I II I III II ,-y- wm Professional Cards. ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. Railroad Schedules. ADVERTISEMENTS. Dr. II. E KINGS- i .dentist: Ofleri bit Professional Services to ibo public in . Dentistry, office,. o ' ' i . :, LooUbnrg at ' Warrenton oyer r Dents Htael, Parker & Watsons Store.. CM. Copie, 'n;WrH. Spencer 'goose &&jmsmi ATTORNEYS AND JJOUNSELLORs ' ' A!T;LAW, "BANKRUPTCY 'i- LOUISBURG N. C. 17111 attend the Courts of Na8b,Frar,Jo lio, Granville, Warrerj,and Wake Coun tics, kJso the Supreme Court oi North 1 "Carolina and the U. S. Circuit and Diss ViriciCouitB.V i l No. 7-tf VV. W. JOE. .. , ? ARMI3TKAJ) JONES JONES & JONES, ' Attroayoat &aw. RALEIGII, . C. Practice n the Supreme Court of the - State, the Cy-cuit Court, of the United t States and t!he several Courts of the , i ( - 6th Judicial District,, r ; pOMgRIINO THE; COUNTIES OPj Wake, Johnston, Franklin, Nash,- War ticn. Granville, Haxitaxl-& Northamp- grriCE os fatetteville street l NElU TflETOOURT HOUSE jj; No. 5 6moa. ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, S '" L TJISBUBQ N. C. .yfi practice in the- courts of the 6th jatiiciai aiaijics, , , - i 'iT'ompt attention given to the collec Vtionof claims. No 50 -tf 14 JOS. J.. DAVIS, ATT'TaDi .CODN'EaQRfatLAW' LOrI3BtJBo7, FRAKEij'COli.C Will practloe in the seT.ral 6onrta of Qran tjI,i. Franklin, Maah, Warren and Wake. Prompt attention paid to the collec stiup Aurt remittano of. money. r . July 15, 1871. i . 1 : . ' ' Win. K. Barham ,1 RoVt M. Barbam, Lounbu g, N. C. 'FoietTde, N. C. itty's ail Counsellors at Law t -1 C At Lsmisburg, Ffanklla Co, N. C Offlea and at -r . , . ( rarestvd, Wake, Oo, N. C, 14 ' in. lea from Balofgh b; ,Rd. . H i' p-i'aa in tha Rnp .rior Ccurta of the etnJu ier District, in (he )uprcma Cour. tf ib Su e, andin Federal ooria. 1 Pfomp' uta. tion willfi e pid t Co'.lact-.1- ft aaouiijg, Comprcmisuij and Set ling Dr. J. B., Clifton, ; PHYSICIAN ani SURGEON. Loull)iix-c-, y. O. Dec. 30,. 1872 tf. - - l ! aa i , -il n. v 4 . -Dr. "W. J. Cooke, - P.HYSICIAN ai SURG0N. OalinhU rr fsi iv.l se vices to 'the citi xaaf Ki-a klin Countv ffloe athUmoth-i-s rei(ienc 6 mile south of iou shurg. Sio. it-iy Physjcians Card. My health being restored, I propose to resume the practice of T medicine. My office is on Mahi street adjoining the KostOlfice, opposite the -Court House. I will devote my time exclu sively to the duties of my profession, and will be pleased to do a liberal share of business. ' , ' . W. ,M. CBEN8HAW. v t - Ixuiaburg, N. C. 1 mh 33-tic . , : " George TV. Hayes, Bespectly informs the citizens of Lr uialurg, and surrounding Oouotryf that hf has apain located in Loutthurtr, i!nd can be lound at all hours at Mr.'N B. Walkers :store. prevared to execute wo short no'ice. ll work in the Watch ( itic and Jrwelrt line on reasoaa Vie etriAf. Give me a cal'.. ! K rub 21 am. GEO. W. HTABS. I . . , "". 53 v i 53 PETERSBURG, VA. E. KICflTER. Watchmaker and Jew eler. FINE TTatcbes "aBd"! Jf vrel y of the be Manufactors and at the lowest p; ices. Ail work personally attended to aad war ranted. - ' i- ' tl S3 8ycamo:e8L, Petersburg, Ya CeS-Sinos. .. . ; .'..'- - . BnANon , & IzxexibxixiT GROCERS AND Commission 1 Merchants. NO 123 Sycamore. Street; Petersburg, if a. ' Will Rive tholr !pra6nal atteiftiori to Va, the eale of TOBACCO, COTTON, and aU other PRODUCE entrusted to their cars Liberal advances made on Produce in Band. -v ' - r, '- . . . Charge for eelling Tobacco the earn e aa at WarehouBea, , and Insurance Free of Charge. r MILES B BRANCH, J H. HEBBEKT. Forma-ly Of firm of . Pormerhr of "Branch Bir.a. A Co. -A ; Halifax County Petareburg, va. j Northcarolina. Baff-s furnished for Grain. ' So 1- 12 m Undertakers Notice. I can furnisli at shuprt notice,; Cof fins of Walniit Poplar, line or hi etal ic, with hearse and idriver to attend. ' mch 17-tf. J . J. Minetkeb. Patterson, Madison & Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND Commission Merchants. Petersburg, Va. J, IT Patterson. W. A Madison. R.L. Jndkins. No. 18 6tn. i Conntj Orders taken in Trade, at curr.nt tales, at S, T. WILDERS. Notice is hereby given to the people of Franklin and( adjoining counties that the Louisburg Tanyaid is now open for the reception of Raw Hides of the various kinds,1 for which the high est cash prices will be paid, or they will' be tanned on shares at the usual rates (one half) under the special supers vision pi W. H. Hester Sr, who will spare no pains in his attemp's to give general Satisiacticn. And in ' order a great bentfit to the people at larga calls upon his friends everywhere to cx tend to him their patronage and in flu ence. ' 'iv": ": '"'" Special contracts may be made for the getting Tan; Bark in early Spring ! have an eye to it in clearing your lands, j W.;II. Hester 8r. Louisburg N. C. Jan. 8 i873 Henry T, Alley, Wholesale & Retail Confec tioner, Fruits, Fahtct Goods, Tots, Weddings & Parties Furnislied. Sycamore Street,Ptersburg,Ya. WT . r r. . :- nw. iy. : H; B O E T F XJ It N ITU R E ! Boll ngVrook Street, No. 20 i 6lt tA Ko uiv. : - P. H. S M I T H, C1BISET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Cabinet making cf all kinds dona in bet manner, and on most reasonable tarma Furnitore repaired and eleaned. !- .TJxoxaTAzrxa a kmciautt. , The bat TTalnn Poplar odPin"CofEna mda octhe ahorteat notioa and Tut Chxaf, Giva tnaaeall. p. U. SIIH. . Factory, below Barrow k Pleasants. He. l-ly 1 .1 FRA.NKLINTON Against LOUISBURG I Fair Play and Equal t f Rights to all! We, as intereatedj parties, propose to present a few facta to the. good, people of Franklin, which we have no doubt, will be lNTEBKsrrsq. ' t . f To begin witbVwe would state that we have on band alarge stock ot gooJs,- whick we are vebt amxioc- to sell; preparatory . .'to '' our getting i !new .Spring ! goods. We are willing to sell at reduced prices, but must posi tively veto the Nobtherh Price sts teh freight added, for the simple ..rea 'eon that it would not pat U3,to do so. It we are right, we think that it is coai monly the practice, for . merchants . to aell goods at a profit. (Perhaps the so called Leading Houses donot,) ijut our experience, is that the expenses of car byixg on a bU'Ikess, (outside of the freights that are in themselves a re spectable business) cannot- be met with, unless we make a Pbofit on our goodr and to eay that we work for the btmfit of tLe public; would hardly be believed by the most credulous. There fore we say that it is impossible for us to sell our goods at Northern prices, freight added. - Bat we do say that we can and will sell at prices that will sat isfy the closeet buyer. Call and see the JBargain9 we oner. Calishers Brick Store. Ignorance is Bliss We contt ss our ignorance in a good many things; espally do we confess that we can notee how Leadirg houses can sell gooda at Nob tbebn Prices, freight added; For with the adran tages ef CAi in hakd, ws buy a good many goods that enables u to cflor bar oains to our cpT03EKs; but, with all this, we still insist, that wecanrjot fiad it a-paying business to sell at Northern prices. '' v T Ti e are always thankful for informs tion, and would be under many obiiii tions if the Leadiko Houses would ac quaint ua with the modus operandi, of selling goods at Northern prices. We have no doubt the information would be highly appreciated by i our Brother Merchant, as well as our selyks. For tlie ntx: JO d&ys we sLuil offer our stock at Reduced prices. . Calishers Brick Store. Facls and Figures Speak. I We do aot claim to have the Largest Sti ck in town. But fioni s i. the i taxes raiii in the last twelve mocihs, our receipts shvt that we have paid as mcch again tax an our purchases as any houte in Louifburg, (Leadiug ; Houses not excepted ) Fr. tn next 30 days buy your goods at - Calishers Brick Store. Small Stocks' Against LARGE SALES ! We hava 1 a4 a?arga txperie-.a in baai na, a 4 hve klwaj. iuu , tutt i n oWa Wo h-ve arges oe re Ujui ruk Lireal., So Wooulaalo nok f r laRr on tui8 bi Bj ex. It memo r th.-.t for tu i.txt 3j ,a. a we a 1 i g ..ur et.vi. at reduced pnee Calishers Brick Store. A srajla honaa la Loafabnrg sal iag 60.000 hs afaaeatia tiro wek s; e k. wellfai tal trde cf oar rpi4ly improv.n iwn, and wuh d e u u 10 leel ikxjkessli reuB 01 tua lact , .! ; i - V ra not cur axuberaat fcclaga chtk ei I y to.t Wcao kakj.t, w. ieh aaeoi ditg t Oar dtfiitioa, is oji. what Auaiauoca, .r pe hi, urfi-ici.d have a , fuily e la -t d the mount tlic.v wjh Uduxiu tsa t -torn i th above 50,(XW lbs, ' abu aguiu tha w rag 10 AnniTt a. a soma hat kmumviicl, fr w. a.uld with rxafkcr coxi-sjtex lu tia , th to, k tk twe h 11 pur lia,o in tue n xtitm nthtia to arrira haneTT, be t at ua it to ay. beiri 1 mad wa bf eied .eJ onr pile, foi al. km a .f gos for ib n.xt J CALISHERS' BRICK STORE. Our Stock i Sti 1 com p eta and pa; a n. deei iag to aw ui-p taiua in ite.-goui4 ara iT.t4 1 1 give out a ck a uispe.uon. Calishers Brick Store, A Big Smoke ana a Small Fire. "VTa do not abvsbtisc stoeka large erengb for Koii- 8ai a DilALbi-s, for wa ara do mrrs tnu aaa 1 rt ilara; but. wa hare al- w y , at, ba, a at k arnp.y lr$e for tn w.n a' oi uC-mirxiTT, wiuea we are wil. iujr to 1 t p ie Lat will p'ae ti e c'.oa bnjer. to when you waitB.rgua Ut . j Calishers' Brick Stor3, ' The undersigned have established a Tanyard in this place and will pur chae dry and green bides at the high est market pncC3. Also w.e will Tan on shares. We have engaged Mr. W. H. Hester to superintend lue business, who is in every respect qualified, and who has had year ot experience in tan. ning. ; '' i Cure your hides with Salt on'y. BAKEK&CO. Louisburg, N. C. Nov. 22tl. PESCTJD.LEE & CO,, Wkelesalei & Retail " DEALEB31IK DKUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, t DYE STUFFS. Window -Giwe, Patent Medi-ijes, GARDEN AXD GRASS SEEDS, PEKFtntf BX, . MlNE3AL3 VATK8, &0. Hto'.'G 12mo Notice, My accounts for 1372, are cow ready and those indebted to me are n quested to come forward immediately and settle. ! S. T. WILDER. ' MALTBY HOUSE Baltimore, Md. C.ll, HOG AN, Proprietor, Bas'ju8t received a series of Costly andElegant Improvements, embracing DEPARTMENT OF TDE HOTEL, having been Remodeled, Enlarged and Newly Furnished throughout, tbere by supplying a' want long felt by the I traveling public, a 'F IRST CLASS HOTEL at very moderate prices. There is attached to the Hotel the most ElEgant and Extensive RESTAURANT in the ciy, thereby enabling pertons to engage Rooms and live on the EUROPEAN PLAN it so desibed. No. 53 tf FOR SALE. HEAYY AOLL BAGQING, Ordprs aolicited. Apply ta 1 DAVia, ROPER & CO. Petersburg, Va. ( No. 1-ly. Edward Fasnacli, WatciiMer ani. Jeweler S Doors above Tuekar Hall. NEW AND FRESH GOODS EVERY WEEK- MAGNIFICENT GOLD AND GOLD PLATED JEWELRY. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF EnEagement ana eWiii Rings. Fayetteviile St, Raleigb, N. C. No. 1 ly. Mrs. Join P. Aiery WHOLEaALE DEALER IN . . . . PAPER STOCK, Nos. 29 and 0cti8-tf. . 81 Old Strefct, ' r Petersburg. Vs. Meal. 50 Bushels, very nice Mea ground fom choice white corn, For sa!e by King. White & Shaw Flour, Flour, 50 Barrels, Superfine Flour, for sale verr?eap:by White & Shaw, Bacon Bacon, - CaU and buy our choice Bacon, well smoked and thoroughly cured, King, While & Shaw- Attention Farmers. We have on hand and an, making constantly, a variety ot Plows suitable both for following the land, and the cultivation of the growing crop of corn aod cotton. In our stock, will be found, the justly celebrated Williams, Utility, Plow. This Plow while we think' it, as good as the he&t, at the sametime, are sure it is much the cheap est to the Farmr. We flatter our selves that the long experience ot one of ftha Firm, in the manufacture of Plows, will enable us to get up Plows, that will compare' favorably with any in the country. Orders promptly filled, and if desired we will deliver Plows, &c, at Frank linton, at Foundry prices. Give us a call. .n '. ' ' WILDER & WILLI1MS. Louisburg N. C. 2ith, Jan. 187. WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH & THOMAS, W 11 o l e"s .l.k Gbocbrs i Commission Htrchants No. 4, Martin Street, RALEIGH, N. C. . I ; -:;. Opposite Citizens' National Banki STORAGE, STORAGE, STORAGE JIaving completed our large brick warehouse; along side the Railroad near the North Carolina Railroad depot, we are pre pared to-receive and store cotton and any other Produce or Goods, and make liberal cash advances upon same When desired. Parties desiring to car ry their cotton over until next Spring will find it to their interest to corres pond with us. j VV ILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH & TlIOMAJS. No. 14-tf. Commission Alerchauts. 300 Tons Patapsco Guano. 200 " Vegetator, on hand and to arrive. Ve solicit orders lor above and consignments of cotton and other produce. ' ' r VV 1LL1AMSOX, b PCHURCH & TlIOMAS No. 4, .uartm ct, iiaieigh, N . NoU-tf W. H. Harrison & Co. DRUGGISTS and I PHARMACISTS, PEriksliUKG, VA. Hare jast rceivad afreah aupp'y qf pmra Dttijt Sna Chm:caa, wbicu Ul ba dit- ptSia cf, at koiiil advMKHi an New York Prices. Aiso, Painta, - Oi a. Ya.-niahai', . ' . Drcshcs,' ! ' fata-t: Alit-iuica, Yiadow Olaat, : Putty, And a fu'd Una of fraah aadrallabla la- ORDEua SULICIIAD. - Kc, 18 3m. ! BAitKOW & tleasaats w" FLOUR I FLOUR 1 1 40 Barrejs "Elmwood" Family t lour. Warranted to be equal to any ever in Louisburg. Price 612,50. BARROW & PLEASANTS. 50 Earrels Super & Extra Flour. Good article. Price from $3 to $11. Fifty cents a barrel less for all flour delivered at Franklinton, and twenty-five cents a tarrel less than the above pripes,ln lota of five or more bar rels. We will state that we have made arrangements with parties at several points tp keep us supplied at aU times and on terms that will enable us to seU at "Northern prices, with freight added." " . BAHROW k PTBiASTS. T1NEGAH ! Several barrels good apple yinegar for sale at BARROW 4 PLEASANTS. LABD. Put up In Cadd'es expressly for fami ly U3e. 1 BARROW A PLEASANTS. ' UA 1 ! THE ORIGINAL HOWE Sewing Macliine. CONSTRUCTED IN THE BEST POS- SIBLE MANNER. - : !' i EXECUTES THE GREATEST TA- U RIETT OF WORK. Never soils work. The Simplest. THE CHEAPEST Because THE BEST. 1 - - Lock Stitch. . Strait Nkxols. EASILY MANAGED, DOES NOT Gr OUT OF ORDER. Unequaled For Unirer sul Sewing. HlQHEkl HoKORS THB LATE SoUTH ! ERK FIBS, ST AGENI8 WANTED, Send for Circular, THE HOWE MACHINE CO., i.No. 7, Fayetterill Bt, , Raleigb, N.C. A.J. CARRIES. Manager. No. 8-12m. A good Store room, on Court tiu. near 13. P. Unitou'a btora. Apply 10 a. T. wildilk. . Cor Ltr, Nash &, aiaiu St. Jan. 24- Atlantic Hotel. - 1 r , T . ". NORFOLK, VA. U. 8. DUD30N, fonnarly of the ' JOUKTAIN HOTELj J Baltimore, lid., - ' (Proprietor. . Thia mtgaLfiaont EOTiL, mur navmg baeu thirouxni r.noTated and refinad, ia now open fwr tbe acvommodauoa oi gaa.ia. Board, first and aecond floor. tS per. lay. Tuird and fourth floor, 2,3 yr 4ay. IiberI Urmi to pnaaant Boar 4 ara WILLIAM SDIESPN, Pharmacist and Druggist, I rTrrsviixa; Bt. Hxlmam X." C. Fears eonatastly on hand a FLae and Com D'ete H.OCK Lrntf, Madieinea, CliemieaPbarmaoaailcal preparatioc.a, Fanry aad Toilet Soaps, &c. Partiealai attention gi ran to orders of PHTSICIANa AUr...ukor CUlr.. JjM. ul Solid txtraota aiwaya oa tand. Oatabgue forwarded oa ApaRcatio No 6-19 a. JOSEPH CARR; Caeeaaaor to Jcwdaa k Oarr. - ! ' -Wholesale and Retail Dealers In ' ' -. Drugs and Patent Lledh clncs, .1 Paints. Oils, Uiasa, Dyea. Tarniabe, Brmabat, Perfnmery, Janey - kn k. Cjt; Sycamore and Waabiagtoa Sts. PCTESSBUM, TA. "III s Slh i :W7 -rf 2: SEABOARD & ROANOKE RAILROAD COMPANY. OVTICX MABOAtP S ItOAKOKSlt R Co., ) PurUzuoath, Apru 19th, 131 I CHANGE OF SCHtiULE. On ai after TTi dnedayt April lstlu Trains will tear PorUmouia (Sandav x! Mail iraiu daily k... 6 am. Tnronh Fteigtt train rtaUy at 1.30 r x Wa Frugal train Mvndya Wedfieadaya and Fn iais at JS 00 a. m,- ABBiyZ AJ PoRlMuUTU, . Mail train daily at exs ! ORh Freight train daily at 4 SO - 1 1 wj munt .Train Tueadar. ; Thuradajr, anu toxdaya at 1 SO r. jc. I Mia if1 roP 111 aUtiona for passe ny i Freight Trm atop oulo at Uower-g anl. uff.lk. Bncxhorn. rranklir ; Freight lrain atop ai all atauona lor paa- th tr.lua oithe Wum.ngtoa sxd Weidon. KaJeig h and Gaaton railitad. ' AiiJuc i Mudaya, Uncadays. and TrU dya. ai Fr.nkliB, with auamtr lor Eoen tou Plymoutn, and Laoduig en Blaoawaler and chowan rlvera, - E Q GHIO. Snpt. of Traneportafton. bCUiiDULE OF iUH tiik BURG RAILROAD COMPANY. ' PASSENGER TRAINS, s" Leave Wexdok. Mail Train... 410 p. m'. ARXTTEXT PETERiBUR. Kxprew 11.00 a.m. 7.45 p. m. Leave Peterxburo. Jfail 6.10 a, in. P'e" r 3.40 p.m. AltSXTX AT WELDoa. J?11 9.15 a. . EfP" .40 p. n . Freio ht TBAiatxT Leave Petersburg 8 SO p. m. Leave Weidon 8 0U p m. Arrive at Wtldan 3,o a"; a. Arnvekt Petersburg.... 2J20 a. a. Gastkx Ira ix. Leave Peteraturg. .... 6:15 a. m. Leave GAs;on....'. 1.15 p. m Arrive at OatoQ.s 12.50 p. m. - Arnvs atPeursbng .... 8.10 y. m. Fj eights for Gasttn Branch will be received at the Petersburg depot only ou MONDAYS and 1 UUUSDaYS. 1 tie depot wilt be clod at 3:00 p. m. No gooda will received alter that hour. J. C. bPKIGG, Engineer and Georal Mauager. Raleigh & Gaston R. R. Company SUPERIXTENDET'S OPFirp ) Raleigh, N. u, June 11th, '72. J On and after Monday June 17th, 1872, trains on the Raleigh & Gastuu tastuu Railroad, will ruu daily (Sunday ex cepted) as follows: Mail. Tkaxn. Leaves IUleigh;... .. 10.00 a. m. Arrives at neldon 3.30 p. ni. Leaves Weidon....'. 9.15 a.m. 1 Arrives at Raleigh. ...... 3.05 p.m. . . Accommodation Train. ' I Leaves Raliegh 's.oo p. m.l Arrives at Weidon 6.Z0 a. m. Leaves Weldou V.15 a. in Arrives at Raleigh 8.00 D. m. - Mail train makes clo connection at Weldou with tn seaooard Sf Rjanoke Railroad and Uy Liue titauiera via. Baltimore, to &ud ftota ail poinU, North, VV eat and Nortu west ana wan the Petersburg KaiUoad via Petersburg; Ricnmond'aud 4 WaAUiogton City, u ana iroia all pomu Nortu and North west. And at Baleigh with the North Car olina Rilruad to od irwm all points, bou'h and Soatnweat, and with tn Raleigh & Auuta Air Line to HaT- wooa ana Fayetteviile. Accommouation and Freight trains connect at weldoj with Awcuumoua tiua and Frcigjt traioa ua acaooard b itoanoke iUuroad auil Ptttraburg RaiuoaO. A nrl It Tldtvinrh with iM.'n.m.l. ' tiou auafieigjt trains ua iirtn Cary una Kiiruu. Persun living along the line of the road can visit Ktcigu m the morniog oy Accuinmodatiou train, and rtmaiu several hour, and return tua same eve ning. ....... A, B. ANDREWS. ... Gen'l Supt. Wilminglon & VVeldon R. . R- Company. vrr.c uxxxxai. BcraxijiTxjrBxjrr, ) Wiunjrerov, X. C , June 8, 1173. S CHANGE JF SCHEDULE. O li'??1'!"'",!?.1 L1? F'S'.'P! I WnUr.-A win n,n .. r,.iui.. UAILTKAiar. At 8-OSa.c. arrive at Goldnbore 1241 pi Rncky Mouat 2.1 1 p. n. Ueidon 3S0p an. Leave Veldon dailj (&uo-jays cx- eeptrd) at 9-1S a. aa. Arriye at Rocky Mount.. llxl a. as, " uldforj 1:18 p. ra; .. - tnkulp t 63v p m, f EXPllEi4TUAlK. Leave Union Depot daily at..... 10.40 p n. AiTitea Oliabro..... ...... 1)1. m. 1.0c y Moua-... ..;.... Mtn Weld n 6i'J0 t, tsl Leave Weldeo daily...' 7:1 p. m Arrive at r oekjr1 Mount 88 p ra. Ooldiboro. ........... lot8 p. m. . - Union lepot a:lj a. aa. Mall Train maka elo e connection at WeK do .for all p inta North via ftay Liue and Aeqnia Creek rout.. Kxpaeas rain connects only vitb Aeqala Creek route. fudma's la bee s'lerping can on this tr In , 14 TreirtttraiB vtl 1 aT TTihnlngoa trl week j at 6.00 a. and arrive at 1 0 p. ra. Lzpm rel -ut u in- wi:ii.ve uuua--ton dail. (ound ysexe pled) at ftp ia , and arrvie at 11 a, m. JOHIir.DITI -Xa. Ut.