CljC (LMjc Courier; 'A Democratic Ni wtpapcr. BATK8 OF ADVERTISING. - (10 UMI OH LKMC NsnrCTK X SQaRS i e :ittu v one insertion fi otj I'uMislicd every Friday in LouisLurg; E-U uUriiHHit tnxTtkm.. fcO C n nu.n h . isy Iwo ninth tZm lhivrjtotlr. ...... i. 1 1 nitnth; ............JdJO T th e month IS OJ I1ATE3 OFT SUKsCIUITIOX, " (', .Mouth " 3 -Mo .tli-. . - -.... VOIi. 3. LOTJISB CFRG N. DECEMBER; 5, 1873. NO. 6. t Tl ItMS CASH IN a I VANCE , . - - DEVOTED TO POLITICS, . LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND. ART. '.H 1 1? . ' '. "' V .: .-iL-i.-:.-- ' . v - 'JL: : . --:r.-l - IM 'U . " ... .. ....' J. . ...;.,.,'.. " . - ........ ""I 1 1. C Professional Cards- w' DENTIST. Oflers uts , Proiessional Services to the ijuI-Uc io lit try department ot Mimlhtry. OFFICER 1 - .A. Lnui.burg at r Jryn-rjion GREEN & ALLEN, G-roeers And ! COMMISSION MEIiUHANT .Solicit Cons Ktme-uta of Cotton, rX!ol:ic?et,TVlieitt. X'loii'i, Com, untl Produce Generally. Agnrcr for 'ih : Exctliet.-z CiHIOa. Fen.liz r nnil (JulUtta improved fct'.-t.! hru.-h (Joi'.on G.i a. Inc. liU cauioro"ii;r.fct, V.-itr.-iLurK, -x Nu. I 1 orol! mBV fi"t nnrfy at Vjik Pf twin thpir p nicmciit or aM the Time, lluta ct onytl.i!.rr cic Phi tie. C.H. Cooie, , H.SjcEfsr MMKHS AO CCUKELLOEs J AT LAW, BANKRUPTCY -LQUISBUF.G M. C. WSU attt.d tlie Couitf NHs'Fru k tin, (Jiauy.llf. VVntan, .rid Wak.- (V un? t'u h Uf the pi pr nt ' ur't v i N. r I Carolina muI tbc U. S. Cri'tiit' au. i,. 5 - Dealers In HATS. CWS.- FURS, STRAW GOODS. CAiJES &, UMBRELLAS, N 2,0 Si'tHmore Sf Pctersbu , Va. Curoli c Couitt1. H-j 7 -if . ATiOKNKY AT L.VW4 '." 1 h lilrllUHO N. C. 'cnlar tti-nti-n p;ii to Or T, A. ST. CLAIR- b u tide: urer of CARRIAGES. BUGGIE V EXPRESS SPAING & FARM WA6DNS. C3RTS AND 0 -HYS. " Dinctice in the couits .of jutl rial l)tn,t. . . ' -. : I itinpr u;tDti'io oiven t' tli -H' i -ti.,n l cluiu.s'. ; tt 0 if v.;i'i in "JOS. J. DAVIS. Atl'Y an! COUNSELLOR atLAi LOfloLU.-G, FiiAMiil CO. xN C Will j ike' ' h. tho fiv'til Tourts f Gr .r, Tille Fnkl-n, N.teli, Wirrpn n(l Wnkn I t l jit ion i ai.i tt iht colli i- Aum hixi r nnf;T. cv ot iuju j. it. . T I T-V!l Iff Tl turn k ikapnani 4 nn h'l r.t h r wa ic U id. lit lUlUUiUt I L lit uaiuaiai 'Lou kImi N. . . Vo c. v I .N B ABJEAM S H V 15 IT (3t; Ajly's and-Counsellors al Law, S v r i f L uiai il eoiivl Suet't.- PrRRSlH RG. Va. w . (1- v i i k MiiHiiUi1, done I.ii'h'Ully hui 1 i : i . . .. I ' v I ...... . tt.n Jt w -ik in liislii'e i hi ini ! i vi ty ue . r!,Uo?t ! fti.if i UJ t- ii il as irtii.Uni )r ur. . AS. woiU wmrnitcil. 1 i"--s.t.c f'll'y sk i! cul1 as. I wn -me tl al' i tlijti. pii. - and-vv fkin uid'ii'' I chu i c.stt;l"C i t. - i 20 o.i j GROCERIES! GROCERIES!! 1 -v- - Extr-i C. Demorarfi ard f rto Rim "u it? strong contrast, fehe wasptnall ind slender ; and, like Iter brother, lra- ucttei Her features vts both gift nd arch in character, and the contour of face and figure well rounded. Her cheek wore the arch bloom of a reach, uhe side that's next the gun.' Her eyes large, black and- sparkling with leady rej artee, could melt and expand with emotion iuto tho Lazy, velvety darkness of midnight ikies in the trop ics. Loyal Hazlehurst had said of her once, that 4 she iva3 a pansy, she was so petite nd so richly colored.' The perfect content of her companions air and the happy snule with which he looked down into her eloquent y-s and watched the play aud varying col or of her features evinced that the picture the evening was preparing to hang in memory's gallery was one of a series eagerly sought fur, whoso curtains-would be daily dranfor con templation in the exile of South Caro lina. .College, A fair child, of five years, Lelia Girardeau, very much like her brother in the moulding jot brow aud temples. was coiled on the cushion opposite .Grace. Marion s 2a ted himself besid? her and began .a toll storios of hunt ing and fishing, aud of the birds house keeping in the island thickets ; briui min" ov:r with satisfaction, when he broke through her questioning, grave shyness. , ! " - ; Willie Toor sat apart, looking "out on the night, and not availing himself of the seat by : Miss Hazlehurst, left him by the couVtesy ofhisl.ot. Finally Mrs. Gcrardeau seated herself be tween him and Mariou. mid recovering, he-engared- her in conversation. Klllott Girardeau .occupied the seat by Miss Hazlehurst, who. sat Clin 'ioiting her check Ion hor h:.rv.l a gain s1 t to, ' gunwale AYhat force now holds it T asked Marion with the profound air of acom- tuodora. Only i corporaVs guard of ten men,! think, saia ;ir. oirar- dcaui ' -; ' ' '' ' They wild n't hold it against afett row boats of brave ftdlows. Dj you think they could 'f pursued Ma rion. i ; ' , , Elliott railed, but . Willie answer ed. 'I don't know, but I think it prob able we will sown test their abil ity. oidinutcd his own voiced a pure culti vated tanor, to Willie's rich deep bass The latter wng v.ith tate, ahnott genius. He chose Feat's 4 The Wan Jeter. Miss Hazlehurst was vexed with herself for the color she felt fluc tuating in her cheeks. She saw he was singing to her, and wr.s observant cf and pleased with the effect, and widely misinterpreted its meaning. W hen' they ceascd,hc asked for some operatic gem, all passiou and sentiment she scarcely beard what. But she laughingly excused herself, saying she would lay a bit vf simple green beside They were about being entangled in J their exotics by way of foil, and sang. a long line ef fishing boats -Mr. Gir- 1 have Brought Thj an Ivy Leaf.' ardeaa leaned from the cabin and gate Her voice, iu harmony with lips orders to the helmsman iu a few low and cy's, wa pure, sweet and words for avoiding the dange". These limpid ; giving every shade of emotion, bots having spent the day fishing on and so little under control in this re the outer bank, Were; returning . j st gard that she dared not attempt scnti- of the stern, and looking, put on the oirilesec'it light. broad furrows3 ot plowed up in the' wake iff the ves sel. The tide. "was' coming in rapidly, just reaching its he ght. In a moment the. moon wou not flecked wi brighter stars d rise ; and the sky was h a silicic ' cloud. The of the jiutuuinal coustel- OQi VtLouUburjf, VmV i and at to, N t'., 1 oret v 1 , VVk Jo. N. C; 14 Uiilta from 1 al b K ill N t . c . in th 1 ri r Ot uj-is .f M o etli Jui.ei Di'-ttiW ,1- th up.- r.i CiU: of u m lt-.l r 1 . iif t- l'.tn.i)' t. ni'l ii w i t r Co'loc'- .1 I'Ui Dr. J. B. Clifton, PHYSICIAN anl SURGEON.- Dtc. 20, 1872 -tl. Javr, Lii;U -ura-Hriil il.-r : Choice Deni'T-ar i ""Al--In -: Fanii Ex- , tif , '' .upet, : Fh'ur : nt w It i r e , fc ., Just receive King. Whita i Shaw ORIGINAL STORY. UY CUAULES SOUTH. CHAPTER VU. v The chimes of St. Michael's were rinii.' out tlie hour of seven over city Off w and sea', when Mr. -ira deau's yacht. KMl v. W. J. Cooke, '"PHYSICIAN ail SURGEON. - in r Ul pr f ! I K4 'X'u to tlie Viti hi. f Fra kltii ouittvl ' - i:iv :A hi niotli- etu retUt-mv t niilcs sk iiili oi . Ol! Llil . Deatt-Bei of "fitoMwall'V Jictson Tbi ia the tple it a fine ci'iT ns of the t)iat5 -H U of M uwIl JiCks H'Q, 14 x'18 incht B iu siz , at.d pnotnt on titavy plate pap t. Uiiiona ul th i;ou:eturtu ai;n ar-r giouj t.d miM. fully aroii i1 the cojeh t this ju al anl j:ioii iiihu. this chnauab eohi r, whot-e lilt-b oo I l.a U ca ytvtn lot hi-c)U.i: r . Iu the 16 Uc tucauipiog rti, thcweaiy SvDtiuil on his Ut, fc . It is a picture tliat will ton u tvtrjf-c. uit -no hear, kin I should have a; in t very bout liiru lioim-. t-ii't ly mui', ni- tinttd on r 1t, r.cukIj wripc , uud p st pi , lor 20 cis .ttch ur ihuc loij -iV it nt. A UIH-H i W. M. HlThl.O v. . 200 Maiii ?iee- liit t 1 IV nn. the Gazelle, touched the MhaVf " and preseutud her green, white Zoned side to the grup waiting there ; her white sails trembling to the bretze a thongh ea"er tu leap' away before it. They Dr. W.J. Cooke, were received ia the cabin by Mrs. Git- ardcau. ..; She was a tall, handsome woran, "wearing her forty years light ly a.nd gracefully, and looking every inch what she was an elegant, high bred Udy. She WuS clad in mourning, with no ornaujunt save the plain gold ring oil t!o third finger, and a simple ' i . 1 j, i . it'''' but cotiv lcari at Ler turoat.ner repose suggested had such quiet dignity and reserve; but, as she Came forward aud took Miss Hazlehurst froin her son's arm a smile of sudden sMcotness and: light broke over her face, like a swift unheralded suurise. iShe gave alleetion ate greet ing and bade her son seat her m ar the stern. With the smile yet, upon her shc tunrued to her other guets. Miss lo Willie's bister, entered ET Ageu 8 wanted T r this and a ou tho arm of Johu Hazlehurst. The vui.i v ttli-1 tine . L.tu vi'iis Fiom j " . . . : t? i.. I0 . Ua can e-1, U mad . I two presented a picture, beautiful m 1 4w. ..." .-.-'" t ' ' ' ' i lutions, from Ursa Major to the g it teritig coil uf Scorpio, were slowly grow ing visible into the deep b ue, like spirits yielding reluctantly to the in cantations of magicians ; their ranks led by Jupite . as evening star, which trembled in full effulgence over the yet flushed horizni of the west. To Grace and her tompanion the scene was too sufficing, aud the en joyment too deep for couversation,save an occasional remarking of some tran sient effect , as" the dashing up and flashing down of a school of silvery whi'ings, iu a shower of phosphorescent drops. This subtle silent enjoyment in Common of sytq-athetic souls, is most; real communion ; it is also most electrical and iaugorous. They had turuea directly south prom the wharf to seo the moon rise from mid ocean, aud watched her large red disk roll slowly up from the crimaon level of tho water a phoenix in its self created flames. - Turning, they swept directly eastward toward Sum ter i Thence their course lay across the outer bar, while the tid was yet high, to Fort Moultrie and into the small chanuel. making the circuit of the har bor. i. , i ; '- . As, they left the vast circular ba.e of Fuit Sumter, and looked back at its towering wave washed walls, bare, un penetrable, unbroken, save by the two tiers of port hole, tho child directed her mother's eye to a single point of light just visible above the , " J ..... :. ' ; . ' wallT . ',:;' ' ": . '" ' I It is th bayonet of some sentinel soldier, reflecti g tho moonlight aid . rs.. Girardeau. J j -1 believe there is no utlu'r turtlike it in America,' said Mr. Ioor; i have heard it was built to eclijise that old rfelicof tho spaiih-h knights,, San -Juan d' Ulloa.' ' across the yacht's course; every negro in each of the thirty vessels, save the helmsman, asleep. When this little excitement was over they had left astern the harbdr's mouth with its loud thunder of breakers, its fresh land ward breeze and new-risen moon swing ing low over the bar; and 'were" 'flying along by, the lighted streets and gay lifp mi Snll!tf:iii' T;!:iiij! ir t:nn. mer resort o' the Charlestonians. Music came to them from the out lying piers of the Ocean Hotel, and -irs Girardeau suggested that the urn sicians of the party offor the dwellers here and at Mounv Pleasant the usu al courtesy of yachting parties a sere nude. The t Js had turned, and was run ning.out sinooth and swift; and ; the breeze h d nearU lulled ; ei"g from . fouth cast it was intercepted by the w olJ of Haddrtfli'o Point. Theyacht was-gliding on leisurely, at times with- in one hundrtid yards ot the shore. j After some little laughing resistance oil Miss loot's part, the guitar was poised on her lence, and at John's ie(uest, seconded by all, sang in a sweet clear voice : the delightful old ballad, Beautiful Yeuicc, Bride of the Sea.' ; , When she had finished, Grace re marked that Loyal Aad written her from Venice, that Charleston, seen from ti e water, very strongly reicmbld the Queen of the Adriatic. 4 It is true,' said Mr. Girardeau.. I remember the moment when the re semblance first struck us. 'ibis even ing recalls the scone, with but one el ement wauting. We were rowing in the sea at this hour in an atmosphere flooded with moonlight and song, -song fruui gondaliers ia .iquid Ital ian. 4 Surely you will not refuse to sup ply the 4 one element wanting,' 1 said Aunetteloor. 4 1 have heird you g'.ng 4 Ah che la Mortu ' Give it us now, please iu Verdis owu liquid Italian, and we will look toward the city and float with you iuto Venice.' . You have taken us there, Miss An nette. I should break the spell,? he answered. But she surrendered to him the iu strument, and he sang it, one of the finest things in miotic, perfectly ren .dered. . Miss Hazlehurst did not 'look to ward the city. She was most grateful that the others did, us they thus looked ment now. . Ycu have reversed the storv of the Sirens, Grace; fee there! And Miss Iooi pointed to the near shore. Groups of youug people prom enading the beach, had gathered in attitudes of listening, aud all laughter and audible speech had hushed wheu the serenade began. But now the white houses and twink ling lights of Mount Pleasant were dia in the distance yet many 'couples, fol lowing the niusic.had been drawn along the ! shelving beach nearly to Shcui Creek. 4 One thiag more. begged John of Miss Ioor. as Grace laid aside the guiu ar ; 4 the duet 4 Voices of the Xight,' which I have heard you and 'racocing together at .home ' ' 4 Yes,' she answeted coloring, Mr. L'lal often called for it. He taid evening's every element of charm was, in it, transumCud into nielody. 4 1 thought it was John who liked it so much,' slid M arion", n t tpiite awake. She began the duett without re spouse; and through it Ma iou drifted into dieamland. Tory pass'd a ftnal! is'and, Ijirg ff t:ie ruaish mar I.uUIrel' Piin', li:t ing a . j itttirtsfj: prove o teihtry pa'mettoe over a -null covcrel fhore Tlie fron('ae of. thf tallest trs"wap silvt-ml w i:h "ir.on'.ifiht, a-.d th bouiilis lying to had.-w wt-re sprinkled t!iik wth myriads l fir fli i, or vr -cnl with raofkifigl irls which I. aunt it in v pt i.umberp. Thctr tubing ue'led up now fmm the mysti ry of ntlit ard . fci eac ', as freeiy ns wt'i r fri-m h f ui-tai- , nnd lipp'tu" away without Ctf-B-ii g. i ' i'h-; m-o-i now hung over Hidrlls Pointtind invented with liht every jectvuible in tb vci '. Wonderful rnn ieiati, : mMn1iht ! How it tlUguiw-v ln.mel.iJi.36 and llluiniuci, b nui ; c.o.h irg ru'.ns grey and .ni uld-rmg in a tr-sb re c.iating radiutlCe ot i:a own. Iaiowr on the humD fc i trn- 'bridinin am! ut through the fouh of mc nTf. A row lott apprcucuirg past the tu'uth of Cooper Kivcr, with its quota tf negro oirxstT. The j wero t'ugiu h wild melody t f tlcir rac, its ab-uid words lost in distance, Oae rich strf ng voice sarg o!r, the othtrs as chorus al'traatetl with the relnsJn; soaring cl ar and piwer'u1, anldytn away ia softcnnl caJesc against the. shore.--The wild sombre cbancter f the f trin, an J seme arsrciahm nithit of her Lrother L"jal with whom he ba loved to listen to it, tirrd Grace deeply and she ch!-ed htr i jm to pns bick tbt tearr. 'The boat came and wafi quickly. Aathy were p -s?ng the Cit'-, Kiliott punted out. to Ui little - abater the curi'.uj tff.ct ot fie Jong lima of g Ughtcd streets rcch:ng back fr m the illuminated Bturj for roi!e, an 1 on stautly changing in acgle and relation with the yacht's motion, like a system I bierogljpu'.C', the wrJ palntiBg of of comets whf eMng'ar.d writh'ng ab"Ut lar.mi-, ( untiwet I n urvr im untie uo libera tenu " first IT rou-h his jei; and through b?nx I am waiting to enter tho grand pothcon cf Grctk myth and anthology. In eiching tne Uttmin he bd ma lrx-k Icr its grrat prototype in the older language . a !es. ia iu crerj element if pwrt d beut. l ramie T lie kel with a laagh, Ye.", in ru'ivc. she absWrred, Hhtre lsciqu itc mehwly mc ia TbekU's sog. Dr Echwald braose die Wlk Z-ehr - Abl Tbekla is such nn exquisite creation hertc'f, Jicerd Itself would convert to tnilodj from bee lip,' be fa d in a low voice. 1 give Max no j rmie tor Wmg tie noble Ullee? he, w as, Oo" v -u'd gNdlj dia for lore et her, fi love lik-s her T!ie charm 1 find ia (7rmtn,abe raid, as if he had not spoken, Is It picturing power. A word is land csp, an aitj.;ive, a poern. It is toe a Yst fixed luminary which tley can never leave. ' """ - They wtre roundLig South Day street when Led a complain-d of sea siccacss wh:ch a g'ais ol wine aggravated ra:h er than relieve ,." The Cirardcuu resi dence on, the Battery wa? ju-t opposite and the mother decided to land with her child. On leaving Mis lizLhur. t she said earmstly : '. hrpe yu will fiod it pleasant to I 4J:ser loves ua?uf4 as I do, and to visit m early and ' lidorru iKy, I live getber wc r j y a suuset or wrote cluaiet in s-claior , ! at wi;pl very grateful. nd undertiaad each other. X can aJ- for your society whrnevtr yu and wajs tell that a'ae has been with yoa your y urg Iriet'd can tpirc it to m". whea she se- and bears more than I Your aunt h u e Giillard was my Krl- cm, mtkiug me feel intolerably coarse 4D. not mystic:sm and imaglnetlna coh rtts pictures from paletiejj f tl e'r owot'aiked Ehiott, Mho subtle Oei- una genius is the ang.dait ol their nature, is it not t 4It m y be so. I do cot osrjx.t sail Grc ', I sit a, natures feet and lera 1-r Jfr, through my own heart, i.c tl t it u. qctth'rgly,' 4 Thai is y -ur Miysiery, aid Willi", fi urng. At it. I J nr c' t uch n 1 h gu eea ol.poliry tall awny nud the touI stands f-rtU truthfully and, if beauti lul iu itfe'd , tloiiouslj . It rta'cd oo Grace Flbzlehuis4, re lieving the outline f htr s'oht figure acd pure lace ag .inst the violet re tc of tJe support cus'air.s, a white frngrant flower at h r ih rout and one in her hair. . One eiqu':-;te Land ws oo the ahai'dH'&eif guitar at her kid-, the other on the velvet, every curve f the pe t:t utlne and pink nil tell- icg i s story of only b-auti;ul work duue aad to d , grace and bar . m -ny t 'h-.-mr and l.fe to grow from away from her. Her positiou and that r the W-uMiig ! tl e ban :ying there of the singer over his guitar shielded her from observation. Sho trembled iu the power and pathos of that heart cry, as helpless as a blood red leaf cf autumn iu tba grasp of the east wind. To whom, and why was El liott Girardeau making that appeal through the words and' music of Vrdi? A ' - , When it ended she glau ed at Ma rioa opposite and marvellous tribute to genius tears were un her cheeks. She looked no further. ,The profound and eloquent sileuce that fallowed, wus broken by Ktiiot himself who proposed to Willie Ioor to join Lira in a duett, and moved over to his side, the better to blend their voices. He played the Utce a'--dainty wl.i e LI -t-B in diopted Cii.'tljts y. Toe liyht enveh-pi d hei io a iuui'uous atmosybere tilio'D her spirit uelle fie-u'y until h-r u a vm-d to shine tbroegh hr persor, hke'a drop ot vavtr p:tsonid iu a pearl, Vm-ntr'uig aod tran - uceot. .S m. itiblle delight t tmtl d oo ber lipr, and tbeclii'd itla, wmebig from rnotU; arm a k'd what p'eased Ler hoou'a. bst-t . fiend and yop arj vet j like he. You ricall pst scenes to me. I forg t, steiriy..u to i iaht lht4tweny five years hive passed a roe,ste aod I tat last together yichting. Her s n a" ompmiie! !ier to her door. Grace tit tliinktng ot ths teau'y ol the nu'ron, h r tender gracious m .n ner thinking .oo f th'i worhls eiimie ofh", tl at shi wujj imrcrious an ! t Jf-retaine', and seeing how diff. rnt trdm'ih'is the must be to l er friends, certainly to Inrs-n. 8h thought his chiv-liic dovothm ' to he-, in re urr, so natural- a 'devotion 'she'liad ht- rd he c ul 1 ne er give a'i. t erwo dori g her lit . And yet whut w.-marj nce eeiug it could be content with lt-s? Asheb oked op with thisi thi uht in her .-, he 1 ad returned a -l wai taking the eit oppo-ite and met her glance .with a (mil", a f rilliaot aucny smile, l'ke his moihu,. The U ar that he had read her thought, a feir that often Laun'c l Ltr un ler the n fluence of those cl:ar power'ul 'y. brought the swilt Color to her checks and she i re i uneus"y. Arc.' s movement and somrthir 2 like a s:gh fnra Wii.i Iuur mde her hok at liim. Her heart s.note her when thv mrked the wcry look of hi: u nally bright fit c and renumred how little be had conversed and how is I at ed be "till a.'. me. Yiudictit pes hd no pfrt in her clitira ter an, witli the n ad gencroi'y .f Oi-b!e mind, personal vrxiti ir.t w re fo. given ar.d firgotttn. Willie io- r wn a gentleman and would rHaro r de -troy the photograph, she knew. Sbc called hers.'! udwou. rnly to disregard him so utterly and so lng. He had lto ber plajm- in chthlrod, anr, now going away from bom'', had asked what one frhnJ mar claim ol another w.thout q -es'to. And ye Bat wtiaiever ilouoi uiy have lero riing, no bigger than a mau's htm'; it came too late, lie had eea the' frank m l with wbivh she turned toward titu, aad ta Ted ovir to her sih-. Lit a'r hdly cbtoed. Elliott G.rard-a aw it Iim the drama of the erenine it locked like a 'ovet'a qaarr-'. h e a I luri-td tr iru his own tini.e 1 r- hps bis grat fiittion at a ten-atete wiiu Lr was toj kvoteut, rjl lan. Sl.e .i I tnrud Ir m hia u.i!e ucea-iiy to Wi.lie I o and given bim a glance all kindois; was it als rvcul Elicit put bis oku inierpretatit'O uj "u it. s uirt ke J coq icirj, and ibis we the Irison sue gve bis rrraump thrt . I! It is said to be impregnable, said acc,JlUpainuieut I -Ir- Ioor nt being Mrs. Girardeau. the rock fouuda- faUiiUir with the instrument. Duett could scarcely be call-d, he so sub tiou were brought fom New laud.! Kng- I was t' iiikinc.' sCe sii , turnirg frt m the bit i f tairyand they were fi-tle4virg, kht an artist i Goel. What an exquisite pcem wsitt-tb. nght wLea becra cd a It!y, a mckiug bin', a foan.-jretr', pa bug rippb-, or even a peLble i t k cys'al or pit kipped sl..U ir ihe wavei to juj and ki s. 'lb-- stars rocked in the long curving mi or brae into wrickled lines of .i 'I.t. D ttant tnuticrew opoa them I was thirktrg Mi Gc. said Willie bfibtlr, bow yoa w.uM tVj y Gnek p etrj. Yu are in' toca cioe yoipa by with naturr, tbt s-a e-l he:e ly )u oa the kjuj' tLooghts go lnck to the j.oJjto ds when Ao -lo a,iht hvr iUj;' um'er U.c iaurei of I !o , ao I liieercb rtMo lr. u their c.iai cvi a t lieo to bis hel.. The u iy of Gfw.k is a p'casure Lyal has remised me. t!.e m-wtrrJ. fc.Vl;aeVvr t geoutira bciuty or truth I L&ve 'rtcoga zed iu nuur-, I saw aud materia'. I ahould be inc'ioed to contest the fact with her bat that 1 fiod myself undct tie ssiue influence when with you. Have you the fatal gift of the Germ in sprite, . the power to up-u the eye cl mortals to the secret treat 'ires of the taitut I fear I may find my-el, .m fine dsy engulfed with aa m.trit d neck. ace in one hand and heaps fra hero s sp-'dsio ht. oib-r, iXxa at e t t Ler spdl on you, E Itett.1 ' I bebeve I am conscious ot some mcU powers, f aid he smil'ng. ButI bUa'.l asiocta eit rather with youroretk P.-y h', than with your German elf. I- is a great git', Miss Grace, to find a firi'-nd in nature, to be admitted to b r a c et c'outcels. The tpirit that loves the lily, groas with it in the shadow of the f.arue great I lock, lo the same green vlly anU drinks life Ir m the nmm. fountain. The ycht toocoed the wharf. was ie: o'clock. Mari oo bad been lc pirtg 'sr.ietly a (all boar. Mr. II ute hurst sat oo his veranda, and sen: odor from choice Ptiocipes' hi n tgiib ts Ue csme fcrward to met th party with a hearty greet log, ctlling o Elliott, who would have' tu-uh: his adieu at the gate, to come in, aarin ho wUhrd to ee biaa aboJt to niorns viit to Colombia. " 4At the eleventh boor, I jield to tempts' ion said b' Manoa matriculated ba. k if he dia 'races bims.lf. Ikaidef, c ntcss it, I am always glad of an ex-' cuac t revisit .be old cntlrgr. Grace leering ' the others oa the veraud , cnt rd the bouse to order sopj-r to be served, Rctnrniog prt seUy, ho was cottiog nViwtra lor the table from the Tcrsnda col'.ectioo la ' front of the open parlor window, whea Willie I r stepped through It to her Vid-and stoo wait'eg. As she reef, h r heads luit of blorns Crwca e " saperb s arlet grrao lata, she ssr U ' In hand tfe photograph, aad held ont own for it ailenllr. ' "" lie stdl teuined it, ying alowty: Yfu tid uot refuae I '"'" t -i foot gir. it. Photographs art j how bir chtk burte1: T. k. na ot f;i.3d.hlp, J finished for her. My atster has one.' ' Eilio t iirar lemu came ep to say go.llyr. His eye passed from h r, fluniug lace to the pictnre in WiUlas ' hand. The liht from the parlor fell directly upon i. Five miutt'es later' Grace Lead her father sajiugr to bim. 1 he train stars at ciac t tTe'tl, U the-r. Guo.leighLf : " , Willie Ioor looking iato ber face wht readme shadow et diapleaiare was dcTpeaicg, laid the photograph ia br baud abd w.nt awy. . Tae geranium b'o-aort.s drcppd from ber Jiogerr, to itey w r UiUsnedout br" 4I mdif see or bring him ti e n r. 4Jblj net' m ruio. (TO BE COX IIH fill).) Tboiglas come bito our raLuda by avenue w!ilcb vre uever left opea,aiid t!iO jht go out of our minds tbrougfc." aveuuca wku we never voluntarily ojucd. " " '

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