THE COURIER. GEO. ri. BAKER, Proprietor. Louisrukg.. .Sept. 18, 1874. We have made arrangements, by which we can have all kinds of job printing done, on short notice, and on terms cry . reasonable. Bill hcada Letter In ads. Envelops Magistrate and Court Blaul; c. Also Binding. Tlmss having Magazines, papers tc., Can lave thcin hound in good ttjle, lit a very low price. Scud in your orders Church Directory. Ml.THOIlIHT CHURCH Rev. F. L lb-id Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11 a. in a i' 7 le cture every v ediief-day eveningat "o'clock. Coin munion fervlc lxt r'nbbuth in each liiontli at 1 1 a. m Sabbath Feb ol .i vi ry Sabbath at 3 p. in. ctcwa d' nrf'ctiii at IhePa. wmage on Friday Vfo e the 1st abbatli in each month nt 7 p in. Parsonage' AM r-oe'rty meets nt the linrcii on Monday aftt-r the 1ft Sabbatl. in each month at 3 p. in. Baptist Church - I?ev. G. W. Xe- 1. Pastor. lt and 3rd Sabbaths! at la in. C'oinmn ion service. 1st ?ab bath in Feb. A' ay. Aug and Nov. riKSiJYTKKiN Church He v. R Ihirwell. I). I. 4t'i Sabbath in each month at 11 a. tr. acd at 7 p. in. It. Paul's Ei'isroi'ALCiiDHCH Rev M. II Vunghan, Recto'. Sunday school at a. m. fei vices and sermon at 11 p. n., except on Cth Sir da), when the hour will be 7:30 p, m. The sacrament of baptiam will be ad ministered at any service after 2nd lesion, and in case of neccessity, at any hour of day or n glr. The Holy communion will be administered on 1st Nmday of each month i hoir. will niiTt at the church on Wednesday and r r day at 3 p. in. SiTvid'and nuon at Franklinton, in the Male Academy, on th 1st and 3rd Sundays at 3:30 p. m , and on the Atli fr-iinday at 1 1 a. ni. MM " '. -' . ' ' 'TT' Professional Cards. SPECIAL ITEMS. Special Notice to the Public. 1 am now receiving a car load of beau tiful flour at $9, 10 and U, per barrel. It is a white creamv Flour. warranted free from any fault. I have also on land a splendid lot of Country cured Hans at 2 cents. A car load of salt arriving at 3,2a A lot of Side Bt.crn jutt to hand in excellent order at 1G$ cent?. Sugar, Coffee, Snuff and other groceries. The only requisite to buy cheaD is CASH. E. W. Fuller. SOTHjE, There will be a partial examination and exhibition of the colored school in this place Friday Sept., 25th , to which all white persons interested, are respect fully invited. Seats will be reserved for them. - ' The examination will be in the day, at the Presbyterian Church (colored) com mencing at 10 o'clock a. m., and the exhibition which will consist of Recitals, Declamations, Essays, Dialogues &c, will be at night in the Good Templar's Hall opposite Messrs. Harrow & Pleas ants Store. D W.Ci'lp, Teacher. The copartnership heretofore existing between Charles R. Jones and Freder ick H. Pendleton in the publication and ownership of the Chartotto Ob-errer, has been dissolved. Mr. Jonrs will continue the publication of the Observer. Opt. C- M. Coke, of Franklin, one of the Senators elect to 'be Legislature fr m this district is prominently rtet tirnil in connection with the Presiden cy of the Senate. We cordially endorse the recommendation. PlaiideaUr. REMARKABLE. Tuesday of Court week paged off, and not a bingle fisti cuff, certainly the quality of essence of apple and corn, fold by the bar keepers must oe of a superior quality. "We learn that the last half of the Fall Session of Loubburg Female Semi, nary begins next Monday tha 21 inst. Pupil's who intend entering, can then do so and make just half a session, and be charged accordingly. Yuu .can have your cotton Giu, (Steam, Horse or water power,) Dwell ing Houses &c., Insured in good and reliable companies ; by calling on me in my office, in the C ourt House. I am agent for the following com panics : N. ('. Home, of Raleigh N. C. Old Dominion, of Richmond Va. Farmville, of Farmville Va. Albcrmarl of Va. . Atlas, of Louisiana, Geo. S Raker, Agent. At Mr. I . N. Cariile may be found fresh and nice cheese, also choice honey 1 Call an i examine. Don't be alarmed, all the best grades of Calicoes, 10 cts fa yard, colprs war ranted, at Mallory's Cash Store. Franklinton, N. C. STATE AND LOCAL. On tuesday last a premature explosion of a blast in the Rock Quarry in this Town blew up two of the Colored men that were getting out rock for the jail, and badly injured one, and slightly hurt the other. We have not learned their names. l ne inarinue Democrat says: ".lames Moore of Gaston County, lor killirg Benj. McGinn?, his touiL-law in self-dtfehce. wis before Judire Schenck at Lincolnton on Tuesday lart on an applicatiou tnr oail. The Judge decided that $2,000 bail should be required' New Advertisements. TYholesnlcDry Goods Merchants. No. 45 Roanoke Avenue X RFOLK Va. - 1 .r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Self-Feeding C otton Gins. Cotton in the Market. Capt. H. J. Bains of this County brought in to our Town on the 12th inst., a bag of cotton, ,hich was sold to Messrs. Barrow & Pleasants for 15 cts per pound. It is the first bag of cotton in market of this years crop. vm Biggs WITH L-T GWAtHMt-Y. J KASTrt M. K T. P'WEIL. G walinvay, Powell & Co. GROCEES 90 Water Street & 41 Commerce St. NORFOLK, VA. Sent. 18 3 n. JIL T DAVIS, SUCCESSOR TO DAVIS k BRO., WHOLESALE GROCER, Makes a Specialty of FLOUR, COFFEE, SYRUPS AND PROVISIONS, and keeps all oth.r goods attached to the Lxinea.-. IRQX FRONT BUILDING, Corner of Water and Commerce streets, ' NORFOLK, VA. S-pt. i8-6ai We ave now prepared to furnish these Celebrated Gins, and parties who intend buying this season are respectfully request ed to send in their orders now. The advantages of this Gin are: that it is rnost economical; requires the attendance of no expe rienced j inner and dispenses with the labor of one hand: icill pick more Cotton in a given length of time than any other Gin in use: never BREAKS THE ROLL, thereby losing no tims and making a moreven and better sample: will run Ion gerwithout whetting or sharpening ; the Self-Feeder will not carry to the saws any hard substances that will injure themjuch as rocksjiails,sticks, hard unmatured bolls, &c.t which also render the danger from Fire much less: picks the seed cleaner than any other Gin in use, tliereby making larger yield. Before buying any other Gin be sure to send for Circular containing Testimonials from well known parties. Hymans & Dancy, GEXZ2AL F03 TO3I27U AXS 1TCST2 CILCLDTJU NORFOLIUVIRQIHIA. AUCTION SALE. On the 3rd iy of October 1874. I shall so 1 at ptiolic auction all the re mainder of mv stock of goods, at Franklinton N." C. F. n. JARMAN, PHIlTnliR iPIN i iiiiuuitni iu'i VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE I Bv virue of a Deed of Trust made to me on the 10th dav of April, 1873, ly Daniel 3. Hd'. I shall sell at pub ic auclim to the highest bidder at the Couit Uouse Door, in the town nl Loui . hurg, N. C, on Saturday the 10lbdy ol Octoler 1874, a tract of land in Franklin county, lvinc OQ Tar River Come ere the subVarce Ndes, and have 'be s'.tnddow ol vourU and fami ly impresari on raattrial that will not fade, and have them nicely frame?pr placed in an sllim al which cn lc Lad at tuf G diery. I eo'leAmr to ';ep ui t the timer, bth in App-rttus an-I Matir'al, and e8pec?a ly tb sty'e . I ho'.d commnn'catios with a FlK6T CLASS GALLERY in Baltiaorr, aa.l ihtrtiy have the advantage of all new irapn.v m nt. I invite the noplt f LouisLurg and vicini'y 1 cab anl cinmme my sp ci mens and prios, and di'u'f l'-rrt to I Tine the puturesol at.ent ont' along. three in-'eslrom Louisbuie. dj dning h ch you wouhl hk U liave copied, the laoUs uf C. J. Egerton and oibers. n,y lHy. uotertaio, and the cold containing Two Ilu..drer; and cf y 'V1mllar a be lierr u " t'xr' acrea mtre or les-i. There are oo the ftDle lo cn M er,J possible don't ECLIPSE STATIONARY PACKAGE. Eld! pay. coftlsir K Ve Wftto Ipi( V rttvrlvf. 1 leal. I ajici, 1 vn htdr 2 -rr a gii i Laoi." tH-GcrtV" D?ty. ltmeurlr. ail tb stT rie'e H a e TT p-Csr rm rst-.i.', fi 5 cmts. Tki" a rur i- at! tsr r ct-s of tb ki-vL Thprx;f J wr?ry is tun t rrh m -ir 'h.n tW i r f ol lw wi ol- pik. r. It .' h thpis lro kr , afwl y-i wil! n v r y 5t"n-i rm hr ""ay WearetvHiuit tn.t!l it'.ifCO packa(r 1-et-H-e 1871. 1 Tvt le pack Sie. tt wtd U-niCiit 4t f.-t? yvu ev.r boght for ihe mcny. V. M. BUTvUV. 200 Ma'o ti ef BimM. T on. 'iI.I.l.i!St. UlC!ILri: -U f. Til O 51 A Si, W IIOLKHALK -ill; VOLT Co hi iu i s o h Jr -c A a ii Xo. 55 V.yetUvi:U.iUot, RALEIGH, S. C OljHite M-trpo7itaa Ili!1. PI A N0S ! PIANOS ! i AccrsTDn rr Manaiactoie CPii Fonr, Iw-u to announc, tlist ke " S'ipp'.inl will) new and conrl ai rin, l:i(u !e u rs a; Inw prict ; applications l-y letur will recrt prompt attinti . I AM PRE "AKK as-iii ty ciut-rt woikm n t iiiiier'kVc tte m.t txtnive tp r of tvery ih-sciitti o. lUi rrnrr ma te to the ml-4l p -f-Mi' ii in g.-neia, nd to my Urge uut -Uro' pi i I'D . J it 17-li- . RaVIch.N. C. POSTPOEjlIiM1! P0SP0NE31ENT S M. Countv. Dunn is Sheriff of I Wake He who sows courtesv reaps kindness. John Robiiiswa's Circus is coming to Ralekh. October 28th. li- 1?. .E. IllSOr It is said that Ju tge Kerr will make his home in Rtidvilie. DENTIST. Services to Oflers iua Proiestional hi i utj'.ic in Kvery department of. Dentistry. OFFICES Luisburg at Wsrrerton ovir Dtnts Hotel, Norwood & Davis' Store. C. H. (Me, W. H. Sseucer ATTORNEYS AKD COUNSELLORS A.T LAW, Ami 8iXcites8 ia BANKRUPTCY LOUISBURG N. C. Will attend the Courts of Nnsh.Frar.k liu, Granville, Warren,nnd Wake Copn-fu-s, hJso the Supreme Court of Nqrth Carolina antl the U. S. Circuit and ids- Couits. No. 7 tf V JOS. J. DAViS, ATfYani CODHsELLORat LAW ILOUISBUBO, FKANKLIM CO. N.O Will prtctice. in the Tirl Courts of Oran Title Franklin, Naah, Warren and Wake. tA. llrompt attention paid to the oollec tmn and rrmitiacoo of money. July 15, 1871. 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, Franklinton, N. C. Will practice in the courts of the 6th judicial district. Prompt attention given to the collect tion of claims. No 50-tf J OH B CAVTON bOBKBT L vsexv. CAYT0N & DUNCAN, One door Kast ot Corner Blount and Morgan Streets. ' Raleigh, N C, PRACTICAL On Friday last Ben Foster, Harry Foster and Tazewell Foster stole and butchered a yearling the "property of W. II. Furman Esq. They were ar rested and brought before Justice Ned Alston, who sent them on to the Su perior Court. In default of bail thfv have been sent to board with Sheriff Masonic Relief Asso Dunn in V ake. acrea mere or les. There are oo the land aDwe ling Hous good Gin IIousj and ntie-ary out bouses. Tirms rne ttnih ul the putrhase money cash, balance on the 1st Jir. 1875, title re tained for security ot puicjase monty, Mr. B 8t who lives on the land will Ehow it to parties desiring to purchase. ELLIS MALONE Trustee. Sep, 7 tds ESTABLISHED 1S47. jihiuic uun t I FifTii I I mipp aaiiappv wait until the sub.tnre ladca tod ihe I MMf! Mil IhO I blf t LUMith I shaddow ukd its flih-. Pictur a sent to any point by mail. Gallery ovtr T. N. Cathk's Store, Main S 1 all v Ills. Y. B. t. LIFTuN. Artist. See PUBLIC LIBRARY OFKY Day fixed SECOND AND LAJtf GRAND GIFT CONCERT W. H. Morris & Sons., IN AID OF THK The veterans of the Mexican war will meet in Raleigh during the ap proaching fair, j Ceorge Y. 'Strong Esq., is mentioned peruiiiiently for Speaker of the Iloue of Representatives. Col. D. J. Godwin, of Portsmouth will deliver the address at the ' Weldon Fair October 22nd. Two negroet lougut in Wilniingion the othei dy, ai.d one felled the otfaet v. ith a piece ot iron, and supposing he had killed his fellow bei: g be fled to swamps. The felled negro came to and was carryed lo his home. When the wife of the man who had struck the lick heard ot the affair she fell dead up on the floor. eiation OF NORFOLK, YA. Day '. Positively Fixed. THURSDAY, 10th NOVEMBER- LAST CHANCE. This enterprise is conducted bv the Ma so ic Relief Associatioa ofotfolk, Va. u iler authority of the Virginia Legis'ature, (act passed March Sth, 1873) 50 000 Tickets, 0,000 Cash Gifts. I will be absent from my Gallery until Monday the 28th. Y. B. Cliftox.. Surgical Operation. Jeff Gos wiek of this county, ; n old gentleman of 80 years of age, had bis arm ampu tated last vioek, just beluw the elbow by Drs. Perry and Williams. He had ;n suffering for a long time with an l i a tr i i uicer on ins nana, wuicu reuaerea am- n d-A ra,t, ; ,,f puta tion necessary. It gives us pleasure J One grand cash gift of to state that the old gentleman is do- raruJ ca" ? ! . 11 I " -D-- - mg verj wen. $250 000 . To be Given Away : The quality of the trading stock on Cedar Hill last week was much better than heretofore. Hon. A, G, Thurman, of Ohio, has been invited to deliver the Annual Ad dress at the approaching State Fair. Over 1700 entries have been made at the Secretary's office of the North Caro lina State Agricultural Society. Some 200 entries were made yesterday. Killing seven rattlesnakes was a The following County officers were duly sworn in by the Board of County Commissioners on Monday the 7th Ins'. W. K. Davis, s. a a B. P. Cliftou, Treasurer. J. B. Tucker, Register of Deeds. J. C W ynn, Sheriff, The following is the Board of Com missioners : if. ti. Hawkins Chairman, Joshua Perry. W. C. Smith, A. J. P. Harris and Henry Fuller. Snake in a Strange Place. Mr. Joshua Gupton of Gold Mine Town- Ozv grand cash gift of One j:rand cash gift ot One grand cash gittot 15 Cash gifts of $1000 each 28 cash gifts of 500 each 43 cash gilts of 250 each 79 cash gif's ot 151 each 250 cash gifts of 100 each 578 cash gifts of 50 each 5000 cash gifts of 10 each $30,000 25,OuO 20-000 10.000 5,000 2,500 2.000 15.000 14.000 10,750 11,850 25,000 23,900 50,000 COTTON FACTORS AXD Commission Merchants. 23, 25 and 27 Commerce St. Norfolk, Va. Wi! make libera' Currency ad van ces on produce or bill lading in band. Mr. A. M. Xobie, of N. '., is co nected with our hoine, and will be .pleased to receive the patronage of bit friends. VALUABLE LAND FOK SALE ! I have for S de a vtlu.b'e Tract of laud three raites North ot Lonisburg, on the Wnent"0 Road, containing about Two Hundred acre. ELLIS MALONE. Sep', 5 1874. GOODS AT COST FOR what a Baltimore Artist says : We are glad to notice ur frin 1 acd former pupil. Mr. T. B. ditto. 61 Louwburg, N". U', who sends rm some really gnd 8leciinns of h s work. It is gratifying to s-e such rapid improYi meut in so short a t me ; Mr. cliftoa docs credit to us as wtll as himself. He exp rienccs some little difficulty, to induce parties in his region to accept really god work, their taite bating been vi.Uted by the claisot chesp tin tp?, which have b en done to death tberv; but perseverance and good pic- I vul tiou Lorn tua pr-gmnint A FULL DRAWING ASSUUEl) OH UciJaj, 30tti SdTCQler, 1874. LAST CHANCE run AN EASY FORTUNE 1 Pn tp urmntcf the F.ftH Onert of t s Pub.k I tb a y cf Keotocky b ! t. . gmfily n Ic ptfd an4 h cu If t'j Lrtia interest cf ail tooMfo-d. ihi t mti)t ouet be arTnval f f i t d i now bu!u e y ni.d kitutLcr w i t turea wdl tell in time. RICFARO WVLZL, Baltimore lid HAWKINS & COT Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants. No. 45 W. Lombard Street. BALTIMORE. LPicral cash alvanccs made upon consignment, lagging and lies fur nished at lowest rates. Sept. II 6m. biind. A iuroci lit uoinur if uk t Lau tea alt loh.w cntMl uti i j b d a large drawtnf o i Stt i -arh vk AMtponrtn n; ti e.vm d'TJ 1 1 f r.Lle to a i ait Lu dta ha(. lei i. I bornj la talno th.t THE FIFTH GIFT CONCEu h tiie Lsr wnicti will evki r. . OIVKN C.NDEn TMlrt CliAKlKtt A.. bV liJt fatbNT UANXoaOItNr. TLt it w : (i tivdy an 1 u tj Uoc tak p a r a a ii oun d oa MuNltAY. 3.)h NUVKMHCS. tht e mniic will bctlie lxt tL co.tit r affr .. a dthat 20,000 CASIIUIFTS. AGiikKOkltSO 2,500,000 ! CASH. young man's day's work in Union ship, in this Couuty, in attempting to county, and he got borne time enough I draw on his boot a few days ago, dis covered a high land Moccasin nicely coiled in the bottom of it. Mr. G., withdrew his foot without being told. His snakeship was taken out, and for to bring the water for supper. Horse thieves are operating in Harnett county. A chestnut mare and a sorrel mare mule have been stolen from the stable of Mr. W. T. Rhodes. 6000 Cash Prizes aggregating $250,000 PRICE OF TICKET3 : Wh 1 tuk ts $ 10,00 I Qaartc r t'ekets,. $2 5" Ha f t ckels, 6 00 K even uc et. f IOO.'jO NO INDIVIDUAL BENEFITS. This Cojcert is strictly lor Masonic purposes, and wi 1 be conducted with' the same liberality, honesty and fa:rneca which characterized the first enterprise. JOHN L. ROPER, President. For tickets nd circulars giving full information address. HENRY V. MOORE, Sec'y- Norlolk, Va. Responsible Agents wanted, tfe-p 18 2-m MACHINERY FOK SALE. New and Second hand. 1-22 Horse tower portable Eugiue. 1.10 . .1-8 " " 44 1-4 44 1-4 - uprfg,t (new) -1 35 - utionry " M5 - (ew) f v O RETURN FLUE BOILERS. Second hand Saw Mill. cPcular raws Leather and Rubber Belting, Steam Fumpa. DoVim AV UiimIaii Mens Ready Made Cloth- Machlnests Cary f?t. Richojonil, Va. W A NT F D w w,a tf JllllUl( ttBB4 WDtn will I distributed by lot among L. ticket holder. LIST OF OiVm. I will sell at Cost, for CASn, until the 23rd September, a nice and well sebc:ed Stock ot Ladies Dress Goods, MENS 1IATS, On Grind C h Gift fJ5 i d du di d imt do do do do i do do do do I .j do do U co a . i. S Cau Glf ( iXiOtv r rh Kfiu.i 10 d HO) l lt 16 d d of 1UUUU tlm Li 'M di do of 6Uu (ti lb j 25 do do of 4 0U d v SOdoduoTSOttd V t SO do do cf SUOJ co 1, m ion da do if 1 iKO Ot I a it HO do do of &UU di 12 Ufi oo d tf juu dj &t . 19UJU do do of Hi do Koi John Ewing was instantly killed on the premises of Jno Hutching n, near Query Turnout, Mecklenburg County Tiie Spirit of tiie Age. This while blasting lock on Friday evening I paper under the management of Messrs of last week. j Ennis & Armstrong, has become one of the neatest and most beautiful papers in the state. V e notice particularly the last issue with a new Heading. w ' hi, .t social eqa.lity lost hi. The pj AnnUEl EXHOSi- IifP- I lift anakft mpajsiirprl ahnnf 91 I tion of the Roanoke and Tar River Agricultural Society life. The snake measured about 24 feet in length. The Board of County Commissioners were in session Mjnday, Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, adjourned to which was designed by Mr. P. C, En I Y" 1 t 1 . M.I -vm w , wa auw Aaawwa meet again on the :st Monday in nxs tvaieign, ana certainly renecta ana evry possible railroad faci Hy will y-v . i . i luuvia bivt.v uuuu luc list. Uctooer next. , i ij u. t. Will be held at Weldoi. K, C, com mencing on the 20th October, 1874, and lasting four days. Every p e pa ra tion will be made for the accommoda tion and convenience of the exhibitor. A wag one evening pulled down a turner's sign and put it over lawyer's door; in the morning it read, r All- sorts of turning and twisting done here. the Secretary, Jordan Stone Esq., of a complimentary ticket to the fifth grand annual expoi ition of the R. & . R. Agricultural society, which meets on the 20th Oct., and continues until the 23rd. Col. Pool Las removed the publishing office of Our Lt viiia and Our Dead 1 U JN JUi U U 1 iliKb, from Xewberu to Raleigh and is pub lishing it in a 3Iagazine form, semi- And Dealers in ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE. All kinds cf Monument?, Tombs, lit ails ones and Garden Statuary made to ordir on resonable terms. Orders from a distance promptly filled. Call in person, or address -Q&y ton it Duocai, P. O., No. 303. Our Living A Our Deaa A weekly Newspsper, devoted tothe War retoid Subscription price $2.00 Address, S. D, Pool, Xewberne, N. C, monthly. To Remove Warts From Hands. Purchase -a dime's worth of spirits of hartshorn ; bathe warts, or it very numerous, that portion of the hand where the warts are. with a small por tion of the spirits of hartshorn, each night and morning for about three weeks, not washing the hands imme diately after. The use of it wiU not cause any pain unless it cornea in con tact with a cut or bruise, A cure is usually effected in about three weeks. The same treatment for corns is one of the , most effectual remedies ever tried : paring the surface of the corn . A man is known by the company he I each day as it crows hard, being care- keeps. So the thoughts which we har- I fnl not to pare so close aa to draw bor within as, and which go out through I blood or to make them tender. Keep the doors of our months and our handa, ' the vial containing the spirits well determine oar real character, corked, as it soon evaporates , How true it is that "Life's enchan ted cup but sparkles near the brim.', Down at the bottom, hidden away among the lees, is often thaL the sting of which is sharper than an adder's bite. be obtained. 1 he Executive Committee feel thankful to those who liave hereto fore aided so liberally In the annual exhibitions,, and trust that not only each former exhibitor, but every one feeling an interest In the Roanoke and Jar River section, and the ad vancement of the Interests of the general farming pubic, wi I co .tribute something to the exhibition this j ear. Yours respectfully, JORDAN STONE, Secretary. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. I wi 1 sell at public sale at the Court House door in the Towu of Loulspurg N. C , on the 20tU day of Cctober 1874; 91 acres of land adjoining the lands of lhos. Moses, R, Upchurch and others. Terms made known on day of sale. X. J. B1TCHELOR, Exr, of Louisa Eatcbelor Dee d. ing and various other articles in the STOCK. My reasons fordoing this are, 1st I preier selling at COST rather than carry them over, 2nd I prefer bavicg the money to ketping these gaods. Call ran this is a rare chance to make money. B. P. CLIFTON. Louisburr, Aug 21 lm Atlantic Hotel. NORFOLK. VA. H. 8. DODSOX, formerly of ths yoUSTAIN HOTEL, Baltimore, Kd Proprietor. TLla magnificent HOTEL, after ha ring been thoroughly renovated and rtSuad, u now opea for the aerommodatioa ef gaeu. Board, first and second floor, S3 per dsj. Tbirtl aod toon floor, 12,50 per day. L-bersl terms to permaaeat Coardera Business that will Pay from (4 o $3 per day, can be pnrsued tn y jur own neighborhood, and is it net ly honorable. 1'srticnlsrs trer. or am pies worth several collars that will enable you te go to work at once, will be seat on rvecipt ol fifty cent'. Address J. Latoam fc Co. 292 Washington St., Boston Mass. AWAKE and ASLEEP. Tb se Oil C tiro mot win tw scot mounted compUle for framirg oo re ceipt of 50 cent. Two new Carutnoa The "Cherry Guts," also, "Smiles and Tears' same price. JL beautiful bou- Gr.nlTotal, O f. all Caa'i, ti ... rU!C OK TICKET. WLo's ticket tV) ; Ha vca. 35; Teatb . . eachrcHipiu t5; J.vm wh le Iikw . UM. SU IlckaU for UO, ior ikke aor Uf naoUoa aJilreea) IIU8IC. KlUMLEITl Ace.t nd Manage- i'nUx Urarr aib i r. Loul vl, Ky IS OUT 1 1 CllOLIIV.V HOME INSURANCE COMPANY Raleigh, N. C. Insures AllA Classc OS INSURABLE PROPERTY Against Loss or Damage By Fire, qoetot Flowers lor 31 cts. o two dif ferent subjects for 50 cent. Bril- only $7 ptr 1000. 8aperbGenno I.sad UH tiie MOSt XVeaSOH- scape. moan tea, viij. pT 1W. 1U- I tail price, 30 cu, each, or twu lor 50 1 ablft Tatttiq Koran Ib-wiV rLr im.-ii I w w J cenu. Sustad aaOL raid- yrm are in need ot employment send $5 for portiiolio with choice stock cf Cbromos, and commence work at otter. 3a ti si action guara&tted. Particulars free, or Idusttated circular oo receipt ot S cent stamp. BOSTON FRAME and CHQOUO CO 292 WaaLinzton street. Boston WKXSX MOBSt". CBAS. . U iKRU. W. II. MORBIS. MOltULS BBOS., & Co., Wholesale Grocers, FLOUR A SPECIALITY. (C. 8 and 10 Roanoke Square.) Norfolk, Va. Sept 4tb Ssm. Alfred "Williams, No. 40 Fajttterllle 8 re R.VLEIGU, X.C Wholesale and Retail Dealer In ScKgqI Bcoh, statlMcn. BLANK ROOKS, FANCY ARTICLES, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS, a good assortment, &c. Keeps) a fall stock ot ertry thing in bis tine at the LOWEST CASH PRICES, Special terms to If erchanU ad bchool Tuchert. Esrrue Hens iEitltiiisix- U.1J, lUrn.. Iteaidcst, i B, Roor, Vice Prrsideot. SLiroa Uale Secrrtsry. Pcuai&i Cowrtt, SapczTlier. Gko. S. Baxsut. A, . Loaiabarg N. " P. H. S 51 I I 11." CAB i in UlKU AND UNDERTAKBIt LocisscaeX.C. . Cabiaei maatnx U all kinds Aom ia s ssaoaer, aad cm avjat reaeuoaMe Toruuare repaired aad eAed. UnDcaraatM a ttuaxun. Tae beet Walaar, Poplar aad FU V sade octae siwrtet aouee ao4 Tcax la r Qire sse a ealL . P. H. SSO--. factory telow Barrow 4 PWsssnta. So. 1-1