.... - . . . . " ' ' ' 1 A Democratic Newipaper. published every Friday in Louisburg ATES OF SUIWC 1PTIOX, Copy 1 V1 2.00 - 0 Month. yl'-H"7l0T " ;j Mo,.Mw l4j?(A-ip3 VtT TKKMS CASH 'jjj Professional Cards. 09" 7 ore ruoui 1m . . . T. 1. . . ' J.; Cn - jrxrfcua:l.?.-.QXX Ji Orej - TuUtWoitU,....w 14 LOUISB CTB ... - ' 03. ORIGINAL StSYf nrr- mi .&! .1 .Uk ixrrsi neari was touched for the first. tmo h-r inn.W,tl : a.. I ,i ,wvtor "..T f-iusiii . , " : ..ibmi,;i i.iM...r mr um iiej-c 1 'fufesgpr .Passed. -mxdoor aiid J first Impulse was to nlaee hr hand on w U.mW v,;. : m J . U JiVPrl-i V-rJ-L t'vi': Ifal TlioRciion"Whyi. .1 tfih t . I .. I - I . liu ilii Ml l.Tt-l'll. I II Ilk a I I. : ... . . 1 ! i jSsmmlt J&ton. '.&)t t . n iTlJ i Tol w ii ?J :iw' ti t -J)wStivew insert kr 1 1 F 'I 1 t ' I ---121 L m-' 4IJ &&&Stt u1 Mystery1 oPGInburnne1.? ' $J .ttiLSaiJr .ima Iat 9 Dr. It. E. ICING DENTIST. I Oflers his Professional Services to the public in 1 OFFICES, Lt.aUbBrg at ,J J,,sWtreMa2rfn i... 1.1)., ,4 : i.lii I .iiA4f i C. M. Cooic, COOKE & DAWVRIIPTPV LOUISBUHG T?b v 11 Will "QowUj iKFar,k- I h!j? ;h3nprn f;.urt Vt Norih t CouiU." IfLtt HH?lfl,ia'AN .YD HAG" &: i " : FHA5KLIN10N, N. C. W 1 practice Intbe courts of the 6 li rrmnpt BtUmtioD Jven to th;- cullr -c-. I tii.m.f puima . . wi. t f 1 .. w - r iW'I ail COUHsELLOR at LAW iLOUISUUIvoA FlIANKLl'TiCOrTrTC '3 V ll rrictico in th ?tTPrI t"oar! ! Gr , 1 ille Fnuklia, Nali, Warren ami wa' J tii ii nit) n nutift; Co ot uiou'-j. -i my lo, . v - - MLBartara. I RcVt IL Eirlianl Lou klm g, X. To ejtv.l e. N Attys ana Coimsellior rilLw, : UtLcMisbTirgnVnt!l Co, C.!" I Fortv 1 , Wfckf, Oo, N.5 C, 14 Bu'.f from l:aK li - iUil. Wilt jc , :-i tho m.jv ri--rV.i:rtioft)'c-Juo-tu. I ; , t . tin wvigu rn.np itteutii c piJ t CoMci 'pjr, 5M-cuiLg. .Vmprnuinz and Set liug YAUUOltOUOlI HOUSE, RALEIGH. N. C" d. W BLACKKALtf Prprletor." altersorf, Madison & Co;s WHOLESALE GROCERS. ominission Merclmntsr Petersburg, To. 5yA Madison. . .i t t f ur Livin- a NDOurDciia A ftVlj Newspaper, .'riVou'd to Wr rviLrd , Subscript i.n pricu 42,00 CHAPTER IV. It was the latter part of October, and one of those bright autumnal mornings, that made it, difficult to remain within ing stream fitfully played through the tftsivwa MiaaSsuch was the view presented' to Minnie, as she uteimed .out. uw)a tkcv lalcmv. . i maw iwu iiauusome couuiry seaisr; hills intervening, that they appeared RlMXfth, had been loungins; in croquet party on the lawn, and wonder ing why Minnie,' did not join them,., was walking buit as she stepped from the 0 ' araro;iciied her. iUiiune biari-eu, ssiigniiy exclaiming " I really thourht, I, was the only " 1 r,r'?ft9?gy(T he. rep! ed iiguxiy, tuen aanea-ini nestlv.l" I was waitincr for vou." "I Lco'fVJajiemcIft Athfjai?8 fhe said, a littlo surprised " Nd," said he, " you bavVnot, but it is the fceai.fnd-hw. ny life, to(ii4toi &4iii&a was said with such melting tenderness in tne iiari'ftp.'pea. tnac cniy.tntaTTri'y could aot be misconstrued. Bufcwith a wicke41ialaugi Min nie saia, atcly, I had no idea, that so muen, was ac piate in mat ganrei tOuii x nve neara of gentlemen making the game more interesting in rdtlieX-aPQvel w.aj Au'limaking t move'to-' WrsKei fcked archly : Wajfcme) hQld stakes ? " Yp," saeVtck&JC and trying po detain her. " Hearts are and trying jto detain her. " Hearts are stakesl and you-hold them ailyja(?.ii;iy " Risally, Mr. DronlheW charnung embarrassment, rendered more so oy enaeavor oraceaiiit,3 yu gentleinen, are amusing creatures, How many liearts hatyou td 31 pose -tl? that TOuiljstribute thenf -Irf tiis way ? and to be fcandid with you, I do not want any ol thescfloating Jaearts, ihat uever rest iri ne place, btiare arrested by 1P the'drtft wood on the surface, and as " eaidly kodg byanjcjrr Whcn about to speak, she interrupt ted himrrrh,- r-""?- r 4 ti Pon't'lets'rolSng'thrs tonvWii tionl'I fri &AThen,n saidifJiUoie treialliQg withiU snrpresaftj toil ji 4n expression of pain shadowed hw broad white fgrehjead,tHywantcffl aUjsJ 'Worthlcaa j 4o yon feel ooiatirest,or p vmpat hy for lone only jbfaQ "uiese trern bliug, flBt$ermg heaSPa4TO bciit forward jlyuOAreUilsg ly, waiting herauwcr A - As she. looked. a4 himt she ad nowl , edged Viierself Jthat he had never jseen, one of such raahly beauty, arid her heart trembled as it had never, done 1 before. The innermost depth's of her womans thenJaddKS 'Mirec&rAl silence was broken by Cato, tip- WmlloSkffifoJSf i2 lUlii&"lt ldtmeeibn " bSyiai" i i&Wn&ni clad granite wall.,, and marble pillowed " & MA(K I'' . IP H'ujifclit tiAr :ijtlttdWflftI) 4 , ko'laid bhin hbiI L L1""'0"1-- A terraced gardatnitii JMii.itthft :iSSV: EJ- iJIfJOJWsJoOil" 9itM 1 1 Wd adjJnSJlcStlllEniB; . IrT .-hA" wJSnH J 3"iJo; carved urn8,fairj-likefouutain3,andbruar fwt i!?!1? Tl.T ' 'Mr uptcd liAliT, tl.'iji teh'Jj afikoder- jged rf vou don't look wretched- . tffiffllsFo por jfe&M sUdg only, and being content with his bveJone thouirht of so mur-h litrnt, lov. I ng, 'scarce fcff with sthfewSdKlove, ci - - ,r - v i orfeonwiththenew.' One desperate effoii. and she wis a??ain r-alm arid I t0 f") xtrlu;u A ew -you e tela cacoarsnicftt -ft-fWHRty J.CTJUm?K?I itT'C. kprfssive face, that now he almost iv I Atlkht Jausb o&mockerv Jim own J. i misefyrtotlritlioirt lobkmll hiiri aha.i j walked to fsfmagm msm&v .l 1. IV. 1 ' f T T i 1 -l i t I I - T "Sympathy I most .assuredly , not r crosiugtftf uirxf inrougn nis nair. I LI J il 1 1 1 I ttUl Deuced sorry," said Raymond, run ning ig pis aiH ttfrpugh DxJyton'stf tSyf ikevi int0hiib&y.y ; fi I , wa! " 'these financial crashes aro fettinfr 0 Q uuiu;3ia.Miiiiia)i T.iiniiirn mv rtnrs I f ' n j -v" i 'feoulht me rather irood news." . w irtHi5rti wnef urayton, with a reeble attempUrfemtfe) minfc is an affair de ceaour." of hij Aodidcf4tjiw3iad,r caprides of a .woman effect me, particn larly,lwhen surrounded by so "many beautfs UfM had ldst your fortune. " Well, if I had one to lose," said he rirtji tmphadis, " I would rather have lost id tOhoeAewVrttl ilFanT 3T" Birst is it? that's why it hurts so bad. I Finish your letters and lets ioin play the mischief with me if I werenot Bore Uevoted. lyaLUxtttiiQ way ! Drchj? 1I-I was speakingTOilis3aters," closing it walked offigntly in search of Jbis- lady love7iiperfectJyune .r hAying added td Ms friends iitihappi ness. I He really consider himself en gaged to DLnnlS-irQiohfc her a little1 j ealous of his attentidnF1ta 'toother, ;bjhf raiKer rjlea3ci 5is"Tanity. Infe" wouht ser nengMaway, ancoymce Jer W JJ??11 he PtlSSf JskJ fc.. - wouki seek ue2 right away, and convince her how truly he loved her. Opening leaning on the piano turning otei music. ut lokin.trp,qtdeklyeii2 Jt " Mr: lUymdelpmeiearn this !" " hat ia it ?5 ha asked,? adtaHciiigs 3" jista31 gallantry, UiU I tdoia't kfloV- th Yojir own tanity miiAf teaTou, she said n Jay fullyl almost fc covering jshi? ej with her hand. 1 IT 1 . 11 119 caugnt it qucKij; ant jsaia Jtntp great nwlrtJi 1 9st-S f i (jan'tl learn something eLe .this .Ouoipg?' - r,5j.(sfl sr? 1 he door opened and M mme c and tame m, wxtST. thar axxu- aLoat each lUiertacwer about t retreat, wheaTom Moorman d Professor AVTirht eatertdthrSipMer doVf acLirc?t ing seuiexemaxks to them, m they. wunL. forward, ita askms : Is ,jjrayion r we met mm 195 -jne fJ and I was really shocked f i at.hi3- - ap- " L was not aware that any tning was,",, said Professor rising I'll go and see.? At this Raymtnof uraed round and- said, I Jit lii-'ttT a,' He reeeiTed a letterthis morning I ccmtitinin ' .uupleksaat news.'" Very, 1 thalaUies, I have bSceoeT M d3fflTC.ABrn3jni atrJTm rri(rfi rls lfhtort .with mv iit. It.t f ,i . ".".'v fiancte rfan any any of the rest. JlftLdiolInflfial die Mil 61 Jiff . mauc put xms mnrnmppt,nnr;riT wrmirt-T 1 1 j j f .1. t til me man came ; uia you leave nerpn the porchPfen & 4hat had faHen fallen tolhe ffoor as the hlr br; bt r iBgleU a Question, was asked. Ssrf i . soiouiftbYoteinWowS llatmond hadieached tha door and, f -ni?j rT i.t.fcJtt C-t i 1 ly. I T Ti-., Moote a. "Curiosity P. TO IloO hnS W..11 ..l t I gratKSt0tiJa'aiAiflrtlurmetiir, i ijj. ' . f . .n rJ. n hf. . ii Ji--L."ZS &z I coolll 1 crosau r-, 1 uraytou I i IT . 4 duc umu VT ltii it i. u r t . me iawu. i no want, tn stv-i - triK . . . r i think it is due me after your yur fiduegs this morning ' Al. I ,1.., 1 I.- ?x t i . ., V" sue, lauLiiiiiiir, " ii is HIV to give all,, their, lue.V A cmg her haiitr, he drew it through fjffl 2? to featf fej?, call out. rxu,,e sjron .to I waruJ the ertffiatKoJSfr ,wa Ca I it lrorotest against any such arrange I menti' said Moore"Tt alwava taW r . - o i ?Lil i i ' Tf . , . " 1 -.vwx-iiujriaiii mo, i-m so insuncrah v I -,,t4 a. . 1 ipreullxourils:it waitel of talunles'hfiU WMpi&TB. x. Ufa4n 1 ire aAidiajice !and,tLet.Tierv, but.mn. i of epl over'f 6in hJmofi!wiic beta just placed. on the back of her chair. "?feafe?n0in6 u'w hand, hea bent! low uhtil big raven. locks touched her junny tressos, Indt! whSrSered toVlow ?oVTri it1rtfUiiLSigu b idiot enough tto'&tteuipf ldte-mak- 10 f of delight filled NitaV rt ffS before c WoVnajaj iotot a taought of its consequentTahy v-i-a raised licrbeautifoi eyrtoiiif rsJna i glance idirect from the' heart oFeach';! ....JkV..i i;f f lussei iruiniui Bpui-itmgwsCTlTCuea by cuTrSatr or al-pTide tetrayexP 'thShjthertq wjileptecre,!&cla drepped her besd-wh.ld the tlaiirtyext lusli uffo8ed her face- OnTTine? momeua oi, wiiQoeu-Dt, ana AQm. Uji aid "Mr. Moore did too ct a ever ais- I over the i!3 iliri ry bet we.cn "Tourselr J r JIOW. li. - f -.i.-Nfc . ... . ..i?-r.r n"!' V;5drid to l' hiaraesk or'cold as Ttn ic-clai mountain f Nita tasever been ooam-t feel or uUet anYthln pertauing to sentiment, and yom.sbe fetij,! drmwhitatelyformjteit fullest prer rl". i, and tlfowins i trasr.C ten8eriefci iober voice- nhile a equettu.h smile playea! over her hand iJmo:faoe bT uever yet bear known to, tender yoar. heart' to-any'quecn. ;?VourJa&t coojeetnro ia- true, .ha 'eiicl JT rirvT nn! ItMrt Ml Tul wh9 .Q Ufcr that ; think1 Vou? ' -", ; " lmgWiy said, I sa;d.- fr" i st , "LfrtJ tibc excused .And -fw iJ 4 i " I es, hk 0xaciiaLFddvJA Km fri. tircdkfhotielsehe" and I T.t I .irP"Jr n i i , , i w.uer room. hmnr. nt a-ecKOn has broken off .with h rxu ,1 did VnJti. .iraj rarAtn rt.' not lad the JtT4 & d STf hJrM,!4?, .bj,.nS C of earthf . noblcinen. she. nndi.rtiU,l wnat lie said. UfimfraJBS bothl hSc on Ltli,t.l7.nJj.i''JC'1 f: 171 - rrc back ijy taightyfeSDEt,! words he aT WfAMJV H WV A4.a.. W4iWa fJ Tanging ?jxaeuoUxtfies 1T 1,8r,?w. cal tl.i.r t . r -jr. rv-J VitJ !fS lY'. 8fei1V,)lAruawlorsbpthclaim ingtb alike . pmoiWarthi, resPfc. she was! inn t m r th te3i$2P kimenVranwhlneyVr1 both and wh'erefrev 'ttAVST i'r:U:rt..' . i , , . wUIMJe TL .ifa " Jem was rt;opnv'?n 'IJ tV uciu nia re i ' A'.i J' ' . ? . ' -wrrcnf a VOUth. annarenlW frK r . 1 I - J I I1UUI m search of a job. I fiu At. .. . . : V a most anyt:.intt'-l5vant to t? t 11 t;li.0 . :nt r. L. f'Z 3r!n"i-?,lV ' 4:fe,?p8 an nirpipiydvand to most ttirtSing. 'yell, we want a man; a good, f t5.nfe healthy .nan. as sample clerk. Med 16 it lie?doVevminTU AVu f weTsell any; vUitf f aVcel f T joa w6xHd.be required lbUke-ay : - .-...v.v w m t. i ixor sevw ounces of Uastor Oil aoruo aote r. m i a . . inQ dallyr-'At tTtheworkrthaVdoesr not ajnOTntoucbtbr eatinj f parl4 en t; Sr oul d bef the pnnci pal iaYoV I jcrafre'd bf you and, i slidle?oreT' irrbduires a person cf yery health or lAUonedurtjitf ibmyoa look iheartyndjl rreir ymj would i i j . . ... . -theTosL for the taat. two Knt e is Jiardlyetont euocli to . jrtandiL. .aliould lis to Wye you take it ioldif yotr areretdy, jnj if jop tx: Jarrel i,f jCaato oiijjuat come, ioifU gOua draw an ounce ' gz rJ Hre, , rerdaat, who ba4 been fixing ioteritly upon the aliai youth, iaUr- j Xo-o-o, t g-a-e-ss not to day, any liow., l'l dowi aad -see my aunt, an ef J cclude to coiae. I'll come op te morrow an let yon know. ! u l-S As ho did not ret ami it U Sappoaed he considered the work" too hard. .. . . t . '.Now is the time to subscribe for the COURIER, ... .J . 1 ?rose Lb look ber, band, and h Taere are -ice clad - i 7T."."v"i vvvufumui; ivwe i nan uuu nriiv.iin uau iiviti rM ... . rttll Hlpt.n.. I. ' i I .v:l""j.ttuo poori ana . T5JriP'4t .he hyed.her and nlhatTituat T! - J jA i-MTe wuo r thia, ipWVM tffrV&VXntf uU9. erelj Potest medicines,' C Voulkj apedi?yii1i5T'n5fceP all. It Teqairei1 H5ttf acJ.fnKf' VWWh'trTeVirV good j eonst!tdtIot)--acd1' after'he gets1 JakeaJcontejr2 i?o: tU wa; tia oaysj and with a few doses ofKhnbarb; cJ,XJriohil,"aTodilar"pr tkns4 'Some days yoa'would pot be say froaTfixSto ten;doief('cl so'meth- i iHlie reason why men d,:Bqt lik"t4yf. ".H7Lat;p t' OCPaBSfl? UltJ llkeU ' n) Wlooroijio, liki hein-.taki 1 .aeocmnt :and; xaba,?t-A, by J! finJj Ail .qdcnmi.ato.4n$ Jwi.ujdiT - J) Urc5eptiai.4.WWwTtWr- elf japiU out, f hiijLiu paiHUmar iat ezadi 1 rt alrrt4i rof woman -is. thatah fna L.r. inflr tnm villi . men! &nd nf rnnr M...L.1: .l I PUPW,! n.d g. t ha caoffedJi :whrMA xotnra V- Jr i I ll . I a . Tni .epecUL xaani jte4 to literary talents and aUainmentsJ . t:l-tr V - -- i-.T. iKji Sfeommon , senat for . the . ceaius as :.4- f me Binpicton. U ,pet withouV ;thesd--and the tenius the rreatest rt !0i lall. The proper veerc;w ctpem- mon ra?2 la-b Vfrpman what I 1M vnmiin . . ll. .1 f .have, plenty of uocpmoion )ut Btonj-jl mon sewe. , ueavea bIp all;jrhose Jjt ititsath Jut Wbilpjrak iT tic-i L(uor li.iui.il as mnch re.- McCiiyNE. , A ih.eACTa-PGtrtfawat Mtjezrenta w4 WT!TaJPtliiTiffi &lao4.tv; Pi her ttt&w thxt. hl j J? J!Tt to7mtZ (rlradc I JxrortdiM Jhatha aboald ar thetw 13 kthy i i . - 'i . w iuc uoBie dt aootber path.' I tmsi at Jit iSWa mf Christian Ailtocato , 0 r '-N ariwu aA JOTBllMifffPBVffr Eltiiiuhrd la is5 SS SKI- rsi v7 CIRCULATION IN THE ST A TS s,aad Gestral Lotelli o:r. .jsi a ULn tw Jw i ' cNl C." Confere xc , ,1-. !... r4 0t ,' v.Tl i hv T , LUL ChurchrSbuuT.80 B Busy. Toa have jour work.to VV.1 wrV -A tWfi6Sa i.4 work'todo (or clwsf there, imicSw ?.VWLVWfePf4V-Ib im r orld. TbeVmalleat Uinkt mr star ,11 1 o i i p l jrt rVMU, usn, a- JL '"fue cJpit )apr io tbo St i-"-: i la .! - ' J j ft iftUU 1 . uHil I , , JTJ 4w4 1 J JT a Q14 "nriM led eJL ini N r "nrlfA lrd TeJi, nf .w rr-.tdAt P'r J. C 1 1 I'll RELY Vinj'Tinr r nii f tho Ahru 'iooU and Ua ba, ;rKarer L-vtr 1) Ma.r iu tt pr- " c I h tuitut of u Li-e a d ix,r It r till tir a 1 ftul.lr M d i-n V T ; r."?- f... ... T TFFC1 UAL Sri; uFlft VJ Arm4l yn ti thl asTtDors anel ta te a , . o.or urt t. i r ta Ck.J. ... iritlS KO EQUAL, It th ajviT, rurmLT IWTTamJ- I It J r,i.a ti t . a .1 4. . Ji mrnuf.5 u aPPW-w no I. ir J h Z :JLiArn 1 IlLiin riu ixtir Tjj. j Xd atiiU t:i4aK t-na nv!n. . rjve the CJm m iltte. Ip.ootfOed by ted Urn lltMNt' 4t4 the er..M'ihlftt,n.t' ri&h fi rl-aUat.eX-iiin l nitril-iifU ttv AT.ilitfii. i.f- tilt? laiiocr lc-.viuk' uiom.t pitl ilU( t ncaiijeas:vi rn '73 trvc.i.. imudia'10 lti,Wnf, MsV UtVa , a'indinx tU d.c -$2') nt-fT j! I T tUrd a nce the 21 ti AimMlvi fa). It. Tm- "ni'-i-i.j.tt-rfaexp j"' Ci:fiiji.aXMa.Ift Ml. Lift. Cittiiitr or.Ui. ta fn.M .baltoce.llo7.tt: hstsUmk ie.it u ta4 aiUltry,Ojpi tocr tor 1S72. J7:.C3 ., ... a. ad bt ptdiU UtfJ tl a.U eJ tITsi L. txp5d.ia arJ aui-i a.U ej UtVijclL. SbtrtlT-TVyr'. , t Addlo tbishy jOuwaj o( , .... ;Uuruf7"ay, v- tiiimlP - u J f - ir-I orders bcl Irilwf Cll.ivW . J ,Ia kacrrtaiafn t. I t'aace 09 07 1 . vkl,ft IL. oraa fill Vary froa ttiaTaa tor wliuuf nay U lrW:; . L Jen tco6fl!td ia Itrirtatera oier. fe&4 . We farbrr rn rt thu .rra bmm mi amluel iK, ace y;.ur. Mk. S,T TJlr, frnln-Treaarer 'otnlM Cunfy;"'aal x iiod 41 Lu artiljecataktllhiCiirr . ... . .. errt rte . AIo tatr-a thttU praacat Tr rrr, at. i r ca.'tor.'a books tra rkapt l a tmalactJQka oataert dl aJ7 ' tbtt ait act are a'l frae. ? , 4 v7i I f. Fcuji a." K . Ci.c 1 ?r. if-wrvii vXolCnv) ;J. J DA.ri'. ir 1 1 .vwu ru," " " 1; t 'ttpJi 1 -r- , , .. - - i t f vJ 'ir - - r? ' I !L&3n r 1 j. -r - ? j j , . w . s. ft k 1 . n. 1 . . . i 1 4 i a in aiT