(Cljc Councr. RATKS OF ADVEUTlSINTt. (10 i.;:. j tK Liuac Ktiircxi: a tARs ai'.e 'f.rp one lnprt!oti M..llfO tae " , cnmon:h 8.wo in Iwo month J.&. ptiMifhed every Friday in Louisburg KATI.S OF SUrS( K1PTION, DEVOTED TO POLITICS. LIT&TU11E, SCIENCE AND ART. Tjf : : ' - ' Cj 1 j i-ar . ... . .. j Mont In. .. 3 Mo li'.. .".".2.0! ...1 J p i en- 44 4 Ihiw liHattw 5.0 Cn H month;. jjjo. Vie TwrlvrmontlM ......15C0 . outlet Vt LtriT vkt tin on libera term VOL, LOUISBtJRG, . O., DECEMBER, 19, 1873. NO. 8. Cljf Cnuricr. A Democratic rvvmapcr. 1 6$ IV ti.i:ms cash is aDVAXci; t . Professional Cards. -I INS .;:-.S- DENTIST. Oilers lna Prorvteional Services to the public in ilvtry department of Mtcntlslry. OFFICER Looidwrg at Warn i.ton ovtr )mta Hotel, Parker ic Wataona Btore. C. M. Code,- . H. Spencer CO.OJvn; & sr jMOBm ATTORBLIS AO GOUNELLORs A.T LAW, Awl gelieltess is." BANKRUPTCY -r LMSBUR6 M.C Will attend the Courts of N"dFrrl lin, G:auvil. Warren.md Wuk(Vnn t rs. V.ao tin- Bt.prfmH t'urt id Nnh arolina snd tht U. S. Creuit and dh- -t Court. 7 -tf ATI OUNSY AT LAW, L ri-noi;n N. C. M ill practice in the courts of the 6 h j id i1 district. , ' I rompt iitt nti'n given, to th collt-cs tint, i t c'aiti.n. N" tf - i - - , . JOS. J. DAVIS. ATT'T ni COUNSELLOR at LAW , bOl'lM'U CI, F.'ANKl I CO. N C Will .ri.c: : Hi ilkuv. rl .Court f Gru V'!l I' U Mi", 'ri,' 'V; ?riMi,:i '1 k" I r um t k r !, ioM ifi.l t-: cui;i- t ".I. Ml I' I'I't H IN, Ot IUl.ll j Ju'y 13; 1x7 1. t -fczr Ym, K, tarliaiii, I KoVt II. Bargain, 1 u hln , N. . . I-o e jt v.l '. N .. ' Mti's ail tellers -at Lai, ;MilU.-, FianV I lO,N I .. iii.- and at ( :-'.r-'v tii1f b from t al - "li 1 II i 1 - T hrrp-ii r (V uft!" cffle tth ,lu . ra. PMtne , n in .spuiu: uu; if ' ii S e. nd mi l id r 1 nnrn. l'.f -tni n-.tvi t li vi l r !. i 1 t CoUt'i- -log, S t ill 1 v ' " - (.'. u.pr iiv.tt.n; niiJ Set l.njj Dr. J. B. Clifton, FHYSICIAH aai SURSEON. Totiifsltri', IN".- O. Die. 20, 1372 - tf. Dr. Wf J. Cooke, PHYSICIAN alii SURGEON. Offrsliupr r --ti ndsei-esto the eiti reti . .1 Fia kiln i:ntv fa r at hi intrflM era reideiuv o milt; squill ol't on burg. Ho. l(-ly. t Oeatb-Bed of.tonfiwall" iulm .,.'.;.... . - - ' .: Thii is ttie title if a Soe tiravinj; of the Dtat! -lied of 3toiiewU ' Juck en, 14 x ISiiches in sizA, aud printed u heavy plale papti. OinVeis til the Conieutrate amiy aie grouped miruw tally art uu I lite c"aoh ul 'thia giut and ood tnt u. tbiS cl ra-innnol ?ir, whbe Id ood ItLr lerliglWU tor Uucomi'ry la the dnrat ce u tiiv'tucawpioti Hrmy, liiewiaj s titiniliin his be.t, & -. It H a pi ii.ru tual will ti u "li ev.iy tK.utt - trniior, at riu-tili hate a pitce n itry botiti.ein hofue. Seat l-j tuai'. in ur.ttdoi r.lr, secunly wriiu i1 nil p t pa, lor '2d eta tach or tur li oU ceiit-. I Adjiihs W. M. Bc&kO v. i SCO Main ie." li.t t-1 i'tun. y i37 f i d v u i u - i i ! bio i it vi-riviy "1 oili-1 l'n;;i;riivtui;8 Froai $5 a 10 a ua cau easiij Us: uiude. 1 .No 1 A. JJlPlOAlY, AW ,hi::i BY THE American Institute, To J. T7. EIcXXSE, ! - ; ion . EilroMerini ani Mim MacMnes It i i gt-idoiH a d v i meet It; w.uco t-VCrj lii t.Mi il lilt; (1, ' KXU.1I .1 N Or' JoV n ' G Vit j cv -nv'y t A iUxr rid r-fe 6 u.u I J 'J'.l Dni'j 0iiCi- n iu ytV. r w i . vcj;b 2 J 1872. H ii iiiil t i it t U! ' K n A i ' i rs (1'u a tlic ,-tv jj . in i in . tin is tsst b c ai n ; p i iji .r tli ! d e in t'l i l;ic: or fx iir,ye N o le tf'r. it.- no; k Imii g much liioicli.i . ro.n-, .eq'iT.ii' less t me iu i not o ? t j th lntlie . rt'!i e No la iy's t il t ia n v I'uuiplute vi h u it a Ala -ui e with il lid; at i cir.-iiia- at d fu'l if.rtruct on le t ou rt-eei" t o 2 o. Lniihd iu si V :t 1 1 f r f 2,75 A JUifcSi 'Jh ; McKee ,Ta iita tu irgCo 3 .1 i i kdway Xtw York. AOEx-T- v.'AM I ED DR. GARVIN'S ELIXIR OF TAR, Is ice ni'ut n sed hy reiruhr M dical p a ti- ti ine id e t-d tire pmraatecd for Culdt, t-iuj;li-, Ci.airli, A h.ii Br.u. h us bpiiting bl o . i mmp . i?i au.t 1 Pu mo i ar omii :nu re o uia lrys j e a-, 1 ys pj k!u .Jul G ,ut I 'j e -tj y, 0-oleia-mo;-biis.Ch hiaa ill uv-r to 1 eom- I liiiit'. Kid )'. disc-, cs and ali aflVctioiii l'the U had Gi.a s-pcrftc'ly lit ml f ie IVuui .tiltt ia. or aI olio!tt:v) jte i u pkusa ttit k- Mi) ihv i known t f 1 i r t:e $1 00 ho tie i: ull at ti ua with ui.;i i al teti uou and c-r itie. t -M n nr oa a pi ejiti w'i v;ti s ;LF n,e& oj 195 8- e .lli Av, i u JNe vY'ik. Darts from liie DeYil: or cnpil AMsel A liook just Mj-icd xv in ttj p rsox m.9 i 1 1 utve a; poie m Uie 2sew Yo R w M; iipn s: . in ir i iroi i -Lcl le h .-.o & v. lis i V I atiiluli.. exp se t'V.m " rrf iu t , hi t .' , r, idv rtikm liti I) Hirdiiii wonie tla d 8 :ic m rthig ; tv IVu t- ted, il;e Jl Utoiy itth' Uo tl ic Tr ed- the result oi , ers ijal'. le cr.t t . u of ivi ig i.r ad -y Matties Kx -i s cudeo rm t - n Sent o . i ccipt , i fji) c Ad-ir t U.d.j. i . I'tin. im u e 36 V y --ire-," X I 'I Vik :jt . i J. 1 O ftj . K A ITU 5?-Jt 1-O..TA1UV-V i'A-Vl.LV fSEW- cniK, i s 3 i vay- i ki .l; many dvii la uV r al).. Mtti f cti.t.Kuj a . t ct', 'i 2' ru.unde S Kiin'.e.-, wi h fa.l dii'; ( n ii e "Mi " S w.ijj,' ti ae iine f. J !" d:iy N. Y. 111.. .N..-. hK-UEdY F;Oti itriUttE .a inosG lm or ant h.veuuoh s 1 . by-Th: h t c i in - t ., No, 3 r adw y N. Y, i.x .lift ii jjiiiplu e b-s lilt ly its c-niw a d cn , f) trt tan tii-y.atal tuse., a d -ui.de. n 1 ; lcinnt n- t, with at a iy excep lion li' tever in n e i8., an should i.ever bi't.kt- cff.nl! ii'.cr i e ah t tini leq sieite .to ( tftvt a p una en- u'e rent h, intd CLrul r iiv-. A y D iuv i o. i'l y- c n. v "l oitUr tu n v ra s fjr jou without eli r.,e V 0 S E M I T is. f-iw --rip.,!? J ii The. 'above, is 'a. wood rut of the Famous Yoseniite. e win cue mis ' St ' f tins beautiful OH Chromo, in cblcrsi.i4x2 j iuches. together witii AV O O 13 ':s Household Magazine, AND THE fYr twelve u sunths, for the SJiallsam q 2,75. 1 , Iff on IE GREEN & ALLEN, Grocers And COMMISSION MKac'liAUT Solicit Cona:j?cmente of Cotton, Tobacco, Wlieut. H'loiii, Coi'n, "and ' Produce Generally. Agents for the Excellenzi Cotton. Fertilizer and Uulletts improved ibtetl Brush Cotton Gn ft. ; No. 110 Sycamore street, Pjterabnrj?, A o. 1 ly fltTx & fl lf Hart ArenUNTmntll .UIcIkj 4J LU of woikinpeuijle,ofjiutrtr.youiJ or (.Id, mako more money at work for mi In their pt mora an U, or all the time, than at anythinir elw. Parties lan free. Addntat O. SUdon Co, rortlawJ II. IL Saiamead & Qo Dealers In HATS, CA?S, FURS, STRAW GOODS, CANES & UMBRELLAS, M--. 20 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. Pv'icular d,rs.7a 1 attentim paid to Or eep' 6 3m, J P. WILLIAMSON, ,W. B. WULtAMS N. r J. P. Willamsoh & Brd.. We most renectu'lv announce to. I tlA oil 17. n of F. unklin Ceuntv. t'ifit we havo commenced mcrcautiie tu- in83 in L uiiburg, and wiil kp. con ; S vntiy on nun i a goon i. ivu vi btap'.e Dry G 'O'If, Groceries, Hard ware. Crockt-ry wrtn , (JioiiiiPt, II t.-,s B o f, 8ho8, Confectioneries &c. W e pledge uurs-iv-8 to tell asciit-np as any other nous? in ihe place, .ive u a tnal. I The liiiiet market pi ice anl tor pro !duce in excliMiig f r gio-8 ! )ClO 12ai. ' J. P. WllXIAMS N& Bw. , Louisburg, N C, i JOSEPH CARR. (Sassesaor to 'Jordan & Carr " Whol -sale and Itetail Dealer iu UruybardlUliimtUlUiUCO Miss Ilazlehurst had no apprehen PiliiitS, OilS, GlilSS, DyCS,. sion of imminent danger. It w, with Yarnisltes, Brushes, L Perfumery, Fancy 1 Arthtlcsj )cc; 1 - CoriJtr Sc;.niie nid Wsi'shinti-u t6 Petersburg' V-t. Oili LlVillST AND Olir Dead, A eekU Ncf naoe-. devot. d 'o th. WaV rrconi. - Subscription pricw $2.00, . , Aditrcs. is. U. t'O L, X"trwtm-f 'N, C. ORIGINAL STORY. BY CIIARLIS SOUTII f i J In an hour the party returned . ?nd reportect that the storm had abated it was about day break and that El sie was no worse ; but that 'she had called, id her sleep on V-iss Grace, and that Flora was in an agony : of dread lest the night should bring some harm to her young mistress, and begged thattbey would prayffor her, , for them both, fhe bad such a sinking ' of the heart - 4 " 4 " Bress de chile, da's de truf , dat'l it dis, cried old Jemima. Wat I dream 'bout water 'n lightnin fur? Wats gwine come o ole masfa and Miis.Grace?, 4 Miss Grace done drownded, . eaid another, n unt Elsie see. ber obcr do ribcr She gwine I da 4 too. Ole uiossa's 1tdus done been swet away like it mt was tree years ago, 'n we j Ue jielded to stress of wathcr. cou neber see dat lubly e'.i e no more, di eluded the itoria couldn't Ia,t long at cn IhLn' - I Bis yeddy how de crick roar, vn de Uihd How down !at big ole oak by do boat house. De aint no marsh at all on do oder side. n de tree tops shake in de water golu down. Suah as you lib de aint no Fort Johnson. It swal lowed up in de ocean. Here Maumcr interposed, repeating Flora s request and tacir religious ser- vies was renewed with an earnestness and zeal that made it penetrate to the house where the girl knelt at her win- dow and joined noiselessly but with beautiful faith in the devotion to which she could not give her pres ence. - Xt about eight o'clock the driver appeared at the door and inquired : Wat's de matter? unt rElso dead? Oh, Prince, she seen Mbs Grace- Wat's come o' her? Wats come o ole massa? 'Olemasssin C'lumby. 'E went on to tricerlate Mass Marlon. Pete took um over yistiday mornin' in de boat.- Pete who was standing without, em phatically endorsed : J Daf s a fac J Den Miss Grace, she bi herself ! cried Maum Ri no. Dat poor baby, nomore'n a little fldrer in da storm 1 Nobody da but Jliss Polly and Tony to help her, and we sittin 'ere doing notin'. G'way, I gwine to my chile, Lrit de horse and cart Pete. Le me I 'lone ; I gwine." A wr of words, o conflicting claims arose, which was finally settled by Peter's declaring that they would nev er roach her at that rate, that no time was to be lost, and the fewer going the better. After some demur they as sented to this, seeing that it was rea sonable, and all other claims gave way before Maum Riua's and Peter's. Even on this occasion their anxious regard phuwed itself in the usual form, and with tears and blessings they sur reptitiously conveyed into the little one horce wagon, melons, eggs, peach ej arid other such things provision against.immediate distress and because, Dey ain't no weigt nohow, 'n you can only trow um away at wuss.' This expedition Elliott Girardeau passed near the Three Trces.and learn ing their errand, he went on, leaving with them a God sj eed. genuine heart easa that shecalmed the fears of Chloe while preparing her toi 1st. The whole household had 6lept late on this particular morning, in the absence of the master ud the conse quent late nd light breaktast of the young mistress and her protectress, Miss Polly Landron. Tlis lady house keeper, friend and companion of the girl since her mother's death, in lieu BxxVVoTiS unconscious'y. leaned on the strong elastic spirit of her young charge. The inmates of the house ten were these two ladies, Chloe, Marshall tbe cook, and Tony, ostler. Each of the brothers had a valet when at home, but - t. i these had been remanded to the plan tation as supernumeraries. : Tbe negro race are proverbially . sound sleepers wheu religious excite to ent does not keep them awake, The alarm of the earlier stages of the night when the houso was shaken in the strong grasp of the tempest brought its natural reaction of heavy tleep in the true at daTa." No life was astir be fore eight o'clock in the basement where were the kitchen and servants rooms. The last year's Equinox was compara tlvjly mild and J ad come on gradual ly ; and the catastrophe of a few years ago was but vaguely thought of in their simple mindd as unprecedented and not to Le rivalled. lor was it not the herald prophet of Mrs Ilaxle- hurst'a death? Grace and Miss Polly .were wiih ber seeking health among the mouutains. No bod v. now Lere had witnessed it, cave Tony, and his mind readily received color from those j about him. Seeing no execsjive alarm, I that rate, and mean while it was more sensible : nd cotnfortublo to remain by the kilcLen fire until it ctasci. Miss llailchurst fell asleep. Ta3t midnight, over Keats Kudyrniou. Tho Voices of tha rising tenijttst sup piled her an accompaniment to the music of thought and rythm, euhanciog iU poorer; as :he de:p thunder roll of an organ s bss makes fitting back ground for the lighter weaving of mcl ody and varying air. Her sleep com ing thus auid sweet fane es. and rock ed to the music of wind and wave, was dreamless ; and she awoke refreshed I and strong. It was then with perfect fearlessness but with exhilarating ex citement that she flung open her case ment and looked toward the sea. The water was as high as at spring tide,but she had observed it tlitU otteu. The view was iucxpressibly grand. It took her breath with admiration and awe. but ats aliened no servile feir. We watch the royal liou behind the bars of his secure cage, and mark bis majesty an i grace Tith a cc.Uin pleas, ant tingling of nerve atid exhilaration of terror ; but meet him free in the jungle. To Grac-s the lion was chain ed , and she exulted in the wild car nival of elements, holding still to the thought, 'Thus far shalt thou come, and no furthei, and hero shall thy proud waves be stayed. And she sang out the Marseillaise, in debance or equally iu sympathy with the storm oemon. The 1 i iirrA W. llnuris wnrp -rrttf ed with white caps. They dahhed np almost to the summit cf Sumter as if measuring arms with the giant. She could see them leaping at the Battery as mad with rago and eager to sweep away the city. She could not lean for ward to ohperve the encroaching waves below, for the gale forbade t a miliar approach as it shrieked furiously by. The scene held her long by its sublim ity, and she turned from it with a sigh, insatiate of iU beauty. . , i y iss Polly met her on the staircase as she was leisurely descending, and drew her quickly to the northern piaz za, There the old lady dropped breath- lesly on a seat, and pointing with both hands, asked, y the gesture rather than by words. What does it mean? Carts and buggies lined the street, piled with oil cloth bundles, boxes and children. Whole families were moving hurriedly, and along the east ern shore a sheet of white foam was crawling in treacherously and. coiling around the housci the sea ' serpent ! It is tho Equinoctial storm, she said, fto"ping to her companion's ear for no words could be heard spoken ordinarily. Wo must hasten to the Garrison. Dja'i far; there is no cause for alarm. Pack what articles of clothing you can r.'ost readily com - mand iu the largest valine in the trunk room. Put on my water-proof suit. I will get it for you. Tony will cairy you iu the buggy. . Bat the old lady trembled and clung to her,' utterly unnerved. I have not long to live, I know,V she said, but to die so I But we will not die yet, not unless we sit here instead of seeking safet." But she was faint and helpless, and it was fully ten minutes before .Grace was relievod by Chloe, coming to seek her. She was , instantly dc patched for wine and camphor, and afterward foi Tony. By the time a vigorous ap plication cf both liquids had- rctored Miss Polly to soma degree of alf-po- sesr-ion, ar.d she culd accompany Grace to follow her directions, there was a violent knocking at the front door. - Grate 0nin itfoao1 k t eman on the rcranda. He came in. Misj Grace, he said; have brought my buggy to convej yoa to safety. I should l ave come t earlier, but I bclicv we la ve all been caught unawares, ' Tl.ank you, Mr. Lawtoa. she said gratefully. 1 am sorry to say wo are not prej-ared to leave; we did not re compute the Vttuatfan till a moruetit ago Have yoa carried your own fam ily ov:r?" she asked with a thought of Miss Polly. My wife U yet at home c.llecticg some la$t bundles. We thought wo might all go togehcr. Ouf buggy and horsca aro here and hate Just sent for Tony to lavo them ready. We tre very grateful for your care and consideration, but will not de aJ Joa waiting for ua.' I hope we may nnetsafein thenar, rison, shortly ; and rablng h:s hat he bowed and was gone. She was cloning the door iu the face of the gale when a cluster of blossoms A1 helplessly by on tha little stream of water beaten into the porch. My poor fl jwer 1 tha aid .trow- fully. What will lc.n. of you I L"m me tek um iu M.s- u l Tuuj who bad cone in, $He bt-sitated a moment ; lie looked y dry and comlortabl", I am afraid wo have nt the time. front tek me Ion; t lotch up, Mis; 'n you cut ready to a'art- True. Well j u mij.Tt nj. Place theiu in the hall her-, aud uks what caie you c-u ot yoortelt,' Tbeu cet the buggy ready as soon as pes J bit. th? btstencd up a'airs to asitt Mit Polly in dancing tin 'tr pi oof. fil.el the oil cloth val'se with a heap ot mihCelltneous ar:ic!et the f ond etn piled fiom vanou drawers un. the fijor. It Ler on rom Chloe at work perfjrmiug the ma go l o dices tor her. Grace was crowding into the fiaihtd valise a bottle ot iuc for im mediate rt trcshaici.i ot the old lady uo reaching ber goal, when the cook ran up terror stricken. ,4Mia Grace, de water knee deep iu 'e kitchen 1 O wi'.l ml be diowntd! Dere's co ln' to be acea, 'a de win tek you tight up ff your feet. Marshall take 's: me clothing and whatever you like t'l est,; nd rua to tho Garrison. It will cot be so sevtrj after you eater the s'reet. Tuero! I hd lorgtr.ton or.r pro- vsiou.' j Calliag Chlo", the ran down aiiato stow loavii, chitter-, enke and other thicg into bxes to be thrown into a capacious beg. G Marsha:!. abe said. Take on lyyour owo bundle. litre it enough lor uu all. We will be tbeie iu a few niioutet. And the tri fidd woman, under a huge blanket ran out. As GrafT. retu'nior, etfred tht front bail. T uy w admitting .tne on-, a ubite haired elderly collcman, her fatbei's frit-o'. ilJ.r liibbartll she sa d. IIow kindl I have come for jop,' he said l-rier-ly. Thought yu at tLe Gairiari ted j'it now aw Law ton hen.- Areyiu ready f li P liy i. I W'l; bring ber to you. : . In two nvnutes (he had the old lady a' n ci'e animitid l-inll I-fore the t ! who. lifting her witn-'Ct aid in Lis aimi ileiioeite'ii htr iu bis bugy. He came back and wit about to do the anie for Grate, fc'.ie drew b.fk. You must cond,' he ul perrmp- torily.' Jyiy mumei.t ia j ucioui. ccm . ' It was a temptation, isle l'oked back; Cb!otseyts wrre burttlogt aod btr teeth chatttrtog with terror. Miir Hibbard. I c m cot. I mud not cem my pes". Our Locgj will be ready in a roomeat. Chloe go, jeo caa iuport Mis PoIIt. She wrote bis band. He fremed Imjui to d.tpulc Lei Jtci.ior, l utiuoL isg into ber lac , a s rar ge 1 got came into ki? own. lie l-owed Us bed n 1 went 6u, aod 'kltS c.ost-t! the door up no nim aod further app a. t jtii Graco tie-howa. ia got. D y dore kick el 'edoor lown so j -re. La truf, aJ btlp me, G1. ! A he'p m-, G d 1 ltr Leirt etbed it d.spanag'y. Sh bad !wlt tbe 4r of escape upoc be.sc-11 with ber own bond, aod wbecc would Lt'p ow coo.e f She tti-d an u ;d and heid on l.r 1 an I t him. ?ior usrCie Toot : Lant yo i aaye yocmltl I die wid yoa, Mis Gr ce. I u lesb yoa. PraTJoro. Ilelu tt lLtu y ikKB .f teari and fdl up-o but I bc-x Htr'txro ye wtr'dry.1 She' trlM to riehr arm btJt laUd she wm b itd, d zrj. 6i,e fell ioto tb attitude oi pryer, I at t o words fraaafd In br rsin t. f U-r.-n d (yr,ij tnt b rulf a tnu r j: i;oi U f..m tbe greai G , " Tytould btu the air tetbii g vrbct ;cuviM frt the I octf shake ia tb- migatj tFy ' voce a r tb e .r skieg ao.;n J ez-'STd i . o the disc rdat i-h:iek!ng tn?H, aad topped her tey Ltart bratlag with Its awtul sisidficALC. She teemed to be sell ti l ve agra tho, and to bave react -el the b rer of terrdy; and a lrrg conceit that t'Wwa Usttniog to tKe rruh f .he dark rlvtr took pos iciti ofbvr ; 'ri.8 0ra -emt. Tie wor's were rerwatf', arrl T s'rang ga p waa lal 1 oq ber tbcmlder. Sie looke I up. Elliott Girardeau t"l th- r. He was rcry pale and his lcaturcs wne woxkiog strange' j, but heloiktd like ai arih-iagel! Site held up her hands simply, like aim's chU and be lilted ber from her knee. Tbe ca-eof the wouoded mockog .iid. a small canary Cage, she bad erlr wrapped in oil-JotU and btou-bt to tbe haH. She took it up. Ue threw a Urgs shawl over be ant raised btr in bis arms like an iafan. Tou) she called, rtachlog ber bind back as they weie g dif oo ; and tbe otd man rose' M'dutt a word and :oN lowtd. Tbe ipray was dashing lute tbe ter aod. Klliott sirided to the boggy through tl ree feet ot water holding cer aUiVB it. There was no loo get any land yiaible. The II at lor cXUl ded to the bill beyond the rs'nary, and the lioii-c-4 Tuted set la mid oceae at taige.s t 'i v t brtaa rs which lasbed theiu nocuaaiugly. A raft of broken limbers was burkd back and forth on the billow, and even as Elliott abated u-mse'.f beside ber In the buggy Tony being safe txbiod, the crash she bad beard like the level iog ot a forest was rcpeitcf; and she knew without Toqs that but one othei bouse s'ood tx tweenber Isthet's aod tjelaad . ena. Thire were thrte an hour ago. EMiott had p!ared ber on his left, fui'ber thieldini ber by bit arm thrown arouad the eovtlopisg ihwl. Thus pressed tl a to Lis side, she flt bis ' -.a.. e tm & jm Mnt a saa em sa v ('xaicrii ovrr b m. and the wtod made s tii g M-srctly txiaible- T-elmof t-tiard ho-ita be'ixrd ihim a l.tut, ' aud a ft yarda beyond 'the lastjay ' fcHletr. Batt pM that I TLe water w n niwg hl.ber oyer them, sorting aid sweeping with seeming rtiUdcis fury. "Pitscotly the Lor. began to witu. . ; - - M j Goc. r cried Tooy. We are go ing down hill.' Grcc brave y threw bark tbe shawl from Let f-cr, t ci , shouted up to El-l;-nt. S.ve yourfca'dl Too swim. We mu.t not all jKii.h. Ilel - kvd d iiro into ber eyes with out a wvr.. Abofrjhn abe sw a jni.h'y wall ut water, groin, bring, aaw. flicked, Uaaiilu'. Tbe next tiiiiitut it Laricd tbm, Lorr, ridtrs . " : ' z A idir'nk arose bom tbe furt'er shoie, wh-r Prter and llumer 'Ld arrivcrt fiaiimeto wttcsM lbs struggle, with atraioed ejea aud sobbing prajerf, The galUbt horsi s'.iogll opwgalo with no life loV, ' lut contidcrably de C-cted. Petit plucgtd Into tbs flxnl. lie waa an expert and powtrlnl swim tutt, but tbe ntxt wave thrasr him b&k help'es-' Afluicate more aid be grasped the bit 01 the txhaurtdd aalma, nLQ with one geceious Ulort, Lad igain lound looting, aad ttey were aaveL 1 Maum Ilina took Uj young mis trcs lr m tbe bogy ioto ber ami. She wou!d have reJiiod enrer ber then atd ib.rr, but M -J. Ioo interpoeed. Get into tho wagoc'.ha said slernly. K noaaeewev ler' JaiaP la O.rsirdean, .endTuoy. Puter, lead the b'Mti aad bogjy to to j bonsa, ba lit is breat'I., Cenipg lLo reins well ia Laed, be tp:an in biaiell aod drove rapidly ou9 bandied yards arjund opott fe hilt, to Lis on borne, Ibe carriage gate was open, and rid-ujr dirtdly tatne Terao l, be ban- dvd Oft, all LcIpUas and Uiippifrg, ia be Land 4 LiS- wila and daugh ter, vn aloud. tbc;e iedy W ruxito btr. .4 ' H'oaie lr , all of yoa. Jim take, Ibeso .tarkes to if kitcnen, and dry aad ''.tc?t "'Jr cacd these two, tL tr.i( mat.' compere broke op. He x .de l bis ad aid grasprd 1 lMua bk-- vice, J:rr'Kae, 50a aro a mar, be aai-, acil teart gati.ered la L s i&Use bla k frye. end U' r l.-e broke. A manjut as we oeeC Gcd grar.t we may fisd tbe tet e'ene.' - (TO IXfAXTIStXD,)

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