) t C nutter. Cljc (C 0 u r i c r, A Democratic Newspaper. J'ullihed every Friday in Louisbur HATES OF SCBSCiaPTION, Copy 1 year 2. 00 r Months..............,.....i 00 " 3 Moaths.. . 75 rt5 TKUMS ASII IN al VANCE 1 Pot Selinmll lice tic XJaly Attributed by the New York "Sun" to ueecMi uicnard Smith, of the Cin cinnati "Gazette.,; Drue as I leef, most efcry day I laugh me wild to saw der yej Mysclimll young baby drie to play Dot fanny lect'c baby. Vbcn Iijook or dom lectle toes Und siw dot funny leetle nose, Und heartier vay dot rooster ctovib, 1 schmile like I vas. . . SomcdimcB dere cooma a leetle schqua'i, Dotsvhender vindy via Twill crawl Jlright in hia little s'chomack s'chmall, Dot's too bad for der baby. VA makes him sing at n'ghu so schveet. Und gorry barric be must eaf, I'g'1 I must chumbshpry on my feet To help dot lee'le baby. lie pills ray do e uad kicks my hair, Uml griwls me vfery where, : Und sehloSbtrs me -bat vot Term 1 . Eotjvas my scbmall young baby, A-oun 1 my head dot lectie aim Vt)s schquozm mc6o nica udc! varm Oh I my dtre never cocm some harm To d.ebmill L-etle bab". ' ORIGINAL STORY. WKITTEN FOl THE COURIER. 11 Y VIVIAN. ' CHAPTER I. Tlicro wa.7 silence in the wearied air that night. From sea f nd shore the (-c!:oos g ive tajk no harsh, soundc'i than the water dashing on the beach, and the Pong o' the sailors, Rut high above tho scene in the- deep blua Heav ens a pale star glimmered here, and there. Tho lights gleamed upon the ivater. There was only a ship upon the I oceau in its sid repose and silence, and a wondering figure on the shore', whose h 'w's'eps heavy with care and trouble, went to aud fro to break tho calm. As a disappointed man, Gerard Alwin Badly looked h,is last upon the falling of this calm and lonely twilight, and on the distant hills of his own home.. !- J lie next norning he would sail for . another land. Litter thoughts wfira ... . o-. m Ins heart, as he tried to console him self ; but with a, strange consolation, -tlio only solace he found was in return ing to the deep grief . which was hU alone. He' ceased to walk, and stood gazing idly upon tho water. Standing thus the night fell darker upon him ; he hears a step, and ho soon has for las companion his old and valued ser vant. ' ' ' . ' Ia it you Frcdt and did eomo to say farewell ?' , you Taking from his pocket a package ho gives it to him, but beforo he has tiuie to speak, a dainty note is in his grasp, slipped thereby the epu'ck fingers of Fred. Ho becomes I agitated and continues hi3 walk some minutes before breaking the seal. .. . . . Can it be the t she has deSed htr father's law aud written mo a fare wclir Wi'h trembling fingo's the seal is broken. t ..... w ,, ' , 'Iwill ever prove true to my vows .Gerard, farewell ! -; ; Flouia. 4 Could I but believe this one line ? It would be the light of ray life.4 No, it can never be she will foonl forget nic with the things of the past, an other xill soon claim thepiacaMin her heart that onco was mine; and I -will he forgotten. " Cruel thought, it will l""ive me mad.' ; , , , , ' Why am I leaving' this home of cstand quiet, a mother whoso love ' yA holy influance have ever kept mo l!i the path of right, and whoe heart w'dl break when she knows that her hoy is gmeto roam on distant shores. Gone ! .and what drives him from hi J -1 ...v . - 4 y - "VOL! 2. The heartless decree of a cruel father, who rather than give his child to a man of honor and integrity, and wuo would make for himself a name among men, will sell her for money, curse the word how, many lives have the love of it blighted and how many homes have at last been made desolate by it V . . .J ; ' . In silence he still treaded his way alone; the shore, finally ho was inter rupted by. Fred. ; - Master I wait your bidding. Is the package for Miss Floria?! t ' Excuse me, my kind friend for my strange behavior during your stay.1! Givo the letters, into her hnnds, trustno other with them . Fred you have always proven yourself an old and tried friend as well a3 servant. I am leav ing homo and mother,' guard' vrell your mistress.'strlve to cheer her in her lone liness and be her friend.' 'I promif3 yon all this said Fred. Goodrbye, Master',' ' Farewell friend.' . The s crrow at parting with this friend of his childhood, seemed to remind Gerard of one who has promis ed to be a friend to the' needy his thoughts become centred on that Di vine source and there in the presence of cnly the stars', he knelt on the cold damp ground and prayed from 'the depths of a grief stricken heart- prayed for Mothers and Fiona's ht.p pinnss. , ' : " " " . . Jn a few short hours the noble ship in which Gerard Alwin sailed, was tracking tho waves with silvery foam, is white sails swelled out .almost to bursting with .the .favouring, gale, and the lightning of triumph 'was flash ing, from many a bow. Floria Ilivers was only eighteen. She was a 'dark orcntal style of beaut v, a tall slender figure, and with a pliant grace rarely seen in one .so young. What more could we ak for than the great gifts which fortune liad bestowed on this young girl? Her home was a' palatial residence ; a great grey stone house, half hidden in tho magnificent trees, which formed groves, and border ed either side of the broad ave iue lead ing to the house, a green park opening from the drawing-room windows, 'iij which played a silvery fountain, whose driping waters were music tothe ear. The cool shadowed grounds looked like a very paradise in their freshness. But with all this Floria was sad j still there could be seen marks of vitality and energy in the small white hands now pressed closely together. Her eyes bore marks of. excessive weeping, yet even in their langour there was resolution and will,, and in the delicate curves of the firmly closed mouth there was "decision. In her hand she held the last words of Gerard Alwin, who had the day be fore sailed for a strange land, and this had been given her by dd Fred. She read ft again and again.'- 1 He says he will always think of ne as his beacon light, began Floria, as the star of hope beckoning him to .wards future greatueis. Good bye, .and in all the dark and weary fhours that shall come to you, J pray that a light such' as you, have kindled may shine into your soul, . . . , , - She arose and; crossed the room gracefully, not pausing 'till ;shc stood facing the mirror and the features there in reflect cdj " s - ! "l . , ; JIave J. then phanged so percepti bly within the last two days? There are marks of sorrow ou my co mtenance. True 1 have suffered. Gerard U gone, yes gone, that bitter word , never be fore did I fully realizo its import, and1 ho will perhaps never return Does my father think that I will be" forced 'to a marrtagoSsithHhat vi!o mm? . N6ver,'and though my home ha3 before ben an Eden; the 4,serp3at has - now enteral, and it will novv be a hoaie of I misery. I'll work a3 a governess;any- thing rather than marry this man for buy wealth. This evening her wUiJarrive,and for the first time I will meet him. If could only avoid it, but it is my father's command,and. he is relentless ..Could "m'y Angel mother but speak to her child.. DEVOTED TO POLITICS, LITEllATUltE, LOTJISB CTRG. She could not forbear another fit of weeping, a3she thought of the mother, whom she had loved with a devotion unsurpassed, and to whom she had con fided so implicitly all her cares and misdoings, but two years airo the change had. come,' and she was now lying he- I 1 neathiho green sod. And her heart became softer and purer is she looked from her window and beheld the marble shaft, reared in menlory of ' that moth er, and over her trept a K feeling of peace and comfort, there was a . cpiiet peaceful look in her dark eyes and the,, lines of keen sorrow were already soft ening round her lips and brow.' j ; . r.J, ;.. . .. : . J CHAP PER II. : In a quaint old building of brick andstone, and in a rpom of grat size with massive doors and windows were' several men around tables of wine and cards. . , ; Ono, the most prominent actor was a dark looking man, he was not large , with a stoop in his frame, and rounded shoulders; very bUck and evil looking' eyes, a low scowling brow, with black, hair, and when he moved it was with the stealthy tread of , a cat This man, was Maurice Manly, the man of alltth-' ers that Col. Fabian Ilivers had chosen for the peerless Floria. The game was at its height, when Maurice astonished the group by throwing s his last dol lar. . That is tb.3 last boys, but in less than two months with the daughter of dd Rivers, I will be made the possess or of a cooi;toiiuo(ired .thVusa'ndi, ! III have never yet met the youngjadyhut this evening's train will take m todiex-. father's palatial abodeand there I will moet the Queen of my heart. . The ; old fellow is up for it, he thinks my fortune more than doubles his own. -Ah ! he don't know that even now. mv creditors are eying- eagerly ' for pay, and are1 silenced by the rumor of this marriage and then they will be -paid, yVs, more than paid with the old mans money. Congratulate me my friends on my great success.' ' Congratulate you,' said oneof liis" companions, the old. father is an in grate to trust his childs happiness toi your keeping, I have seen his daughter,' and a splendid womlin she is, worthy a man of honor instead of the base un principled wretch that you are. Col, Rivers don' t kno w you you are re puted wealthy, and but for that you would never become the possessor of Miss Rivers, aud unless you are keen, you may be seoii in your true' colors before the consumation of those vows.', .- . : ... . . . ..' If you will only hold your peace until that time I .shall then have no fears for my betrayal,' said Manly, And looking at the time, he found thqt only a half hour remained in which to finish his game, and reach the train. This done., ho was 'soon off, and at eight o'clock that evening presented himself before the door -of Col; Riveis. His knock 'at th'a" door was answered by" Fiona's own maidwho when she had first prcsented'CoT." R vers' with tho gentleman's crd, wcnt" to Fiona's rodm," tbJ announce the ' expected visi tors arrival. 7 1 i- ' f - She haxl nad3 no preparation, and now that'3Ir. 3Ianly had indeed arriv ed; she with a listless1 inactivity pre pared herself to receive hira'.j ' She had been fond of admiration, but now she seemed to havo outgrown the ppell, to have thrown off an influence that hd led her almost sometimes too f ar She had lost the power and wish 'to have men render homage to her, or to be en thralled by her. Rut with this flush of proud, triumph oh her cheek faded she seemed still lovely. i i Her maid looked at her with some thing y like -. amazement, :' as ' the ma jestic woman trailed her velvet rob 09 with such a superb air down the b'oad. , hall. : .arid as slie3 wwT'wrta; ier band on the knob vf the drawing room door about to enter . O and meet tha;fdc pied cra chos-n. ? man he.- father's si 4to be cmxiKUEbi) We can do' more good by btia Jo more good by bein-ood other wir. Uxxi . . j ' than in any 3ST. C, SEPTEMBER, 19, 1873. .Home Aflbctions! Where a family of children are taught irom cuiidhood to manhood and. wo manhood, to be kind and loving, one to anotLer, and bcc the daily exhibition of ke kindness and love between the na- rents antl in m the parents to them, there we see strorg manhooJ and n ble womanhood. Affection ' does rot beget weakness, nor it is effeminate for brother to be tenderly attached to big j j -v ui, uuwimi, the bravest man. On the batrlrt fiAM. airii..-. il (jai DOV W1I mifrotha n miny tt irible battles during our late' 'i omble vah"I-alwars nvirCf1 bcy$ who had been reared under the tenderest home culture, always endured the hardships of camp4 the march, cr on the bloody fiel l most silently, asd were most duti.'ul at every call. More, much more, they resitedjthc frightful trmpta tiens tht bo Often En;rbu,adc4.them Dd seldom returned to their loyed ones fstamed with" the fins incident to war, -Another point, they, were alwaya kind aod polite to those whom they met m the encm j 's country. Under tneir pro teGtiou, woman was always siie, -.How. often I have-beard one reginien com pared With another, whei the cause ol the'differeuce ?was triot comprehended by these who drew the comparison. I knewjhc caus'itvas" the home educa tion. " We see the same , every day .in the busy life in this city. Calf together one hundred young men in our city and sp-n'd an evening w-,th thm, and we wi'teli you their home tducation Watch them as they approach yourg dadiep, and converse with them, and wc will show, you who have b.-tn trained nndcritrcj ryiucnce'?ot bome-'affecuon art! pofilcnes', ahcl iho'sc who ha7e not. , . Tlllt . ...I !;"!1VVUU3 1ua.1t nu was accusiom-. j 'ed'to kiss hia sweet. ir.nr.ent. !nr?rr' . ' fc sis. it night and morning aa ihey met,. shoxv3 its iillaecc upon Mm in ha ; w:ll n vcr forget and when he shall! tsk ;''tte one to his Leart as'hls wife, Slif1l" r.t'ap tLe K'l1'1 fru;t. thereof. i T4eyoucg;rman yvhoj was in- the ha'dt! of giving his i rm to his sistix as they, walked to and frym. church, will nevir ieav- Lis wife to fi jd her. way -as br,st, shecar. The youagmaa who has been! taught io see that Ins sister bad a seat before he s ugln his, will never mortify a'-ncglected' wife inthe pTcnce "ct strangtr'. And that young man who always handed a chair ,o his sister at the table, wi'l never have caue t.iblubh as he sees ' some genthm'ea ' ex-end to his Tifc-4he. courtesy she k uws is due from him. ' If I were to give you a moito to go through hft;:wHh,one that will atan you forwarnicg aud counsel in any ttrait in which ou might find yourselve?, I woid I give it i:i this one word, jow. Dou't waste your time and ycur strength and yonr opportunities, by al ways meaning to do something do it! Only weakness cornea of ludecisi m. i Why some people have so BjCcustomed thtmseives to this way. of dawdling along from one thing o another, that It really -seems impossible for them to f qaarely make op their mindi to anj-vthing.t;-They . never qui ic . kno w w hut they niean todo next; theironlyplca'si nrseema to consist -iu pntling tuis eff as long as possible, and then draio": slowly through. ,thpp, rather than be gin anything-di?-- , Don't live a tingle liour efyourllfe without ,dou xxvitly fwIiHt is to bo done in it, and going straight through it Tern U-gicaicg to end. Wtrk, p!y. KudyJ whatevtr it hf take hold at OLcet and Cni-h it cp sqtisr.iy tnd c'.caniy, and jhtn- to the next lhicr without letting any moments dropout between r ai s won leiiul 1083: how many bouri; these prompt people contrive to make of a day ; it's ; a4 i t they picked up the momenta that the dawdlers lost. And it you ever fhd you;tclf wher; jouhgTe so many thirg pressing that yen hard ly know: bow to beg?n, let me tell jou a secret ; take hold c f the Very crt one that cme3 to hand and yen wil: fiad 'the real a!l fall into S'e'ind f ft Ta . .... , " .v. like comninv of w, ll-driiled m!J;k j aRti thrush woik may be hard to racirt ben it ehng-s'-in a sqaie1; it !s eii! m - - 1 J T-V..fl6ii,brfH)giit itAllct. Yoam?r tve en tht t-wedote cl the- plMbv much iiXu : Jifc. 'My falber , , . , , - . Z. aLff"irS V9Sa5.d-dj V . 7 lb &crct-,the magic wd Xtw.' SCIENCE AND ART. Xct, n XIcli 0110 Viiotlior, This little sentence should be writ ten cn every heart, and stamped on every memory. It shou'd be the plden ru!e practiced, not only in every Lcusc hold, l-ut throughout ths world. By lulpirg oce another, we - not only rc move thorns inm the pathway and atxlety frono the nv'nd, . but we Iccl a SCrae Of f1nanri nnr nu-n tirirtt l-inm in" wc are doinsr a Jutv to & Veil Aw. creature. A helping htnd or an ec- couragirg word is no lo.s to us, yet it i a bcctfii ; to. others. Who has-not felt the p- wer.of this littie senkoce t-; Wl a haa cot needed the cncourge meet and; Vid ot a kind friend ?.r How soothing, when perplexed with seme tak! that, is.- mysfermu and lurdcn 6ome, to letl a g n.Ie.bandi pa the, shoulder, a kind voice whirperlng, 'Do: not be discouraged, I see your troubles, let me btlp you.1 What : strength 'u inspired. What hope created 1 v What sweet gratitude is felt ? . And . the great difficulty is d solvcd aa dew beceatb the sunshine. Yes let us help cce anv other by endeavoring to strengthen and encourage the weak. end lilt.the lurden of care from the weary and oppre&eed,' that life may idido swiftly on, and the fount cf bitterness yield sweet waters ; and he whose willicgband is ev-r rady to aid us will reward oyr ; tumble en deavors, and every good deed will b as bread cast ; upon the .waters, to re turn alter many 4av?, .jf not to u?, to those Wi lov.. ; When I was 'a little 'baby ' gals would "never 1? t ime be,' fdr' "every one would snatch meup'ir d place me on her knee ; then sd kiss ;siuceze a .d hug me, -rm sure 4Dad, and " Xdm' ,mnst have .vonder'et. I-aurvived it but I stood it like a-lamb! - And again, whie but' in Vboyhood, tlieyd tempt nie f'mn myv home, - through igtrdcufe asd through '-pleasure grouiid, o'er fairy spots to roatn ; then with luscious -fruits and sweatmeats my small tummy ther w-ouid cram,' and half stife me with kisses l ip I'fetooJit ike a lamb! tVbea. older: .still, -theye'd Hure : mc' througliilit.gle' or dell, to gather tnts, or flowers or ferr s - and they seemed to love it well t Yet started, of the tri fles, with sh:iek tlia't seemefl n6'sham, they'd fling their J arnn1 arottnd inc ' but I stood i w. like a lamb ! ' ' At last one channiug creature, (who : could most my soul cr.tfianc;,) by wondrous winning archness, and a te der, melt ing glance seemed to say, "You know you love me, why not take me a3 1 am!" and I felt, oblige to do it - but I stood it like a lamb! Urns through childhood, youth and manhood ay.! each mo ment of my life - my heart has felt the , witching power, of girl, or wife; and the speH w i 1 leave me neve", for a po tent dam, woman's cliarms tubdue me never - but i'l stand it like a lamb !" . lie who doat keep hix stkret 12 nn wiz but he who tracts biz happines3 tew another iz a dowtrightph olj This hfcz alv us b'.a the rule, and al vcs will b-no man Iz grate uafcsi bo iz gocd, . , There iz msre weak men in this world than thara iz wicked oi;e?. - - The man who kiowa' hor and tehen tew ackt k jovri nuCT. Manner iz m re p-jwer.'ull than nn tir epcahi!y iaa monk.-y. . Tnare iz only a phew men la thia world whoze cipioyuus I rencrnti, aad yn, mi fiiend, a'e one 07 them. tit w!r don't lav hirr.iclf vcx-t h:z ppl cn I i hafing evryr,' eldy flsi I tif.T ceen men who wr.z t 1Z7 tc-r sit in a b-at Hid. fib; th'j luk't presence ov miml rruff tew bite a book'. Firne ir m la !der, a' hrd th'ng tew klimb up, but cj ec'uiT tew Llimb dovr. ' . , .', . ' " A bright and good-natcreJ old man iz a suany diy in winter. " ' ;i lJuty, witlou. br in-, f, iz nothing more than a graody piktur. " , - , Jon BiLtrso. ; The fuilnwin ism e: it able extr.ct from a letter to hU m tbet of a young New Yctkr, who hhi been sntding a month with bis unciot Sjmmit, New BCJ kli p rj jr m, ms. fl. bo,u 'Jersey r ibe p acta- trecf.sra too alie- toc'itub; DLC.e woi. Ut ia the rati in s therc'i no biruV -til l art'tr-vi thit I can e;. hic Lmw pijt uola.'oo iuj lest V mwr wy man 1 am, who lJUh'mr, wea- go'.d cbaia, ,cd X warit to s , bomi. " . ( - ' NO. 47 Tlio Cinioity of ti JTly. Ti'k abcut the cariosity of womea 1 We will back a 2r against any worn 10 Jajt warch bita aj be giiley travetses a bald man's cranium, ha'.ts cn the cje lid, aad taking a cuisory glance around him, waitza over .to the tnd cl the nose, pet ps up oni nostri', and Laving ai'isdcd his curiosity there, curvets ovtr the uprtr Hp and takei a gUrce up the other. With a sUUfictory smile at having seen all there ia to be seen there, be makes a be line lor thfe chin, stopping a moment to xplorc the carity farmed by the c!ojd lips Arrivirg at the chiry he takes a notion to creep down ucdtr the hirt.2obi.r, buttu dtnly hciitatirg, he turns around at if behai b-rgotton s mcthing, aud pro cecd to aa exploration of the ears Thig concluded, ' Le cr.rriei out" rdia original intention, and diiapp'ears be tween the ceck and ihirt-collar, tmcrg trg, a!tcrthe lupue of eorae' ciuatej with an air eeeraing to raj he hid per lormei his doty. What matte: s tho frantic attempts to catch f him, the en raged gesture-, and.t'je profane lan guage fs TLey do nnt duturb his equanimity r.ot a moment. Driven fromene epot he al-ghts on another he finds bsbas' got a duty to'pvferm and docs if. . ' Said a youn'd husband,' whrse bn:i ness fpvtu'ations were unjnccessful : 'My wife silver tea ee the bridal gift of a rich uncle, docrccd me to financial ruir. It in'vo'.Tvd a Luadrcd expect ed txp:nsc., y.hich,lin frying to mcc, made mo the baakrupt . that IxSm,' His is the expenence ofnaany other?, less whe, who do not know what is the goblin of tho bous , wcrkicg its des struction. A" tagacious father of great y?ltb exceedingly toort;fl;d. J hU ddugbter by ordering to be printed oa her wedding card', - prtsc nts ex cept those ad a pt vd fo a n4 infcnniij o1" 1.C03 dollur.-.' ' Saia',Ijc',:,;rcu must cot exp ct t begin life ia the s!y!j!I am able by ;mary years cf labor to ic 'dulge'; andl kaow of no:hing which win tempt you more "than the well in tended but pernicious gills'- of irich friends.' : A mong ths memoranda ol. a young manvwho "a3 ; recently married, were these : -Things to be done this after noon, before the wedding ; Get somt keys to fit valise; engage carriage for train ; get license 10 marry ; get shaved and hair trimmc 1 a little ; tew button oa black brecckc, and get a pair of suspenders; buy a bottle of perfumery ; be sure to wash feet welL 'Yep, take ter and we'etme,' respop. ded an Illinoia frmer, when a yeubg sewing machine man a?ked lor his .blushing elaughter. -Sht's run away "With a schoo!mster, elcped with a showman, shot a wildcat, aod whip ped her mother, and the s oner yon tak her the better. The best preventive against chapped bands Is to be careful,' In washing, that the soap was entirely washed pfT, and afterward to wipe the bands per-fect-y dry, rubbing them briskly, until there U not " the slightest , ' feeing ' f elampness remaining. Tape nTa.s Grndp Weil Will, how are tJiu jgt't'u; y t I jiuppote jou are a clever little man, by this time,? ..... . 1 t .' -. Willi. 'I should rat her thiak I was. I cartOght any bny or girl iascboed school mhtsi yw, andnj xaV, too!' ' Why doyoa' u?o' palar". aakcl a vfolnit of bis danghter. : !For the ?anie reason that you us- roiin, papa." 'How' that?" "Why, to help me d aw my bow !" C " ..A heart that Is, full of.lov caai for give all severity towarda'it'f. but not towards another; to pardoV the first Is a dutpr, but to pardon Injustice to wards anothir, U 'to ftartakc of h gnnc in ... u . 1 u b. , There is-time for-U iLings. The irne to le&reis whea ayoaug ldy atki yoa wha. srrt of aday it is Ur walking. TiUU0U0.HGn If QU.SE; ; . RiLElGK, H. C. i - ' 1 a. W. IVa.irijtor. ' - .. . it : - : 1 . R.VTES OF ADVERTISING. (10 uxks ok ixsscmsnrcTS x sqims Cne rq'nreoneinvrtion. ........tl CO One Hach suhNequfCt Insfrtloa.. 19 Cne " Cntraonth t.0t tn Two month ..lid Cne Three mootlH. 5$ Cne Faxmonta; J9jft 4 OLe " Twelvemonths... 15 .Contr-ct s foi far rcr trace mads oa libera ' term' , . . ADVERllSEarXXTS. NORTH CAROUJTA STATE LIFE INSURANCE Company. Capital, $200,CC3. '; :" : ' OFFICERS: ' : Hon. Kemp P. Battls, Trtildcat. P. U. Cameron, Vice-Presideat. it. u. uic&, occrttary. - Dr 13. UaywooJ, lied. Director. Dr W. I. Kjyster, Au't Med, D.n; J. B. Btthe;or, Attorasy, O. LL Peirj, Superriacij Atrt. ." ! - DIRECTORS: Hon Knmp P Batle, Hoa Tod n CsJ4 Wtfll. Hon John W Cannioghia, Col T M Holt. Hon Wm A Bmith,' Dr XT "I Ilakiwcs, Uoa Joha liaaatng. Get Tf. KCoxColLW Humphrey, U Tt' Murphy, Col Wm E Andeisoa, Jcla Q Williams, Col W L Saunders, LI Y ilx Aden, Co" A A AlcKoy, I J Yecr Jamea'A Graham, F 11 Caoeroa, J J McRae, J B BAtcnelor, J C Blake, WaN ter Clark. W U Upchurcb. J J DiiLu John Nichols. ' ' ' FEATURE 3 AND ADYAXTAQ23 ' l !"- . . . .. , It is emphatically a, Ilotse Coapary Its large cspital gnaraalees stresU and salety j Iu rates are as low as thess.cl iaj firtIass Cum nan v. .' . . -. Ic offers all desirable forms ot ' Its funds are iaretUd at" hens sLl circuUmd among jooi oam people. ,.;v . .-.No ceces&axj reUricdops itapt::! upon residence. or tfsTel, , ' f Policies non-fdrfcltablt" aiur Tt: years . - lis officers and directors art proni cent and well-knonn JSurth Carolina ia-, whose experience asbuslaetsc::3, and wbota Worth aod Lattgrity srsj fchvuo sulUcient guarantees of tue Con rajy'a strength, solvency aad sacctsn . Geo. 8 Bktr, Local Age ot,- ' " II A, London. Lcnuborg, H. 0, ' District Agent, Pituboro, If, 0 - IS" Good Ag.au, with whoa Ut -rai contracts will be made, aa led Ix every county la th fiutr. ' mu 21 Cu - GREEN & ALLEN. Grocers And , CO 31M LESION 1IERCHANT . Bollcit ConaixaaisaU X Cot to xx, Tobacco, YVlxont i. ITloux, Corn, and Prodaico Generally.. Agents for ths Excellssxa Ccttca. Fertilizer and GuIlLtU laiproTtd CUtl Uruth Cotton Gaa. ... Ko. 110 Sreuaors dtrsst, Fstsrts vj:, Ta ikO. 1 -1 j H H. Hadlson K WHOLESALE , : LIQUOR DEALER, f And agent for the sale f . MAliUFACTURED -TOBACCO, . CI3ARS, iC. ; ; IOC Sy-Jtaora Etrect, Petenbur;, Ya. F. H. JARrJAII. FxarxuxTaa N C (At Morse & Ballocks c-'d bUad) : i ties thu tr.el4od of Informing' tb ciilz;& ot IVatklintoa aad sarrouafiin castf that he has ca ban 1 a good -hetiu ui Dry G oJs Groceries Hard w.r'e'i-. waxahewiti sell atreao a'k priuis - F UJajlulx I-al3 3 4 . t flu J IliiM G. Lul lT- 1 f 1 . 1 I -. ! - r-' , 1 ' j it,. i. n r

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