' '- !.'. j . ' " . j : ! y v.. .fc I ; i " . , Courier. . (JEOHGK S. KAKKIl. Editor ax: I'rjdrnjsCTOR. ... , i . T. T. Mitciteix, ; Assochtc EJitor. AI1 letters addressed to j ' ' Giro.'S. IjAKkii, Friday,. .....ScrTKMBEit, 5. 1873.! ' Vc heard a distinguished citizen of Our State, -remark in a speech': during the eaaipaign of tart yert- f hat . the public nunsllia'rtet-omc - fatigued iin endeavoring tfl keep n.p with the nura Jj2rIMA infractions of (he laws,' and the grievous and intolerable burdens ini j'osod upon our people, by those who have been intrusted with the reins, o government, ....... : - i , .. .. This thought has frequently recur red to us sinco we .heard it,' and.' .we know that tho public mind, has had a superabundant cauo to ,bo in the con. 4ition. described by the gontleman. , ' ., We laTOih&d encrauchmeni after en croachment,, upon; the liberty . of the ititcn a jnncji, tdfrfaefo 'thai.it faas about ceasou-Jo (icite;coprneot.i I - Statu gbjfetrjnias bvo 'boerV pulled aowanr&es hate been; built up, itH tho minions .of. the Admiiis trations trying V hurrah - for. Grant' : holding tho places to whictAho people fleeted their cWizem, at the -same time ! ,with their anna. up .to their elbows in thxiicasury and employing the Fed -ral'arty .to.arjictrthem jn callcqting more monoy,:witf. which o replenish ' tho cotfexs, made'empty by thjir steal ing ; to be again emptied by'tlio samt i process, and filled and-'.-emptied- timo nl again, .'iadcfinately.--. , j .The Federal Court?, instead of bc in tho forums,, where, justice, is ad ministered in tho particular line.' in wlich Uicy vcro first-intended,: hare had their jurisdiction extended. contin ually.ftilj now. M.Tbey take cognizance of almost all kintb, of cases,- from the petty assault and ' battery, n (that was formerly disponed of by our . Justices of tho Pcao?j to tho. crime -of murder, all of tyhich. wcro formerly tdabrc in .the .tto Courts,) until it has become n .most formidable engine of oppression , und tyrw2y,. .In a word, aro suL- I joctod -to.noaaly eTcry .pno of, the griev uncea complained of by an anU(piaiTcd 4-ctff old fogya,.that:asMcd in tho city of 'tofjielpbia, near) a hundred i jx'earj .og!),jhd .wrojc a description of thi?ir imaginary wrongs, and denomi fiatcd the papr writing in .' which they sr ere recorded, Ihe declaration in dependence.' , ' Hre, however, musi not moke men tion of these things. If we do, we are at ence met with the charge of disloy alty. Wo a-p told that Jeff-Davis, and the women wapt to get up another rebellion;. Iif jrcff, pavj3 opens hig mouth, the Hruly X?fk' irnniediately rcea great stream ..if rebellion and trca.on iSssuing "ihrcfVom'. They are at once haunted . by. tho ghost of Lee and Jackson, and Stuart and Johnson. If we say unyihing about their steal ing, they say Davis is a traitor. If w.s toll them that they violate tbe Con. ftitution in any particular, thoy bhout the Ku KIux is coming and going- to clean up all the poor innocent loyalists. Jm tej initer all th? charges that re .made gaist tjiem. Doo& Dayw ; WnSa,:trajnrtaali stealiig tn-yleaa crW felaf, iipy Wy palliate the . numWrlesi. and . most Vagrant . Crimea tht lutaihssll ccteamittted. WiWlj cbnlhWallbeiiig com .-untied by these fiend that w&uld be more at homo domiciled with-his Sai ,aic. Majesty than with our good peo. pie in this sunny Southern land that wVs intended to be, and is tho proper hocjc of gcatlerncn. .This infernal pacfc VVO Utcl j, in ... order to .diycrt, t e public vioiad from- tbcirow'v wicfid themes and:platting?; set up a terrible and unceasing yelping, Tray Blanch"; ?weetheatt" and all, upon tho heels of Jefferson Davis,, whose name they are : uot worthy to let pass their sin de , tied lips.. They hate Jeff Davis, we know, but they do not. hato him as much as they lovo the pelf that they aro tuablcd to filch by means of the places t they hol(ind which the; .-o crabled W bold by keeping the Northern mind excited against our people, by catching v-vcry utteranco that may fall from' the lips of -fidine eouthera.lcadc ftnd dis torting it to pujt their mcfarous. ends. Yes we know they bate ; Li'siW hen they think of his purity uid om!uief;s of character, and then reniember 4ir own vile selves, they cannot help Ifiatv It is I that feeling that vice e:er .as, and always will have for virtue. While the virtuous upright christian character endeavors to re form the villian, vet while these vile instinct, prompt the latter, he thinks that the formerjis his enemy, and it is but reasonible that he should think so, for he knows that he deserves the dis approbation of the good, as well as the lad. ..Mr. Davis can stand their hos tility. , He can iu his loftiness and grandeur of position look down up&n this vile crew, with contempt if not with pity. Those utterances of his were noble, grand. We thank him -for having spoken them, i -.We lpye him more now than ever. He is every day becoming, dearer to the Southern people. He it was who held out in hope and r courage to the end. He it was, who endured months that lengthened into years of weary confinement, for the acts of our people. He it was, who the Federal Govern ment would'not bring t trial, fearing that they" coufd not sustain a case in the Courts . against him. He it was. who after this long and fatiguing con finement, settled down into civil life and pomparative obscurity, scarcely .ever uttering a -word,-that passed the .confines of his own threshold, lest some Utterance pf bis might cause our op pressors to deal more harshly with the people "he b6 loved. Can we forget these things ? Would a manly, gener ous foe de3ire us to forget them? We will never forget them,1 and when we think of them, we cannot help loving the. man who has done' and suffered these . things for us. For ourselves we care vary little what the motly crew who essays to' run this g)vern menVthiiV of Jeffpavis.'. "5Te know and they?. know,, that wherever duty has called him, whether to the plains of Mexico,1 as a niernDer of tue Nation al Cabinet, as a United States Senifof, from his State, j or as? Prcsrdcnt of the Southern Confederacy, ; he has faith fully and ably performed the part as signed him. Can more ! be said of anv man?..':: - Wliat i StJite Institution lias Dono ibr IVoi-tli Caro- The time is fast approaching when the hopes aud struggles of maDy weary moatbs - wil! be crowae.l with saccts. -The State Agricultur! jVali- is . ndeHred to the hearu ot North' jcaro!in:aaf.- Year a'ter year, the sons and daughters ot our noble old commonwealth are wont to assemble in this grand laniilj ruunion, not for the purpose", merely of meeting fuenda ot other t'ay?, and cementing by renewed acquaintance and asaociaticn tne indissoluble i'wt that unite us, but, also to secure the more practical benefits that ars dtrived from imparling and receiving valuable infor mation. , aSeptiag. the varied inttrests and coaspKx relations 01 ivfy depart ment ot Me and labor. Tbe farmer, the mechanic, and the professional mnn are hll berw taaching and being taught. Enterprise ia now directed bv. itel'i- gencc, capital is diverted into more useful channel?, and frvsh stimu'm is given to the dusire for higher, culture and nobler development in all that col ceras our material prosperity and pro grew as a people Itwould be diffi cult to estimate fully iLe manif-ld bentfits which accrue to all from this annual State Festival. Its discontinu ance, even for one year, would te a blow to the betf. interests of the State that would be di'epl felt by all classts of oorfitiun yet this great calamity had weiWhigV- TwtakiLiti,L For j months the aQcert and iuends of the Xurth Carolina Agriculturml Society had been troggliog to overcome the obtt&ciea in the way, and bad at length succeeded in isecung alivthe faoda that were ncc?sary except about $8,000. This urn had been premised them byeTeraI I ri-ign Icjurauce Companies which f r years pat have be n dra'nig hun dreds c 4 thousands of dollars from the Utt. Their representatives here had expressed perfect willianres and ear .ijaat dctireitotf ti3 part j their r spec tiro Companies to loan the money on the ampie security ofLrrd. The time came but the money did not. Their promises madr, hke too mnrvothirs, only t.i tickle the ear, and serve" the end of the moment, were shemeleisly rrpu di t!. Raying upon these broken reeda, the 8:iety had m ide no other arrngemeutt and the time was &hor. A lew dajs would decide the fate of ih SraVFi!T of North Caroliaa- not for no yer, but probaWy fur all iure JuBtiiere H & that blood Whoved iisejf thicker than wte and the Nxrth Carv olina & ate , ,fe InNuracce tympany, came forward to the rplief ol bier 'sister corporation anil advanced the amount necessar to carry forward to comple tion tae'plans of the Agricultural Soci ety, thus firmly establishing "the State Fair,' upon an endurin g tau. inh Lim. Tlonrr to whi m honor is du". The people of North Carolina will for the first time :n their history be false to tin ir record, if they de not pjove them selves true to thcue who In the day of adversity were true to them. The North Carolina Sute Life Insurance Company is now in the first jear of its existeccd, but it h ts alrca 1 y taken a stand of which its officers and the peo ple of tbe State at large, miy ... be justly proud, aud its judicious investment of every dollar of ils fuuda in North Car olina, and among our own people has already been i rtductivc of incalculable good- Thebtnefits resulting from the establishment of the Company and the Home insurance and investments which it offers and effects, are siii h that we aro cocfi lent the people of North Crro lina, will not bj s o w to appreciate and reward, " Agricultural Journal. MIS CELL AN HO US. SAPOLIO S A P 0 11 0 for Tfiudows is bitttr tban WLitiug or W. ter. o tymovig cajtns nd crpes. . SA P 0 LI 0 cle.ni Paint and W0-d, m f2t tbe teoiire f SAP o l I 0 S A P 0 L I 0 ; TiaWi.ra. ilnglneaa ita. ut cntcnti g A POL 1 0 7 SAP 0 LI 0 8 A POL 10 I remr.yta Stf.i3 from Marble 3tu tcf,' Tabloa SAP OLIO rrmovea 8U r s ajul k oVea'sa from Carpets There is no one article knoWn that will do so .many kinds of work and do it as well a3 Sapolio. Try it." UAND SAP OLIO arcw ard woud.'rfiilly effec ive Tciu t op, lav i j ii., tbual iu tMi count! y and abroad. U AND SAP 0 L :l q as an arti- r fjr f e rrth.'rcache the i.iimku, fali liirr, opeil U e po esf -and g ves a healthy as U u and briLuLt.tmt to the tkin DiMSA P 0 LI 0 Cl'aoss f.nd Beau-iaes thi Skin n.tanty re.uovinS any stain o; b em,eh f. om both h n is a, a face. ,,ANU S A P 0 L I 0 j U w:thut a rival in re wirll for cunmr or pr.ve; t nr r u-h-je and.cba. pi. g tf e.tle, UAJSD S A P 0 L 0 a bl on. of bounty.' jtK ,i Vair paa.i d by ai y Coarretic koown HAND S A P OLIO cot's 13 to 15 ca ts nor oSka nrl DQN'T FAIL TO TRY THESE GOOD Buy it of your merchant if he has it r will Drocnr it far nn te -. 4 .i h?!?i !o Pmphle.; All Lbout . - .-""fu win urmauea iree, ' BKCCII MOBOy JS 8 No -20 TAitr Ii cj, K. Y., Oa 99 Loxass ?t. SaLTIKOcX ,Tti. ; i. JJj 11-lv eor, - BECKWITIPS - i ' ' .... 1 ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS, i nese tills haye been most success- .ultivjcu iu anoost every va ieti of functional Msortfe bfthe Stomach Uowcui, Livsb and iijRis. such as . niw xnuciaxions; piau- sea, Headache, Pain laud Distention of tho tnm4h n.l i -T . . .... wvyeis, incipient JJI- "' fo't Jaundiee, Ratulency, Habitual Cpstivcnccs, Loss of Appetite ...ivs, rteeonimendofi w w.-T-Tf must uro mmeut uica. of the country, amon them mmr T.K x I t n Dtur . 1 rice 25 cents 1'repared by B E. BECKwrrn f suc cessor to Dr. Deck with) Proprietor Petersburg:, Va. j JtPa u y25-ly Vliocsa e isent. Tho highest prices paid for old Spen- r; titurj nepe&terg and Colt's J . . . 8. T. WILDER. ADVEIlTISEMEyrS. $2,159.74 Worth ofGoods lt Cast, FOE CASH. I will offer for the next thirtv dv the a!ove amount of good at cost, Con, sistinsr of. . v -1 . Ladies dress rood?' Gents Rjadv : aiaae uiothmg. Bonnet?, Cloths, Cassimeres, Ribbons, m ITat Fnrnishino" -Goods, & I am rflFeringhese goods at AT COST, foi the reason, that 1 vill sonn begin repairs on my store, that will necesV tate my moving, aud as I do ijot iaU to move the eodt, I have concluded lo sell off all the hard Uock AT COSTi if I canj and at the same time ofir a great many desirable goods, that J can- nrkf flnntviaVAfn ,m .1.!.. v. n ... I tisement. I am offering also a large stock of Staple Goofls at greatly lednced PBIOES, .. '. 1 mean what I say. If you don't thhik so, just bring the stamps and you shall haves the goods, Call soon as the time will be out in September. ' B. P, CLIFTON, Curt'fit., Leuifcburg; N. C. aug8 lm t, ..i. .!..' . " ; i . . Wesieyan Female Institute. ... ...... - -Staunton, Va, -v .; - j The 24th annual session Fept. 23, 1873,- itone of the first Schools for Youfl Hadifes in the South. Tenty tliroo teachers and officers. Fcenery grand, buildings elegant; health mi surpassed ; feeble constitutions here restored; pupils from all the Kates from Maryland to Texas. Board and College 'tuitioit for scholastic year, $240. For catalogue of 54 pages ad dress Rev. W At Habriss, P.esident, btaunton, Va. aug 8 lm Read ! Read I Read l ! Hew Bar Rooii), On West side of Main Street, '(.. . Franklinton. N- V, Ifyruwintto drltk grod L'quo', go to the New Br. and )ou will linj whnt you want. Ale,GinperPoj, Wmr, R'im, Gin, Whiskey and pure OidNauti Brandy, supply ot Ice always ou hand, to give you a cool drink. I hope to see all riiy old customer?, aud friends at the New Bit. Call and see me at the New Bar Koom. . aug 8 3m . Win. Ran some Ocnaaijating JJIpuse, ANI) " PyJer Saloon, bjf At Suilsts Old St4kd. Fmiiklintoii 2V p Meals at all hours. . jun 13 3m. hoarding and Day School FOI rOUJfQ LADIrS, Louisburo, H. C. . The fourth Session opened oa V0n day last 14th inst,, and wUl continue full 20 weeks. . Terms: Boards Including washing, lights, fol an4 furnished room, $75 ErglUU Tuition, iato$15. Latin and French; (each) $5. Music Piano, $20, Guitar. $15 No charge for ue of instrument. Boarders who go home Friday evening and rcturn'Monday mrrnirg will be charged pro-fata leis CoHNfXlA A, CKESSIIaW. . " : ' Principal. 1 July 18tf C- HALL'S SELF-FEEDING COTTON GIN. I T?TX'?iUn?c ordcrs for a Ihnitcd numWr of the celtbrated SILF it,Ul2sU UINtf. Heretofore owing to the great demand we have only lecn able to fill apart of the orders we have received; partk-s therefore w ho Mirimso buying to use next fall, will greatly cblt-e us, 'by ftpndiii? in their orders as early as possible, in order that they may get their Gins 'iu time. These Gir.s Never I? ail to GivkExtike Satisfactiox. It requires no ispricncod gmner to attend to it. Separates from the Cotton, stick., clod of dirt, sand nails pebbles, &c. Gins very rapidly. 1 leans the wed thoroughly. Runs lightly. Is well made and very durable. We shall be pleased to send pim phlet conUi iing testimonials from well known parth-s to anv person unon ap plication. 1 I1YMAKS & DANCY, " 51, Water St., Norfolk. Va., 3L. S -A. L USBURY, NORFOLK, Va. ! D E A LE R IK THE FINEST and most FASHIONABLE Black Walnut, Tarlor, Library And Chamber FTJENITUEE, Of New and Original Designs, and of the most Superb Sfylc ard Finish ! . , . Also a choice assortment of Tables, Wardrobes, Dressing Casts, Etagxres. Side- r. : ' ,-' : boards. Library and Book Cases, Ut Trees and VThat-Nots. 1 Also a Complete Liuv q1 CARPETS. OIL-CLOTHS, MATTINGS. WINDOW SHADES AND WALL PAPER. Give mc a call .before purchasing elsewhere. A'l goods warranted as represented S3?" Office & SV.esroi-n-tiew Xi a. 217 & 2) JUia St. old & CO TJNPERTAKING promptly attended to ia all its branches. The only agent in the city for FISK'S METALIC BTJRIaIj CASES. Mahogany and otlur Cofiius lurcihud at tueshmt est notice, hi tq, Cnrrinuts, with thp Uinl Uesrse in the city, and the Patent Right Corps Trcy'ici in the pi'y vnil rur;oiiniing country. spr li Citi. J. W Pleasants. ARCH1 1 tCT AND UNDERTAKER AT BnCMMITT's OLD 6TANP, Wishistrt call the attention of the peiplc of Fianklin to the fac, that he kcip constant !y on band FurMtuir; ol all .kind, Tin, Walnut or Mahogany coffin?, made no short notice, also wn dow ll'inds. Window hashes, doors; Bracke's bc All the al ve goods are warrentetJ and will he sold at TPiy reasonable price. Etpiiring d--ne wiih dtspitch and very cheap, call and crarbine lor Toorlv-s. i. ' ., J. W, PLEASANTS, aug 8 tf Louishur, N. C. Till! IV Is li D Family Favorite Sewing Iilachine. We b g to call the attent'on of the ( U zns of Loaisburff, and riciniiy to this TatjLT, MFamily Farori'e? biw Io Hachioe, and to those desircus of purphasing j that we would be pleased to hare them call at tur place of busU ncs4 and rxtmine for themselves. This michine makes the lock stitch alike on loth sides of the fabric, nse a STRAIGHT SCKDLR and SHUTTLF. We claim that for simplicity, rapidity, ease of mq ion, and of xecuting the widest range of work, that it haa no supexior if to equal. V : batis taction guarantee1, best cf refer esce given if rtqoircd lroin the nany Lundrtd, who aro nseing them in this State. Send for (or call n the coder; 'signed) fr circular, price lif, terms samples of woik &c. Agents wntd. , J. J. PERSON, WU. Powrrs&0 Loral Agent. n'h Agents Raleigh, or F.rcatTille N.C. i t - ! aug. 1 "tm. KENTUCKY UNIYERSITY Located at Aih'an'1, the Home r.f Ucr r Ciay and Old Transrlrann. 8ix fo 'etres in operation, wRh tbirU profess r?, and 60 sudnts from 23 ctate. Eatire fees Wcnllciate year, 20. ex cept in the Law. Medical and Commer cial Cr.lleg-.. Boanling from 52 to 5 per week. For CataloCTe. tddres J. B. BOWMAN, Rtgm Lrxiogtor, K) ' an 22 lm gents for No th Ca'o ina. 3 OO BE WARD. A PROCLAMATION ! By the Governor of Nvrih Carolina. EXECUTIVE DEPAltTM FXT, Ralkiou, Jclt 23, 187C, . Wiir jieas, OilLial information has teen received a tIJs Depar ir.fnt tht one William Rraog, lae ol Franklin county, charged wi;u ih-j crime ol mir-d.-r ha9 scaped fropi the j til of id county, and tl d the State r so c-.cceals hiinn-ll that the ordinary process of law cannot le ftrveii on liir.i ; Now, 'hrrc-Mc, IT it R Caldwlix GoTcrnor of the-t.btc 01 Noitn C'jri'J: n? by VTtueof an t.oti.yin mevtstid by law, di isjue this my Proc a a ion ffiriog a regard of TI1UKE UlJN DUEO DOLLARS, for the apprehen sion and del.v.ry of the fai.l William Ilragg to the ShtrilT of Fnklin county in the town of LouisbTg, a-;d I do ei -j do all oflioers of the Ia and all g.d cit zens ot the State to aid in OMLing said criminal to jas'.ice. Done at our Uty A Rihiuh. the 23th day ot July. A. D lb3,audiu L. S. thv ninety tighth yt-arol Amer ican Indepenltnct. TOD. R. CALDWELL, By the G vcrnor: J. B. Nkatiiert, 1 riTuie Bcprctary. 1 DESCRIPTION: t William Bkaoo is 1y profersiop a carjentcr anl rnill-wright, aged about GO year-, light sandy hair, nnall scar on his forehead, ncirly bctwien ,is cyeLrow about fi?e feet frcr inches hi?." , distipatea and giyn tc druakci nsts Kq. 113 Sycamore street. Ho. 113 - . . . PETERSBURG, YA. E.. G. "James & Co. WHOLESALE DEALERS' IH Staple and Fancy I) y Goods, Irish Li-icr. White Good., Hosic y, G ovc, ttatipuery, and Motions genera y'. ' Have row i i slore the larg st aud mofct varied stock of SrmxG and SriDtEit Goods, that they have ever offe cd,and which thev are p epatcd to sell as .owto thk Blaxiijurrs of Xprrrn Carolixjl, as any . Jobbing House, Either In the f tate or Baltimo e.and o i as gool terms. P I 25-Cm. E G James & Co. ill GOOD King, While & Shaw. nave received their stock ol Fpnn and Summrf good. hich will U quantity and more varud in a-s- Ament than any stock thry have ever held.aod whlch.frr to Cash Bayers, asJrw as mli UJnlZ " J other mm LtU A I ) VE RTLS E ME N TS.' II. Mitchell, FRASKLHtTOX, N. C. To.lhe People ofFranklin Ccunly I C0SIE GREETING, BRINGING GOOD NEWS. I have just rttomed fromih vhi. e n cuxs. wnerc I purchased a ur c-c biock nr general mi rchaniz ALwi which I am .lt. cnear. Call and tee rkm I.in . . JM ji-ur cpnng porcuasig.- i paruai iisjtji iceaiticUs fflakioffunic ..w. a:m goooi, a ve iygreat-VMi tty. Ladica hata triairned aad untr.t WHITE GOODS - B.-o. and bier.chi-d Cottc nr, Prints, Plaid- domestics, Kentucky Jeans, Cottcnadcs, Dcnltns, Stripe, A FULL STOCK OF IIOTION Such as Corsets, Paraaola, Fact, Vt: lumcry, etc A VERY BEAUTIFUL ASSORT MENTOF RiblHins and Silk gooda. . HoscrTac uiuiva, large supply. Uoota, SLor llats, stock complete A Superb Selection c Heady Wade Clothing, Hardwtr C'r.x:keryware, Quenswarc, Ac, Sugars Co CTces, Spices, and a pre many other at ticks tint I cannot tc nitrate in this short notict. All the above gorx'a wc4C kc' itb great tare and n the That money cfu!l pntchns- Arl intend lo givr my cu timers the n'.t, tauf ol" it. Pa!l and I plcclie my : to make the ah-ivr a rtions irus. W. II MircilELU aprll-tf, Franklinton. S. C. Ui'EUPfflS 1lMoclyU liable Gift Dutrilmtioa in eo-.intryj 4 $50,000 00 IN V A L IT A it L K (I I F T TO BE i)I-S rMliUTall I I. D. SINE'S m' ICS il Regular mwnthry (JllT gNTEItPKISt To 'P Jrawa Monday, Sept., 13. 1 QXrj fiRVT APIJAL ATM Two fix ll0 f IG IBKJIBACl Til prizea flop wltn f Ui:rrvUcptr4 lr wo.th 1 1 norrs fir Cuery, wtth filter a wood pjtoo, wqrta t300! Tf o Fan!?' Urlrta Chain, worth $.100 eafU. . ? I Aexriean IlnnMnz VTa'chw- tli 'a.J-. Tci Ia4'e' Oil Hr Watch , worth 7J cb! SiOtKll' vr Ixvcr Hin t- sr Wtc-e (in a.lj fr ro f-JO to tJOOtcb Oo'tl Cht'n. !lrr.wr JwIrT. to 6001 Age t waited to an tkk'U, U T r . 1 IVknl m . .ill .1 SinsU Ticket ft ; Six Tckrfit: 1 ImtVeUtlO; 7wary-fiv Ticket ! ClrcnHr contaln'nx a full IMofpri dcalrti'o f re nvatr of l-a oiter iuf'rTti.-i'l-ii in rrfrrnce u tl totion. wi.t be nt i any rrte of Jri5 ' II IftUtt mut b sild wd ta aalnni. L D.fclNR.is UlW. rJlhU. Cinciwi KOTICE. To the Tax rayen of franklta I will a Ud J at the Coort H-c aaid Ccun'i from the ii.h of tbe 1st day ot Qctobex ;373. M poip-ea cf rrceiriag the fc:e J County Tkxca f r tl prrstnt yrtfJj Ait cvki are exp1 mtt ra-t and pay tbeir Taxe prvn1 Due notice will be given, wbcnl attend tbe several Township i mocth pi October. " J. C. Wynne, Sle