,(jt (loflritr. . RATES OF ADVERTISING. Democratic Jftwapaprv. Published every Friday in Loujjburg (10 ma ok ixssoosrmmi a aqia One Fquan cue Inaction 11.(4 KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Earh autrqeat laacrtioa.. SO Cne Or iaoa;h . . t.Co Copy 1 yc&r. DEVOTED TO POLITICS, f LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND ART. n Ttoe moota 3 .50 Cne ThrMKQoatlM So - - o I'ttuniim..!.. ,,.. ....... .100 3 MootU..,.4. 76 On 7 : Fix manth: .. Ja.00 fT TEllMS CASH IN aDVAKCK ; 1 f. Tis well to haye a merry heart, However short mt stay : , There's wisdom in a merry heart. Whatever tbe world may. say. ' piiiloaopby may Hit its bead, And find out many a flaw ; Cut give me tbe philosopher That' a bappy with a atr; I If life brings us but happiness, It brir-gi us, wo are told, What s bard to buy .though rich floes fry WHh all their heaps of gold; Then laugh away, let others fay, " Whate'er they will of mirth : yho la-.ighs tha mps may truly boast s got the wealth of earth. There's in & merry heart A mora) beauty tooj It ebftws the bean's an honest heart, Thata pai.3 each mac his due, And hnt a share of what's to spar?, pesre of wjedom's fears, And Fftde be phecjc less sorrow speak, The eye weep fewer tears. The sun may ahronld itself in cloud, f he tempest wrath begin, 1 f.1 finds a sparlc to cheer the dark, Its sunlight is within ; Then laugh away, let others say Whate'er they will of mirth : so laughs the most may truly boast lie' got the wealth of earth. i ... J BY JOHN MAR-TIN fATCHET. "N The busy-body an 1 the tale-bearer re the common ericmies of society, and by upiyQrjSal consent they ate looked upon as fair game for yioeyer is smart enough to, drive ljpme the shaft of squelching extermination. 1 The man who oe3 al)qu runrjrig you Mown amongfypur acquaintances. anu in man wdq 15 always cpmipg fo tell you . what you "ougbtn't have done." or what you "ought to dp'-rr mcy arc mq pc wi uYjf'MHj' i are tne t house, and like rats and snakes, which arc put. outride fhp rlos of the So ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to (Animals, any peroi is applauded who pan sling a gpod shot a threm, and succeed, by bs sharp aim, ip.' 4t1y1p 5 them to the social cellers nd pk holcs. ' ! ' In tbe command, "Judge not," tbere can, of course, be no Allusion to official judgment, or to thcjuiere formation of opinion. It is something into npetliate between these something neitber un avoidable, like personal opinion nor obligatory, liku tbqse P$cial judgments which arc pronounced by persons au- tborized to do so for the good of socie- ty What is implied is exactly those fault-findings which arc not required by personal obligation or public ty. Thev are cratuitous and needless, and on this account they imply more $jan folly or thoughtlessness hi the tttlip ailly pate. There is malicj because, being needless, they show a desire to fasten imputations on those who might otherwise go uhblamed. j We little tbink, rwhen we take in band to tax another with fault, i or c,vcn in ovr own mindto coudemn him, bpw awful a place we are assuming. lVJio made ttye. cj J yfae ? low about your own faults? ftne ip, thej way of duty, it is thing no man ne,ed be in - haatctodo; anct whe, we are forced to it, it shoulcj tlways bo dons with pity, with consideration pf our own frailiti a, and wih a leiet fleshy to admit every eitepuat ionfor we arc necessarily so ill-qualified to judge.- ; ho can know all the circumstances of the temptation, or in what different light another, may view his duty fron what wc do? nd when there is! ac- tual wrong, who can know 'the strug- gles, the endeavors and the sacrifices with which, he- fought, or he rrows. and vrayers, " and 5 jwlf-humiliations amidsr which b$ fell?, :' J t If V i The pesferous proclivity (or need- leas critician of others conduct .LjU ita origin in apmV of the deepest-rooted perversities of our nature.' At it : . 1 I.I4 , base lies a ridiculous self-conceit, j Np man, who is not too well tatufied with his own character, will busy himself to VOL. go about finding sina in. any. one. else, to A proper snsc ol humility will always 1 leaaa sensi Die person to feel tha hp 1 baa'too ,muei on hand, in.maj?J,eng his own d'jlinquenciea, to find tfme for wKtOK lioa s 1 nlace over his feilow.Tie I inja. It bespeaka prid,e and jelfeza1 1 tation ; for y.ou canpot go out of your way to cb.arge a;pQther ' yith '' failure. without a fe'e)ing of your own superir orJy j and tbis verpr fecjing of euperl ori is a greater thayj what you depry, ' .-I'lis y the mote, the speck ; vours the beam. It is the snirit of a hypocrtp ; for you do it with a mighty air of "being scandalised ; you do it with ing scandaiuea ; you the profession of acting in the interest cf right and goodness, whjle jn fact the motive is a low and pontemptiblc one to assert the"ascendncy of your own virtuousness, to extort ponfessions due to One; above ; qr you go away with a look of injured excellence at finding the sinner qb4urate an4 resent ful, whey h sjmply asserts bs rights by repelling a meddlesome interference with his conscience and hjs affairs, . ? One of the commonest forms of the fault is the practice pf pyi speaking, I snow nop wny jp.js'pnt we re an so easily tempted to yentjlate wbat we happen tq jnqw to he disadvantage aof our feqwrTnen. Pertain it is tht wc alj practice i to some extent, Yet wc are as rflch liable tp be abused as thev j and as wc pass out at the door, thqse who are left ctvn as easily find a flaw to fetch up acainst us, as we haye ust dono against the victini of our ujacbaritablo tongues. Rs we may against others, wp njay bo sure that we are only giyjflg them more resqn to talk against U8. Ifhere id another form of tle yice, that of pasting suspicion, whjpji is worse, if anything, than open evil speakiig--Tbeeause the indirect impu- tation of guilt is not a thoughtless thing, as open faultrfipding is apt to be.- 4 lper qf the eye. a sidelong dance or witticism, an ambiguous bint, or prateuded charitable perURps )ere is np truttt in it, is oi ten tnrpvp put, When in mird of the person who does it there is fv realization of the enormity pf .what he is dping. le shrinks fypin direct statements, yet he shrinks only far enpugh tq secure him? self. Jj.r his hlfrway charge, his winking and bntipg, bis oblique inti mation of a uspiqon, are just 'as ef- fectiye in realty as would have been an open assertion. t is. as if he hfd said : MThis is too' ahaaicfui to. ?Wpute to tiny man wc sheuld not tiling lm guilty of it; and 'yet, in fact, I do think be is' guiy pf it. Does not this in effect exaggerate tbe charge? I xt is not p,nly tbe damage inflicted upon the those so person assailed that makes injurious. !fhat is bad enough. Every vAe told of him dim- Iwshcihis vflna' and Jain."ts his Tepu :itaCio.. AVnot &reotten :iiii' re - peated and magnified, till ft becomes a shame and . a scandal. And he is helpless, because it all goes, on behind bis bark, But it. works a nicf tp society. In a geqeral and most lamentable way, it works a gradual influence., tft the standard of good feeling an,c mu. tual esteem all through the ranks of social life This one tells of this fault, that one of that, and another of still another. To-day you hear some thine to the detriment of one man's character ; to-mbrrow something against a second,! and the next day against a third. Jfow thia one falls in your re- gard, bj in jou with some failing with which; h.as no eonperri, and you lose j aoinehng of your liking for him. iex 99ffie? another with his internie.ddllng tongu, and he begins to be ( despised and $liked, and put away from yeur rerd and again a third goes through he. same lowering process. In this way there, is continual power brought to bear o depress the scale of mutual esteem, break ties of friendship, to lesson our fith in each other, and to cause us to withdraw resentfully within,, ourselves. The bond of mutual love relaxes retalia- m tions are provoked j Ibere is no one of whom you have not beard some evil, no one in whom there is not something S3 i4 djminiih jowTresp wbomjrou have not r&ceiyed some ex- hibitioof nchartabLineas, - It is I almost a wpny can tfve tt gether, or for fwb fW? presence, ln when there ara a manv tn I hin.der. pijiotJilinr About Yonr Supposing your age to bo fifteen years, or thereabouts, I can figure you up to a dot, You have one hundred and sily bweS and five hundred muscles ; J0JiT wehi 7 grinds ; your heart is five inches in length an4 three inches in diameter : ' it beats seventy times k minute, four tfipusand two hundred times per bour, one bun? drsd thousand ejght buudred times Pr day? &nd twentyJ?; rnilUpn seyen hundre4 and twenty-fiye pbousand twp hundred timgs per year. At eacb beat aptlp 'oyer t?TP PUnpes qf blood is thrown qup cf i j and each day it re ceives and discharges seven toqs pf that wonderful fluid. Tour lungs wi'.l contajp ji galjpn of air, an4 you inhale twenty .three, thousand gallons a day. Tc aregate surface of the air cells .of yqnf lungs, suppose them to be spread out, exceed twenty thousand square inches. The weight of your brain is three pounds; when you are a 1 man it will weigh about eight ounces more. Your nerves exceed, ten jnUHon in number. Your skin js ppmpqs4 ofj ftrgp layers, an varied fFPW finP.-fottrt t onerejgth of an inch jn thicjcflcss, The area of your akin js. afeput qpe thousand seven hundred square ingles. and you are subjecte4 tp n atmos pheric "pressure of fifteen pounds to the square inchf JJwb square inch of your skin gpntaina three thousand sweating bes, or respiratory por3 each of which may be likened q a lit, 111- J ! aji - r ai ' - : t l urW ue UW incuiong. making tbe ngth of the entire surfape of :.your .bqdy of two hundred and one thousand, three hundred and sixtytsix feat, or a tile ditch for draining the bodv almost forty miles long. Go On. i a man must not yield to dpsponden. cy, nor sit dawn inactive, leapairing. because he ia in darkne. Bometimea a few steps onward or upward are all that are needed, and he, for want even f thk ciifity, may remain all his life beneath the cleud, rbapg you haye been ascending a mountain with the mist so thick before you that at a few leet from you not an object was visible, axd so wet that it was tike a dripping rain. Timidity and despondency say in such a case, you had better turn back, at any rate lie by in the fi,rst sbeltfr, But . perhaps you W,J1 fid a clear; sky with a little m.ore ' traver nPwaid- G, ' ftth says. mi uijjuct up juu win niuu nui. S you go on, and at length, unexpec tedly, at one single step, you emerge in to clear sunshine. Then t your troubles are forgotten. How. glad you are that you persevered, that you did not turn back you would haye lost I tDia g'orioVi ght, this magnificent prospect, tbs peculiarity oj glory. Which you could haye eiijyed only under tbese very circamaUncea of pre ceding mist and glppna. Voo would have lost the sight of the clouds under you, and tbe atm, sphere reating upon them as oa a aea of chalcedony, auoth( oft, undulating, and te ita of the mountains all around glittering I with ice and aaowt And you have Ust tbe glory of the Ureakiftg up aad tnx p. inB W.J tbe c& coogregatona, as the departure of au 1QJ wicX ban ners, and the revelation, oi the un relied world aa a new creation1; Rate or Travel pe IIo.VR. A man walks 4 miles. Ahorse trots 12 miles A horse runs 20 miles. A steamboat runs 18 miles. A sailing vessel runs 10 miles. Slow rivers flow 4 miles." A moderate winds blow 7 mires. A storm moves 36 miles. A hurricane moves SO miles; . , A rifle. ball moves l,000Lniiles. Sound moxes 743 miles, Light, moves 182,0000x1168. Klectricity moves 185,000 miles. LdTJISBrjBG, .N. C, MAT 16, r " J" We gire below the following particn Ura of a ytrj sad .aflfjif whieb occyred Atlanta, Oa on the lfih pst. ms nr. tsei suaosa w wwu woai we can gather hgai Petersburg, y and other papers,' tfet same genleman who recently cqoucpd a drug bnsioesa in this city in copartnership 'wfthllr Doepp, though the ioittals are given wrong, ilr. Jonea has many warm lrisnda in pis city, wjjo will sincerely regret to br ot the great calamity which has betallen him, Tbe Atlanta "Herald" of tbe 15th in8t, saysj 4bt nine q'clock lajt night At lanta was startled by a rumor that two or three men had been poisoned by mistake at geard, Craig Co, 'a drug store, and that they were djiog or dead. lpon . investigation, we iropnd that yesterday about half past five o'clock, Dr. J, Wf. Craig and Jndgo Thomas Pollumf . two members o tbe firm of Heard, Craig & Co , had goc into the cellar of their aore to Uke an enveniog toddy, Juge Pullum complaining that he was feeling unwclb When they reched the celr, ljr. J. P. Jones, the head pharmaceutist, who was working down in the laboratory, proposed to fix them up "an extra njpe drink.' They consented to js propqgjtion, and chatted away taaily untill be announced that the pouch waafpady. Tbey then partook of it. and very mugh pleased. Dr. Craig drinking, more heart jlyj than Judge Pullum. Tbe j then returned up stairs and in about thirty minutes discovered, trom violent symptoms, that something was wrong wiib them. They ascribed it to tfte drink j they bad taken, amd upon investigation fpnud - that by mis- take a large quantity of aconite, a moat fatal poison, bad been mixed in their toddy. The fymptom increased in violence, nothing apca'ipg to give rtlief, until at halt-past "nine o'clock Dr. Craig died in great agony, leaving Judge pullum bdrely hovering between life and death. Dr. Crajg was poisoned at halfpast five, and died precisely at half-past nine. He had a very hard dath indeed screaming all ine umeaa ." mieae agony, and Irothing at the month plentifully. HIa ejea were vety much I dafpd. and eycry nerve eemed strung I uo almost to snapping. He seemed to j be unconsciouj ol everything around him, and kept shrieking. Oh ! That a horrible death to die-?? what a teirible death ' At one time he was conscious, I think. He begged very piteously for big mother kept palling 4 Mother 1 and saying, want to see her I am j going to die, fttcr f til Apotle. llatbcw ia supposed to have tuff, red martyrdom, or waa alam in tbe city ol Ethiopia. Mark was dracretd throueh tbe streets ot Atex.andria in E.ypt till be expired. Luke -w;a3 hanged tQ a.n oliye tree in Greece. John was put in a boiling cauldron at Rome, but escaped death He died a natural death in Ephtsur, ia Aeia, James the Gieat w3 beheaded in Jerusalem. James the Leas was thrown from a pinnacle and beaten to death. Philip was beheaded. Bartholomew was skinned alive. Andrew was crucified, and pounded while dyings j Thomas was run thragh with a lance Jnde wm aho to death with ajrowr. Simon was ctucifiedt Matthiaa was stoned. Barnabas atoned to death. Pil waa beheaded j ba the tvrant Nero at Rome. We take the following from the Gal veston (Teas Times, of the 18th inst.( l upon the subject of the, effect of the recent frost upon the crops in that State: 0ttr cxcbD5es widelJ ht injury to crops by the late cold weather. Frorp, U that we can glean, the harm done is neither extensive nor great. The trutU K such reports arc modified, by tbe individual case. If one man's crops aje serionajy injured. Le sees only general ruin -r if another's loss is slight he is, sur.cno serious damage wjlresuJ.V So, modifiod by indiyi0! CQiiditious, reports are of little value unless the injury is so great and so. general as U justify a cotunon statement from any one district. 1873. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE i: ii l: ill r. I!, A Yeekly Newspaper. PUBLISHED 171 IQUISBURB 11, C GunaempiQit! Only $2,00. NO. 29. ADTCRTISEIENTS. E I S II Equal to .the Peruvian at nearly half the coat. This cuno is Manufactured nadcr our Supervision QO Cbnapeake B-y. W, and has been extcnaivv'y u-ed the past few years in Kqrth jUaruliua with unparalleled Heceaa. jUaah price $48t0a Time fSC.OO, lSod by Barrow & Pleasants. ! Louiabnrg, N. C. S. &.W. IL Jvyner, j. franklinton, N. a .COWAXD & UARRISS, -1 OoaU Agent, NorlclkYa. T7, XL Qariaf, T. F. Royeja 7. U. nadgtas & Co-. i Importer and WlioUsule Dealer In Hardware and Cutlery, BUNS, PISTOLS, Slc, 55 E. Side Warket Sfiuarc. NORFOLK, YA, No. 18 3m. i M. E. JOYNER, L. S. II ail and regqlar passenger line Irom louisburx to Jtranklinton, Comfortable accomodatfloii for passen gers. ' j I beg to inform tbe traveling public that I have charge of the above Hack liue, aut would be pleased to carry passengers with promptness and dis patch lor the moderate price of $1,00, at all hours and seasons. I respect fully ask the patronage of the travel ing public mli 7-3 in. 11. K. Joyne.i. J 9 Jmjmr Sf ZX Joynr J. I). JfOYNElt & CO., Coraniission Merchants, 94 SYCAMORE STREET;. j i lemvsotTo, Ya. i Solicit consignment4 of all kinda of PRODUCE aukd iu thi market, an1 will fill ordera for GROCEIUES, FER TIL1ZERS and all other aappliea. ' 40 Barrels Golden Fleece Family Hour. A Lrautlful article, and warranted to please. Trice 112,2-3. BAltltOW k PLE.VS.VNTS. 40 Barrels "Violet" Family Flour. . A prime article. Price $115. 1SABKOW k PLEASANTS. 50 Barrels "W. Carolina" Family FXo.ur . The very best. Price U. I BARROW & PLEASANTS. HEAL! f.!EAU! MEAL!!! A fresh aupyly coaUutly ou hand and e at BAUBOW A LEASAXTS. S5toS20? 6 CEDSOElOSl W - antara ruarnm." - rzi m cb rLowxas. J k ' - awajh .xtr,- M VbT m IOKT1C fill LT wH rrriT cmBnv X TUJ AT WK(0 .!--- . M.M. g Tw ml IU.CWi.ii m Ik mm W WUi X SitBiniw tmmt.M AT OS CI AGE NTS Ore . tXalvnanilhi .....U CD ConUvct fot kr err tract nukla on libcia "ienn -? far 1 1 l 0 Hwa y 'ifs I jr. ' T r mr Fotrr Yfabb Uita rUHELY YEGETABLK. Lina VtxDicixKba..pord to b tba aWlVT UXFA1UNO SPECIFIC, for Lite C -MM. urr and its pcJotol tff- tpriny, ujr CotMilMt ob, JMiudic, D Hi o atuck. btck Badeb. Cutla. D icmIoi rf (tpirit Sour KVwiaca. llaxi on, CU,1 a aUl favtr: c, Ac , Ai.of yr pc esxenai xniatBU, mt agretniarKat'd&ad. saw pn.Uuc trotn o-ir ur-aiaai Omm Povdvra m I Iqwld fotmef siaxo IrrxaBtBrLiToa. cobUiD'.sg ad iia 4rtaJ Mi .vjuu.la Irope.-ti, nl offer U.la OXB DOLLAU - BOTTLES. TUPoftdcr ,(rUa as bafara.) fl.tl par tet lit mail tl Oi aa-UAUTIO I J3 Boy no lodri or Pbxtaxb Eutaova I.irra ltXotLATom iiUm la r B(r4Vcd wrapper, vroa Tr uaik. fcCanjp aoi4bi4 luiur aoirJuB. Xa ihr U t;iul. J. IL ZEUJN CO., U u)oo, G.. a4 riladlphia. SOLD BY ALL DRU Q 0 18TS. FALL 1872. L. 'A. T.1ARBURY IMPORTER OF Earthenware, aND CUIII A, AL0 Dlr in troy dcacrtptiM cf Oluiwar Lnip Loawr UUmm. TUu4 itk bpoona aad CaMflra atom War t Is u iateiplcf tU UU tioak wkUi U !rg and euiapUi a.d f vfeic k la r. Um tlunUoa ofCoaairy Mtniuu QiuruiMtaf hUm kmm huj rralar J oLUxig hu Sotih. Li UliZVBT, .17 vc4iuaB traasT, . F iraarg Ta. . 11-12a ' i -. WA mm GALLERY OF Photographic Art.. Raleigh, C. Ia oca of tha aaal ootUft rbotsrrapLia eiiib ithmwiu n tin ooath. j ttvl raotocrapble uaea Itbb ta amallct oiiaiatarvtoth 1 rtei rortrU olord in oil. U reuJ, fcrWd. if yea bvra a liVe- noi decacl raUuva or Inaod. jou mMj bar l copl u4 coior4 to ca ure; ana lactkiaawaTa raaraauad. X'boto crath AILuioa uc l'tar Framta ftlwtB oo Lau'J, lo gxtu, vxMtj;ai4 arUl t told iuv w imu o oobm to r-a t-tca. oon t Mil to vUit WttMa'i' CiftCarr. Snd door Ur RaWi Ha, i W. WAT602I. FOTt EENT. A nice butlnea ode fur . rent, Ap- ply at tbU office. Garden Seed, A freh supply Joat received, at BaKW A PLSASAJm. Bacon! Bacon!!., We are now receiving another Car Load of Sides and Shoulders. War ranted strictly prime, which we are Belling at "Northern prices with freight added," BAKHOW A PLEASANTS. JAB RATT'8 HOTEL PxTxaxrcra, Ya , l'tn.Tl.njSIIOr,rrprlior o. SI 6cau S

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