CI) e Courier CEO. S. BAKER, : Proprietor. I)risBuna..i.M Alien,' 27, 1874. "Ilr. A. T. Uzzle, Is onr Authorized ircntat Pacific, to receive and receipt for subscriptions. ; We b&vc made arrangements, by bich we can have all kinds of joo t printing done, on short notice, and on terms very reasonable. Bill heads', Letterheads, Envelops. Magistrate and Court Blan-ks xc. Alsd Binding. Tboss having Magazines, ; papers; &c., Can baire them bound in good style, at a very' low price. Send in your orders, . . ' '.''' Church Directory. Metdodist : Church Rev. F. L jeicl. Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11 a. in and 7 p.m. Lectnre every Yon can get Early Rose, and Mercer Potatoes at T. N, Carlile & Son.' " , if you are buying goods oc Ion? T - r w w W winded time, some where .else is the place not at 'CLlON'S.- , Married.- Harris Cltjto On the 25th inst., at rcsi Jence of the bride's father, by the Rv, M. J. Hant, Mr. A. JfV. Harris and j Miss Re'ttie Clifton, daughter of T. T Clifton? Esq. All of this countyv- f; New j-l-APEn 'Change. Maj. J. C. Mann., managing, editor uf , the Wil. mington Post, Wd W. ' Geo) k: Ear-4 lis Local editor, have retired, and Mr. E. B. Sanders, the associate editor assumes full "control. ; Notice. Those indebted to me either by note or account will please call, and pay what they can. I am compelled to have roonej to meet cash demands from all sources, ') ; ; Wm. R. King. t' E. W, Fu 1 r is seilirg a sop:rb Family foxy ip Sto, ( f, j- At Messrs. T. N. Carlile & Sons s, may be found. Cheese, Lard, Flour, Molasses, Sugar, Coffee, Bacon and Confectioneries, &c, also a fine line of staple and fancy dry goods. .? ;.,,,- . . : We take special pleasure in calling ittention to the facti that a number of the young gentlemen of our Town are endeavoring to form a musical club. l The instruments used will be of sil yer or bras (as those of an ordinary Orchestra) and consequently will be ef considerable service in the frequent entertainments given by the ladies for the benefit of the different We regard the effort as on f most commendable, and know that it will add greatly to the general entertain ment o f our people, as well as to the common interest of the place. It is our earnest desire that this will meet ; Rjcoutkb of Dxcci. -. I mod lerpecttully- announce to-the voters of Fiaokli, that I am a candi date for the office oi REGISTER, ol DEEDS.' 'Subject cf con se to the ac tion of the nominating committee. Respectfully,-; RUTUS R. HARRIS. y- RcptRK.fe Court liars. I respectfully annoooce mre!t a can didate for the office of Superior Court Cleik, subject to the action ot the nom-watiogconyenUoB,-0 , t . m , A. D. Crcdup. , JUeuistsb of DrEDr.. . . A " I would respcotfally anpouoce to the voters of Franklin,, that I am, a canrti- churchs, date for the position ot REGISTER OF DEEDS j subject, o cours?, to decision of the Dotuinatiog Convention. ' ' Kespectluliy, Wm'.'E. ALLEN. Frb 27 1874. tt ISTOTICE U. S. Internal; Revenue i Oni Special Taxr7 ' V T C Kay; 1,- 1874, t3 April 30, 1875- "THE Lw of D.cember 24, 1872, re qnrea every penoo engagrd in anj business, avocation or tmplnyoent which render mim liable ta a Special Tai 4 so raocuB ajo rutcs ooHartcc, OUsLT XX HIS RtTABLItHMUrr OR PLACX of Bcsrsctt aStirajf rianiaj the pay meat of said Special Tsx,tor-Sp.oial T4x yar begiaoing' May 1, 1874 before eop mincing or continuing buslnesa al- W Apiil30, 1874. . . . : . NORFOLK, Ja. -; DEALER I N .7 f : ( ; ' i f . -Z '. v- THE yjIjEST ana most FASHIOITASLi: i Black lYalnut,D Parlor, idbrafr- Aca Ccnlf? ' .... f na OnSinal Deaigna, aad ot.the JxaoU gaperb Ctjlt H-'A . . . i ; . . Th i Taxes embraced wlthiR the' Pro- I Also a choice aaiortmeat of Tables, Wardrobes, Dresics fJurj "it j-rrck Li' are See Iuternal Revenue Notice." , We WcdncMlay evening at 7 o'clock. Com- hope all out people, will attend to the Louisburs llarket. the, full apprpbtiou of laurcilizenf ahi COTTON vuab iuejr win uub ucbiuuc w aiu vue club both pecuniarily and otherwise. J J A v; .T iuL i ....... ...... ........... that they will not hesitate to aid tie COTTON YARN per bunch,. UliCi LJiAl, munion service 1st Sabbath in each month at 11 a. ra. Sabbath School every Fabbath at 3 p. m. Steward's meeting at the Pa'sonage on Friday kfo e the 1st abbath in each month . t n m i nrsnnnirn ini rnr. f i.v Rk I Y - "-(-j - meets at the hurch on Monday, after the 1st Sabbath in each month at 3 p. m. . , . .i t ' o - Baptist Church -Re? G. W. Ne e'l Pastor. 1st an J 3rd Sabbaths at Ham. Coin mu' ion service. 1st tab laths in Feb. May, Aug. and Nov. rBESDYTEKIAW Ciruncii Rev. R. Burwell, D. I. 4t Sabbath iu each aonthat 11 a. m. and at 7 p. in. requirements of the law, and thereby save themselves from trouble. Apply to Capt. I. J. Young Collector for this district, Raleigh, X. C. AH our Merchants, are very busy making j preparations to ,go North f ter theii spring stocts of goodsl We hoTe thev will load the enln mni nf .lh I . . . . , I der the auspices of the Peruvian Gov Courier, with 4uong and attractive , . u?r . . &. rnment. Mr. Balchiir is in direc advertibements, when they return. f : Peruvian Guano. We have, sev eral times during the last year, called the attention of cur readers to the adul teration ol puanos, and condemned the practice as it should be. We now bring to their notice the card of R. Balcazar, whose business we have in vestigated. Among the best ot pure guanos is that imported from Peru, un 1 65 if32aS5 PORK. 8al0 CUICKENS..V... M5a20 EGGS 15 BUTTER.. ; . ...... . 30a4O HIDES, per lb dry 10al24 POi'ATuES, Bweet............a , : 75 TALL0.4.,.......;;.i1.....w .y 5a8 RAGS .............i.;.;.. .! i 2 FLOUR 6 50al2 50 . Col. Brown, of the National: Hotel of Raleigh, has issued an invitation to all the editors' 'of the State to make his house their headquarters during 0 n . i. - rV ri the meeting of , the ,Press Association Pt. Paul's LPiscopALCnuhcn -Rev ; . .6(2i i . - Convention, on the.lzth ot May next. ' For Rent. I have a splendid room over' my store! fitted up especial ly for a daguerreian gallery, with beautiful sky light, and dark room communicating, which I will rent on easy terms. - . .-, T. N. CARLILE. fcLouisburg, N. C. ' 7 ' 'I" f. IT Vauglian, Recto". Sunday school at a. m. to vices and- sermon! at 11 a. in., except on 5th Sunday, Vhen the hour will be 7:30 p m'. During the Reason of Lefht, service and lecture on Wednesday and Friday at 4:00 pro. The sacrament of baptism will be ad ministered at any service after 2nd lesson, and in case " of neccesslty, at any hour of day or n'gh. The Holy communion wilt be administered otilst Sunday of each month hoir will nifct at the church on Wednesday and Fr day at 3 p.m. , Service and s rraon at Franklinton, in the Male Academy, on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 3:30 p. in , and ou the 5th Sunday nt 11 a. m. rnment. Mr. ' BlChZVr 'is m direct communication with the agents of that Government, and is enabled to supply that guano, unadulterated, full 2,240 pounds to the tot, directly to con sumer?, thus saving the profits ot mid dlemen. He will also ship in small or I large quantities from the seaport near est to the locality of the consumer, thus saving no inconsiderable amount ot freight. Mr. Balcazar claims that by the above plan he can furnish consu mers with pure juano at rates very much lower than theyr are- now paying ill 11 f I) 3 f f T iUXUAJLt... i. ......... ...... - CORN BACON HAMS, N. C... LaRD FODDER;....... ...;...'....... APPLIES,: dried, per lb.....U PJSAliKS, do do 100 0 10 161 ii .1 50 5a6 8al0 ,50 00. 23 00 15 CO 10 00 5000 100 00 COTTON MARKETS. j " -: Petersburg, Marl 24 ! Cotton. - . - 15 i Cotton Norfolk, Mar, 15i ,24. 15 lor it. peal Jtems. Rocky Mount is te Lave a new Epis copal Church. . t vi v Gov. Vance has been invited by prominent citizens of Norfolk to de- lirer in that city his interesting lecture entitled 'The Scattered People, recently received with so much favor by crowd ed audiences in Baltimore. We urged some time ago that the witty and ac complisbed Carolinian Statesman be solicited to repeat his lecture in Peters burg, and we hope to hear soon that some action has been taken to that effect. We are sure he would be greeted by a large and appreciative audience. Lkdex-Appeal. E W Fuller 'is sellinj; article of flour for $9,00. an excellent E. W. Fuller is selling a still bctur flour fr $ 1,00. If you are buying good for Cash be sure to call at, CLIFTON'S. Read the list of new advertisements beginning, Millions of acres of rich farming lands in , Newbraska, for sale cheap. ' ' t - v : ' -.'- Fresh shad, is selling in this mar ket, at 5I,00 a pair, too high for us, we cannot laxuriate,have to live on the recollection! of the past, The name of Col. Stephen D. Pool, of Newbern, Chief Clerk of the House of Hepresentatives, and Editor of Our Living and Our. Dead, is prominently mentioned Is the Conservative Candi date, for the office of Superintendent of Public Instructions. In every posi tion that he has occupied, he has al ways shown himself to be a true and faithful man, as to his qualifications to fill the office, there can be no doubt?, and we m st heartly add our concur' ranee, to that of many other of our State papers, in 1 the r comraendatiou of Col. Pool, for the above named office. .' : , l(' 7' MARItrED. II ALL NlXON'. ' At the residence of the bride's mother, in Raleigh, on the 18th inst., bytheReY. Hu Mangum, Mr. E. T. Hall, and Miss Mattie Nixon. r - - W. S. Mallory, Franklinton offers for sale v- .. 100 bbIsLime in good order at $2.60 150 Sacks Liverpool Salt at 2.85 290. buV Black Seed Oats at 90c. 50 sacks N. C. Flour warranted. 4,009 lbs Tire,' rbund," round, oval. Read the advertisement" of AfMBrsi. sauare swedes, and band Iron, at low Nhitelaw&Crowdei', dealers in Marble rates. - , ; and Granite. Their place, of business 25 keVs Nailp at 6c and upward. - is oo the. Corner, of Rlount ani Mor- The Edgecombe .Cotton Plow. , t C 100 bales Va. Timothy Hay at f 1.85 per hundred, ' r ; Rags taken m exchange for paper. Special rates on all the above to per sons purchasing largely. STATE NEWS. ; Longevity. -Mr. John Long who died iu Edgecombe county recently at the age of 92 years had never, during his whole eiistance called in a Doctor to see him. We do not mean to inter- mate however that his ripe age v as at'ributable to this tac. Rocxy Mount Mail. EKC'-.tTRAaiNO. Never at any time since the - War was there more: enefgv and determination among tbe 'planters' proper, in this section of the 8tate, to improve their farms and redeem the past. True it is that numbers of those who rented and cultivated email farms last season may be crowded out fur lack of means, but not one planter' in fifty will be so affected i On these points we have consulted numbers of our most! in- tel-ient farmers, and th-ir opinion in rejjar''-1 this are embodied in the fore ! I i. going remarks. : Goldsboro Messenger. Dull Traijb? North. We learn from Col. W. H, It, Tucker who has just returned from New York and Phila- he'p'iia, that in Ids. whole mercantile career of tbirty-vx years,; never was there seen such a dull spring trade in those cities. There were only a tew it Suihern merchants injt)ie city ofNew Yoik and a large falling off of Western merchant?. From both of the above sections merchants were bujing quite light and y,ry caunously. Dry good ot all classes' and grades are lower with . falling tendency, In domestic, and Araerjcarro asijcred good s eneral ly, the pricfci are coiiriderably reduced. The sty e ot- ladies dress goods hav uodefgone little or no charge frrm that ot last Summer and are mucti loer in price. It is generally bel:eral that themtrcaniiie tra;e ot ihe whole S mtb this Summer will fall shoit, - of that b I ny seas n si . re the wr, Ral News. Cotton ; Raleigh Mar. 24, . New, AdYortiscments. Q7 .GENUINE-. 7s-s ?-.- Farmeis, Agriculturist a and dealers iu Fertilizers have now an opportunity of obtaining this valuaole manure in email or Jarge lott, at importers' pi ices, by applying to the bpecial Agency j-ist tt taiiuhed;tor the purposw ot delivering Genuine Peruvian ft uano to consumers at any accessible p.rt or railway station in th country. Full particai&r given in circular mailed free on application to H. Balcazab, No. 53 Beaver st., N. Y. UhFlSBJCRCES BY- PEBKISIO i. Messrs. Bobson.IIurtado fc Co. Finan cial Agents ot thePeruviau tibvtrnmeu 52 Wall st. N. Y.; Moses Taylor, rre? Maitooal City Bink:, 52 Wall st. N. Y J. O. Tracy, Esq , Pfiuvian Consul 26 J 13to(i way, ri. 1, mU27 3ui Whitelaw - &f Crowder, I Cor. of Blount and Morgan streets, i - i ; raleiqhI n; c, Are Prepared to Furnish . i . j - -i -i -v - - -:" - ; Marble Tombstones ; . . . . 01 all kinds . Neatty Carved and Engraved.' I ' t .i '' Also, all kinds of GSM?IE WOES, visions ot the Law above quoted the following viz: Rectifiers, 1 $ 203 00 Dealer, retail liquor, . 55 00 De!er wholesale Hqaort 100 00 Dealers in t&alt liq'rs wholesle 59 00' Dealers in'malt rq rs, re'tail, 20 00 Dealears in leaf tobacco, 25 00 Reiaii dealers in leal, tobacco, . 500 00 And on sites of over l 000,' 50 c for every dollar in ex cess of . 1 000 Dealers in mastered tobacco, 5 00 Manufacturers of stills. ... 50 00 ; And for ach stU! naan!(ured,; 1 20 00 And tor each worm do 29 00 Manufacturers ot tobacco, 1000 Manufacturers ot cigars, 10 00 Peddlers ot tobacco, first class . (more than two horses), 4 Peddlers ot tobacco, second , class, (two horses), . . Peddlers nf tobr ceo, third class (one horse), . ; Peddlers ot tobacco, 4th class, (on foot or public conveyance) Brewers ot less than 500 bbls, , Brewers of 500 bbls or mere. ; Any person, so liab, who shall fail to comply with thr foregoing require ments will be suljrct to severe penal ties. '. . - i ' '? Persons or firms liable topny any of the Special Taxes named alove must apply to I3AA.C. J. rYOUNG, Collector ol .Internal Revenue at. Raleigh, N C, and pay for and procure the Special Tax 8tmps they need, prior to May 1, 1874, and Without Furthkk Notice. 1 J. W. DOUGLASS, , : Commiesionor of internal revenue. . Office of Internal Revenue, Washington, D.C., Feb. 16, 1874.. mchliUm : . MILLIONS OF ACRES Ricli rFarming Lands IN KEBU1SKA. NOW FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. Tex Yxaus CainiT, IreaE!5T cklt 6 rta Cr. prcTl tive Tamph ets, wiih 3ectl nal Map's cnt t ree. i boards -Library and Rook Cases. Hat Trees Lana XfhtUZXalx Also a Complete Lloe of n nnrrs mi m nvi . . . . ; . - - - - a . ! t I.Ahfr IN III! 1.1 II I Hv fUIf ''CP l 71 7i i r llr'.t . ' ; !: ..':.AIiD .WALL' PAfERJ t4 1M Give me a call before purchasing else where. Jill goods wimiUi ui. 'Li ll l0fflce 4 8lesroota otw Kos.207 llsia C-ell ULlxv (4 aaT promptly atten.led to In all Its branches. The only agent la the' Otv izt f t'Zz! METALIC BURIAL CASES, Mahogany and other Cu22ca fursUheiat tU ii: , 1 est notice, aa r Io. Carrisgts, with the best Hearts U the dty,? esi r UJ Tt.-: -1 Right Corps Prviein the city vnd rurreondin country. - vprll ICnl TbeBest'in-Use.rt Occupies a space 'only 7let; Buari. THE PIONEER, A hanusome. Illustrated Papr, coi ttioing the lit-iBC tead law, in die i freoto aJ parui of tUe worid. ddr-as . O. F. Pati, . Ir.d CommiMioucr U. P. K. B. ( mala. Neb. N. Y. ..DAY-BOOK, A Pex cbatic Wxsklt. JEsfablhcdlO. Itsnppvirts Wbitt hop-emacy, p lidial and eel lernf,$3 per year. foeluW, nln copies tor $3 pJclmrtll cp c frea. Ad tire DAY bOOK, New York CI y. EXTERMIN-AT011S Axn IsorcT 1 wdkb, For I?at Miee., Anti, 1 ed Bugs, Ioth, c. J. if. r-EiUY;CUHRAN TCo, N Y. fO Jgnts. WANTED COAL, IRON ANDTIMBER LANDS, Favorfdy loc- teJ, on or ur ritttt(l or I w wter wajp.ratin roue. cldrcs i i - r MCIIOLSO ACHK. ltl Browy, (Room '6 ) Y rk. t . .'.-r1.,:.).. :. . - il A . . ' vl T l I - , 9. X Chriiuari rMrco SiTsQiri.s,w A Bet. J.B.-E: E!:: . .' wi . .. ,. J - iidr tti ai tt t! Eitaalliied U IZZX c?4 - :.v .!i ; . s- f--f urn rvoTi te - it 3i't (!V dtitA Relldou, UUrktcre, fideV-CiVv 7 " News,kad Gsi IauUi-raik m J "d ? fcr THE O JiajLir 144 N.;c;,Conforcicb;' Patented Ort. 13t187S.)J THE t ALF0RD PHESS, . Tie EMest ani Host Pawerli ,-.'( ; . Cotton Press la Us5. . Two men can easily pack a. 500 IV, btle ot Cotton, and it . is so arraajtd that the power and worktng force cae be doubled, if necessary. Packs as cost pact a tale as toe old fasniooed sccw ith half the labor. Can be rua by ths fin power or by water and steam bj puttiag. wheel in place of the cranks. Farmers can buy Family Rights, aad build their own Press etsmall expenses. Irons Furnioiicd at Cost. State, County and .Family Rights' for pint.r jiteimi , cBmr ni Kt- sale bv UALLORT dr ALTORD fiff!lSfflfStKeSrf iSSfiiSJitl Proprietors foth.Ss.thmi Utes tie.. Ada es li. jj uti.icJi& v., . p 1031 U ranklintoa, f u o. BUY J. & P. COATS' BLACK THREAD for your IIACH11TE. , i t i J Such as 1 -I Post, Step, Sills,. WaterVTeblea, Street aad Graveyard Curbstones, & . All orders fnra i the country or city prompt attcndeJ to,r - mh 271y gsn streets, Raleigh, N. C. 4 I We have ordered new type, and irlien received our paper will put on its new Spring dress, and we hope will receive a large number of invitations, in fmUes it does not nov visit.' Notices. t it . . . .4 A Word To'ox?n Tswk Commis sioners. Warm weather is approach ing is it not ' time to look'after the sanitary condition of our town ? There are a number of stagnant pools, thatjjught .to be drained, it wilt re-" quire only a very small outlay, and will prove of incalculable benefit to oar people. Last springi we urged A Rich Treat dc Store fop. the that precautionary mess urea .be Uk en. Readers ot the Courier. -We will to prevent sickness, but our 1 prayers; Mr. R. P. Clifton, has bought the rsidence of 'Mr. N. R. Walker, on Main St..where he will soon erect a handsooiedwehing, J , Queny.-i-Will Berry occupy "; the Louse al. ty himself? To tlio Voters oi !Trbn!l- : ,i--lin County. U i ' ' 4 ," : ' ' -'(- StrERioa Court Clerk. r I ereby'm jie ! aafirfdstft lor Superior Court Clerk, tuoject ot course to the acliooi the .nominating convention. Respectlcdy, J . '' :riT J ' W.K.!L.RTTK; JrV ';.f soon begin the publication of a most beautiful and interesting story, written expressly for the Courier, entitled, M Floating Hearts, or the mystery of Glunburans by "Ethel. 1 We have md the manoscript, and we know that J less' very 'true, our rcadorj will be tutercsted in it, I time saves nine. were qisregaroea , sua w- jui rcaicm ber last summer Don't neglect this important duty, and thereby have our people scourged with chDls and fever. There is an old ssying, but neverthe.' Vthat- a . stitch ia As you have alreiuy begun n canvass the claims of diff:rent men for the d.i ferent offices rf the Countr, ad" beirg desirous that my name Shoo d be proni C W. WB6TERiOK. C. W. Weslbrook & Bro. irt-i.-r J't: (Formerlj of Greensboro, N. C ) CHOICE FRUit TREES, GRAPE -VHIES, STRAWBERRIES, - etc. ;.-..: etcv -... etc, Cultivated ssd for sals at the Wilson College Xurscrics, TT I L S O A', A". C. We warrant onr trees true t name ; OPIUM r"";;1r. ! BUY LTHE jGEHUlfiEI kiowu tn l SUr.E REMEDY. Ho Charqe f r treatment' ui 1 1 mrtd. 1 an r or ad dress ir. J J Jsck. inrlntatL, Cmio XrTTT)-rvT7P! "Truth Tri iMUlvJJrjlV cropba t! Ateuta.old and JQV-.g. ir.slc sod fexsU .make in jr, seiMiMfour Freiuli and AneIc si Jnrjt lio k'id Gacn hau t a?ytinx e Ore tt isdmeii'ns to u-n and and HiieU k ;t Wgue-, Trm nd inlt prienbr t f to atl Addi a P. o. VlCKKnY, Align U.U e. . P-Y JHOHAX JY OU ' O JL GIURM1NO, How e ther tx ma. fit t: nut aad jpun tbe lave ad !f.-tat of n ' pern they eno,in ttMir. ThU aiwp'e menuJ e fl4trcm"tl tw post. f! b" mail tor 4j iU; VtibT w.ta a Uarmgi Uaide Ksjp tia-" Oracle Dreams Diu- to A qq- er in k, JWC0)ii,t ad!re4T M'ouuc k .C4 Pu ihe. vhdaV.p U. ' Paraers'Tiicii Patctei Plwl! BEVARE . OF l'.'JTATli'lj. And ceo that tbe plows yoq .boy are bra&ded , .,; , , Farmers Friend Perfected ? . . i : ad have our - patent! grooved irtm p ate aeder tbe cu3. Uay of our ea toaers bavs aaturtd us that the ess lags lat twice as long as any others they caa get- Tbe n.E. Church,-SciSr.?' , i - ' ' ' '.: ; 1 ".at tdET Term, 2,00 per .scalps It vsncc. , for tlx nosthv fbe chraput psper U tbe.Ct-!.,. . WARD ci D R Oi: ; &ankIintdn,IfC;;;: , Are nj w offering a lars aa ssftet, : S t a f h - DRY:GooDa! Groceries . a 4 1" t. 7lzi1 . ; HardsrtftJ I u 4 AT ! a .f .! cheap Gcora,-' Go to ' - r. - j. . "W"ARD- tBHO.(u ;Currciiay,;cr;S!:.::K' will U pild. , , , . rf , Xta f. . Persocs tu!:1j ctt trea t- CU ly rr-arttad io5Il exr'i , OUR ST 0 C 1 1 t T , v' Dow lavt rxTTTfy rT,yrx3 : - uCaN DI31BiUT0J. ' " sf - (BVMS an icent before you tr the office ot Sber.ft,- and we are sedieg at reduced rate thia I iub'mit lor your cSmidei'a.i w; any sPrio&- Ba J Jur ,rf ? g claims to which Itnav be entitled: when jou shall assemble ia canventio'to mike j ur nominations, , ..j Very Respectfully, J Feb. 1874. H" e JOEL THOMAS, tuem cnetp 1 our two year old stock this . Sptin, Address, .t . -CL-W WEdTB2UX)K & BRO C. A, GlBBs, - Wilson, K CL Local Agent, Frsnhlintoe, X. C, Meeting or the; Toivnslilp - Trustees. On Monday the 23 In.t, there win JfJE D1AM0IID C0TT0I1 CUD? be a meeting 01 me uouai mr juu bur? TownsiJp Trg'tea at ibe eCce t lhir cUrk. to rooider tu matter nt towoahipf tax, to py the presfot in debttdnets, and t prende tcr the fo ture. -All. persons baviajr cUiras wll m preeot. " the oTers bi rai are especial!? - rcqurated - ta meet the Bard to have a reapiortiofttnat ol tbe hands to wiwk rovtf, , Ve wmzd to bear all coca plaints 'and in all revpsrts to meet our duties lu'ly aad taitbiuliy. By order of the Bort . WUFarmae, . CUrk. Tho EvcIht Cr::::-l, .- . . . i .-.11 7. ACcr: ...... i w W. f ' il PER niEULTlYATEV THE EUREKA C0RI1 ' FLAIITEn, C0RI1 SUELLEBS, STRAW ClinET.3, aC. CiC. . . . . . . . ; Said fjr Caialoxe , 0 . E.H. PLU213IEII CO. 21 Sjcanora st. rtcrabcrg, Ta. Relists, Cl-VtrrtJ. C: I 1 Tcra. C4r!it Dit ?3 a r C lor s'x G'-mL; C J.' 3 tr f.r: 3 : " U('Jl.TC:iL..J. J 17: oi twertv f 2?. l.'r? rrs ?szx $i;5. Ad'rrt, C: 1 nArisr. 111'.- -b. IL ' I J 9 w - , . LJ la iu 1,4 Cf IiU x 1 ; . w r h t ' 1. J - I Ji UXrmui lrc S rtttXVI-a 2 d

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