I) e Co finer. iTjaker ' Mitchell Txoprietors. Louisburg .May 2, 1873. Cecal Jtcms. COTTGTC MARKETS. I " fsiERSBUKO April 23 tb 'Saltimorb f 7 1X5 17 1 2 19 1 8 19 U4 yzw York ' IULRIO 171 1G-12 Louisiana " 24'.b We dontlikb to dun individ ually VUOH S WHO OWE US, AND we THKaEFeRE GIVE KOT1CE IN THIS bESEKilWAY TO HI SZ OF OUB SUB fCKlBlfcS WHO HAVE NOT PAID FOR IfllEtt PAPER THAT WE ARE MUCH IN SEED OF THE M03EY, AND WILL BE VEUY GREATLY OBLIGED, IF TBEI WILL CALL AT OUR OFFICE WITHOUT JIJP.TDEI DELAY OR KEMISDED AND KETTLE Ur. The Editor is absent, attending legal business at Franklinton. to Dr. Wm. M. Crenshaw of tuis place will attend the State Mertical Conven tion, which convenes at gtatesviUe on Xbe 20th. "' The new postal cards wi'.J ready by the 1st, already the requesting for jtlieon is so,great that it may be some iinie before we get them here. .H .. .'. . '. t . 3lr. T. B. Kingsbury, after a retire ment of fourer five months,basa2ain re sumed tb.3 editorial idiair of the Senti nel. We welcome him back with sin cere pleasure, j There will be a meeting of the' mx zans of Louisburg, in the Court House, on Friday night the, 2nd initfor the purpose of nominating Mayor and four jjtominissionera. A full earnestly asked. r meeting is Wejlearn from the Raleigh Sentinel of April 2uth", that Mr. Simon Smith ,-of Wake lad.hia cotton gin burned on the 23 rd inst.,. consuming 120(5 lbs, -;Guano, all , liis fodder and farming Mtcusila. Lsi! estimated at $1,000. No insurance, It really secvas to us thai, it is time our town authorities were taking some sanitary measures for the protection of ithe health of our town. The ncgelect ot ithese measures heretofore' by- those jinto whose hands the care of our town Jjasbecn committed, has succeeded in gaining for Louisburg a most unenvia ble reputation for unhealthiness .Will not our Commissioners giro this Sub ject thair immediate attention, W. S. Mallory, 1 raniUflA0,11 has just received ' 1,000 bu., of white corn at 9$ cents, 200 " Meal at $1.10 lie is prepared to make liberal cash advances to those who wish to held their cotton, charging only 6 per cent ( int., on mony---"advanced. Write for particulars. 1 ' ' A little negro, barefoot, one! pant log rolled up, a hole in the crown ot bia hat, trving t drive an obstinate, hornless bull yearling' up Wynne's hill with a cart load ol bnlk meat, tnd the lo'v Jooce- The undcrs zed ox was not to be easi'y persuaded, and cot rren open to the conviction of a sour wotd pole. The young Afican was passionate ot temper, and prvcarious of seat,; being percheJ tn the aiy pyramid of meat. He requested the steer to git up and the iU-er backed down, the darky slid ing djwn the trout side of the pils ol bactn. Ho called aloud to thejiaj ling 'whoa I and the yearling plunged foiward, sliding the youth back over the meat with his bead against he tail board, lle 'gnve yxe bull sour wrp I on the lett flank, and the bo viae htw ' e'broaght the pole down longwise on the right side and the animal 'gee'd He bioke the third commandtucnt over tis hornless head and the head went do wn and the yoke slipped eff; ' der.y negro withU battered bat 1 An el an a leg, limped up ana adjusting the yoke procee(iu 10 twist the yiai lings tail. lie, ; the y was however too poor, tins maneune to fucce d, )xU back lone simply lu:ned" over under tLe kia and jhis eirs 11 pped uuder his throa. GatLeiing aid fram the 1 1 ck smith shop they at last, built a fire un .der the calf who now frantically de prted with the wheels, tbe body keel ing up with bis first jump, and turning lottom.upwards caught the luckness H n-gambian beneath if, where amid bu'k sidei and shoulders he groptd and calkdfor he'p, like a tur le with , the colic growing in bis shell. New Advertisements. BARGAINS 1 BARGAINS !! We are now receiving a frill assort NEW GOODS ment; of Dry Goods, Notions Ilats Boots, febies, Hardware Cutle.Jy,'&c. I . Terrell & Harris. SADDLES! SADDLES!! '. f -" raddle Clothes, Bridles, Haulters, &c, ' j Tern 11 & Harris. GROCERIES! GROCERIES!!' ' i i - - Ijtacon, western or country. Lard, in kegs or barrels. Molasses, all grades, from 40 to 90 ets. loffee, fcugar, Rice; Tea &c; ' j Terrell & Harris. FLOUR! FLOUR! FLOUR! Ihe I . . , , . A large stock, and prices to suit. t " ; Terrell Harris ' NEW HERRINGS ! 20 Bbls, jNew Herrings,' - Terrell & Harris. CORN! CORN! 300 bushels of Com for sale. ; j '' ( " Ten ell & Ear-is. MEAL ! MEAL! . Justg ound and fresh. Give Wi a call. TERRELL & HARRIS'. W. A. K. FALKNER, It. X ARRINGTON. Falkener & Co. Wholesale Dealers l ' IN BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, &C; No. 106 Sycamore Street, PETERSBURG, VA. apr .25 3ar . lt.lt. Madison,; WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, And agent for the sale of MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, CIGARS, &C. 110 Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Ya. mi SPRING TO, White, Corling & Co., (Successors to Smith & White ) Xo j 25 . Svcamore St-eet. S HOL1 SAUK & RtTAlL DSALEB3 LN Dry G-oods, Offer to the merchants of Virginia and. North Carolia a choice and well select- ed stock of , ' FOIIEIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 1 the j lowest market prices. In our dress goods department will be found all the Norerties of the Reason! And the staple stock embraces a 'arge line Qf prints, Domestics "W ool ens, Linens, White Goods, Notions; &c M A.TTI3SraS ! We are in receipt of our hite and Colored Mattings', for sale cheap by april So-nt J, T. YOUNG & BR0. if f lis Jewelers'' Have just received direct from the manufacturers another large Jot of : Young's celebrated perfective pe is copic spectacles and eyd-glasses." Ev erybody using spectacles should be very ca cful hi thtj se lection' of glasses to iit their Vight Oiifc pait of glasses too strougfor your eyes wi'l do them more ha mt.la j a dozeu pair can do them ffocnl.Mt is very 'difficult i o im- for provt e your sight after it U once injured. friojbe careful, ami use oijly the best ir !asses Jry ' ' ' " " YOUNG'S P. P. SPEC?, and you will be p eased. we have old ovei tfiree thous;ind pair, and every m caret is pleased with them: told on- 5y by J. T, YOUNG & BRO., torne tjcaa.ore antt Bankrts. ap U 25-iy. j ' rcteTsbu'g, Va. 3b Barrels Old Dominion iamily Flour. Guaranteed all right. Price $11. ! "' ' V rV PJJASANTS. A Professional Card- I beg ,lATC to call the attention of public to my profession of selling the most beautiful and desi ab'e stock of goods, at the Lowest Cash Prices known in Lou'sburg sine; the war ; and to assu'e them that I p fess nothing tout what I Will Fulfill. I will take pleasure in Lidice aa elegant Vue of shewing the at about one half the usual cost. Hand some eilks stripes that sold last Spring for 90 ctr. and ti 00, can now be bought in more brilliant utyks tor 50 nd 60 cts. Grenadines that usually bring 40 and 50 eta. are now down to 25 ctt. The colors too arc all new and delicate IN MILBINEEY S I I have abandoned the old plan of bringing out'the stiff and prime .ready made Hats, and effsr instead a large lota ' Untriinmed lists. And FRAMES, with an tquisite selection of French Flowers and Marceliine silk?, ao that cv ery lady can please her own tasVj. I effer ao time bej.,ut.ilul .noyeltiea in Dggera Fanp, P.C;ue belt?, Lac and' -Silk, netted Collaretts, While I kecp on hand a good. STOCK OF GGOCERIES which I will sell atttbe very lowest I - ..." 1 PASH PRICES. I have a speciality this s.ason of DRY GOODS. B n o E Hats arid Clothing, And in the selection of cay stock, I have endeavored to get the Best (Jpods, Rather than the Cheapest I so that I will Warrant eveiy article I stll. Owiag to the immense dema.! of Credit: I have teyiforcecl to adopt the CASH BASIS I will sell from this dai. only for CaH or on ti'y days time; ic pt in those cacs wbe:e I have made special contracts for the year. Selung for cash I shall be ab'e to t-ller Goods at very low figures, so tjjit if you have Mossy to spend go to E.W, Fuller's, FOR THE BEST BARGAINS, I mean what I fay, if yon want goods i.f the best quality lor the Lowest Pos s blr Pbicc, yon can find them, always at - ' V,' " GOODS l l FILLHRS: No, 113 Sycamore street No. 113 ' PETERSBURG, VA. E. C. James & CP WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Staple and Fancy Dry Gooils, Irish Llrecs, "White poods, Hosie y, Goves, tjtatipnery, and Motions gencra'ly. Have now ii store the 'largest .and most varied sfcockof . . . : . t Sjprjxg and Summer Goods, that they hajre cver.offe cd, and viich they are p eparca to sell as raw to ine JIerciiants of North fjAEOLpjAi Jobbing Hgue i' Either in the State or Baltimore and oti as good terms. --.. ap.i. 25-Gm." . E G James & Co, 3STQTIOE, Having said out my enjtire iocof Goods to Mr. William Price. I render my Thanks to all my friends and custo mers, for the patronage s j liberally be stowed on me. . Respectfully, JACOB SOLOMON. Having purchased the entire Stock of Goods consisting Qt Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats Ifoots, Shots. Groceries I will continue to conduct the above business at the old stand, under the firm and title ot Win. Pice, and will be happy to see my old friends and cus OJiera. " Kesptctlully ; Wm. PRICE. Franklinton, N. C. ap 25-3t ADMINISTRATOR SALE. On Thursday the 8.h day ot May, 1873, at the shopot thelate J. R. Brum mitt, in the Town of Louisburg. . I will offer, tor sale to the highest bidder for cash, the persoual property belonging totheEs a.e ol the said J. R. Brum mitt Deceased; Consisting ot 2 Tables, 1 Washstand. 1 Candle Stand. 2 Small Bedsteads, 1 Cradle, 1 Large Bed-, stead, 4 Coffins, 3 pair f Window Blinds, 1 Burdau, 1 Small Steam En gine, 3 Planing machines, 2 Morticing uiaciiines, 2 Small circular Saws, 1 jig baw, 4 bctis ot riaiies, Plow, 1 Sasli Plaue, 1 Sett Toogue Grooving and flowing flanes, 3 liandsawp, 2 'J'ennon do. 1 Cross Cui do. 2 Braces and Bits, 4 Gauges, a lot of Chisels, and Augers, 2 Beveis, 8 pair Compasses,, 2 Spirit Levels, 1 Stsve, 1 Boring machine and Bits. Lot Coffin Screws, Box Blind Staples, Lot Bureau Knob?, Lt Paints and Paint Cup?, 3 Drawing Knives, 4 Try squares, 3 Square, 1 Box fecutch- in?, 1 Box Wardrobe Hinge, 2 Papers Coffin Handle?, 2 Papers Sprigs, B x Wardrobe Hinges, 19 Drawer Locks, 1 J. VVoodsaw, 3 Iron vices. 1 Foot adz -, 1 Box Wardrobe Hooks, 5 eiKatoneg 0 Hammers, 1 Mitro Square, 3 Hand vices, 1 Piece Casting, Sash tor 8 win dow, 1 Tool Bjx and Chest, about 30j0 feet of Timber acd many other things. , W. H. SPENCER, Admr. J. R. Bxummitt,(Dtc'd. tds Louuburg, N. C. " Williams & Haywood, ! WHOLESALE AND KETAIL ItALEIGH, N. C. HAVX r STOEX X V tLX-.ILTTi D STOCK OF. Pure prugs. Medicines, Chemicals, Elixirs, Solid and fluid Extracts, Sjrups, sugarCoated Pills and Granuks. Cerate?, CotifYc- lions, .Ointments, Mineral Waters, And all the popular PharmaenUeal prepara j tionsof the dev. 8argica InatnirjaenTsTTraeaes, Sappcrters. and other Appliance ' in fcijre. or ordtred at shor t no tic;. Patent Medicines, Fine Perfumery. Piats UiU, Dje-8tnfl, Vrnjow-Ola, Pulty, bur trior mes, uranuif. WbuJuee, Porter and Ale, ifor Medicinal par f ,) F.ce (Jig ire, Tobacco, &c A&. 83AU which are offered, for sale at Lvest maiket raXes.sr y No. 6-Cmoa Iokl Thomaj. J. J. Josrs. Thoinas & Jones. JONES' MILLS. Franklin Co., N. C. Having purchased the Stock of goods belonging to J. J. Jones Jb eon, we pio Eose to carry on a general mercantile uainess at the same place, under, the style and firm of Thomn cs J jne-, em bracing everything Uically kept in such a buHutss. With exptriecci .lacked by energy, polite attention and .ood wi 1, e trust for all, sus'aiued aud supported by our fritrids, and the trading com munity. We expect to, and will sell as low as others for cash or on time. We expect to buy cotton and other produce, thereby accommodating the people by giving them sc marktt near their home. We rsspeetfully solicit the patronage of al', both white and colored.- THOMAS 4k JONES. april 182m. J. H. HEATH, Saddle & Harness I.Iaker, Court S, Lori-BtTRO, N. C. " . Having employed a jouog ron to a tend to roy Ear, hcrtalter my tir at teotion will be given to making and re pairing Buddies Harness, Ac. All orders lor work in my hnu will recciTapn-mpt attention. Tue ciiiziQS of Louisburg, and surrounding country will do well to give me & call b.lore purchasing else where. apriU.3m. J. H. HEATH. GOLLSBORO. Medical aiii Surgical Institute, TOR THIS CURS OF AND ALL CHRONIC DISEASES. DBS. Greex, Ldtolkt & Bkhtlxy, V" Proprietors. J. E. Bentley, M. Surgeon in Charge, E. H. Greene, M. D., Physician in Charge. 1 Having arranged with Drf R, H. Kline; Founder and Proprietor ot the Philadelphia Bellevue Institute for the' establishment ot a permanent office at Goidsboro for the cure of cakcer, we take pleasure in informing the afflicted that we have secured a large, commo dious building, and thoroughly furnish ed it for the especial comtort ot our many Patients, corning to us from a distance. Dr. J. E Bentley, the Surgeon in Charge, late Assistant Physician and Surgeon in the 'Philadelphia Bellevue Institute," is a gentleman of high pro fessional attainment, a r physician ot exptrience; and well skilled in the treat ment ot Cancer by our methods. Dr. Greene has for 9 years had charge of a Branch Office, to Dr. Kline's In stitute, at Charlotte, N, C, and his suc cess iu the cure ot Cancer and' other Chronic Diseases has been nppreceden ted, ' ' Cancers will as heretofore, be treated mainly with Dr. Kline's great Cancer Antidotes, wonderful' in their iffect and permanent in their results. Ihe truth will warrant ns in saying that mor permanent CURES have been made by them than by any and all other methods combined. We will take pleasure in sending the names and P. O. addresses of persons cured years ago, and who remain pern lectly weil up to this time, to any who will apply. Let all the itfl cted write for a circular, or come and see us, Cpn sulfation ferf Pio:et:onal Fe within the reach i-t all. Infirmary on Walnut St , second door east of new Hotel. Board in the InslU tut low as the niarktt will permit. Our Office at Charlotte is in charge of Dr. Liodley, who is treating large n umbel s at that place. All Chronic DUcaies treated with unprecedented success. - ,1 " mph 14 3m. " J. R. GARY. WHOLESALE DEALER JN Crockery A,p Glassware, Kerosene Oil and Lamps, 84 Sycamore St, Opposiie Iron Front PETERSBURG. Ta. GOODS CAREFULLY PACKKO. N a t L. R r own, m DEALER IS Conlectionaries, Canned Good?, Pickles, Sauce. Aj p'4 Oranges, Lemons and Nutr; Freah Crack rs and Cakes. New arrival of CHILDRENS CARRIAGE?. A large stock cf , MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Such as Violins. Bar jos, Guitirs, Ac cord eons. Flutinas, Drums, Fifes. ' Flutes, Piccoios, Flageo lets, Tamborinis and Triangle, VIOLEK, BANJO, AND GUITAIi STCISGS. Violins. Bowp, Hair, Bridges, Pe g, Tail Pieces, Drum lie ids, Crd and tintnt. Basketts ! Baisrs I Ea cct 1 1 1 A large assortment of PL UN AND FANCY BASKETS. Birds and Bird Cage. Gold and Si'vcr Fish, Fncy Gool Tys c , Of Every Dascrip'ioa. My stork of Fsoty Gods, Toys, 1 will sell at Cost, to rctlucc suc. Din't Target 10 FairrrsvixLa SUtei, Uljih, s. v. " ' Pratt's Astral. Oil, r The Astrial Ob is purer, dearer, sa fer and gives better light, than any other oil in use, for sale at CO cts. cash. .75 cts-wlen charged, - King, White & Shaw. Ii- SAL TJ S 33 TJ 11. Y, . NORFOLK, Va. DEALER IN N- THE FINEST "and most FASHIONABLE Black Walnut, l'arlor, Library And Cliainbsr FTJEN Of New and Original Designs, an 1 ot the mot 8jpctb6yla and Finish., Also a choice assortment of Tables, Warvlrobv?, Drwing Cases, EU2crt' ii4-. boards Library and Book Cases. Hat Trees an J Whal-Nois f - ." " - ' ( .1.... ' ' ' - . . Also a Complete Line of ' CARPETS. OIL-CLOTHS, MAHINGS. WINDOW SHADES ' AHD WALL PAPER. . li - 1 - . " Givt me a call before purchasicg elsewhere. AU goods warraatei u re pr mated trs7Office & Salesroom new Kos. 207 & 203 Main St.. old Nos- 33 A C3. promptly attended to in all Its branches. The only agent in the city for METALIC BURIAL CASES. Mahogany and other (Joffias furnished at the short est notice, as rlo. Carriages, with.the best Hearse in the city, and the Patent Right Corps Previef in the city and rcrrounding country. apr 11 cx. Robt XX, Jones. XX. I Flnnuntr FROTH. FlTIs, of Warren, R-C JONES & PLUMMER Gtneral Commmis$ion And Grocers. MercTuails 114 BjesBioretreet; PJCTHIUBUEO, Ta. Consignments of Produce respectful ly so'.icted, to which strict personal at tention will be paid. Prompt returns -rendered, 1 13" Sole Agents for the sale of Ex cellent Tobacco Fertilizer, and rara gon Cotton Fertihx r. No 18 3m. elusi Received. ; i . New Spring ani Summer fioois, of . ' - r Which we will sell as low as jkssI ble. Our motto being " QUICK BALES and SM sLL PROF- I ITZ'V We most carnesty ask an examina tion of our Stock, before purchasing elsewhere. And we p'edgc oursp.YC n An all in onr tower to please both in goods and prices. We have li store a very finej8elec tlon of Dry Goods, Grocer ies, llardwaret Hats. Shoes, Spices. Con fectlonarlcs, j ' &c.' Give us a trUL T, N. Carlile & Son. Indian Blood Syrup. S o s CO 2 The greatest blood purifyer In tbe world. It ac'a open the Liver, Kid ney i, regulates the Bwcls. qnie's the Neryons System, promotes digestions, Nnriebe, Strengthens and Invigorates. It t'pens the pores of tbe f kin and n daces healthy perspirst:n. THE INDI N bLOOD SYKUP d(e. all this. There are no spirits employed in its compoMtion; it can he usd ky the most delicate babe, or the most jo firm, azed or feeble Call at CAUSUE?3 BRICKSTOllE Louisburg. N. C and see certificateajul parties who have been benefited by thr u e of the INDIAN BLOJD SYKLT. and also get a bott e. p U -Cm E. U. PLUMPER & COL, 121 Sycamore Street, Pltcksbcxs) Va., Dealers in Iron Steel and Otders will receive prompt and care- fal attentioa, ai.d are respectfully ao liciteo!. ' General Agents fur the Fannin F.iend Plow, has met wLh universal commendatior. Highest prices allowed for scrap 1 i ; ! i ; 1 M U ' iron Xio its 3-n. W. S. MALLORY, Franklinlon. H-C. s Wholesale and Retail Grocer, And COMMISSION MERCHANT; OiTers For Sale t- C0 Bbls, N. C. Family flour la aack 40 4 Ixtra 15 No them Family la Bblsv 20 Xxt'a 15 4 ( t f acks Liverpool fire fJt, , Uhds Sides and Shouldersv 100 Tors Verctator. - PaUpsco, 19 V Cottot Food. . m Id II h Is llo'atses (tQ a, Tire) Soap at Factory prices, Cskes atd Crsckeraa.1 ffctory prkci 8 Bb's Sugaa11 grade. &C s I :in prepaicd to make liberal cash adv&rces to all who wish to hod thalr Cottos, interest at 6 pe cent, per aa nun oa troney - sdvacced, to othai charges Ml MALLORY, FRANKLINTON,. Wl B. PRE N C D, lVltole$ale And Retail Druggist anfj Apolhecary 36 bycamoro bL, Petersburg, v a-, RarccTTriXT ix vim Tits MERCHANTS,. ' FAHMERS & FilYSICIACS, Vitiucgthe City to call and exacts ' his large Mid complete stock of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Patty, tptccs. Per fernery. Patent iiedcines Nice rioap Fancy Uooos. A od every other article nsnally foaod rm FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORgh . 1 1- Give b'ta a call before pcxcipv .ng elsewhere. . Orders by mail will receive pro art . . 1 - - 1 IfciicnuuB