C!jc Courier, f CKOKCE K. 1IAKK1!, Editoi: ani Fi:oikii:tok. T. T. Mitchell, A ssociatc Editor. All letters addressed to 'gko.'S., Ak'i:n, . 1'lClDAY ...OCTOHEU 10. 1873. TJi5 Oii1ia .Asylum Before the War the Masons of .N'.jrth Carolina determined to j-stab-iih a hrst-class College which should 6 under the control of the Grand Lodge. Fur this purpose they erected huitablo buildings in a beautiful g.ove in the town of Oxford. The war broke out soon after the buildings were completed and inter rupted the plan, and prevented the raiid' Lodge from carrying out this idea. After the war by which our peo ple had been greatly reduced in their property, it win deemed inexpedient to attempt to "establish" a College euchi as had at firat been contempla ted. But' there wa- a considerable debt, due oil account of the buildings. Tin the Mason's of the State by hard work fully paid' off, and this pr. pcrty nOTT unencumbered belongs ' to' the Grand Lodge representing the Masons in the State. At the last session of the G'raud Lodge, it was resolved to give this property to the poor Orphans of the State, for a home, and an' Asy lum whero thj?y might be cured for, and fitted for Useful members of so ciety, provided the people of the State would sustain -fuuch an institution. At t c same time tho Grand Lodge agreed to payjunnually the sum of five hundrod dbllars towards the s ftp port of the institution, and elected Mr. J. II Vills to take charge of it. Mr. Milhibas given his time, energy and talent to the interests of the iu htitution. end the success which has attended his labors shows that he is the right Juan in the right place. Whether or not an institution of this' kind dependent for its support upon voluntary contributions, would be sus tained was an experimuut withus, but the unanimous approval, and endorse ment of the objcct,as one of real charity and tho liberality of our people have decided in favor of the success of the experiment. We may v6ay that the Orphan Asylum is an established in stitution. Its benefits arc not confin ed to the children of deceased Masons, its doors arc open to all the white Or phan children of the State between tho ages of 8 and 11. Ninty-eight poor, fatherless children without a home, have found icro a comfortable home, and are receiving instruction from as good .teachers as arc to be found in the land. Several children from Frank lin county aro there, and wo are glad to learn are doing well. Header ! do you not feel grateful that wo. have such an institution ? Does it not com mend itself tu your charity? Have you given anything towards the sup port of the enterprise ? If you have not, we assume that it is because the matter has not been presented to vou, or an opportunity to give has been want ing. In looking ovor the list of con tributors, we find that the people of our County havo not done their duty. The Lodge hi this place on Thursday night last, contributed $25 to this ob ject, and at the same time appointed Capt. J.J. Davis, C. M. Cooke Eq; and Geo. S. Baker, a committee to Solicit, and receive contributions in money or provisions, and for rard the same to the Superintendent of the Asylum. At the request of the Com-" luittee, Mr. J. G. King, & It. F. Yar borough, have consented to. act with them. A statement of the object of tho institution, una what it is doing are the s rongest appeals to you for support. The above named gentlemen will receive your" contributions. To our Northern friend'1, we would tJ. in all honesty, 'Gentlemen, pay p all you owe. Some of your peo ple took off frou us of the South, gold, silver, plate, spopns, jewelry, forks, ladies watches, and other valuables to the amount of millions! Thee ought to be paid for. They were car ricd off without " General Sherman's pcrm'stitn." Therefore they wcrmotle gitimitc prizes. I'ioase gentlemen e- turntlnbC to their owners many of whom arc poor widow?, and orphans. if . you do not, perhaps bank failmes inay contiu'ioam ngyou. And while we charge nothing, in this article, for the meat and bread, which was taken by way of ;frageM or the houses which were burned to warm the Soldiers.' who had strayed sotarofFinto the cold (from Michigan), we do say, 'give us back what you took from us in your grand raids, or Jay Cooke fc Co. Xo. 2. will be after some of you again.' Who is "Vivian?" We want to know. Tf si e is not a Fi anklin county girl, slKMjught to be. She writes very much like one. If she is ever going to move away from our county ; then may all the joys of single blessed ness" 4ttend her. But if she-will re main among us. ind be ours, then may some happy youth of tour county af ter two or three unwor thy ones shall have been disposed of properly lead her to the Hymeneal altar and teach the boys how to treat the lady of their choice. But really, Mr. IJaker. can't you tell a body who she is? 1 and Maggie are waiting for an answer.- Fow don't you tell us that editors must keep their secrets. ' Mollie. We must not gratify Moilie's couri- osity, we will open our office one day for tho purpose of receiving, sealed guesses. 4- Ed I ? Fob the Courier. Keep Thy Foot Vlieii Tlion Goest into tlie House oi CJ ot!, There is a beautiful appropriateness in the aphorisms of the lioyal Preacher, which is calculated to commend them to the wieeand good, whenever they arer.-ad, flic j are suited to all de partments of human lift ; and, 'though communicated in the form of short and sententious. maxim3 or sayings; thry have a s'gnificancy and a. meaning upon which the mind lakes hold almost with out an t-ffjri. He htr.i gives excellent directions in regard to the liht per formance i f re igJous service, shoeing th at going to the house ot God is a sas rious matter, which had better be orxit- ted, if not done in a right spirit. " K cp thy foot v. h.-n thou gocst to the house ,f God, and be moie ready to hear than to give the sacrifice of too!?, for vf coaidtr not that that th;-v do evil." A . The essential thing-is to pH's rve the hear', hut the pasture of the heart is re. resented aud revealed in tiie mai - ner of going. Ia all things peitaiuir: to the Lords sanctuary there diotild be great sobrie'y, great dec i urn, eivHt teiiousncs3 of. manner, even .down to the minutest iterr; represented br'keeo ing 'he foo1, an apparently trifl n- Circumstance N ) part . t our c-.n luct is too in irn:fi;!4nt to K. rutend-d to on Fuch. occasions We: -b Ly cousid. r u io:) n i;ht by Mifd 1 .r.Hifh Mtfiv'i.u, to our coo -luci, iuch as -i i the L r Is santunrvVthe'plncrot tii'-sp cial iwa festatioiii of his prtse.ue, and ihat he W(.uld h ive -hold such a pi kCe da the pr.dou'tdos! rev. r . cc, s s own in that ue commanoc I M..Ee to p;1; if bis 8h8 whfcii be tinni up-) r u-id winch was ma!e Ltlv by his ores encc. ' 1 w. n. it. roil THE COUKIER. Louisbm-rj sr. Collo-yo. The third Session of this S :hoi un der its present management, commen ces this .week. We are glad to learn that the indications are that there will be an increase in the number of pupih this session, over last session. Several young ladies armed last week from the Eastern part o! the State, others are expected lrom the same section, this week. ' The sc boolls well worthy ol patrot ftg''. We kDow whereof we speak, when we say that b8 an instructor, the resident of this institution is superior to ar.y man, we ever knew, lie is a t;u!y pious christiau genlciuHu of re fined and delicate sensibilities at,d the bfijmoe of such a character upon the minds ai.d hesrtt of the young should no c .nsidrred i y parents in f electing a placat which to educate their chil dren. At the head of every depar -meU in tb school, there is a teacher competent und well fitted lor the place. The charges iur board, and' tuition are reaonabh . At m firt class school in this State, where the course of in trur- non is as (xteKsive and thoroimh s ber, caa an eduction be had tor less To the parents of Franklin county who have daughters to educate, we say this, that as Uteen this school and a school in any other couutr, all oth. r tldnKs being equal, two things ought to de;ermiue jou in favor of this school o e is that it is a home institution and every d.-llar upended here vill be k. pt Mining ,he other u thftt f- rUt,-, , .Lt.ulJ they get si -k, ViU be ntar jou, you ces, ree .hem' snyd .y- C M. 0.-.6 1870. EXECUTION OF TIIE MODOC PRISONERS. I Jacksonville, Oregon, Oct. 3. A corresponrfent of the Asori ited T)-. 1 , I.. . T- .1 i tea's icit rjri lviani iiii mis m roi 'g at ll:o0 o'ch ek, and by bird lidinfr artivrd here la e this evening w.th the following report ol the ..xecutio-? of Cp-. Jick ar:d his bard. Ii sron Char- lie and R ack Jim wii led on the Fca'- fold fi st. and ,$chohi v n-x . Theytnel: on it. with apparent inel $ -fm.c , having evidendy res.dvtd to die jiff- bravely a- they Li l lived- t'spt Jick went easily ur the stairway but- looked wretched and m:.-erah!e. The meuacie-s bad been struck . IT but their a: ms weiescu;e'y pi.roa-d wirh cr-rds. At precisely 9:ir 'clock a nr-the intirpretors, Cap- O C App!eg;U.- and D vi I lliil, explained to toe pr ' soneis the n.tme "f tho or -Ur to be irad to lvni fy t'.e A 'j ran and at 10 o'clock the Adju ant, Kings bury, read the order promulirttia the sentence of the t'oiurnission tnd the Piesident therto: wii.ii the orders of the Secretary of War and, Dcpur nu n Commander in the premises. The two reprieved prisoners. Barncho and Sic ?tu k yet stooef on the grou id in fron of the scaffold shackled and und. rgnar 1 During the reading the pinioned vic tims were seated on the p'atform of the scafTolu with their Let on a drop, listening anxiously and of course understanding not a word of it. The reading occupied ten minutes Then the adjutant-general read the order and communication in the cise of Bara- cho and Slolux, and the j.oor fellows Wi re taken back to the stock'a !c evid n! ly rj iced at nut accoir.pai ying the others to the hnppy hunting grounds. i 1. S - . t. . ir : i i iie cnapia:n xcu cn:rea an cinest and fervid prayer for the culprit?, winch was listened to a'ttntivek. At ten o'v.loce and fifteen minutes the fatal nooses vver: pi ic?d around tb? :r neck under the direction"! ol Capt. lor. 1 wns nec ssary to tut 'off i utile of Cap'. Jade's long hair, whTcii was in the way of the n.'pc. Cap-. H ge the i bid tare well to the t riaoners. anel bLck capa: were placed over the heads of a.l the culprits At ten 'o'clock and twenty minutes t..ey btoovl ou a drop and the r pe was cut by an assistant an a &igul rnide with Cap . Hogv3 harulker. hie; thrir bodies s -vicging umad and round Jack and Jim apparently dying easily but Boston ana Schouchin suffered ter nb.e convuliioas..- Boston Charlie aid Schonchin repeatedly drew up thei leg-, but the two others sermed to die almost instantly at 10 o'ch ck, and in twenty -oight minutes their pu'ses were lelt of by Captain Ilogc, and as this is being written, they are .-swinging lilo less in the air. A3 the drop fell with a teruble deadly thiijr, four poor wretch el human beings loll into eternity at.d ha'f smothered. A cry of horror went up from acrovfd of over five huudred Klimath Indians who .witnessed awlul spectacle. "Wails of deep the avl bitter anguish went up from the s: ck ade where the wives and children of the poor f.llows had fa-r view of the shocking scene. Coffin?, tix ' in number have been pl-.ced directly in the rear taf the gal lows. Two of th em destined to be un occupied as the rde-r commuting; the sentences of E.iraeh and Siaiu 'only arrived at lr :30 kst evening, and pr. pr. ra'ions heel been mvde lor their e-xueu tion wuh tho othcis. An application Wbs made th's morning to Gen. YVheai- on by the sheriff of Jack-fn county Oregan, lor the custody of the Iudiacs indicted by the grand jury, but was reiused. I. f . AD VERTISE ME XT 3. GREEN & ALLEN, Grocers And COMMISSION MERCHANT Solicit ConsiRrmenta of j - Cotton, Tobacco, Vlxeut. 11 o in-, Corn, unci Produce Generally. Agents for tb Excelleczi Cotty.? cumber aou uuueits improved tteel urusu V-Olton Uit.S. Ko V 1 Jcamore diroet. PtfcrabarR, T HKCKWITlPs ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. i ntsc fills have Wn ,tt fully employed in almost everv va-ietr Of Flinr-tifin-il I5 . ------ -.--uxut vi me OT.iMACII. w I,, VtR anel gud, as . Heartburn. Ao. v -,.. o;,., x- " sea, tieadac he. J'nin me oiomacn ana 1 ovls. Incipient Li arrlicea Colie Jaundice, Flatulency . . vntcuuuu oi bick Ueadsche. &c. i ' Recommended bv tho ' mnct niineut me i of tliil f(1i.nt.n - v' J . OHIO II if tlKiu many .LSAD1.G PiiYcIClAN i i rice 23cerits j 7 i n-puvd hy U p.KCKwiTn (uL c--o;- to. Dr L'ccUwith) Proprieu-ry I -te-rsl,iir Va Jukph Garh u y il-iy V. hoodie A-iMit . .. . h l- jm AD VE KTIS i: M E NTS. E. IIS TLUMMEH & CO 121 Sycimore Street, rLTElIS;;UIIG V:i Dealers in Iron Steel and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Orders will receive prompt aud car. -ul attenaon, auj are rttpe tluliv so licited. Getl"!l Agents f-ir the F r aers Irnend 'lo, has met with uuivusal 3ou.iceDelatiop. Highest pn6cs allowed for scrap iron st p 20 2iV 1L Iammo3ifi & Qqm ! Dealers In HATS, CAPS, FURS, STRAW GOODS, CANES & UMBRELLAS, ! - - S No. 20 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. JgT" Particular attention paid to Oi sep vo 3 no, T, A. ST. CLAIR. 35a ulAeturjr of i CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, EXPRESS, SPRING & FARM WAGONS, CRarS ANO DRAYS. Corner of Lombard & Second Sfreets, PETERSBURG, FA. A rood asso'rtm ai.el will make to urder every Ue-ciiol i u ma iiue, ltep airing ol evcrv auei ngut bueh as painting, wooeUvuik ibiack-tmituing, Uone fanh.ully ami piumpiu. Ai:- wdiL- vinirut. . t spcciiuiiy ask a calit as 1 am su.e that Ootli iu piioes and Woi.vixi.in-i:.;., f ..... - - 1' v- u gi e SatiBlactXtm. s p 2(i 3m X E W AND (JllEA PEST STOCK OF FALL 1 WINTER GOODS Ia Fra kliuton 'I WOUid reiCCCifllllv ii.fnrm n.rnu. toir.eis and tne pul . ucutr it!v. tht I aia now retvivimr n-.w FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF ' G OOJ)!S! Sclec'ed with ti-jat caie and purchased U the best tcna ia the Eusttro iv.-..r!.-. ?c lhave n w aveiy lull unl var'n el stock coiiiiistiu- ol Dry Gio i-. No. ion . (i.o- ceries, Queensw.,re. llird.vare, Glass- ware, ntc.n-ma.ld clotLlug, li as, Boots aiid SaoeS, Tinware lLik,w-au Lea ther, and in taet almost evervthi. '- s - ea to the waits 'of the p.-opie., 1 j-avite all to c -me and examine tor tii'ju.s-ji ea as my ix.jerience in tupplyirg theiV. ku iut pa-t ana continued lair dealing iu the futuie-, together wi;h l.e iug content with veiv squall profit- w.l enable me to give uniform satifctui tiou. I will take all kinds f M . rchantaol.. produce in licuune lor Goods. Anel will ul.ow ihc hiiTm-i .Mrfrlr,.t Pi ice tor ILe s mic. I c-n clTer' txtruordinaiv mducmpr.tc in several classes ol g.,o l, io those wisning joo i. t. at"P F, H. JAK 1AN, Ge. C : Stakke. G. J. Tuoirxs. STARKE & THOMAS, Wholesale aud ltetail 105 Svcamore St Petersburg, Va, We ,i , . 6'ur ran Sr( Ck of good purchased lrom Im, ort- rs and - ; c areprtp in a to o - J Vl?cemenls price ana quadry to PhVelCians. m..,.n . . . 3 , - 1.0 auu - lt-r.ll r- wnose trade ra Ag nls tot Wilaan'. r.mi, f..." J0sephcarr; (Successor to Jordan & Carr,) Wholesale and Hetail Dealer iu Drugs &PatenlMedicines Paints, Oils, Glass, Dyes, varnish ns rnci I AC! Perfumer j. Fancy Articles, &c. Corner Sjcam .ie aud Wasaimrton Ft 6eP2Cn, Petersburg, Va. S. A. STEVENS & CO 5 Furniture and Carpet Cor. Main and Gracby Sts., Norfolk V. THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS South of New York. All goods guiran-eed at Mancfiotn- rers yricts. o , g-, -i'j iy. A Csr L ad i t LivcruMl u :.,r ii II LOUISBURGHo?ti.Ca.ouha , Ll ii TTTT -i a .'v.-: J3...i11u,,m,,Hji,,,(,,M;,Ciil, i . . . , 1 I GREATEST INVENTION 0? THE AGE. Latest Improvement in Steam Koilcrs. P A X E NT K J), JUNE 2 1TII, 1873. Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every Instance. f.-THEK MAC1II .E3 HAVE TUE.U Vi VVIAXH 3IEKI K-l HH UAb KO DEFK-T. NO MO.!E WASnDAY-lNrEAD T.ltUCMF, WE WILL UAVii W" Ai II DOUJi -THE WASHING OF A FAMILY OF ODlNAEl tlZa E VS I.Y ACCOarUSUED BLTOKC DfiEAKFAbT. . From One to Two Thousand DOLLAHS Profit Guaranteed to Working Men in , Every County Within Twelve Months. Tl.e invent, r of the "FRANKLIN STEAM WASHER," W-ow-r t n-ht iomnvl.ctuiL. the Wom.nV Friend in certain territory. Wid e-.:-, ur" m wbich ihf, vp.ru ed, and tl.e rul.,f l.e d scove-icd ceriH.? Vn,,,r "X tlicreir. Ik Sj,cUt t- n luoctln iu li.c bUi -y rt tU s-.l i rt of i r m- - f..r .htboeM.cts He lia, at i..st ..ece.. cl-nml a4 ti.cru:r ..t" k r.v.- is hy Inr tl.e lst wal.i:.j; macbine -.cr i... .1 1. T. -L' , I- HP. an rit time f KI'IT'k in pvdi t. 1 1 . ..m.-. . l- liatnl l.ttut -r tlit u.- t nit! riiliL-i i.r " --v nn tviiu u learn: a-l in rr i.ur tures ne m u li can bn ttnv :,i .1,.? liai.il Wi- f un1! lM.hl 1. .. li .vc ued it. but lor the preteir, c We "jive a fc a Le:ov 'csrs Banow & Pkasirit?, Cr. n.i in-1-; I 'otenm V.aslie-i " I ae-.kn.j a k-tt my -if to yours; aJ-cr bavnur toted ,cvi laU n;enU:l t- me; i ut the : moiiuvpuicace to 1 rm.ounce it a ilu:t te.tT,... I U;t. i- ac .ii , : to .Ult , , . "-' ,, ...1 tw. v ek', w.is'.iri;: n, tw U()I jj i l t l. ... , nicely afch delo.U-, I have nev.r bal. I- , Leteia a ti ti 1 unv Vilci ' lief-pectlul.y, Mis II. Farraar. Miis. rrow &a'.ehsa.-itsr-Gc.r.Ieme..: Through the kiudnJ,, o y!,ur a-ent J 1 ffcrH,a. -Jour ".itfjiin Uabf," and lin.l u by ,r b'UV clothes. It is all that yuu rtcomm ud. ''o- '"c K.spectfullr, Mrs. Dr. J. IJ. CIl.rtrr. ' Mes.rs B.rr6w & P.,.t ;-D,ar Sir, I take;::. f have used your 'ouan, U a-,,,, w?.h .i.rt.ct Micce,-. It ,. bv .V,,, . kJ speedy and efl.rctuai mode' oi cloui.ku; al, kindi oi fabric 1 have" cv, r kodn Vcy Tulv, Mr, Dr. W. f. K,... M,Ssr, Bfow &Iie,sa,s ,.GeuUe.mcn: ir;ebe-4.iWa I 1U ch.aed ... j..u: A.en J. J. Ferr, and fi:,d that it willd. m,c ti'o jou reccoiiiuifci.d. We arc uioiu Ui.. pl-aaea witli i-, Iesi-ecilu:.y,. ' I: ,.,.(ic M-, B ,.0, tt Ile,ant.-Si,: I i Washer It 1 a cou.pl. te kU,. r. My Cloth s U u , than e veT l lo:, " days fcUOU HUl;e "U1f Wa;htI' .U Y"'-" Truly, j Jit-. T. r. Uorton. Lo,J!s!JU'', Ju'v i.- 1 llnm. Burow&PWdsi-Gentlenm:, lhave lnuli' W Mhi-r ' about ..ne uir,.t.. It 8ur,,a my tiectations; it U all thu j, ! tor it. I am highly pkased. K'-spectiullv, jp, T A 1 Aon Messrs B.row & Pleasant.: -Si,,: I am u.ia, ,Ziit. and Oad 1 f3r superior to all ol her.. It will wh,u the dirt,et " e clean. It I cou.d nut get another, I would i.et take $2')J lor m'tie 1 i. complete tuccess. and all that is required' to co-vince auy one is a tria' -1 .' Ytry T,u;y, I. S. 1 linen. Me.r, BariowPieacanlsGentlem n: My in bteaoi Wasbe.' for tome tune and she, as well as the washerwoman are l,i-I ly pleaded w.th y. . Very truiy, 1:u MaSnc "7 if have acquired by purchase ot the Patentee. Mr. S. W. Bartholin-w the 7 nghtto manuf;ctu e and to sell the "Right" to mtBufacture h?"'Vrankl a ttcatn W aaher," within the Unite 1 Ststes aod Territork- -rxanKi.a We now offer the "Franklin Steam Washei'? to the American n.n. i..t tub co, fide.ee that it will . a:l that we cUim lor iM0??! duce it as rapidly a p.b!et we are offi-rinjf g:e-t I'u.Iuccmeots to w,k5 ' men who want to make money ; we will sell .Mate or count, right, on TS t5 waahle terras ; ior instate we will bc!1 te right t- a cuniT i"h t. n 7i and iuhab.taa l,r one hundred dollar ; wfthin t" y linage, the jmrchanr c n .,11 irum three to tire hundred w.she',,, at K tfro-l II 1 ve Dollars each, an.l Lis rigl.t.will Lc worth more at the expn ci that i,us than uw-at uV ir-m ihs Met that it has beta intlSiced au will fceli iu aim' st every fann y. uu,-tu La To pirties wishing to buy S'ate or coon'r ri"ht- we will .-, r-n . of P.t D; Itais, ijut one half of tLe r tail vLrilum Wa" f! ci" comple.e nub instrucions how to ts, &c; .td .ftet iijlvt atl hat .it is hnt we nc .mmend ,t t., be, thty cu corrcpoud ni:h uViu ard to the terna ry wanted our terms Ac. We desire rckI rtliaWe General in tverySiate lathe Union, atd we invite cormp. n ience with working m.n who would like to make mo.cy. Noae Wl tory tvi'icnct their intrdy and reliabili y u.nu.j Eatuiac- All persons-ar.- warned against mioulactunn- or sellio the -Franklin bteam A asb-, without authority lrom us. lufiwu UMn,f UL Jir rights in this Uiat:er will be pris.cutc(!. - - 0 ui.a ?,jr To All Whom It May Concern. We are well acquainted with M.ms. Barrow & Pieisanu; as Merchant t'.er are doing a leadicg business ia tbtir Town. Trie aie men c! acin J.'ri?I and in every way reliable and respond e. Th.y .S. te, d " J Edwin W. Fuder. Mayor of Lotmburg. Jo-. J Davi-, All' atLw J D.yis, btate beuator J.mes f. Wyon Sh.nlf of Frlcklir! G. iVk Lehtor "Uouritr." It. U. Timberlake, fiolxie Judge. M. Darif IW ' pal L ui3burg Male Academy. Her. P. J Car V r r . r. 1 "LC " 2rLawf ' ! ' tfcl D Loniaburg Female Colkgp. C. 31. Cooke, Lit j Tue Frmklin Steam IVaiW i. , :.: . . must be addressee! u .PATENTED JUNE 24'' T- siuic -rraiini,. bfe.1.1, v; mt ..?.. w. .. . . . . ' ' . it- i-.'umt.i r.r it cr 4 ii .ti . . ti:(rr'.mh'" t!:-n cir? :l I., ...i 1.,.. i . . 1 u. , C .1 .. . J ii ' '- .. ' J 'K I'.r -. .. j.rtlc - r LLc - n ASiiiv.:" iv fc T'Re p in r e t.. . 1- u - - the - r ., u h 4,. i , t.i v. l.ro uri v ..; Vu;.. 4. !$!:!. !.' lull' .- f M. . I ."! 1 m , .J -X ' ' f j ri t - ...... ur . l icl BAKKOW k PLEASANTS, , Louisbiirs:, N C. ron Tin: C 0 II IU 1! II, Kvcry family in the County ouLt to take pur paper, lcca'i?eit costs v.rv 'J every one will find ia h scmethihg to interest, and pciUp tcncGt them. If you will give us your patronage. vc promise to make our aper wu.;L Every Ceni Asked For It. lut to iusure your lecoiuing a ml scritcr, we offer the following induce ments, during thi month only : For $2,50 wc will scud the Couiurr. and Wood's Household J.ruziVi beautiful fifty paged T-eriodical ; ,r The Farmers Advocate, one t,f the best Agricultural Journals iu the Yu ted States far one year. When you have seen this pka fchow it to our neighbor, that he may know how inue-Ii good rcadinj he Cau tret for a small amount oi money. li C W MJMi J. N. Ken.. p. Williams. & Fuller. r 1 1.-: ii;r.u:., V. C. . :V to ') M :1.".. t. ,. ,J (1 '' ' - UTi . . .4 . 1 -. - . "1 .Mui.tiiif, Aiktlu r.A:.irl n n 's i- t r.r ii- . ixs . n !i-.:..l; uUu ' I r e K t T i cc, :p . '1 U jv ' . hiiu'n j-i' Li Vet Ko' uia-'.-r. II' ll-ll. -. B.ace--, Pure Liquor for MfVcuud Pur jus , Dr. B P. Cijvtrn. and Dr. C. Wins: .-i Cn Itv lou id at lh. ir fllicr , in mr Hoe. U tils, for the ab .vc uam d phvicianf bt any hour Uy .,r night, hi 1 1 rcne prompt atte-ntio' . Williams & Fuller. ?p!2 Sir. NOltril CAROLINA, I la PtTITtC.S TO 8K1X LNii TO TAT CRSTS ano K..jt Commltaiiox (-rboi:. W II ncer. ud i.r f Jue. H id and Anj KtidMa'.u'ifl, A'tlLSt Chirles Itviel, Jam. It-Id, " L Ijd, Mary A S Uci l. Ptie U b Itcid, F Keid, Chalks T B It- id and Luz e W lUi'jt, D.-ienda'i's, Ic j peaiiiig L the ourt by th afTi davit W fl b-unccr one o! the a!oTe named Plaintlll tliai Cunrlm I iht lkfcndnts in this procccdibg h r- it a re.-iue..t 01 iu:a ftate. It ;a ordered that publication b? made oace a t. k ior tix weeks successively in Fianklia CocniER, a iewspapr puhfiihed 15 the TownolLou sburg,fiotilyicg the saiuDe lendant of the tiling of the complaint in thh caus-. snd reou.r.n him to aonear L at the ofiice of ckia: ot tb buptrivr wuifc ui. iu? couri xi'juse in me lowt ol Louiibur within twenty days a't-r ibe terra ot publication prefcrited is this order (hall tXjdie and anwtrth complaint, and let the sud Chrk It. i ri take notiee thai if he lads to st-- wer the torojiliint within that time the Plaintiffs will apj ly tn the court lr tLe relief therein demanded. In testimony wiitreof I Ltreucto iu' scribe my came and "it5x the d my oJSc at Louisburg tue 21h dj Sep-tmber 1873. Iszal I!. U. T.mUrlake, . f. C. 0L 3 etuis'. The Or at . rize ttuianaiy PaekJe Triumph! ConU.u lObee Wn-lnx ar,o Ki v. -I a.l I'cuiioMer 1 Ld it-nei . Ji I fciank Lw lcl lil.tter, Ib.t Kiap'- f 1(X Ie.ut.'ul worneu aud ajl.ee cfiadc'" ieni Jewirjr haple pukiett V m A pod-p id in iefrij4 of p4jt,35 eenf Speka, ft. r e nor4fr iew' i! Io- a o c.ae ii w I lj i;,, intoodi y.u ever hfiKbi f x the uun.ej lie pr z s ott 1 w ita more tin pra.e u d fjt tt t-uiue u aage li- o bcr atl cle wot.il bfiog at r.-U.i d t I tnari lh ent D -u'i Iu itl l. t y ne p ckai; ant you w.il iiere uy Mat oi r aj, o he.- mar. L-vk Ii X :51 U ifiaioi ild t;eiia wnt.r.1 ere yth re ti tt'l iieeic. an - i r .iwiki n-u e . S. T WILDKU. :re -Il C j