(Ebe Courier i . i ,.J v. I., Cljc:,Caurt c,r. 3 i f1 v, I ; I c ,1 STZI-I III A Democratic Newspaper. Published every Friday iii Louisburg RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION, Copy 1 year..'. ;...:...:.. .2.00 0 Month! ...1W 3--3Io-tba. ........ .. .....i .75 tdP" TEEMS CASH IN aDVANCE 3 11 DEVOTED TO POLITICS, LITER A TUBE, SCIENCE AND ART. VOL. 3. LOTJISB tJRG;. . N; O:, . JANTJAR S", 30, 1874. NO. is: "7 1' i Professional Cards. SELECTED STORY. ft? a. k. -. . .3' Mr. Lely pi eased his ' way eagerly -feeling faint and! needing the fresh air. Nenrinxx tli Oilier tSlior through the perfumed and fashionable ,he staggered out into the ecoL remngt . . "'. crowd that thronged Mrs. Pylford 'atmosphere of the gasligbted streets.' When, after the weary Toyege that I XluMincam f s.. : - . --1 ...r-- 1 Lrmf' z THE TALE OF A MISPLACED ATTACK- ? ';, ' MENT, " ! i, The little "clock on the carved mar Madison's handsome l ooois, to get a better view of the tall beauty in white, with turquoise ornaments, and ha'r j like sunshine, whose great lustrous eyes glittered like Love's planets be neath their dark lashes, and who s.-l, Dr. It. .SLTKIKO' J DENTIST. i Offer t his Professional Service to tbe public io - - ' - - j Every department, 'il mnvMl with lanniid jrrafte ff a ble mantel of the Sidonius Club Rooms! : I i ' . , - princess. had just told off the hour of eleven in . -t Vn? nwf,L npplmg syllables of silver ; the place) r - , - foUxteen. was comparativfly.deserted, it. being JdlJ0logIt'H too eany tor the influx of theatregoers, Miss McI)ermoott fromXalcutta. She w ibki mi vud mki uiiiucr Biuuntjrs. I I -.1 .1 AJ 1 CM . or. A And so it happened that Maurice Lely- just rfeturned from India andXharley Ponsonb had it, literally; i Maurice Llv .tnod hk is Dentistry. OFFICE, and metaphorically, selves. all to them I 1 Maurice Lely stood like one electri fied. His head seemed to swim ; the I music of the brass band in the conser- Lely was tall and handsome with vatory sounded faint and far off; the LouUburg at Warrenton ovtr dvk, languid eyes, . and one of those lights all blurred together in unmean- Dents Utel, Norwood & Davis' Btore. marble-white complexions which sel- in ra-es of brilliance. E.rlv he dom fall to the fate of man Ponson- beckoned Carlos Fleetwood, the toward him. 1 Viry well, said better return home 1 uom iaii u me iate oi man ronson- becJconed Uarlus J "" - . . j f , by, pnfthe contrary, was rather; stout brother of hi? fiancee, m n yUpp with laughing brow, cur eddish. Il don'fileeV W . n. oyCUlDl trown hair, and a waxed mostacW he. I think I'd bett C. H. Cooler C0EI3' & SPEWBS wherein he took especial pride. 4 Fate has some cruel grudge against' one he exclaimed, hxjf-aloud ; . 4 but Pll outwit the jade, if I have to go to. Vaiiiprnia la do it r , . Carlos Fleetwood called at the Si 'donius Club Uooms the next morning .in a rage, and- on tlfiTstalrs he -stum bled over old Mr Ardworthy. who was giinil-rly infuriated : but all to no pur- Dose. Mr. Lely wasn't there, and no one knew where he was to be beard uFor he bad manoeuvred so skillfully in his pursuit of theright Miss McDer mott or the wrong one that New York was too hot to hold him, and from1 that hour henceforward the - Si donius bay windows kneV Mr. Lely no more.Si' " "' ' ' -r 1 And Miss McDermott weni .to Cal cutta, still Aiss HcDermott. Ar. Y. Xedger. ; . ... , . .; . . ; j i . T."" Be Content ATTOBKETS AUD CODBELLOBs. Aa4 Sllelteisa BANKRUPTCY L0U1SBURG N. C. Will attend the Courts prNash.Frar.k Hd. OranvjU, "Warren.find W&ko Cun t'u s. .!ao the Bupreme Court of North Caroliua and the U. S. Circuit and div c Oouits. . No. 7-tf Li yes,1said the former, gazing dream ily into tha fire. 1 I knew it would as? tonish you, Charley i but what else was a fellow to do? felt that the moment had coaie to take my fate into my own hands.' - .J. f ;" "! And youve actually engaged your self to Rida Fleetwood?' I have " ' I - . T Ponsonby elevated his handsome at once. Pray make my excuses to Rida.' I j And he escaped. Once safe in his own room, his sdavi tered wits seemed to rally again. ',He Si.c some five or ten minutes in intense thought, then opened his desk and 3cratchad off a note. Dearest Juditii :' (h knew that was eyebrows, and leaned against the man tel more comfortably. Well.' said he' let every man at tend to his own affairs, is my motto J but at the same time, Maurice, . don't "you thiak you're making a great fool of yourself?" J V Why ? Because of the McDermott jnoney? : t i Kxactlyr ii . " Lely laughed, and shrugged his shoolders after a debonnair. French fashion he much affected. 'I like money said he; 'plenty of it. Who among us does not?. But since Cooley's account of the heiress, J -to whoa my fatter and hers chose to -nliffht me before I was out of round- U prtctio to La iftyer! ;onrt or uran I . , ,vUl Frftiiklia, Naoh, Warreu and Wake. 1 about jackets the scales of enchant- Oae man citaot da everything; be .everything, "or have " everything. We .have each of. ns .all we can attend to ,ta do, our own business ; why should we Bty Vhers their talents, their work or thilr'wajsT Thty have their du tics to jo, and to their own master -they stand or fall. We have as many talents as we shall improve, as much : prosperity as we1 may wish to answer for io' the day of judgment, i 1 Let us Jearn the lesson of quiet and conteot. Our fretting mends novhirg. our fault fiadisg cbargvs 1 nothing. first mtde aeroas the ocean, sick and loatlanme, I arose one morn leg and went upon tne Uck,; holding on, craw Hog, thiokisg I was but a worm, I smelt in tbe air some Strang smell, tad I said to the captain, 'what is that odor V It is the land bette from c ff IreUnd'I smelt the turf, I tmelr the gras;, I smelt the leave?, and all my sickness departed lrom me ; my eyes grew bright, my nausea was gone. The thought of the nearness of the land came tome. And when, afar off, I saw the dim line of land, joy, came and gave, me health, and from that mo ment, I had neither sickness nor trouble; I was co mis g nearer to the land. Oj 1 Is there not for you old maa and for you wearied mother, a land breeze blowing bff fiora heaven, waft ing to you some of Its stweetness f Behold, the garden of the Lord Is not far away. I know from tbe air, Be hold the jjy- of home. Do I not hear the children shout t The air is full of music to our silent thought. Oh, how full of mutic when our journey is al most done, and we stand upon tbt bound and precinct c4 that blessed land I Hold on to jour faith. Be lieve mre firmly. Take hold by pray er and by faith. - A way with troubles and buffetiags. Be happy ; you are saved. In a few hours visions of Ood, and all the realities of the eternal world shal! be yenrs, and yon shall be raved with an everlasting salvation. 5?. 2?s ATTORNEY AT LAW, Louisburg N. C. Will practice in the courts of the 6th judicial auirici. - Pretnpt attention given to the collec tlon of claims. No 60 tf '. . j -W' JOS. J. DAVIS, ' ATT'Y Ml COUNSELLOR at LA IL0UI8BUBQ, F11ANKLIN CO. N C Will practice in tha sereral Coarta ot Gran the McDermott's Christian name Judith livens ?ovebitlyfckle.---i When t m ailed mv last dispatch to In 1 ! dia, it was to acqaint your father with my engagement to anottier lady, l j Nor could We improve affairs if we had objects, to impress hearers with a sense now find tAat I cannot exist without I theovtrfcrLt of all creation, and the I f -will you 1 privilesre o! slitins on She judgment I -m, WWK h',a ftx nni jrn- turone, Uar proper spiiere Young Simpson, beginning the stud of natural philosophy, became fond of applying technical names to common you. Judith my Judith ! par ion mo? Will you take j me once mora as your betrothed husband, and accept my life's devotion .as the only offering worthy of your reception? Devotedly, Maurice Lely. ' That will fix her.' said he to him- self, as he sealed the pink sheet with v - . a . IS VtTJ small. Ood rules th t world, and whether we'like it or not he will rule it to the end, and all our fretting, roar muring and complaining,4 U but idle noise. " ; Let us Delleve where we cannot be hold, and trust where we cannot trace. alli&i oiDr6i(eolore4CVftzOTAnd Over all things God lives and rules ; . . . i . a i . Sia. rrompt attention paiaio lbo oouec-4j , e r n u .uieu. ukvd laiiU iruui my eyes. xvcv- now for a note of regrets and renun elation io Rida. .. j The next day an answer came, writ ten in rather a ttiff and ungraceful hand. ; Dear Mr, Lelt : Of course, I tlon and rernitta-.ee of monej. Julj 15, 187J. I .fni.K.Barliam,.! Mt H. Bariiai, Louibu g, N. C . oiMt?il tfc N. O. Atti's oiiiiJonMlors at La,?, Officis At LoMlsburg, Frank'i t Co, N. , -,andat ForenV.l , Wake,' Oo,sN. C, lullea from 1 al-vgh b. Rail. :i anrt nr.vffi hj hi febal v be-nappy t y 'see you, as papa "haired, stout, freckled ! Why, Qhailey, hopes we will be matried immediately, I should go craxyafter a week's sojourn and return to Calcutta on the 1 next -in the house with such a specimen of I steamer! I connnbialitv ! All the monev in crei-I J. McDeemott.' tion could n't. gild that pill! Miss Fleetwood has fifty thousand dollars of her own not much, it is true, to ;a man ef my expensive tastes, and still less m comparison witn tne quarter Inds,' said he to himself; of a million that, is to be tacked to the course. reoDle in different -r -r be can pnnieb ami reward : he can bless or blast. Let ns leave him te recoiate' hie ewn world, and de with, all around ae seemeth good in his sight. Rt sting thus in his providence, we can do our own work in conteatment and irpact. , And our great question will b , not, 1 What shall this man do V but L ;rJ, whatwilt thou have oae to do I ing. . When he mentioned to him that he had swallowed some marine acephalous mollusks,the old man was much alarm ed, and he suddenly se.zed Simpson and threw him to the door, and held him and screamed for help. And when vrs, Simpson came with some warm water, and the hired man rushed in with the garden pump, they (breed half a galloa of water down Simpson's throat, and then held him by tbe heels over the edge of the porch and shook him, while the old man said If we don't get them things out of II VTE3 OF APVKRTBIXOr? (10 ftsrw ox xtssc xinTTTX a iqaa Ooe f Trror hninn ........tl it Om " ta -.nWy! IiMrrCo.. at Om " htinoiBl.,..w.f Taxo Caw Two taorih iiJ CsJk Tkra swtai..w. at Om rnmoflth)..... . JtXt Oee TweKrsokiUh.;.......:;see Ctmttvrt s fb UTct apact mad on Csra trrtm ' . 3 A rAttrL7jLiiiTCLr, Aauira aLaat IVS 10 . At,fT5 waaa ; AN KVTIalXY a LW . ! 7 SEWING MAClilNE Toa Doxaemo Cr, . " 03LI t'lVL IOLLAt3 ' ... i . 1 h the Kew rsttat - I BUTTON &OLK, WO USEE, P.taH Ju;x7ililSTL . ' Awvanxi vaa Tiast Paxxxoc At taa Astaa-CAS lsTrrcr -1 Aw SfAaTXBlntm-rs ?ib,1S7U i A aaoat wvmdet txil and 1 fftnU'. co.uU tas ted tewlnr alacai for i'axailr ork. Coai pteiaallvapa'ta, Uva U atai(Lta i-wbta 1 Sbadl m t rarest c Uct r(U aotat v Miton, Mv Tr-aioouTa aW CV4 Uck). Oprata4 bjr h.l aa labia 10. at kuaatajv iaOi.4 nottda!, tk alt tjooe a gt ncu iu- ca a uti si-t cbaa to pravcQt ta wtX tarrml Um wrax - L!aa ta- tarad ectiromlbetpvoL ilakw tfieUa(l4 Iocs; atlUH (fineu and atr nt t'ca vkai j ftn-a.ftur.bU cl a aa4 raU woi taU aindaif aivl cmx. (rtxa.. Lata- ' brU to bcary Ccth or Le-ducr. 'cd uki all ae-tzljul.n orUMaad. ru Sta-biw m av uj e-t.uctr4to pe It at ei c h; ail tlva putiifia h StacUio txtrf aaad 'a-Ut y tscai.4t.y,axaeaaiauuj aa ilea aaatw MtnTiUa U 1 very to !. p," lupitf, ktn kad a. k.t . opajauoo. Ldvb . ail iImi, ax da practical ac,vt;aa, aalmaw loai lnv t4oo at rre tty redad rrt. , A (Jo d cheap, Faml j bewx a.achins'at tut Tl first aa4 atuy aaeca iq pcedu 1 gaval aLla subataLtal aud iclahe lw prt el bcw.Br atark tm- ttt xt kv pnoe rtach ail a ood uoiu lm mj H- itf and atrengtli aoapu u toall cp ek,whl)a tea macy aari a aval It a u&iV-air-trt witrver ta ', an j ete-tea a tspU cpud. . IT 1 ALLlTlEECOailKm ' le u cb Til j acdJCfldr.UjrCMrmod ita tj U. -b f wanUn a raa If fwod beattatacAneatalow Mte. . , . 4-." . Protc a, WL1 ro u.tf, XU rrke of each Mac'-rne Ciaa a-', (arrM.ted f are jra ty im1 I rtrbf a,iw.taal ue fixture ai a vwyta-or jpltN bl f ao k . i-ctu&iufc mu ILre dlif fcard iMdad in a a rua n ror. aad dchvatedtr a y part oflht.oaa try by prwa fre f fuxih rcU (nm r oipt at m ie onlr F.Ta Dolkra , aaf d- Uv try garan:d WUj t Sl.chttw w.U tiaorfi tKitipt wf (l ex ra, ha new H SS curixa hjle vsoeki-.. .. Mr. Webstki was fond of a pactl- I Ona of the m stfxapo.ta.t aj u.lfurUvaa . ,, . . . - , I tlon of the are aUnpa rA ca.U o,tht a cb Id ti Work the Ai.ca'. buoa Lola Witk iet;uliHty ao4 hu buvnt and bmitlfal, p cat 1 erma aid r.ra tudoceiaatua XaUaaefem laaj-eota roa aevca.ee.. wh i vt.l eta Lab aac.ea taroCfh iba t' ua try a d tip our Mw aia h ne axk U tlooandaCe, CXu.ty VUg t ,hrtn Vt amart ajrtLl4frv ament a aoaitrtavu fit ftrru d V kyota y rsriacharxe aaxcka fa In rlt te cica ara c Ulai tanua U-ai k oaiUa en art g ttc, aut tr.a, 'Wt ala sup,l ; . , J .1. !:; ? A0E1CXLTUEAL IMrLXMXTS.4 Iatastratealsal apr vtiayntt far Ua Tarm asd U rdrn M-er, pra;Cul. Va or jTaU ti.tca llanoassarm Hi U flaatais haitwt.ra lhrurtaaj Uar W elaeaacdel ftjr Fsw w taw Car ta box variety. . All ra-at vbi la IW hC aey vrara. taa uranv tr ty x. rae. Ignorav cof the law excuses no ooaj It is a .rand to cooceat a fraod. ' The law compels no one to do Im AH agreements without costlderailea Isroid. . Btgaarres made with a lead-cil ere good In law. " : 1 A receipt for money paid fa net le gally conclusive. The acts of one partner bind all the others. Contracts made on Sundsy cannot be enforced. A contract msde with a minor is TOid. A contract made with a lunatic is Tcid, Contracts for advertisements In Sua day news papers are Invalid. Principals are responsible for the acts f their agents. Agent are responsible to their prin cipala for errors. Each individual In a partnership Is responsible for tbe whole amount ot the debts of the firm. A note given by a minor is void. Notes bear interest only when so stated, . j It Is not legally cecestary to asj on a note tor Talue received. ' A note drawn on Sunday is void. " j A note obtained by fraud,' or from a person in a state of Intoxication. cac not be collectt d. ' II a note be lost or itoler, It does not release the maker ; he mast pay it. An endorser of a aota is exempt from liability if ni t served with notion oi its dishonor within twenty four hours of its noo psy ment. ' . this! TiU prese tn th Prp- rlor Courta or the tb Judical Diatiic, lo tho Supreme Oour of tha State, and m Federal t ourta. Proropi aUaUkn 1-1 e pld ti CkUect Irg, Sacuiiuc. C'onipr.inu.n and Set ling Claims. Sf t Dr. W. J:- Cooke," PHYSICIAN Mi SURGEON. Offers bU pr f8ic.n-.l ue vlcea to tbe citi zen TFr kiln rouutv fflt-e at hU moi li ars residence 6 miles south of Lou sburg. So. lC-ly, r r 'YAltBOROUGIIillOTJSE, ?:i.TffTi(i'io. t-iU.'l 0v- ' RALEIGH. N. C. ; t O. W. BLACKNALL; Prprietor. ' McDermott heiress,but still something. 3Iiss h leetwood has eyes like diamonds drenched in sherry wine--real klden eyes and a figure like Diana ! Aud I intend to marry her l ; 1 When is the McDermott coming home from Calcutta? asked Ponson- by, '' j"-','', ' i- V Don't know, said Lely. " a Do you think you arc doing right thing by her? My dear fellow, do you expect a man to sacrifice himself on the altar of a mere whim? demanded LeW; 4 But why don't you wait and see for yourself whether ' - - ; , Becaust?.' , petulently interruj. ted Lely. 'I want the whole thing to be And in. the , answer .to -thU question as I William he will be piicncd Vverf in eenpture; lu'provWence, and 1 ,jind when t Mr. LeJy winced a little at str aightfoJwatMjf handling tij delicate question. . a - a v a. Jout she has been bronznt up in, ' and, of countries think differently on these subjects. I will call at occe CTIie41tilel bondolr at Mrs, Ajrdwor thy's was illuminated by a cluster of, lights glowing like pale moons among a bower of ivy leaves a low.clear fire bumed on the hearth, behind a screen of plate glass, framed in gilded acan- I thus and BUbrice Lely s heart beat the I high as be stood iyHhe central table. affecting to turn over engravings, but actually listening for every footfall on; the mossy pile i ot azure Axminster carpet. j Presently ther door opened ; the ser vant announced ? t r r .. , .. . ,-. . ... . . ... : 3Iiss IcDermott, sir. w -z And our hero found himself face to by tlie HolySpirit's inward voice, we aUall .find the path of duty and the pat'i ot peace. ' - . Ill, Temper. A single person oi our. sullen temper, what a dreadful thin'; it is to have such av one in a hous'j ! There is not rorrth and alees and c'oride of lime enough io the world to disinfect .a. single home of such, a nuiaauce as that ; no riches, no elegance of mieo, no beauty of lace caa ever screen such, persons from! utter vulgari ty. II temper is the vnlgarist thing that the lowest bom and illest bred can ever briog to hie .bpmt. It is one ot the worst tonus of impkty. Peevish teas in a home is not oi ly a sin against the Holly Gbov but em against the Uoly Ohoat in the very temple of lov. Tntooona Parker. they were out, end Wil liam explained that the articles alluded to were merely oya'ers, then his father foncled him for half an hoar with a trunk strap fer scaring the family. -V Subsequently , Simpson framed his language in a more familiar phrase, ca'joke bnt only of "a harmless one. and generally a benevolent one. lie had. In Lorthfleld acroas the river f om his Franklin farm, a small piece of sa -dy, barre land, with a poor house upon it In which a. very destitute family had been living so uie tl j e without pa; ing any rent Upon one of his visits to the place, the good woman expressed her anxiety about being able to remain. hc expected to be turned out, and did not know where to go. She hoped Mr Webster wouUu't ttt ha d with her. He hea d her th oujh, and told her, wi h great g-avity, that he knew it was a hatdcasefjor he-; La wished to co shier her. and didn't w lah to be unkind; but he h d a great many to provide f:' At the' same time,' put ting his hand futo his pocet, he took oat ; a live dollar bill and handod U U her saying he was sorry ho couldu't do better by her but tf ahe thought she could afford to stay on the place an other year for' that, he ahouldbe very gl !, and rode off. UktateurVkaadara a,rKUr kaad lve.-f cf SUrgOt4-a;iaraai4. aa old a4reioua Ufi talk t a;l iL Lettooiu ttkalbWat p Ion s.d aa. Lm r.lluJopo i by our raadn,-.axia Jra JLKawToa. 4 Not Reaonsible for IlegiiUred Tetters. ' laaiaaa OaDta ' "' JL7 tlULLlO AS Fupt Bn tf 6v1a Ka'ah C Qrrnwtc'it0r LiaitS s,Xw Totk! : aep286nt ' " vi VHOLESAU.,-'; i F? i "A roughing incident n reported from Chattanooga. An utter stranger called o q a; re pec tab le farmer,1 recent' y, and aaked htm it his husc bad not been A man who had recently been elect ed a major of malitia. and who was not overburdened with brains, took it into his head, on the morning cf parade, to exercise a little by himself. The field selected for the purpo e was his own apartment. Placing himself in a mil itary attitude, with sword drawn, he exclaimed 1 'Attention company ! Rear rank, three paces march 1 and he tumbled down into the cellar. His wife, hearing the racket, came running in, saying r . , , Vj. dear, have you kil'cd your self? . " - ' ' " ' ' Go about your business, , woman, One must be easy in his mind io go to sleep quietly, but what must have been the feelings of the stranger who UQUOR ,DE AIaER, was aeofc up iiuri in, viesiera umci I v to sleep with a backwoodamxn, who! And agent for Uie sale of ' rave him this welcome r I Wa'al, stranger, fve no objecUon to . HAlIUFACTOnff vTD3AC50, your sleeping with me, nose in the least ; but it seems to me the bed's rather narroar for yon to sleep com fortable, eonsiderin how I dream, Yon see I am an old trapper,' and generally dream of shooting and scalp. ing Injuns. Where I stepped eight afore last,tbey charged me five dollar. TERRELL d V HAnHlS, extra cause I happened to whittle op I the head board with my knife while I :CI2An3(iC, 105 Byvaere Street, , Petersburi'Va. 0 t. definitely settled before she arrives in J face with a fat dumpy girl. freckled robbed during, the war. . The farmer replied that it had. 1 said tbe stran- I said the hero y what v do ' you know ger, was one ot tne marauding party l aboutwarr 3 R tersonMadison Co. GROCEHS : Commission srMcSliants- Petersburg, Va. " TT - " 4 ' " "W- " : a rew xorx... xvida r leetwood is my engaged bride, and Miss McDerm ctt' must just make the best of it. Ponsonby thrust his hands down in to his pocket. .'J'. t Xl:;:: f.: Well, said he, 'are you1 going to Mrs. Madison's party to-morrowT ,t , 4 Of coarse, liida has signified her royal will and pleasure that I - should be there,and I shall not rebel. Shall I see you there? '-" f 4 If my tailor is punct ual . with my dress-suit. . " ' and blowsv. with crreett ereT'evti a 4and hair of a 'most unmistakable red ! He started back,. ai she advanced with a smile. ,c This is iiotr-not the, Hiss -.-McDermott that I saw at Mrs? Madison's last night ? he cried. No, said the fair Judith, in a flat, drawling voice. , That's iny , cousin Isabella. te She jsjne over with me, i Vs. get her wedding oaHt. ' She is going back in-the CatTuxroIeamaji'ta marry ld Major Mottspu, He's i rich, and . . ' it if "I -f nt J R Patterson V7.A Eladixen. IL I. Jndkins, Ko U-tm. And then the club companions part- 1 that suits Bella. .Perhaps we can be ed as men do part. With an unceremo- 1 mar-ied at the same time. nious nod and smile., " j ' Mr. Lely skrarik from ' his fiancee's . Who is she? By the t shades 1 of I unmeaning gnxi A mine of diamonds. Venus, Hebe, and Helen of Tray ! ahe'e j shaft of gold, would not reconcile him the loveliest creature I ever saw in mj I to such a wife its Uus JndUaQ inotstros- lifer ) l J ityl Muttering. -ono ercr about tuat did it I took a little loctetj lbat locket, suid tb farm r bursting into tears, 'bad been worn by my dVar dew child. Herd it is, rrplied the stranger, visibly aff.cted : 'I am rick ; let me make restitution.- U era, is t20 f.r your little soo- fie gave the far. mer a $50 bill, and received $30 in change. ' lie then wrung the farmei's hand warmly aod left The farmer baa aince dried Lis tears and loaded hia -hot gun. Tbe mooev was counurfeit. ITumvoTousa Mex. -Always have a btuk within jour reach, which yoo may catch up at your add manatee. Esolve to edge la a lifle read bg avery day, it it is but a lUgteet-niene. If you cm .give fifteen minutes a day, u will be felt at the aod of tbe year. lU-gwlate your thought rw hi a not at study. A man is thinking, even while at work. Let him think well. It was m beautiful thought of alitilst girl in the - streets of our city, hungry and ragged, taken by a kikd.. hearted lady and led into a cake-shop and fed as she had never been fed be : fere.. And wben the angel-woman bad given the little child all aha could eat, and some cakes to carry horn, she took her Into n )tbur store aad gave her a nice . warm shawl and other matters that tbe girl needed, and was diamisi iog her, when the chld looked op InU her fie, and w ith all simplicity said, 4 A re you God's wife V 8he had heard that Ood give gwod things and tk gifts of the good lady set med to be such otly aa con Id come from kirn, w one like Um. It Was sot profane it Was simple and sublime, " ' ri Traniactkms fa kab' ist Detroit elitoil ietrodncUoa to a t treet fight. was dre'ming. But you can come to bed, if yon like. I feel kinder peace able to-night.' , , .., IIapbI CLaa by Lllc-txattos We OTcr-'ieard the following between two bell-boys at Ue Flit l Avecae II o- Ab a ounce hereby 1 fully cxrasl2Whst we say, that a ter tbe lit jaaoary 1371, we Intend lo sell ooy lor , 4 . 4 . . v . , c as n,$ or its equlTolra. It Is exstomery to put tbess n la Bcwipapers, aad fall to ra.sk s tttra trood. uui that we are la tts-LH. we tel, recently pat aaka Hike, Wnat,a wmpfuveto any one who ask fcr credit. this snspeksjon of tne bank V 'llut alio txg tbat ttot w!:f) uave jel Mikerep'I, TlllUUye." tap klB4 eno to trade wttiics this pe ,e have U cenu. Til Leave J J ft l' ' Uwla T'Xrxtd.yyewant r ' it, and te aa ma lor iu' Yis, 'I ull ye 'Uo, air. Pre waul it pestll.1. k 'young man employed in a cotton factory at Hyde Park, KassachtucttJ is so popular with .the i-ir sex that when he was convicted of being drunk; the girls la the mill look cp a collec tion and paid his fine. ! i - - a- ? - jr: - Education begic tLa zzlemxa bat reading, pood ecrstny snd re Cecticn. mcrt fj:iih him. - LecE. ' la Go To TEnBELL:.irA:::;i' and 'yn will grt as risen fcr.jr taoaev aa von as, a? wiierr, w are tr!l s At brfca fnlcrt trur XXaU Q aick I5al-e aa J AaaU frtC -i. " ZL'J CSC It 1fnr tm Cjt ttn tuTnrm U'alatb 1 .a ry Daet -a'i I I : aa.brcX' '.thu aui cur1 fatk erllmstl rtLicrtT.ylO)os etw f rwh r fi'd fad f jt rtmi ar xiol k UttUS&rrkaircttI liI4!(k-a 1- ( s 4

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