I 1 ' MS Man CI) c Courier, TOM. T. MITCHELL Kditor. GEO. S. BAKER Manager. 'JUfflttten addressed to " ' JtI Baker & Mitchell. ridAj........J...... April. 11, 1873. iJ. ICiierLeliairrt. The .Grand Jury of Bladen-has found a irue bill f indictment against Maj. "lngleLaVftijrf the Wifmington Journal, tor slanderous words against ' Judge Bo4nC"'This is one of tlfe dirty; tricks of Oantwell and his hackers, who on every occasion that oilers, will be aure to strike at tho .liberty of the press ua (us puruy ut mi jury- uux. yi " jtll out oppreHson", the most despicable s are these little tyrants, who when clothod with a .little authority, try to '' swell to the size of ttieir masters. Hitli- erto we have cotsidcred the endeavor to indict ihe editp'r of the Journal merely " as bombast and bravade; but since it ' appears that there js a possibility of its ' becoming serious, wc deem it time to spoak and ehow'bu.r comdemnation I of ' these nefarious acts. All good men sec . ;..'-, t iow these things etand, and w(ill treat this attempt of Jiond and his minion panlwell tytb the contempt, Jat their " attempt to oppress the freedom of the f press merits. .-She pipers tell us that on lay the JlOth tweliuudred and thirty Assessors "ani one thousand assistant Assessors are to be relieved from dulv. Many :Joitheiii'viirratfre to th'e shades of jorivato lite with their pockets po well . iinetl with Unlco Sam's money, that tho loss of jthair -lucrative p ositions . ? wil ejfect them but " little! Rut let fctheuigo. Lets have a chaiiire any Ijow, for there is scarcely a "possibility that. we shall be worsted. No douhtit willbf a sorrowful day with the most .of them, or like the yermin of an old ahip they have "been, housed so long, that ' tjwiy Ituow no other home. They will no doubt lose some of lhat exalted pa- Iflntlim ' linf 4l,vr liAVA n r rftsin fntin ttivusiiii luuv viivy uatu au uiiuu tauub. .'.'. 'I ed, and for which they have been so long distinguished ; and will we fear realize that the powers that be are not infallible. We may look out, for thim h'o ith ; carpet-bags have already gone up. " Homqlcss and .4 'il.l '' .! ' OJhcolcss i .i tpcy ream v ixrtillzc'fH.. I i .'ii r. i j - It has become evident that our farm era have become wild over cotton from the fact, that the factories will not be able to meet the overwhelming demand or fertilizers. Just imagine tho im mense acreage that must have been designed for this crop when with the rhatry kinds of new guanos that have teen; lijadei, and the .enlarged facilities b(itiio factories alrcaily'iu" existence, the demand of the larmorj have not ieen met.. We ask' all thinking men what must be the result" of his if tlicre iKoul bV a good crop made, or if there should bo a failure? They will be in 'a dilema either horn of which must be: Injurious,' for if good crops are mode Jh amount of cotton will depress the price, and if sorry ones are made, the fertilizers will not be paid for. Think jbf it farmers and see if; you Cannot make yourself safe by enlarging your corn crop. Fort the oruiETti ' ... 1 . Ao rg?d married cquple ca kd on onaotiur city Atlnrheya a few dajs Mnce, to get him to le an application fpr a' Pcnroo by virtue of the male member cf the couple having sir ve'd as k Soldiei (0 the war ol 8:2 The At toroey proceeded o inte r ga e the said niale mi mber of the aforesaid couple as to his il hna upOL t . n ty of h wi'Tsmuii un niiii iuuu', 11a us unci uo terved io the said war a time a .fhcient , io kiigigh to entitle him to a drat. upon the liberality of the United S atea Trtiiurj. Koo-wing the Ccun'y C m ihissionera to b in pestion on thnt, :ly, and having his feelings somewhat x cited by tbeir destitute andhcloleai condiiion the At'orney suggig'ed that Ihtj apply Io that aource f.r relief. J thereupon be at c mpaniid tbem to the Qce of the aioreiaid Ct)mmieaionirs.' and sought the relief that their necesU (ics rtqoired. lie was informed that the County had prepared a place for ,such people and the only relief they ix Unded was to persons at that place and that they could avail themselves of it if tbry r.bos. They accepted the propo sition and were lurnisbed with a letter pf Introduction to Rial T Edwards Esq. M i - i .; . tJ. Lost j find IToiiikI From, Dui'lciiewjsJ to Liyrlit X3tist Diflfci'eiiees Uctyreen IIiiNtmiid oiul-'Wif e jYiiii eally, Scttlccllv Not many weeks ago, a lady with several small children got off of the train at .Franklin ton and took . the hack to this place unckr the guidance of Mr. .1 oyner the driver. They re mained a! J night with "Mr. Joyner, and was conveyed by him on the following day to the residence of Mrs. Rell, a widow lady, who it see in vas a rela tion of ti2 traveling unknown, Such were the facts and all thai. tvis known up to a Tew days back, vheri two gen tlemen made their appearance in our town looking for v. lady who was the wife of lnc of them, and who had left him during one pf his sprees, and sought safety end quiet in this State far. fl ora the scenes of his dissipation. On his becoming sober he found his wife gone, leaving no clue by, which he j II might fo low, and so the days and . weeks p: sscd by. We leave the reader to imagine the grief and despair of the rcpeutent man, it is not for our pen to portray. As certaining that she was in this part of North Carolina he ca.ne .immediately thither insrquest of her, and succeeded in tracing her to this place And questioning the hack driver, found out her prcscbit abod?. The differences between man and I wife havcj been most happily adjusted, jthe one forgiving, the other forgiven. And ere this, they are on their way back to their home in the Sunny South where the murmcr of the Mighty Fa ther of Waters ever bres upon the car, and where we trust their future .! ..i lliay 00 aLfi bnSllt xvltu happmess yas the past has been black with grief. Ailc uK W lLlu gcuniuau is uc- day, thatjot his companion .Matthews. They were from near Yicksljurg, Miss. During their stay in this place, they stopped at (jreen's Hotel. Mn. EjDiT jii : Section '8 h ot the Postal Law 3 itfid fis follcwfr-i (x't.) It the nru! key be broken,- rr so ckfict'ive as not to open all the leeks, the bg should bi: parsed, unnpned, to the nearest r.Clee, with a r que st P. M. to take out t it? K'tt r3. &c. for the office where thi lock cou'.vt not bi opened. and send ihem . back by the mailcar de rof the 'ja, -in. a sealed until another kty be received D partmect- Ir such a case rier, rUtd pack.-.g", from the anv muu ation of ihe bag is lu'.xcuia- able. -You'wijl s?e irom the cboye that I dm not tmve ti e rmm io pen ri e ic j ootwith:i1Ua.iiig your vieAb to the coa- traty. Rcsp.ct'u'ly, Miss S. E. Joms P. M". In re l to the above we would say that the remark mnde in cur lat issue wcic ba;cd upoa information furnished bv the ac'.ins P. M who inToimed us- that he haul the right to open the bag This is all fiat we have to sij- Foil TIjfi ( OCKIEU. RoLESVUL'", N (J Mr. Editor. I attended ihe exam ination of the s'.uden's aenmn the Musicat Institute conducted by prof. Carmiehael at this place a faw wteks ince, and must say tint I vasgr'a 1Y plcue.I wi.h the e?erc"s s. Tne x- aminatinnkwas very thorougli, the Et - dent biing j required t answer niary queat!o s Tiuy arqutled tl emselves h in.lsnmr r, an.l r. ft-ced credit upon thtir iastriictr. Several studtn sob air ed cerMfiba'es of pr ficieucv and are allowed t"l tench, (vz) G W Perry r f Franklir, W II Hay 11 on ', C W Rich- arda and J S Wondw ird of Wake. The certificate werj delivered to the yanj; m.n tv ue. J W'Hel'or.s of Franklittcin with ve y appropriate re m trka. This gentieraan also Icctuied npoa the necessity of vocal music : Re showed bim9e!f thoronjrblv cnversant with his bu' i ct hnd his rt marks vv re Tttll received by the audlecce which wks very ,11 ge. Pro. Crmichael h-d-ne a f;reat deal of good with bis In sti: ute of vocal mus'c, and those who desire to lecjme teachers would do 1 t I well to attend the rdip, Cultivate the voice, leai a to ung fjr the sake of your CLuch music. PRC .I - 4 .- Cho was Femalk Institute. -We 'ern that! our Townsman, Charl-a M C oke E'q., has accepted an invitation to d-liverj the litty address lcfore theChowon Female Institute at Mar fieef b.ro N. C. at the annual commence- i m-ntin July cexfr. This is a complin rrent that! copld not have been bestow- ed upon one more deferving. Though a yung man Mr. Cooke has a'ready attained an enviable reputation at the tar both as an advocate aad judhious and able tainrnents people of cou9SelIor. His literary at are ot a high order and the Eastern Norta Carolina may expect a rich intellectural treat cn that ccasion. A u-meiug if Union Lodge No 1M ot A.Y. M. at the fcaaJiC Hall in L uiburg, oa, the first Thursday in Mnrch 1873 Geo. S Baker, T, WhiV, and C. M. 'Cooke were appointed toi prepare ai.d report to the nx meeting pf li e Lodge, a Tribute of Respect to the memory of brother J. R Brummitte. The Commiitte at the mxt mtelicg of thv Lodge on the ft 8i Thurduy io Ap ri', made the following report whic'a wTtn unsn:n;ousj adopted. ' B:o!btr J. R. B-ummitte die I oa the .6 h ot March 1573. lie came to this pii.ee,. n s ran2fT to pnr people about eighteen years ago, since vhjch time he hu? I een a useful member ot ouri Society, ami at tl c time of his death he was accuj yicg a poition in our consmuniiy which we ler wi 1 1 ot be to tell filled' for mnny yeara to coie. He became a member of our order scarcely twelve months g 1 ut hfe had been with us sufficiently lorg, tofdiscovcr to us that hij tar was -ever open to the 'crypt' diat:e,M an.l that hia hands were ah- whys read y' to do a deed of chriiT. was erpcciii'.ly kind in hia atteution to the sick and tbe tffl. e'ed. It is there fore j Res lv; d, That this Jnlge as well as the coratLUtiiiy-E-bas tlidtaiued a great loss in the death of cur brother J. R. Brumuiitte- ! . That the occajirn efhis death should impi ess us with the solemn ttct that we nh) are left must sum lollow him, and that the great important mat ter of life is to pr para for death- 3. That we deane to express t the widow ot our deccasjd-brotLer our sjm- pathy wiMi her in the hour ol her great bcreivemint ar.d that a copy of these proceeding be scut to her. 4 That these proceedings be pub i hed in the Fraikjia Courier, and be pprtad in full upn the lecords of tho'Lo.ig- Q 'o. S. Baker, T. White, C- M. Cook. Com. Branch Council 10 F. ol T Fit ai kliktom March, 3t;t. J873. WniiKEAa,. Ia the dispensa'iou of an ovt-iiuliug r rovuttnee, our Council has been culled to lament the death of our b-loved brother and Worthy Chaplain J. A. He nli y, who died suddenly Iroaa a S'.roke rl lraijsis, Sunday moruing Vlnrcb, 23 d 1873. . ! ! RcsolceJ, 1st. That wo extend our heartfelt sympathy to the dear compan ion 6f Lis besom and family in this sad bereavement and los.to themselvs, the community and the cause of Tern parance of which he was a most worthy member. 2 .Th, it while we mourn iuce:e'y the death of our is eeme.l brother. We bow vhh humble s d mission t Diyim Provi2e:.c ; having the cmtirting as t'urance" that lit was tvir rvadv for the ' .... it t i su uuioas "to j in tne inuuiu jra'de carat van ab ve ' 3. That a copy of ti c e resolutions be sent his bereaved f.tmi!y ad a c- py to the F. f I". and Franklin "Cour.ei ' for publication. ! II. H. Gibbons, ) C. W. Conway; V. II. Joymr, Com Tcmpernnpo Alphabet. A i the young raiin's first gla&s of ale. p is the beer which ntxt will prevail,. C i3 the cider so simp'e at first caus ing in futaie m qiii stiuuable thirst, j D is the dr:-m taken more, noon and nighr. - E ia the ix ra one, at eleven, I bt 1 eve. F :s the fp though so good lor a cold. ; G ia the gin not so pure a of old. ,1 is the hotij where ot p ic gees, l is the inner room he so will knows. J is the jug he there flls to' the brim. K is the knocking of the conscience, within. L is the landlord who smike as you drink M is your mon y he's getting I think X is the nightmare winch visits your brbii. O is the or,ies of the midnight tri i P is the poor, pi nailers pauper you become. C is the quarrel, the product ti rum H is therein ram brings to your door. Sis the tuffrirg nAr ku.wa be fore. . T ia the tremens, and mark thi as tine,-they make U'vr cail ere death mu-t ensue. U is th undertaker who comes to yonr aid. ' ' j V is the valley whe your body is Uid. - . ' ".I W is wretchedne?, wail and woe. X ecrable drunkards ai- ne can know. Y i3 the yaruing for mispent time. Z is the i nith ot tie drunkard's clime SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COURIER Only $2. Pay Year SuUcripth.n, AD VER'I iSKMEXTS. STATE LlfE INSURANCE Company. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA Capital, f $200,000. OFFICERS: lion. Kemp P. BattU, President. F. H. Cameron, VxPresidtnt. W. H. Hicks, fctcrttary. Dr E B, Haywood, Med. Dinctor, Dr VV. 1. Uoys er. Ass't Med. Director. J. B. B itthclor, Atiorm y. Of II. Ptiry, Supervising Agnt DIRECTORS: . IIou.K.n;p P Battle, Hon Tod R Cald well. Hon John W Cunningham, Col T M Holt, Hon Wm A Smith, Dr W J Htkiwns, Hon John Manning, Ge i W U Cox Col L W Humphrty. U Tate Mu'phy, Col Wm K Amieison, John G Williams, Col W L Saunders, K Y Mc A.den, Co' A A Koy, 1 J Young, James A Graham, r 11 Cameron, J U Mclta, JBD uctirlor, J C Jl ate, Vv ter Clark. VV G UpolAuoli, JJ Davis, John ruhols. FEATURES AND ADVANTAGES. Ii is emphatically a Home Company. its laige capital HUaraulces BUiuu;li and sal. ty its ratis are as low as tnoso ol any hr?t"clas3 company, . .It offers all desirable firms ot insur ance. ' lis funds are invented at heme and ciicuUtf.d kinong our o . u p-np.t , ijo necetsary r-tric-iuus imposed upon reiidt nee or travel. Pulicie uou fortcit'jie after tw years. I I's officers and d:rctors are pronii neot, auU well-k ow o N rtli Carolina .a. s, Klj.ise exptrii-nce as busim s men, knd whose worth and ititctiiitv are alone sufficient gu iranttes of t,i;e C- in -pany's streng-h, solvency and tu. ceis. Geo. S Btktr, Local A'ent. II A, Lonuoi., L(;uitburg, N. (, istrict Agen, Piitsboro, N, C Go dg with whom lib rai tou'racis will io made, wauled in iv-rj rouuiy iu tho Stat . mil 21 6 n j i - 1 ' 1 I " Flour, Flourf 50 Barrels, very choice Family Flour, ; For Sale by ' Knig, White & Shaw. BulJv Meats. t ides and Shoulders, of. the best qua -ity, selected expressly io come up to our high standard of choice meats, For sale by j King, White & Shaw: i :A.. OEEECH. A3? SSE ' MARBLE HALL TJjPLE QF FANCY, Slay be-f und oua of the m st eomp tt t.ck t t gouls ever offered to the people of Nor h Ourulin .,ciibis i g of trts goes -r tvor desiiable etle. Wt.ita gxdj all gr ea. otLn, Ladi.s Hats, trimmel and n t ia mcd. ti.n i hats. Iadie end tie s shet al if wlica cm totght atrt ln r.ikb j Ijw prices. Ca lanl tee rue, bt forc pu chasing tl ewheie. A.. CBFECII. F-ytttevble St, I a'e gt., X. O. mb.28 tf- ' t . - To all AVliom it may Cpn oci'n Office Reg. of D?edj, Franklin County Louisburg, N. C , 28th, March, 1873. I KY AND EVERY PERSON, paying i. lax on their rtccipts'an I sak-s, as provided in the Revenue Law, ratified 3rd day of March, 173, such as Meich n.F, Auctioneers, C uumusioa Mtrch ant, &c , &c., kn-l every pt-ron who has tirt W outaina Licence before Xcrcis ntg any trade or calling, all of whom are comprised under Senedule B, ot said Act. and have herctolore returoid aucb thtir lists to the Sheriff ol the county. ABS IsOW REQUIRED, under sec tions 'l and 2G, ot taid Reveoue Law, on the 1st days ol Jmuary, April, July and October, to list, or, oath to the REGISTER OF DEEDS, the total amount t f their "purchase, receipts aud sal , as the casd may be lor the prcct O13 .quarter. 'I'll if , therefore ii to give Notici, to any and every one interested, that ibe undersigned will on the FIrXsT DAY OF APiilLoex', attend attheOFFICK OK THE tJOAltD OF COUXTTCOif. HlSSIONEKr(1for the purpose 4 rrv ceiving sncn lists; and those whose du y it is to atieud and who fil ao to !o, will be noted abd charged doable tax, as required by law J B-TUCKER, . Register of Deeds, mh 33- t V Fraokan County. ADVERTISEMENTS. vj'r v f ai I va UTlLlPniSE Thr i n Ii- lbblc Gift Distr.bution in the country 60,000 00 IN Y ALU ABLE GIFTS! TO BB DIS 'i i iU TED I t L. D. SINE'S IGOlh Regular roonihly jJlFT ENTERPRISE, Tbe draWf Slonday, Arril, 23th, 1873. TWO GRAND CAPITALS OF . $5,000 Each in Greenhacks ! IIG 111 111 ltl O I 1 - i-m c I . rt v vn a n t e i Ten prizes S'.UO 1 BortCtt Bisrsy, it'i f i ver mon'ed Hwneiv w'Uh (W0. O tQiw-to--(vl l one wood P.ano, wort- $ Ou! T n rniri!yewiiiff la hine, With $191 ! Fi'y U 'd 'iuvr0& Ct aiii8, rorth $300 Cuh! F.ve O Id Amerioun Una in r Waic .en. wrth 8l23 a;. 'Jen ml c' Q It Huntma atc!f, ortb 75 p ch! .8 (Khll i dSi -: vc r L.Yvr mi v- k W o c-(m t.l ioiln fv m $C0 to ?300 ecu flo'd Cha ii;, si!ver-v -re, J Iry, & W1j1 numb r KiltG5j0. Ticktti Lir.i'ei to6i,f'0 Age t-vai tU to b'1 tickt8, to h"!a liberal Preiiunnn wj-l be p:i t SinKl- riek-i $1; S x '1 c.els $ ; Tw"vs Tickets $10; 1 Weut3-i:ve Tickelo $20. Circnliuv contiin'n a full 1st orprizex,ftnd desoiptii oft e ina-'i cr of tlawinij, and o?.: cr int'Vnuui n m racrcucs t" tlie i-iHtM-bution, Wi 1 be ent -o any one nideringthera All le teis must be add fused to 1 Vstin ftice, L I). slNl T?ox 8G, 1J1 w. F;fth St, Cm imiati.O. VALUABLE LAND For Sale. I-y virtue of a Decree of ti e Superior Ci-ui t of the County ol Fiat k in. ma.le iu Ihu cms? ot W. il.-ypmoer Admr.. ol J. J. Duke,; dcc'J., ng..ini. LlU-n Duke and others. I ill ffer for de at public HUCiion to ti e higucsst bidd r. on Saturday the IDihd.iy oi Apul 1873. all the intcust of J. J, I) ke dec' i., n a ccrtuin tract or p tree I ot itud ituated in Hayrsville 'lownliij), .n Fiaokim Coun y apd 'a !y own I y i hp. K. Duke d.'c'd , ud wincii Was iKvsed by said Ths. K Duke to his wile dur ing hr nnturariilu vi-h th rmtiiuter iu lee simple to the children oi the tuid T. I:. Duk -, one ot wh. m wvs ihe J. J. Duke dtcVi.,' his iol.r a: iberc.u beiu abuut forty nine acrv?. Term one fourth cn6!i l a', o-i a credit of twelve months, t n't uq .i.-j-d tiear ;ng inter, st Ir-mdiyo Eauilf ic a n:.d until ad the p'lrclinsc n.oncv is paid. W. H. SPKNi.EK, Admr. Louisburg, ilaich, la, lts;3. Ids. Meal. 50 Hushels, very nice Mca ground i torn choice white corn, For sa e by King. White & Shaw Flour, Flour, 50 Barrels, Superfine Flour, for sale very cheap, by King White & Shaw, Uaeon Bacon, J Call and buy our choice Bacon, well smoked and thoroughly cured, r 'King, While & Shaw- 1S73 Sprint; TiVido. 1S7S China, Earlnen-Varo, Glass-ware, &c. By the Arrival of the Steamer Austrian AT - Not folk, I am in receipt pf. a large and complete Stock of Eirthen-ware of my own Cirt-ct importatioa. And Irom the Manufactories a full supply of Glass ware, &c. ,r' By importing toragn goods and buy ing domestic goods troai the Jlai.ulao tories. 7 am enabled to fell as lw as Northc.n Jpbliera. Sletchants aod oth" cr in want are respectfully requts-ed to examine my tock and prices before making their purchase. L. A. MAttBURY. 97 Sycamore St. Petersburg, V'a. GoouS carttully packed for transpor tation. mh 2l-lm. i YAIIBOROUGH HOUSE, , RALEIGH, N. C. ADVERTISEMENTS. W, XL ZXndfiiu. T. T. nog-err. N. V?. Nicholas. Wi XL So dgiiis &) Go Importers aiul Wholesale Dealers Ia Hardware and Cutlery, . GUMS, PISTOLS, &c. 35 E. Side 3Iarket Square, NORFOLK, VA. . N'r. 18-3m. All Derson M ishiue' harness. f J kindj will call on me, and I w ill guari aiueeio piease tnem, Dotli In price an quality. - i J. J. MlN'ETREE, ; mli 7-tf. Louisburg, N. C. F I S II Equal to the Peruvian at nearly bsR the cost. . I v . This puno is M..nufac ured under our Supervision oq Chtsapeakc lly. V, uuvl lias bcn exteneiv. y Utrt the past few yeats iu North Ct.r .ia with unparalleled succeai. Casli price $48,00. T.ma ' $5G.tf6. kSold by Rarrow & flea-uts. L-'Uisouvg, N. C. J. S. A V. H. J yner,! Frtuklintou, N. C. COWAND & II".RH3, Uen'l Agent, Noilolk Va. E. II. PLUMMER & CO., 121 Sycamore Street. Pk'TKBsBDRC "Vju, Dealers in Iron Steel and i Oiders will receive prompt aqd care ful attention, and me ro-ptcllully so licitud. Q"nfj:al Agents fr Jh Far'ncr- F.i::ud Plow. tii. s mvt wi h universal commendation. Uihisr prices alli.-.v"cd for scran iron Ho 18 3.n. ' . WIIOLESALR DEALER iAr Crockery Glassware, j " Kerosene Oil and Lamps, 84 Sycamore St, Opposite Iron Front Q0OD3 CABEULLT PACKED. Ootton Planter. If y iu want an efficient, portable, well tried Cotton Planter, you will fiud t in The Thorne patent, Ttis imple ment sows fertilizers as well as seed, an i ia quantities to suit ont'a wish, Ak u favois ol stumps. No rubbing ol erec 13. ata human musc'.e so far. biitti in quality and quan.ity cf work, to be an absolute r.ectssity for every iaimer. U.memr Thornc'a patent, App'y very eaily to J a M-citaux, Louisburg, N C, cr U T 1 huusk, Littleton, Ii C mh 21-lm GREEN & ALLEN, Grocers And COMMISSION UCUCHAN M Solicit Cona.cnments of Cotton, Tobacco, When, t iJ'loiix', Corn, and Produce Generally. Agents for ths xcellenjs Cotton, Fertdizer and Gulletts improyed Stetl Urusb Cotton GiLS. . . No. 110 fiyeamore Sraat. T!teraburx. Ta. 2io.l-lj ' . 40 Barrels Golden FleeGa Family Flour. A beautiful article, and warranted to please.' Price $12,23, BAIUIOW k PLEASANTS. 40 Barrels "Violet Tamdy Flour. A prime articlpt Trie $11,25. ' BARROW & PLEASANTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. FRANKLINT0N Against LOUISBURG I Fair l'lay aud Equal Rights to alii We, as interested pirt its, propose ta present a lew facts to the good ptoU of Franklin, which we have no doib will be lKTinxmsa. to stiTXai freight added.- cau and will sell at piices thi uTlt W isiy the desert buyr. Call and see the 13 a i gains we offer. Calishers Brick Store. Ignorance -is Eliss. TTe conusi our lgnpranos in a good many .thirgs; esp-.cully do we ccafcu that we can cot aec how Lei.lu g housi can aell goo Is at Nohturk.- l'ltuxs, frtight a :djI; Fc-r with the aira- tafecs of cxtu in iu.vd, wa buy a good mtny goods that euabksa. to ifl-.r bis qaiss to ur cciTi.ubim; but, with t l tlm, we jtill icsut, thatwecnr.ota-a it a payisg uuainrc io itii a: rtjrtuer prices. We'arc always thankful for. informs lion, and would be und r many oUii tioua if the Leadiso U'.cja; wou.Jic-. quaint ui with the uonus opcbikci, of selling good,? at rihern price;. Wre have cq 'doubt the inform it ina roul.l be highly appreciated by cur Brother Micuc3AXTra. Veil as cck s el vls. For the mx. 20 dsys we offer our stock at Ueducsd prices. Calishers Brick Store. Facts and Figures SpeaK We do ot claim to have the Lares-T tr. ck in town. But fiom the Tim raiD in the la&t twtlve moctbs. tW receipts shew that we have paid ai mccb, aoALX tax tn our rcncuAEs ss any house io Luifbutg, (Lcwdit-g liotuti not excepted) Fur th acxl 30 dayi buy your goods at Calishers Brick Sore. Small Stocks' Against LARGE SALES ! We bavalait a'a-ja extant .in Vt' nr, i b ve tlnaj icun . t-( inM,( h vc .arje a oc we oa.iDi rmX lri " So WifcouMalo akk f r Li-ar o ti sraj-cr. R m!mr tb.t for Ua tut J' ci i w, I t a. I Uur at.exa at rdu1 price : Calishers Brick Store. A sib1 h-)ce i Loa iborssl I if bs of meat ia Ho wk i;lk, wllf Ud tf oar rj.l ly Improv.n u wb. tJ woitde u.eu .oliil L'U.(iML! r1 o: ta tact Wre notour xuterat 'fa'.irf eiVy tatWoao xia.x, w iok i4 ta oar dfl Itiou. U o a what ansiatwr pe h;i urfri'i.d. bate ca fu;lr c t 4 the in af.it itej wil: .tlduaiui tsT tea U tk abuveSVXKHb. aa i W.rs -o Akiv a e aomtat anij! f -r n- eu'd w ith rcat&cr cos i iB'Ct ti , tb to k tii t we -n II pur. U n-xtiCm nth t to ari rT'rl,J t.ataa It y, uerl . ui ad wa her" vcr p iea fa; al kin Stfrous for ' ' CALISHERS' BRICK STOHE. OurSto. kitstil comp'e'a aal fVj daai lag; toe ur . a'Kkiua in ariav.trft iivc iu.- s-.k a icsja1" Calishers Brick Store. A Bis Smoke and a Sm Fire. . -r Wa do not ivT Stoext iari W tfjr T. HOL.SAIX liat-os. for Bsr taan mt r-i ilais; but, W D'a X fcU-lXHOCCXlTT, r burr. Ha vhai rU wait1 to vbeu aUt a. G. W. 15IACKKALL, Proprietor. Calishers' Brick Slor