1 .- . : . .. . . ...... . ' ( . Cl)f (Bnurtrr. A Democratic Newspaper. Puhlished every Friday in Louisburg RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION", Copy 1 year .2.00 6 Months......... .....lco . " 3 Mouths.............. ..... -75 IdP TERMS CASH IX ADVAXCE p o c t r i). Female Cliarni; SELECTED STORY, BY HERO STRONG. Argemorne Renaud was of a French parentage on her father's side, but her lady mother was a countess of Eng land, and the heiress of a very large in heritance Castel St. Elmaf was the ancestral home, and for years it wa3 noted for the grandeur of its appoint- mcnts and the unbounded hospitality of its occupants. Hero Argcmorne's childhood ! and arly youth wero passed, in the enjoy ment of every luxury which wealth to whom the highest wish of the im perious little beauty was law. : I Monsieur Renaud was one of thoie 4 rolling stones' whose great, misfor tune lies in the fact of their having been fhrust into existence, nobody poind reasonably have expected thorn to gather moss. 1 rT77TiTiT 7T 1 1 7 Rcnaijd never mado a cent of money in his life, but he fancied that he had wonderful genius for bargain driving, and hii wife was too much of a line la dy, and too little of a tradeswoman to sec that he got cheated in every bar gain ,he made. He embarked largely in spcculation.involving his wife's prop, crty Lto such an extent that everything bad to go to satisfy the rapacious cred itors, and Castcl St. Eimar, with all its - untold wealth of Vare jand beautiful things, the worlc of centuries to collect, passed into the hands of careless stran, -! i 6cr8' . . "ji':.- ! This terrible blow was too much for j1 the haughty pride of the countess ; she died of brain paralysis in less than a . week, and after her death Renaud did the only sensible thing he had done for years plunged into the rivcr- and the next day was the subject of an in. terestiDg post mortem and coroner's ia qucst. . j And Argemorne, at 18, was, loft an ".orphan, with only a small annuity and po expectations. She was one cf tho proudest wowen in England,, and her ill-fortune galled ier sorely, but she was too proud to jnake it manifest by word or deed. All ber friends called her cold and soul less, and wondered if aught on earth could touch her heart. They little knewthc passionato warmth of the heart which she had ever kept ; Lid ' den. ! She found a home, after the death of her parents;. with a little cousin.but thcro was little sympathy between tier self and the Hon. Mrs. Montague. Mrs. Montague had been at St, Elmar, and she gave Argemorne a home, solely be cause her family pride could not bear; the mortification of seeing a relative in the house of a stranger. ' Near Montague House was the fine estate of Maltravcrs Abby the seat of old Lord Maltravcrs. The old Lord ,had two sons, Louvian and Gerald. Louvian was the heir to the title, the Abby, and tho bulk of the lar-e es tate ; while Gerald,' as j the younger Bon, had only the family! name of Ross wont, and an income of a thousand pounds a year. I Both the young men were noble and handsome, and both loved Argemorne Rcnaudcach iahls own way. ! VOL. ' 2. T.j.li .... .1 iotu were courtly m bearing and as devoted to her as even her exacting uAturq could reouir. hut. ih lntroJ I 4. L.'M' . ... ! of them, and unfortunatlr for her thit one wag-Gerald,; the young thai passed between his brother son. jWith all the depth of a strongly and this woman, whom he worship impassioned nat'jrfi sho. 1 never lor a moment did sho dmnm nf I being with love. governed by that lovcT "for '"--'" v4. i her pride was stronger than . TU lofty old turrets of Maltraver jwere to her too powerful atemp- tatibn t be resisted ; and for; a long time she had uiade up Her mind to be come tadv Maltravors. ! TTrl mAHm . lUVtUVi had been a peeress and 'from cliildhood Argemorne had been trained to believe that the great end of her life would be accomplished' when she was wedded to a man or rank. And merrily rang the village church bells one bright June morning when Argeiborne was vedded to young Lord 3Ialtravers, and went home to the Ah- by as his honored wife. For jthe old Lord was dead, and Louvian was in un disturbed possession. The festivities were great and con- tinuohs, but Gerald was not seen at any of the merry makings. lie had taken enough to stand calmly by and his girl whom he worshiped the i bride of another, even see made -i i .i . .i . . . . xiiou.hu mat otner was Ins on v hrntlw 11 e night after the bridal, driven forth by some wild unrest, Argemorne threw a shawl over lipr shnnlilfir arA - -, uuu throdgh the white moonlight went out to walk away the fever in her blood beneath the tall old trees in Maltravcrs Park, and Gerald, led back to home by seme uncoiitrolable impulse, m?t her there.. . I . ' : Astormv sceno onsua J, fdr both wereihigh-spiritedi and each' cue was well iware of the state of the affections. ' ! , ' ct.ii.er s lie accused her of coldness and de ceit; he said she had never loved him thit she was incapable of loving any thing but herself. He exhausted him self ip fierce and 'bitter reproaches, and downcast eyes. Shelct him finish, and when from sheer exhaustion he was-sclent, she spoke :. C 1 .1 1 1 . TX - Ynu, saru sne, neaven! is my witness,. ! loved. you with mf whole soulj-I Jove you still ! I shall love you forover ! Retter than earthy bet ter than -my hopes for Heaven ! If to day; my choice rested between eternal perdition with you, and Paradise with out t-ou I would choose the first! I am tour brother's wife, and itjis a sin for rne to say this, but for -once my tongjue sliall speak the thoughts of my heart ! Lord Maltravcrs.' r'ip Kr.nV-o his name with a haughty uplifting of tho head, remembering the proud title, rv, 4 is just and noble, and I will be true to htm, but while being true, nev(r feel for him one thrill I J shall of anv- thin warmer than the esteem his many virtjics must command ' from all I shall never love him ! Centuries of devotion upon his part could not win a fragment of my love ! I marked uiin for his wealth, and because of the proud position in which he, would place me J I married him because he cou d niae me Lady Maltravers!' ' And 'if 'I had been the oldest son?' V f She stooped towjird him with bated I brcith-r-the fire cf passion in her su scanet perb eyes and glowing in her lipsl. y Jbarth nor 1 Heaven should not havb kept us apart! ' Adieu forev er She tore avvay the hand he clasped ito 1 is heart, and flod' from him with frarltic haste." She knew her and meant to be in deed and loyal wife. So she fled from tion. 7 -Gerald dashed his hand danger, r'word a tempta- madly .Ji 1 e 1 s -i , ; iii&L in iurcueau, ana stroae awav intd the shadow.?, forth rrom the gl for y dar iness of a neighboring hedge :zto pale moonlight, crept the shudder the ing figure of Louvian the happy bride groom. In the dim light his face wan ghastly, and fixed desrair had settled like a cloud over all his fea- tures. DEVOTED TO POLITICS, LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND ART. LOTJISB 0TEIG-, N. C, APRIL He had mi b; ;a revelers, sml. fll f rrW V4 , Li i , . s. . . ' ' UUAlUtJ, been unharmv nmUrh tn-i;0tan A' Vn .at fn. -l AuuL v 1 1 1 1 i - i i iiiif in i i i i in Trnm- her hair, lav on tho m-sissa'a. hVa font. He picked it up and pressed it madly V O wv to his fevered lips. She shall be happy !' he said, quiet- ly. What is my worthless life against J one little hour of her pleasure? I love ner l will make her happy ! If she is never to give me the place in, herH heart which I seek, life is valueless to me. Yes. ves. mv -nrenirms Arn-o- morne shall be happy !' - x c lie went down to the shore of the ere were moored the pleasure boats a wnicu De cad so often taken her out sailing. Dark and only a single leap lorward, and it was- done ! They found his body after! a long search, and there was great lamenta- tion through all the country for he was a noble gentleman, and well be loved. Six month of mourning elapsed,and then betrothal; of Lord Gerald Maltra vcrs were announced. For once in her life Argemorne was entirely happy.! The wish of her life near, being fulfilled, and if she thought of hear dead husband, it was with no regret. The church-bells rang a merry peal. and the bridal party set forth for the church, Ladv Maltravers was in a carriage with her bridemaids ; Lord Maltravers followed with his attend- ants. :'..! The rrr.'l to the church ran past the willow-fringed pond, and for some rea son unknown to any one, the horses at- t ached t-o the carriage cf the bride be came frightened as they reached the: little cove where Lord Louvian's body had been found. They reared. t1uiic- ed forward, and in a moment the car " 'AO riage, was overturned.1 j Argemorne was taken up desd -her white bridal robes stained crimson with her blood the false blue blood which had made her crush the love of her heart for the lovo of pride and sta tion. Lord Maltravers died two years af-l terward in Australia, and Maltravers? Abbey is a ghostly ruin. Credulous people say it is haunted, but all good Christians inDisfc that nothipg frequents its deserted chambers but bats and liz ards, .. ' ;i ;; 3Xoleri IDietioiinx-y. Waler A clear fluid once usvd as a drink. Hoacs'y An excellent jke. Tongue A little hprse that is con tinually running away, ! My,dcar An expression ued by man -and wife at the commenccmpr.t nf o quarrel. Cargaia A ludicrous, transaction, in which each party thinks he cheated tbe other. . ' Doctor A man who kills you to day to save jou from oying to morrow. Wealth The most respectable quali ty of men. j inquire .verybcdy, ytt nobody equal to Colonel. Jury Twelve prisoners in a box to try one or more at the bar. Stett's Evidence A wretch who is pardoned for btirg baser than h.s com rades. ', JJIodcs'y A beautiful little flower that flourishes in secret places. JLawytr A learned gentleman who rescues yiur estate from your enemy and keeps it for himself. 1 l ue urave An pgly ho e in the ground which lovers and poets wish they were ia. but take uncommon meas urea to keep out o it. Money The god of the coun.y. The man who sat down on an open paper cf carpet-nails, said they remin ded 111111 of income tax An Essex street boy made a very handsome snow man about seven feet high on Saturday and robed it with his mothers sixty-dollar Paisly shawl. He ia saddest when he sits Wit: TIio lxillen. We meet thr m every day : possibly brush clothes with them on the street poor, miserable degraded. Once lite appeared beautiful. The brighf vis ion 3 61 hope dar.ced around their path w&y and gi!do4' tbeiflnture whtirffoTe than the roseate loveliness ci an east em sky. "Fure as the beau'iful snow.' inexperienced, henest, confiding, they 1 went forth to battle with life. But I how has til e con flirt linn mirfainorl I AlasJ bow are the mighty fallen ! Bright visions have faded into murky clouds. Hope thas yielded iis dace in their hearts to dark, relentless despair, scale ol hope! What sympathies an urgieg on to still lower depths cf vice, antipathies are demonstrated by the va in the wreck of virture all was lost rioua degrees of kindlv. irresolntp vivi- purity, icnocer.ee, character, peace of mind ertrything that made life sacred and valuable Now the world is a blank LiJe is a stunendeous failnre. Though re'ormation is possible, yet never again can they arise to the proud eminence from which they have fallen, or da away the jsad memories of the pp.s'. Tbe (cars of sin are burot deep- ly into the s-ul, and will always re main to pain and humble- The con trast between whaj they were, what they are. and what they n ight have .been,, is tbe fatal knowledge driving thera'to ruin. There is still some con science, some feeling.) some self-respect remainifcg. A tender sympathy, a kin t word, tbe earnest, prayerful- admoni tion, may cause a hope to spring up in the heart that will produce a strength of purpose an energy ot will that will result in eff ctual and permanent refor. mitien. Pity the fallen. Spesk gently to those eriing ones. Possibly you may savea soul from death and hide ainu!. titude of feina.'' "Consider thyself, lest thou a'so Le temj tV Christian ef fort is to extend to all classejeven the most degraded. Pooiiliuir Peoplei People who i;ky tbe Lag-pipes. People ho dislike ojsters. People wl o vt thi3p.r!od of our com mercial prospenty.'wLen writing-paper; costs next to n-tliicg, cross their let ters. People who say leisure, interesting, inlu-spit'able, and aod applicable. People who have no r oor relation. People who bave more money than they know what to Go with. People who dye their hair. People who always know where the i.windip. People who like getting up early in the morninpr. People who eivc donations to street- beggars and organ grihtlerj. People wno send conscience-money to the Secretary of the Treasury. People who take long walks before breakfast. People who spend an income on flowers for tbe buttou-holts. Pet pic who light and leave cfl fires on fixed days. Per-p'e who , like paying income tax. Peop'.e who go to hot and uncdaifor- table theatre? People who buy early and costly as, parsgus nine inches of white stock to one cf green head. People who btve no sense cf humor. People who give large parties in small roonr.f. ' People who lavish inorey on the heathens abroad, and leave the heathens at home to take care f tLeaisi?es. Pecp'e who have the ice broken to enable them lo take a cold bath in winter Pcojjle wfco keep all tLeir old letter , People without pnjudice?, weaknes ses, antipathies. Lobbies, crochet., ci favorite theriies- People who have ncth:ng the matter jrith tbeir digestion, and can eat any thing. People who take snuff. People who hold their tcngces. The morning is bnaking. laid a servant as be knocked at his roasters door. Let it brrak waa tbe growling reply: 'let it break, it owes xne notL icgl' And the merchant & liir simple of I 1 c as3 addressed him agaia to sleep. ' Do you know the pr:soutr,Mr. Jones? Tea," to tbe.bonr. 'What is his cbar c?ei Didu,t knjw Le had any Does ha live ner you?" 3o Jicar thai he has only siieot five thiitiaz f for wood ia e;ght vearf - rour Subscription. 11, 1873. Shaking Hahds. The mere oftVr of the hard it the readiest sign o! yolunta ry courtesy or forgirene-s, and its non corcplioe the moitcinl yet mcanicg ofnpuies. Shtking handa is a mode of greeting, the origin ol which is lost in obscurity. Individual display char acter in their mode of so doing. Who cannot feel at once the antagonism be tween the touch oi a prude and the cor. dial grasp of a friend! W bo knows not the sailor's grip' f caadid heartines? finm tho rnnnlinn r i How' perft ct'y does the pradn r lingering prtssute cause the merenrr in oJ barometer to rU nr f.H h cacious, carelt-sa, fond or earnest raao- ner of sbakirg hands? Tbue Sccikty. Silly, empty, un b'ushing girls, just escaped from school, elbowing their, mothers into corners, and covering with con fu don their lathers and brothers, do Dot constitute socifc-y. Nor does' a circle of silent, awkward, primitive, good-natuitd wo. men, whose virtues are only known at home. The mere presence and assem blage ol women is nothing without the charm ol refinement, knowledge, vU vacity, power, and- inspiration ; and they are not bora in a day, and seldom come till middle and mature life, as ex perience becomes profound and feelings deep, when fl ppancy is not mistaken for'wit, nor impertinence for gallantry. . Horrible Mukdsh cp ad Aged Fa M4LK is Teknkssee. Mr. Housden, a widow, sged sixty, living nine miles south of jtfashville, was taken from her bed Tuesday night by unknown per son?, carried to the common ga'.lows erected lor dressing hogs, and banged till she was dead. It was, sippcsed from tracks discovered that the deed was committed by two rue, but the motive lor it cannot be sunuiitd. De Witt Talmage, he ef tabernacn lar notoriety, has changed the word ing r.f the scriptures with- regard to sat. Hi3 reading is: .''Ye arc the aatiputrifdCtic of the earth ; but if the antiputrefactic has lost its antiputrcfac tic quality, wherewith shall it be antis putrifacticatcd?" ADVKRTISEMENTS. Undertakers Notice. I can furnish at short notice. Cof fins of Walnut, Poplar, Pine or etal ic, w ith hearse and driver to attend. mchl7-tf J. J,4.Mixktjuc.' Patterson, Madison & Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS 4XD Commibsiou Mercliants. Petersburg, Va. J, It Patterson. W.A Madisaa. R. I. Jadkins. No. 19 -6m. Coiinty OiJeis ttkea ia Trade, at b T. WiLl)li. Notice U hen!f given to the people of Frankiia and ar'j .ining couat;c that th,i Ltuiaburg Tanyaid ii now opm f it tbe rccp:i..n of Paw Hides of the various kios, for which the lrg'i est cash pricea will be paid, or they will betarn-don sha ei at the Cfual rates (one balf) under tbe erxcia! super vision cl W. II. Uetter Sr, who will- sprc no pJas in his attemp s Uyg'tye general Satis'acMcn. Aadln order that the business ma 7 fie porpetaattd and pnjve a succtfiTto tie nwcers and a great hearfii to th; people at Urge callstinon his friends en rvwbt rt to n. end to him their pitroaage and icfla tne. Sp-rcial coatrarti may be made tor I tbeg.ttingTan B.rKin early Spring nave an eye to it in clearing your lands W. IL UziihK Sa. Looitbnr N. C.'Jan. 3 1873. NO. 24. ADVERTISEMENTS. Henry T Alley, Wholesale & Ileta.il -C o nfee tio n cr . Facira, Faxct Goods, Tot. Weddings & Parties Furnished. Sycamore Strect,Ptteraburg,Va. . Nor. 2;ij. H. BORST, F U It N I T U it E No. 2 0 BallnuVrook Street. u 1 Fo t.ly. P. H: SMI T Hr CABINET MAKER . AND UNDERTAKER LociaBcaoN.U. Cabinet malilng of U kind dona fa beat ujuuw, aa ou uumi reanbla tertua uruimro itspairea aua cieiutd. 1 UxDrRTixisa tprciAUTr. The beet Walna. PocUr nJPiu CHn. md outii fciiorie.t Loiico tuxd Vbt Cutxr ito me cu. r. u. Siinn. Fctory below Barrow Jt l'leauau. Nt. 1 ly M. E. JOYJSTER,. U. b. Mail and regular passenger line from Louisbur to Franklintoii, vumiuriauie accoiuouaon for passen gers. I 1 LKgo inform the traveling public that I Have, charge of tbe abov Har-V- line, and vould be pleased to carry passengers with promptness and tb raicn lor.tue moderate price of $l,';0, ui. an uoiirg ana seasons I respect fully a$.k the patronage of the travel ing public. inh7-3m, II. E. JovsEa. J. D. Joyner. VT. 21. Joyncr. . 9. joyncr. vr,, f uuiimnbbion mercnanis, n SYCAMORE STREET, - ' I 1 Pcthhsburq, Vji, Oil !. ... d nun consifumrnt of !I kind of 1 liUJiUi-i eol.l in tbH iumket, and mi ortuis loi Ui-.U-EHIES, FLU TlLlZiliS and all otLcr supplies. WOlTliLOCKS VEGETATOR. . PLANTER3 ARE REQUESTED TO APPLY A 8M ,LL QUANTITY OF 11113 i-liUHLLIZEIt ON THEIR COTTON AND TOBACCO BY TUE t . S1DI2 CF ANY GTIIEITHAT THEY MAY IliYS BEEN USING. WiT;tmsoD,Upclurcir a jd Thr mis. I . iUlei-hN.C. Bishop tnd Craccb, Prtrilur W. T. IUirlsoj a&d Cu., Norfolk. - v,i., iia:timcre. Todd Schenck ard Co, W. Whlrebk and CI, Jao. iD Cm. - I 6 CJHLTEOLIOSl M UXL3 a KSffTTTT." "63 KISS V I W" arauio runrrxx . trmrra ixowxw." J - A WAJUl " 4 " ai rm M XT Kurm wmtr mm wktitt ma. tiaj ax m (0, 1 1 1 , 1 f. w aliTyf Xajgents w-wlrMsr RATES OF ADYERTEINfT-' (10 lixes om lojc 'XSTinrrxAfscaJut One Fjrsareonlncrtloa.., .....U CO One - Eaca sub-ej'rtiHi.sertin!! u Ova Cneniouih i . 2.50 toe . Two Dionth . ino t.unia jjj . Three month) &SO . Cna Cn m 1 weive umntlu 15 : rojitrct s fm Ur Vtwe mau tm libera . . . . r 1 i n S, , v n 7 1 j i'gsTy F. r r.r Ft u T l PUllKIA VKGKTAULV1 ' GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC, for L;vra CcxrL tt. pH'ul ff- nrmjr, lyp o e'ni to-, J.uaJ re. It :tn u Mt ek , ck tltdtI;o Cjhe IW- Ltjip, Cli 1 m d F-.v;r: Ac . . . Afcrytr r fr.A x r tant, a cia. I 1 1 arjfnt 1 - d. e rer prd ic m m d r i t O mme Tow Ur l!qi(d form ix 1 ivk thioctATe. cit.tvuioca-l '' rml aai nluale pro,c.iit-, ml iflcr u 1 1 - ONE DOtLAH DOTTLKS. lU;rudcr.,(.rit5 it .before) U.M Pr tdibs mail U U t LlVLtl LACK UliKa I, UmT Ui.rTtli wr.iver, vr.m ru t w k. tt inp iuim. ua.br uairk u. au. o.u ri r.uul.i. J. 11. ZK1LLN Jt CO,, SOLD BY ALL Dl.UviUIaTS. FALL 1872. ; L. A. HARBURY' IMPORTER OF Earlhenware, LXD CHI!f A, jiLS Dealer la Ter decritioa cf Olaeewtr. fcpojm ar,J (JUf fcto ie Ware 4e 1 . tww 10 receipt uf lu' tut - 4tk wuua . I&rge and c.upU.e ioi u. Waicli Le 1 -ut ttio nuiMO'i ti Con ury Mereati Uatra-Jtrbtug iu uLu lt Mia reoU- t . MlRCnKT. 1 -mi 1.11.11 iiiur, 1 .liUorg Ta. illUUil u Ull OF Photographic .Art. ItaldglvN. Ce It ore cf the u oet corn;l!c rnotorrepbtf itb tebibfluU Xhm ttAih. i.feir mi't- o l'uotOfiXtpLic Lf3e :r fa tb email;. io.bie.tnre to t. 1 r.ert irull colored It cd. ie refill f jr t Lrd If run bvre m ilk - Ltteof Cecoa.cii telttive cr friead. j .4 ney L It r,,t,n. ..4 jtm1 to rauri : aid el laitkiua rvutcutJ. I'Wv - Kiarh Albumi M l'xtar Krme eJ- ou Iiaa,t3 krt-ttvuietj;ed will l ! lew. yh heo cunw t" 1 a rtti. dnt t... f v U it WatMj(J.l rj 2nd door Tackere J Y WATdUA. l"o.-ly. m Great Western Insurance Company Of NEW-ORLEAKSl Contlaucs to make a speciality er Tarm property at eniuble rate. II Losees ocriirriug la this department, .prtnnpUy adjusted and citl'-d by tb ? undersigned, wltboiit tbe ilzUy of rr. erence, to the Home Ol as Is -quired to be done, by lwud agencl - of Northern and EuglUb Coiujunlee. U. t. Bonds deposited with Ma Treasurers, of tLoe rtatea wlo La require such a drioIt to be made. . J. B If autix, 10G 1 aia St. Norfolk Va, Getil gVut. For Wary land, Dt- L&ware, DUt lun. bla, Virginia, North Carolina,'. Sou :.t Carolina aud Ucorgbu ' ' Ceo S. Pak?r, Loral Jge t. No, 13 3in FO Li EENT. A nice Luelnes of2ce for rent, ply at this office. A :7W y 1 " -v iminvn nil 7 urn; I I A! I V A la II l,K K V I L Li Lilt I e r wm iti iWwnifat.enitnTMMila. ism.

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