1 1 ''' " ... V 1 . " ' f ' r ! " . . : ! , - Ck O il tier.' -.-I TOM. T. MITCHELL Editor, GEO. S. HA K Ell Manager. All' letters addressed to. Ealccr & Mitchell. Mint- nuajr. .,...;.Ai.ril. 4, 1873. r i 'fDliiuijg'C. T! c Y'?'hirigtf'ii . correspondent of t'i. Cs nrfolk Journal writes: I !'Cv. 1 Jcru.lt iclvs, of Indiana $ Lcrc .rid, In accict consultation with the i. .'.ding lc:nocrati and Liberal. Itc ; uld::ui Senator.-, mid maturing plans i r the future course of both organiza r.orv.u Thd (jovcrnor proposes tOjaban J.:i t!v! 'M J.'cmoeratrc" -organization ulirely, r.!.o ri alaudon. its name and io organise j a new rv.ty, which ! fchall :.ivc fur it.; i .hit form, such a conscrra- i'.vc tvA eomtsromiMiiz declarations of . p . j i f princip le.4; as .will attract, to itssup- . : t all classes who are opposed to the i'utvsuuit j.jiriy." . . ' i UQ 'JJjn.oratic Conservative arty, J '. ;..r a:i oir observation goes lias never v!'.i yet gained anything by cynccding or oiiij ratui-ing in chy manner, its time i currc l principles, but invariably has , r:'.lrer.cd itoelf by Ko . doing. "When i iicecjlcd i.i good taith the results of Un late v.Tjr it didiall that the era of bi.H'irn ivnd -universal suffrage could ,';. nr.ud, ud to couipronii.se farther .Vi.- to. weaken those vital and fnnda .:ie:dal principles upon which the grand eur aipl ti uc greatness cf our country vrr? Vaise h The way to strengthen :r tiirty is to stand tu our-landmarks a dvij-.yn since the late unhappy strug gle,, amlVJclc with the tenacity cf life . '.i i!ic name under which for ten or sv. r.lvo year?,- wc have borne defeat' t ud i :.jc-u to fiLfht again; The lomociutie Conservatice party i'.iclu lcs all of the old parties wjio' jarc, i.r hr.vy .been, opposed to Use cueroach ''.jii'ui cf the government on the rights t the Stater,-. unless it bo" 'the 'party ' V-i-fivti flip T,i1iori!l4. , I ' When the Democratic party coni-promi.-;cJ itself by joining the jLibeal r.e;-. all lean's,' it weakened itself greatly and when it compromises-itself again j.o lr.atter what name it may take at .. if! v.crlicii IheVa still more. I- l-rii'e seems to be a probability that 'i li::i trade will be opened beiween il ...1- i. ..Ji i: 'l ' 1 :. i j "v.- n.;i.".iieru i,on-auu uiuiwcrp.-4 w.i? Savannah are both m;der i ... it- 1 ' 1 i l i n I ii iL - i i.- as li v. tli its fine harbor and "other a.!vait.!:.-3 that stanu the chance. might offer Should It would be the nm- kjiir (.limit F?aport, auu it becomes bv.;-.in.s.i ter. men to puih the mai7 The merchants and business men of New Yo;k have gotten up a petition ag.iin u the present usury law. They, ay that Lt is-no protection to the bo'r-vower.--, but an; oppvession. The uni versal cr',' ia these days scorns to be ;fvia trade in 'money. - , A : "-riV'tMrwiilent. of thi f ffndrsrtn Tribu.;? sava that there- is a "Mad , . . . ; ,Sto:io" ia t'.ie possession of Mr.-Joe E. Lyed, efWantcn county N. C., about throe miles from 'Henderson. . The. Si' no v;ciis about two ounces and ha. h-och hi the possession -of Mr. Loycu and his ffviily for thirty year?. It I has bc:a applied to the; bite of one I'abid ;vnd several 'snake and st.i djr bites succeeding admiralily in ex tracting the poison each time. If this is true it should have a place in evejry . aper i;; the Stated as "it 'might ijbe of crcat service to the alilict- c. I.-' " ! i- Oi:oi:c.n -Fuancis-. Tiiain. This cc- ccnti'ij and t erratic' personage has i at' . j last been declared insane. His whole lite has been filled up with actsj of madness thourli there was some mcth od in them. A cotcmporary quotes poor feUow, much talking hath lhade him mad. F.Ott TIJS roCKIEU- Yc often hear men com plaining of ! T ... i : the many d f!i ulties under, which t uy Irtbori and drawing companion bv . twci n ttijgs as lh-y ate now, and as they wert in day of the p.ist. All are i oil j conphus ot the grat change for ! the worsi in pur Country and the con dition ot 'Hi cjtizos, and ail rouV. re tre ai d coottma the crutlry. that -has wreu dtt the thangc We must take ihin5 as wc find them, accommodate jouratlvtj to tircun:sUDceF, and w tl. wildr" hearts and har d's S'tiowoik r to mind, our fu ture?, ai d eradicate whatever evils m:y be found inour; political lor social yfettm It is la the present tli .-it we live more and have our bein. aid it wer the vrofot cf lollies to render it more d.rk, I y dwelling uHnn the contintnicnt ami briclitnes?, it attended and c!u3tcitd about every liousibf rtp'jbli-' in the halcyon 'ays f the' Eveiy interest of" our Stite lias Bufi'e'', R' d much ol the 'ory of the tinm U'ACilt'i hs (ieparted ; and ytt li wj t:t ,i' own arid br.od ever ;ur losses, we shall r.ever bp able to rttreive the one,, i or bting ' back- lheotbir Lvt us itt tn ipuik v.i'.h.a dtternur.a tioa tha t shall set failuru at el. li mce", and toon the w'RStc places ol our Slate thall Lee m g-e n with rowi: g crops ul c-rn? Tlicat and ' ci-t'.on. Popiticail let us cut oMhe chaos of d'smcmbtred iaethi!3 i.n l thy in!er;n;!'Trl:r?' of a ihou-aifd inns rear su'm the y feinple tf LiUi ;jv oi the solid louadat'mn ol Tn.it li Kii 1 Ilotns y. L'jt the 'p'.st with its liii u.oriei twett.' and hitter go', and SjCC r pi in the j re eat nsrit isjw rk to our N-r.-uncs, directing cur injjr.ivd eyj to ttlic u ure in which the thmgj liiat are v;voT)g shall he lighted. ' . ' j' it t;ic c .ukier. . Oonsi it ill ion ii?il Xlv- Lav -v ol tlic XTx-jiiilcllii CosxiTtrri.;r. iTiwii antl Oej.".ctf. Aitr.'CLE I 1st. Tuis Scc.tty shall be e.d t;d tiic Frank: in Ajricultural Socie- tr. I s (dj eta shall be the promotion . of AgrLcultuial, Commerce and the Me. chau:c-Artn in Fiai klin Coun'y. A,flTIL'LE II. OFFICES?. ECV I st. I ne luccrs cf tui3 Society ihall cins'tst ff a President,-cce ' V ce Pretidept ' to tach township a? is here- a.tir nr viJL'd, a 'f e-crjtary and a Trcas urer. St;c 2. The dent, ice P.Cii- dents S! cie'.niy and Ti er su rer shall rev jp ctivi!y.dUcha:ge )m duties indicated 1 y tlieil Ex icutive Cohimittee of tha Society. Src p. The President, with the Con.. curriTcp of t'he Executive Ccmnuttee ' -. ".. k. . : . ' . . . ... . Miau avA Fptciai nueargs oi the bocie- ty upom appacation in --writ-mg of any thne m, mh;:rs, and shall fill vacated likes untih the r.txt, meeting of the . Id sh ili be t lid duty of this, itee to provide a '-suitable p'acc r for Uolwicg the mcit-isigs of the Society, audit Ciaims upon tne nocuty bet.ire the setltlcnv nt of the s imc ly Trea-urer, Rnd discharge such o'her du'ics as may b.' -i!nn -sed upon them (im t:me to time 1 y the Ey-Las Hie br e'e their A. The foregoing Officers sbaTi Ctcd Arnually, and sh ill hold fibers until tveir srecrso rs shall be chdti d Pec. 5. Should the time for the ani i nual election of dTic.'s pats withe-ut such chc'irn, i.t shail le held at the : Z oi the S oc:c' v- EC 0 i;XJ.,t( wn'l) ) vl,-cii lias uve members, ot tias b cu ty s.:aii he tn tit led to one Vice Pn side tit. I Pi-.p .7 Al';cr thi first, i 1 r- r t inn ' tin terser snail., no e.tctea to any ctiice in this Soeie y who is not a'mem' cr ol it ARTICLE III. Src lit. Ti:e members of this jSo c:c y a had c.orsist of such pcrsoi s as sli ait 1 prssec't at the adaption of jthis Cms tutioQ,' who tlndl enroll their and p.iv tl eir initiation fee. and ri other persans as th dl here-alitr n imcs; of sue be admitted. . 1 Si C2 Ne w mcnil.'C:s miy be admit ted bfl.atw.V trords vo'e, and nnon pay meat of the initiation f:e shall b hi titled to the iviviltKcs of t:;cmbcrih:i s i:d o.: Any mimber nnj k cxp 11- eel bv or by a two thitds xo'e cf any meeting. a in"jir;ty vote at two cosccu live nbvetin-s. ARTIC LE IV. .I.ECTI'S3, AU Lekct:ons fcr efheers of this Soci- ty sh 11 be by ba'lot, and a majority of ..'he v tes ca-t shall hi necessary to a choic e. . - ARTICLE y. ... Mi-:e'tixg. tv.L lt. The regular n-ecticps ot ibis fcoeiity shall be hclU in L.ursturjr. at suc'a rmts aa mny be dt'geated in the Uv-La'AS. :. ,'."" St c- jJ. Or.e filth of tha rcemb rs cn rdletj shtll corstiu'e a quorum for the trars!iC'ion ot busiucs?. '" ARTICLE. VI. When ever it sha'l be nrce?sary, funds lor (Utrayirg the current xpenses of the. Society shall be raised by ass: S3 men's on the member?. Eat a.'ssss mei.t$ tor premiums', fcr the purchase or improvt av al of red estate or other t x r ipidinary exptns s, shall bs Liu,K inly on those who jhall signify . 1 ITS their bets c.-nsent to hQ lUus as.vs ed. -Mem i-.fc ling ( frcm an 'tScessment shall there' y be debarred from any of the lntfiis thtnee ar'uirg.' AiircLi: v.'i. j y Dv-Laws. By-Laws for the government cf the Society ami for advancing its pjrp i?e?, not inconsistent with this Constitution, may, fiom time to time, be macte, a: tered, amended or abolished by a ma j rity ol the members present ARTICLE VII L Amendmesti. Every proposal to alter this Consti tution must be submitted in writing, and may be adopted 1 y universal con sent of those present. But should ol iiCtitn be made, it shall lie over until the next meetiag of the Stc.ety, when it shvll require for 'its adoption a two thirds vote of those present. ' AUTICLE IX. j EiP2RI,MENTS. J Each member-of the fclocitty ngageel ia agriculture or the Mechanic arts, shall make annually one experiment at least, ca'eulated to throw light pa sour.' important .question' in agriculture cr Mechanism, and report the same to ;ho S jeiciy, under : the pmalty of censuie fvr aricialtural or Mtch.mical inerl ne&t; a;id eae-h m'.jnb.r not eo enrajrfl s-ha'.l cen'ribute to. a land whieli s'aail Le awarded by the Executive Com mit;, e to those who xc 11 in the ex periment?, provided in this Article : I ' ' By-Las. , - It. The initial ion Ice is hereby fixed at O a- Do!lsr. 2. Toe rcjruhir meeiirjri cf this S.i cicsy s'uall be hcUl c-n the Saturday in each month at 1 iclcck P. M. 3 The election cf officer ' vhali le held annu-i'dy, at, the meeting in Masch 4. The Ex-.cutive CotntniUe iro h ru by leqnyid to procure ;r.r;thly, for eaa regular meeting' if j racticabh-, an address or e-s ly before fc'p.jk'ty, by s: m. suitab'e p-.ron- . K' ' 5. The following staneliog Cpmmittcs hull he appeviated by the presnlen. which shall c mtii.u ; duiiur tl ic term f r which Le is e'eted ', A. ' . Ucramittcc oa Agiicul'ura'.lai . pl-mcnts an 1 Muc'.dnciy. I 13. .Committee n Manuie3. C. Comm-dee on Ex oeii men's and lne3'igations. D. Couimittte on Gra5s?s ard For age i'ianta. 4 i ,. linn. The institution is now in bpera'.icn. doing a noble woikj tr.d is wc'ithy of cordial coi fi lence and liberal contribu tions. Mr, .Co':cn 'is resident Piinci pal, and hps c ntrol of the premises. lie ui-.dtriaads his Lusin sa and dii charges his duties failLfulV. rr- tlo!;Lros 13 cjatror. She i a rt'fi tu and inteuigent lady. fall, of tender sytr-pa' hy, "a-d a reah mother to th; ehildr. f). Mi Ella CV G-raury is as sistatt teuci er. iiii inimuia schu iir IT .1 l &lur end expencxe m tip- a is iy her lor the woik. IJer o.u r. hn age ar.d tlie kindness o! h?r friends will enable iur'toap-hc'at.-aa'd u:)dr nt an'd Lcr priv5lg;'s ud r. sprnsibiiitit-;. II Vi TO go xnnitB. j Leave the llalcigh & 'Gas'o4'.Koatl at .Iler.duson,- and s;fge J2 m'.lci to 'ox ' ford. Er.tcr the buildindr at : the cu next to tlx: town, and the iiitt eh or on thc'lelt is Mf. Cohai. cfH.-.c. A suita ble time- to I e tl crcis'o'n. 'S-it?i 'av tdt. r n'oon. win'!! a mhiV.er uTaily prei c'us to the thilJjen, cr at 7 p. in. at even ing Woiship, and pr-iy. wneu the children ting WIT AT Cnil.DIw.N AI:E" AEMITFD"? " Er'ght- b y Rt-d ghls. in?re than 8 an! ie.s t.sati ii years i f prohhd they lave 'no pre pi r:-y, a id r.e. i re-n ?, or no fathers andi t ijdess m'-thirs. ,' It oakej rofdli r pre whcl!:tr th ir ;ur-i cuts wtre Ma-oi s or not. nor with vhat re5igtcu3 . 3t comination tSi-'y w.r- shippcd. Stan'ey. ' Pcr.on, O- At-, GrauviUe, AYake and Franklin aru' the only counties tos represented : gibers Uiiht to te. ; - . - -' i aow .MAXY CU'ILDIISN WILL EE BE '..'' C IVES ? , The buildings will cccomnhodate ab ut SCO ; but the number of chi dren will be limited -by the sm mnt of con trihutior s. U. takas money, books fur rituro, clothirg, pr vLiocs, fowls, &c. tco t to support such sn icslitutiot.-, -The tunitcr cd orphans to becducited is a pioi lcm which the SrieceU of the children mu5t S(dc. Coatr.b jtions may be sent to Sir. l.lien, at Oxford, cs hen mere convmitpt to CV. W.E. Anderson, Italcigh. i SHALL WE PitAT FJ Til H OEPUAX- ? As a general mle, to. It ynu have dote y.mr duty, you may a k the Loid to verify his promises, Eut when G;d telis y ju to do a work, ii is impudent f sr you to stand still and tsk him to do it him?elf. cr clSi make others do it.-4-It you do Dothing fr a goodcausk then 30urprnyr3 would cot be f much value. But prayers aid alma should always go together. D.. your full du ty, and then inrcke a blessicg from heaven. ,' I I J II. Mill?. Pay Y ur Subscription. i.i i i i 3Xu?5iio at Home. -"What shall ths sruusemeot of the - l.cmeb?? When Iheie is the r.b li:v nd taste, I regard mu-ic te combining in happ'usc proponion instructicu and pleasure, as standing at tht head ot the home evening erjoyments. Wlmt & .:t: l . . i. . 1. . I n which God has b!coed.with this gift ! IIqw many pleasant family ciiclcs gather rrghtly about the piano! how many a home i3 vocil with the voice of song or psalm! ia other homes t in how rr.auy village homes the father's vil led the domestic harrao', and sons wbh clarinet or ffate, or manly voic .nd daughters sweetly and clearly filing m the intervals of sound, made ajotul noise 1 Ihurc was then no piano, to the homes oi this generation the great ihe ULivcrsal bocn and comforter. One pauses and blesses it, ss he heats it thiough lb.3 open farmhouse window, or eletccis its sweetness fctca'ing out amid the jargons ol the city an angel's penisou upon a wilderness " of discord, seothing the weaiy brain, lilting the troubltel spirit, pouring fresh strength into the tried body, waking io wor ship, lading to rest. Touclied by the hand we love, a rait her lister, wifo say, is it not a miuistrant of love to child, to man a household tlu y, now meeting our moO Is. answering 4to ot ileed?, sinkiug Vo d. plhs. wc caanor 'fathom, li mg to heights wa canuA reach leading, gui ling, greut anel grand and good, anel now stooj ing to our lower wants, the frolic of oar sou's r. verbrating fyom its key ? The h ooiw that 'has a p'.ano, what capacity lor evening pleasure and prjfit has it J Mas, that so ma: y w.ves enel mothers shou'd spe.- k of tm.ir abdi'y to piay as mcie aecmiplisunient ot the pist, anel that cli:u;rcn st:ou..l crow up hjokiu n the piunei as a thiug unwist I y kept I.r com piny and shew- Hot a Hoti-L kxli;u Ks ,w? an tlsET Man. - A Ntw Y.rk hottU hc- per ha3 discover .:et aa infallible ruie t r determining the; h out sit y ot his tu tonjeis. lie siys : Have made it a ruie ia my boas?, whenever a m wants a room una uu no uajrg ge to deman.'l pay ia advene . as L u u tl Ii he m -.iiii -s.:s i:o objection, and puts his Land in h:3 p cke'. t.r mony, 1 te-ll him it isjai: right ; that he can pay j u: as well when In goes a;vayj- Tn.-.t kind o! nun always pay. Pu. there is an other sort of lell.;w, who, when in fjimetl of tho :ul; , pieUtds to be very in!:gn anl,ii;isisting th;itlia li a geut'e mun by, aud is not ia th-j habit ot ii.v'ug his name qn.-stioued . or his hones y doubttd. lu suc'i a cus I ir.va:idj!y iii.-is: u i th j produciie u o! the funds, lr I k.ow ill don't get them t lun I never should get them ia th.- wotkl. iie-n who talk about their hoco-, ar.d aJsumo to be insulteil when r queiitl to pay, can be deocuel jci on f'o! tliat-chiss lte;id-bc;lt.s.!, ADVEItTlSEALENTS. CREEOH MARBLE HALL AND TE3IPLE OF FANCY, Ii.'ny be f tmel o:n cf (he moat conip ete st .e-k tl go.di eve: offerei to the people of Nor Ii (J.'.re.dii ,e ilsh Lg of Dies gcoa of ivo; des tabid et. le. W itj godi all yi-ieej. -cti.u, Ladi s t'ats, trimnie 1 and u t iiimcd. U r.'s hats ladiei. tuel Ce Hsh'oji al tf wLieiCki to.;ght at re in r ib y iw pric ;t. Ca 1 euj iee me, bt fore oil chas'.ug tl.ewlieie. 7 a. cm ecu, Ftjf ttevi la St. laegii,N.C. uih. 28 tf-. To Jill "Wltoiii it niit- Con cern. Office Reg. q! Deeds, Franklin C uity Lcuisbury, N. C , ISth, March, 1573. K AND EVERY PERSON, paying il-itax on iLtir receipts and sales, as providtel in the Revenue Law, ratified 3rd dsy of Hatch, ls?3, such as llerch an'f, Auctioneer?, C njtaiesioa M.ich utit?, A:c , & -., n ! every lurson who bus firt-t to o tin a Liven-c before xtrc'. lrg any trade or calling, ail of Hhm are comprised under Scdule li,of said Act, an I have heretotore r.- urmel such ihfir lists ;o( the Sheiiffe f tt countv. ABB lOW J REQUIRED, uadcr scc lions VI and 20, ol aiel Revcaue Lawi, on the 1st days oi January, April, July nud October, to list, on oatii to the REGISTER OF DEEDS, , the to; al amount f their purchtse?, receipts and sahf, as th ess: may be lor the prect elisg parttr. Thi?, therefore is to give Notice, to ary and every one inttre$tK, thtt the nnitcrsigned will on the FIllbT DAY OF APdILrex, attend at the OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM. MISSIONER, f r the parpesj' ot re ceiving 6iich hstf ; and those whose du y it is to attend, and who txil so to Cc will be noted and charged doable tax, as required by law . ' J. C TUCKER, Register of Deeds, mh 2S-'t Frack.ia County... ADVERTISEMKNTS VALUABLE LAND FOT Sell 6 Bv virtue of a Decree of the Superior . ..!. 13 l. . , .1 - in the cksh of W. II. Sptncer Atlmr., ot J. J. Duke, tlec tf., giost ldln Duke and others. I will cfTer for sale at public auction totl:e highest bidd-r. on oaiuroay lue lyiuemj oi ipni iou. all the interest ot J. J, Duke dec' el., in a cerlain tract or p-.rcel of land situated in OayesviUe Township, in Franklin County end a e'y cwn-d ly Hos. B". Duke died., aud which was devised by saitl Thes. K Duke to his wi! dur ing her natural" lite rith the rfmainder in fee simp!e to thec'hiklren ot the said T. K. Duk', one ot whom ws the J. J. Duke ilec'd-i his jdtcrcst therein being about lorty nine acne. Tfiai one fourth c&su.ba on a credit of twelve months, bonl uquircd In-ar mgin'.er &t fre m d y o sac title ic a ncd Until all "the- purchnse money is paiet. V. II. SPENeEU, Admr. Loui3burg, Marcii, 15, 1S73. td. 40 Pratt's Astral Oil, The Astrial Oil is. purer, clearer, sa fer anel gives better light, than any other oil iu use, for sale.it GO cts ensh, 75 ct5-w. eti charged, . King, While & Shaw. Hour, Plotir, i0 Barrels, very choice Family Flour, For Sale by Knig, White & Shaw. IS OllTII CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANC r L . " t Company. " s RALHIGIX, NORTH CAHOLir.'A Cnpitnl, r - $200,000. OITICIUIS: - Hon. Kemp P. Battle, lhridnt. F. II. Uameion, r ce-IVsieLu'. W. II. Uic-ks fa.crtaiy i)r E U. Haywooil, Med. D r ctor Dr V. I. it ys er, Ass't .Mod. U.rwctor. J. U. li .tl helo1', A lormy, O. 11. Pt.ry, bupcivijiu Agut. DIRECTORS : Hon Knn-p P Batle, H.n To.l RCV.d- avjII. Hun John V Cunningham, Col T M Hop- tloti Wm A bmi h, Dr W J II ikiwLS, Hon John Al .numg, Cci T KCoxfolL W Ifu nphrfv. C Tate ilu.phv, Uoi Wm E AuJciuu, J.l.n G illiam-, Cid v L S.Aundti-, Li Y Ale- Area, Co A A 1K07. I J oun-' J allied A Graliam, F 11 Camtiou, J v McRu, J hliiicmU, J CR ake, WaU ter Uiark, U LpcliurcU, J J Dru, JohuISie.h;:8. FEA1 UT.E3 AND ADVANTAGES. It is emphatically a Home Company. Its larjre cniul iruaranlcts striutb anil safety T . lis rates are ts low aa tnose o! any urtHclaSa ct Epaar. Itoff.rs nil ttciirahle fjrns of iasur- ance. Its funds are luvesUd ai henij aud Circulated anions our o vn n.-ooie. No ntcesaiy. rarictioai imposed upou residence or trivth i wiicici n u ;or.iii'jic alter -tw years. x b oiuccri an ; u.r ettrs ara pronn- ECiit, anel we:l-k uiiw u N rth (.'ufoliii' ia s, r h st- experience a3 bu-:a si eri, anel wIiksq wrt'.i a;d i.,tiity are ah,ne sufU-jicnt i,u irdntees of t .e C m- pauy a streii; h, fculvney and ru Cess. Geo. S Rjktr, Ijoc'al Aift-nt, II A, L.imtoi , L uubUig, N (. District Agcn'j Pitts'ioro, C IST' Gojd Ag with wbm lib ru ion ia;:s win be iaadr, v anted in Ivirj couu j ia the btati . mi 21 C u i Meal, up Bushel, very iiic Mea' ground f oai choice white corn. For sa e by King, White & Shaw, Flour, Flour, 50 Barrel., Superfine Flour, for sale very cheap, by Kjng, While & Shaw, Bacon, Bacon, Call and buy our choice Bacon," well smoked and thoroughly cured. King, White & Shaw. YAUBOllOUtill HOUSE, RLLEIGH.N.C. G. W. BIACKNVLL, Proprietor. ADVERTISEMENTS. W. S, MALLORY, j i ' . Franklinlon, N C, j Wliolesalc anil Kctail Grocer, And COMMISSION MERCHANT; Offers For Sale 30 Iiblf N. ('. Family ltotir In 5.nck Kxtra Xo then Family " - in BbU. 15 20 Exta 13 it uper CO f acks Liverpool fi e Salt, o Hhdx, tides a-d Sliouleler 100 To s Vcgctato-, 25 " Patapsco, 10 " ( otto Food 10 llhehs Mo'as.s (to a'liv.-) Ctkes a:d Cr.-c-e sat Factory pr.ce'fi 8 Lb s s'ujif, .VI grades. 1 Iamprcptrcd to make 'ibc al cah advii ccs to all who wisli to ho d theli Cut tot? j interest -t C p.e-ce-tt per at- Lit n qi aoccy :dvi:ced, to other ciu;.:. l I ill A L L 0 II Y, F RANK LINTON, EVEiiy LADY Ix.FitAXivUN-County, I - Should Have One! The Home Shuttle SEWIK3 MACHIINE It i a combination of the best parts of the Ixt Machines without their faults. It i fully equal to any nia chim ja mto. at half the cost. It makes a beautiful sca.n, with lock stitch that is impossible to rip. It Sews, hem, till', braids, tucks and rullles It U simple in its mechan ism and thorough in its "construction, every part of it being warranted for live years, BEST STYLE Treadle jlaclunc On handsome walnut table only $37. Rest style. Hand Machine, only I'H E?V. Fuller, Agent. Jai. 21- 3 in. TERRELL & HARRIS'. Center of Attraction. 1 X nlAO-tDIN'AY IXDTJCi 31 INT TO CASH BUYERS, 10 Ibir, IrUh ToLeto l r. TVe.tr tcel- 5 liii :. Vol. ti Boze Gw.il C heec. Just sirirb. i, - 1 - GOOD Al SOSrMEXT 07 DOUBLE AUD SINGLE GUHS. j AN B 'DLKS YA.-Ii.TTf OF CC N JLC TICKS AT TERRELL & HARRIS' may 20 ly. As I am closing out my drug btiii ne, I respectfully and earnestly re quest all indebted, to come forward and settle. i J. B Clifto, mh 7-1 m. Jxndsburg, N. C. AI VEKT1SK MKXTS. &j& : j& The rnTyjUsliiiblc (lift Itributioii in the coantnj ; l 60,000 00 i n v alu a11lk ii t.s! Iff! V Five i Ten l IB Him' wood Mch fl-25 Watc v.r l Oo' W hnl to IP,' Afc l.b-ra SinJ Iickt Circ dec i oil cr tut oi. All le tn uiiiM eTf I'ahi t ftico. L " I . n) X t .s ljl t fth It, ti? m:i ti.O. Kobt IX. Jones. II L, rhaar FRAHK H FITTs, or Warrja, 11- C WITH J0?ES PLU:,1MR. . General CoriUAmissio.i JA'fii..'; jiwl Grocers. 1! S.ctnj re f trct, VEiir: cuna. . Cortigi.pcnts of Prlqce rupecttuK ly so'.icttd, to which trici prrtt;nl ut sen ion will be pxid. Prompt jctu ;s tx.-t I.-red. " . . lS" s'k Aj;cnt fr the talc of Fx Ctiunzi Toliacco Feitil z r, id Pai gon Coiioa Fertil:z r. No 18 3ji. WE E, P R E N 0 i! Wholesale Ami Retail j Druggisland Apothecary. 36 Sycamore SL, Petersburg, YaM I'llSriXTFULLY INVITES THE MERCHANTS, FARMERS &, PHYSICIANS YisitiDgthe City to call and txamtoe hit large uod complete stock of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Putty, pices. Ptr fumery, Patent Iedic:m, Nscc Soap, FncyJ Goods. And every nth r article riaa!ly found n FIRST-CLASS filWG STORK 3- Give him a call Uf ic pureb ing Uewbtxe. Orders by mail will receive proa.-t atttntioD. ' Billions, Millinery and Stra Gaci 1873. ALSO "White GoovU, Kiubroldcties, Ac Armstrong, Cator & Co-, Importcraf, Uannfacturcri and Jobber Bonnet, Trimming. N'cck and Ha?U Bibbon Velvet rtfjbcn, rteck tie, Bouuct ilks, atins Velvet nd rajH', yaer, Feath ers, Orna- mc t$x Frames, tc-j ftraw Iio-iet a-tl' Ladies a d hildre -s bat?, trimmed a du t tmuicd. Ad Ii Coajccti g Ware ooin? White och,IJ'e s.Emb oid ciies, Laces, 'ctts, Col lars, hcttu, Ilaiidkc -chiefs, .Vciliog, Head ccts, &Ct. Nos 237 atd 22) Baltimore St c t, ' " Baltimo ct '51d, These goods a c manufatu rd by or bought for cash direct y f om tl Eu opeai and Amc icao Ma ufactu e s, cmb aci gall the latest rove tkS u eiiua"ed ia va lety and clieapucss a j ma ket. Orders fll'ed with ca e, prompt tn a d despatch, mh 7-1 m. 1

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