( ... ' - '-..!; ' i., m ' ! CI) e Canritr. GEO. 8. BAKER, PnornrETOic, Louisnuiuj..ilAXUARV, 30, 1874. Mr. A . T. Uzzle, is bar authorized agent at Pacific, to receive and receipt for subscriptions. Church Directory- Metjiodist I'iiurch Kev.r F. X Reld. Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11 a. rn and 7 p.m, ; Lecture every Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Com munion service' 1st Fabhath .In each month at 11 a. m. Sabbath 8ch ol every Sabbath at p p.. m. - Ftcward! meeting at thi J'U Konage on Friday before the 1st abbath In each mouth ; at7p in. Tarionage Aid trop'ctyj meets at the C hurch on Monday " after j the 1st Sabbath In each month at 3 p. in. ' : ' ' I . . , J , ' j Baptist Cuuncn-Tfev. G. W. New- if elL, Pastor. ' 1st and 3rd Sabbaths at 11 a. m. Cotnmu' Ion service 1st Sab, buthfl In Feb. May, Aug and Nor. Fresbytekian Church Rev. R.' Bur well, D. L. 4th Sabbath in each month at 11 a. id. and at 7 p. m. i . St. Paul's Episcopal Church Rev M. H Vaughan, llecto-. Funday school at 9f a. in. fe vices and sermon at 11 , to. Holy commuulon 1st Sunday In each mouth- ' f. V' y; I ' t Itoid ! Head 1 1 Read ,! i i ii i f "We will send the Couiiikk, and the Farmers Advocate, twelve mouths, for $2,60.-" ,. '" . t 4 ftftftftMNftftsfts" We will send the Courier, and the American Farmer, 1 12 months for $ w : : ' ' .;.t 1 Wo "ill send the Courier, and Woods Household Magaxine 12 months with the magnificent oil chroma, Yose rmte, for $2,75. i j We will send the Coukuer, . and Wooda Household vj ngarine. a 50 jgo double column Journal 2 months for $2,50. ' Wo will send r tho C,OURlEBf and Pcmorest's Magazine twelve month with tue magnificent Oil chromo, The Old Oakeu Buckot, for $4.25. V ! We will send the Courier, twelve months, with Lithropraph Portrait, 6f the great christian Warrior,, Gen'l R. E. Leo, on fine whito bristol paper for $2,oo. r v . v'T I. Wo will j semi the: Courier, and . Coders Lacjics Iifook.each number con taining a beautiful chromo in colors, for 12 months, and the splendid oil chromo: 'True to nature for $ 4,25. . File your Count paper? ? : ;' ' - ; i;. , -1 Repair that pump on the Court square, s ':r" 4 f , Mr, II, B. Smith's school opened on Monday last. . : - . t i Every family should have good newspaper, Seeking a nome. by Vivian, to begin in oumext. ; ,P , . .(r-:-, " " : 1 The W Is'on Plain Dealer has just cnterod upon its seventh volume, - k i t . . ,; ' - - ! iNew"! floor 'in te Commissioners room, very nco and comfortablev ! ' That is a" very ugly and sdangerpua bridge iu front of the Post Office, j v vft , , ; ' v ": ' - I ' ' . ,. iBuaw.&'Maloae are prepared to' do ' all kind of Blacksmithing, See their " 'A.dr, '9 4? V;, i , HooVM. R. Waite. of Ohi con filmed a CLitI Justice of the Uui . td States. .... ; . ,i f iltebuild'the Market House, but not bt "on the old site; or,after tbe old style. if you please. ' t Take your County paper ; and pay for it,' and vou will feci better," and be a better man try it ? . . J ' i -rf-ttrdi'tf ' - - - - Items L '.: vRead. tie cbluoiVof new advertisc- ineutl -headed "$1,53,000, Fourth Grand Gift Cpuccrt, Seeking?ajH6nTe,TebneDce in our next. -r,--rLn , . Numptrof priners .iff , Louisbrg Jiil, nvse,; ! Numbtr of Ji;su L uis- burg fur prisoners, rbti. - The CopDty CoLiiii.-looers will held their j regular .ontb'.y swioa oh Mod day next Ihead FvbtuWyv There will be communion service at th ii. E. ChuicL, on SunJay oxt. im mediately afier the morning Sermon. bubsenbe now, and get the first of the new story, Seeking a. Home. Writ ten expressly for the t'euniER, by Vivian. 1 Big Fall's Factory, in Alamance, owned hy Senator Murray & Bro,. was burned n the22id Ldi about $40, 000, N in'ornnce. J Messrs. Barrow & Pleasants, have bought the old Methodist Church lot, and will have a steam cotton gin ready for the next fall crop. 4 Br. W. C- Lankford will accept, our J thanks for a bag of Prineipe smoking! tobacco. We never smoked better. eed for sale at the prug Store;:! j - - " A rich treat for our jsubscri ber. In our next we wilt berfn a most cnarm 1 ing and delightful story, from the pen' ot V ivian, entitled, 4Seeking a Home.j ' Read the Adv. of the C. Home Ins. Co.V This staunch" old State Comi pani is worthy of oar'support and patj ronage.1 "..iDall k tbe .IDouhib iMOfiloeJ and learn more about it. ! The Job Printing and Bindery of Messrs. Edwards. Broughton & Co., of Raleigh, N. O., is indeed a" credit to our Ftate. Don't send your f-printing away from home. See their adv. Labo Hro r-Pr? Ellis Majone of this place, killed a cheater pit; rn Tursday lasr, which weighed (dresedj 503 lb. Pretty rii e pi Doctor, no doubt the palm will be jidded to you. C7rus H-dmes. The: wor d Fool, said in a eerinon on the-CtVurt House 8 eps in RaRlgh, last ' week,- that HtU was only 28 mils fUatact from Raleigh, and that the world would be diatroyed in the je-r 1878. j The adv., of Jno. Armstrong, appears for the first time in ur paper. ' he people of the State know this old ei tablished bindery so well', that com. ment from.isisJ unnecessary Read his adv. . ' We published in full the Petition of Hon. Josifh Turner Jr., as it appears in the News of the 2"th. in regard to Judge S. W. Wattswith the resolu tions of Impeachment by Mr. Bennett, representative from Anson. - - CA8H.i- Having abolished the credit ystem .of selling "goods.2 I "promise those ? who ., will . give . me a call that they -shall have the ? full advantage of their money. ' v Go forth in haste I tJ f I No time to waste ! ? . , r. ; Proclaim to all creation -. ' i That men are wise - w ; Who advertise - -In the present generation. a - - ' W. S. Mallory, Frauldinton. is pre pared to make liberal cash advances on cotton to be held. ' - This is a good opportunity for farm ers who do not wish to sell their cotton at present prices aidlwhowant to raise moneys ...nnn S, W, Watt J. S, C. at Cbam bers deckled in favor of Wn. M. Brown, the Goveroors appointee for State prina ter,agi nst Joiah Turner Jr.T Mr; Turner baa apptaled to the Snrerior Court, The decUaiou of the Judjp aiirpriseu do oei . The New York Sun, in speaking of the next Presidential election, says.- At the last four Presidential election, the Republican party" bad It all their own way. -The precidents point to is desolutions at the ; next trial. we say 'Amen to' that. ' - .- . " CoRREcrr k In the eotic in last weekVparer of the "farming opsratiooa ot M IJeuery P-arce lor the last year, there were two errors, Ke md l?ti barrels o.c6rnoiT,3 1 acre ol lai all of which was urliod exeepitbreff acres The 44 . balee . oi ,c ttoo .weighed pv ex 400 iba each" Instead of 40 lb, as stated.Weagin ask, .who can ibeat 4. M I ft - - . 1 i IIIP mill -iPM I,. " UiAjmOalSuraaTi horse circles on Nash street, finally running into Ue!TpoTch of tthX4wi)Eci of essrs, Cooke & Spencer, when bet coming entangled in the harness fell, and was captured by his sable owner. M ke mdny41aBt and londra ty 812. 53 per day, or $75 per w eek, by at once applying for a Unitorial right, (which are given free to ageoto,) to tell the bvsv strongest, most usvtul, aad .rapid s:l!ing Seeing Machine a fd patent But ton Hole Worker, ever used or j roai- memled by families, fir buy one tor voor own use; it is only $5, aent free tverj- whereby express. Address for partic uUw, R J Mclliqak, f-up'i. Buckland Sewing Machine,. cor Greenwich and CorlUndt street New York. Franklin up to time ih Farm- : o-rrTei published last,. week the! ... - very excellentyteld of - corn and cot-; ton made byMr. Pierce, in the F an.-! Rnton tonsMpT ,TfcSwoekSlrJ Jas XT Tt I ' .... . . I I S czzie reports that with, one, .mule and three band, (no' extra day labor; cmPjved,J Mader 23,balea of cotton1 of average weight ' If "Mrt Pierce, or' Mr, Uizle can bo beaten in the county, we would like to learn the name of the farmer. Let us hear. Fmc-We learn that on Sunday evening last.- the dwelling of Capt; Chas. H, Thomas, about 1J miles North from this place, came nigh being destroyed by fire. We have not learn ed the extent eff the "damages. "Too "mueh praise cannol be given r" toV the colored'men who happened to be passi ing the road at the tiin.,- and hearing the abrm, ran to .the house, j and by bard work finally succeeded in putting ieciive cnimney. r.i t In pur viit to Raleigh last weekend looking around to fee the sights in that pr .wing cit', we stepped into the coach bop-br rMrf NS. Garpf rd seeing a sign on the;ddor I.lbgtbe bllr II yo wish to see the B w. 'Wrrangl an J5 ! d !ttfcd tThe gentlemanly pro! prictr, took us into bis showroom, where .e. aw almost every kin 1 of wheeled" T.hlckl Theatonr.'Buceies v:asrlal9 ? Reckawaysj all of the ai ?Tel us that ne useu nottimg but the very btm- J teria aocj employed the best workraei, and warranted all his work J . VVe do not aee the use of p .gsing by t the shop : tf fj'd wjOi our 9y. tay.any thing io, JJft liiMiind a Inokrjnto his aboV.TOom, !wiii cause mot arry "one tothlc 1c as we do f Dou f t ou inneyo far tram home when you can : invest it at qually as great advantage at or near home.1 r Ofr. Tihs Fo'r 1874. -SubHcrip-tious to Satarday N;ght f 3,00 per an- four m)ntb?""ali payable in advance. not iucluding postage, 5 which is twenty I 1 "m ftjauic ak IliC office where p? per is delivered. I Back numbers ix .cents each, and one ct ut per cppV for bostage, which, under the t.ew rules, musi be pre-paid. ! 'It yon ish to gt up a club fyr Night,',, send us you? name, and we will forward you, free of cbanre. , a, number ot specimen copies of the pa per, so- that, wiUf them, jou; can give your neigh borhood a good canvasvmg All communications, 1 business or otherwise, must be addressed to , i ! Davis & El versos!, 9 Proprietors ot Saturday Night,' j Philadelphia, pa.' . - ! ? i k Louisburg Market, COTTON YARN per bunch; i 65 SOLE LEATHER, ..:....;.TS2a35 PORK 1......... 8al0 CHICKENS.:.; 1520 EGGS..r.;..;i.;. ... 15 BUTTER.:.....::.;:....;..:. 39a40 HIDES, per lb dry 10al2l POrATuES. sweeC..........' rUiATuLo,' sweet. ,75 TALLOA.. 5aft FLOUR....... 6 50al2 50 MEAL. ...... 1 00 CORN. ...........m. a ?q0 bacon ......:.:.v...::...::. yjt uo HAMS, N. C. ............ i 16 LaPJ,...:..;........;.;.;.;;W i': 12i FODDER..... 150 APPLES, dried, per Ib..,... ' 5a6 PEACHES, do ? dofc:...v...."i 8al0 Petersburg, Jan. 28. Cotton, 14 Cottoa-.fc 14 I C-RjA 23,r . .;. ,1" '131- r: cotton SPECIALTKLEG RAi TO TUB CQUBIHt.1 STARTLING NEWS FROM ALL tllffiATTSCntoliriMdNG j ALL CLASSES-t-THE ? PRESI DENT CALLED UPON TO ""AsK HIS -'AlDj.IN QUIETING THE DISTURBANCE 40"'oo6 , 000 PEOPLE IN JA STATE OF RE T0 Tj T APPREHENSIONS FELT EUR JTHR SAFETY OF the. Capitol BUixDiNd at AfigHINGTO JC0K0RES3 DECLARING T HEIR ; INABILI. TYLTO MEET THB EXIGENT IES OF THE CASE 8PECLVL LEG ISLATION REQUIRED ON THE : SUBJECT S KN ATORMERR- MON'S SPEECH IN THE SkNJ 1 !AT&fON ! THEH FINANCIAL' .QUEffflON PROPOSE!)" CONV TRACilONOF THE CURR N-: CY JNNOUNO MENT EX- TRAtinnTVAnvi?DftMn it TLrr! ERS BRICK STORE. I - CALISHER'S Brick Store Resnecti full announces to the public' that la order to make -? room: for their spring stock thejr will offer for the next thirty days their entire stock of winter good, at Cost The assortment is good, and we want to disposeof al 6urWlnlej goods ;rather than dJrry them over untU next seisoof we will - offer to purchas ers EXTRAORDOTBAY BARHAINdJ Re- I j . - ' . " a uibiuv-ji w iuvut vu.uais you can Duy anytntng m our sVre at Neri Cost Pice. . ; t .... I v. v.1. Money is the root of all evii.V, When we were little fellow. -lhr often heard this saying' and can recoli lect with what pathos and earnestness the preceptor of our wisdom endeavor ed, to inculcate this id our" training. At one time we thought it an exceedingly gpod thing, and accordingly held in contempt the much abused article.1 Now -t"nalZ!e faILgr0Wn Mr"r we 8ee th'e folly of bur waylaid if we MnTd'seelkV polo i n on wi ho taught our yonng ideas ot,,lwe should immedhitelv . a bow to shoot, prpnounce him a .fit.., subject , for the mnatic sylumt and forthwith soiicT him there at our cost. Now our op ject inwrting ttiwis fo call your at tention to the fact, that we have l large stock of goods on hand. Money is easier ta handle thn goods, and as a, 'JairxcbaD ja no irqV5cO! ?e propose that you give us your money and we will give, yonto.ir goods it CpSTin exchange for jt.Wt thjs exceedingly liberal onour part? vfe offer this inducement only for the next "30daysTA fter" tAat we"won't like money as,well as we do at present. ) L -i - J , CALISHr RS Brick Store, i Death of the Siamese' Twins. . . ..The physician who made an exami nation'of the bodieai of the twins, ' af ter their death, reporti that t he gor dian knot or band which joined them to gether was an extension of the sternum (bre itbone) about feurinches in length and two in breadtht? T heV band was convex -above, and concave underneath, and it was supposed, that there were two umbillical cords -.brancbingfrom this, ne extending inte each r body With eur usual promptness to nlease oui patrons we immediately despatch ed our special artist with instructions Xregnt'dless of expense) to .proenre a lifelike pictnro of the twins. This be has done, and it is true to nature, and will prpve a desirable; acquisition to toVgaller of all true lovers of arL T hej can be had . free of charge bj cfU ing t ouTcitore.M theiBanVe-Jtime bear in mind that we are cfTericg' our entire' stock at Cost for the next SO daystCALISHERff Brick' StoTd! Potato lovers will learn - with- rezret that the last year's crop is at least 77,000 t0e0 bushels short. This will have a inarkVeiTect on the pricef t fotton,, and this intaci wili effect the f1?6 f ?odj j Lherefort hasten ta avail yourself of the "Cppcrtonity to fcuy goods 'atXcsT." alter SOlIaya ia alall tell all goidi zSencaJ 4 - CALISliER'S BniCK STORE. i In our last.-wc requested the IVrd orCounty Comtufcslon'irv to recon sider their order, to bare the present old" bridge across tar river at this ptaca rtfloored,aud.upon cxaaiinations of the Ininuls'ihis morning we find the ordet bat-'eneBinded.'nd the Board are considering the propriety f if id'euing and extcadiug.th prcsTol bridge, we are satisfied that the neccs sity for the above 'changes is urgent, and w.e, earnestly Jjope that it will be made, for the bridge aa it is uow, does not answer tLe purpose for' which it waa intended. Let" us have' a wideb and a longer biidgk, and we think it would be economy to protect it with a good and substantial covering. Thkbi is s mnch of beauty and ar llitic excellence la the hrn.rr J ot iue -AiniLe no Tor.r nrfinc.. v - a m can wrell afford fo nllow it 4o remain a" ci38Qa iKpx, Tbe pmmiie held out for the New Y-ar, in the J i0uary number, of a volume of rurpassing worth and taste, ft sustained io this issoe. A drxJ en beautiful pictures embellish n.. more than halt of widen are original A- - ..- Mr. tt , mt, cary nas a spirited ullage plctore'of Antelope Hunting on the plains;' the hounds are In full pursuit of a herd of deer, which are coarsing like the wind over the foothills at th bate ot the It cky Mountains. Subscription price, $5. in"; eluding chromes THt East aud Tna WeSt. James Sutton & Caj publishers 58 Maiden Lane, New Turk Cir. New "Advertisements . i . ; ) x HOME-INSURANCE COMPANY, -: Raleigh, N. O. ' Insures 'Al i Classes j i INSURABLE5 PROPERTY Against Loss or Damasrc By Fire, On-the Most Reasoa .&KblefITerrLis. "Encourage Hoi'e Institniiois! R. H, Battlr. Pre.idenf, B, RoOTr Vice Presides. f r ScAVoMAXs8ecrarv; - J Pcla ki CowPEa, 8upervior. , .5 , ii t Louitbufg, N. c. i: 1 ft P.' -,' s. -.,. c. b. idwabds w, a. bbt;gbtoh.' A. F. JiEDD, aditor. n ; Edwards, Broughton i Co . Practical- ... ; Printers and Binders) Payettevi le Street, Raleich, N. 1. , - - - - .. Opposite Market Square. Pnblishers j BIBLICAL RECORDER. 13 50 Per Annum. J ohn Armstrong, Xo.'l PayetUvi'le" 8treet tv.aboK bisde,; ! : ianl Book Manvfucturer, - '- ,- - , ? f . m Sewtps'per, Magazines .and Law . J ! 1 .-Rooks : of, every "description t 1 "bound in the Very bet j , Style and at Lowest Prlco. f --.)anvJ I-a. .f-,, ...- j BLACKSUirHlNG I f Shaw t HalonCft ! ; i - rm, av v I Haih St. Near JoneUr ri&aVcs. ?Af6P?$PKtd tocxecatwitli cess and dipiicj. aii walk fa the black tx.Ubis Ua &aoeirg:butae a? spe ciality, - ;j : : t kIi ju, Z0in. SI 500 000. . -FjnrtJ.ons! GiiT CorcrlV r aimoinnr ids Public Library- Of "Ky. naAisa btrtxio tin. Oeo-tp'etethftklenf li.le a nl luaka a r i! !iJ u 1. 1, ,k d j x art l . t i. jj 401 AHa IFi 1 Ol wU be dtr.buud ty lo: aacng tha t ckit I iMkiLr.n LIST OP QiFrS. i urn a i nu uui r do do I da ;da i ? . I escoa 14 U w friOvX) 2t)0 do lo do do d do do od . 1.. 1 Cash Ctfia cf iluCCOeich SJ di ' f0 Of 5 UTjO I -17 5U0 U0 UO l&.OOJ 60 UUO &J da M da . 1W do . !.IW Cdo ?. ttO u ' . 3-5.. to II do do of 1 UOU di do of 60 d do tf -SOJ ro U. of a ani--di r- asui 4OU -doofi att. d ,M : do tf . luu d, tl5u do of M Uo tfi CO Total. 19,0 X) O f. ai? Ciah,' am Uiithw to..-......., 500 030 " to- The eon t ' n ! di t Ibtl tun f jr f wi i p aitive Mid QiHtiuiv -cody ke le tu,h taj c.v fix d, w.Uif Lth tiL et ftrea.idi.r uoi, a.itbi 120J .:t-aJ I d iu pi op i t.ca to t-t number or tt keta IRICECF TICKET . WLo:etkketW$ Ilac Tt-thsii-eachConn ft; .bom wh ULckn. $500 .J Ticket, for oro, US whole i ck t! d.scouui on :eta thau 600 wotth ofticxaui App! eatious for arcn l and .Utrs for Age-1 Pubic Lb.-ary Ky. and Mre.e-(lifC a 'tf.rtfftft t 1i KI a(. . ..ji . WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE I , THE BEST DODLUMOSrHLl. j TO &1 d,y nuidibj emvaaeJ VO IU VJ 0 l nforthi.iiar.xme4 now in iUUhv I ih Chromo, ' THE YOvKMtTE TALLET, 1 T4xT) !ntfia ft n Oil rol i Matazin -, ljur tt m,ii tdChrm00 Sdagizio 1 year whh aunioa:edCLrjmo 160 M.K' Le. iloi 1 var. : - r 1 00 E x.io)l e our ' lubbior a d rVemiati 'jljti lW) fira;..-la.a Ter ol cu a f tr the pr.a of on . We tolicit Exferioooid CanTaer ana niaer. to and at once i ar Waa and Kpecl.nea magazi e. Ad ir-aa a li tiacras. PubliaLer 41 Pxk How ii Y CI J, or hw bargh. X Y. (Umnta, wall the Vma.tluMttMrtUBfWM. Ptrftl aaatm a. aCft.i 1 200 Pianos ani Organs . Na a. I 1 d jMiI Kssrwl ITir .il..i,t.b' era, vM le wJJ at L.vur i'rlcta for ca h. Or n la.tillntca.s I Cr.y or Can-.t vi dill' k lhi rnail criia and t' hol.dyi. b Uobacs v'aTan& 40a 4X1 Cruiw.y, Un ever u iuieouerru lit Aw imk. ARe. fi Waute t to I. W-te 's ClUbraUd P naa Ouuedrto bd Oretitr ral! Orjraa. IllusL a tod t atAtisnci tuil-d. Or -IrxttK'Mianv toibe Trvle. a lr di-c cnt t j aliuitur Churcb.. mud y-seaocU c j .BIST. AUD OLDEST FAMILY ilEOICl: , ;tfve j;!rI nvig pra tor. A inrely Vec l.bl a tf itiic1 a Jure ad Too e a w lor uyvfina o liflitttiou Ii-Li itr k 1t Uv aUus id Lou. a t cks aaL-aldcnu- u-uwil Lner Glottic . ana cWrl-. xk y.-ur D.ut;:atf r it . iJea e f tin t tioja. COyTifS r itlrPfArrfaNr-At II IM e' VK. r Kcmale. flit, e k ir a Ui io capital r f)ii rd. ran p.at i4 a d i a iiwunfcui cu.,i i ft, uiurft. .ft.tii o i. return M.imp A. U IvO'tt 230 iUi 1 1 v illi.msb.rgti vY.-j i I 8 'jUbTUiNUTIIal wl I mT'PL'T'n py you, Tuiu. -Cwi.-i IV U J. H 1 1 ft.a: l.i orabaV KaP-.Vidie ; T?TT T? Lftr CftAk rae OtuiaaMcd -I1 JLvili!. for ajx. el taw uexy etujticr old -.aaj U PajlaiLa.iMj totraveL Lara .ltr e. exp.-rlen ed A iKKT... A 8I?oUd Outfit u ,e : e lo-' 11 t" LkaiE i jfc. HaLL, IGJ oitU . barlei .treet, llaltim ..c; " - J S 1 0 T 1 100 ? wj'! 6t Jea4s tr V1 V fortune. c,rbk. 32 p g, p.mh let f r .t m V aTi s s 1 rniiNt A Co. Banker. nd Drvkir. 33 ra. cj x Xork : r PYi:HOMNOiroatOCl, CHIKUIMU r- How e thr ki uut futifkm aad itaiu the Le a.jd affcUwii. of an rj;r.oa. tber ciiooe. In ttotiy. TtiiaaiTp'e mcatU qnlrent alt can poava. frtm b' mail tor sti tt; toeethr w;to a Mamas. Guide Ft. p tiai Oracle lrtam liinu to Wdia. a onrtT livk, lO00aj4, addrr- T WiLuij. a Cu , fub.Liheta, Ldale.plt, FOREENT. . The house and lot on JIaia street occupied by Mis, a JL, Yarbcroti2h RALEiOll FZMALE tEMUJAUY, ... ... Raixjgzi. IT, C, i. i ! F. P. Hoirocs-jr., TrictlialJ U.W. RjosxiAKT, (VJ, V-) Asa. -do Or. L V031 XlxTkiuiary, ol ,Yiens , ' f,t j4j v. ',...lnsC JUe'. Tb Sprinsr Term will open 00 Jlot-' day; Jar. . 13r 1874 - For paxilculars apply for Citcalar Cxd Catah.gue, f vij.') iuS Ti 1 a rr.,.,! t;-tf.. '' Boarding and.T)iiyKcli(JoI . .. . , 1 For YounsLadies; V 3 ;LoinsRuno, w. ( ' l- 11efia!i ars loiofthc above sImol wU opa Ycdne!ry the Hth . f Jmju uary IS 74, and cntinie fu 1 teiitr weeks Ten or twelve grU ei fltt4) comfortable boar-l Iu xsy foti-ct's fam Ml. uiU who livolatha county a. I home Friday even'r- fetuni Monday non.m.w 11 hsthirgt rau le?s; Appljifor tuxuiars ririnr allneeearv it.fu-tnitkn. j -iwvcuiuA- a, vsw.nriw.! deci 2m. "Prltiei4l. Threat ia-U:;e. Oceupin a a.sa c oal j ? fan Sraus? 1 1 a- w .- - . , , -i.t-e ..ftV--:. I -i.tr - f ; 1 !''Jf;i . 1 " - ft,' tl wk. - "'. I , I - a " " i I J U o I . . J ALFORD PRK3, Tt3,SM5sl-ai-Hcjt FcTrrrTi t4 it Tco men can easjlr pack a- CC b!c ol Cotton, aad is -1 so arraatad that t.be p3wraod workmS fc-- caa be doabl. d. If necesry.' pcks aaW-f pact a bate asVne eld fashion! caw with half the labor Can La rca ty t gin poircr or ly water . and itearr Jry putting whrels In place of the en-la. Fanneia can boy Family Rljbu, sad build tbirtwu Pre n at small cxpeaaca. Irons Furnished at C::l. Sate, Cuunty aad FQily.Ri-l:rtr sale by IIALLORY & iX70:J Sole Proprietors of the 8fithcra, tats 'Ml tl zt j .,. ? Frankhaton; rf Q KQW.I3TnETIUI2 TO SUCCC3 .n , yea THif S 1 !S r-. v t , . . ...... . j . V 1 -W? j Beit Story and Sketch Taper TaL u CntcrTififS5D,6Cd.5:s ' i ? " LvATtocsT CitcCLaTiow'or ixt pAvsa f-EWbodj Rea4s Kl vZTllody 1 A4asiret It.v f ? v EacIi.w .8obttibcra-flir tlzz Jars, riU jreceire the .Wev.Ycft ETi J J fa year, and hia choice dt t , THREE ORISIfIAL:Ci;r " t I. co Cwx-D.' ;t J 3. Flt U;gx EltLeVof thaw latllaXCsSstii U wvnn tna .prjca.ol subcrl)c,-"a4 wdLmake a tuitaU.e picture-fr car Pr:r. " We hire" tad t!iei-r;iuS Irom t rroal designs of our owc,a4 lhy cannot be procurad eltawlua. fend three dollar, - and you will ctlva the most popular literary la the world for one jeAi, toit -31 ComiUta Serial SlLtfajs i . 130 Short bkstcba ol Lore tzl A-U veotute,, . H 500 Pieaaat Paragrapbir, 50 Bu trsreati va Cs.ayrf t W Joth Billing Articki, Spice Box invIutjsTSf. Our Etiqaatta . Departed!, .adfsca 00 Oood BchaTior, asd ic:' icstte yuung-bow to set cat ,c4 diog, PftTtlea, etc., -v. "MI30i Lio wledge-BJx 'lizdt "c4 Medical 4u;;Uoa.: I. v 5000 Acs ers t rmrpcr JL ca Law. Lot., L-eH aal Uutcry. r C0 Items ot lotercst J 52LdiCs'Woik-llT Anlc!es.C3 braclfl adflra aLoui tu Uallr tsJ Catling of Dreiea, tta'.SckciJa f alareriaJs, etc,, . - , 50 ili.tnrical Itrtn letc', rt e . variety of oihei intmsir 1 marur."- ' ' - -' u .rfSS 27, 23 and 31 Rose Et.. Jf. Y. . n nTlxc Hrlglit; Hcccz; Pab:!i!ic4tt-. V f"'-f --' . f frftv SUiLfcrai.-.liatlc"L:it-, I ... ... , .j- v . . ... , J ' Orcul.tton a.-w," "";. C.-U cX , cr taaTr,-:: ; ?v3 lt- rro c-4r A I tnited aainber of uaobJg.:.-aaa adteriiscmeats will be recti ttj. . pWpCT . I