HljtMouxiti Democratic Ifevswaper. JUTES QF ADVERTISING. - (10 uses cm LtxACoyixirtTX aqiaa One Square one larttion. U CO One Sach uVaeurttt lnacrtkm.. M Om OptmpTaa... ....... t-00 One Two mo0 12 One - Thm mcbxK:,..- JDt One Exxnet;..,VL.,......JJX One - Xwelrnoit1vv,vV....lSt9 Cootxvct s f ty-fw aTtyT-Crutt wCbera term published every Friday in ouisburjg A- O jRATES OF SUBSCRIPTION, Copy 1 year....... ...........3.00 - ,6 Months..... ...11.. ....... .100 V 5 Mouths.... .1. ..... 75 VtT TERMS CASH IM aDVANCE DEVOTED TO PQIITIC5, LITERATURE, SCIENCE A NI) ART. VOL. 8. LOTJISBURGv Ni C, NOVEMBER, 21, 1873. HO. 4. ill Ait .r i r i Professional Cards. JDr. It, EfKING DENTIST, Oflen hit Professional sVfvftes to the public in Every department $f DentMry, I OFFICES, i Talihur? at .Wsrrenton over Dents Hotel, Parser & Watsons Store W. H. Sjencer) C. H. Cook . j CQOKI5 & QgffiErOBls BANKRUPTCY 10UISBURG N. C. Will attend the Courts of Nash.Frar.k lin, Granville, Warren.and Wake Coun ties.' also the Supreme Court of North Carolina and the U. S. Circuit and Dis e Couiis. - N 7-tf 5?. ATTORNEY JlT LAW, Will practice in .courts the 6th judicial district. I'rompt attention given toffce collec tion ot claims. No 60 tf JOS. J. pavis. , ATT'T ani COUNSELLOR at LAW .lUISBUIiO,1 FllANKLI CO. N.C I Will practice iniheftewal Courts of Grn title Franklin, Nah, Warren and W ko. aa. l'rumpt attention paid to the collec tion and rmittaii04l moanj. July 15, 1871. I ym. K. Barham, I Roli't H. BarM, Lou lu g, N. t . Fo:etTl e. N. lm Mty's and Counsellors at Law t At Loalsburg, Frank.l Co, N. C .fflcss and at j n (Forestvl-, Wake, Co, N. C. 14 miles from rale'gb b. IUil. K W 3v Jth Judical DUtrlp-, In ft iutn rue Cour fh mt tbe Siaie, eqd id id-r.l oune. I v Pioropt atteUi. ) p p.lJ t Collecl- f, 8eurluff. VtDprini aua ev img iajms. Dr. J.B. Clifton, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. ouImIux, 1ST. O. tc. 20, 1873-tf. ' Dr. W. J. Cooke, PHYSICIAN anl SURGEON. Offtra hi pr f-einn-.l se vka to tbe dtU aea ff Fr klin ountT t ffive at hU moth ers reaideuo miles south ofi-ou sburg. X: 10-lr, .' ; Confederate armv are eruuued u or row full j around the couch of this great and good man, this christian sol lier, whose hK-b'ood Lasbeo given lur fm count n . Iu th distance is tbe encamping ruiy, llie weary sntiail on his bet. & : It a picture that will ttu ;li evtly buth; em htar-, and thoi!d"baye a'pitCc in every Southern Viome. 'S-nt by mai', mounted ou r,i -r, aecunly wrppet, and p st pai , lor 20 cia each or thne lor !U ceutc. ' . I Address W. M. BoahO. 200 Main street Bn t 1 lenn. S3T" Agen s wnn'ed f r this nd a vi.r.ciy ol ihir tine engravings From i t4 $10 a day cau easily bo madi. mmt of 11 im Drugs & Patent riledicines Z?2 This is the tl.la if a fine enuTavini;: 1 . I . - . ,; ' , of the Deatl -Bid of fStonewaliV JackH FaltlltS, U1IS, U1USS, liyCS, Xjutet. . W en you come oaca, you u, son, 14 x 18 inches in six-, and printed v meit4MS Tlvnlio UP m 989 meJ 1 me c16"0 P" on heavy plate paper, lrficers of th. liriUSIlCa. UrUMIfS, . , Wackherrv dumnlin'. Y hi r.i.. i. "... " .i ....j i . -i l .Tr :t r . GREEN & ALLEN, Grocers And COMMISSION MERCHANT Solicit Consignment of Cotton, Tobacco, yheat. Flour, Corn, u.ul ProcinQe generally. Agents for the Excellent Cotton. Fertilizer and Gulletta improved Steel Bruah Cotton Gils. ' ' Ko. 110 Sycamore direct, Petersburg, No. l-lj Ci: eOfl I" 17 ' AfU Wanted I Allc! JO IU XUf working people, of oUw acz, yoa. or via, biU m.r. money u work fbr b. in thar p BMOMnta.erMltlMtiiB,tlin kt anything eu. UfrMi iddNM O. sand Co PoctLu ' Pealers In HATS, CAPS, FURS, STRAW GOODS, CANES & UMBRELLAS, No. 20 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va, MISS' Particular attention paid to Or sep26 3m, ders, T, A. ST. CLAIR. Ma ufaetnrero CARRIAGES, BUG6IES, EXPRESS, SPRING & FARM WAGONS. CRRTS AND DRAYS. Corner of Lombard & Second Streets PETER&BlsRG. I'A. A eood assortment a'wiyj on ban and will make to ord;r every decip tion ot work in bis line Repairing of evt-ry do-icnotion -tlaw and light such us painting, ooct-vnrk blackemithing, done faitbuWy an-l promptly. Al! wok warrauted. I r. spectt'ully ask a cal'a as I um sure t that totli in prices and workmanship I cao gi e satilacti n. -p 2j8 3u GROCERIES! GROCERIES!! Extra C, Detnerara and orto Rico Pu gr: Java, Lauagra and JJio Cot fe ? Bacon, sides and shoul der-j Clioipe Demtraf Mla-Sfs: Family Exr tra, and 8uper, Flour : new Rice, Ju9t receive King. White 4 Sha w J P. WILLIAMSON, B. WILJL.IAMS N. J. P. Willamson & Bro. We most repect'uUy announce to' the citiz n of Fianklio Cauntv. that we" have commenced he nvcrcannfe hu- 2 : T ..ik i t . i-antl on 'hVn r a good selecT&n 7f staple Dry G-kjs Groceri, llard ware, Crockery warr, Clothing. Hat B o s, Sbos, Con I ret i nnrries &c. We pledge oura'-lv-a t: tell aachran as ariv other bous? in tne place. Give us a mat. The highest market price paid for pro duce in exchange for goods. oclO 12m. J. P. Wuxr n fc Bro. Loun-burg, N C, JOSEPH CARR, (Successor f Jfn Carr Wholesale and ReUil Dealer in Pcrfamery, Fancy Articles, &c. Corner Sycamore aud Washington t.. sep20 Sm, Petersburg, Yi TT Y T" 1T I tT 1 IV Mil 1 y, I J J jaaj ttlNT. R IS HER 11 500 cords oak wood. $2-75 per cord. 500 cords pi e do 2.25 do Delivered anywhere in Louisburg at shortest notice. apply to Terrell A Harris. Original Ppetpy. For tjie Courier. ol any JTatlaer. Ten awful years have $ed Since Ie watched beside hijp bed j Yet I uk Him of His will, ' id my aching heart be still; lurmur lowf on bec4ed knee Lord I bow to thy dtcrta. Oj father, God ! and Friend 1 Humbly at hj thrown I bend : By Thy Mood yn Calvary shed, Aid mi still Thjr paths to trs td ; five me strength to do Thy will, Strength to ser and be still. So that, whep lifes woes are past, My father I may reet at last Meet him on that blissiul shore. Where death may not enter more . But, free from every earthly stair. My father shall be mine again. M ABO KRIS P&B8T0N. ' Pugh's Hil . i ' OltlGINA STORY. BY CHARGES JSOUyil. CHAPTER V. Ten minutes later, sh emerged from tjte huney-suckle bower arching a rear gaite of the garden ; and again es corted by the pioud little pickaninies, walked rapidly a well trodden path thajt Jfpud bewen a large orcha id on the right and meadow land and melon fields northward. It turned finally to the left Jnto a growth- of oaks, myrtle and cassna thicket, which margined the borders of a broad but short creek, whose right bank was lined vith small frame houses set in gardens fff okra. coin, melon; and tomatoes. Gaudy mar;;olds and pinks flaunted their bright colors along the elapboard pal- ings, aid ' around the doors strut ted poultry of various kiuds.-r-r- Before each house, at least one dog gambolled with the little black chil- dren crowding grass aud rolling on I me Dana, in immmeni danger oi rou- i ing in; or else sprang to the front to and, after giving final directions and in. E praise me for git troo my tasf I hng hile. you and Elliott Glrar. bark furiously.b'acking the while, from leaving additional medicine, departed, so soon ; say Datf s a smart boy.' If oar j deu we:e talking of friendslilp and the approaching procession. The noise brought forward the children and the women getting dinner ip doors. Now began ja babl of greeting and welcome. j La! dares Miss kia.ee. Jjjess your soul honey. I so glad if) see to malarial influences wh'.ch are rife youj' here. Jet me advise you to stv as .'Massa been down, say you oomin'. little as poj3ible In the house.' He ad Come in honey, I got some6u J been ded in answer to the mute question in savin for you. Seem like you nebber come , Tek 4e Pn; Jb; $nd p it some fresh water from the vpring. I gwine fix ILhs Grace some cooter egg?- 1 got some okra soup mos 40De you come res' here in dis grape yine. 1 k" lu 'Pa ok,a soup.' , Thank you jrjjjeed Dcliah, and all ' of you," she pal)y found space to say. e . i ia 4 . n - xjut a must uasien i" auut iuic i lney say sue is vry sips. Aunt ie- I MK. a . ft . Y . mima. she added, appealing to the oldest of tjtie women portly, good na- tured and rsp)endenA in a new ban- Jana headkerchief, and scarlet bodice, Won't you keep the children and dog quiet? She must sleep. Pat I wjll, honey. You chillun stop your nois?. Go ober in de orch- ard yonder and rjt - iss Graoe some peaches. If dem dogs don't git quiet ent gwine back til you eat sumefin in Mima s house. So adjured, and the adjuration fur t.her emphasised by 4 nods, becks and wreathed smiles, Grace passed In un der the broad water oaks to where the i i I mouth ot the creet empties witn mus- I . , i r icat murmurs iuiu iuc larger vuo wi Jaces Island. At the poiut of conflu ence was the house she sought. The row of dwellings passed around on James Island creek and terminated in the boat house, Elbe's ocrnpyine a .central position n the angle thus form-1 e4. oftly opening the door, which was slightly ajar, she entered. A wasted and aged face, on which death had evidently;' set its seal, was sharply outlined against the white pil low of the bed. A girl lay on the floor oesiue it, in an auanuou oi gnei , ner i lace buried in ner arms loided on a low chair, and her shoulders shaking with repressed sobs. The young lady ent softly to her and touched the I bowed head. Flora) The girl arose to her knees, threw her arms about Miss Haxlehurst's waist and clasped her close whilst her whole fxfunie ouivf red with noiseless but vio lent emotion. Grace J either weep on, till the storm was nearly, exhausted, ani hten fiispered gently. Jt is tjjpe to attend to your moth er, Flora, have brought her stimu lant. A few spoonfuls of wine put into j the unconscious lip, brought slow but I certain relaxation to the rigid uiuscles, I old mother demurring at enjoying pro the 1 ps moved and fell into easier re- I ceeds of the speckled pu'lets in Chile's lations, the eyelids rose a momeutand closed again in genuine slumber. Flo ra, who knelt with her face against the coverlit, reassured by these tokens, kissed the white friendly hand to which she had clung, in grateful, tearful af fection. ' a jsm air ot rennement and chastened taste, superior to her race, apparent in features and person, and in the order- ing of the room, marked her as inty- I mately assViated with the daily life of I the master's family. .he was Miss Hazlehurst's maid j chosen in the eurly childhood pf both, sharing j her coufi- dence. affeitiou and in 'argo measure, her simple pleasures. Herjyoung mis- tress was her' ideal of beauty, of moral I aud tneutal grace: and her service was I given, however others niicht view it, I as the tribute Love offer worth, which iu it reaction ennobles and blesses the giver, manifold more than the receiv- er. - 1 !.; The phsician entered with the nurse, (an intelligent old negress)from a proiessionai y?it tQ anotner bouse; Summoning Grace, by a glance to the door, he said, drawing her out into the mornings freshness and strength My dear child, this dUease is not immediately contagious, but your or- J ganiiation js very delicate and unused j her eyes. t If she had more reeupera- j tive power. JJut she is old-; However, it is possible 1 j j There was little hope in his voice and words ; but, after he had rode away with a parting injunction, she stood still, looking out over the happy earth ; J at the merry birds working in the myr- Ues overhead or dipping into the shad- dowhaunted stream ; at the marsh hens busy n to grass beyond, for the j t. i j tii a i i i aeepest siuu oi me great crcca tay at I . I 1 .1 . I . 1 nerieet,wnuo ue water on ne lurin- er shore was tangled in impracticable salt-marshes. Nature seemed so wise and powerf d in her avoidance of pit- falls and her wealth of revivifying sun; shine and happiness, that life felt very near and sweet and death very far off; and it seemed impossible but that EI sie must live and Flora be comforted, And yet, when has earth's glad beauty I caused sorrow antj f ghiug to flee awai,' since uey nrst enierea ur JTlora was comforted a little. The trance like state of her mother Lad yielded to the treatment, and passed into quiet slumber, and she now came to the door to seek the sympathy of the young mistress whose presence - J brgught her the strength and faith which Grace herself drew from pa- ture. They talked tegsther a lit tie while in low tones j and then, bidding Flora follow, Jli Haxlehurs'. strolled, up the bank, where she could see little ? i j .. - - v-fcvij"i Avna eiTifS wrmiiv ritiiu bt w rrninir for her return.' They gathered around her with calabashes of chinquapins. blackberries, figs and peasant ; thank ng her wth fUj gratica9n for ao- cepttngaome each; looking up into her bright fair face, and drinking the music of br ar yoic and laugh, ter as it rjjjg out at their oddities, with a half worship of her beauty and a proud consciousness that she was theirs meirown w laugu wiln ana ween J with and belong to bem aft tltir Jift long. One broagbt a small calab4b with the various eggs of the birds tba haunt these thiokets, a collection which had begun early in the spring and been, steadily growing since she left them in the dawn of summer. They had been carefully pierced and the contents blown away. Though a shadow tell on the gjlory 0(f the day to Grace, as she thought of the heart ache and empty nejt ff r each ttle tinted shell ; yet she gave, with a little word for sorrowing bird., a hearty 'thank you' for the good will of the giver; and withdraw ing from her throat its fresh blue -rib bon, laid it in the brown p&lfftt Tha message of Choe wf iivered the absence, tiil Grace promised it should be more than made up to her. , bending Flora baek to her mother, I she turned toward the shelter of the mansion. A fresh relay o book,? mua be selected. to be $xAf4 tp the aea. sr w- . . I side, lauin mua visited, and tne I wardrobes of the young collegians in- speoted, or reported o Books and j baggage were packed and dispatched j to the boat house to Pete, who was to take them arpund to Fort Johnson by the creek and Ashley River, The family met again around the early dinner; Marion coming in after the okra soup was served I've been raccoou hunting he said, 'On my way back from the boat.where I gave your orders to Pete, father, I found Sambo finishing his dinner of fish and potato on his doorstep. His old snuff colored terrier Rock, sat in front of him, watching every mouth- ful and wacretne his stump of a tail to Sambo's nods, who was talking to hi im. 1 i UoSs gie me chaw tobac dis morn I troo my fiVi and tater. gwine cotch roccoon. By'm bye dem alow nigga opine j say wha Sambo? I rpee e de sleep out in de shade. Gindy come I hunt for Sambo, Sambo gone. ' went with him, and. we hadn't been five minutes in the Harvey field before we caught a fine fellow and star ted back. Ceming up at the back of the hous ; we saw Cindy standing by the canoe ana scolding. ..... - j J. wonder wha dat nigga Sambo. I I oa to gracious 'e ent sub me right ; leffme da all dis hot brilin sun. Ehl eh I wat a dis T she caught sight of the fish scales. 'Ttiflingood for notin ting! E catch fish, cook um. eat urn. j Cindy clean up de scales ! Netyrojnf 'e eat tater. I gwine eat jyJ Turning around, she saw smbo. I had got behind a tree to see the fun. . t 3 t.-i-ft--, I au na i soe f4; SRaaing ner oeaa 1 ... m-r . m . i at mm. ion runaway lorn ae net; leffme do my teas, eat your tater and fish, and leab de place in a li ter. I wish yon could have seen Sambo sidle up to ber, and steal his arm afounjji her, every tooth visible. Stop gal, wa uiaer widyer? I tek Rock and go for catch roocoooj and wat you tink? As I open de bars down in de back Bel, de dg smell um. I in tree minu'es e tree um, and I brung ae leiiow nome wia me now. oeenim da 1' Cindy's face shone like the sun corn- ing out from a cloud. j 1 deola' de boy is good, ii$h jam in. let me look at am. O, de ting is so fat 1 Go skin um Sambo, less bibs um wid dis rice. Aunt Elsie is a little better sister.' he said presently. Flora asked me to Ull you that ahe had spoken and was sensible, and to beg you' to go down there a few minutes before you r John, you must ten Aunnusie gooa- Ibve. She knows we are going oa to- ir morrow ; and I don't think she will live many days. I saw Dr. Porcher in pld DanieTf bouse .'Paniel has fallen into another j trance, PrinceUlls pe said Mr, Ha- I alehurst. . I asked Dr. Porcber to vis it bim and see what is the matter. I was away when he left and didn't see him. I hope Daniel will not visit pur gatory again, this .flight Elsie had been again seen, and r tores o4ea, arrow root and jelJy left her. Jhe afternoon was lengthening the shadows of the magnolias on the sward. and the horses stood ready for their ri dsn at the garden gate. Grace came fren tfo fibraiy fUb jrgl jnxes Rubin and Keats in her baud t rauqi too pre cious to to be trusted with'; the boat for they were Loyal's latest gifts and had her name in his own prised band writing, and passages margin marked by his pencil. Thrusting thera into a small bag t he hung It on the saddle , and went through toe garden, g ither ed clusters of deroniensis and safirana rosts. 8h was reaching for a droop bg spray of honey suckle, somewhat cumbered by tr fragrant bur Jen when Willie Ioors rote said, litt rje. Miss Qrace. please and catching the bough from which it pendod, he severed it neatly and placed it in her hand with a gallant gesture of greeting. Don't look on me as something uncanny, I came in I assure ypu, in the regular way. Passing the gate I saw yipyr orses waiting tpd ws t'etopu 19 beg the protection of . . . .1 your party to Fort Johnson. My path lies that way too, across Wolf Pit Run, wjijib I hear is now uncanny very.' She laughed. Y. M..M.t1. C.J r believe father has deserted us for the club this afternoon. Yes, I passed him In tbe avenue. It deed he sent me to the library to find and offer my services as guard In his stead. After a valo ques. there. I c me 1 through the open window h ther, I knew pou would be com munlng w)th the Muse or with Flora Jhe flower goddess l mean.' She turned tpu'ard Jhe path as If going. His manner suddenly changed to deprecating and he said, with a slight gestute of e t caty. 'We are friends, UIss Grace' are we not ? aud are going to be parted a Its duties the other evening, of one life mlr orlng another's. Let me be your mirror. I am no philosopher and cau not plead lear edly, like LJ liott. What will you give me to take away as your saadow, to keep my life fresh and pure? lie stood with her photograph in bis baud ; taken from the album she had left ou tbe library mantel, the refused to see It I : d.turnlng, broke a cluster pf creamy j . . Ta'te this. Natures self and lesson. If it keep you not fresh and pure I cannot. We will draw In ipe ration and refreshment from tne same source. This gardeu Is my psalmody, and tbU my favorite ps dm.' 'A poalm of life! I asked your picture, and you have given this a true o'-e. I accept I; thanks. It was a simple gift enough, and yej fhe next ruoeneut alie wished site lad not gja j;; Clarion pushed aside tbe veiling honeysuckle and stood before them. Willie loor ! by all th ts wonderful. I said that marshtaekey was you S- John said you wouldn't' have tl ue to be coming here, your preparations all to be made, and you so far from lite Bluff. Buti knew your horse aud aldle I suppose be contl ued, vierlng Wlie evide t duteonce tiuu and bis sistei's flushed eh eks Iu t'e dawning of a new light, and unable tp repress wholly the spirit of m s Lief In hlw, 'like CaUioui Shirie, who lives t'-ree miles off on tbv ipujJti toad, you find this the shortest oule toCTaariestoa.' Delivering this mlasiVa be saarelied off to bo se, for John bad already mounted, a 4 Jf4 epeedily full u wed by tbe two whom he had, as be thought ao put to eoufusion. ; (TO TAX VWtpjfVZD.) Jfa -IS'ecra-o Weddiug The brids and giom aaswrtiegto lbftAme0r Andiew aad Sa-j. tr I ?, ....l.i.i. neta aaaas i unmistakably jure Guinea bl-KX4, aad bo;k ef th at bad passed the first half ccnturv pi their lit. Their dreat, bowtzer, Cowed that they had not yet eatiMly.ochewtd all the tollies of their oth, tio - rude and cheap, as became thvlr coadii tion, it was Deverthlas noteaabtUUk ed with those bits .of ftw gaiv .and glarin &xj el bright colored and tie ia which the oero dallghU. 7 ta the most decorous gravity the preacher began : Andrew, dax you lob dis jtr wo man t' I doz so t was the emphatic rsrly. 'Will you promise to stick dose to ber frbo ime and tarnltyt renounda allothtrs an' cleabia' only to her for ber an eber ameoT Iwilldav -.Will yoo, hpoorj aa 'beyV" .'Hold op dar, Ole JaekF hare la' terrupted the grsocs, with bo little show, of Indignation 'taint sy cje taltin to dis alggtrbout Obeying de wimmeo, ' can't promise to ,yby wimmeo onlyx ,cl ole Uuals;! 'Silence drl yon owdojpplloes tig gerl roared the wrathtat preacher what lur you go fur spile dt eeramea ny 1 You done spilt all da grabltj ol de .csionl Dis jrrt'a oaly matUx of form an 'ia tpaosible to de caaloa l Now don't yaa go is-T lo open your black mouf till de time" for you to speak! 'Will ya promise to lab, honor an Andrew still abakloz his bead ominlously at the obooxloos word) dis jere &igge(, Buuj, foraUhtn her witb all things needful far her comfort happiness, ehsrlshea an partectla' a All anfTAHsi at mrsw an ber from all suffcrin . aa sorror, an makin' smcve de path of all her pre ceediu days to come t I suppose I must say yet to daty said Andrew meekly. 'Een I pronounce des Xjro coup! as to be man and wife; aa' whom de Lord qad loined together let no .man gp to put dem asund&r 1' Here an uproar arose among the blacks, betokening a delctame entirely urforeseeo by Ole Jack. For, as he had forgotton to requle the usurl tows of Suisy, they Insisted that however fimly Andiew miSbt b bpcjjdby tbe matrimony, Sujiy was aiiii slaglr, and the pair were but hall married. The matter was at last adjusted by tha preacher commends g the ceremony de novo, by which mesas the couple were flually united to the aatUlaction of all. IfX fra x a last's noTX-BoeK. . How we swing; ai.d bang, and bal a ce on the pi vet 'If I If we were rich Instead ol poor, into what maal told blesjiogs shotld our geld resolve its- If I How those dear to us, deaenr- lig, yet sever posses nag asgbtof this world's luxury, should rersl ia the pleases sad comforts, small and great, that gold , can buy! Ji the dejaoajkn- gtr had not burst his bonds i one day, the hasty words wenld have remained unspokcB and we should still possess that which canaet be regained a Meodabip lost, ll we had but waited -mm . A a ... one little asy ere penning ia icuer . whose every word was bitterness the letter yplcS rcsehad ks destlaatioa bet too safely, bcrug on its wings wouads sharp.r than steel can give what wild tellreproaches, and what bitter tears ol regre, would have been saved us ! We are tire J of this old home, beneath the ha ow ot whose roofcree wc hart dwelt tor to many years. It there were only m re of sua, aad leas of cloui en our pathway I It ts too sultry. Ii It would only raia I Ii we coald oaly 1 content with what we have aad are 1 If flowers bloomcda d Uother Haath wore ber robe oi greea all ihsj year round it we could a I ways be aood tetcprt li people never cxltigised .or found fault with other people U z.o shaip word were jjtteradiVif Xrieads never tfiraed to foes Ii we were all aa good9 aad kind, and lovisg, aa it Ilea ia cur power to be what a sassy para diae we might make of our world ! Kaxp Or. One of Huston Vesaed citixv-ns was ia a we!kaora restaur aa', pai taking of the wholesome and invigorating apple-pi. Diacovetiog aimcthiog therein that uened to nave a IrgiunstetcpoaecUcs with pie, b called the proprietor, aad defcrcaiialy obeetved to him, 'dee what 1 hive, tuuod in this pie a piece ct Uoe overall with buttoa attached., The esterpibing proprietor, not at all dia cobceited quietly rrpbed, TTtil. keep ja tsiag : you may fla4 the roaa.' t 11 W

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