r t r ".A Democratic Nttcrgpapor Paliis-t'd every Friday in Louisburg r:ATKS OF KUritCRITTION, -f .. .. " V ... Copy 1 yc;ir....:...i. .....c.oo " 0 Months J .100 3 Moaih.?. ...... ....... ..... 75 (IT TERMS CASK IN aDVANCE Wat oil fox tlxc Xorniufy. BY 8. H. BROWNE. Watcher, 'tig dart", and thy dwelling is lonely I . j The nigbt-hmps shines dimly, and so does tLine eye ; Tbcu art thinking tby portion is wretch edness only. Diflhcartcred, despairing, and Imping to die ; Watcher, look out where tho day-star 13 dawning I H"pe in thy scul let its promise awake; And, sleepless though weary, still wait for the morning .... i Never a night but its morning shall ' t t 1 ' " -: ! ' 'S break ! Wcrpcr, 'tis dark, for the Angel of sor- row "' '' ; ,r Uatli tpread, o'r thy landscape the ' ploom of hla-wlnj? ; No iitic trom tli6 rainbow thy 8idneS3 - can borrow,1 No joy to thy bosom the Cpring-tirae can bring. - ' ' j "Wcfpc-, despair, not, tlJCrc is that can cure thf 1 1 Yr, nVr. to the heartsick a value can b-: give". A draught that shall comfort "and glad- r.rss insure thf", Drink dep'y, drink freely, its fount is in Heaven I Oh 1 ye who r.rc'sviTdiing, and toiling. arid sighing ; Who in darkness of spirit are groping your 'AiiV : ' .. . ; Lo nie'wiary V,f hoping, ar.d trusting trying," ' . . j Wlio aru tica tMat your midnight con ntjvi r be ('a; ; L L' ok fonh whm the day-stir cf prom- . ''se is h' -' vv.'r ;1 .i ti.n ( fast by your duly, your Go'1; and yi.u:. r ;;ht ; A i l ( o:iea; ar.d faithful thus .watch Jkr the i:ioinint", &3Ure it fhub l.ririrr ri.tt-Tw'ti li.-fllin t " acd'liji:! SELECTED STORY. 9-Jj? ItaTise Sprats.? . s lie trt BY JT.IIU. One fine winter evening, early in ' t!ic rescut century, Colonel Smith, and his maiden sister, Tatty, were sit ting on either side of a blazing fire, enjoying their otium cum dignitatc, without any interruption for at least an hour; and that, considering the 82x of Mis3 Patty, was cctroinly very remarkable. ; ' . The Colonel was siting cross-legged In a great arm-chair, with his specta cles on. and his pipo in ono hand? and a newspaper iat-he other. Miss Patty was moving herself gen tly forward and backward in a low rocking chair. Close by her feet was the cat, while Carlo was stretched out at full length on the rug in front of tho fire, and fast asleep. f 4 1 wish Henry was hero, to help me about collecting my rents. ' ' Well, I really wisli ho was, an swered his sister. . . ' i can't expect him this jnonth, yet,' yawned the Colonel. . ; j Hadn't you better send for hhnr' paid his sister. t j ' Upon this, the dog got up and walk : cd towards the door. I ; Where 'ro you going, Carlo?' said the old gentleman. , The dog looked into his master's face, wagged his tail, but never , said a word, and pursued his v?y towards tho door : and as ho could not well - open it himsolf. Miss Patty g t up and v opened it for him. ! The Colonel seemed perfectly satis fied, and was composing himself for another nap,' when the loud and cheer l'ul barking of the dig announced tho approach of f oiuo one, and roused him luin liis lethargy. P esently the door r,penod, r.nd a young n an gaily enter. ?! t'ae room. . : 4hy, William lieu y, is that your' ' tdd Aunt Patty, t ' i DEVOTED TO'pLlilGS? LlSitATUSE,1 SCIENCE ANDART. ' ' . ' i , ""'"""'TrT'"" "" """ ' " nil ' . t ' VOL. ' 2. Henry, my boy, I am heartily glad to see youlsaid the Colonel, getting entirely out of the chair, and giving his nephew a hearty shake of the hand. Pray s what has brought you home so suddenly?' j . .'Oh. I do net know,' said Henry it U rather dull iu to.wn, so I thongLt I would juht step down and "see how you all come on. ! Well, I am glad to see you sit . down,' said the Colonel. 'So do,' .said his sister, There, aunt, is a bottle of first-rate stuff for you ; and here, uncle, is. one of capital Maraschino .' Thank you, my boy,' said the Col onel. Positively, it does my heart good to see you in such very line spir its. : ' And mine too,' said his sister. Henry, either anxious to help his uncle or himself, broke'thel soal from the top of ice- bottle of cordial,, and drew the cork while Aunt Patty got some glasses. ' Well, my'boy,' sat'd ' the Colonel whose good humor increased every mo ment, 'what's the news in town any thing happened?' No yes,' said Henry ; ' I have got ono of the best stories to tell you that you ever heard in your life. - 4 Come, 'let's have it,' said he, filling his glass. , . . . Well, you must know,' said - Henry, that while I was in town, I met with an old aud particular friend of min, about my own age. About two. months ago, he fell desperately in-lbvo with a young girl, and wans to marry' hejv but drcs not without the conseptrof his uncle, a very fine old gentleman, &a ric'li as Crcesus. "Do tajsoa little more cordial.' NYhytfcgfi t his uncle vash him to nau?' iiiouired the Colonnl. . . ) , ----- .'Oh,-yes,'' resumed Henry. 'But there's the rub. lie is verv anxions that liiil should got a wife, but he's terribly afraid he'd be taken in ; for it s generally undo "stood that Le is to bp the gcntlem-Gu's heir. And as for is uncle, though" very liberal in every thing eUe, he suspeeta that everyjady who pa-s hia nephew, the j least atten tion of being a fortune-hunter.' The old scamp,' saijd the- Colonel ; why can't he let the loy have his own way?'- 1 , V I think as much, said Patty. Well, how did he mange?' said the Colonel. . I ' Why said Henry, . he was, in a confounded pickle. He was afraid to ask his uncls consent right , out ; he could not manage to lot hiiri , see the girl, for she lives at' some distance. But he knew that his uncle enjoyed a good joke, and was an enthusiastic ad mi er of beauty, iso, what does he do, but go and get her miniature taken,for she was extremely beautiful, besides being intelligent and accomplish ed" . : - ; Beautiful 1 intelligent ! accomplish ed!' exclaimed the - Colonel ' pray whit objection could tho fool have to her? J'U " ' Why she is not worth a guinae said Henry, .. T v i 1 Fudge !' said the Colonel' I wish I had been in the old chap's place. How did he get along' Why, as I said, he had a picture taken, and as it was about ths time of collecting rents, he thought jit would make tho old man good uatured if he wentjiome and offered to assist him ; and so, answering all inquiries, he took the miniature cut of hia pocket, hand ed it to his uncle, and asked ; him how he liked it telling him that a particu lar friend lent it to him. Tno old gen tleman was in an ecstacy f delight, and declared he would give the world to see a woman as handsome ; as that, and that Bill might have her,' 'Ha!' fchoutcd Colonel ; the old chap was well come up with. The best joke 1 ever heard : but was she really beautiful?' V V ; j ' : ' The most angelic creature I ever saw said Henry ; 'but you can judge for yourself. lie lent me the picture, and knowing your taste that way, I hrcujxht it for vou to look at.' f ' 1 LOUISB tJIlGK Here Henry took it out of his pock et, and handed it to his uncle, at tie same time refilling" his-glass. - Aunt. Patty got out of her chair look rat the picture. i to ' H ell, new.' she said, that beautv is) a Yi? c oy well say that, sister siid tho Colonel shoot me if I do not wish I had been in Bill's place. DexiW take Jt ! why did you net get thiKgirl yourself, Harry? The mosrjeautiful creatura I ever did layvmy eves onj I would give a thousHud pounds for such a niece VVojihlyou? inquired Hairy, pat tinghe dog. ' - ' Yes, that' I would replied the Col onel ; 'and nine thousand more upon the top of it' and . that ''-J makes ten thousand : shoot me r if I would not!' , " "" ,4U "' " ' t Then I'll introduce her to you to morrow said Henry. As there was a wedding'atthe house, of the worthy Colonel on the following Christmas. Day, and the old gentleman was highly pleased with the beautiful accomplished bride, it is reasonable to suppose that Henry did -not forget his promise.- Feople's Literary Compan ion. JLn Attractive Ilouxe, A home that is fitted upith taste wil be the res rt of a better class of peo p'e, and more genuine tnj '.yment will be shown in visUrng, than one whicn has nothingMu the cost licees.of its con-. tenr1o ucommead it, . However much: ifstonishrnent and vague admiration ttie one may excite at first, it will, finally become an ey-aore 'tfi'hw than. an at traction, while the other will reveal a new and beutiiul leUuro at every glance, and wUi Wm lose its ple&sino power. Apart fro: thi?? however, is the alSimportanf hr.rd practical fact that there is f ii actual economy ia good taste. Thousand? of pcrscrs am kill y buy gsudy and vulgar ccrp;ts that are not and cannot be ol eoU of irter-' when I'T much less money they right in humbler materia', but of equadv substan.ial quality; purchr; pcmeth. irg much better suited to tho character of their room?, and rrch mora ia bar. mony with the surr jundiags. If a room is arnge'd as a woxk of art, a carpet ss rJy Ra item in the general effec aosVit-is'ft matter ct no conxe quince fot It should excite remark on its on account. What we want when a. stranger enters our parJo, 13 that he shall be impressed by a ctrtain beauty, by a certain completeness, by a certain richness of -Sect, by a ce rtair home feeling, as it the pTace were the dwell ing ot refined people, ho think enough Of thvir homo to try jto make it beauti ful, not RtceFsary that he should remark! whether our carpet is Brussels or ingtain, whether our wall paper cost tea cents "or five dollars a piece, whether our funiture is of the most costly wood, elaborately carved and covered with the most c xpensive" material whether! ocr curtaics are of the ; fii est lace or richest damask, but rathtr that cur combination of colcr3 are harmoniou?, that our i fnnitur is solid and substao tia, and, in fact, that our room has a cosy, comfortable look, which Ogives some hints to the character of its otvn er, and which seems io extend a iarge and liberal welcome. .. . '' ' '' Compare what ihoa -hast not with what thou hast, and see which is'beiter.. Thka will keep thee from trouble fcr what thou waatest, and thy detire 6hall not disquiet thee. -Thou art poor, but thou art well, and hast many goad friends; cr, perhaps thou hast nom; but thou Last all the . host cf heaven the surv mica isd star, ' and all the element?, and all, the providence of Go', and the charity of all well dispor ed people, as much as any othtr mar : thou raayest walk in tby be'ghbcr'e field?, je even in thy enemyj ground and ecjoy the pleasures of the morning, fn create thy3i!t with all the sweet odors and behold the beauty of ll G credture, an! delight-ia that which God delights in. Why shouldst thou be so distracter? A good natured spinster used; to boast that she always, had two good beaux; they were elbows. .; . The gardener who grafted' a dest nut to a box-tree found it produced large trunks. ': . v . V .... . y v . N. ' O:: SEPTEMBER, 5, 1S73. CS coCWord i A single wcrd-ay disquiet an entire family- for a whole day Oue surly glance casts a gLnr oyer the hocashold, while a'rtnifedil: 'earn of suoshin, may Jight VjCthc . est tncl weariest hour :.. LtWun$ i,.-t tied fiower3 which spriug up afeng ouafpath, lull t'irejBb ncse, fragrance and beauty, eo the kind word", and gentle acts, and wcet dis positions, make glad the homes where peac3and hidssings dwell! No mitter how humble the abode, if it be thus garnished with yrace and svjcctnfs?, with kindness and smiles, the heart will turn laughingly, toward it from all the tumultg of the. world, and home, it it be ever so homely, will be the dearest spot beneath the circle of the sun. r; And the-influences of bom3iperpetu ate themselves. The gentle grace, of the mptte-5 Ucfl inf hfrAdaaghtfr3 1 jXiS after'herlxeaq is pillowed in the qvst of earth ; and fatherly kindness itcds echo ia the nobility and courtesy ot sons who come to wear lis mantis, land' to fill his place; while ' on ihe' oihci hand, frora aa uehappy, mu-overned and disordered home, gfcrth.pcrBois who shall make cther-loaies miserable, and perpetua,ta.the sourneas and f ad" nes?, the ontentionp, and strifes j and railings, which haye made their w a earjylives so. wretched .and distorted, -Toward the checr'ul heme the clril dren gather as "clouds and a? dovb3 to their windows," while from the home which is the ahadtrot discontent, and strife, and trouble, they fly a3 vultures tj rend their prey. The class of men that disturb and disorder, and distress the woridj arc not these born and nurtured. au;;d the hallowed infiiUence3 of Uinis-iui homes ; but rather those who early. lives' hayo ; been a scene of iroublc and und hcxa ;tion, who stattcd-treu in the pilgritaasj and ' whoso "ce-ursu is one of discsttr to thcmtelves and iroubla to those tuXiUiid thcu. 1 Nobility Lauce. -Hardly aaj t vlng is mcro .contemptible than lbe c-ns'-ar ,yhicb rtsts upon social positior ; the" conceit cf there who imagine -that tliey are thua divorced from the clay cf common men ; cf those who shxix.k with horror from tht idei of work; as some thing that degrades by it3 contact, and yes wh.", likely, owe' thcir present p-.sl-So serais not very remote ancestor 'L', ircuiz,ing 'his call to woik, lived more honestly ia the world than they d-x, . and was not "rvshfiUK-d bt soiled thumb? It is ca of the meant st things for ieop!e to bs as! amcd of tht wort which giorified their aaccssors more, with their soiled aprons and b!w.k gowns, thau they with' their liue iil- bons and n ishy jewelry. It might be a fine thing :to be like a Hide, m ie gLr riously clothed tha Solomon, nd do ing nothing as if we were lillics. Au- vaniageous position 13 only a little paore emphatic call for work; and wnilo those who hold the advantage may to te compe'Icd to manual drudgery, they should recwognizi the fact that manual drudgery may be performed I in the same spirit as that which characterizes their own woik, and therefore " it is equally honorable. ; . i i - ! IIa.vb CouRAGti. Have .courage It ?sjasS. as necessary in the cox fl:Ct of ii!e 4a 00 tUdiilOoJ USlhJ A.'lblukand'. emies opp.iss yoa in every great under taking, however peaceful may he itB na ture. Hare courage tomeet aoi ovtfr come them;lYou do not a e. ran can- s not understand wt j thty ehonld seck to throw ob&tactes in your way ; bat thty dq. Such is t.ac ordiaiuce of catu-r. Uave toaragc, and your opponents will jield, :: . . , ' t . Have courag. it is j not opx-a r.e mlc3 alone who will a-sail yoa in what evtr v.m attenapt. "Secret leas will rise up also. Ebvo Cuuxage to encualcr the treacherous who shoot at yoa frvsi behind tree, and ia the drkneta, a will as yor more optn-and more straightforward opponents. s " ' Ia urdcr to nccomple&h any great pui. pos it is absolutely iadispemable to have a degree of courage j which no amount ci resistor c, whether epea cr secret, can inttaudduv Bi Iriva to the end, and you will wir. There is no other way.- The oclytn? courage b the courage wticb 13 f UQd-d or. con sciiuc, und ii fiiici'i! 'ier b,v A Ley writing a eouirisitin on "Ex tremes remarked that we should always endeavor to avoid extremes, especially those of wasp bees and hornet. ' ' . I 3Xootl. The spirit f man goe3 up and down as does mercury ir. a themr-nnter, but unlike mercury, which always stauds at one p int till the atmosphere changes, the spirit ot ,Tea risi-s kd-1 Jails in the s-iui-teaipcraturc of surrounding".. To.Uay.cwry thing ii lovely, h!pe quibkeci the eye to disccTcr pwcs;b:li- tios for god lurtunr, mkI the blo-d ancs to u borg ot j y and healthful. ness. ltsteruv z -ro Wa9 warm ruin. ared with the stu.tc of the same men tality in the snuc ciituma'anctg ol nod and evil. Nothit g changed bat the raca. ' , A mercurial character does not make dcsi.able companion arotnd the do mestic firesid. There is to much un certainty about tLU suto of mind. ' An even tmpJ;r,JJdfecsjbtaed by firti- uw .a uibisij iii uuyjjju wiiu quick , ness of spirit, all tho tr.ala of 'Il jme. Sweet Home." . I 1 Make home as harmonious as para dise; cheerful as ihe noonday sua ; peaceful as moonlight on a lake ; yet tua bread will sometimes he hcavr. focrcr brown, the potatoes iil' not, the vinegar barrel leak, the coal give ou. and a thousand end cac little-" cires present themselves every week which flurry ptcplo it !t hey ailowit. . Kcgular diet is a good preventative for depressed spirit?.. To the lovesick young maa rr womar, such a preven tative i3 too vulgar to contemplate, but it is a good one nevertheless, God Bless EJy JMotlioi A chaplain in tho navy writes : Net many nights ago the whole meet ing was moved as tho heart cf one man by a noble looking youth ofcigh eeu who, ia tho midst cf his broken hearted prayer, burst forth in tho ear nest supplication : i(0 Go3, b!cs3 ,iny mother! I thank thee that thou hast heard her many prayers, t.nd that 1, so long tho ol jict cf her love, have at last, become tho subject ot thy grace !" And on tho last night the feelings of every one present were agua moved in like man ner by the testimony of a sailor in middle life, given with sobs and tears to the blessed influence of a mother's prayers in restraining a wayward son from sin, and bringing him at length by the grauo cf God, to the hope of salvation. Let the praying mother whose pray "era eeera not' yet to be answered take courage and exercise new faith in re- ference to the son of her lovo from such proofs that praying breath is not spent invaia. Eaely PkicEs Abraham bought a piece of iind for a luryicg place. He paid 400 shecktls of sitver The "fewest sum at which a ih-rkcl U cstimacd is about fifty-s-xecntr. 1 his would make abou;$3'0 f h: burying p!ac In Solomon's lima it 33 mentioned that the price c.f a chariot from Eypt was 500 t-htkels of silver (I Ktn-s, x, SO). This would bd about $230. The" price cf a horse was 150 slaktU; or some 75. Tha Ust horses of tnat at "wire fouod ia Eyp'. jThc Syptians trained ! thim well and thfcylwere cnxtable cf irano: m tant StftVler;' King S.llomnu,!" a valo- abla chariot dr&wir by two or! four c these horses made as idiowyi and as dig&ifkd aa appcaraxc?, perkajri, a anyprvnenas tioty. 1 - - t m m m fc A man's dearest object j should be ins rvife, but sometimes 't is I4IS aif wardrobe - -The most genuine spiritual manife. tations are seen ia cases of delirium tremens. ;i When is an army like a tuck in .1 lady's dress? When it is bemm: iu. ' " Courtbhip Is almost always Utis ; and marriage is sometimes blister. Carpet3, though bought by tho yard, are worn by the foot. 'TU but a little filed flour board ing-boas; tread. ThoEoldicr's brea t-pin the bay onet, The wonian question How shall have rxy summer suit made? - NO. 45. ADVERTISEMENTS- J ARRATT'9 , 1 - 'HO 0 7 1- : ' " 1 Peteesecuo, V a I r t JOHlf COL2, i'rup'i !t:rr, No. 31 C- S Meal.' 50 Bushels, very nicej -Mea ground f.om choice w hite co "n. For sale by King. While & Shaw." ' 1 - " ' "X i n j New Sjrinz-aii Sunmer Gaols f ' 1 . "r Which we will sell as low as nossl- ble. . Our motto b'jing- QUICK SALES and SM1LL7EOF- ire-" ' M"c rio:t carnest'v Ask an c-trir-Ab tion of our Strk, before purcliaing" .bewLere. And wc p:edj ourso.x to do all in our jtower to please bo;a m govxs auu ptieee. . ' V'o liave in stoi e a very fine selec tiooi of Dry Goods, Grocer ies, Hardware, Hats. Shoes, Spices, Cou fectionaries, Ac. Give us a trial. T. H. Carlilo & Son LOUISBUKG HALE - The Fall Session wdl begin oa the S2cond Monday in July, Ibi'J. Terms teu Sssjion cp 21 week : Board (washiri?. lights and towels cot included,) $70 00 Tuition ia Primary Department, 15 00 44 Regular English Course, 23 00 Latin and Greek, each, extra, 5 GO Board must be paid ia advance. All accounts for Tuiii u are due at the. close ot the session, and will be prompt ly presented for payment. No dttlu: lion ia Tuition exctpt in ca3C3 cf pro tracted sickness. M 8. DAVIS, Pbuscipal, YAUBOKOUGII HOUSE, RALEIGH. N. C. : :.. . O. W. BLACKBALL, Proprietor. Pratt's Astral, Oil, The'Astrial Oil is purer, clearer, sa fer anil gives better llht thoxi aay othr. oil In use, for sale at CO cts cashj, 75. cts vy eacliargcd, ' A Boarding and Day School for - Young Ladies, RALEIGH. X. C. REV. R BoRWELL, Piincipa'," J.E. Lcreix, A-51. 1 ' . Asso.PiiL'paK f. J. Stktex. A. If. V ..t . Pf.o a A . Barn A5T5, Irtftnictor ia V - cal acd Iastramental Music. There ara two departments Aci djmic AjfD. Cox.LtauT. T5 Fa I Session commences the 1st cf Sept en -ber and closes Decea.bsr I3th, 1E73. The Spring S.eiioaconiajenctsthe 13 L of Janntry and closes Jaly 31, 1874 Fcr Cata'cgae containing fall pirtic ularj as Vt terms," &c, addret?, Klv. E. CuawrXL. & eo.f, jolll Ra'leigh, K.CZ Hoiasses, .Molasses, Fif een Hundred Gallons onw snirir. warraattd all right which we ars of, feriug at Northern pries ritb freight addext . Briow & Pleasant. RATES OF AVEUTISKG. (10 uke en Lzrsc-?;3nrrn: "a. fqntr. C r.e f q-tire oac i c rt ! ?S .'..:.'.'. ' is 0 One - Eac'a .t-.:U rxr'Jw .. 50 en! - ci..'uc.i . Co tnf - Ture? uouii 5.1 Cr.e f 1 x ;iu:.th ; .TT. .. J ; G j Cie Twelve uioulU ,..v.1;s Coi.ir-ct s fot Lirrrr :vr.-kl3 on libera AD VEIU ISEilEXiV.' sYate life nrsun a ific e Capital,- - $200,099. V .. .! Hon; KeorU. IUtfh?Pmt lent S; U7ttPru' VicPrer'dtat. . ,. ix. uicia, fcccrttary. ' ' Dr-B. B. UatwooJ .akl3iD IjfRfflnr ' Dr VV. U Raj Bter AMed. D:to.- ft. p. jcncior, Atvoruey. Ofl: Perry, bu rKtiitL Agtnt- b. t r v . .-.nr -DIRECTORS; noa Kmp V B-ttle, Hon To J It C:r wc'.lllofi John Y' 'Jaoj'rhvn, C.. T M licit, q'Wgi A en.lfu, Vt .V J lUkiwns.'llou Jiha Mia-.nj, Gffi 7 R CoxColLW. Uu.jparfy, CJ . Tti klurphy, Cil.VTia E AnJw.aoo", " J-.h? Willi uas,- Got L Singer?, H Y ic Ac'cl,Co1 rA A ijyiclvoj.-l J "a'oucj, Jcu; A G.iU.u, V H Caraeroa, J t? M;IU:, J B Bjitctitlor, J C Blake, A aN tcr Clark. V OUp:Uurjh, J J UtU. John IJklijIs. FATU:iE3 A'JD ADVA:irlG23 ' It 13 emphatically a Hint Con; ary Its large cpiul gairaalccs a'.ri g'.a asd tat.iy , Its ratt3 arj as low as tbes? ci any firet-class C'rrpany. It c&n ll acii.-ih!c Lrxs ci israr accf. . 1 , : Its fa-cs'trc isvcstid'at lr i-. -. an 1 circtiUted cmosg ocr OTra rHv.", No rrce-sary reitr!c:iua? ;..i;ocl upon rcsldeaa or trivt!, - Policifi uuafjrftitie c':;r Ttr years ' lis cfiiccri td d:rlcto.s zrz fonU .ta;ii, aud wfcil-kaowu Iturt v,A.i.lia ia.s, v.li-ie experience tsbc'.Mv.i ta, and whos'j v.unb'iad utniy are alxne sui:Lat guaraateo 01 V..o U- m pasy'a fctren-.h, aolTcucy.a-d ra.cebf. Geo. S. U.ktr, LcalAgcr.., IL A, L-ju-fo: ' Louubi- t', BiEtrlct Agcat, Fittilvr-, If, U Go Ag:at, n-ith nU ir liSe rai contracts vou be tadf, - M4?cd in tviry county Ia the iitatr. -ma 21 GREEN; .&LLE1T, G-foeers 'And COMMLiSIoii lIEr.Cl! AliT-l , ' ' SoficI tJctu'srtienU of ' Oottou, Tobacco, Wltat. iriotii"fOorijf n:ul Produce Genorally. Ag nts . for thi " Exct-Uclzi C.Mon. ErutU Cottoa Oaa. . Xc, lla jeuacra Blrstt P-ircr, Va. Zio. 1-1 ' ' - - - . a t ' I agent tot lh? al cf MApFASTUREO . 703ACC3, ClcAfiJ, &C-. '!; ycauwitf elicit, ,. 1 , . - . - . " .. . " fclrrihar'', r J. H. ilclATIl, Sadd!o-& HarhessWaker Cvart H'.f Locj'tr::!, if. C. Il-xlaj iVp-;,f vur,rr to a -tcr. 2 (o ay Fir, U. rt jU; r tnt r? tt tt-ti jt. nr.t be jji-.-a ti ra'.j-, r paiiir. 2f-Uljf A .; t;.-.icr lor wtr'Ia ny "t .0 e T-pr--:px atectloa. Tt Utjtl r.f ls.-' .t,- a-.d surround' . t -o ; rj Uive mc'a csdlx.r p.r u- m. :ri! 4-' ' c.