-5. 1-,' . J, . r - i, J:- 1 v. 7 r e,!)c Courtf r, .G&QRGE S. BAKER, - EttlTOIt AXD.IOPRIEton. T. 3IITOIELL, Associate Editor. -. Jl letters addressed to ' ' I ., ' Geo. S. Baker, Friday,...V..SEPTEMUER, .19. ,1873. Xaiiufiictoi-icH , w " it . k -TT1 . i . . . We adverted to ilic fact a few issues since, that Col. J. F. Jones was pre paring to erect a Cotton Factory at his ! Mill en'Sandy 6r"eek lathis county. : Wc at the tke most heartily comnien: tied the obje .t, and the more we have itl ought about it since, the more we a. e pleased that Col. Jones ha thought proper to,, inaugurate this, move ment. 'J here are ot her places in the coun ty at which Cotton Factories might be. erected' and pay well. ' It is a fact be ginning to be generally disseminated tlu invested' iii'this species of property yields a" in or o certain and larger iht5o$e than that invested in any other Vay.. 'In .ijhe .feiate -jpf Georgia 1 there are moire Cotton Factories "than ' "' -.weny other of the Southern States,' and more are continually beinw 'built frfci os a consequence is the most : " jfoaperous of any of the' States South. 'oofctchaqgcg that j&tate. has,, 'Veached ' ?rv Ppetitjr' unequalled by any- jV5r uf Us 'annals. ' bught we-noi to profit by; the e'xamplc.of others? When w" see ourjieighbors excelling "us in Jjwft 4ropenty.does it not behoove - tu to enquire into the cause and fol lT.theirxamle? . V TT man of sense will answer these' jquptipns in the affirmative. Then we ifteuld by all means turn our attention 16 th's species of industry.. We have fW: natural advantages that are not Touchsafed .-to others. Here , the raw Spjedin large aties. " " Within the bounds oi our country t? ?yf l valuAblo ..' locations, where ! ?re y i.waf ftijjs. on .jstr9ajiis that rill aflford an ample supply of 'water tho'y car round. We have im 'luensa quantities .'of granite suitable fyr? all kinds of building purposes, nea the jitcs of these 'water falls. And 4arga quantities pt timber of the best Equality accessible thereto ; and we are within' a convenient istanpo of tlail road transportation. With tbo ' ad jyantages we think that a number ' of Vuon lactones m our county under ,f thpproper, management" could not fail to adcl largely to the wealth and pros perity of our people. ' Thsre should be CoUn factories, at Goswick's Mills pn Lynches Creek, which have lately been purchased by J. E. Alfred, Esq., ;t..IiOmaburg, and at Mrs. WiHams' , Mill near Franklinton.' " All these place's care 'admirabfy '-'situated, and VV?'.J1. thp advantages enumerated ; fkY?' We hope that our -monied men wilfhipk o f tnese things, inves tigate the subject, and find it to their advantage to use theyr.cioney in this V I?tteifle. A. this place on the Raleigh & Gas , tont W irjaji to ibis .cpuntythe, Kail road is abo'ut completffig a large and , oj?.?4!00? wwbou.e. This has long been nccdetf, as this is the most acces aible to'the Rail read for a very large Cotton aud Tobacco country. The hipping to and from this poiut have heretofore been quite large notwith standing the poor accommodations for sending off and receiving goods. The .IUiload baying no house of its own, " . ttn( ah'rpers wcra compelled to pay ; ttorage to a private party for handling and takincare of theif good?, j The . Railroai baatlast given 'to shippers from this ' point "the accommodations v enjoyed by those living a! Mother ' 'sta tioni.-' The effect of ' this upon tbe place has-been very apptrent. There are now in tne course of" rection thfcre. three . large and handsome stojes, nd other buildings. "Ir. Julius P. Tiin berlake, and the Messrs. Uuxile will have their store houses reav ta) com mence their' Fall ' trade Ir. Julius Clifton aliw has a store house in course of of erection. We are happy ' to' nbte . theso evidences of thi i ft "and hope that " .i. . ' . . -t . vucyjn.ay conunne lor a gcxllong tiinQ. fyre would suggest that t would be well tp build a chtirli ' aud good academy there. These arp jnstitutiuus that every community should have. There are churches near the place. A good academy for boys and girls should by all. means be built. 4 Chinese Slave Market : Slavery is thought to have been done awaywith in this country bf the arm ed efforts of the North, but lets see if juch is really the case. V The Steamer Great Republic direct from the Celestial I-Jmpire . arrived at San Fjancbco on the 2 of August, with 103 men and nineteen women, (Ohinese) These women were brought over to be sold to those of their raco that should bid the highest and that too at public auction, becoming at one and the same time wife and .slave. They were confined in tlje slave mart in the same manner slaves of he' ulden time, and .were placed. Ujpon thp stand to be examined by all . cele tals who mi-ht be in need of a tla'ye. . The The prices were regulated by their ' age and beauty, ranging from $250 to $425., A correspondent of the $,ey York World says!: ' K ' ' "I waited, and' at the hour named was stowed away in a room of a phi nese hpiise jnartiett alje-y. I have oftfia seen negro slaves oldV , in jthe Southiera tate?. have seen Turks at a slave mart in Constantinople. Arabs at Alexandria, at an auction of eunuchs- and Eastern jockeys at a borsesale, buc pcyef' in my experienceas a journ alist it beensmy lot . to witness such a fceneJl did last ighfach woman was brought In by "feiprself iu a staU'of absjulujte u4ity, "and after passing in review before the entire mul- . ! ' -i utuae was put up for sale to. the high est bidder. Ex-SeDatoi Foote' in Waihington Chronicle Andrew Johnson aud Mr. Snvratt. i . . " ' Bhe Was the head nf an amiaM. interestin&r famiW. Rh ;.a r,. m pu reapectaDle Uifitjan 5 lurch, inrl in rrn,A . . ,1 : A church. The son. on account of ikn.. ' k,w svauuiuir lo iuii ippoaed coaDlicitv in Mr r.5 aBsassination, she was alone euspected of having a criminal knowtedie of that . i' . i , 0 deed of shamr, has been since acquit- v.. iuis iimme was tnei, was never regularly den.td ; her eminent coun sel, lor reasons satnfactory to, himself had withdraajji (rom the case, after err-3 taring his formal prott against the ! trial RVia n.nn . 1 .. n, vuirvicsta- ' ne court earnestlv recommended the poor wretch to the mercy of an Amtricai. FrLi i Every 'Prtsident, from Waihingtoa to Graut, itc'.uaive would have pardoned her, Ivam -.sufc, without the least heaU ttion. SLe Wiis' not pardoner?. Tne Doors ol the White House w re deliber ately cloaed to all applications 'for ail clemency. The beautiful and i nnoppnf daug;h tiers of the unhappy victim was not allowed even t) enter the portals of the executive Mauson in order to uvu ytniice more man lirutu like Presupnt ot a free people, ;, whilebe should plead, with unliftH hrfc - tf . J7 tr " " uu aownrstru-amine ves. fnr & mnth.r'. life. Axumor beiog prevalect that a h ahead f - uuuk i.u ua sppuea for in beLalf of this forlorn and frienrl- le woman, an order was issued from the stat 6f Executive clementv to th officer "fcaving he-'ajed. cflpfjt in should, such a writ be served flubin to disobey its it janctiomCv' The scene of horror now soon occur red and under circumstances of DeciJ iar and untaxable aggravation. ' ' Those who undertake to throw the veil over the terrible dereliction of Mr Johnson assert that several days about the period of the dmfable taking off, and that he was m a state ot personal confinement in a certain room ot the White House in company with two individuals, having him a the time in charge, both o' whom have aince cotcriously commits id suie'de. Bomo tiling A. bout;- Tlx Ti-fiia-Xtlautio Balloon Our readers have. no doubt learned that a balloon voyage across the At lan tic Bas Beta ia centsmplat for some tune, and jhaV ifhas at.leniui beexi announe'd 'b in readinesl to start tome day thu week, pr next, he weather permitting. This voyage bai been contemplated for the latt $0 years by lrfesibr Wise, who has conend'ed that at a given altitude there was a con tinous ,.gpejterjhr .; cbmnt going 'east, which would waft afioating body across the Atlantic. In, pursuit of the truth,' of tnia theory, some years 'ago,' Messrs. Wise, Li Muniain and . others 'made an ascension at 8r. Louisnd landed in Western New York, making a tho usanjd i i --. . , , . nri!e;i'-lo ya'fe"w honrsHime." And besides this, numerous scientists hare recently given the scheme their approval, though still fearful ef.tb ultimate rtsult. The present enttrprise was entered ' into .by Mtssr. .Wise and Donaldson' ja.t predion to the prea Boston fire,1 when the Council of that city had' greed to supply the necessary outfit for tbetxpeditior. Failing in thi, tbej seronauts acrepted the effsr ol a news paper at New York, and thus the Daily Graphic" Expedition has been fitted out at great cost but with the most ample facilitte-. The balloon will lift fourteen thousand pound, its own weight, the car, boa s. ballast, etc. It is 160 feet in Le:ght, and will contain 600.COO cubic feet of ga?, supplied from the gts woiks of the city ; however, jonly 400,000 will be taken ia at the surface of the ground, since the gas will expand and fill out the remainder of the balloon when it is at its destined altitude, . The boat! are two in nnmber one a cedar lifeboat, with sails, &c , anoth er a pvper boat the former to be used by Messrrf Wise end two others, if neewsary to abaodon tlje balloon ; the latter to remain wifh Donaldson,.1 who Will stay by th . balloon . he last, and endeavor to comnleta thu Fine scientific, instruments, provisions ' VU..&J u.jd, uu "'Kff signals wun other facilities, will accomDanv the ex pedition, and every precaution has been taken jwhich expriepce cpuld suggest ilic voyage 'has been advertised to commence this week from the ' Navy Yard grounds at Brook lyr: It is a little late in the season, but the daunt less aeronauts are determined to malje1 the trial, it is believed, and ete these lines" are read may be ia the ethereal elements bound whither the wind iistr eth to blow them to success or defeat;. In answer to a question, apropos to this point, Prof. Wise'has said that he txpected to land. . somewhere between Cape North and the BUaits of Gibral tar, and the Graphic Company has au. thorized its agent, who goes with the quartette to telegraph the news home immediately upon h's arrival within terresliial c.mmun'.cation. Notwithdanding the favorable aus pices under which this voyage is begun we cannot t-uppiesa, ihe fear of its dis astrons termination. We nay vver hear ot it again : or it may be wafted to bleak inhospitable shores where death may come in agony; or it may past over the eternal ice flues of Green land and the Pole, to p mh with in tense cold ; or be wrecked on the face ot the hostile waters' where night and the tempest closes around its heroic and despairing crew ot intrepid souls. Nevertheless they t have our warm sym pathies, and whether Wise or Donald son succeed or faiJ, the muse of histojy will write beneath thif names the insig- niaof heroes, and this expexiition mark an era in the history of the woilil. lo be remembered in potm and in prose, like the story of Icarus and his wings, in aDcignt mythology, ruoss iljen, to the brave'men, who thus face ti e un known with unshaken courttge aud matchless fortitud-. Exchange. Wiat Shall Wo do WitH Teach them sr reliance. Teach them td foot qp store bills. Teach them not to wear false hair. Teach them not to paiat and Dow ser. ! ! Teach theni to wear thick, waim Bboe- V v K 1 S . Teach them how to waph and irfln clothei ' .s i Teach them how to ruake their own closes. ' Teach them how io make their own dresses. ' ' Teaeh them boa to do marketing for the family. Teach them how to cook a good meal of victuals. . " ' Teach them every day. hard, prac tical common sense. Teach them how to darn stockings ana sew on buttons. Give them a good, substantia1, com non-school eJucatior, Teach them to say no, and mean it ; or yes, ana suck to it. Teach them to regard the moral not the money ot the beaux. Teach them to wear calico dresses and do it like a queen Teach them all the mysteries of the aitcceu, the dining room and the par br. Teach them that a good, round, rosy romp, U Wih'Ul fifty consumntiTes. Teach thesa io. tare nothing to do wit Inteljipets.,a4 y dissolute young men. . 1 ' Teaah tbem that the mors one Urea beyond his inline .the nearer r,J gets to Rely upon it , ihat upon your teachio ucpcaua in a great measure Lae.weal woe of tlir .H, Um. " or - uiu, 'Teach them aomptishmenU mn painting, drawing if you hare the t i . . .. iiiu uu money to ao it witr. Teach thm thara good","8iVady mt-l chanic without a cept, is worth a doxen oily pated loafers in broad-cloth. Teach them4.be essentials ot Yx't trath, hocesty, uprightness - then at a suitable time let tntm marry. : A manufacturing firm at GIasgrwJ Scotland, have recently made two paU: anquin ptnbrellas .c taorjnous size, They are each ( nearly thirtyatbree feet1 in circumference, sufficient to afford protection to about twenty-five ptr son?. One is mad of a fine clrmstk silk, with a handsome variegated Tool fringe niae inches deep. The other one is made out cl a rep silk, wither pure fcilver fringe, and lined with white J silk. At the top of each is a handy ) some gilt ornament; the ribs are of j whalebone, each thick ecough forar walking.canc. The stick, which is of birch wood, ornamented and polished, j is five yards long, is j inted in the! centre to make the umbrella more port' abltr, and has a heavy spike at. the end ' for fixing in the ground. The um brellas, estimated at about $250 each, have bten ordered by a firm trading in Africa, and are supposed to be designed for presents tor some of the chiefs. p S ALUSBUEY, NORFOLK, Va. " p E A L E R J f THE FINEST and most FASHIQNABL 'Blaek tFaJa,, Parlpr, And Chamber , . Of New and Original Designs, and of the most Superb Style and Finish Also a choice assortment of Tables, WardrolJe.-, bfcc, ' Et.rcs, Side- hoards. Library and Book CaseHit A'sp a Compete Line of CARPETS. OIL-CLOJHS, MATTINGS. WINDOW SHADES AND WALL I f Gire me a call before purchasing elsewhere. AH goods" warranted asrepraeato -Office &Si!esro3 a -new K.s. 207 & 30SI Min 3t."old N-s-M IOl METALIC BURVlT0PAi8 U?Cb- Tljgtin the at, for FISK'S ML I ALIO BURIAL CASES. Mahogany and other cf.fiui furube.l at the ahuit esf natipe, as r Uo. Carriages, with thZ best llenr.e in the ciV and the Patent Right Corps Previe. in the pity .nd runeunding count.y. f' apr li-Cm. The Best in Use. Occupies a space only 7 feet Square. I (Patented Oct. 15tb,1878.) 1 THE ALFORD PRESS, The Simplest and Host Powerfal CoUod Press in Use. , r Two men can easily pck a SOulb, bale of Cotton, and it is 'so arranged that the power and working force "can be doubled, if necessary. PackVascG pact a bale as the old fashioned sc r'ew with half the labor, Can be fun by lliV gin-power or by water and ateam by putting wheels In place of the crank. Fanners can buy Family Rights, and build tiu.iT own Pieu at small expenses, Irons Fuimlalied at Cost 8tate,Coujityi imdriVmily Bighta- lor by , I UALLORY A ALFORD Sole Proprietors lorthe Soutbem Butes uZ,u, . . Fraakhnton. N C SHOES r SHOES 11 " 5 Cases Mens and women Shoes, just received. j King While & Shaw. ADVERTISEMENTS. Hoarding and Day School " FORYOUNQ LADIES, Louisburq, N. C. ... . The fourth Session opened on Von day bUt 14th inst,', and will- continue full. 20 weeks. Terms: Board, including washing, lights, fuel and furfitehed ooni, $75. E-glish TUxioo, $10 to $15. iatia and ITreuch, (each) . $5. Music on Hano. 20. Unit.r at No charge for uhj of instrument. xoaruers who go home Friday eveuin and returu Monday mrnirg win be cha ged pro-rata less. Prinr.inn.K Lonisburir. N. C. July 18 tf n We are now replenishing our stock, with New and seasonable Goods, which makes our assortment very desirable and attuctive. King, White & Shaw xees and Thal-Nota. 'SkfB.; A New Supply of Sum- mer Goods At S. T. WILDER'S. A Iu I and complete stock o( Sua.mcr gods ut cvtirjf vastly and sijle, Ci.n eating ot a jn-.-st beautiful nsottment of pres goinls, full supply i f Qeot aud Bojs c:(jthiflg, vuy large line 61 Staple and White K'mo,, UiMtt Shoes, Hats, HarJirarp Cfockerywan , Qfoctr ie, Jcc,... A lot bf fresh ground Meal oa hand As I cannot give you a lull le$ciiption ol my good, iu the paper. I moat re spectiuiiy atk that you witl cnlUnd ex amine 1 1 in. p.T. WILDER Kd. 113 Sycamore street No. 113 PETERSBURG. YA. . . E. G. James & Co. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN SLnple and Fancy Dry Goods, IrLh .iici. .tuiuj uoods, Hosicv, G qves, trUtioilery, aud,' ; Notloha generally. Have now i i store tu iaigvst and most varied stock of ' ; Spoino and ScioiEE Goods, that they have ever offe ed. and which ttey are p cpared to sell as low to tui SIeecilvjcts of Xoirni Caiiolixa, as any S- - r ,.v. 4. Jobbing House, Either ja"the State or Balthno e.an-l p 1 Z5-Cm: ; E G Jaxis & Co. - GROCERIES I GROCERIES!! 1 Extra , Demerara and perto Rico Sa gar: Java, Laguagra an4 Rip Col-, fee: Bacon, aide and sboul-. ' den: 'Choice Demerara . llolatsesT Family Ex tra, a3df-Buper,. m yiour : new '.'Riie, K kc., . Just received. .S King, While & Shaw, GOODS 5 HE "FRANKLIN STEAM "WASHER." Latest Improvement In Steam Boilers. P A O N T E D, J.UNE (24TH5 1873. Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every Instance. OTHER MACHINES IUVE TdXlR ntTUAtt MEKjra-lHIi nASKODUL'.T. NOIOBE WASIirAT lNiXEAD TIIiriEOr, WE WIJLL HAVE WAfc'll BOUB- TaE WAsnixa cf a family of odisari eizs els:ly AccoiirusntD BEF0R2 BR-AKFA8T. - - - F.ra long time the iavmtiv genius ci this cosntry ignored the rishtf or rather the vran-s of woman. Ii Was busy and active in ifforts to reheve man from the hardships ot labor and toil. But the women ol opr land were l0.!10! dgery, and were forced to do the same quantity ot labor, with their hands that was required ot the home keeper in tb aia teeuiu cemcrv. Within the last two decade,, there Las been a Tchaer ia th, particular. At last our eye were openel to the fact thai the Hrenctu of w. mm was inufficient lor the ptrtormance ol the labor and toil required ( a hoase kteper undtr the old regime, and that our women were growicg prematurelv old on accoont oi it. Public sentiment to-daj, boevcr, is ia tall Bjnapatbv done.Wmall'""mOCb lrtdj beea CuDe lor Ler mucb Jel reinloa uT li The policy of invention is new in Javor ot woman. Revolutions rererro backward." As one ot the grand rwults of the iourest in this dincUuo we have the sewing machine. Buabaoc do jou rtrntmber how the tyeof jour wile bnghteued when she saw a sewing machine carried into her dwelling and realized that it was herr, and how alter she had satisfied htrsell that it was all that had been claimed lor i, she exclaimed: Ob, it I only haa a machine lor washing which would answer lor that purpose ss well as this does for sewing, I would be indrpendeat and booeekeepinp, instead of be ing a burden would be a pleasure. The country Las long lelt the want of a good Washing Machi&e; and how to construct one wkich wuuld save labor and at tU same time do the woik well has b. en the great problem." There have been a numlei ol inventions patented, each of which had aome meri still none of them were exactly the thing. There was disappointment j electa were sl- Toe Womaus Frir-ml itu.tnnfpfl a fVw 1 - invention wh;ch prcc ded r, Thtrc One hundred tlmnmnil mliit ' Tl. th at it has in mihhc laror. u mm The liiveou r of the mFRaXKMN ri ght to msuuUctute the Woman' Friend ir 6 iui.c iuuium, aua waicuing aiitnuteiy their act.o. , aud the tuanntr l Which thei OUtra.e! and the rnuultr lw r)iBy..ro.l . .... . . . in r - 1 " u.wmivu kiiimu li i uiiuciil iicicCll tbtreir, He spent Uu mouth, in (he ndy ot the aul j.ct ol fiodirg rtrotdiis rur these ditects. Ue has at last succ.edid-aud a ue rtauit ot n.a 10m. ligation and study, heolTers to the public the i J?rankdo tteam Washer which its merit thu ALETTE US PATENT" . :Z .r,,V..&. "1 If.-J.. ' flip rlit'liii.n wi t .1. . 1 . . j n 111 ot aau au v .1111 ri i -11 SKS.Mf'M ..... .v.u... nuuuut .uu ui.jic by baud lator or the um ut tun mhhin.T ur umes as mucu can De done m the Jand. We couUi.. UublWa columns ol - -ft hAve used it, but tor the present, we preier tLe :;iVASUE...' to steik lr iuA u n r oi . Messrs Bartow & Pkassots, ' , , ... Ginikmen :-I otcam Washer" I cknol4i' U yours; alter having, tested several mended to me: but tha incuntriuonM get a gaud aaher, jpgular.y, iuon ed to Lrouoonre it ii.rt.ft .u.-.. l two Week's Wash lu if in two hour, nor nicdv wahid clo.i.e, I have nev.r had. ... . Kttctiul : , Aiis W. U. Kurman. - L-'uUl.utg, Ja r 12 I , I&75. M fcirs. Barrow & P.eaint .r.pml.m.L . Tl.r.. i.-l. .. . . ... - . .....vji.nm.iuuiicitu jour ftCUl J. J. Person, luavo Hied our 'team W.liv.,' ami fi .. u b lar .h bvi-i I ever used. It certainly tavc a L'teat deal ol Lir.i I iM . r Mail ..... .... .... .1 . cio.hts. It is all thai iou remmcniL t ' - - , Hctlulh, " Mis. p.. J. B. Clirtor, w : . ' Louis' .n-j, Jual'SOlh . 1373'. Aiessra Birr-.w & Pleasant ?-T)pir R r.. Ii.V. .......... . ... . .. 1 ' have us d y.ur -duam Washer, ? with speedy aua ctfsciual mode ol cleaning vr. M ilssrs. Barrow & Pleasants t-G.ntkmerr leustM I purchased ot your Agen-, ill. J. J. Peraoi., aud ri.d lu-t it wrao m J iuJLa jou reccommeod, Yfp arc tuoiy ilnu pLagi with i, , Iteijyc.'luij, . " F. U. Cook. tssr.. Brrow fc Plraant. t -Si ; I Washer, It a comphte au,.csr. Alt . ... r 1 J w " " - - ' " ki tuau aTi UcIOK.abU that wuhout labor, A vtrj hoit whi.e with Ue Wahei iu.aem Vwu dav Wtahing. Yours Missrr Barrow & Pleasants : -Gentlemen: 1 hae" L'Jiug He'-'oula Waaber ' about one montf . It surpaaaea my ixpecU:iou; it U ail L .t ,uu a.f tori'. I kill hl'rhlv nfujt..f l.,.-....n. ii .. . . J i'. I aia bjly DleamL, Jlcspecilullj xr Louisburc, July SOtb. 1873. ani fi"? rrow & Pleasant,: -Sirt: I am ain? jour ' Fr.lln eaxuSva.c' and find I it f.r superior to all olber. It will wasu the uirtnat clo.hea perfect clean. It I could not get another, I would not take $200 lor ru.uc. It ii a complete success, and ail that is required to con not anj oue is a trial. '! ' VeryTiu3, Mr:. r. F. Gacc. r n . Louiburg, Au . 5tl-. 1873. Alessrf. Bartow i PleasanU :-Gentlem.n: Hy wiie h. Lu ih. Fr.k. in bteaai Waabei lor some time and ahe, a well as tLe washerwoman are Ltei.. ly pleased with i. Very Ualy, - ilis Haion if. 1. . We have acquired by purchase of the Patentee. Mr. 8t W.Barthobmw the sole right to manufacture, and to sell the t Right to maaufactttie the "Fauklia fcteam Washer,'! within the United States tod Territories. We now cfler the ? Franklin tiuam Wabei' 10 the American people with, full coiCdence that it will da a'l that we cUim lor i, and ia order lio inuo Uuceit as rapidly as possitlf, we axe tcripg geat inducement to working men who watt u make money ; we ill sell ctaie or couoiy righuoa very rea fooabb urns; for instance we'will sell the right t a ouo:y with ten thou and iniisbiunfr, for olc hundred do lars ;. within tweive months, if proper:, ly mnagel, the purchaatx Caj a.H Irum three to live hundred waabe... at a pVol u of I ive Hollars each, ana Lis right will U word m.re at the exoirati-.o cl h lin l W" l Cr8 ,rwm lhe tbatitLaaUta iniiocluced atd will tell 10 almrst every lamnj. wishing tp buy Slate or coun'y rights, we will seed, on noipt ci completr, with insUuc.b.ns bow to is. and after saiisfyitg tbcmarlTis I .V L we c-mmend it to be, they caoi corrrspond wiih iTs iu rrara .IIrSto.rj 7d?V Uim, to We t,"i'e K"h1 reliable General aIca! I?i VJ Ti. . tnion, aiul we invite corrtp..ndeLce with working met who would like to make money. Nooe need aply who cannot lumish aamtao tory yeox of their tougrity and reliabi.i y., . j u11 ',!r'. warned ginst manufacinnng or selling the Fraoklil Steam Wub.il' without authority from us. Auy pea.a infringing opoa wa ngh.s in this matter will be prosecuted. 0 0 " To All VTioin W ir. ... -r ... . . V T1 . ,BW,,B Aiestrr. uarrow & I'leisants; asXprchaots. thef ate 1 doing a leading buaineas ia their Town. Tney are meu of aulu'luUgrit VA'U W,J.n,Iif.bU M1 rMponiVc They d what they engage to o. rX?. F0,ler' M'Jr Wisburg. Jo-. J. D.vi, AU'y at Law. W. Sf ?.re Jam VVyoo , Shcnff ot Franklin. Ceo. r. B.k3. ur www u. u. TimUrlake, wr .7 IIC -Academy. IUt. - r 3 ' ' D Pmitlwt Louisburg Female ColUgt. C. il. Cooke, Ally The Franklin 8team Washer" Klnr. II. . ft r w.w... UJ Ar. 4, i'trsor, witU must be addressed to f Jt.r i . 11 j ""nw, uu itnii uiit c tuau any have bren sold ol this patent more thai . . i .1 ; . MALUlC Im ffi III LI T III I M F1 1 If II r 1 . f a r stkam wa -ttpi. h ... .r .1 . in certain territory. While nunulactui- wtregranud lor it overall other- r as 3 ejiutnc t i.is-T.h 1 . . . 1 . w. : a . . s f luorougmj man cn posiblv be !qu4 iUIrri .v..i. .......1. 7 sW .ijg.h ot time as p.n bp ,lwP3 hi ti rtiriin ni n.ir,..ti. 1 uu uuo iuuiiu vi me iaur Louubur-, AuJ 4, 1873. .-! take pleasure in recommending vour t.. h.VM i... ... :.t ' . others thai had been as uiiulf iec.u t,. ir., me to Kiv- v-ur a trial. I eraiifi.d .s. . ili.l I uivt.it.. fW.i t.i ti-.j.. . U nry lixU. - ini i cou iucr. . inrlcct autce-. U .a ..v ur L u?wt ah kinjol i-vr.c 1 have iv.r k.on - ...I. i i. .... LouUburg. Ju'y SOil , 1873, Ukep eau,e iu reuuTfeiHui CloiU. a mic vu 1.1 ii,.n-..f t, .raui Truly, il". T. LIurton. M. . 'I . A. l'cioi . It May Concern. . ... tob.ve Judge. If. f. Uavi, Prin P. J. Car.a, X. C. CoLfcrencr. IU. Is now on exhibition and lor sale at rl ... . r lleurr. Yarboro & Co. A!l let BARROW & PLEASAXTS, Louisburq, X C. Til lr