CIjc Cunrtf r, GKOIKJE S. BAKER, ' Editor and PiiorniEToi:. i '- r.'T. MlTOIKLL, Associate Editor. All letters addressed to Geo. S. 13akki:, vviday . .July. 25, 1873. . Tlio recent ruins Lave had" a most r 'freshing and invigorating effect upon t ..j crops, Tliey are nov very Cue and ' i a clean and prjfroron rondition. The crop of cotton for thi county bids f .ir to be touch the largest that wo I vc ever produced. From the Lest . information that cati he obtained it is ''ought that the crop of last year in .is county reached ' 6.C00 laics. If t o disaster overtakes it, it is believed ' t ' is years crop will rtath, if it docs i t exceed 1 0,000 I? 1 c. ' Thus it .will be Bcen that the crop is increasing . quantity every yar. And it i3 Aery pleasing to us to know that as to quality, the staple of oar county in the markets ttkes; rank with the-best that ji . raiseu m ine otatc. As an cvidenco f this we heard a gentleman who is n extensive cotton dealer in Vne of the cities of an. a'djoiningState, remark wime time since, that the Pnt-tnn e, .'rauklin county stood lnghc? in his market than that of any 'other raised in the State. Jloisaid tt the same lime that a portion of Xaslr and Wake t-ounticj raised cotton almost as good v.& ours. ., .Our object in muking this statement ,is to infuse a. spirit : of pride in our '.pcoplo.for what they have ' already , !one in giving character, to.tkc quality ' , ftlic great staple raised in their" ,tnidst, as wfcll as to urgo and stimu 'iate lUuiti) still grekcr exertions in (this direction.' J t It is well known, both to the pro ducer and dealer in cotton that the i superior qualities always commands a i roady sale at the highest Cgurcs, while ; the inferior grades Jiang heavily on the . raiser,-and have finally to be disposed i -'fat prices greatly below that of th- . Ctter qualities, and often inadequate to reimburse the farmer for the labor . and expense if produc ng it. With theso facts, which are so pat o.t to us all, it behooves tho producer iio have his cotton picked out, as clear ,.f trash and dirt as lie can. .' He should . u 130 be, fpeciilly eareful in rrct -et 1 . m,s luc.iasi.ona yellow picking mix ed, and In the same bales, with the . tirat and white pickings. Instead Vf. '.anixingnd adding tfo the value' 'of the . .inferior cotton as some, seem to think, j.'U oftencr than otherwise has the ef fect of dragging tffo whole crop down ; to the fcrade of the inferior staplft and it consequently Is sold for a very poor price. We hope that ourtarmers will read this article and act upon its sug gestions so far ai it meets their views. . U. anything here sumnuUed should ' .not accord with the notions cf any , of our farmering people,' our columns . are open to. them, and we hope that : they will avail themselves of thani in .combatting any of our positions' t at . they may think are not well taken. ; Y.u.c .Vo commenced this article we intended sayiagoracthingof the other crops produced in the Couuty but , we havc aircady written uio re than x.e intended when we commenced. We i will have more to av next wb , we feel a deep interest in llw success' oi our larming people. . ' ' Tho Ilootloii. From what wo are. able to Iram.- thertieeraa to exist a great indifference I on me. part of the people in regard to , tue election to take place the seve:rh ,'day qf'Agust, This should not be. , Every man should from a sense of dufy cast hia vote, and do all that he Is able ; to carry out the proposed amendments . to the Constitution. Just sec the ad vantages that will accrue from .these . amendments. Tha expenses "of our ; State Government will, be greatly les sened. The tax payeri will find their . burdensome taxes much smaller," and jvawv4 ou vuo mortgage m favor of tthe Northern bond holders, which is ,recordtd jn the Constitution will bo lifted. With all this in view the mas ses ought tb bo punctual at the poll and rote with one a?cord. . . t Our Li viufcr and om- Doatl. This paper is an cnterpmc that has not been egun too soon, and one that 4 J" . calls for the support ef every true son of the Old North Stale. ; Our dead should not be forjrottcn, I nor their d;.;e('s be allowed to remain hidden in tho obscurity of defeat. The world fchould know their bravery, and posterity to the latest ages should bear in mind the spartan endurance and love of liberty that animated the soul of our dead heros. Our living also should hve a place in our memory, and on history's page. The exploits of our troops should be recorded that they may become part of onr Siste history.. "This is ; the on ly way to perpetuate' them, or to retain an accurate accouut Wc wish the pa per all Fucres, 171 to 13ivitinXiii?. It will be remfrahertd iut at ti e last erss:on t the Legislature an net waspasstd, prcjKii)g to aimtx a ctr tuin portinu ot the Tcni'ory of Gran ville Coun y to Hie County of Franklin, shoa'd it mectjx itbutl b assent cf the vo tfriof heterrlt uy to les ann xe The act 1h appointttl Cap't. W. H. Bullard a C-maiissiocer to bold an election to asertain the sense of the people therein on the q-iesuor.. Capt. B. appointed a y for' the election, but btfore that day arrived, Judge Watts on the com plaints of I. J." Moore and other?, and of the Commissioners of ' "Granville County, issued an injunciioa restraiL ing Cap!. Ballard Irora holding the taid electioii, or proceding a:htriso un der the said ac .' The cases were heard before Judges Allnrtsor, daring the hist term el ,Gtal ville Superior : Court, in Oxford, on a 4n -rnolion to dbs :ve the iLsiu'.e inn -- , Judge AJbertson allowed the motion to diolve and gave jpdgtmenis against the Plaintiffs, From this judgement the Plaintiff? & p alcd to ih'e.Rupnme C u : Whe.e it vai kerd wctk -le b:e Id8t.;the t'up.r. me Court aflinned Judge Albir son- judgt meat dissolving the in junction. , ' ' This leaves pallard fr.e -to proceed nccording to tho act of the G mral Asveml). We presume that fie will give tjic rrquTsite no.tice, and hold the tlecti m at a3 early a day as is practic:ille. ' Wt schct tlit followinjT-frnm-f; The ADgel in the ClnU-," unrl believe it one ot tlie most t xquisite .little tjiings we have cv r read. It is a" part of Mr. Fulh-i's description ofIIeavea a de. crip ion truely grand. j ' , lie js look;n upon the great wmIIs, that ard i: p1 From'inSnife ex tent" und the gaks i.f, with their high, jew'dled arch and giant bells of silver, :f' .' ' ' ' And as- t he s .vrd Wt-re nought in hos by An- prel bii x'.- BofjiL' the ga tee the bells began their - pvviog ' ; And to r.nd fro the pon Itrous tonte wa$ hurled, Till '.throi?gi the'p(1rtni3 marched the shouting thnlrifr And ftll -against the boundirg n c. . And loud and long their Laming thu idcr V, , i : Rends the golden air tsunde'-, While the rarsfiacd, passing und.r, Fall in praise beneath the bull, : Whose mighty throbbing wdcomo telb; And the Angela l.Uih their( harps in wooder Bells of He aver, glory booming bells ! Gcutkr now, he diver's shiver ' Purls the rippling waves that quiver Through tho earth's tide forever, Meilo w as they left the bells, Who3c sof.enir g virbrate welcome tells;; .And the quavers piny adown the river Bells of Heaven,. saltly sobbing belli Then the diem j cadnce dying, S ngs sott us zephyrs sighing ; Faintest echoes ciase replj ing To the roumur of the b.11 Wl.oe stilling tremor welcome Ul FJutiya the enow-ll.kts iallm.'. Iv- - - log Blla ..f -IlrHver, dreamy mumuring We co, y in iun lbe fuiowjn; on tli " proposed Amendments o tbe Cor s itu tier, from the Iti igb-Sentiie." ci the 20 I-. We republish the Ccnstitutioniil Annndmerts that are to be o ed on Thursday, the 7-h day of August otx. Thy i re W plain as to rtduire at lit tle if any discussb.p. If tbc pt ople are wise they will vo'e for them.-Both parstt s in the legUUtare voted for them, rr e&cu-h of .the Cepublicriiis at any rate, for them to ass by the rfq iisi c msjoritj. Wc think tlurj will be a slim vote polio's cd aratliy may cause tbr rtj-ctioc. If Rfpub! cm leaders ehould found the slcgaa of party jest n4be eve of ekctu n and the negroes "sHocld vnte l pen? MUy -against the AmendrtKtiif, they would be Irs. ; be cause of the led fi rrocc ol 'lu- tVis The first amendment is a Tcry impor tant one. It adopted it will Uke from the Constitution the presrrt law which requires the legislature to levy a tax to pay the public debt. We wid cot dif cus3 in this place if we fchould pay a huge debt that ws concaved in iniqui ty and created 'by unwashed scoundrel, but we urge tliai tlie present law be ta ken from the Cors'itutinr, ana the matter of sattling hz it the frnudu 1 fit dtbts be left with the h'gisla'ute: -Tlie second amcEdmcEt abolishes the carpet-bagger clac3i requiring the State to have the cnfus taken in 1875; and after that every other year. It is a useles expensive and . fooli.h pro vision and should' be tt;icUen out. The U. F. Government has the census taken every ten year?. .The third amendment abolishes the Code Commission. The State has no need of siich a boelr , ' ' The ronrth amendment abolishes .the usele s ( ffice of Superiaiendcnt of PuL lc Work . ' ' The fif.h amendment proposes to place the University of North Carolina under the care and dircc'iun .f the lcislafurr. By the baleful influeLce of Ilolden and his unwise adviserF thisr.cble institution of learning was taken 4rom the hands of the legiila ure and placed under thet keeping of ignoir ant and unlettered na:ives and mean and unprincipled carpebbiigger?. Every friend of educatiwn and everj. citizen with becoming State pnde: should vote for.this amendmsnt. The sixtn Riui-uamcnt makes tlie I300.exetr.ption of property from tixv tion apply to all kinds fuc ecireum amendment wisely to:-? bids Federal and Sf members of the legislature. It is vtry; absurd aod elungerOns for suph officials to be mdktrs, for often their in teres s would be jdopirded by proper legiilatior, and they would-be there r fore influenced to yo:e tor their indi vielusl iiderests - instpad of fqr the good of the StaN , : I The eighth amendment provides for the assembling of the legislature -every two year3 instcael of every year as at thc -pres(nt. We have bad toevmuch law-iiakrug. Bciure tLe jopte lecorne accus'omcd or apprised .font fas it is cither aitcrcd or rtp.d.df At neia! m- i'tings au uticij unucv.c3sary- aud very Xpcnsiv.5. We hope the people will appreciate the Si changes aad-wi.T tiatabi by a Urge maj )rity the ciht amendments that are to be pted- upon. Every in telligent man admits that tire Constitu tion needs aniend meat, so' jjo to the polls on theii 7 h August" and vote for the fol.o wing : , Ooiijstitiitioiml' Jl. hi e ni- Tiie following are the eight proposed amendments to the State c'pnstitutiun, to be voted on the first Thursday in Auus, ird vyh'ch were agreVd to at the. las: se:s:o of; the General Assem bly : .. ;.. : . - Am;nd seciien five ot tjp sid article, by striking out alj that precedes "the said Senate D s'rict.5! and by' striking out the phrosr, ius aloresahl o??' in said section ; the part so stricken out haviug-releience to the State, census. Amend section two of tt e second ar ticle by striking out the word Annual ly,' and inserting in lieu thereof the word ' jienrJally ' being in reference to tin sessions of tha General Aasem bly, . . Amend section six of the third article s'riking out the word "annnallj " and inserting in lieu thereof the bienniaTy,' so as to conform to the provision re acting tho sessions o't the General As sembly, ! nr. v" Amend section sixth of the fifth ar tich , by irs?rting after the word "in- strument, ' in said section, the words 'or md; other personal property," IV. ! M i - - Strike cnt the words, ' Superintend Jdent ot Public Works, wherever they occur in the Cocstitutior', thus abolish ing that cfilee V. ; : Amrrd seC' ion six cf the first article by strickingxmt the'first clause thereef, down tc ad icc!cding the word 4 but this beiig the ciaqse relating to the State debt. 1 r S-iiks cat section fwnr cf the fi th articb Telatiri to taxation Xo pay the State debt interest. ; ' " " T'T - i .Strike oil recti, n five of the ninlh article, and i a lieu thereof iescrt the Kulowg ."The General Asscnbly shall iiave p-wer to provide for the eltctica ot trustees f the University ortnearciina, xn lioa, when chosen, shall be vested all the privileges, rights' franchises acel endowiatnta heretofcre in sa) wise granted to cx conferred npon the tiuatee-s ofsnid University ; and the General Assembly may nuke inch pro- visionr, laws atel regulaticvjs, from time to lime, as may be necessary asj expedient Jfor tho maintenacci and management 4.1 s'tid Utivrsity." . Strike out sections tbirteer, fourteen anef fifteen of the ninth article, relating to the University e?f-North Can. Una, TII; Strike out sections twe and thiee of the fourtli articde, being the provisions wli'-ch ref r to the appointment and Unties of the cci'p commissioLcr?. win. Alter s:ction seven of the fourteenth aiticle i-o tnat siiu section shall read as follows; No icrs-on wLo.hall hold any office or plice ot trust cr profit under the United States or any dejmrtmect i hereof, or under this Statr, n under aDy other State or g..Vcrnmen shall hld ortfcrcise any other-office or place of trust or profit under the authority ol this viatc, or be eligible to a seat "n eit ier House of the General Aes mb'y ; Provided, That nothing herein col taincd shall tx'end to offices in the miHiiif. justices of the peace commit sioneis of public charities o4' commis Eioners for special purposes. ADVERTISE MEXTS. Jlerrings, Herrings. .New North CarolinaIIening nux ber oce, Family Itse and Cut, kr s by King, Whitb k Shav Wore Coiton Wanted One Hundred Bales of common C ttoa wanted immettime'y. for which the hih est CHsh price will be p d ma) 23 1873 -Bdrrovi fr P i8v GROCERIES! GROCERIES!! Bacon, western or country, Lard, in kegs or barrels. Molasses, all graeles, from 40 to 90 cts. Cofiee. fcugar, Uice, Tea, Ac,' 'lerrell & Harris. MM GOODS! ! BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! We; are now receiving a full assort ment of ljry Good;?, Motions Hats Boots, thoes, Hardware, Cutlery, &c Terrell & Uarrbs. Cotton, Cotton. Wauted immedi rtely', te fi 1 an order, Ose Hundml Bales-of good cotton, tor which we wiil pay the very highest cash price Borrow & Pleasants, CORN! CORN! 300 busbels of Co n fo- sale. ' . j . .Ter.ell& Bar U MEAL! MEAL! Just ground and fiesli. Give us a call. TERRELL & HARRIS'. Pratt's Astral Oil The Astrial Oil is purer, clearer, sa fer and gives U-tter light, than any othp.r oil in use, for sale at GO cts cash. to ciS' wxeucnarged, King, White & Shaw. SADDLES! SADDLES!! Saddle Clothes, Bridle, Ilaulters, Terr, 11 & Harris: A Boarding and- Day School for Young Ladies, RALEIGH,' N. C. REV. It. BURWELL,! Principal, J .Bt-BuRitix, A- II A arc ' . , As o.riiu'paK . J . Stetex, A.M. ) roj. A. BArirjLS-y.Tnstruc'orin Vo cat and It stru mental Atusic. Thfrc ara two elepmra?nta -Ac-DIMlC AND COLLEUUT2. The Fail bession commences the 1st of Septeir bcraad closes December lOtb, 1673. 1 dc epnng S.caioo commenr-cstbe 13 U ot Jdtuary and closes July 3 1, 1374 Fcr Catalcgue containing full partic ulars as to terras, &c.t addrcsp, " KkV. P. BuRWELt. & fov, jQlU IUIc:g N. C. MIS C EL L A N EO US. i a nl st-.tutc tit Soap f ,t 1 It Iiuatt-bo'd parpoies. exc t Wisu.nj 1 jtLei. SAPOLIO for c't'A. ii g joar H ti-e iVj tho :abjr of one c1ei-u-r. Giva it a trial S A P 0 LI 0 for Windcws is lnttr ttwm '.Vfcitm o- W.n ter. No icaioviig c-.attim iikIoiim-n. S A P OLIO rbiusl'dii and Wo. d, in ft .. ei.ire hue lf.ter thin toap No clujPMip. ave :arj r. Vo cu t aff.r l to b uit'.iout it. t S A POL 1 0 f r ( c ur.n:; k iYes I b tter ' ar u cla rner ' tlifcu li.tli Kr.eij. viU better. tun. S A P 0 L I 0 isttttT lhin Socp Hi f arid for pli-hi g 'liuward Jtriph e is iti nt -e tcit g S A r 0 L 10 robh sT !i'd Jp't.r tte:i V; Lct'cr t.fciiAti i n il i.u t.sMn e. 1 . S A P 0 L I O for AVif-hi .g D.s' e an 10 as w re s InvA i.nb.e ;p 1 t an 8 :;p. SAPOLIO" St dm from Marble )Ia teU Tabl a and ?t ta,rv. trora tiarJ-J-netd wall , kill from Lhi'.n a d Poieela 11. SAPOLIO r. m .yea Sta ds and Oie:e-.e frcra Ctrpets Mild oihe.- woven fab. es. There is no oneOTticIo known that will; do so (many kinds of work and doit as well as Sapolio. Try it; U4D SAP 0 L I 0 , aid wonl rfi;f e.Teive loiut o, uv.ifni tq'.iil n thi-eount y and a road. UAN" SAP 0 L :l 0 a an ariie e fjr tie rath, raeLe tlie fu'utubt i in t full . dir , ove a tiepo cs aid fc.vesa healtliVke ' i and bri i i t t;ut to the kin 'UANU SAPOLIO f lenses nd Hcuri lai ,tln 8k!n, inst .nt y rtinoviiiy . v hti.n or b ein-eh from bo ifh n s i el face. HAND S A P 0 LI 0 .thouta rivl' in the w r'.d for e:urin or jr -ei fn; r u"h teis and cha-pi gcft.t e hand-i tr a e. S A POL I 0 remov3 Tr P teh, Iron or Ir-k fcii s andiras"; fpr ttkciv in Jlaebif t fi j s 31'nt-f, Ae. ' s 11 -yauabe b'r n-akiiv th rki.i tea id iofr, and il h t il a bl. otu of beanty,' ;t ii usar paatel b- y C b.. etie kn. vn S A P 0 L I 0 to ..s 13 lo 15 ee t p. r eak . r nd i.Vtri b .'y saou 1 iuue if You will Lke h. 1IAJN1) HAND doxt fil to Tay Tar.-s good-. Bay it of your merchant if he h:s ii or will procure it for yor. if n. t, tin n write lor vour Psmphltr, " All about bapoho," and t will be u.a led free. KNOCII U )RQ.-S'.S S N , .20 Tai-k ri- .cs, y. Y. j.i!y ll-1y eow. CHAPTER CXXXVIII. An Jct 10 AurnoitiZB Tita Ce)Mii;s NEiti e p TriE cusiy of Frank 1IX TO I.EVT A SPECIAL TAX FOR THE PURPOSE CP PAYING THE e UTsTAKE 1SG DEBT CF SAID COUSTT. SEerrfoN 1. The General Assembly ot North Carolina do enact, That the board of commissioners e.f Franklin county be and they are hereby author ized in addition to the tax which they may have power to asses?, qnder the general revenuo law of tLe kvy a special tax not excee-dirg one fourth of one p -r centum on both real and personal pr-pcity of said ccunty fur the Jtar A. D. one thousand ti-ht hundred aLds.viniy.three, for the p"ar poe of payisg the outstanding debt of said county incurred prior tt the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and stventy-tlrre-, said tax to be levied and collected as other taxef. Sc. 2. That no tax ,hall be kvleel under this act until the q Wtion shall bem mitted to the qualified voters of the county at an be helduL dor the direction of the conraisiioaerv and approred by a ru-j rity of tho3 voting thereon. j Sec 3 Thit the sane amount Uiill be levied on tch taxable poll as is levied on three hund eel dollars worth of prop-rty. ; 'Sec. 4. Thtthc tares levied and collected und. r this set shai: be applied " pro raU" by sai j co.x;m:3?iQ3ers to the payment of the debts cf the aid county cfrrarLUa icca-fed prior to the first day of J.urary, one thousand eight hucdncd and tcventy.thrrc. Sic 3. This act shall be d force fre-m and after i'a ratiScatior. Rat:fi,d the 31 dy cf Mirch, 1373 At sacde time nd nines, poils will be open to xoze for or against the Cwniti-.utional Ametdcurts p.-cposci by the Legislators, Towbship ejects, towii: iIagTs;ratcf,Ccnsti'oIeF, Clerks' and School Committee f. J. B, Tccxeb, P. B. DAWKra?, - ClerV, .Cbr'ma. ADVERTISE MEXTS. We w u'd call yrur at-tention to the magn:fi-ent stock of Watcht8,D;irnond Jewelry end Silver wire now IT. re I by J. T. Yruc vt Dn, c rrcr Svcam re and Dink Strrelf, IVtersl u j-Va. Svrh bargains as they aiccif ri'ii'. rnnly seen. Uy ail m una eua iih IV ttrsl'urg cn nn t fx- thtrv. Young'.-, Fifty D !!nr V.'ch i? the bct lor the mecey i3 tins C untrv. Us. YC JJXG'S V. P, $PCS. t!:y will s rengtbeu .nl bittfi- you lyi. : Over three thousand pairs rol and tVcrb :ily faiisQtd. J. t. young & ur.o.. C'nriie' fcyea 1 ore and Hank J t. ap il 25-ly.' -rcterbii g, Va. The Best in Use. OccnI,ie3 a space only 7 fect Square. 1 1 (Patented Oct. 15lll, 1S72.) 'THE' ALF0RD PRESS, The Simplest 221 Host Powerful . Cotton Press is Dip. Two mpn C".n easily pack a 50(j lb, l .!e nf Cotton and ic is s arrauct that ti e powe r and workng force can be ifrclded. if T tcC?sny. Ta ks ns com pact a ha'e r.c t"ie old ishiorel rcrew w'rh half the labo. Can be run by 'he gin power or by wter and s'emu by putti. g winds in j!aceofih- era-k.' Fiirmcis enn buy Fami:y l:g't-, and build thfeirown l'le.s at tmall expenses. Irons .Furnished at Cost. State', County and Family H-ghts f r 8!e by M ALPORT i ALFOItD ' Sole Proprietors for the S nthern Statr a13 11 Fraakhaton. N U ' Molasses Molasses, Fifteen JIundred Gillons now anivirg warranted all right which ne are e,f fering at Nouncrn prices vith freight audee!,1 0 B.irrow & Pleasants, NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS. 1 Within the next tr.p weeds iyc will be receiving cur tctond supply ot New, wb:c!i rreiiu 1 s.-il ut the very lowest pogible pnrc for C-i-h Borrow 6: IKclb.s, May23 1STC, King, While & Shaw. Have received their s'.oclc of Sprm- and Summer goods, which will be found sup-rior in quality, Lrr in quantity and more varied in aisTtmcnt than any stock they have ever beld.vul which . ffer to cah Bayers, as Irw as they can be f I ia this tr aiy other market iQ the Sta'e W. A. K. rALXN-ER, 1 T. ACItlNfiTON". Falkcncr & Co. .Wholesale Dealers IN BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS. &C: -N ICC Sycamtrr Stree, FBI EBSDURO, VA. arrL5-2r. j : Kolicel Notice II . .. t ai,ve 1U(t nniirri gr.e ! her mi J danjhtir nU-twriiilf 1 err'ij!i)vniint with ray rori cnforcefl rt, nif . ''K '' . t ia v wi I iC r barbouog and deta:M either of from my scrvic. theru fc?.; I -5 -V AT"'.! m GOODS ADVEIITISKMENTS. AV, K. 3Iitcliell, , Fuasclintox, N.. To the People of Franklin Courtly I COME CtHEETING, BRINGING GOOD NEW et I have just retcrnc l fro:Ti the North, ern cit:cs. whcvc I purcriajt-el a ver CorODIete 8'OCk of cfr. rsl n. ad which I am" determined to ell cheap. ( all no t e me before you make your Spring purphaj.-.. See a pirttal list of the ai tides making up my :ockr I)res3 g-ds, vcty great v.ri ety Lvlits hnts tnnroed aud untrinv, mtd. white mm B.-o. and blerched Cottons, Print Flaid doa.e3ties, Kentucky ' Jean. Cottnniden, Denims, S:ripes ic. i FULL STOCK OF NOTIONS Such eb Corsets, rarasols. Fans rer fumeryfAc. IIPRII . . I. A VtnT BEAUTIFUL ASSORT IIPIIT r r- i Ribbons and SilkgoDds. Uoscry aod G ves, alarge suj.piy. jjojts, tiho-, Hats, stock complete. A Superb Selection or Beady Made Clothirg, IKrdarr, tr .ckcrywarc, Qi. en ware, ice. Sugars. CoUts.tjp-cta. and a creat ma-y wther articles iIjm I cauuot tnu nnra:e ia this shi rt n i:c-.. A!l the above goe.'s vrc.c' bought with great rare and cn the iBEST TE &MS That money cou!d purchase And intend to give my u t p es the aIv..n. tae 01 it. Fall and I pi.'de my wcr 1 to make, the nlmre p.j rtims tru.-. w. 11. mkchell! sprll-tf, Frutikiiiitoo, N. C. All iorson wishing barne-, of anv kind, will call on in.-, and I w ill .r.,r', antocto please the in, Uth In urkZ and quality. J. J. MiNirrr.KE, mh i-tf. lAjv.Uhurg, N". C. r ftaEiTEtaPHSE' The rnly IUIjiVm? Gift iJMrilititjon in the eour.trjj $50,000 00 IN YALU A II LE GIFTS! TO BE Iivl I3UTf I IX L. D. S I N E'S lC2ad Regular monthly . (JIFT gNTERPRISE, To be drawn Monday. Anr.f 11. 167C. ONE r.p.ivn CAPITAL ITJZF. ?5,000 IN GOLD! Two y UtM tl.0fO -S n.oro f rt ? llf bee: TWO nz:4 Rt i-rizes Two FiTcHj CarrLwrti nn.! tatrdie.l Ilori witn EirrerOJiifhtl lUr i-m, worth lBortci: Euf.r. ,i.h f i ver mom M Dimw.wortliK'.H'. EiK-to-r 1 H -TP K wort- V Tmi lir ilv fen ie W.IPD-,rrrth tMJ .art.: IjT fi . J aNh&Oali . -r,rth iCu: r.o titl AmerictH Ilm, hi - Waiew. wrth m f3-. Tei l4le' on UnnV Watch?., worth 7r. ch! 8 0(kl I rl i -vrr Uy.t TIh-iv, c. (in I ) .mil fr tn f j t3 ci i,cli - ' 0.ftCha.n.,Miv r-r rr.J-t l-r, A , t,,'lV t3:i' r K'".-3. Ticket, kz.i el An t tl fo t U t'ck'tJ, lo vh-ti l.hriJWcirl 1,,J Sn-l lici'- nti;-: Twc'vj Ticket IIP; Tr.t,ty-tvff TickfU 12. t Hrnibr contain a f,.12 1 t o'r,rUr,-.n.! iciljriMiorueniaau r f j a-.vjn . an.l o l rr informafi- u in r-f.-r ik- t i! "lKu- .V. . ' Mri'1 nt lo J mdrrinstlKio. H leu i nut baa.LJ - to' 101 V. Fifth ft. ' , L'Jn.iniutl.O. -1 Jan 27 1873 P B