. - . itSZJErS--BaEflto Cljc aurtev. jMte Ci)c Coiiiftcr. mutt. A Democratic newspaper. 1 RAT US OF ADVERTISING. (10 uses rx LC&9C-X9TirVTX A tqiHK Cre .i'ureonelnrrt'ca.. ..tl tt Oae E-i -li t;L-.yuitt luvrtioa.. tt- One Ci-uttrrt- . t tc Tn ik mouth Ji . 7brce moutU 5.fo Cf.a Fivuieuth:. ...... JI.09 Tie Twelve uiouths.' IS II C mttrbct's !' tir grr jwce unua on libera -CU ' J'abIUli3l every Friday in Louislnirg kaths or mwcuii'Tiox, fojy 1 year,; - C Month.-. . " 3 Mo llis. DEVOTED TO POLITICS, LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND ART. Vff TI.IiMS CASH . IX aDVAXCI. LOTJiSBrjR,G-r N.C..! APRIL 18 1873. NO. 25. - I I Ml. II I i ,,. ; .....2. 01 I Mi i VUL.I kJ. , p.ot in). the How wondrous are the change", Ti n, Since forty years ago, When puis wore woolen diesies. Jim, And boys wore par.ts of tow! When f hoc wtro ifltdc I calfskin '.'-" And socks of hom spun wool, And children' did a half-day's work t Before tc hour of school:'-' The 'girls took inu.ic -lesson J;m, : m Up n the spinning .wheel,1 - . And practiced lute and 'early Jim, . On rphidle, swift and reel: The boys would ride t arc-backed to in ill A eh zen miles or s, ' " And hurry off before 'twas day, '' Some forty yc.rs tig". The people rod ; to m cling Jim, , In .Icris instead. of i lei y: ! And wagons rode as easy, Jim, I ' As bugic s i ow-.i days, ' And ox(n-acsvered wril ior ttara? Though novr tlit-y'd he too slew, For people lived not half so fast, Soinf forty, years O,- well do I ttnv rchcr, Jim, , Th'Wil?on patent stove,' That father bought and tnid for, J;in, Ju cloth our una hal wovt-; , Ami hV)w the neighbors wondered i '.. -When we got. the tiling to go,f They sai'd 'twould bust, and kill us alt, j ' 8om' 'twenty years ago. ys, everything is (lifT.'renf, Jim, F-ro.n what it used to wifs ' Tor min arc always-tump ri g, Jim, . With U d'a great 'natural hi.ws,"--But w hut on. tart h w cc rousing t , j Dot h any hotly k,now ? For evriy hing' h;is ehanged eo- much i tiioce lortv ye rs ao. ' Yu lloin in (;eu- 100!!1. In strolling around, the fi;c t Spring day, we stopped at tlie Memorial (!hap- , : el and passod -th rough the roouw par ticulavly associated with the memory ' ofGcii. Lee.. The guard a student . of the Fnivcrsity--walked w-ith is through the apartments-. ' . Over the marble slab, in the coi.tre of the Library room, are wreaths' of - flowers, crosses and crowns of nnmor--telles itv a circle of autumn loaves.. -": The nsarblo is inserted in the .fi cor and jver the vault. . I'Vom'this roeni a .-door loads into ihe ofiice once used by the Secretary of the Faculty. This is now bare and empty. From this apartiueiit a do?r pcns into a small liall and then into the ." (Jenpral's llorun," as it is' called. It is well known that ifts furniture lia'i never been rhamjed. It rensains as left by Con. Lee. The, round table In the ceiitre "of ! the room i.-r still covered with ll.s l :i- J pers all orderly arranged. The scraps of blank paper were kept iu a' pystcmatie manner'. - A professor took a piece for a memorandum, when the General handed him a" fragment from another lot. ,11c had intended 'the first .sheet for another purpose. All hi . writing was ,donc at this table. 1 le used an arm chair with leather 't.c;t And on rollers. He wrotre rapidly, .rarely interlining or omiting words. There were no suJi . things as rough drafts. lie finished at once wnatevccr he hpd in hand. When his feelings were enlisted the pen never paused down to the last pe riod. His "orders," or rather addrs$ cs to the students1and important cor respondence wore finished with the ink ivet on the first lines. He never 'dicta- . icd, aud used the official Secritury sparingly. His favorite pen was a large gohl one, of a curious model. It wa -almost as broad as it was long. It ya. ieart shaped. A firm jn Baltimore owned the pattern. The first pen of this kind used" by him was accidentally injured. " The writer, at the request of Gen. Lee, tarried it to Baltimore . hile on n Northern trip and had it repair ed and another .made from the origfnal db.' ' " " ,; '.,- ; The inkstand is still pa the rpuud table. The ink is raised by atnios- pheric pressure applied by a screw. ; Ihc instructions on it directed the ink' , to be lowered when not in use. He' never fuildd.to turn the screw"- and let the ink in o tlie stand befure leaving' One of his secretaries no- ticed-liia regularity in this .'.particu lar ' "i : ';' There was a lounge tx the- room ; but he n?ver va.s known to rest "him self for a? m&ment on it.. There never was a pair gf slippers or a robe de ehambre in his ruoriu It is 'needless to ay no cigars or pipe were there, he wxiMi't friendly to 'tobacco. . But 'once was he known to violate the . smallest propriety of his position. During a dull routine of "Faculty meeting," in warm weather, the President dozed for a few moments; lie sat, as usual, but his eyes gently yielded tofthe heat .'and humdrum. ."His colleagues,' ""with couvty grace, let the business ; pause till the brief nap. ended and then star ted with; the last Words the Chairman had heard. ' I his triumph of Morpheus was not alllidcd to. Lcxiwjloa Gn ' He. ri"lie 31o(loo Chin'k A correspondent of the San Francis co Chrouidc was permitted to join one of the parties who visited the Modocs in. their lavd -bed 1 cave. The Indians were in a large eavc their otily fuel sage brush. While they were snicking the introductory -pipe, the correspon dent took occasion to scan the faces, of the Modoc leaders, and here is ths re suit of his observation':.' ' . Captain Jack- was the central figure, and attracted most attention. Ho i a stern, digiiificd-looking' man, iioi over thirty, though he looks older. He has a good head; though, liko 'all Indians, the forehead is !ow. 'His complexion U dark, the pure cappcr-cclor ; and his eyes -arc black, full, and piercing His hair is long, hanging down tc his shoul ders, and he is, of course, destitute of all beard. IJismouth is large, and its f-.lmnO i lidfn Ina (!nnr,nio ' rh 1 '"..uhj inii.in.rr, uuLLi;i.ni;i-i firm ri'irt n i.n.f' C .A. ,x Tr' was very glad to see Steele, but he did not show it-, by his ..mauner. When he 'Shook hands it w.is wiUi. .-an ind'ift'er ence that, to one Unacquainted with Indian character, would seem to be absolute rudeness,., lie was dressed-in a hickory shirt, and vas covered with .blanket. Scar-faced Chin lev, tlie next noted die in the tri,ue. has a Jewish cast of couute-han'c.-1, his nose beinsr lon and aquiline, aud his f:'.ce thin and narrow, 11c has a terrible scar on his riglit cheek, which, but for his naturally pleasant expression, would., make his countenance rather repulsive. lie is about thirty-f:ve years old, and is renamed as the bravest Indian in the tribe. But enough basjbeeh writ- leu oi n;:s cx-iviis. iio was very po lite to his guests, and did all in his power to nsakc them couifortable, He v.is well dressed, and all ho' wanted to do jtvas to get out of the lava bed.. - i. " Shack Nasty -Jim is a youngster net over 20 to 22. He slitun - tlm circle with a soldiors' coat on, arsrd looked wise as a judge. - . ' ' IL'cker Jim, the leader of the band who committed the murders1 on the east side of the lake,- was rigged cut-in a cavalry jacket, army pants, and; black, hat. He has a bad face, aud thrush quite young looked as if he could bo guilty of anything. He is just r.aw anxious for peace, in the hope of, get ting, amnesty for his share- in the mas sacre, and is dohg all he can to make a treaty. The doctor is decidedly the worst looking man in the whole" tribe. His face is absolutely devilish, narrow, contracted, with a little eye thai twink les its wickedness, and a mouth full and scusual. It is a countenance that would make anybody shudder. He had on a straw hat, with a long black feather in it, and several articles; of soldier's clothing. I need' hardly say that all clothing cf 'this descriptic was stripped Irom the aeadcouies cf the solder's killed inhelate h?.t- tie. n, another of the murder- rs, is a tall, finelookmg fellow, but one that I would rather not meet alne a dark night. He wore tiie miliary cap that Captain Burton lost in- the fight. " It had a bugle and the figures 21 on it. lie also carried a .cavalry carbine, lost on the day 'of the bat tle, ' In fact, I saw quite a isuu-bcr of breach-loading muskets, and whole piles of.-nicta lie cartridges, all of which goes to show that our trcops iu their retreat must have left a good. deal of '.var niatevial behind thorn. IIOAV to 3Xlll! :i rJ?.owii. Do all you em to mke the busire?s of jour u.tiyl-otfa tuecc-ss. Advertise 4our m-ch:i! zs by fp.eaki g, h .go.jd word lor tlu-m whenver you gc'.1 Al ways fio .on tic- ait it to in u?c l ew brunches t i.:(iir.try to locdten V--ur nsif'st.. Ju'licic u-!y aid 'every enter, prise that promises' to add facilities to y ur town ,ys a depot et sup-li Support your lecul in w.-pajicrs byink- ro tor tlutn, jiu4 ice'.iii"' an intcn st in their we-Hare., It' you know of any item of news which w-i. uld interest ilij public, Uke.some ics Jo Ut the editor -know it. Don't l.oUl your vacact loti at r- price too high ; don't iirfc too much fVr rcnt?,; and don't hold a p'iuy so uear your eyes a to .hide a dollar ar arm's leng: h, Phrmta grjvh. . - U We. will .aihl a f.w words more Firat ot rdi rec-jgniz that ( fu h i i : r ot the town is tie utst ( f ike j coplo, RDj sec that you have a go...d, c rratorv t.J'.ble hoUl, cvai if y. u Lave to I Aula it oy pu:n;c .'subscription ana Lir-. to keep if, aud sce'uls:) thati: i niun il;;pt like a home, and not liky .a'hog pen. It dors tiot fpeak wdl i v the Inter- pr:sij an.'? prospects 1 a trwa .to-a stra--tre to-'sie h'a'f the vour. hi en t.a'.rin" Lf . r-- r ar. u:.d igr,-scries,, aod let the bo't'i and houst-!i3!d live uu Guj' bi a 1 ! ul ttrtd wiili fat bac-.i, v.Ler) the whole fiirrountiii g . toun'rv is 'i le v.i.l; choxcit game. n r to tc i it..: g'.i St h i h misen.bla -c is; era waor when tei ma:j e.i:a -, navii ir(sn ..ui ! li ue is not too lazy .-to in: Ik :h:s,' cov. s e Uiat jours .1 -c wuiks :t-..i; dition, aid phu-t. tre-s ii aruftd :i-ii hue, Jpk: 'c ir! it;.l!e tor your V :m.i to s'o-y i:: b it to -w:.dk i:. a We can g i iir-o iinj low:'-, it and t 11 in 24. hours w he t'h' i d tli -libs y ur ;o.vi; :i . 1:1 I C i. I V ny :-'ute. is -.i-;g to iirr.oui.'t to a rww -f pir.s. j When : vr we wa.'k r.i-r.: d a .'l lo.' k int-y tue ; ar-'3 and 's..e the good, h .id wo-king h. is : wile ' dolrg ihe ".v ok whic h n. in :u 'ht to, and w .do ' ' ' j O ar.ntid i ri a tl- ppy ysrd w itln u walks or t;ccs ; when v.c ii .d ab!e. bodied u.e loa :;.!; ;.bf ut thc.pl .ci instead e't'nif.k ing thc-ir homes c-omf ,r:ab'e, both in tide ar.d out. when we have- got to w-V,k or ri le kne "uep in muel bom thcih pot to the ho;'el, and then tit in; a dirty .'.able clo'h, a rccal mule up of tut h". materials and., co. king j.s wcuid' chul- Icrge the sub in. 9 digestive cr:ar.? of an ostrich ; w dieu- wo are, put. to ljic.1 twecn sheets that hav; been used twt n- i i I ty tunes I f.:e by. .people witli b"ot on, find in the morning r. early "lcs-j the s'ace or tr:dn by trying to pxk IT a: d leave behind :hevlnel 1 u-; in too: t. we s:i", that whenever v.- strike a t;wn ot hzy and negligent men, we ri .d ti e 'Same kind . ot worn r, in m the .la v ot 'hec...i"y, nd cenciu x u. ace. that -'tuch a "t..v. n n-v lo . vcrv well ' help Ci! up!i tiiip, t u' is rot wutU steppirg m to hunt up u 4-h me.", We v. fr(r.nc. in a town "wheie. we -t xprtssed in t!s:. most c urttous njrncr cur idea tliif,. it the ho-it w. uol put a puilir.g fe:-.ce aad'white waih i-, r.r.d plant a fe.v r-s. 1 l ushes, tc., an rind t!ie -H:k-rj utid put a;tdnf.k walk ubi ut 'the a ae'l go tnat the women folks could haug ub'ci'-Kh- s witlicut being s.v impu d in mud, anr he looked at iis,in perfect r.;t .riisbtoeat, and replied "'.why, my ce r sir, if I ere to do this I would b ruxd out 1 societv, anel I e by a vi committee tor pu.tii.g oa such iiritto- cra':c a;r, . We are lid to say that such trJ not cnlvcrss.1. ly ar:y imwt? and. we l.o: e ihe duy w i lriSidlv came, when, !.t the 9kTti-S.-i ing g;rla:0 v. o ciuoJfo ' , . h .1 the in li I 1 a I Smjllprwi-S wiii aawaseu to a le.l.z ei-.e oi taeir .tuti-s as cit z i.t. and ws co-vio Ltrs in the grdud march of civil'z itii n. t 'SUB5CRIRE FOR THE COURIER "..''"' ; " ' ' :":":, ' : ' ' Onlv 2. :' . . 1 1 and 1 tA. Little Hoy's Idea. Of Xlojjs. A hog is a b'g pig, hut a li tie pig "H Suppose that water in hi .syringe biuVu big hog. There is three kinds has just Veen taken from the icepitch- t hrgs whi.e uua, !lrck hoP, and 2 legged hog-, The cntr"u:iest Leg :g thel liek hog, and the mtarest of all lios ia the 2 ifggtrd hog. If you wan' to drive a h. g' ai y i.er,-, you' must drive 'em the contrary w-iy. Ilogs is ike woman iu fiat rtppL-ct, you can drive '.m I c'te: by coaxing1. In otlur uaRJhogs ain't like w. men txeept, da hi y fays, they ate never sutis-fie-rt t.nd al .vas a grunting. Women wear car-iirg-s in thir c-irv h'-'gs weir 'cm in thuir nose. Daddy s.-.y9 that's so they can't rj';se it. Hogs is very use ful. A In g's he.ul hol ts wa er, nd h;8 tajl makes a nx-. whistle; but dad !v Si-yj y u cta't nitku a silk p?ise otuot u hoj.'o tar. A hog hasten iegs; two 4 legs, that's 8, and 2 hind legs, that's 10. Folk's .call 'em bam. Dad dy likes ham btt ; fie say3 he h id old shouhlcr to often he's tired e f it. S me hos is fat, and some isn't ;Ja good hog always has a curftj tail Daddy says it's like the eq. to a man's name, more for ornament thun aay thing c'sa. Daddy' hog .was fat onet, butfieaint't now. D iddy had to tie a ki;ot i:i h;s t;dl to k cp him from craw ling through the boanls' ol the pen. lie got ou; o-x, and came back with evcrsomapy little bog. D.i-Ulj bj. iumc vvas uoii(g very wen, nut l uon t bed. eve it, else he l let tm out aain I like killing t;m caus-i Daddy gives me the bhidde-ri to blow up lor to.t b-JIs. Mammy lifloiied the bigyet one to make a nightcap. There must by 2 kinds of nig i;ci.p. Daddy takes his out ot a botth. . I 'suppoe I'd know how it is mysjlf whea l grow bigger. Daddy has got his nightcap, ami says it I (b-ii't go to bed' hi.-" i I uiake m sq ii-l ike a psg. i . o- il15et. lion s in si Xois.. l.ai ss I Whether these may be appropriate 1- termed "Happy Thoughts' is ques tionable, but they will suggest the ex perience of every luckless patient who lias been there : Is it perfectly certain that he has the right tooth in hand? Didn't he twitch at the old filling with a nervous desire to. convince me that my last eicntitet was little better than a quack ? Isn't there a slight danger that in a fit of absent-mindedness he'll -bore clean thro' the tooth? Suppose his chicl; wer? to slip, where would it go? Where wouldn't it 0? . .W hat proportion of carbonic acid thrown off by ids lungs am I inhaling with-the already vitiated atmosphere '.of this close roshi?- In short, am I not. acting as a tort of sluice way for some of the waste .of his den.nition body? How long will this work last? 'Will he adhere strictly to the scale of prices -hung in plain sight on the w ill? If sn, under which - head doe3 this job come, lartrc or extra large? j In whose mouth did he operate that file last? "..'', Iah't he paving the way for a "uiure job by filing away such quantities of enamel? Suppose h-3 should striko the nerve ; It is possible that t'nat girl m the me window acrcss tile street can sec wit a t!:c a ma . distinctness that A'' do ner ; and, ;t she vcre- cnunu nicative, Wvuldi't she iiiiuriny pros pects ? ' y W ill choui;hcf the corner of mv mouth hci.d away to result in pcr iHam?rt enlargement ? ,r Will it red cr blistered er.or.di to prevent my fully erjojing my engage ment for the opera tuAtight? . f How lon Ivfore I'il have to -get a false set! of teeth? . . f' Happy thought Will I then le alio to sing falsetto? How many elie every day with splen did teeth? After this protracted operation, will it be any consolation to remember that ,vi lit princes, I cat on go!. , t Hid my ( articular young lady friend ever speak of having her teeth plu?2ed, or of sufferinir fro'ii the iaw- - t o "V ache? . er? How many years before the process of grafting sound teeth will bcome a perfect success? If they could do it in the days of the Ptolemies, why don't they do it now? How to Oiii-o u Cold. We do not know how 'we can ever express cut gratitude to the Daobury "Ntvvs" for f urnishing us with a pan acea for all the couu and lung com plaints that we -may be subject to iu Wintt-r. In the laDgusge ot the virtu ous father of the melodrama, we can only say, Hewn bless you my chc-iid! Listen to his solid chuuks ot wisdom : Qne of our ci;zm. who have been troubled with a svvrre cold on the lungs, effx e l his recovery ia the fol lowing simple uinnner: He boileei a little boueset and hoarhound toijethtr. and drank treely ot the tea belcre goln to ,bed. The next day he took live pi it?, pui .oue kind ut plaster oa his breast, another under his arm?, and still auo her ou lis back. Under ael Le of an t xperienced old lady, he took all thts t ff with anojster knife in the afternoon, and s'ttmied on a r.iUlanl pMte ia3 H,a mothcr put s ,ine onion drafts on h:s Icet. and gave Lieu a lump cf tar to cwallow. Then Lc put some hot bri- ka to his feet ai.el went to be d. 1st xt morning auotlur olel laoy c.me m with a battle of goose oil, and gave him a 'elose in a qui and an auut airivcel ahout llu h ime lime fun Bjlhel, with a I u -die cf sveet leir, which fehe mude into it tct, and gave h':m eviry half hour u-vtil r-ooci whm he toe k a big do of sa-ts. Alfcr il'nr cr Lisv.it. had seen aline olel huly of great- iX.-cncr.ce ii cioetoi ing en Fiauklin s rei', give Lini two pills of her mil: , ..-.bout '.hi; s'z: of au E.iglUh Widcut ami fa Mmiir.r shape, an I two tablep onf iis ! h memade ba'sam to keep, tin m down - Then he took a half pint of I ot iu;n at the ug- gt'sdon of an old Sea captnir, in the nixt hruer, and steamed his it gs with n alcohol Lath. At this ciists two t-f the neighbors arrived wh s'.w at once that his 11-od wa3 ou of order, and ave him a half gidh-n dpar- mir.t let. and a big dose of e.s'or i . lief ore "fromj; to bvel he teiok ciffht t-f a new kind ct pi 1, wrapped about h's ijck,.a fi.ntul s :k;rd in hot vintgir. anil salt, arel had teat In rs burnt on a sh..c' in his io:-m. ilt is n.iw tls r oug" ly cure ! and iu'd of gi.Vitud';- We adv:s! our rend.rs to c ut t'.iis oot ard kep it where it e n be rer.dily !oun 1 '.vi:en d-!Ur thr. a'etiS. . -a i-jiii orr.i.soKimii. r Tlcniyht was. k!-e with-, ul fig. M tt and I su on a log. llfr .? xat up u tl.c -.-ki, and her trcr-.t t:d hove with m .ny a &igh. lie r Lair wis blck as the bl-.eKt't cut, and htr lips, Jeru su'cin ! h dd my hat! Mv -tin was iro ir.d h-r little waist, f.:;-.l I got redy tier lij s to l:.'e ; iul wiitncvtr 1 no a .heucver I )' a thing s chr.e I never m in much la-"t'-. 1 i - ..11 i t 1. u nr.s u w u York gbis. with pre-ttv blue izc tn I hair li.at ;irj, ' tin y ask v- u whit y ur arc f b-ut rnd ive v. u a lio ri-ht6n nor.t. The W s era th-y nuke r.o buhtr if hi ki.aHm ' n v. an tick tl.ry tr.ru theodrtr. Hut givem. a V. iV.ii ii K ri ft rfei slrir tl ty b.at ali" . - e ti e- ut .M T3 t! t o 1 ,:.) lo e cr . . ... you givjpun o:. m a flu nk, . puretq f. tif- !q:-i inU.:. yu St!:. to :nv s .;- ; oe?:- t t - tr di-n'i git weaiy ; I01 if I did git fTrni track. I'v : n with, ut 'r ub e, louaj r..y way buck: ar.-l n.i tlen.. tgir. Til never i..e, as u c to:, p s- ry ii. I nrcrse 1 !!: s ':m lon.'.-u-rud oOr:e:I 11 n r z I to ! ut r hss-.-l in r , I cul ie.t br..-.ihe ori.irhs, Niar.r, .c -rt -n'.i.k. I .V.t ha mi lips !u h.r did fc-;ktk ; I'.ive ht 1 iitt c iund s. tf;a z; then rai"i g cq htr li- d Le . el : Ti.ke kare Jtm.-, ti.': I -r.oz ' Wccaca are bke a .its ti e .ajer tae hir en thev hiv- ot, the Letter they foi l. We g t tl.is fiom a t oh! ! - Lscoe cr wni t-triT iro.Mil 10 .ove. Psj Y a: Sub. cr"p:ii n. ?n CKtNo Gekerositt. Artean Ward nrce lnt mcney. He thui it. coun's tfie transaction: 'A gentleman liiend cf mine cami to me, with ter iu his tyes. I said. Why these weep!' Fie said Le bad a mortgage n his faira. and wanted to U.irow l00. I lect him the moi ey, and he went Away. Some time af.er he returned wifli icorc tears. Ha sa.nl le must leave mcfr- ever. lvei.turei t. remind him cf uc 200 he borrowt. lie was nric i ca up. 1 thought I would not be l.ard up'n l i.n, s 1 told him I woulel thr. w off Si GO- He brightened, sb.tok my haud said, 'Old friend. I wor.'t allow 3 u to rut dj me ia lderaliiy ; throw cfl the othe- b'tt'dre-d." T HE i " Franklin Courier, 1 ' .' ' ' A Live Paper, SUBSCRIBE FOR if.-' Only $2,00. ADVERTISEMENTS!' F I S II L .1 Tfc. G-TJ-A.JSTO. Equal to the Piruvian at near y half the coot. Tuis j:u.-nojis II muf ic tir; l on kr our Enpervismr. on ut;esapet kj Di'y. V j, siol has been tlto jiT.'T u-ed U.r roist f:w yeais'iu Nor.li Car.Uaa v. it it Ui; pa rail., led S JCC C?. t asu price J1S,0J. x T.nn " S..U.U0. jSold by Uirrow : tlcasird!. .' ' L u'nourg, N, U. J. S. A W. IS. J oyner, . i Fr.nfctr?T.n, 2i. CV CvWAND tt II A tilll?.-., . . Grfu'l Ag;rit, "W, ILIIc-iffias. T. r. P..2crs K. W. Nicbalac:. Imiiorlct'.i dud rho!rtul( Dcxl-yx I.i 1 - ' j i Hardware and Culiery, ! . i 0, riiiuu, cic. 35 E. Side Market Square, t NORFOLK, VA. N.. 18-3 n. M. E. JOYNER, v L. b. 1. ad and ; regular nasiH-nsfer. liny from Loui.biiP' to Fraiiklii t on. Cormbrtable accomoon ibr Vul - ' VlTn ej-'1"-"' S I b' g to inform the travcliiig'li:blic that I have charge of thp adtf.ve llaek" line, amlwould be ple.vyd to cirry passengers with prompt lies ami tlb- patch tor the moderate price of $!0, t all hour.- arur H-rat'ous ac an nour.- arur "Cii-oas I reict Im," asK tluKpatroriagc of the trau l- i 1 ... 1 11 1 11 -Ul, ii. E. Jov.nhu; w' -u' yeT. J. S. Jaycer. ; J. 1). JOYXEIt & CO., Commission Merchants, 04 SYCAyiORI-: STREET ! Vtnv.ivvji, Va. . ' i S Irit rnn-ljua-ct of all k'n ls of PKODUCE I in H i r.riktt. snd will fif; orders for GPCy fUFS 7ZII-. TIL'ZKHS an a I other 'pl:e.. 6 - . ..itJ. &rsu3a rtowrR. "snwrs nownts." .'-uku.t4irrrir wrviir wtvsir mxis- HUM (Ow.ili.1i tel), Im S4.(. Tw of iUiOmm mm iW am W -W Aata tr.4 fart Am r j tL nian tm-trW. far. XT OTICX AGENTS mh ill. .H-W-ADaSIS. s T F. r' o-cr ri Tr 'irv t S rt'RELY VEtlETARI.E.. IlT. Virvist ha pnittl to b lb 1 1 BEAT UNFAILING STEUIFICr for l.ixr. . CcjirL ixr anl ( painful tT pr nf l-: f m, i'o unt o 1, Juodier i:!:i-u.att:k.Hck !!lch.- Ujlio ItJ. l-xa Uti 'fpfi ttnr fCoscbp UarU Lu n li 1 n t Fvr; ,c , &e t Af c . yir ' -r-an-'.il xr miU, nne ;r- t -i t artat djvil, we bsw pn due iomor ..rc t-al (oniimt PowJeis jill jiiJ form or ' m-i s I ivsiIliccLVTti. c : ti.nsK':nl ! e-i 'rr.'ul aal ViUufcU p i,ertio, kU Itffer Uii UNE DOLLAR IXJTT'LES. Ilir,ter ,( rlcs a bef jr ) SI. 11 psr lek-;.r. teai by uu.l :t C4 V. y 11 r.iv ur o- Pati-AH-H fivxots I.i.tH llv..h- ls u it otr cnrTd wr. er. w.tn 1 r . o in k. M nip an. Mg uiui'4 uir 4c n. N i- o h.r i gnui. J. II. ZEILIX & CO., il-cjo, G .. atd P-ililtlhia. HOLD CY ALL DKUGCI3T8. FAhb 1872. li. k. ItIARBURY IMPORTER OF -Earlhenvare, 4-L CKIK-A. ll'.i) I'etl.t i:j fc7ry .ricrition of Giiuwiri, ir.ip. J,; oi4 t'Uiad rrk. ; o r.t t.J Ct r i-lo-s WarAXis Lij-v 1:1 if'c. 4 ( 10. UU H:k wbiaU. :. ti i-t't 9 an'i ia wImui Li lit- ft . tU- i!. 11 io 1 .f t!4i ry Mrc-ianu. U i n n-1 ! . , 10 t!t k ij &t t.ii j rrgalsr J i.i b f s n-xi,- .or.u. U A, HiRSURI. S7 v cu tTatzr, .tl - !2.J A'rso! 5 n 13 OF Photographic .Art. IliilclghsX. C. It o- c I ih n ctc?pj I-e riictosrspLS i i-b 1 a., cue ut n inutile n.u'b. irey Mlc I o Iiot .mpUe 'h-ea '.tnih sirulleit j u: i.u uro tv1 " i r;v. inrtr.U e-!ord ia : iy t -y?il f-.r .!Ud lftoabva Jjke- ; LittiJ .'..til itl-UH ir f.-ieud. y-.u if't' -t 1 . ud coljrd 10 .sure; 1 d M tiet.vn -1 n Kcira'.d. I'boU- 1 lw VSt;u oa cona t 1JI e:rt. dont fail vi.it WnWi (i .1 or. -2iu d.Kr aImt ' k"' rt , "J w WATJO-. . 1 j. unnv vei n ivm i llllj Great Western Insurance Company Of NEW ORLEANS. t.-onti:mcs to mxim a ecLil!ty tif Tarni property at equitable rat. A 11 Lo.-ea tKcnrring In thi department, promptly adjust. J and settled by thu uudcriig.;i-.l, without the ilelay f rl erentf, to the Home Ofllce, as ! re y quired to Ihi done, Ly Lx-al ng'.nci- ' of No rt horn and EnglLdi Cornp nil-. IT. h. Iioiid tii jited witJi rtate Trtaurer-,of tho Mates h-c Uw r.piire t'.icti a ilepoiit tu be ULide. J. B. Mautin, 106 Vhla St. Norfolk Va, Gcul Agent- Tor VaryUnd, Delaware, lUt olum Lia, Virgii. la. North Carolina, South i arolina antl Ueitrgla, -O'co. . I'ak;r, Ioral Age t. , 1 f "o 1 Cm. FOE -BliJsT. A nice LtKtne oll.ee for rent, ply at tUU otliits.

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