours. Your I quireii to be done, by local agencies devoted oarau. I of Northern and EngiiIi Companies. U. r. BontN' di iKi-itcd with fctate Treasurers, of those t tat cs whuse law require such a deposit to.be made. . J. B. Mautix, 100 Vain St. Norfolk Va, ' (rcn'l Agi'iit. For Maryland, Delaware, DIt. Colum A Popular Papsr. The way to make a paper pjpular is to pitch in. Bat it must be no weak, wishy-washy pitching in. It mut be a furious, fiery, roaring, tearing, rip-snorting. 8ky ca vorting and earth-barstin?, pitching in. J LU, Yirginia, Xorth Cnroliua, South j caUimx all it attrtl af vuaite For -wer T tt T I PUHV.LY YKtlSTAHLKJ lit Mti-ictsliiTi ! ' CHEAT UNFAlLlCr SPKC1FIC, for I.lvKaCJfri.iyr l a p ill ff-, sprint, lr-,'i " t w, Ja lie. It llirWUck rk lchu. .U- pre Jn f "p'.rs S-uf j Slacv. ITrt bur1;U:t f rAp.. Ac .' . ' ' ' ; After yr - r"innt, o mrc a irro t an 1 nif H ril. pridta) nomoir r k "aj 0umii TvWta Tl IK 11 1 Kl -VIZKL ttLtq-iii! foiiaof noi 1 1 !TRrL'T, . . . ' . t m . You must rant, roai, bow", bellow, and fiuaily blow an awful, uncommon, ni- rJ?lie Lori'i's Wall. Somewhere about fifty years ago, one bitter January night, tho inhabi- a good thir.g to dress beats, with, es- , . . . ri 1 1 oirll f vli tt i k 1 .a 1 hoatc ' touts of the old town ot oieswicn were pcyanj i - 'thrown into the greatest distress and terror. A hostile army- was march b,r down unon them, and new and ... X How to select a fowl ask the urn- j beading and exasperating blast. Yon pi re ol a ba'C-ball ma'ch. A plain stew a trip in an old iash ioned street railw&v car on a watm day. How to dres3 beati a hone-whip u Wiiat is Life? Yhat is life but a little crib beside the bed ; a little tfn Hfnanth th nnrf a little frcck tearful reports of -tlie conduct of lu'.v- door. ft 1;tUe upm less seldicry were hourly reaciung i.ie floor a iule lxd with dark brown hair; a little blue eyed face ..and fair; l'..r tighter cro i. u j awaits your n;b'.o 111' ids' l l i itlie tril utcs whivh we hi Wr J-AUY B. HoSilKH. iklihs' Dead Soldiers. r ,j; U will be renieiubfrvl tbnt in tli.v tii-lc" of rtlii.s. series, it was onlv .pi1-.. . ej to record 'such. impressions as ."',! . tcr retained of (lie eharacters of V. ile-vas-id 'cimiradvs. ' (y ' :ouyse, jtlie fulness and aeanaey '1 tJii.vM' impressions. mut ibipend upolt i i"t I ;Aid"i!itiniaey of his ac.uain : :n . i 1 1 1 1 the subject, and the oi.por- 5-.nuti.jh it presentej for . the develop- i:d djsphiy of tlie trait that dia led the individual. TLo oU. f sev4al of those of whoin I am t writ,w:i unknown to me'un heeauie ine tubers of - our corn is before itj .'left' home; and iers, although known to me bv from the mem of .him as an h tinct feature is ch erfulness 1 manners, under died with' a sniil , A somewhat si ilar character was : - JJ(K1-'LE21' . llc.vas not onH Incept when on d j dwelling place. . j properly be said. . '' Ile.itnWresiied .stantly en guard ag Izinu" and deduct ivo .- : J -uct.t , U'tuv tilt! l''V ''ith ot i:itu a v. my rcconeetHiin fviduril. the mot uis- e habitual air of quiet characterized his circumstances, lie ilar, vet very dlssim. at of ' r 3f. GUEEX. vetiring. but retired, uty, his tent was his lut .it might' more c r.'((s v.lictijjj on da-' uie as being cou . liust the demoral- , 'nfluences of camp 1 i f c. Punctilious au d prompt in his military conduct, he . , cy relaxed his vigilance .-aid diligerjc ' af a " s0'icr i the "Cross."i The Employments . in Htly, most inter lb!e and singing place. j. In a largescommodious cottage dwelt an.aed grandmother, with her widow ed daughter and grandson. While all i hearts quaked withj fear, this aged wo-' Iman rasscd her time out iu crying out! to God that.hc would "build a wall of defence around abotit them," . .quoting the words of an ancient hymn. !! lief grandson asked ' her why she prayed for a thing so entirely i.mpos-cU.I,-. s fhnh i.nlmild a wall about their- hose tbaij it should hid it, 'aut she explained tlut the meanhr 1 was that God should protect her. ' a little lane that leads to school; a little pencil, slate and rule; a blithe some, winsome maid; a bttla h.U.d within his laid; a little cottage, hcrcs four; a little old time fad.ioned iter. ; a little family gMtheiing n uud: a 'itt'c turft-hf aped, tear deved ranufl '; a little added to the ! so; : a little rift from hardist t i!;-a little silver iu his hair, aliUle sfool m;d taiy chair; a littL nijjht and carthht glooit; a lit. 1j cor must shout, Jtocer, revue, calum -niutci reruJiite, excoriate, castigate, and even antedate. Kickiiarne, nasti" lyt knock down, drag out, dig him in th: ribs, anel hit hint in the ejebal! bim. Gouge him, grit your Ucth at him whoever hs-rcay be, and at length do bad to him unariimous'y. Above all nar, ride, rip, 11 p' gnaib, gash, gander pull, and gradually chaw up. pit out ar.d etarop h m to death. Carolina and Georgia, Geo, S, Baker, Local Agcct. No, 13-.1m. projeruw, anl cfTer i li ONE DOLLATl BOTTLES. AD VE II I IS E ME NTS. WILLIAMSON, UPCIIUKC'H & Henry T. Alley, Wholesale & Retail Coni'ec ti'oncr. Fruits, Faxct Goods, Tots, Weddings. & Parties Furnished. Sycamore 8trcet,Pitertburg,Ya. No. 23 ly. Tliroder(rlce k st-nt bv mail SI 04 - i-CACTI -St-J ' Bay n lotir or f'rA.ap fncoV I.ivtn UittATo hIm( 1 1 r 'ntriTfci wrpcr, w ui T U4 k. irUnip an4 Kx nature natr-ik" n. . - o h rlt. gn.ii.f. J. H.mi Lrt CO.,' Mcon, Q . aU PillUill'a, 7 SOLD BY ALL D lUUULST?. ' - j t tege to the tomb I'uriiir Sweet : II iia Theadorc pays: I never saw a garment too fine for a .man- or maid ; there was never a At midnight the dreaded trauip was chair t0 S(i,0;a ')or a ccbI r or COoper, heard ; an enemy came pouring m ?a every avenue, filling the houses to overt flowing; but while the most fearful sounds were heard on every side,? 'not even a-knock came to her door, at which Ibcy were greatly suprised. The morning light made the matter clear; for just WyonCl the hou le the drifted snow had reached such a massive wall that it was impossible to get over to them. i J ' ' j " There," said the old woman, tri umphantly, ,;do you not see, my son cr kirg to sit in ; never a hocsj too fiae to seller the 'human head. Tin sc ele ment? about us.the gorgeous sky,.'a in peri-a1 sun.ar not t( o good for the human race. Elegance hta man. .But t!o we not value these tools of house keepb g a little more than- thev are worth, and sometimes mortgage a home f r the ma hogany we would bri)g into it? I had lather eat my dinner off ti c h.-ad cf a barrel, or dressaftcr the f ishion of John the Baptist, m the wildcrnets, ors.it, on a block all my life than consume alt mv-iC'lf before I get to a home, nnd take i.v a.srn "HI w ' at id by .sight, I k-jjd had searce. 'alxfngl aequaintrijiec ; and so v.hich he took, appare1 ot v.-ere reading -his Jiytnns the JilIe and ing indispeirsablc furni uud his i'n.separable cor. .march.' His chief reeri tendance on the mornin ' pray cvs.. and the Sunday by the Chaplain or others Green was as-good a chri- as lie was in the army, the re thev stricken down bv Mi l - ! 1 hcf Kv! rA i k rtr. l . ' -. . . llii.'ll. ll.Ji (lpfc1 Jk.V.ii.t d deatli, particularly those j death. A little eharacteris 'uu .)i ed in this article. that their lief will well close this imperfc In passing his tent otie moi ' Xorf," as wc - ca flier live' presented n.v occa- f rUhe exhibition of those quali- '"'Vt ai attract .siireial obsrr.-itinn' t .1. ..'. W Mflin T I . A , ........... V'VtH .il ! 1., . j A .1 1 I - . v.lk-h many of them would no i- hjs eves when he, looked up ive become di.-tiliL'ui-hed had i J.-,-d h-if fhn maitor; d lor.::e r. I byniu-book bc- Uire in Iris tent, ipLinions on- the ations were at- V-aud evening services, held . It JSorileet ' 'ttan at home j christian re. ilar in his Hie anecdote ! ct sketch : ! ning, I saw that God could raise up a wall around so much pains with the ut.-l.le tht tlio inside was as lioliow a? an empty us Truly, "with God all things arepoa ible." I nut.Bjiuty is a great tiiag.'ut bcai y of garments house and iunitu c U a very tawdry ornament compared wi ll i"o 'metic; lov. All the elegarcj in the worl '. will lo m-.ke a home, and I would give moie lor a spoonful of iea". hearty love than fer whole sh'ploa Is of lVoplc who have "been bolstered up tuniture, and all the gorgcou-nes that 13e :oiii Own l-ifflit liaiicl j 3Xan. !? . THOMAS, V HOLKSALE G UOCEIt S AND C o hi m i s s i o a M e r c h a n l s No. 4, Martin Street, ItALElGIl, X. C. Opposite Citizens' Xational Bank. STOliAGE, STOIJAGE, ST Oil AGE. Having completed our large 15 IU C K W A K K 1IOUS K, along si. It- the Bailroad near the North Carolina liailroad deiot, we are pre pared to receive a;id store Cotton and any other l'liom c i: or Goois, and nnike liberal ca.-h advanees same when desired. Part ies desiring to car- rv t'o-ir cotton over until next Spring, will find it to their intcrvst to corres pond with us. Wii. i, tampon, LrcnrKcirv 1 IIOMAS. No. 14-t:'. Lommissiou Merchant?. H. BO 11 ST, F U 11 X I T U It E No. Z 0 Boll Dg'Tdok Street, ..ly. FALL 1872. j ' L. A. MARBURY' 1 IMPORTERS OF Earthenware, I ' ' De&lerin ry df-cripUoo cr Olatawara, Lnrti Lookioe U1mm rUul I'll, fcpoom aad' Cator-it- Wirljlll now larciptc( bl Ul Mtock wkkbU. 0.ira:ecla to Uia mt uj (tUAf Jwbbxg ba orib. M4KhU.lT, ... all 'their lives arc seldom good for any-thino- in a crisis. I When misfortune comes, they look around for somebody to cling to or lean Upon. If the prop is not there, dowiii they go, Once down, they arc helpless as a capsized all th'j Uph ds'crers of the wond could gather together. ! The following is an order for tuppliif; for a fishing party of two; "Please to send by bearer the follow ing ariicle1. which, if y u prefer it, you turtle., anil thev cannot hnu their icet cancharjc to either ir. A. or :.ir. , I -c nain without assistarce. Such per- B, E:.thiristhe sak6t; Four poundi ailed lu .m, sitting i : i . ; r I t-:cy;.liv ' Tin's thin ut a lHiikot that he hat i i s;are necessary to be Umd - a'sked me if 1 knew iwhc in l!iM3 V"'-''1 grpater ""T than mind to' understand whv It ii j supposed it -was 1 v'ular impeileet memoir.., so i'Vvoi". f,dbu- bad taken l:s . r ; - jspaei- is i.eeorded t.i koic ; j tent tl to o hers, asr.otablv m.the'! M:i-in-r and left this c ,L r-. ... i ' - . t't 1,'T. Miillin'-s"-ith( jijib-i-x'-t. ' . . h .K.,t C- VI l,i lt .11111 liU-.l, HH H'lllltO i i ... . ! f irueu- ot whom 1 had sotne : iiispc'ftion. r put him on cxt :! bejore. . the wivr, and wheae cause he Lad not a clean forttrtio it V,-x.to be thrown ut i his own gun was alwavs I hn.-'v to a a fact A aiastance ucst. calculated tv v.-,ml.l i..iv. Mnr-d he m coiisp'icioti.i -exerc"is3 tl'as" ...! lilt' !i'"ral at 1 nichtal qualities that een-f ! ituteM his excellence. Two months in : ('"t wroUedi ghostlcatup at Hob ! i'.i nt hi'iuIa 1imi 1-,...,. .. ! aw tears m at me. I ' He held n rubbing, se it was? lie said from his -Hilar d i ' i ra t. a "lJ ean. . t lef, hangc i JU9Uli '-ii'l i, 'It-' uetter Kuuwn long ac- i . . . ia uill'erfiit situntion' tWy have done ; r. while the he knew uothintr of the ex! til the drum beat for cua I relied why he diel not telf the t tat.t how it was. lie replid l that knew it was some one of oie gua that ha4 his gun, and that! he co have found it on the spot ; lut he d gens no more resemble uien. who have .fought their wav to' position, making difiiculties their Ftepping-stories and deriviiig determination, from dcfe;it, than vines re-eniblqoaks, or spulter- in rushlights tire-stars of heaven. Efforts pcrsb-ted into achievments train a man to self-reliance ;and when he has proven to the world that he can trust himself, the world .will trust him... One of the best lessons a father can give his son i this : Work ; strengthen vour moral and mental faculties as vou would strengthen your muscles1-: .id he by vigorous exercise. .Learn to con- but quor circumstances ; you are then in dependent of fortune. The men of athletic minels, who: left their mark on the years in which they lived, were all trained in rough schools. They Jid not mount to their 1 high position by the help of leverage : they leaped the Z'Y Toi; Iatapco Guano. '2',) Vegetator, on hand atid to arrive. solicit order fur above and con:umeuts of Lotion and othvr produce. ' ILJ.IAMSO.V, Ul'l'IirilClI &THMAS No. i, ".lartm M, l-alfigh, N . No U-:f wntcn j vdju- not wish to expose anybody yZ p;itiotK who thero receiv- - iJnnent. r" Well,"; said lt to pus it & not'.i he rds ild k X of salt nd a sm ill cak of whiskey : one pound of gn und bbii k pepper an 1 a ib z -'n botths cf whbk-:. ; f ur p mads of lsr ! a;:l a brg- jig wh'g'c y; 1- ur C inv s-ed lia-ns and:xq url botllci f f whiskey J ihrte stout filiing lines and a quarter fa hundred weight ct biscuit pocktt fl;-ks cf whiskey ; ore paper f. arge L in r i k hook, aul a gabr.a of whiskey iu an? od v. s yv.i d-i.'i u'e !iio sen. I one p ud 'f xvhlle tus' r; and a small juj: f whiskey. P. S. A we shad be g -ne s veral d :y-, .. t.nd as hwe miy get wet ftJiinj, my doctor, who has just t pr-td ia s iirg'-sted th '.t we hid Utter tskc a I tt.e whiskey. Scud i and tntiriton jour bcoks with other items abmvi w UtUiU a an chasm, grappled with the opposing r,-rdc. avoided avalanches, and when the oal was reached felt that but for ' ie f the piper. 5iS 1 Oil niuvn P. II, S M I T II, CABINET MU2a i AND UNDERTAKEU t Loi'iui'io X,C. Cabinet miXln; of all ktml doc in Lest rrnix.-r, aua ou crtottt re-ab'.d teria Fariiitaie repaired id cloned. " Tue best Walnut, Topltr Dd Fine C'dos u vdo ontbe aborttst notioo aad Vmiy Cukajt, Give tue a call, r. H. SillllL Factory ba'ow Btrrow X rieaiiBt. Ko. l ly PESCUD.LEE & CO.. Wleelesalc Retail DEALERS IS DUUG3, MEDICINE ,rAINTg, OILS, DYE STUFFS. VThiJw G!a,rxUct iled'i lift, GAUDEN AXD GEAiS KK2D1, Si. 6 licao ruraiar( Ta. X . lt-!3fla. . 1 ' - . . . . if . UREAT ATTRACTION, . A. X YARBROTJ&H & CO FAIL & Whim GDJb . We are now receitfuj an uxiaallj largo Stock ci od Wioti gooils and we r prepared to iter ar riends and iHiiioiii.ra. I What They Tiecd AT LOW PittlCES, at irtK LtDixi w rrm tcr iuaji V ' tXTB A ATTU 6 TIoNi IX Taucy Dress Goods .and NOTIONS O jr Stock ot Tria.ni ag it larr AO'l Biorw COUJpt lUmu kLTe Vt purcbascd bcUte. im UV iu z.isi SPECIALTY.; . Ain't it wicked to rob dU here ro',: Jim? Dat i a great moral qiie-tib:it 1 . . lumlK); we am't got time to argu? u. iow - band me down another pullet. lbe euitnss f a Western j ournal ncect'y annt-nreod that the arrival of ai extra male preveuttd the pri.nip: rj!ii2 v.jl-'-n-J, h vl.ic y-urciiwd the u-nt.-;' . I A o.iua rrrf' U or t -ain wj-U'j-. pet utcd e. t Uth lSIl.and iri uUntl '!) $. fi ihe ',' i t ci of Fr.i iklin. X !i. r.eii an I lUiiftX. t ke-. ih.f ni :1!k1 of ivli mt tluirf kaj aal the ihi'J'm: gen 1 1 . tuvi eitt'jUaud.tiicir Man i.f . turiar -t. li-lnnetir; nex' umirjur N 4 .:uut.- ii w prt'icurd t fnu.-'a tlie v.a-he s ;-.tt'.c lu- t tvi'-', Hn-y have M-'. c !l'"u l.e Y.et- M . niirim -n. li'i u-t'lif V'-iy o'Tt aateri aud evvry wuk-r i -1 i ,v i r.im.vl t iK.rf rm v 1 , all orde .u'ui.v nl t' tti.ni t ' Lonimb-.tr N. l I ',i.e iuue.inl at atei i . our Ik wiling Aue t-wi I tak" jrre - p'5 tlrc bi wailing ui i the t'J, e .eoerally, in theabove ie-li-j ed coJ t l.ait.i tomew 4 lta!l. Proprietom. 1 ourl r N. C. J. J Ver on I nrtd A Lv.uhniK X i'- , And all we aaV is rppr.nr.'ty to show. The LJies f inUel U cl and xtmine our Stock! w gur-i Wt lave mUn lrg aa-t 11 rti Uki of Idj Marte Clbtning, Uts unlal o.s, Uu a-gt-niWmensfurnUiBi good Towul.'i)j:x'iy; lor Sale Having dictded to biaVc cp Knuc kerpirg I now ft rmj ILmu and L t 1 r saie. The L. cotin IZ acre located oo ilio :reet, ami acroatlrcet thttpitirs ihe Pr-sbyterian Chnrcb, and ac nvcai-nt tiiuce to "ths busi ncH part of tnwu. it. If t mn li-flipn i.irn'tnfr will be cffernl at p i .iic ! (ecpt Full JUppU' alWaj'S OU Leds ana tjeii-ciiuinj as iwo a iv House and Li is h. For paitku! ndddresi ra? at lire. lilv YAttUOJlUail & Co. , - - Groceries Groceries -A pply ahv hand at YAIIBORUGII Col Uek.SO-ljr; 7 f I 1 1 4 . h !! r Mi j . 'i' ; " i t v. I L