J 0 filings. Broken tpixit a brandy 1 masb. Faith io cor own ability If half of every battle, ?ytf A coastry without fair women would Imply be stag-nation,' " r To consider, for, a d.y is better than to repent for a ye ar. Tbe tetnUntta -man - ii cater poor, tbe disQt mted net r ricb. . - Bacon eays that: virtue is like a neb tooe-ibiSt when plainly set, . , always 5ookilgJnto tbe fu ture, biVe see only ; the" past, Howt few baTeSense enough, to de spise ttaipraiscs uttered by a fool. hrt- - . Monejs a bottomless sea in which tenor, icience and irutb may be drown ad. fc) - ., u . Theses of at me people are not ap parent worth tUlold Iron m their syitemUj . ? i. - 1 Thegnfn who Las got ioto the habit of bwhfg to evry.one(.be meets, may be safejyjaet downvis a nod fellow. H . : ' u A ttta, rriies to an editor for four dollariJliecRUf e h is internally short,' and gatsln reply ibe heartless response, Jo as'ljdo s anrf up on a.chait.' 'KlUffrt by a.yisitatian of Proridence through tbe medium ot a horse,' was tbe Coroner's j verdict ia the case of a GeorgU , fc ian who whs kicked to death. Bir TTIIIam" Temple said, and it was Tery well said, tbat the first ingredient ia conversation, is truth ; the next, good sense ;nthirVbumor, and the fourth. A Missouri woman turned her bus band upside duwn, in the , milk-churn the othVi-yl bxtuse he swore at ber motbrliexi'0pecta his mother-in-law bow. ?iuu vr ' : Swindling i not ! smartness, as some erroneously supp.',' If it is smart nets, It Is of that kirid that occaaion Hj gttsa fellu in the jail or peniten tiary. , .,. r! - . . Womsnifc .like .l?y the more you are rnjnea the c'dcr she clings tp you An old bacbe'or adt : - Ivy is like womaja-r.tba' jploe'r it clings to you the mow jotr are rutted. - i,. ',,' i. Joh'IIehrierson, suing for a divorce ta Indiana, allege hat his wife trip, ped WnTby 'means 6f false hair, false eyebrow, lalae cmpl xiou a big bus tie, and 'dtci tful ague. , The Woror -h ) mde a pouad of butterjrom the cream of ajoke, and a cheese from the milk ot humankind new, fcavi.We hd the close ota year Aid hung th m to dry upon a beellne- "V Ia a Calilrrnia obitury it is stated that, The deceased wajj a person romaatic nature. Hr placed the breech ot his gun io the fir, and looking down'the. muizl, !ep-nitcd hence ins stantaaeously.1 a Vi;4hhdnhzih8 htye etery where lheIrsT9tarifBr 7l ,he .?tlges of the shabby .tootatep are to ha met with in all places, i X i .uman being ever con gregated into a community without in aluding amon tlicmMlrea the just and the unjust, -the wimi and the ignorant, tbeeril and gw.l. ' Oood,k nd tru holly w..rdg drop ped -In conTM.ati. n may be little thought hut they are like seeds of flowers or fruitful trees falling by the wayside, borne j'Kjj some birds afar, haply thereafter jtfHnce with beauty some barren mountain side, or to make glad some lonely wil Itrne.s. 'My 'dear,' said a lewt-lj married lady t0 hLlri other day. My Jeat, I hope, jou have no Ljeciion to my be ing weighed V JCertainly,W;why do you ask me the questloi !' v . : l(l0,y. 11 f; roy d f you would all4w,i) UaVe my wiKh once. ' A, .bautifni snpe-aMUot preyails amoay th Benrra tribe rf Indiana. When an Indiai ma'd-n Hit theyin prlsoau,youn bird un il it first begins to try Its power of sorr, and th.n. load, ing it with kisses anl carea es, they looae its I Dd r.r.r the jrrare, n the belief that it will no. f id its w'nga nor tloe its eyes until it hr fiowa to to the spir.t land, an.l Virered it. precious burden of fffc'oa to the lo?ed nd lot. It if nnt Pfrequrnt to are tw.nfTor thirty 1 rda lcl loct, prer one grarr. ADTERTISEMENTS. W. n. Mitchell, FRASKLIST02T, N. C. To the People of Franklin County I COME GREETING, BRINGING GOOD NEWS. I hare just returned from the North', ern cities, where I purchased a very complete stock of general merchandize, and which I am determined to sell cheap. . Call and see me "before you make your . FALL purchases. See a partial list of tlie ai tides making up my stock. Dress goods, a veiy great vari ety. Ladies hats trimmed and untrim med. ' . Bro. and blenched Gottons, Prints, Plaid domestics, Kentucky Jeans, Cottonades, v Dtnims, Stripes A FULL STOCK OF NOTIONS A VERY BEAUTIFUL ASSORT MENT OF Ribbons and Silk goods. Hosery and Gloves, a large supply. Boots, 8hoes, Hats, stock complete. A Superb Selection of Ready Made Clothing, Hardware, Crockery ware, Queenaware, &c. Sugars. Coffees, Spices, and a great many other articles that I cannot enu merate in this short notice. All the above goods weie bought with great care and on the BSET TERMS That money could, purchase. And I intend to give my customers the advann tage of it. Call hnd I pledge my word to make the above assertions true. W. IL MITCHELL, oct 11 tf, Franklinton, N. C. Great Western Ins., Co OT NEW ORLEANS LOU8IANA pest Secrt-r, R. T. Beauregard, President, Secretary. Cash Assets - $316,058.87 J.B. MARTIN, Manager, ATLANTIC DEPARTMENT. :' t06 Main Street, Norfolk, Vaj Geo. S. BAkan, Agt, at Louisburg N C. Tliis Company makes a speciality . oi country dwelling?, and all species of farm property, at fair and equitable rates. Read the list of losses paid In North Carolina, herewith appended; Losks in Nobth Cakolina: Eader Biggs & Co., Cain & Butn, Baird, Roper & Co. W. B. Allen & Co., Win. A Graves, Chas. T Df is & Co. Norfolk, Va. 44 44 44 44 4 44 M. McMahon, TT.Hfi-r xr W. H. Man ley, Newbera. J. C S r. Johnston, Plymouth M James H. Hyatt, Porquimana, M J. IL Morrisett, , Camden, Marshall M. Wise, MurfrealKrof Teo. T. Hawentoo, BaHleboro NoahBitfK, Halifax, Dr. J Biancb, Enfield, Wm.M Moore, Goldsboro, Calvin T Hicks, Timmonsrile, 8. C Franklinton Hale ACADEMY. The Sorinf sMir.n w,n Monday Jan. ltth 1874, upon the commence fol- Primary department per aeaaioa, 12 Regular Eoglieh course do 15 Clawics, Latin and Grek do 20 60 00 00 All accounts for Tuition due at c of session, tfn deduction ent close in ' w., d l9 4t W. E, FOSTER, Pnncipa MITE GOODS PRE ADVERTISEMENTS. PETERSBURG, YA. E. RICflTER. I Watchmaker and Jew eler, i FIVB Watches "andtJewelry of the be Manufactory and at the lowet prices. All woik personally attended to and war ranted. - . . i tl 53 Sycamore St, Petersburg, Ya Oc8-12m. H. . Furman & Co. DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, Franklinton, N. C. Offer to the public a well assorted stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals &c. which are sold at reasonable prict 8. Also Varnishes Window Glass Putty Sweat oil Machine oil Lamp black Kerosene il Linseed oil Castor oil, Lamp Goods, Paint Soaps - Brushes, Spicea, Bpongep, , Trusses, Stationary, &c, Wines, TVhiskeis and Brandies for Medicinal use. 600 pounds of CRYSTAL PALACE White Lead left, which will be sold very low. I t Special attention paid to orders. P BBSCBIFTIOKS CABEFtLLVjccMPnUHDE Connty Orders taken in Trade, at current rates, at .; I '81 T. WILDERS. Henry T, Alley, - ' i Wholesale & Retail Confec tioner . Fruits, Pakct Goods, Tots, Weddings & Parties 1 Furnished. Sycamore Street,Petersburg,Va. Nov. 2-ly! OSrOTlCE. Application will be made "to the Leg, islature, during its present session, to pass.an act declaring Tar River a law ful fence between the points where sid River is crossed by the lines ot Gran vilit. and Nash counties, Nov 1873. 4W P. H.S M I T H, CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Louiibvio Jf,C: -Cabinet making of aU kinds done In baat maimer, and on most reasonable UrmI Furnitare repaired and cleaned. TJXDERTAKINO A bPICIAUTT. JStli WlnUt P1" Dd rtne Coffins mde onthe shorteot notice and Vaar Chiap GiTemeaeall. P. Hj SMITH. Kl-ly b6lW B&rro,rKeMant. FOE SALE. HEAVY JROLL BAGGING, Orders solicited. Apply to DAVIS, ROPER A CO. Petersburg, Va. No. 1-ly. TO-DAY. ' I l 1 - THK PBOPLa'a ILLUSTRATED PAPER,' in?. trKghl? American enterprise, llustrated by the lead t artist." teeming with the beet tttrtsj -o! the most able writers of onr country. It f!i?ape- at .ODCe introduced in tbe family circle, i. gore to be eagerly THBM OF iHt5fOST BHACTIITX, ICHROMOS erer issued is given to each subscriber vt - .KU au -liitie Sun shine' two beautiful Child Pictnrea. bv Mrs. Anderson, and AmoDg the Dew drtpa, a beautiful landscape in wafe oolor by the celebrated Binirr Fowee. All our agents have copte.of each and axe prepared to deliver tbew to! gether yntn a Subscription Crtificat .igued by the publi.bVrs, at the tS! !f"y i ?W- Att. waiSS everywhere, and liberal inducemenu offerra Sample copies wittt full pr sent 00 receipt of aix cent. 0jfI'T TW I)OLLAJ AKD A MAUP A TEAR, Aldres, TO-DATPRISnSQJkprj8U3HINa CO 1 t 732 S080. 8im Philadelphia. 712 Broadway, N. T. 3 Scbool St. Bos- ADVERTISEMENTS. PESOUD.LEE & CO , Wbetesaie & Entail DEALEB3IN DhUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS. Window -GUaa, Patent Medio iaea, ; GABDEN AKD . QBAS3 8EED8, Pebfux . ax, MrsaaALWATKM, Ac. ;aleske aTa,J. No. 6 12mo Read! Read I Read!! New Bar Room, i On West side of Main Street, i Franklinton, N-1 If you want to drink good Liquor, go to the New Bar and jbti wilt find what you want. Ale, Ginger Pop, Wine; Rum, Gin, Whiskey and pure Old Na&b Brandy, supply oi Ice always on hand, to give you a cool drink. I hope to see all my old customers, aud friends at the New Bar. Call ana see me at the New Bar Room. aug 8 m Wm. H. Ransome- BECKWITH'S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. These Pills have been most success fully employed in almost every vatiety of 4'uuctional Uisorder of the Btomach, BowaLf, Livkb and spleen, guch as : Heartburn, Acid Eructations, Nau sea, Headache, Pain and Distention of the Stomach and Uowels, Incipient Di arrhoea, Colic, Jaundice, Flatulency, Habitual Costiveness. Loss of Appetite Sick Headache , &c. , ' Recommended by the most pro, minent meu of the country, among them many LEADING PmYsICIaNo. Price 25 .cents Prepared by E. R. Beckwith (suc cessor to Dr. Beckwith) Proprietor, Petersburg, Va. J u.kph Cakr. uiy 25-ly en S. A. STE ENS & CO.? Furniture and Cai pet B ale r a Cor. Main and Granby Sta., Norfolk Va THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS , South of New Tork. All goods guaranteed at Manufactu rers prices. sep26 1y. GREEN & ALLEN, G-rocers And j , COMMISSION MERCHANTS Solicit Consignments of j f Cotton, Tobacco, TVlieat. Flour, Cora, and Produce Generally. Agents for the Ezcellenza Cotton, Fertilizer and Gulletts improved Steel HfitMh Cottw Gins. No. 110 Syc&more Btrt, Peterabnrg. At I No. 1-ly P. WILLIAMSON. W. B. WILLIAM SOU J. P. Willamson & Bro., We most respectf ully announce to the citizens of Franklin County, that we have commenced ihe mercantile bus iness in Louisburg, and will ketp. tvn 8 nt y 00 band a good selection ot Stap.w Dry Goodr, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery ware. Clothing, HaU, B- o i, 8hota, Confectioneries &c We pledge, ourselves to sell as cheap as any other hoots in the place. Give ns a trial. The highest market price paid for pro doce in exchange for goods. . oclO 12m. J. p. Williams & Bro. Louisburg, N. C, BROTHER JONATHAN, A Lamb Family Paper. IspuBLtaii ed weekly at $1.25 a year. It baa been SCr3fed l 82 tTColuniaa, and is now tbe cheapest paper of tbe kind in the world. Ten Dollar, in greenbacks given to one out ot each fifty new subscribers. Specimen copies sent free. Onr Book Catalogs lent free. Send cash orders I" BROTHKK JOWATBAH PUBL'SAIKO Co 48 Bfekman street, N. Y. sP23 Sm. " ADVERTISEMENTS. WILLIAMSON; UPCITURCn & I r j . THOMAS, Wholesale Qhocebs Commi s si on'Mer chant tt No. 53. Fayettevillo Street, RALEIGH, N. C. 1 ' Opposite MetropoliUn Hall. Jm D Joyner. VT. H. Joyner J. S. joyner. J. D. JOYNER & CO., Commission Merchants, 94 SYCAMORE STREET, Petersburg, Va. Solicit consignments of all kinds of PRODUCE sold in this market, and will fill orders for GROCERIES, FER TILIZERS and all other supplies. ACADEMY. The Spring scsssion will begin Jan. 12th 1874. b TERMS PER SESSION of 21 WEEKS, Board with the principal, (washing, lights and towels not include!,) 60,00 Tuition in Primary Departure, 15 00 do Reg'lar English course, 20 00 Latin and Greek, each, extra, 5 00 Board must be paid in advance. All accounts lor Tuition are tkie at the close oi the session, and will be prompt ly presented for payment. No, deduc tion in Tuition except in cases of pro tracted sickness. M. S. DAVIS, dec 19 iw Principal. A nice buslnes office for rent, Ap ply at this office. We would call your attention to the magnificent stock of Watches,Diamonds Jewelry and Silver ware now offered by J. T. Youho & Bro., corner Svcamore and Bank Streets, Petersburg, Va. Such bargains as they are offering are rartly seen. By all means when jou visit Pe tersburg go and'see them. Young'a Fifty Dollar Watch ia the best lor the money in this Country. Use YOTJNGS P. P. SPECS, they will strengthen and benefit you eyta. Over three thousand pairs aol and everybody satisfied. J. T. YOUNG & BRO., - Corner Sycamore and Bank t-ts. aptil 25-ly. Petersbug, Va. J. W Pleasants. ARCHITECT AND UNDERTAKER AT BRUMMITT'S OLD 8TAKD, Wishes to call the attention ot the people of Franklin to the fact, that he keeps constantly on hand Furniture, of all kind. Pine, Walnut or Mahogany coffin?, marie on short notice, also win dow Blinds, Window Sasbes, doors; Brackets Ac. All tbe aboye goods are warrented, and will be sold at very reasonable price?. Repairing done with despatch and very cheap, call and examine tor yourselves. V. PLEASANTS, Louisburg, N. C. aug 8 tf GaDIT AKD FLOWrS SEEDS, Before ordering elsewhere send Ut Catalogue, which ia now rnady and will be mailed grafa on applicitioo. Our Cbromo Ths Lrrrxa Florist h a b.-t.lol Parlor Picture-pfooui bj judgea a eucceae, is now aeo: tree to a 1 who tavor ns with order to the amonnt ot fire dollara. Chase Brothers & Woodward seedsxieV, Chester, N. Y. FIREI FIEEII 1NTS18 UZR 11 WO cords pi- do 2.25 do JilfT1 Louisburg at .hortest notice. apply to 5 TernU Har rJ ADVERTISEMENTS. THE OIUGISAL HOWE Sewing Machine CONSTRUCTED IN THE BEST POS SIBLE MANNER. EXECUTES THE GREATEST VA RIETY OF WORK. Never soils work; The Simplest THE CHEAPEST Because THEBEST. Lock Stitch.: Strait Neidlk. EASILY MANAGED, DOES NOT GET OUT OF ORDER. u nequaled For Univer sal Sewing, HlQHKSl HOHOR THK LATE SOUTH ERN FIRB. 1ST AGENTS WANTED. Send for Circular, THK HOWE MACHINE CO., No. 7, FayetUville St. Raleigh. N. C. A.J. CARRIER. Manager. No. 12m. Atlantic Hotel. NORFOLK, VA. B. 8. DODbON, formerly of the FOUNTAIN HOTEL, Baltimore, Md., Proprietor. This magnificent HOTEL, after hnnz been thoroughly renoTt4 and refitted U now open fur the aocommodaiioa of fueu. Board, first and second floor, S3 per day. Third and fourth floor, 12,56 per day. Liberal terms to permanent Boarders George W. Hayes, Reepectlj informa the citizens of Louisburg, and surrounding Country, ibat he haa again located in Louisburg, and can be. found at all hours at Mr. N. B. Walkera' store, prepared to extent on abort notice, all work in tbe Watch Clock and Jewel vr line on reasona ble terms. Give me a call. mh 2 My. GEO. W. HYAES. ESTABLISHES 1047, W. H. Horris & Sons., COTTON FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, U NiY;aoc 8t., near Ferry Wharf, Nortolx, Va. i Will make liberal Currency advances on produce or bill lading in hand. Rif to Exchange and First Na liooal Bank. Nrto k; Col. a T. Wilder. J. J. MioottrvvEttq.. Mesars. Teirell & Harris, Louiaburg. K. C. Correspondeoca Solicited., oct 10 6m. ; - C JARBATT'S HOTEL Px-rnssuEo, Va., JOHN COLE, ProprUti No. 31 4 ma Railroad Scheduler SE BOARD it n n 4 v.. RAILROAD COMPANY. OrncxVcAaoAiD CoaocbC R u rorUnioBth, April l?th , CHASGK OF SCHEDULE. 1 On and aftr lVtdse.T. AdHI i.v Trains will l.re TorUmocih (SaSt, Mail uaiii daily k. . w Tnroh Freight train CaUy at 1 a. wWa, Frht6trsin JIuikUtI ,3w, Wednesdays and 'ri-iava t.....fioo a. . AKhlVE AT PoItrilcUTH - Hiil train rf&ity t ' . . ThrKh KrtU traiu la4r u 4& " W.y irtixht Train Tneaday. Thnradaya, and Satnrdays at...l SO r. . iTia toP t alJ aUUons for ta.. gera. TnroaKh Praieht laiB. aT V at Bower'. nfllsJlzVt Bojkii.'a an 1 Ke aboard for paTaWeV. w J Frtight Irain atop, u th vJtZ ? nre and freight. fur lHTMail train cotinea at WclJon .v KaJ.1 fWllmiD SdWe KaJcign and Gtaton railiuad. - "a, npUofTrarto.ioruiioB bCHEDULE OF TUE PETtltJ. BURG RAILROAD COIIPANY. PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Wkldok. Mail Train 4 10 Z Aeeitkat Petejubcko. xPre" -11.00 a.m. lMlr-..v: ...7.45 p, S; Leave Petersburg. 1 ...0.10 a.m. ElPrtM 3.40 p. J Arbite at Wkldok. 913 a. m. ixPr'" 6.50 p.?. FiiEioht Trains. Leave Petersburg. . . 8 SO p. a. , Weldon 8.00 p. S Arriveat Weldon...; 3 0 Va Arnw at Pettrtburg .... z.20 a. a. Gastos Traih. Leave PettrsLurg 6:13 a.n. Leave Gaston U5 p a Atnve at Oabtou 13 50p,n Arrive at PeUr.burg 8.10 y. nu Frtighu for Gaston Branch win be received at tbe Peterabnrg depot oclt ou MONDAYS and TUUlWDAYa1 Tbe depot will be closed at 8:00 p a. No goods will received alter tbat hour. . . J,C. bPRlGG, Engineer and Central Maoagt-r. Raleigh & Gaston R. R. Company.. SurEmKT23fnKT8OfTICJj. 1 Raleigb, c, June 11th, 12. ) On and after Monday June 17Ui, 18,2, trains on the Raleigh & Oantou Railroad, w ill run daU (Sunday ei cepted) as follows: Mail Train. Leaves Raleigh 10.00 a. m. Arrives at W cliion 3.311 p. Bl. I-caves Wcldou 0. 1 5 a. m. Arrives at Raleigh 3.05 p. m. Accommodation Taix. leaves IUlIcgh 8.00 p. m. Arrives at ttcldou CM a. m. Leaves Weldon: M. Arrives at ltalelgh ...... 8.0U p. 1 Mail train makis close connection at Weldou with the seaboard & U-.aDoke Railroad and Bay Line bteamers via, Baltimore, to and from all poiaU, North, West and Northwest and with the Petersburg Railtoad via Petersburg, Richmond and Washington City, to and Irom all points North and North west. . And at ltalelgh with tbe North Car olina Railroad to and trom all points, tk)u.h and Southwest, and with tbe Raleigh & Augusta Air Line to Hay wood and Fayetteville. Accommooation and Freight trains connect at weldon with Accomola. tioo and Freight trains on Seaboard St Koanoke Railroad - ami Petersburg Railroad. And at Raleigh with Accommoda tiou aodfteigm trains on North Caro !ina Raiiroau. Pertons living along the line of the road can visit lUleigh in tbe mornioj ' oy Accommodation train, and remain -several hours, and return tbe same err " ning, A. B. ANDREWS. Genl8opt. Wilmington & Weldon R. R- Company. Omcx Gurtaal. btrrtauirxjrVaJT, ) Wiu(iji0Tojr,H.C,June8,lS72. ' HAH GE OF SCHEDULE. O and after June 10th instant, Faaaeaccr y Trminaoathe UmlaVn aoi WeUaa Kail road will run as follow: MAIL THAI. Leve Union Depot dally (fFurMUytexoer! At.. ............. ............... hg . at Arrive at GoUVboro 12J.I p. n. " Ky Mount 3dlp.au eklon. 30p.aa. Leave Weldon dally (Sundays ex- crd ai ; 9.15 a. Arrive at Itorky Mouat 11X7 a. m. " LnlonDepH 63wp7u . EXPRESS TSaIIT. Leave Union Depot dallj at 10,49 p. n. . ArrlTe a CiWUboro ajooa. m. m Kocav Mount M iZ9 a. m w Z Wedun eo a, ta Lve W4donr daily 7:19 p. Arrive at ttocky Mount 8i8 p ta. " Uoldboro 10-58 p. ta. Union iepot ad a.o. Mall Train maiw elo-e eomvrctioo at WtW doM for U pHnl. North via Jiay Liue aa4 Aequia c eek rome. Kxpveaa Train eonneeu only with Acmila Creek root. PnOman's labce slertHa car on thia trin Freljtt trains w H 1 are Wibnlnjtoa tii wreky at6Xa. nand anirtat 10 p. ta- i.xirearei8htt.In. will Wve Milaunr. aa dailr (Sundays txc-pud; at 5 p m.aad rtnle at 11 a. m. 0HSF.niTl5E, Gtneral laxraBtoda

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