33QlEaZ2SB29B3EE2a9 Ijc. Co u run J A Democratic Newspaper. rulliali every Friday in Louisburg RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION, Copy J jwrCiwv.a-..2.00 4 - " 6 Months ....... rdrOO-4 XlT TERMS CASH IN aDVANOB rt.tr Professional Cards. ? ,- , ), -J a S X)r. IT. EJIilNG DENTIST. Oflers Ins Professional Services to the public io ; , '- MZvery department or V JUntltttry - OFFICES, Louisburg at . . Werrerjton over Dents Hotel, Norwood & Davis' Store. C. H.CooleU:um:E;Si!eiicer ATTORBEYS ADD COUELMS " BA11XRUPTCY ' " I LOUISBURG N. C. "Will attend the Courts of Nash.FraaksJ lio, Granville, Warreo,nd Wake Lun t'ea, e'.so the Supreme Court of North Carolina and tule U. S. Circuit and Dls c Courts. No. 7-tf ATTORNEY AT LAW, Louisburo N. C. "Will practico in the courts of the 6th judicial district. Prompt attenUon given to the collec- tion ol claims. xho ou n 1 JOS. J. DAVIS, ATT'Y and CODNSELLOR at LAW l LOUISJiUBQ, FiUNKU . 00. N. O ITill prtctLce in the reveral Courts of Gran Title i'ranklin, Nash, Warren and Wake. .-XfX. ltompt aitentioq .paid to the collec tion aud reinitiate ot mony. ; , July 15, 1871.' ' 1 m. K. Bartaiii, I Rol'tl. Barham, Lou.sWg, N. C. - ForedtTii.e, N. O. Mty's am ConnselloTs at Law, CAt Loelsburg, rfanklli Co, N. C, OQicM and at CForeatvil, Wake, Co, N.' 0., 14 miilea from Baleih b; Rail. Win pnethse m theniy-rior Courts of the h Judical l)Utrlc', in thrf Supreme Cour till of iia Slate' and u Federal l ouria. Prompt attention i'.l e paid tr Collect ing, Bccuring, Cotuproiniain.j and Scaling Claims. Dr. "W. J. Cooke, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. OnVVsm ipr TBlon-lseiVH-esto the cltU xena of Frat klin ( ountv HU-e at his moth ers residence 6 nvi(? south of ixij aburg, y Ko. lC-ly, ''" , ' ; ' YAltBOROUGn HOUSE, . RALEIGH. N. C. ' ' .! 1 0. W. BLACKNALL, Prpnetor. DeatH-Bel of toiiuiaitt Jactson This is tbe title f a fine engraving of the DeatL-Bed of 'Stonewall ' Jack son, 14 1.I8 inches in size, and printed on heavy plate paper. Officers of the Confederate army are grouped sorrow fully around tbe coucb of this great and good man, this christian soldier, whose lite-blood Las beep given lor his country. In the distance is tbe encamping army, tbe weary sentinel on his beat, It is a picture tbat will touch every South ern heart, and ' theuld have a plice in every Southern home. Sent byjmaii,; mounted on .roller, sccunly wrapped,' and post paid, tor 20 eta each or three1 for 50 cent. . ' ' AdJresa W. M. Boaaow. . 200 Main free Brhf 1 Tenn. 1 t57" Ac n is. wanted for this and a v. t;ty ul othei 1 ne cugravings. Front ho $ 0 a day aa easily be made. No 1 w. . -4 nt U i . . ,. i w' Winn if IT VOL. 3. r, POETRY. the Watchwords of Xilc. i ' T tl' '. Hope, 1 ; r.. y -. .;U.4 While there's a hand to strike 1 ! , ; . ; - ; t)are, - u , " While there'a ayoung heart brave 1 While there's a task nnwrougbt 1 l;!.y; trust, ! . "While4 thert's a God to save I Learn, ' That there's a work for each 1 ' Feel, . Th at th e re's tren gth in Ood 1 ' f ' Know, That jther?' a crown reserved I Wait, Though 'neath cloud and rod I '- : Love, j t r When there's a foe that wrongs 1 i ' Help ! 1 ' 1 ' ' When there's a bi other's need 1 1 , s Watch, -f When there's a temper jear J p Buth in wrd and deed 1 SELECTED STORY, by a. Y. At the -time when King Joseph, by order of Napoleon T. left the throne of Naples to occupy that of Spain, his au thority iii Spain was sustained only by force of arms, and though he thus for a time held the cities: under control, the mountains were filled with guerril las and banditti, who never omitted an pportunity to vent their deadly ha'e on the invader while thej preyed all who fell in their way. on ; Assassinations were frequent, even in the best guarded cities, and so to the French officer or soldier who straved . - i away from a column on the march, or his quarters when "at rest he was sure to be murxIcTed, er poisoned if he :ate or drank that which was but too freely offered. On the staff of King Joseph there was a young officer, Don Francesco, an I Italian of noble family, brilliant edu cation and fine( appearmce, who spoke Spanish so fluently that but for, bis uni furm he mierht have passed for a na- o ; . . , r tive of the sail, especially as his Italian features, jet black hair and eyes, and rich brunette complexion, tallied well with the looks ofnnvity there. v . I -Romantic, fond of wild scenery, this youwr, noble was ucb given to long and ploasant excursions into the moun- tains, generally wun sucn escort was entitled to : but seeins no sign of danger in these trips, tb(J number ofliis mei he dropped off men front "time to time, until at last with a couple of friends and one old trooper, hi3 order, ly, he made one of these pleasant rex cursians. Hunting was the ostensible object in view, and game being rather wild, the fwnflfmn sunarated. nromisinrf to fzentlemen separated, promising, to meet at nightfall at an old uninhabi ted castle, where they had passed the night agrseably once befoie. - i The old trooper retfiaioed with Don Francesco, in his capacity of orderly ; and together they rode from point to point here taking a pheasant, there a rabbit, until the game-big of the yeung nobU was full. f s : . . w . Night was now approaching, and they turned the heads of their horses towards the old castle. To their great annoyance, a fearful thunder shower came up, darkening earth and sky, and flooding the ravines with water. Though they knew their course,they ".1.. s 1 1 j 3 .1 . were greatly aeiavou-auuuiuuofc reacu the vieinity of the castle until after .;Kt. h.4d fairlv set in. ' : & . : n On amroachin2 it. thev were cheer- .rl th K?ht of a lishL for thev felt convinced that the two gentlemen al "J o . - , " " - ready -there had lighted fire, and per haps had a much-needed supper already fer them. They were doomed to a singular dis- appointment. Not their friends, but a Spanish family- consisting of one old man, sjveral young men, and oneyoung and very beautiful female, ? occupied DEVOTED TO POLITICS, LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND ART. i LOTJISB DUG-, T ereat hall, and a weil-spread table signified their preparation1 For comfort, he replied. lf Bat witheut Jftra g 'I to say: the least, - will not r ' ' " " ' 4 Gravely, but courteously, the Span Lacane alone yon may J, . 4 should story or a sagacious country gentleman iard welcomed the drenc'ied travelers ; impede your safety T ihe answered. who came te that city some days ago and vhen Don Francesco inquired af- For the love of heaven, brave itrangei, biu on higQ,7 respectable firm . um. fli I ' : ' of that place. The. bill was dnlypre ter his companions, describing them as fly I -o i f id t - n !u v. ' A1 ' i 'i i. ente for cceptancA and a young reueu uuicc u vuCJ not ben seen. ! The family, who claimed to belong, by relationship, to the owner of the catle?, now4in exile, had been there two days, an intended Jto-.rfmainvfor a, long (imef ir rftirmifte vt6 rdoo inT quiet, b the invaders of the land, to whom they were obliged to suc cumb. ' - i ... . . i ; There 'was more of bitterness than sorrow in the old man's tone when he said this ; for it was not until he had heard, his inquiries made afterl the French officers that he understood tAe position of his guest,' whoso looks and command 01 the fcpamsn tongue uaa at fitst completely deceived him. WTith courtesy the Spaniard invited Don Francesco to join h their upper, at the same time telling him that the trooper, who had gone with a servant to stable the horses,, would be well provided for in another quarter. t The family and their guost were soon seated ; and though the young men were silent and moorose, the old man was voluble and iid not permit conversation to flag between him and ... i his guest. " i The latter, Jike most young men, had some vanity: and! when ef saw tow often the dark rrrourtful "eye 6f the young girl were raised to scan his J face and form, and huw quickly they fell when they caught his observation, he felt flattered, and endeavored to be as interesting as he could. He soon made kaown that he was wcaitnV- a confidential aide-de cap "to Kiug josephf and many otuer matters : i I. ji uvj iiu ivuvc ntic. i There was good wine on the j table of which he drank freely ; and when he rose, aftei i- a long repast ho-i felt very. comfortable the more so that, before - he supped, his host had given him a change of dry clothing, which, of Span ish cut, fitted his noble figure well and added to his self complacency. Some time, now passed in-, converse . - v V "j tion, quite pleasantly to the young marl, ,who, for some reason,, felt' that the ;young girl seemed interested in him, (for there was a nervous , excitement in hei eyes when they! met his glance, which went far to enhance his beliet that she felt a tender interest in him, even in this short acquaintance. He rather marveled that his trooper nQt return to r t before the hour of retiring, as was his custom ; but when his nost, after supping, had fallen asleep in his weariness, thought no more of it. His host, after awhile, offered to show him to a furnished chamber ; and he accepted the invitation, though he aaw from the looks of the eirl that gW W(mld rather be would remain be- I .' . . f . i r 4 "t f s - ) low. i The Spaniard lighted him to a cham ber, in a wing of the old castle jn which was another conch, whither two of bis sons, he said, had already retired, as their forms could be . dimly seen ., by the 1 cht ot tbe. wax taper ne car ried The young noble thanked His host, and when left aloneC threw himself In to weariness on his couch, dressed as hewas. and in t few 'seconds was From this slumber be wus aroused by the creaking a' doorf: and spring ing to his fee be saw ihefovely irlj nhnm h had seen below. srjTroachinir 1 . . - . 0 n a i,Snt m i.wuu. , . ! , btmnger,'. she., gasped. Mate, up i L3 n v 1 - ?T arms nu UJ Vl . uu 1W lT men are all Danaiia 1 myseii am a captive, and I risk my life to try to save you!' Do you not fear bis sons, sleeping there T he whispered, as he belted on the f word he had laid aside. i Your dead friend sleep there the sleep you will sleep if yon do not fly quickly 1 There is not a moment to spare V cried tvc agnized child. "T N.'-' Oi, JANTTAB5T,: I will ro. if you will go 'With me " I A. . uaiT witn yon rue wnisperea.ana t bb look' told more than his words. 4 For me life has no value. she an- pwered. To'feave you. I will go V ' Then leadX -will follow and pro- tejt.' ho answered. 1 Haste !' she cried, and she drO ped the lamp and extinguished it, for steps were heard approaching. In a fiv'sconds they were passing eut of the castle by a mined passage way. and the inoon breaking through clouds, showed them, .the forest closo at hand; Into thi they fled, as a car bine report tu the rear told most like ly that the. trooper aroused had tried to defend his life,' ' And before they, were fairly Hi. its sheltering depths they heard the elat. tering of liorsemen i riding down the roadwey in' pursuit of, them. All the. night : they wandered on, taking.'as nearly as they could judge, the course which would lead them to the settled part of the country.. ' ' At dawn, weary to utter exhaustion, Don Francesco heard a sound which brought a thrill of joy to his heart. Housing his fainting companion to notiee it. he told her it was the reveille. sounding from a contonment of French troops near by. . Making his way to these, and there leaving the saviour of his life in tcn- der care, he mounted, and with the troops made his way as quick as possi ble tojthe old castle. There he fnund his faithful trooper, shot through the head with his own carhihe.'and In the UPDer chamber the bodies of his two companions, who had . t t i. ... nfifin mnraerea eviaeniiv as edou as they entered the castle- for both had died by bullet wounds, and neither he nor his orderly had heard the sound of gun or pistol, , - . . , Not a Spaniard could now be found ; they had even removed their provisions and that in such a way that their course could not be tracked. ; Hours were spent in vain search ; and I 'then Don Francesco returned to meet the fair girl who had warned and saved him. ' . . She was, he soon learned, herself an 1 Jtalian. the daughter of alwealthy no- j ble who had been obliged to leave . It- aly f or political reasons, and they had held her to ransom, treating ber kindly I but foicing her to act as if one of the (faaiily when strangers were to be en- trapped and murdered. Gratitude alone would have made. Don Francesco love her. - But to be of good family, transcen- dentally beautiful, and pure as the snow itself, was even more--and well, it was the 4 old, old story.' They loved trulv and. well, eot married and this is aU I ,aTe to tell about them. 1- . . . Stkonglt Put. Some one asked Col. Horardof Georgia, lately, if he thought a certain Hadical in that State wonld steal. Steal responded the Colonel: Why, were he paralyzed I and hamstrung, I wouldn't trusty him by bimseii in tne miauie 01 tne xeserw of Sahara with the biggest anchor of the 4 Great Eastern 1' Steal t I should "....- k . . think be would. , , That was a crusty old doctor the famous Abernetby, to whom a patient .with the hypo ! very bad came, and de scribing his tymptcms, said : I feel a pda in my sido when I put my hand to my head. t Thea. Sir. returned the doc'or, why in the name of common sense do yon put your hand te yourluad.' The remedy was very simple if that was all, Profanity nevr r did any maa the least good. No man is the richer, or happier, or wiser fur it- It ceeamenda no one to any society. It is disgust int to the refine 1 : abominable to the gfocj . insuuing to those with wh-m we utocia?e ; degrading to the mind ; nnprofitable and irj-inous to society. 23, 1874. txixtlon to J3tXorciio.nt. I ' A New Orleans paper tells m good I mpmv - rTT, . riav;nnihi,... Ujnlressed gentleman, who bad culti- rated a very dainty mastache, wrote with a gold pn his indorsement on the bill, giving his namejn falf, thus J. Templeton Tompkins. The country geutkman 1 Kked at the fashionable merchant, who waa fantastically twirl ing his whiskers, and handing the bill to. him, remarked : Qere, stranger, cash tnis document. What!' iodigaantly replied the mer chant, 'discount my own paper it is a postive insult.' 'I can't help it ; if you don't I must I get somebody ele to do it,' To pre- ment but one who ba 9 given np the vent the paper from getting on 'Change, search for a muter in despair, and had the merchant concluded to cash the become consciously a vagabond 1 If bill, and paying over the money' to the so be bti sen an animal that has lost eocn try man. remarked : his aclt rerpect, traveling in the gut. ' Why, my friend, do you offer me ters, slinking along oy fecocs, making this gratuitous insult ot requiring me acquaintance with dirty beys, becoxn to discount my own paper 1 ing a - thorough cow aid, and losing don't mean any harm, stranger, but every admirable characteristic of a dog I havejuet got an idea into my skull, A cat is a cat even in vagabondage; that when you ace a merchant with the but a dog that does not belong to some hair on his upper Up, who writes his body is .as hopeless a specimen of dt- middle name out in full, and endorse I bills wit i a goldon pen, you may put him down as pretty certain to bust op in a wetk.' Tub Drtectivs's Catechijm. WUat is detective t An official who has the pay of a policeman's dutis. What are the duties of a deUctive f To wear plain clothes, to find clues,' I and not to act upon information re ceived unless the information is utterly worthless- Describe the process of find a clue, Dawdling about a public-lnase and dropping mysterious hint, accompany ed by solemn head-shaking, to a j-e-toyt a-liuer. When is it unprofessional to detect the perpetrator of a murder? Any time prior to the -offering of a reward by the G)vernmct. ! How ahfuM you ahow yourieal in discover! Dg u murderer! B7 arrest tog several perfectly innocent people and hurrying tbem into the police-station. Can you gi?e me the whole duty of a detective in three words! Certain ly; 'meddle and muddle.' A country ftellow who liped haviog bought some pigs, asked a neighbor tor the use of a pen for a few days. 8aid he : 'I bavejntht been purchathin j thome thwine two tbowth and pgtb. I want to put fhem in your pen till I can get a place tor tbem ' 'Two thousand ptgs' exclafmen the neighbor; 'why my pen will hardly od a dozen.' 'You don't understand me, Mr. Bent. I don't thay two thothind pigths, but two tbowth and pieth.' 'j here , you,' said Mr. Beat. 'Two tin usand p'gs. Wby, you mut be crazy.' il tell you again,' exclaimed the man. angrily, 'I meant not two tboutband pigib, but two thorth and two pigth. 'Ob, tbat is what yon mean, eh I Well, tbe pen is at your scrvic.' Sweet are the uses of adversity, says Sbakspeare ; but -the follewing colloquy doesn't 4 make the proposition , Q . t u I i. k Tes Jemtyea; lam, ' . ... 4 Wei wel never mind ; cheer up man cheer op ! Adversity tries u and shows up our better qualities. - Ah but Adversity didn't try me ; it was a country Judge, and he showed up my worst qualities. This argument waa a noa sequitur ; and in this case, at least, the greater the thief, the greater the argu men.. A German peddler sell a maa a liquid for tbe extermination ot bugs. And bow do you use it V inquired tbe man, alter be bad bought iu 'Ketch te bug, aa 5rop tob little drop Into bis mcut., answered tbe pedd!er The deance ycc do T exclaimed, the pur chaser. 'I could kill it ia hall the time by stamping on i. ''Ve'I. ca!m ly exclaimed tbe Germ as, dat ia a goed too. no: 12. a good Uetbodiat minister at the West, who lrrefl on atery em all salary, WM 8reutJ troubled at one time to get his quarterly Installment.'' Gbad cal led on his steward a number of times, but had each time been tmt off with tome excuse. -His wants at !eth be coming urgent, he went to his stewsid. and told .him, that he must ksve.hia money, as his family were suJ.riBg for the necessaries of Bte. ,, " Money I' replied the steward-' ToV preach for money ! I thought jou preached for the good of sou!sl' ISonlsl' replied the minister, Iean'; eat eou'm, and it I could it wonld take a thousand such , as yours to make a decent meal,' Tn Lost Dog. Did the reader ever see a lost dog in a great city! Not a dog recently lost, full of wild anxiety and restless pain and bewilder moraliztioa as can ' be found in the superior race among which he has sought in rain for his master. We know him at first sight, and he knows that we know him.,, The, loss ol.his place in the world, and the loss of bis objects of loyalty, personal aad official, have, taken the significance out ol his life as d the spirit out of him, lie has become a dog of leisure. A parlor match popping the ques tion in the drawing room. Transactions In hair Is a Detroit editor's inToducttoo to' a street fight. It Is'doubted whether the New Mex ico mining stockholders tell an ore-true tale. A Rare Chance. . navlrtr built a residence on my farm near Iuibarg. I offer 'for sale my house and lot, situated in the eastern part ot the town. Tbe bouse ia large and conveniently arranged, baving aix large rooms, with necessary closets and wardrobes, g-tod kitchen, smokehouse, carriage bouse, corn crib and stables. The lt contains four acre. Tbe situation is one of the moat desirable in towa. Potsetsioo can be given by the 1st of Jaly next. Address S. T. WILDER, - - Louiabarg, N.O. ' TTT ANTED. We will give energetic ' . - men and womea BUSTXESS THAT WILL PaT rom $1 to $3 per day, can be pursued in vour own neighborhood, and ia strictly honorable. Particulars free, or samp'ca worth several dollars tnat will eoaol you to go to work once, will e sent on receipt ol fifty cents. Adores J. Latham &. Co., 293 Washlcg'on St., Bssto Maas. v N.F BUBNMHAKM New Turbine has-been test ed at York, Pi. by . D. II. ErnxoiR, C. B., and a: IJolynke, Maaav by Ja. Eiftfoi, II. E.; 1 Hi fr I r . ET For Pamphlet ; and M Test Report, address N.F, rA IdET For Pamphlet and I BrjsMBAM, York, Pa. I. lOng, Whit & ShaTT. We wish to say to our friends and the public generally, that we hare, aa usual, a very large and well aaaorted STOCK OF GOODS, which we wl l sen at prices to suit the tun 1. iiusoa setiu. Xixa, Wum Shaw. i HEW BOCK ?w ra-dj f r age t. lloaoe Ltfeiatbe tilSe By Ia.l ck It lc ab r cfSickt rathe Ba pad Car fa h era iim-e rf wbicb r y ISiOUO fim mt ikd r a a t rod 1 m rtreu ar steia HCrtTtJ Are . s r ctlltdad Uaa V RATES OF ADVERTISING. (10 lists ok Ltcr-xirrrcTB A'tqtna One qmrr one Insertion -..U tJ One " Each mbequrnllnrtloo.. ' 14 One Om month v Jd One Two month .V. One Three raontb. sjr One " Fix month; JJJt . One Twelve months. ."771....... IS W ' Contracts ( larger apace tnoe ow Ebera Una - . . . '" """" . ; A, , rAEXXLX JATZCJ isnrn xxx a 113 60 r.a &T,e ru vux SEW 1 NGr MACHINE : Juu Doxamc Uc, v ; i OSLT YltL DOLLIES X (- . Kl hlbe KwFates - J button a om w o eiciv . . m , i , . Pateei Jae irr.tilSTL, . - . Awtsccd las Fiut ruwni ST vud .' " 'A4.icx!'lx vmva' r-! :'. '.-."-." v Axd UiarLaaK 1ti rvr Fam, 1$?); A ttiO.t WO: dc till and. I -Katltl e.iiWtw ted tiewtn; 3icu.ue fur k'amilr eaJ. Coa' ' ' I. U in al j. ri, Ut a U U KU.a . - niej www AMrcui g uhf ur rgbtMttv Aluiion. arw Tva.cjfvul j -aua CU'tn liuklcr. Operate, by be I ' u4 . onaia'ule' L-lht- Knannr, titiwjotb ? aa4 DoiM.le , tikd ah goo 1 b k'U tr.cvuia ctuttr , ,, -bat p e..t ihc a 10 prtAt nt te wtart Uvtr ' ' turwd lb vri 5 Uea so4 Vreail - iet roiu tbe io.- ilk. tt.eelA-io k. tit ti (noe rvl atrvUi t te IcikvWa;): ilno.Uur.Lb el aj aoa rald wJicloaU kino if rl. &u ud coa'ta, frtxa laa-' trie to lkoaTj.CTit cr LcalUcr. ac4 Uc aU detcr.pti -n oT Lue4-. i uu MacUlie u be.v " nj coUucUto pTo It at e. g.hrall it . - pait4 c-r.a n xacuioe iM'Mg nu kU t; imctikecy, i.d ba-1 fnllj iin Vcd al - ' uamebUu 1. 1 rcry e-ty to teva. lUpi, . '. . niK:baol ie-tl op-eaiU'b. lwUW! v" ' ' a.'l limca, aodvrC I. a', ire t'tt w'iiaV ical InvetUcu'at rre.tly red a cd pr. OoHlehaap, Fami y arw.a JiaetUM tt ' ImI Ti.e pt ajia only sucee in previa ct t; a valuable, subau tal auU tetabe I'. ' Lri.ei bewmg Alarbne It x rtuf lo 7 . rA prtee rtachA U conduon lie ainill Ur . anl atrengtb aapte it to all ea e-tica, whiaa.:.! -iu many Url. u-ak- tt iimvraai f.T. (it . wueroeru.e'.ani cie.icti larat ctduo. ' - ' A IT Is ALL IT Is KC03XUSIX : I ca cbeerfoLy a d cotflJoptl r c waaend -its u e tj tho above warnings 1 e 1 jvod &elag Machueatalufr rik 1 ' .. ,- . Mas ii ti Jivcaov, . I Peotoue, Ul l to. .ty, EJ - (arrautedf nve yrar by sprct-f evrtii fcy DTCt-l I al U V( ca e,i w.tn air ie nxture ai u ictjuubz. - otupktie bel ugi- f so U t .eliidiux sir lire tihig hed e, ickea ia a run en Ikz, aad dahveied tr ay part of the trv. br exnrea free of fuitbv r ctu kmc gee on r ceipt of pile only tv Dullara amfe d-Rv er j garanie.d Wit 1 ah M-chti e w wdl e-.d ou receipt of i ex ra, the new l cat, I BUHX)! UOLKiwOUKKH, One of tbe mat Itpportvt and u.efut, tawea tiona ol tlie ago a . airjip e r-d c U n, "that a eti Ul t a 1 work tbe ale buuoa but wok . regularity and eauavBtiong t ml txtiutifui. - fe-eAi Xenus cd x.ra tdiHtnuBia far. tteaod ttem-leageott were cetC' 1c, wh wi.l-eta 4uh Meaeir tarotigb kbe t:a 117 at d luipour how ia h ne a exh. llo j and a:Ue, Con ty Kig ta giT-a to tmart agekU axeut'a comkie CU IA fUrwei td abb .lit ay erra charge aaiapka of aev Int dert(tvecUea ataMDUtng terra utl boniaIeiis ai g- ic, act Ir.e, We aia aup; fy AOB1CCLTCBJLL IMPLEifLxTt. s latest ratenta u4 tmpr vara nta ir tba Farm and U.rden Mo-er-t iner. Cut-' va or.Fa4l Cu tm Oarioa intra fij'la riautrra HtveeV n thrt autre anl all ir W desaetdel fjr arrn wr 4 k. IUe 8da fa burg) variety. All uumer i.niJn Poet t M liouev Lrdra. baa.1: Draft, or If eoc r-. wMbtatourri k audare p lecirjr a3ri aala d-1 verv cf all our go k1. g iiraicrsd. An old a'd.reapota'bU flmUid' eil bet gucla t lUa kwl p ice i d Ca a rtlied npoi by our readers, -Fiaxxu Joca al Haw Yoaa. Not Kesponsible for KegisUred letterW ADDOMOkDCO - B J MULL10 AH Prrpt Bn k 1 8vla Cs'eb Vjt .Qrecuwica JbCjrtlandtS ayNaw Teak! : aep2C6us -f . ...' P A I R B A N K 5S Standard Scales I Orders for the Oeoulne Fairbaaka I scales, (all tiz ) promptly at eadtd to I at the Manufacturers Dncct.' m Orders rtfp-ct!ul!y solicite. E. II. I'LUMR & CO. 121 Sycamore at., PkUrsOurg.ATa. ct 10m Z Patterson, Madison L Co. ' WHOLESALE GBOCEflS - f j 0 W W IT i ConiHlbslon McTClnintS. JPetrrtlurg, la? J 72 Patter-tea X3.A ZSalisea. XL IV Jatkina, No 48 6m. f B. IL Madison, WHOLESALE I LIQUOR DEALEEi, And aent forlhe sale of MANUFACTURED , TOBACCO . CI8ARS, &C IM Symore Btreet, Peteraburx, Ya S 1